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Full text of "New York as it was and as it is : giving an account of the city from its settlement to the present time; forming a complete guide to the great metropolis of the nation, including the city of Brooklyn and the surrounding cities and villages; together with a classified business directory; with map and illustrations"

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Cornell University 

The original of this book is in 
the Cornell University Library. 

There are no known copyright restrictions in 
the United States on the use of the text. 






Grreat Metropolis of the Nation, 





Classified Busi]^ess Dieeotoet. 



Arinon op "Influence op Climate in NonTn and Soutu America," etc. 

PabllBhed by D. Van Nostband, 23 Marray Street, and for sale by Bookeellers generally. 


Ehisbed according to Act of Congress, In 1870, 


In the offlce of the Librarian of Congress, Washington, D. 0. 


Printed by John Polhemus, 102 Nassau Street, New York. 


IN THE Compilation of "New Yobk as It Was and as It Is," for 1876, the 
Author wishes to ackno'vrledge the many favors conferred and the ready 
information given to malte tliis volume reliable and complete. Great care and 
labor has been bestowed in order to render it useful, so as to serve the wants 
of the public during the coming Centennial Celebration of our National In- 

Encouraged by the steady patronage bestowed during the past forty years, 
on similar publications, the Compiler feels warranted in speaking of his own 
labors : In 1833 a similar Work to the above was issued, entitled " JVew York as 
It Is," and continued yearly until 1837; then followed the " Picturesque Beauties 
cf the Hudson River," 1835-36,—" Tliirty-tTi/ree Miles Around New York," 1839,— 
"New York State Gazetteer," 18^,— " New York State ZJ^ister," 1843 to 1858, 
annually, — "IHcturesgue Tourist," 1844 to 1848, — " Baihoay and Steamship 
Ouide," 1846 to I860,—" United States Register , or Blue Book," 1851 to 1875,— 
■" Trip Through the Lakes and River St. lawrence," 1857 to 1872, — "Influence of 
Climate in North and South America," 1867, — " Across the Continent and Around 
the World," 1871 to 1873, — •'Sailing on the Great Lakes and Rivers of America," 
1874, — " Guide to tlie Island of Mackinac and Its Vicinity," 1875; Also, several other 
valuable publications, comprising, altogether, upwards of eighty volumes of dif- 
ferent sizes, issued by the Compiler during the last forty-two years. 

The preparation of the present volume, with its maps and embellishments, 
has been one of the most laborious and costly of the series of Statistical and 
Geographical Works issued during the above period, while an earnest attempt 
has been made to make this publication in every respect full and reliable at 
regards a faithful Description of the Oi^ of New York, with all its varied 
institutions, including the City of Brooklyn and other Cities and Villages in iti 
immediate vicinity. 


New Tokk, January, 1876. 


1. Nbw Yobk Hakbob, from the Battery— Frontispiece. 

2. Battery and Castle Qasdes, from North River, , . . 1& 

3. BiBLB HonsB — Astor Place, . . . • • .50 

4. Old Custom Hoube — Now Sub-Treasury Building, . . .56- 

5. Washington Monument — Union Square, . . . . 5S 

6. Trinity Cecurch— Broadway, . . . . . .59- 

7. Cooper Union— Eighth Street, ..... 103' 

8. Young Men's Christian Association Building, , . . 12& 

9. BoMAN Catholic Cathedral — Fifth Avenue, (comer 51st Street) 139 

10. Castle Garden, from the Battery, ..... 155 

11. Ocean Steamer Leavinq the Port op New York, . . 185 
13. Steamboat Landing — ^Pier No. 1, North River, . . 191 
13. Brooklyn Navy Yard, ...... 223 

14 New York from Qoternor's Island, .... 265 

Old Map op the City of New York, compiled during the War of the 
Revolution — 1783. — Map of the Hudson River. 

Map op the City op New York, showing Railroad Routes, Etc. 







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^(^T. HILLS, 1782^)^ 


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DnfWTt by JXalvin Smith rrpnt a mamitrript inthf poxaexsicn oCJohn laxierJEstf. 

\ ^ ; /^^ cr 




NEfT York, the Great Metropolis of the Kation, and most favored City in 
America, owes its commercial prosperity and great wealth mainly to its natural 
position, as regards land and water— the Island being surrounded by tide-waters 
and navigable rivers, with a capacious and well-protected harbor contiguous to 
the Atlantic Ocean. This, in connection with its healthy climate and fruitful 
soil, by which it is surrounded — while lying near the middle of the Temperate 
2one — altogether make its position unrivaled either in the Old or New World. 
Then comes its system of internal communication by means of the Hudson 
Biver, the Bast River and Long Island Sound, together with Canals and Bail- 
roads leading west to the Great Lakes, and to almost every other point of the 
compass — reaching Southward to the Gulf of Mexico, and Northward to near the 
Gulf of St Lawrence — the Railroads, by numerous lines, crossing the Highlands 
.and mountain barriers and the fertile Valley of the Mississippi, penetrating to 
the base of the Rocky Mountains, then extending still further westward by one 
main line to the Pacific Ocean — all pouring an immense amount of wealth into 
this favored mart. 

Ocean Steamers of the largest class are enabled to enter the harbor and ap- 
proach the wharves at all seasons of the year, carrying annually an immense 
amount of merchantable products from every quarter of the globe, as well as 
a great number of emigrants, and cabin passengers, to and from Europe and 
other parts of the world — altogether making the Port of New York the largest 
and most favored commercial mart on the face of the globe. 

The completion of the Erie Canal in 1836, the commencement of Railroads in 
1831, the introduction of Croton Water and the creation of the Central Park, have 
all greatly benefited the city. Now, the demand is for a system of Rapid Transit to 
accommodate the wants of the growing population of New York and its suburbs. 

The above vast advantages afforded by Nature and Art should be justly ap. 
predated by the citizens at large, tending to make them the most prosperous 
people on the face of the globe, now numbering upwards of a million souls 
within the city bounds, and another million within a radius of fifteen miles — 
making upwards of two million inhabitants — ^forming, as it were, one commu- 
nity, and possessing untold wealth with most of the comforts of life combined. 
The above constitute the glokt of the Empire City and its Environs. 

Notwithstanding the above favorable condition and advantages of the City of 
Hew York, produced by natural causes, we unfortunately here see gilded wealth 


and luxury on the one hand, and squalid poverty and distress in contiguity : whiler ■ 
intemperance and crime are on the increase. Next in importance to the above 
evils is the enormous City Debt ($130,000,000), excessive taxation, now amount- 
ing to $30,000,000 annually, and the robberies committed by dishonest politi- 
cians, who, in a measure, rule the city, causing many to doubt the possibility of 
large cities being well governed by republican institutions where universal 
suffrage prevails. 

The above unmitigated evils, or crimes, flowing from ignorance and a too- 
eager desire to accumulate wealth, marring our republican form of government, 
cause DiBQKACE to rest on this otherwise favored Metropolis, where all nation- 
alities alike congregate and «njoy the privileges of free institutions. 

The unfortunate reverse which the City of New York and the. country at 
large has recently experienced, owing in part to the above demoralizing causes, 
and the depreciation of our Natumal Ourrency ; together with reckless extrava- 
gance, ought to teach us a lesson of moderation, and cause us, as a people, to. 
correct and avoid a repetition of such great evils. Too long has the dishonest 
politician, the unfeeling usurer, and the greedy speculator had the ascendency. 
Let the favored, the middle and the intelligentlaboring classes of society combine 
for self-defense — return to industrious and frugal habits, and learn wisdom from 
sad experience. 

J. D. 



New York as It "Was.' 

Discovert and Settlement op 
Nonin America — Early Settle- 
ment of Manhattan Island — New 

, York at the Time of the Capitula- 
tion to the English — Old Land 
Marks in 1770— The City of New 
York in 1776— Old and New Names 
of Streets— New York Directory for 
1786, etc.— New York Wter the 
Peace of 1783— Laud Marks of the 
i Days of the Revolution — WaU 
Street — Eeminiscenses of New 
York — ^Description of New York in 
1800— Broadway, Banks, etc.— Tri- 
nity Church, etc. — First Steam- 
toats— Mayors of New York — Cen- 
sus Returns — Rich Men of New 
York — Forty Years Since, or New 
York as It Was — Ocean Steamers 
and Railroads, 1851-52 — Chrono- 
logical Sketch of Important Events 
— Old Institutions— 'Formation of 
Wards — British Occupation of the 
City of New York, 1776 to 1783. . . 13-50 


New York as It Is. 

Description op the Citt and 
County op New York- Public 
Buildings, etc. — United States Gov- 
ernment Buildings — Monuments — 
Public Parks, CoUeges, Churches, 
etc. — Croton Ac^ueduct, etc. — 
Schools, Academies, Hospitals, 
Asylums, etc. — City Government, 
Courts, etc. — City Debt — Salaries 
fixed by Law — Markets — ^Monied 
Institutions — Manufactures, Com- 
merce, etc. — ^Avenues and Streets — 
City Railroads — Life in New York — 
Census of the City of New York 
from 1790 to 1875— Railroads Di- 
verging from the City of New York 
— Summary op Statistics, copied 
from the Annual Report of the 
New York City Mission for 1875. . . 51-70 

FAST III. paob. 

Municipal Government, 1876— Ex- 
ecutive Departments — ^Finance De- 
partment — Department of Public 
Works, etc.— Department of Pub- 
lic Parks — Police Department — 
Department of Public Charities — 
Fire Department— Board of H?alth 

— Board of Education — County 
Officers— County Clerk's Office- 
Sheriff's Office— Surrogate's Office 
— Tax Commissioners, etc. — Civii, 
Courts —r Supreme Court — Supe- 
rior Court — Court of Common Pleas 
— CBmiNAL Courts— Court of 
Oyer and Tei-miner— Marine Court 
— Court of Special Sessions— Police 
Courts — Court of Arbitration — 
Port Wardens, etc. — United States 
Circuit and District Courts, ctc.-:- 
HeaJth Statistics — Census of the ' ■ 
City, etc. — Table Showing the Debt 

and Taxes of New York — Public 
Charities — Dispensaries, Asy- 
lums, Homes, etc 78-88 


Colleges, Academies, etc. — Colum- 
bia College— School of Law, Col- 
umbia College — CoUeee of Physi- 
cians and Surgeons of New York 
— ^Bellevue Hospital, etc. — Univer- 
sity of the City of New York— Col- 
lege of the City of New York- 
Union Theological Seminary — The- 
ological Seminary of the Protestant 
Episcopal Church — College of St. 
Francis Xavier— St. John's College 

— Manhattan College — Rutger's 
Female College — American Tract 
Society — ^Medical Institutions 89-^100 


Art, Literary, Scientific and Mis- 
cellaneous Societies, Libraries, 
etc. — Metropolitan Museum of Art 
— National Academy of Design — 
Cooper Union for the Advance- 
ment of Science and Art — New 
York Historical Society — General 



Society of Mechanics and Trades- 
men — American Institute of the 
City of New York — American 
tieographical Society — ^Association 
for the Advancement of Science 
and Art — New Masonic Hall — 
Grand Lodge — Masonic Societies — 
New England Society — St. An- 
drew's Society — St. George's So- 
ciety — St. Nicholas Society — Ger- 
man Society — Pdblio Libkaries 
OF THE City of New York — ^Astor 
Library — Lenox Library, etc. — 
Places of Amusement — Club 
Houses — Chamber of Commerce — 
Court of Arbitration — New York 
Produce Exchange, etc. — ^Board of 
Trade — New York Stock Exchange 
—United States Collector's Office 
— Naval Office, etc. — United States 
Assistant Treasurer's Office — As- 
say Office — Internal Revenue 101-130 

BBtroions and Bemevolbnt Insti- 
tutions — American Bible Society 
— ^American Home Missionary, etc. 
— Protestant Episcopal Institutions 
— ^Presbyterian Institutions — Board 
of Missions of the ReformedChurch 
—Baptist City Mission, etc. — Meth- 
odist Missionary Society, Book 
Concern, Sunday School Union, 
etc. — National Temperance Society 
— ^Young Men's Christian Associa- 
tion — Chckches in New York 

— Pastors, etc. — Missions and 
Churches for Seamen — City Mis- 
sionary Societies, Sabbath Schools, 
etc. — Cemeteries in New York and 
Brooklyn :— Benevolent Associa- 
tions — ^Asylums — Chaiities — Chris- 
tian Associations^-City Missions — 
Dispensaries — Homes and Home 
Missions — Foreign Missions — In- 
stitutions for Children — Prison As- 
sociations — Reform Associations — 
Seamen's Societies — State Chari- 
ties, etc. — Society for the Preven- 
tion of Cruelty to Children — So- 
ciety for the Prevention of Cruelty 
to Animals — City Hospitals — 
New York Hospital, etc 121-154 

Parks, Public Squares, Streets, 
etc.— Battery— Union Square, Ma- 
dison Square, etc.— Central Park 

— Objects of Interest — Hackney 

Coaches — Cartmen — Avenues and 
Streets- New York City Railroad 
Routes — Omnibus Lines — Rapid 
Transits— New York Elevated Rail- 
road — GUbert Railroad Company — 
Gas Light Companies — Delaware 
and Hudson Canal Company — ^Fer- 
ries — Location of Piers — Domestic 
and Foreign Postage — Population 
of New York by Wards, 1800 to 
1875— Criminal Statistics 155-179 


Newspapers and Pbriodicaxs in 
New York— New York Associated 
Press — City Press Association — 
Steamers Sailinq from Ameri- 
can TO Foreign Ports— Steamers 
Running from New York to the 
West Indies, South America, etc. 
— ^Pacific Mail Steamships — Steam- 
ers Sailing from New York to 
Domestic Ports — Hudson River 
Steamers — Long Island Sound 
Steamers— Distances and Mail Time 
from New York— Railroad Com- 
panies Having Offices in New York 
— Express Companies— Telegraph 
Companies — ^Foreign Consuls. . . .18ft-196 

Growth of Banks and Bank Capi- 
tal— Safety Fund Banks, etc.— 
New York City Banks, Rules and 
Regulations— Banks, National and 
State — Rise and Growth of Savings 
Banks— Banks for Savings in the 
City of New York— Loan and Trust 
Companies— Safe Deposit Compa- 
nies—Money Values---Gold Coins, 
etc. —Legal Rates of Interest — 
BUls of Exchange — Rise and 
Growth of Fire and Marine Insur- 
ance Companies — Fire Insurance 
Companies — Marine Insurance 
Companies — Life Insurance Com- 
panies, Rise and Growth of— Bank- 
ers in the City of New York- Mon- 
ied Institutions in New York City. 197-232 


Description of the City of Brook- 
lyn, and Other Cities in the 
Vicinity of New York 323-264 

Cities and Villages, Fifteen 
Miles Around New York 265-374 

Classified Business DmECTOBY.375-294 

Advertisements i.-vill. 


Academies and Schools 61-89 

Academy of Design, National 102 

Academy of Music ; ;115-225 

Aldermen, Brooklyn 280 

Aldermen, New York 71 

Albany and Troy Steamboats 191 

Alms-house B5 

Alphabetical list of Streets in Brooklyn . 247 
Alphabetical list of Streets in New York.161-108 

American Baptist Home Mission 121 

Bible Society 121 

and Foreign Bible Society 126 

and Foreign Missi'^ns 122 

Geographical Society 105-110 

Home Missionary Society 122 

Institute 104-llu 

Missionary Society 127 

Ship-Masters Association 117 

Society for the Prevention of 

Cruelty to Animals 1B2 

Tract Society 99 

Amusements, places of. 115 

Apprentices' Library 110 

Assay Office, United States B6 

Association for Adv. of Science and Art 106 

Associated Press 184 

Astor Library 109 

Astoria 262 

Asylums 61-144 

Atlantic Dock 223 

Avenues and Streets in Brooklyn 247 

Avenues and Streets in New York 64-161 

Bank ClcaringHouse 200 

Bank of New York 24-42 

Bankers 220-221 

Banks, Brooklyn 235 

Banks, Buies and Begulations 199 

National and State 200 

nise and Growth of l97 

Savings 205-206 

in New York, 180B 82 

Baptist Churches 129 

Baptist City Mission 126 

Baptist Societies, &c 126 

Bar Association Ill 

Battery 165 

Bay and Islands of New York 62 

Bayonne,N. J 267 

Bay Side 263 

Bedlow's Island 264 

Bellevue Hospital 93-164 

Belleville, N. J 269 

Benevolent Associations 121-144 

Benevolent Societies 145 

Bergen Point, N. J 207 

BibleHouse 60-121 

Bible Societies 121 

Bills of Exchange 210 

Blackwell's Island 65 

Blackwell's Island Bridge 247 

Bioomfleld, N. J 269 

Board of Aldermen 71 

Com. for Foreign Missions 122 

Church Erection 125 

Domestic Missions 126 

Education 77-127 

Fire Underwriters 211 

Board of Foreign Missions 125-126 

Health ; 77 

Home Missions 125 

Manne Underwriters 216 

Trade 118 

Importers and Grocers 118 

Bowling Green 155 

British Occupation of New York BO 

Broadway 81-64 

BnooKLYN, City of. Streets, Ac 223-260 

Capitulation of New York 18-50 

Castle Garden 155 

Cemeteries 143-243 

Census of Brooklyn 234 

Hudson County, N. J 268 

New York 38-67-178 

Central Batlroad of New Jersey 267 

Central Fare 157-158 

^ Commissioners 74 

Centreviile, N. J 267 

Chamber of Commerce 116 

Chamber of Life Insurance 217 

Charitable Institutions 76 

Charities, Bureau of 146 

Charter of the City of New York 19 

Charter Officers 25 

Christian Associations 146 

Chronological Sketch of New York 45-48 

Churches and Colleges B9 

Churches, Baptist, &c 129-140 

Churches, Brooklyn 237-243 

Churches for Seamen . , 141 

Cities and Villaqbs ' 267-274 

City and County of New York 61 

City Debt, Brooklyn 233 

City of New York 63 

City Departments 71-78 

City Hall and Park 154-155 

City Hospitals ' 152 

City Missionary Societies 142 

City Missions 147 

City Mibsion, Report of 69-70 

City Officers 71 

" Brooklyn 230. 

" Salaries of 63 

City Prison 64 

City Bailroads, Bro61<lyn 244 

" New York 169 

Civil and Criminal Courts 80-81 

Claremont, N. J 267 

Classified Dibectort 275-294 

Clifton, S. 1 870 

Club Houses 116 

Coaches and Carriages 159 

Coal and Iron Exchange 117 

Collect Pond 17 

Colleges and Universities 09-89-96 

College Point, L. 1 273 

College of New York 96 

College of Physicians and Surgeons . . 92 

Collegiate and Polytechnic Institute 228 

College of St. Francis Xavier 98 

Columbia College 89-90 

Commerce of NewYork 64 

Commissioners of Emigrai ion 80 

Public Charities 76 

" Quarantine 83 


Commnnipaw, N. J ^J' 

Congregational Churches JoU 

Consuls, Foreign ■ • • • JBo 

Coney Island 2^270 

Cooper Union ^'^„a 

Corporation Attorney 74 

Cotton Exchange 117 

County Cleric's Ofllce ■■■ 78 

Court House (New) J* 

Court of Arbitration ik 

Court of Special Sessions 83 

Courts, City and County "*^} 

District Courts 81 

Marine 81 

Police ^ 

Supreme 80 

Superior 80 

United States 83-84 

Criminal Statistics 179 

Croton Aqueduct 60 

Commissioners 73 

Reservoir 60 

Custom House, United States 65 

Collector, &c 119 

Naval OIHce, Surveyor's Office ... 119 

Cypress Hills Cemetery. . .'. < 244 

Daily, Weekly and Monthly Publications 180-183 

Deaths in the City of New York 84 

Debt of Brooklyn 233 

" Jersey City 268 

" NewYork 63 

Delaware and Hudson Canal Company. . 174 

Department of Docks 74 

" Public Charities 76-233 

" Public Parks 74-75 

" PublicWorks 73 

" Buildings 77 

Discovery and Set. of North America. . . 13 

Dispensaries 93-147 

Distances from New York 191 

District Attorney's Office 81 

, Domestic and Foreign Missions 122-149 

Domestic and Foreign Postage 177 

Dutch West India Company 15 

Bariy History of New York 14 

Ear and Eye Infirmary 94 

East Orange, N. J 269 

East Siver Steamboats 192 

Edgewater, S. 1 271 

Educational Societies 147 

Elevated Kailroads -. 173-245 

Elizabeth, N. J 267 

Elizahethport 267 

ElmPark,S. 1 271 

Emigration, Commissioners of 80 

Englewood, N.J 269 

Episcopal Churches '. 136 

Episcopal Societies , 123-124 

ErieEailroad 269 

Express Offices 193 

Excise Department 74 

Excursions Down the Bay 270 

Excursions on the Hudson 273 

Ferries 174-227 

First Steamboat on the Hudson 37 

Finance Department 72 

Fire Department 77 

Insurance Companies 21 1 

Underwriters 241 

First Official Journal 28 

Fishing Banks 271 

Flatbush, Census of 234 

Flushing ^^^JZ? 

Foreign Consuls 19o 

" Express Companies 194 

" Missions 149-122 

Formation of Wards 49 

Fort Columbus 264 

Hamilton 264 

Lee, N.J 273 

Richmond 264 

Schuyler 264 

Washington.: 273 

Fortifications 264 

Forty Years Since 40-42 

Free Academy (see iVew York College),... 

" Churches 141 

" EeadingHooms Ill 

Gas Light Companies 173 

Geogiaphical Society 104 

Glasgow Steamers 185 

Glen Cove, L.I 273 

Gold Exchange 119 

Governor's Island 264 

Gowaniis Bay 223 

Grand Central Depot 274 

Greenpoint (see Brooklyn) 

Greenville, N. J 267 

Greenwood Cemetery 143-243 

Growth of Banks and Bank Capital 197 

Growth of the City of New York 84 

Hackensack, N. J 270 

Hackney Coaches and Fares 159 

Hall of Records S4 

Hallett's Point 264 

Hamilton, Alexander 35 

Harbor Masters 83 

Harbor of New York 271 

Harlem Railroad 41-272 

Havre Steamers 185 

Health Department 77-231 

Health Stuiisilcs 84 

Hell Gate 272 

Hendrick Hudson 14 

High Bridge 873 

Historical Bvents 45-263 

" Society ;.. 103 

" " Longlsland 229 

Hoboken 268 

Home for the Destitute 148 

Home Missions 148 

Hospitals 61-153 

Hotels (see Claesifled Directory) 287 

Hudson Co., N. J., Census of 268 

Hudson or North River 873 

Hudson River Railroad 273 

Hudson River Steamboats 191 

Hunter's Point 262 

Important Events 45^ 

Importers' and Grocers' Board of Trade. 118 

Institute, American , 104 

" Mechanics' 103 

Institution for the Blind 144 

for Children 149 

for the Poor 144 

Literary and Scientific 101 

Medical 100 

Insurance Go's., Growth of. Fire, &c. ... 211 

Fire and Marine 212-216 

" Life 217-219 





Internal Eevenne Officers 120 

Islands Contiguous to New York 264 

Jamaica, L. I 268 

JerseyCity. ' 268 

Jewish Churches 

Keyport, N. J 

Kings County Courts 

" " Census of 

" " Officers 

Lake View, N. J 

Landmarks of the Days of the Revolution 

Law Department 74 

" Library ■. 114 

" Schools 91 

Legal Rates of Interest 210 

Lenox Library 112 

Libraries, Public 109-114 

Life Insurance Companies 217 

" " Rise and Growth of 218 

Life in New York 66 

Lines of Ocean Steamers 185 

" Biver Steamers 190-191 

Literary aud Scientillo Institutions 101 

Liverpool Steamers 185 

Loan and Trust Companies 207 

Long Branch 270 

Long Island 263 

College Hospital 225 

City 262 

Uistorical Society 229 

Lunatic Asylums 145 

Lutheran Churches 131 

Magazines and Periodicals ..180-183 

Manhattan College 98 

" Settlementof 14 

" Waterworks 45 

ManhattanvUle 273 

Manufactures and Commerce 64 

Marine Court. . , 81 

Marine Board of Underwriters 216 

Marine Insurance Companies 216 

Maritime Association 115 

" Defenses 264 

Markets 63 

Masonic Hall 106 

" Societies 108 

Mayors of Brooklyn 230 

" HewYork 87-71 

Medical CoUeges 92 

" Societies 100 

Mercantile Library 116 

Methodist Book Concern 127 

" Churches 132 

Metropolitan Museum of Art s 101 

Missionary Societies 127 

" " of the Methodist 

Church 127 

Money Values, Gold Coins 208-209 

Monled Institutions 222 

Monuments 57 

Mornmg Side Park 156 

Mount Clair, N. J 269 

Nassau Water Works : 227 

National Academy of Design 102 

" Temperance Society 128 

Naturalization Bureau 80 

Nautical School 78 

Navy Yard, Brooklyn 226 

Newark, N.J 268 

New Brighton, S. 1 271 

New England Society lOS 

Newspapers and Periodicals 180-183. 

New York Aldermen * 71 

Bay and Harbor 52-271 

Board of Education 7T 

Board of Health 77 

BoardofTrade US 

Bridge Company 24& 

Central Park 157-155 

Chamber of Commerce 11& 

Cliartcr Officers ; 25-71 

C hurches 129-140' 

City Government 62-71 

CityLibrary Ill 

City Mission & Tract Society. 14» 

City Railroads 169-171 

College 96- 

College of Physicians & Surg.. 92' 

CountyOfflcers 78. 

Courts, City and County 80-83. 

' Courts, United States 84 

Cotton Exchange 117 

Criminal Statistics 179 

Croton Aqueduct 60- 

Department of Buildings 77 

Department of Public Works. 73 

Description of 61-53 

Directory of 1786 23-24 

Early History of 14-17 

Executive Department 72 

Finance Department 72. 

Eire Department 77 

Forty Years Since 40-42 

Gas Companies.... ~i.i 173 

GoldBxchange 119 

Health Department 77 

Historical Society 103 

Hospital 163 

In 1664, 1770, '76, '83, '90, 1800.18-30-60' 

Law Department 74 

Law Institute Library 114 

Medical Institutions 100 

Merchants' Exchange 65 

Police ; 62-75 

Population of 178- 

Post Office 56 

Produce Exchange lie- 
Public Charities 76-87 

Public Schools 61 

Salaried Officers 295-296. 

BherlfE's Office 7» 

Society Library 114 

Society for the Prevention of 

Cruelty to Children 152 

Stock Exchange 11» 

State Census 85. 

Taxes 86- 

Theological Seminary 97 

University 94-95- 

Wards^Formation of 49 

Waterworks j 60 

Normal and High School 78- 

Northern Railroad of New Jersey 26» 

North Shore, Staten Island 271 

Ocean Steamers and Railroads 43-44 

" Sailing to Europ'n Ports 185-187 

" " West Indies, &c. 18& 

" " Domestic Ports.. 189 

Odd Fellows 108 

Old Institutions in New York ^ 



Old Landmarks in 1770 19-21 

Old and New Names of Streets 23 

Old Sngar HoQse 87 

Omnibns Lines 172 

Orange, N.J 269 

Orphan Asylnms 150 

facific Mail Steamships 188 

PaliaadeB '. - 273 

Pamrapo.N. J 267 

Parks, Public 155 

Park CommissionerB 231 

Passaic, N.J 270 

Paterson, N.J 270 

PaopeilBm and Crime 179 

Periodicals 180 

Philadelphia, New Eailroads to 193 

Fiers,Listor 1J8 

Places of Amusement 115 

Police Courts 82 

Police Department 75 

Police Headquarters 55 

Population of Brooklyn 234 

NewYork 178 

Port Richmond.S.1 271 

Port Wardens 83 

Post OIBce Building 68 

^ost Office and Bates of Postage 117 

Presbyterian Churches 133-134 

Prison Associations 150 

Produce Exchange 116 

Prospect Park, Brooklyn 2*4 

Public Administration 74 

Public Buildings 54 

Public Charities 70-Si' 

Public Parke 59-lsr-aa4 

PubUc Schools 61-225 

Onarantine 83-S71 

Onarterly Publications 184 

Qnick Passages to European Ports 189 

Bandall's Island 55 

Eailroadsiu New York 41-66 

Sailboass, List of 68 

Depots 274 

Offices 192 

Hapid Transit 172 

Hates of Postage 177 

Bavenswood 262 

Beformed Dntcb Church 25 

Beformed Churches 138 

Xef orm Societies. IsO 

lleformed Dutch Churches 25 

BeUgions Institutions 121 

Reminiscences of New York in 1790 29 

Eich Men of NewYork 88-40 

mversidePark 156 

Soman Catholic Churches 138 

Sutger's Female Institute 99 

Btttherford Park, N. J. 270 

Babbath Schools 142 

Safe Deposit Companies 207 

:8afety Fund Banks, &e 198 

, 'Sailors' Snug Harbor 271 

Salaried Officers 295-296 

Sandy Hook. 270 

Savings Banks 205-806 

" Statementof 204 

School of Law 91 

Schools, Public 61 

. Scientific Institutions 101 

aherifi'a Office 79 

Ship Masters' Association 118 

Seamen's Societies 134-151 

Society Library of New York 114 

Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen. . . 103 

South Orange,N.J 269 

Spuyten Dnyvil 273 

St. John's College 98 

St. John's Guila 109 

St. Andrew's Society 108 

St. George's Society 109 

St. Luke's Hospital 154 

St. Nicholas' Society 109 

St. Mary's Hospital. 153 

Stage Lines 41 

State Charities 151 

Staten Island. 271 

Station Honses 76 

Steamboat Lines 191 

Steamboats on the Hudson 87 

Steamship Lines 191-192 

Stock Exchange 118 

Streets and Avenues, List of 161 

Street BaUroads 169-171 

Suburbs of New York 865-274 

Sammarv for 1875 69-70 

Sunday School Societies 151 

Sunday School Union 127 

Surrogate's Office 79 

razatlon 67 

Taxes 88 

Tax Commissions 79 

Telegraph Offices 194-195 

Temperance Societies 12S-151 

Theatres 115 

Theological Seminaries 97 

Tombs, The 54 

Tompkins Square 15S 

Tract Societies 151 

Trinity Church, History of, &c 35-36 

Trust Companies 307 

Union Ferry Company 287 

Union Square 155 

Unitarian Churches 140 

Universalist Churches 140 

United States Assay Office 56-130 

Courts 83 

Custom Honse 55-119 

NavyYard 338 

Post Office 56 

Treasurer's Office 130 

University of the City of New York 94 

" Medical College 95 

Union Theological Seminary 97 

Vanderbilt's Landing 271 

WallabontBay 333 

Wall Street 38 

Walton Honse 28 

Wards, Formationof 49 

Washington's Headquarters 37 

Washington Monument 58 

" Park, Brooklyn 224 

WaTerley,N. J 289 

Westchester County 272 

West Point. 274 

Wlllett's Point 273 

WUliamsbnreh (See BrooUyn) 

Woodlawn Cemetery 14S 

Yonkers, City of 278 

Young Men's Christian Association 128 

^' " Brooklyn 237 




THE Discovery of North America by John and Sebastian Oabot in the year 
1497, five years after the discovery of the West Indies and South America 
by Columbus, is one of the most important events in modern history. Upwards 
of one hundred years followed in vain attempts to find a Northwest Passage to 
China by sailing northward toward Hudson and Baffin's Bay, thereby neglecting 
tho settlement of the finest and richest portions of the globe, embracing what 
now constitutes the United States of America. 

The first permanent settlement by the English was made by the Cavaliers under 
the direction of Sir Walteb RAiiEian and others, who landed at Jamestown, 
Virginia, in May, 1607. In September, 1609, Henry Hudson discovered the 
Bay of New York, while sailing in the employ of the Dutch East India Com- 
pany. In 1614 a permanent settlement was made by the Dutch on the Island 
of Manhattan — then other settlers followed, locating on the banks, of the 
Hudson and in New Jersey. 

The landing of the Pilgrim Fathers at Plymouth, Mass., in December, 1620, is 
the next great event in colonization, and the settlement of portions of New 
Jersey and Delaware, which soon followed, by the Swedes, altogether formed 
the first germ of the early American character — together with the Quaker ele- 
ment introduced by William Pbnn and his followers, who settled in Pennsyl- 
vania in 1682, and founded the City of Philadelphia. 

While Virginia can boast of the first Settlement within the bounds of the 
thirteen original States of the Union, the State of New York at the present time 
ranks as the Empire State, and the City of New York ranks as one of the most 
important cities of the World. 

The United States of Amebica declared their Independence July 4, 1776^ 
and now ranks as one of the largest and most favored Nations of the Globe,, 
as regards area, population, commerce and wealth. 



" HENDRICK HUDSON," says a late learned writer, * " in April, 1609, under 
tlie direction of the Dutch East India Company, and for the purpose of finding a 
Northwest Passage-that great sea problem of the day-dared the penis of 
the Atlantic in the " Half-Mocm,;' of 80 tons, with a crew of twenty men. After 
stopping at various places along the coast, on the 11th of September, 1609, he 
brought his little vessel to anchor in what is now the Bay of New York. 

" According to the Indian tradition, on the appearance of the " Half Moon," 
there was great consternation among the simple aborigines who then inhabited 
the dense forests where now this city stands. Some thought it an immensely 
large flsh or huge monster of the sea, others that it was a very large hut. As it 
continued to moye in a threatening manner towards the land, couriers were 
sent off to notify the scattered chiefs and then- people of the phenomenon, 
and put them on their guard and to gather in the warriors. 

" These various Indians arriving in large numbers on the Manhattan shore, and 
viewing the strange object that was slowly movmg toward them, concluded that 
it was a large canoe or house, in which the great Manitto or Supreme Being 
himself was, and that he was coming to visit them. The chiefs then deliberated 
in council how the great Manitto should be received. 

" Scouts coming in declare the object to be a house of various colors, and 
crowded with living creatures. It now appeared certain that it was the great 
Manitto, bringing them some new liind of game. Soon there is hailing from 
the vessel in a strange tongue. Many now begin to run to the interior woods. 
'The house or large canoe having stopped, a smaller canoe comes ashore with a 
man, altogether red from head to foot, and dressed differently from the others. 
In the mean time the chiefs and wise men had formed a large clrole, and calmly 
and in resigned silence awaited the awful visitor. The red-clothed man then 
entered the circle, and we find, by tradition, that the fear of the savages present- 
ly disappeared under the conciliatory deportment of the explorer and his men ; 
and soon, by dint of presents and kind treatment, the best understanding was 
established, which was continued on the arrival of the vessel in the following 

"Hudson then began the exploration of the ' Great River of the Mountains,' 
as it was called, hoping that by it there might be a passage through the Conti- 
nent to the Asiatic Seas. 

* JAMBS W. QERAKD, in Ms Paper on New York under the Dutch, published in 1874. 



" Hudson penetrated to the highest point of navigation beyond Albany, and 
"waa a month in his exploration. He sent an account of his voyage to his Dutch 
employers at Amsterdam, stating, among other things, that ' it is as beautiful a 
land as the foot of man can tread upon.' 

" Wo can imagine the surprise and consternation of the savage tribes that 
lined the banks, as the little ' Half Moon,' gigantic to them, cautiously crept 
on its way up the ' River of the Mountains,' its motley crew peering over the 
vessel's sides, to gaze upon the wonders and beauties of the strange land, ancf 
half mistrusting the savages that gazed back at them from the shore. 

" Hudson's account of the beauty and fertility of the region, and the rich 
peltry to be obtained there, aroused the attention of his Dutch employers, who 
immediately started expeditions with a view of settlement and trade. Voyages 
were undertaken, at private risk, in IGIO to 1612, to trade with the Indians, at 
and along the river ' Mauritius ' as it was called after Prince Maurice, and a few 
houses or, huts erected. A trading-house was also established on Castle Island, 
on the west side of the river, a little below the present Albany, and called Fort 

"In 1614, a charter or monopoly of trading was granted by the States-Qeneral 
to an Amsterdam association, and the territory was recognized for the first 
time under its new name of " IfieuiB-Nederland,"* which comprised the region, as 
set forth in the charter, between New Prance and Virginia, the sea coast where- 
of extended from the 40th to the 45th of latitude. 

"In 1631, an exclusive charter, with almost sovereign powers, was given to the 
Dutch West India Company. This Company immediately began the business of 
colonization and the construction of buildings for the occupation of the colo- 
nists, and sent out cattle and farming materials, and implements. 

" The colony was put under the government of a Director and Council, of 
whom the Governor or Director was directly commissioned by the States-Gtene- 
ral. The Council was appointed by the Director with the approbation of the 
Company. ' 

" We read that Peter Minuit, one of the early Directors, in 1626, purchased the 
Island of Manhattan for the Company, from the Indians, for sixty guilders, or 
about twenty-four dollars. This amount seems not a very large one for the 
.City of New York, but, on compounding the interest, it reaches at this time 
about the sum of two hundred millions of dollars. 

" The City of New York at this time, that is to say at fourteen years of age, 
consisted of less than two score rudely fashioned log-houses, extending along 
the south-east shore, together with one or two buildings of greater importance 
belonging to the Company, including a simple block-house for defence against 
the red men. • 

* Fort Orange, now Albany, and Manhattan, now New Tork, were first settled by the Dutch in 
1614, six years before the landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth, Mass. 


"For upwards of forty years, from 1631 to 1664, the Dutch "West India Com- 
pany governed New Netherland, having erected a block-house for defense against 
the warlike savages and afterward Ihrt Amsterdam. During the year 1641 an 
Indian war broke out, owing to the unwise and aggressive policy of Governor 
Eieft ; the inhabitants fled to the shelter of the Fort and established their huts 
as near as possible to the protective ramparts. 

" Those were perilous times in the ' Manhadoes.' All the farms and exposed 
habitations about the Island were destroyed. The plantations about Westches- 
ter and Btaten Island, and the blooming ' bouweries ' on the East River, and on 
the line of the present Chatham Street, and at Hobokea, Pavonia, Navisink, and 
Tappaen, were laid waste, and almost every settlement on the west side of the 
Highlands was destroyed, and many of the inhabitants slaughtered." 

" The great dramatic event connected with the history of the Town and Fort ■ 
was its capitulation to the English in 1664, in a time of peace between England 
and the Netherlands. 

"Charles II., King of England, as is well known, had given a patent of a 
large territory to his brother, the Duke of York and Albany, comprehending 
Long Island and all the lands and rivers from the west side of the Connecticut 
River to the east side of Delaware Bay. 

" In September, 1664, accordingly, while the colony was under the direction 
of Governor Stuyvesant, Col. Nichols, the Deputy-Governor appointed to reduce 
and govern the province for the Duke, with scarcely note of warning, appeared 
in the bay with a fleet of four ships of nearly 100 guns, and a body of 500 regu- 
lars, besides seamen. 

" The Dutch colony was quite unprepared to contend witli such a force, the 
Fort being in a dilapidated condition, manned by only 250 soldiers, and com- 
manded by hiUs within pistol shot. The garrison accordingly capitulated, with 
the honors of war, on the 8th of September. Governor Stuyvesant protested 
against the act, wishing to fight to the last, and exclaimed to the citizens re- 
questing him to surrender, ' I had much rather be carried out dead ' 

" The Dutch soldiers marched out of the Old Fort, according to the terms of *^ 
capitulation, with their arms fixed, drums beating and colors flying, and matches ^ 
lighted, down Beaver Lane to the water side, and embarked for Holland. Th^ ^ 
English flag was hoisted over the Fort, which then became Fart James and ' 
' Meuw Amsterdam,' ' New York; in honor of the Duke of York. 

" After its surrender to the English, the little town settled down with Dutch 
stolidity under its English rulers, whose government was kindly. For eight 
years it pursued an even course under a mayor and aldermen, instead of a 
Sellout, Burgemeesterin and Schepenen, untU, on the war breaking out between 
the English and the Dutch in 1673, it was retaken by the latter. 


" New York thereupon was rech^istened by the Dutch Governor Colve ' Mw 
OrangeJ' The name of New Netherland was restored, and the old Fort was 
rechristened Fort ' WUlielm, Hendrick,' in honor of the Prince of Orange. 

" On the subsequent peace, however, between England and Holland, in 1674, 
the region of New Netherland was finally ceded to the English. Governor 
Andros took possession for the Duke, and rechristened ' New Amsterdam ' as 
' Mw York^ and the fort again became ' Fort Jamet.^ 

" The old fort, during English colonial times, was the scene of gubernatorial 
state and show, and here too were flred salutes for His Majesty's birthday, and 
for victory over Frenchmen and Spaniards. 

" The Fort was also the scene of stirring events during the Revolutionary 
period, and changed its flag under the fortunes of war. At length, when peace 
had been established in the land (in 1783), the services of this venerable servant 
of Bellona were considered no longer necessary by the 'Mayor, Aldermen and 
Commonalty,' whose utilitarian spirit, in 1788, caused its final destruction and 
removal. And now no remnant of this ancient structure, that rose with the 
settlement of our island, and saw and shared its changing fortunes for upward 
of one hundred and fifty years." 

Colleck or OoUect' Fond. 

The following is an interesting description of a portion of Manhattan Island, 
as seen in eai'ly days. " Passing the corner of Chatham and Duane," (where now 
stands Sweeny's Hotel,) "we come to the park-water pond or lake, called 
Kalckrlweek, in subsequent days corrupted into the CoUeck or Collect. This pond 
was very deep, ono of the most romantic spots on the island, and a favorite 
resort for the angler and the pleasure seeker. 

" Where the ' Tombs ' now looks grimly down on noisome Centre street, 

there was presented in those days a charming sylvan scene. Little pleasure- 

louses were placed upon the banks and shore, and fairy-like boats skimmed the 

ellucid waters. Here the angler pursued his gentle sport, and the lover of 

Fature came from his busy haunts below, and found repose and solace amid the 

peacefdl scene. 

" On this pond, in 1796, John Fitch paddled, to the admiration of the gazing 
multitudes, his little experimental steamer, about 18 feet long.* North of the 
lake stretched the range of marsh land, which it was subsequently found neces- 
sary to drain through Canal street to the river. 

*Thls event was faithfully depicted in an engraving which appeared several years afterwards. 



"Prom the Collect pond, a little sparkling fresh-water stream, called the 
' OiUdKill,' ran over Wolfert's meadow, which covered the present Roosevelt 
street, and emptied into the East River, at the foot of James street, which 
stream was covered by a bridge at the junction of Roosevelt and Chatham 
streets; in EngUsh times called the " Kissing Bridge," — so called because a cer- 
tain salute was claimed there by enterprising travelers from their complaisant 
companions. Near this -rras the celebrated tea-water pump, whose water was 
subsequently carried about the city, within the memory of many old citizens." 


" To illustrate the early condition of the 
city," says Valentine, in his History of the 
City of New York, " it is proposed to adopt 
the period at which the rule of the Dutch ter- 
minated, after the City had been under their 
auspices between thirty and forty years, and 
had grown up to be a considerable town, of 
about fifteen hundred inhabitants. 

" The boundary of the City was principally defined by the stockades erected 
in 1653, on the present line of Wall street ; and also that along the west side of 
the road, on the shore of the East River, on the present line of Pearl street, 
several of the citizens had established tlieir residences at a very early period. 
This road, between the city gate and the ferry, at the present site of Peck slip, 
was known as 'De Smit's Valey,' or 'the Smith's Valley.' The origin of this 
name is ascribed to the circumstance that Cornelius Clopper, a blacksmith, es- 
tablished himself at the present corner of Maiden lane and Pearl street. The 
' Smit's Valey ' was, for a long period, the common name of that part of the 
town lying between Wall street and the present Franklin square ; it was, in sub- 
sequent years, known as the ' Valey,' ' Vly ' or ' Fly.' 

" We have thus far traced the road from Franklin square to Wall street, and 
have come to the ' Waterpoort,' or Water Gate, being the entrance within the 
line of the city palisades, on the present line of Wall street. This gate was a 
heavy wooden structure, which was closed at bell ringing in the evening (nine 
o'clock), and opened at sunrise in the morning." 


1683.— Oharter of the Oity of New York and ISivision of the Oity into 

Six Wards.* ^ 

At a meeting of the Mayor and Aldermen at the City Hall, December 8, 1683, 
" The Devision of ye Citty and Corporation of New York into Six Wards is 
agreed on to be as f oUoweth, viz. : 

5. Ye West Ward. 

6. Ye Out Ward, to contain ye Towne 

of JHarlem, &c." 

1. Ye South Ward. 
3. Ye Dock Ward. 

3. Ye East Ward. 

4. Ye North Ward. 
In the same year (1683), it was Resolved, " That ye said Citty have a Common 

Seale to serve for ye Sealing of all and singular their affairs, matters and business 
touching ye said Corporation." 

CoRNBLis Stebnwtck, Mayor.. 


Starting from the Battery, or Bowling Q-reen, " the Broad Way " was skirted 
by a double row of trees, which extended up the slope of the street nearly as 
fer as Beaver lane (Morris street). Here resided many persons who were in those 
days prominent in the mercantile and social circles of New York. Broadway 
above Beaver Lane was generally occupied with private dwellings. 

At some distance to the right, from the Broadway, on the upper side of Gar- 
den street (Exchange place), between Broad and Smith {now WMam), streets, for- 
merly stood the ancient church edifice of the " Old " Dutch Church. That an- 
cient meeting-house remained until 1807, when it was taken down to make room 
for a new edifice, which, in its turn, was destroyed, in " the great fire " of De- 
cember, 1835. 

On the corner of what is now known as Rector street, stood the old Lutheran 
Church, and, in its rear — towards the North River — was "the English School," 
which had been established and fostered by the Vestry of Trinity Church. 

" Trinity Church, in 1770," occupied the same site— surrounded by the memo- 
rials of the departed — as that on which she now stands. Within, this ancient edi- 
fice was ornamented beyond any other place, of public worship in the city. 
This building was destroyed in the great flre of 1776 ; and the substantial struc- 
ture which was erected in its place in 1788, in its turn, has given way to the pre-: 
vailing taste for change — the magnificient edifice (erected in 1840), which is now 
the parish church of Old Trinity, — representing as truly the spirit of the present 
age as the old building first referred to did that of the merchants and the people 
of New York in 1770. 

"Immediately in front of Trinity Church, in the olden time, as it still does, 
Wall street extended from the Broad Way to the East RIt er. In the earlier days 

* The City of New York was originally Incorporated in 1653, while occupied by the Dutch. 


of the colony (1653) 'a wall.' or stockade, had been erected along the northern 
line of this street, for the protection of the town from the hostile Indians— giv- 
ing a name to the thoroughfare at its base. Portions of this wall still remained 
in 1700. At an early period, on the lower corner part of Nassau street, where 
the Custom House (now Sub-Treasury Building) stands— stood the City Hall, 
which served also as the Municipal and Colonial Court House, the Debtors' and 
County Jail, and the Capitol of the Province. The old City Hall, finished in 
1700,— after having passed through many changes (the most important of which 
was that under the direction of Major L'Enfant, for the reception of the first 
Federal Congress, under the new Constitution of 1789,) was taken down in 1813, 
to make way for dwellings and stores, which also, in their turn, have given way 
to the fine buildings occupied by the United States Government, before referred 
to. {See Sngramng.) 

" Proceeding up the Broad Way, from Trinity Church, the promenader first 
passed King {rufwPiTie) street on his right, and Stone (now T/uimes) street on hia 
left — the former extending eastward from the Broad Way to the East River — 
the latter westward from the same central thoroughfare to the Horth Kiver, 
which at that time then flowed on the present line of Greenwich street. 

" Little Queen {now Gedar) street was next passed on the right, and Little (a2sa 
Oedar) street on the left — then extending from the North River on the west, as 
at this time, to Smith (now WUliam) street on the east. Crown (now Liberty) 
street extended on either hand to the North River on the west and to Maiden 
Lane on the east — its present limits. 

" Maiden Lane and Courtlandt street, both well known to the citizens of the 
present day, were next passed, the former extending to the East River, the latter 
to the North River. At the foot of the former, in the wide space that still re- 
mains there, was ' the Ply Market,' while the stairs on the river, near by, were 
one of the termini of the Long Island ferry ; at the foot of the latter was the 
ferry to Powle's Hook (Jersey Oity), which still retains the same position." 

A late writer says : " Outside of city palisades, beyond WaU street, Broadway 
was called by the Dutch ' Beere- Wegh.^ North of Wall street was the 'Maagde- 
Padije,' or the Maiden Path, which nomenclature was changed to Maiden Lane 
about 1700. This lane was, under our Dutch ancestors, a rural shady walk, with a 
rivulet running through it, and sloping hills on either side. Omiwenberg Hill, on 
part of the present Pearl, Cliff and John streets, was a favorite place of resort 
for the citizens on sultry summer afternoons." 

" Dey street, on the west side of Broadway, and John street, opposite to Dey 
street, are stiU known ; and in 1770, and for nearly three-quarters of a century 
afterward, they afforded pleasant places of residence for those who thronged 
the ' business streets ' of that portion of the city. 


"Proceeding up the Broad Way, from Dey street, the promenader in 1770 
next crossed Partition (iww Milton) street, extending westward to the North 
Eiver ; or Fair {also Ikilton) street, which extended eastward only to the present 
Cliff street. 

" On the lower corner of Fair and Dutch streets stood the small frame meet- 
ing-house of the Moravian Church, which had been erected in 1751 ; and in the 
northeastern corner of Fair and William streets stood the more imposing stone 
edifice of the North Dutch Church, which still retains its original appearance, 
and is still used by the same body, as in 1770, and for the same objects.* 

" On the upper corner of Partition {now Fulton) street and the Broad Way 
•stood St. Paul's Chapel, which had been dedicated in October, 1766 ; and it still 
stands there, surrounded by its crowded graveyard, one of the most interesting 
•of the few landmarks which have been preserved in our city. 

" Opposite to St. Paul's Chapel, the road to Boston — one of the great outlets 
irom the City — branched ofi from the Broad Way ; and the present Park Row, 
and Chatham Street, and the Bowery, indicate the general course which it took; 
Tthrough the suburbs of the city. 

" Vesey and Barclay streets, named after two rectors of Trinity Church, 
Bobinson {now Park Place), Murray, Warren, Church, and Chapel Streets, {now 
West Broadway), on the western side of the Broad Way, with the edifice of the 
King's {now Cblumbia) College, at the foot of Robinson street, are too well 
inown to the citizens of New York of the present day to need any particular 
notice in this place. In 1770, these streets were generally occupied for resi- 

"On the eastern side of the Broad Way, opposite the streets referred to, was 
the Common — an open ground, which is still well known as 'The Park.' Even 
at the above early day the people had been accustomed to assemble at that place 
to express their opinions. They had rendezvoused there on the evening of the 
31st of October, 1765, and on the following evening preparatory to the cele- 
Ijrated ' Stamp Act Riots; ' and at the same place, on the following Tuesday, 
they had re-assembled armed, with the avowed intention to storm the Fort in 
•order to obtain possession of the stamped papers which had been deposited 
■within it. 

"On its western margin, nearly opposite Murray Street, the celebrated Liberty 
pole was erected in June, 1766 ; and around its base (or those of the poles which 
from time to time had been erected in the place of those which the soldiers had 
destroyed) cluster many of the most romantic associations of that interesting era. 
On the 19th of March, 1767, the fourth pole had been erected on that spot 
in honor of ' TJie King, Pitt and Liberty,' and the colors had floated gaily from 
its summit on the birthday of the sovereign. 

* In 1875 this old edifice was sold and the land occupied by stores. 


" Within the area of this Common, our present Pa/rk, on the very spot oa 
which now stands the City Hall, stood, in 1770, the Poor-house, in the rear of 
which was a garden; whUe on the space between that and the Broad Way trees, 
were planted. Eastward from the Poor-house stood the Debtors' Prison, a rec- 
tangular stone building, surmounted by a cupola— a building which, during the 
subsequent war of the Revolution, was occupied by Cunningham, the Provost 
M»rshal, whose cruelties to the 'rebel' prisoners who were placed under his. 
charge are well known. That building, with modem improvements both in- 
terior and exterior, still retains its place in the Park, and is known to all our 
citizens as ' The Hall of Records.' North from the Poor-house, near the site of 
the row of buUdings known as ' the New City Hall,' more recently occupied, at 
that time stood the long line of barracks which furnished quarters for the troops, 
whose turbulent spirit produced so much confusion in the city, and whose de- 
termination to cut down ' the Liberty-pole ' proved so powerful an element in. 
the movements of that period." i 

THE omr OP NEW YORK, IN 1776. 

Mr. Hdgh Gain, in his " Universal Register for the year 1787," says : " New 
York is about a mile and a half in length, and half a mile broad, containing, 
before the fire on the 31st of September, 1776, and 3d of August, 1778, about 
4,200 houses, and 30,000 inhabitants. 

"The great fire of 1776, during the occupancy of the City by the British^ 
commenced in a small wooden house on the wharf near Whitehall slip. The 
number of houses that were burned and destroyed in that awful conflagration 
were thus, viz: — ^From Mortkile street (now Barclay) to Courtlandt street, 167 j 
from Courtlandt street to Beaver street, 175 ; from Beaver street to the East 
River, 151 j total, 493 (including old Trinity Church). There being very few 
inhabitants in the City at the time, and many of those were afraid to venture at 
night in the streets, for fear of being taken up as suspicious persons, several of 
the citizens were sent to the provost guard for examination, and some of thenx 
remained there two and three days, until they could give satisfactory evidence 
of their loyalty. 

"Early in September, 1776, the American Army under General Washington, 
evacuated the City and retired to Harlem Heights; General Greene strenuously 
advised the destruction of the City. The spado had been liberally used. Fort 
George — the battery below and to the south of it ; the wharves and streets had 
redoubts and breastworks ; Bayard's mount was crowned by a fort, and called 
Bunker's Hill; Corlear's Hook was surrounded by batteries, and fortified lines 
crossed the island at various distances. But Washington saw that the enemy 
could surround the town— their troops had possession of the islands — and their 


ships his batteries unharmed, on either side of the city." Fort Washington, 
which was soon afterwards captured, stood on an eminence situated on the margin 
of the Hudson or North River, about two miles and a half below King's Bridge, 
crossing Harlem River. 

" The newspapers published in the Province of New York in 1775, were, The 
New York Mercwry, The New York Journal, The New York Oazeteer (these in the 
city), and The AWany Post, in Albany. " ^ 



Formerly Called. Now Galled. 

Chatham Row Park Row. 

Crown Street Liberty Street. 

Dock Street- - Pearl Street, between Broad street and Hanover Square. 

Duke Street South William Street. 

Fair Street pulton Street, between Broadway and Clifl Street. 

Garden Street- Exchange Place. 

George Street Spruce Street. 

Golden Hill John Street, between William and Pearl Street. 

King George Street-. William Street, Frankfort and Pearl Street. 

King Street Pine Street. 

Little Dock Street South Street, between Whitehall and Old Slip. 

Little Queen Street.. Cedar Street. 

Magazine Street Part of Pearl Street. 

Mill Street Part of South William Street. 

Mortkile Street Barclay Street. 

Partition Street Fulton Street, between Broadway and North River. 

Princess Street Beaver Street, between Bond and William Street. 

Queen Street--- Pearl Street, between Wall Street and Broadway. 

Robinson Street Park Place. 

St. James Street James Street. 

Smith Street William Street, between Old Slip and Liberty Street. 

Stone Street Thames Street. 

The New York Directory for 1786, is thus announced by the Compiler. 
To the InhaMtants of the City cf New York: 

Gbhtuiubn: — ^Mr. Franks returns his sincere thanks to his friends and the 
public for their kind and liberal encouragement towards the New York Dvreetory 
(eighty-two pages, 18mo). He humbly requests they may indulgently excuse 
any errors, inaccuracies, or omissions which may appear, and impute them only 


to the local disadvantages be labored under in tbia first attempt; as be intends 
in the future editions he shall have the honor of annually presenting them, to 
have it more in his power to be exact, correct and circumstantial; he makes 
bold to call on the citizens at large for every information that they think wiU 
prove conducive to its future coiTectness. Their directions w^ill be thankfully 
received and gratefully acknowledged by Mr. Frassb, at his lodgings, No. 66 
Broadway, or at Mr. Koi,ix>ck's printing ofiSce, comer of Wall and Water 

Banh of New fork. 
(Organized 1784.) 
List of OflScers and Directora of the Bank of New York, 1786 ; copied from 
the above IHrectory : 

Isaac Roosevelt, Esq., President. 
William Maxwell, Esq. , Vice-President. 
William Seton, Cashier. 

Directors: — Samuel Franklin, Nicholas Low, Daniel McCormick, Robert 
Bowne, Thomas Stoughton, Joshua Waddington, Comfort Sands, Thomas Ran- 
dall, Alexander Hamilton, John VanberbUt, James Buchanan. 

Note. — ^The rate of discoimt is at present fixed at six per cent, per annum; 
but no discount will be made for longer than forty-five days; nor will any note 
or bill be discounted to pay a former one; payment must be made in bank-notes 
or specie. 

Growth of the City of New York. 

In 1790, when the first Official Census was taken, and the City contained 33,131 
inhabitants, the'northem limits of Improvements on the West side was Reade 
street, and on the East side, parallel with the Bowery, was Grand street Then 
a large fresh-water pond covered a portion of Centre street leading toward 
Canal street. * 

In 1830 the City had extended to Canal street, on the West side, and to Eighth 
street on the East side, extending a part way towards the East River. Alter 
1830 the rapid growth of the City commenced, and now (1875) dense rows of 
houses extend to Central Park on the West, and to Harlem River on the East 
side of the city. 


Eon TiiB Tear 1796. 

Compiled by John Low. Printed by John Bubl and John Bum,. 

This volume contains much information relating to the State of New York, 
and the City of New York; together with a Brooklyn Bireetory, comprised in 
three pages, 12mo. 

eefobmed dutch ohtjeoh. 25 

New York State Officers, 1796. 

John Jat, Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief of the Militia, and 
Admiral of the Navy. 

Elbert Jones, private Secretary. 

Stephen Van Rensselaer, Lieut. Chv., and President of the Senate. 

Lewis A. Scott, Secretary of State. 

Josiah Ogden Hoffman, Attorney-Oeneral. 

Gerard Bancker, Treasurer. 

Peter T. Curtenas, Auditor. 

Simeon DeWitt, Surveyor- General. 

Charter Officers of the City of New York. 
UlCEARD "Varick, MoyoT. 
Samuel Jones, Becorder. 
Jacob I. Lansing, Sheriff. 
Robert Benson, Glerk. 
Daniel Phoenix, Treasurer and Ofiamberlain. 
William I. Elbworth, Coroner. i 

Gabriel Furman, Theophilus Beekman, 

Robert Lenox, John Campbell, 

Andrew Van Tuyl, Nicholas Bayard, 
Cornelius C. Roosevelt. 
, James Cdlbertson, Eigh Constable. 

Reformed Dutch Ohurch. 
The first church erected on Manhattan Island was in 1628, on the arrival of 
the first minister, Michaelius. Soon after arrived Everardas Bogardus, the 
"Dominie," in 1633. 

The second church was erected in 1643, within the walls of Port Amsterdam, 
which stood on what is now called the Battery. This church was 72 feet long, 
SO wide and 16 feet high ; cost 2,500 guilders. The congregation worshiped 
in it until the opening of the old South Dutch Church in Garden Street. After 
the surrender of the colony to the English in 1664, it was occasionally occupied 
by the English military chaplains. This church was rebuilt in 1807, and de- 
stroyed by the great fire in December, 1835. 

The old church in the Fort, after the possession of the British, became the 
property of the government and took the name of King's Chapel, and continued 
to be used for worship by the chaplains of the garrison until 1741, when it was 
destroyed by fire. 


The third church, erected in 1764, was the Middle Dutch Church in Nassau 
Street, recently used as a City Post Ofllce. The fourth church erected was the 
North Dutch Church in Fulton Street, corner William Street, now being de- 
molished and the site converted into store-houses. Thus all those old land' 
marks are fast disappearing, to be remembered only as matters of history. 


The British army evacuated New York November 35th, 1783, and the Ameri- 
can troops under General Kaox. took possession of the city. Soon after General 
Washington and Gov. George Clinton, with their suite, made their public entry 
into the city on horseback, followed by the Lieut. -Governor and the members 
of council, for the temporary government of the Southern district, four abreast ; 
Gen. Knox and the officers of the army, eight abreast ; the Speaker of the As- 
sembly and citizens on foot, eight abreast. The Governor gave a public dinner, 
at wliich the commander-in-chief and other general officers were present. The 
arrangements of the whole business were so well made and executed that the 
most admirable tranquility succeeded through the day and night. On Monday 
following the Governor gave an elegant entertainment to the French ambassa- 
dor, the Chevalier de la Luzerne, General Washington, the principal officers of 
New York State and of the army, and upwards of a hundred gentlemen were 
present. Magnificent fireworks, infinitely exceeding everything of the kind be- 
fore seen in the United States, were exhibited at the Bowling Green in Broadway 
on the evening of Tuesday, in celebration of the definitive Treaty of Peace. 

In 1783 the compact part of the city extended to Chambers street on the north 
and to Catherine street on the east. Fort George stood on the north end of the 
Battery, and barracks for soldiers on the South end. The upper barracks were 
in the Park, on Chambers street. The prison, new prison, and house of correc- 
tion were in the Park, the latter where now stands the City Hall. The fresh- 
water pond on Centre street was in part surrounded by hills. The hospital 
buildmg stood near Broadway and Duane street. A line of fortifications ex- 
tended from the high grounds on the east part of the city to Bunker Hill, near 
Grand street, between the Bowery and Broadway, and westward across Broad- 
way to another eminence ; fortifications were also erected further west of Broad- 
way, near the river, on a line with Fourteenth street. All beyond was cleared 


The WoBhington House, No. 1 Broadway, opposite Bowling Green, is one of 
the best preserved buildings of Revolutionary days. It is now used as a public 
house, with a restaurant attached. Here, for a time, during the Revolutionary 

Washington's HEAD-QUAETteES — sugae-hoube peison. ,2T 

War, it was occupied by British officers, and afterwards by General Washington 
and his staff. It was built about the middle of the 18th century, and for many 
years occupied by families of distinction. 

Washington's Head-Quarters. 

This venerable building stands on the southeast corner of Broad and Feail 
Streets, formerly known as No.- 3 Dock Street It is in tolerably good preser- 
vation, and is now kept by William Stabner as a boarding-house, with a bar 

The particulars of an interesting event is copied from an old engraving 
which still adorns its walls, with words as follows : 

Washington takino Lbavb of the Officers of His Abmt, 
At Francis's Tavern (Dock Street), New York, Dec. 4th, 1783. Present, Gen- 
erals Enox and Steuben, Gov. George Clinton, Alexander Hamilton and others. 
"With a heart of love and gratitude I now take leave of you; I most de- 
voutly wish that your latter days may be as prosperous and happy as your for- 
mer ones have been glorious and honorable." — Extraust from Wathington's Ad- 

The Old Sugar-House in Iiiberty Street. 
This relic of the days of the Revolution stands as a monument to the victims 
of the Biigarr-House Prison, and the Old Dutch Ohurch, in Nassau street, recently 
used as a Post Office, was once used as a dungeon for the soldiers of the 
American Army. 

" It was known as the Middle Dutch Ohurch, and was built by the Knicker- 
bockers. Its pews were torn out and used as fuel, a floor was laid from one 
gallery to the other, thus dividing the building into two stories, and here three 
thousand prisoners were incarcerated. Poor men, here they were allowed 
neither fuel nor bedding, and their food was wretched and scanty. The weather 
was cold, and many died from cold and starvation. It is said even that 
their inhuman keepers poisoned many of them, in order to be rid of them and 
to possess themselves of their silver shoe and Icnee-bucldes and watches. This 
prison-house was bad enough, but worse still was Rhinelander's Sugar-Housej 
that stood in Liberty Street. It was a gray stone building five stories in height, 
very low between the ceilings, with very thick walls and small deep windows. 
This was, perhaps, the gloomiest of the improvised dungeons in the city. Bach 
story was divided into two compartments. The low ceilings and small windows 
made the ventilation very poor above-stairs, and the cellar, which was likewise 
used as a dungeon, was more miserable yet. The building was surrounded by a 
board fence nine feet high. Two British or Hessian soldiers paced on constant 
watch about it night and day. In this wretched place thousands of our soldiers 
were incarcerated. -They were huddled in so close that they could scarcely lie 
down. They were left for months without fire or blankets, or change of clothr 
ioK. Their food was sea-biscuit, mouldy and full of worms, and raw pork." 


St. Paul's Church or Ohapel, 

Standing on Broadway, between Fulton and Vesey streets, is another vener- 
able edifice, which escaped the Great Fire of 1776. It was built in 1766, and is 
surrounded by an ancient burying-ground.. 

The remains of Gen. Richabd Montgombrt, of Revolutionary fame, who 
was killed in the attack on Quebec, December 81, 1775, lie interred in St. Paul's 
Churchyard. He was a native of Ireland, born Dec. 2, 1736, being 39 years 
old at the time of his premature death. In 1818 the State of New York caused 
his remains to be removed from Quebec, where first interred, and placed be- 
neath the monument erected to his memory in the City of New York. 

Here also lie the remains of Thomas Addis Emmet, born at Cork, Ireland, 
a4th April, 1764 ; died in New York, 14th Nov. , 1827, aged 64 years. Hia tomb 
and monument are situated in the southeast part of the inclosure, at the corner 
of Broadway and Fulton Street. 

The Walton House. 

This ancient house is still standing — although in a dilapidated state — in 
Franklin Square, and is known as No. 326 Pearl street (formerly called Queen 
street). This building was erected in 1752 by Mr. William Walton, the des- 
cendent of a long line of ancestors, who were celebrated as " Merchant Princes." 
At the time of the Revolution, and for many years afterwards, it was the re- 
sort of the aristocratic citizens of New York. It is now a most interesting relic 
of olden times. An inscription, {Tlte Old Walton House,) coarsely painted in 
dingy white on its faded red walls, arrests the eye of the passing stranger. 
The First Official Journal Published in the United States. 

The paper was called The Gazette of the United Slates, and the' first number 
was published in the then village of New York, when Congress assembled here 
in April 1789. It contains the proceedings of the first Congress, and gives an 
account of General Washington's reception, saying that " he was wafted across 
the bay from New Jersey in a fiat barge by thirteen pilots dressed in white 
uniforms." There is also an account of the counting of the first electoral vote, 
of which Washington received only 69 out of a total of 138 votes, and a report 
of the inauguration exercises, which were postponed one day, because "it was 
an unfavorable season of the year for journeying. " The whole volume contains 
404 pages, with very few advertisements. The prospectus contains an an- 
nouncement that " by an arrangement made with the stages, subscribers at a 
-distance will be furnished with The Gazette." A complete set of The Gazette of 
(Tie United States is in the State Historical Society's Library at Albany. 

The whole record, either ancient or modirn, of this famous mart of money 
and power would take volumes to describe. " Mr. Gerard alone can do justice 
to its story in the old Dutch past, when it was ' De Cuigel ' of te Stadt Waal, or 


the walk at the city wall. But still, for the curiosity of the thing, we insert a list 
of the inhabitants of De Cuigel in 1665, names which the most diligent census 
taker will probably not be able to find in or out of ' the Street ' now-a-days. 
Here they are as somewhere gircn : Jan JansenVanLangendyck, JanTennitzen 
Molensaan, John Yidel, Abraham Kermer, Gridtje Schoonteenmergers, Jacob 
Jansen, Dirck de Wolspinder, Barent Ergbertzen, Dirck Van Clyff, Pieter Jan- 
sen. The latter name, however, has lived through the generations, and within 
memory of those of the present time." 

The principal event which (ettled the character of Wall Street as the center 
of interest in the city, and which brought about it the leading men of business 
and professional life, was the erection of the old City Hall, opposite Broad 
Street, in 1700, which building became afterward the Capitol of the United 
States, and the site of which is still used for public purposes, thus perpetuating 
the influence of the original selection of that site down to the present day. The 
City Hall remained in use for the objects for which it was erected about a cen- 
tury. After the Revolutionary "War this building received additional historic in- 
terest as the first place of meeting of the Congress of 1789, and the inauguration 
of George Washington as President 

The financial, or modern history of Wall Street, commenced soon after the 
Paace of 1783. The Bank of New York was the first banking institution estab- 
lished in this City, commencing operations in 1784, although not chartered until 
1791, the banking-house being located on the comer of Wall and William streets. 
It was followed by the Manhattan Company, incorporated in 1799, located at 
No. 23 Wall street ; by the Merchants' Bank, incorporated in 1805, located at 
25 Wall Street ; by the United States Bank, located at 38 Wall Street, about 
1805 ; by the Mechanics' Bank, incorporated in 1810, located at 16 Wall Street. 
These were the pioneer banking institutions, which were soon after rapidly in- 
creased in number. 

Insurance companies were in existence in this city still earlier than banks. 
" We believe," says Valentine, " the first institution of the kind after the Revo-^ 
lutionary War was called the Mutual Assurance Company. We find that in 
1815 there were already thirteen insurance companies established in Wall Street." 


By the Oldest Lawyer Lrvrao. 

Hon. Elbert Herbino, now in his ninety-eighth year, is still living in the city 
of New York. He was born on the 8th of July, 1777, at Stratford, Conn.^ 
and removed to New York when seven years of age. He says, on being inter- 
viewed: "I can remember New York when it scarcely extended above Ann 
street. It was a very different place then." The embryo Metropolis of 1790 


ho described as follows : " Above Ann street it was all country, only here and 
there a house. The wealthy inhabitants lived mostly below Wall street; 
others in Garden street and Rector street. The old Bridewell and Jail stood 
where now the City Hall Park is. James Duane is the oldest Mayor I can re- 
member." The population at that tune was 33,131. " The only theatre was in 
John street. The richest man at that time was Mr. Desbrosses. He had that 
reputation." Mr. Herring was educated at Princeton College ; admitted to the 
bar in December, 1799 ; and elected a Judge of the Marine Court in 1805. ".In 
early times," he remarlsed, " there was more morality, no doubt. At that time 
we had scarcely any foreigners ; we were all Yankees or Knickerbockers here 
in New York, and we were a very honest people. There was very little cheat- 
ing. Everybody who could afford it used to dress in broadcloth, very few in 
homespun garments." He remembered distinctly the first steamboat that ever 
went to Albahy in 1807. This remarkable living man attributed his old age to 
his moderation in all things, to his careful avoidance of excess in anything, and 
finally to the " Divine blessing." 

In 1830, forty years after the above statement refers to, the built portion of 
the city exteaded to Canal street on the West side, and to about Fourth street on 
the East side, parallel to the Bowery, near where stood Vauxhall Garden. Fourth 
avenue was then being opened and a hill leveled which stood on the east side 
of Union Square. 

About this period a series of street views was published by George M. 
Bourne, drawn and engraved by James Smillio and others, showing the then 
appearance of streets and public buildings. 


Copied from a series of historical articles relating to the City, being published 
in the New York Express in 1841 : 

" The fashionable part of the city," or West end of the town, " was in Wall and 
Pine streets, between Broadway and Pearl,— Pearl from Hanover square, (now 
part of Old slip) to John street, along State street and a part of Broadway, 
below Wall. Then the City Hall was not built, and on the site where it now 
stands was the rear of the Almshouse— the "hog-pen" of which inclosed the 
ground now the most beautiful part of the Park. The change is truly astonish- 
ing. In Wall street, for example, there now is but one family residmg in the 
whole street, and that is over a bank. Hardly an old building remains, and not 
one that is not so altered as to be totally different from what it was then. At 
the comer of Nassau street, stood the venerable Federal Hall, since torn down — 
a splendid row of dwellings was afterwards put up, which were subsequently 
torn down to give place to the new Custom House, now building.* Next below 
stood the elegant mansion of Mr. Verplanck, the brick of which were brought 
from Holland, and m its stead is the Bank of the State of New York. Next 

• United States Sub-Treasnry BiiUdinK. 


■was the residence of John Keese, now the Union Bank, less changed than any 
other building. This, however, on the first of May, is to be leveled with the 
ground and a new banking house to be put up. Between it and William street 
were the residences , of Francis B. Winthrop and Charles Wilkes — in the place 
of which are the Dry Dock Bank and Bank of America. On the lot where the 
United States Bank now stands was the elegant mansion of Gen. John Lamb, 
first Collector of the Fort and father of Alderman Lamb. This was considered 
not only the finest house, but was believed to be the grandest house that could 
be built. On the opposite side, where is now going up the massive new Mer- 
chants' Exchange, stood the residences of Thomas Buchanan, Mrs. White, and 
William C- Leflingwell. Mr. Jauncey, an English gentleman who lived in great 
style, occupied the building now rented by Messrs. Dykers dsAlstyne — his stable 
is the same now used by the Board of Brokers. The very room in which mil- 
lions of stock arc sold every week was then a hay-loft. 

" The watch-house was kept at the corner of Broad street, now used by Rob- 
inson for the sale of his caricatures. Baker's tavern, one of the most noted 
public houses, was at the corner of New street — a club met there nightly for 
more than half a century. Pine street has undergone still greater changes ; 
from Water street to Broadway, every house has been demolished. Then not a 
store was to be seen. The old French church, the sanctuary of the Huguenots, 
stood at the corner of Nassau ; its surrounding burying-yard contained the ashes 
of many of the most valued citizens. The Walcotts, Jays, Waddingtons, 
Badclifcs, Brinkerhoffs, Wells, and a host of others, resided in this street, with- 
out a thought that in less than forty, and even thirty years, not one brick then 
standing would remain on another. In Pearl street were the fashionable resi- 
dences of Samuel Denton, John Ellis, John J. Glover, John Mowett, Robert 
Lenox, Thomas Cudle, John Glendenning, John B. Murray, Governor Broome, 
Andrew Ogden, Governor George Clinton, Richard Varick, and a great number 
of others. Nearly all of these gentlemen are deceased. In Hanover square 
stood a block of buildings fronting Old slip and Pearl street. They have been 
all removed. The citjr in 1800 consisted of seven wards, now (1841) increased to 
seventeen." Population, 60,489. 


This celebrated and fashionable thoroughfare has for upwards of two hundred 
years' been the just pride of the City of New York. The ancient " Broad Way," 
as known to the early Dutch and English settlers, extending from the Bowling 
Green to the " Common," where now stands the City Hall. It was then, and for 
upwards of one hundred and fifty years, occupied as private dwellings, by the 
richest and most aristocratic residents. About one hundred years ago the street 
was opened through what was then known as the King's Farm, and the exten- 
sion beyond Chambers street was called Cheat Oeorge street, extending north to 
Broome street, then fields again intervened. The two early thoroughfares to the 
north part of the island was the road to Greenwich and the " Bowery Lane," or 
High Road to Boston. It was not until about 1835, forty years since, that the 
lower part of Broadway, below Wall street, was converted into stores. Then 
the business portion of the street extended to Canal street, above there were scat- 


teriog private residenpes to about Eighth street, with country residences be- 

For thirty years past Broadway has been rapidly extending northward, and 
lined with palatial public edifices, and magnificent places of business, while 
from time to time the old dwellings of former years have been demolished, as 
proceeded the march of improvement. 

Broadway of to-day extends for a distance of about five miles from the Bat- 
tery on the south, to Central Park on the north. The prominent edifices are 
Trinity Church; the Equitable Life Insurance BuUding ; the New York Mutual 
Life Insurance Oo.'s Building ; the Western Union Telegraph Company's Build- 
ing; the JEoening Post hwldiag; the Park Bank Building; the Herald Building; 
St. Paul's Church, an old edifice; Astor House, New Post Office Building; 
standing on the south end of the City Hall Park ; the City Hall, and Court House 
Buildings, facing on Chambers street; Alex. T. Stewart's wholesale dry goods 
store ; the New York Life Insurance Building ; St. Nicholas Hotel; Metropoli- 
tan Hotel; Grand Central Hotel; New York Hotel; Alex. T. Stewart's 
retail store; Grace Church; the Methodist Publishing and Missionary Building; 
and the Domtstic Sewing Machine Company's Building, facing Union Square. 
Above Fourteenth street the grandeur of the street is maintained, being lined 
with modem built edlSces, among which are conspicuous: Tiffany & Com- 
pany's Building ; Arnold, Constable & Go's Building; Lord & Taylor's Building; 
Fifth Avenue Hotel, facing Madison Square ; Grand Hotel and many other 
fine edifices. 

The lower part of Broadway from Wall street to Union Square presents the 
most stirring part of the city, being during the day filled with pedestrians, om- 
nibusses, and vehicles of almost every description. Around and above Union 
Square is where the gay and fashionable congregate and promenade during 
pleasant weather. 

" Here you may see the gayest of the gay, 
Their costly costumes with pride display." 
Banks of the State of New York, &C., 1806. 
[Copied from, Longworth's Direelory. ] 

Bask o» thb Uhttbd States, Philadelphia, Thomas Willing, President ; 
George Simpson, Cashier. 

Nbw Yobk Branch, Cornelius Ray, President ; Jonathan Burrall, Cashier. 

Baitk oir Nhw York, Matthew Clarkson, Treasurer; Charles Wilkes, Cashier. 

Manhattan Company, Daniel Ludlow, President ; Henry Remsen, Cashier. 

Mkrchantb' Bank, Joshua Sands, President ; Lynde Catlin, Cashier. 

Nbw York State Bank, Albany, John Taylor, President. 

Pabmebs'Bank op LANBtNOBURGH, John D, Dickinson, President; Hugh 
Peebles, Cashier. 

TBmmr ohukoh. 33 


[Copied from the New York Evening Post.\ 

" There is one feature in the history of Trinity Church which is different from 
that of any other church in this city. It has been thrice built on the same spot, 
while other places of worship have been removed with the changes of popula- 
tion. St. Paul's is the only old church which retains its original site, while 
the old Dutch structures have disappeared one by one, the last being used as a 
Post Office and the other as a Mission, the society having moved up town. 

" The first Trinity was built in 1696, under the direction of Governor Fletcher, 
in order to afford means of worship to the English families. The latter had 
been arriving in large number since the close of the Dutch domination, and it 
was necessary to furnish them a religious home. The plot was granted by the 
Crown, on condition that burials should be afforded at one shilling and sixpence 
for each grave, and it became at once the graveyard of the English colonists. 
The first church fronted the west, and its tower overlooked the expanse of the 
Hudson, whose beach was what is now Greenwich street. The building resembled 
the Gothic order, and its appearance is preserved in an old drawing which 
showed that it bad some pretensions to merit of style. It stood eighty years, all 
of which were times of much trouble. First, Indian warfare, then difficulties 
with adjacent colonies, the negro plot, the French and Indian war, and lastly, 
the revolution, during^ which it was destroyed. It was the church of the 
Governor and royal dignitaries, and it is possible that Washington, when a 
guest of Beverly Robinson, in 1756, may have been one of its congregation. 
Twenty years later it witnessed the mustering of the Continental army, with 
Washington at the head, and also the return of the routed forces from the bloody 
field of Long Island. Then followed the hurried retreat of the American 
troops, which had scarcely been accomplished when the great fire in 1776 broke 
out. It was the largest fire which America had ever witnessed up to that time, 
and its course of destruction included the old church. During the war religion 
waa little thought of, and as St. Paul's was open, all who desired could attend 
service there. When Washington returned in triumph he saw the ruins of the 
church, and they still encumbered the ground at the time of his inauguration. 
With returning prosperity the rebuilding of the church was discussed by such 
men as Jay, Duane, etc., and in 1788 a new Trinity was built and re-dedicated.' 
This building is remembered by many of our old citizens. One of the most 
important of the incidents connected with its history is the funeral of General 
Hamilton, when Gouverneur Morris delivered the eulogy from a stage erected 
before the porch. 

" The second Trinity was not so well built as its predecessor, for before it had 
Btood half so long it was pronounced unsafe, and was demolished to prevent its 
fall. For five years the work of reconstruction was carried on, under the 
care of the distinguished architect, Richard Upjohn, who saw it completed in 
1845. Mr. Upjohn has lived to superintend the construction of the new Trinity 
school-house, in the rear of the church, which is just finished. Trinity Church 
has for thirty years enjoyed pre-eminence in the ecclesiastical structures of the 
city, but the Roman Catholic Cathedral, when finished, will take precedence. 
Its spire is the chief landmark in a distant view of the city, and its cemetery is 
the spot of greatest historical interest in this neighborhood. Although burials 
there are forbidden by law, yet this prohibition does not reach the owners of 
vaults, and at least a half-dozen burials take place in this manner every year. 


Speaking of the burial-places suggests that the body of Daniel D. Tompkins 
rests beneath the shadow of St. Mark's Church, and that President Monroe was 
also buried in the same place. The body of the latter was claimed by the State 
of Virginia, in 1858, and was transported to Richmond under care of a guard of 
honor. This leaves Trinity Cemetery unequaled in this city as the resting- 
place of the illustrious dead.* 

" The uncertainties of the future are illustrated in a monument bearmg the 
following inscription : 

" In memory of Scrlba— 1796. 

" This name has long since disappeared from our city population, but Colonel 
Scriba was militia commander of some note, and had his regiment out at the 
reception of Washington when the latter came as the President elect. It is 
probable that the intention was to have the full name inserted after death, but 
this was neglected, and thus the monument is left perpetually defective. There 
are some very quaint epitaphs in Trinity burial-ground. How different, for in- 
stance, is the following stanza, dated 1747, from the Greenwood style : 

" "They Fled from Bciens of Mortal guilt 
Without Par Taking of the same 
Tbey left their bodies Sleeping here 
Till Christ do come the Second time.' 

" Another reads thus : ' Here Lyes Interred ye Body of Benjamin Thomas, 
Who Departed this lief Augt ye 1st 1744 as you ayer no So once Was I In helth 
and Strength thoe here I lye & as I am now so you must be Prepare for Death 
& follow me.' 

"Among other noticeable monuments is that one which commemorates 
William Bradford, the first printer that came to this city. This, however, is a 
copy, the original being in the rooms of the Historical Society. The epitaph is 
as follows: 'Here lies the Body of Mr. William Bradford, printer, who departed 
this life May 33, 1753. He was born in Leicestershire, in Old England, in 1660, 
and came over to America in 1080, before Philadelphia was laid out. He was 
printer to the government for upwards of fifty years, and being quite worn out 
with old age and labor, ho left this mortal state in the lively hope of a blessed 

" ' Beader reflect how soon you'll quit this stage ; 

Yon'll.flnd but few attain to such an age ; 

Life's full of pain. Lo I here'^ a Place of Hest, 

Prepare lo meet your God, then you are blest.' 

" When Benjamin Franklin came to this city in search of employment he ap- 
plied to Bradford for work, but was refused. There was at that time no chance 
for an additional printer, and Franklin therefore went to Philadelphia, making 
the journey on foot. Among other historical memorials is the vault of Colonel 
Marinus Willett, who distinguished himself during the Revolution. Also that 
of another Revolutionary character, which bears the following inscription : 
'Vault built in 1738. James Alexander, and his descendants by his son, 
William Earl of Sterling, and his daughter.' 

*The tomb of Peter Stnyresant, marked by a brown stone slab, la to be seen in St. Mark's 
Churchyard, with the following Inscription: 


Late Captain-Oeneral and Oovemor-in-Cnlef, of Amsterdam, 

In New Netherlands^now called New York,) 

And the Dutch West India Islands. 

Sled in A. 0. 167>^— Aged 80 years. 


** The history of the last mentioned person is in some points very remarkable. 
He was the only officer in the Continental army (except those of foreign birth) 
who bore a title — a fact which may thus be explained. William Alexander was 
born in this city, but he inherited a claim to an earldom and visited Scotland to 
contest it. He was imsuccessful, having spent a large part of his fortune in this 
vain attempt. When the Revolution began he entered the American service, 
and as an act of courtesy was called Lord Sterling, after the lost earldom. He 
had a command at Long Island, where he was taken prisoner, but was 
exchanged and resumed service. He was a devoted admirer of Washington, to 
whom he disclosed that cabal which disgraced the name of Conway. Lord 
Sterling was one of the oldest of the American officers, being Washington's 
senior by eleven years. He died in Albany in 1783, aged flfty-seven, and his 
body was brought to this city and deposited in the ancestral vault. The body 
of Bobert Fulton, the origmator of the first successful steamboat, was placed in 
the Livingston vault. It is to be noted that Fulton's death was caused by rowing 
across the Hudson River, where fifty steam ferryboats now ply. In 1815 Fulton, 
who had been attending an important lawsuit in New Jersey, desired to recross 
the river. He could not wait for the slow ferryboat, and therefore undertook to 
row. The distance is a mile, and he became overheated, took cold and fell into 
a rapid decline, which closed his career. On the south side of the inclosure 
stands the memorial of the great federalist whose tragic death adds a special 
interest even to the chronicles of genius. The inscription is as follows : 

To the memory of 

Alexander Hamiltoh, 

The corporation of Trinity Church haa erected 



In testimony of their respect 


The Patriot of incorruptible integrity 

The soldier of approved valor 

The statesman of consummate wisdom 

Whose talents and virtues will be admired 


Grateful posterity 

Xjong after this marble snail have mouldered into 


He died July 12, 1804, aged 47." 

" Hamilton's oldest son, Philip, had been buried in the plot a little more than 
ten years before his own death, both being victims of duelling. Mrs. Hamilton, 
after a half century of widowhood, was also buried here in 1854, having reached 
the unusual age of ninety-seven. The monument to Captain James Lawrence, 
of the Chesapeake, occupies a prominent position near the entrance. The 
cannon which surround the sarcophagus are trophies captured from the 
British during the war in which Lawrence fell. Lawrence was a native of 
Burlington, New Jersey. He died in his thirty-second year, and the rapid pro- 
motion which gave him command of a first-class ship shows the confidence 
reposed in his ability as well as the courage which he had displayed. Lieutenant 
Ludlow, who fell at the same time with his commander, was only twenty-one. 
The epitaphs on these fallen heroes are among the finest specimens in existence 
of this most difficult style of composition. On the reverse side is inscribed : 
" Julia Montauvert, widow of Captain James Lawrence, bom July 15, 1788. 
Died September 15, 1865." The Montauverts were an old New York family, 
and this unfortunate woman became a widow at twenty-five years of age, and 
remained in that condition until her death, a period of fifty-two years. 


In Trinity Churchyard, about forty feet southwesterly from tha south side of 
the church, is a plain brown stone slab, on which are inscribed the words: " The 
vault of Walter and Robert C. Livingston, sons of Robert Livingston, of the 
Manor of Livingston." Within that vault repose the remains of Robert 
FuLTOH. He was bom in 1765, in the town of Little Briton, in Pennsylvania, 
in the same neighborhood in which Benjamin West was born. He died in the 
City of New York, Feb. 24, 1815, aged 50 years. 

" Among other leading men whose names are recorded here is Albert Oallatin. 
His tomb is in the rear of the church, and bears an elaborate epitaph. Mr. 
Gallatin was a native of Switzerland, and few of our adopted citizens have 
exercised greater influence in American affairs. He was the only man of foreign 
birth who attained a seat in the Cabinet, having served as Secretary of the 
Treasury during three presidential terms. As a financier he was preeminent. 
Mr. Gallatin died in 1849, aged eighty-eight years. 

" The first rector of Trinity Church was the Rev. William Vesey, and the 
salary allowed him was £100 (f 500) a year, with a house. The sexton's fees were 
three shillings for ringing the bell at a funeral, six shillings for digging a grave 
and covering it, and three and sixpence for opening the church for marriages. 
Strangers were charged double. Vesey conducted the services for many years, 
and was succeeded by the Rev. Henry Barclay. Both of these names are 
attached to streets laid out through the original farm. After these came Auch- 
muty, Inglis, Provost, Moore, Hobart, Barrian and Dix, the latter being the pre- 
sent rector. After the Revolution the salary was fixed at £700, but at presentit 
is $12,000, with a costly and elegant rectory, 'fhe increase in the income of 
the church is now very rapid, m 1847 it was $58,000, but a late report of the 
Comptroller of the Corporation gives the amount as $500,000. The present 
stmcture was consecrated May 25, 1846, and its entire cost was $358,629. A 
curioys privilege of former days was that of burial in the chancel, which was 
obtained by the payment of a heavy fee. It cost £5 to bury the body of an 
adult in this sacred precinct ; children above ten years of age were charged half 
price, while all under ten were allowed admittance at five shillings. This was 
a relic of the old superstition concerning the sanctity of certain spots and the 
benefit conferred on the soul by such a disposal of the body." 

Trinity Parish now consists of seven churches, as follows : 

1. Trinity Glmrch, Broadway, head of Wall street. 

2. St. PauVa Chapel, (built in 1766,) Broadway, bet. Fulton and Vesey streets. 

3. St. Johrii OTiapa, (built in 1807,) Varick-street. 

4. Trinity Chapel, 25th street, near Broadway. 

5. St. Ghryaoatom's Chapel, 7th avenue, cor. 39th Street. 

6. St. AugustiTie'a Cliapel, 262 Bowery. 

7. St. Cornelius' Chapel, Governor's Island, New York Harbor. 

Charities, &c. 

There are numerous Charitable Institutions attached to the Parish at large, and 
. not connected with any particular church therein. 




The first steamboat built by Robert Fulton was the "Clermont," or "North 
Biver," 160 tons burden. This steamer was launched in the Spring of 1807, 
and finished in August following. In September the vessel made her first trip 
to and from Albany, 145 miles. She went to Albany in thirty-two hours and 
Teturned in thirty. " The inhabitants near the shores along the river were lost 
in wonder and regarded her m a phenomenon beyond their comprehension." 
The building of the steamer " Raritan," to be employed on the Raritan River, 
New Jersey, and the " Car of Neptune," of 295 tons, to be employed on the 
Hudson, followed. In 1811, the " Paragon, " of 331 tons, was built. In 1812, 
the "Fire Fly," of 118 tons, and the " Richmond," of 370 tons, to be also em- 
ployed on the Hudson. In 1813, the "Fulton," of 827 tons, to run on Long 
Island Sound. In 1818, the " Olive Branch," to be employed between New 
York and New Brunswick, N. J., and the " Chancellor Livingston," of 526 tons, 
to be employed on the Hudson. These vessels were all built in the Port of New 
York. The " Olive Branch " and " Chancellor Livingston " were built after Mr. 
J'ulton's death, which occurred in the City of New York February 24, 1815. 

IfflATORS OF THB OITT OF NEW YORK— During the Past 100 Tears. 


"WTiitehead Hicks 1766-76 

David Matthews (Revolutionary 

War) 1776-83 

James Duane 1784-89 

Richard Varick 1789-1801 

Ildward Livingston 1801-1803 

DeWitt Clinton, 

1803-07, 1808-10, 1811-15 

MarinusWillett.; 1807-08 

Jacob Radcliff. 1810-11, 1815-18 

John Furguson, March to June... 1815 

Cadwallader D. Colden 1818-21 

Stephen Allen 1821-23 

"William Paulding.... 1823-25, 1826-29 

Phillip Hone 1825-26 

Walter Bowne 1829-33 

Gideon Lee 1833-34 

Cor. W. Lawrence* 1834-37 

Aaron Clark 1837-39 


Isaac L. Varian 1839-41 

Robert H. Morris 1841-44 

James Harper 1844-45 

Wm. F. Havemeyer.. 1845-46, 1848-49 

Andrew H. Mickle^ 1846-47 

William V. Brady 1847.48 

Caleb 8. WoodhuU 1849-50 

Ambrose C. Kingsland 1851-52 

Jacob A. Westervelt 1853-54 

Fernando Wood 1855-58, 1860-61 • 

Daniel N. Tiemann 1858-59 

George Opdyke 1862.63 

C. Godfrey Gunther 1864-65 

JohnT. Hoffman 1866-68 

Thomas Coman (Pres. Board of 

Aldermen) .1868 

A. OakeyHall 1869-70 

Wm. F. Havemeyer 1871-74 

Wm. H. Wickham 1875-76 

* The flrst Mayor elected by the people of the City. 




New ToBK and op the United States at Diffbbent Pebiods. 

Tean. City. State. United States. 

1673 2,500 - 

1703* 20,067 

1831* 8,628 50,824 

1746* 61,589 . 

1756* 10,381 96,790 Est 1,250,000 

1771* 21,876 163,337t— . " - 2,500,000 

1786* 23,614 280,000 " 3,250,000 

1790.1st U. a Census,.. 33,131.: 340,120 -- 3,929,827 

1800.2dU.S. Census— 60,489 588,603 5,305,925 

1805- 75,770 

1810.3d U. S. Census... 96,373 961,888 7,339,814 

1815* 100,619 1,035,910 

1820.4thU.S; Census... 123,706. ....1,372,813... 9,638,131 

1825* 166,809 1,614,456. 

1880.5thTJ.S. Census... 202,589 1,913,131 13,866,92(> 

1835* ,.. 270,068 2,174,517 

1840.6th U. aCensus... 312,852 3,428,931 17,063,56ft 

1845* 371,333- ...2,604,495. 

1850.7th U.S. Census... 515,394 3,097,394. 33,191,87ft 

1855* 629,810 3,466,313 

1860.8thU.S. Census... 814,254 3,880,735 ..31,443,321 

1865* 726,386 3,831,777 ■ 

1870.9th U. 8. Census- . . 942,292 4,382,759^ 38,555,883 

1875* , 1,064,273 ...4,705,208 - 

NOTE.— The relative, proportion of tlie popalation of tbe Citr to tliat of tlie whole State has 
generally bees from one-dghtJiXa one-tenth; and the State of New York has home about the 
same relative proportion also to the whole United States. Of late years the City has been 
increasing in population faster than the State, 

The steady growth of the City of New York in population, commerce and 
wealth for the past two hundred years, has placed this favored Metropolis at the 
head of all the cities of America, while rivaling most of the cities of the civilized 
world, London and Paris alone exceeding it in several particulars. Including 
its immediate suburbs, it may be ranked as the second city on the globe. 


Copied pbom Valentine's SlANUAii, 1864. 
Giving the Names of all who were taxed on Personal Estate of $20,000 and 

"Sixz. KiSEasassi, 1820. 

Adams, John , $ 25,000 

Anthony, Widow 25,000 

Aspinwall, John M 400,000 

Kahe. Assessubnt, 1830. 

Astor, John Jacob ..(?) $10,000^ 

Bailey, Benjamin. 25,000 

Bates, Frederick G. 50,000 

*State census. tOf whom 19,863 were blacks, JOf whom 52,061 were colored. 



Name. . Absebsment, 1820. 

Bayard, Robert. |30,000 

Bayard, William 70,000 

Beekman, Henry 20,000 

Beekman, Stephen D 25,000 

Bethune, Divie 80,000 

Blackwell , Joseph 20,000 

Boardman, Daniel. 60,000 

Bogart, James. 40,000 

Bogga, James 20,000 

Botton, Curtis 65,000 

Boorman, James .■ ■. 20,000 

Brinckerhoff, Abraham 60,000 

Bronson, Isaac 50,000 

Brown, Robert 20,000 

Buchanan, George 20,000 

Buchanan, Mrs. Thomas 20,000 

Buck, Gordon 20,000 

Byers, James 20,000 

Byrnes, Thos. L 30,000 

Cairns, William^ 30,000 

Carow, Isaac 20,000 

Chauncey, Commodore...... 30,000 

Clark, John 25,000 

Clarkson, Thos. L 20,000 

Clendening, John..^ lOOiOOO 

Coles, Benj. A 20,000 

Colvill, John 26,000 

Coster, Henry A. (Estate of). 600,000 

Coster, John G 300,000 

Dash, John B 25,000 

De Forest, Benj 20,000 

DeRUam, H. - 60,000 

De Wolf, James 15,000 

Douglas, Mrs. M 100,000 

DuBois, Cornelius 25,000 

Dunham, David 60,000 

Duyckinck, Evert 15,000 

Eckford, Henry : 60,000 

Edgar, William 140,000 

Edgar, Wm.N 30,000 

Ellison, Thomas 30,000 

Flock, John 25,000 

Foster, Andrew 20,000 

Qantley, Daniel 20,000 

Gardner, J. (Executor) 40,000 

Gebhard, Frederick 30,000 

Gelston, David 40,000 

Giraud, Jacob P 20,000 

Goelet, Peter P 60,000 

Gracle, Archibald 20,000 

Name. , Assebbment, 18!20. 

Grlswold, George $22,000 

Hadden.David 20,000 

Haggerty, John 25,000 

Haight,B.&H „.... 20,000 

Harmony, Peter , 55,000 

Harrison, Richard ^ 30,000 

Hart, Peter G 30,000 

Hazard, Thomas _ 20,000 

Heevey, Cornelius ^ , 20,000 

Hendricks, Herman 80,000 

Heyer, Isaac 20,000 

Hicks, Samuel 60,000 

Hone, John. 60,000 

Hone, Philip 60,000 

Howard, William 35,000 

Howland.G. G- ,20,000 

Howland, John H 25,000 

Hoyt, Gould 20,000 

Hubbard, David G. 20.000 

Jauncey, William 120,000 

Jenkins, Widow. 20,000 

Jones, Isaac 20,000 

Jones, Joshua 60,000 

Jones, Margaret 20,000 

Eissam, Michael 8 15,000 

Lambert, David R 20,000 

Larue, Lewis 25,000 

Laverty, Henry 20,000 

Lawrence, A. H 30,000 

Lawrence, Richard R 25,000 

Lawrence, William 50,000 

Leake, John G 50,000 

Leggett, Samuel 50,000 

Lenox Robert. . .-. 160,000 

Leroy, Herman 80,000 

LeRoy, Robert. 40,000 

Levy, Jacob 20,000 

Little, Jonathan 25,000 

Livingston, Brockholst^ 30,000 

Livingston, Robert L 30,000 

Lorillard, Jacob 60,000 

Low, Nicholas 20,000 

Ludlow, Gulian 20,000 

Lutson, Arthur 20,000 

McAdam, Ann. 20,000 

McOormick, Daniel 25,000 

McFarland 30,000 

Moore, B 60,000 

Mowatt, John J 40,000 

Nichols, Edward H 40,000 



Kaux. Absbssuikt, 1820. 

Nixon, Thomas $20,000 

Ogden, Jonathan 20,000 

Oothout, Catharine 25,000 

Oothout, Mrs , 25,000 

Overing, Heniy 70,000 

Pierson, Isaac... 20,000 

Post, Gerardus 20,000 

Post, William 25,000 

Prime, Nathaniel 75,000 

Rankin, Henry 25,000 

Kay, Cornelius 60,000 

Remsen, Daniel - 25,000 

Remsen, Peter 50,000 

Rhinelander, William 30,000 

Robbins, John 30,000 

Rogers, Benj. W 25,000 

Rogers, Henry 30,000 

Rogers, Moses 60,000 

Rogers, Nehemiah 20,000 

Roosevelt, James 20,000 

Salles, Lawrence 50,000 

Sanford, Nathaniel 40,000 

Schermerhorn, John S 25,000 

Schonnerhorn, Peter. 60,000 

Shepherd, Allen. 28,000 

Sherred, Jacob 80,000 

Shotwell, Joseph 20,000 

Smith, Edmund 50,000 

Smith, Gamaliel 20,000 

Total Assessed Valuation of property (1820), $69,530,758 ; total City and State 
Tax, $339,891.94. 

Note. — ^For the purpose of illustrating the great change that has taken place 
in regard to individual wealth, during the past fifty years, we quote the above 
List of Bich Men of 1830, residing in the City of New York, most of whom are 
remembered by many persons now living. Accumulated wealth is now counted 
by the miUions instead of the tens and hundred thousand as in former days. 
During the past thirty or forty years the immense wealth, extravagance and cor- 
ruption in City affairs have rapidly increased. 

NAin. AaBKaBKiMT, 1820. 

Smith, Jotham $25,000 

Smith, Thomas H. Jr 180,000 

Stewart, Alex. L 25,000 

St. John, Samuel 25,000 

Storm, Garret -. 23,000 

Strong, Benj 28,000 

SufEem, Thomas.,. 20,000 

Swan, Benj. L 80,000 

Taylor.John 35,000 

Thompson, Francis 50,000 

Thompson, G.L 25,000 

Thompson, Jame? 90,000 

Thompson, Jeremiah 30,000 

Thome, Stephen 35,000 

Tibbets, Mrs 60,000 

Trumbull, Col. John 25,000 

Vandenheuvel, John C 110,000 

Van Wyck, Stephen 25,000 

Varick, Richard 70,000 

Walton, Gerard 60,000 

Ward, Samuel 25,000 

Watts, John 30,000 

White, Eve 20,000 

Wliitney, Stephen 100,000 

Wilkes, Charles 20,000 

Wilson, William 85,000 

Wright, Isaac 25,000 

Youle, George 85,000 

FORTY YEARS SINOB j or, " New York as It Was and as It Is." 
Having in the year 1838-34, published an original Work, entitled " New York 
As It la,"* edited by the late Edwin Williahb, and continued the same from 
year to year, until 1837, we present, in brief, the changes that have occurred in 
the City of New York during the past forty years ; taking up the subjects as 
they appeared in the original volumes. 

* John Distubnbu., 155 Broadway. 


Hablem Railroad. 
"T?ielfe\e York and Harlem Bailroad Company -was incorporated in 1881, 
'witii a capital of $350,000, for the purpose of constructing a railroad from the 
central part of the City to Harlem. The road is completed from Prince Street to 
Yorkville, 6 miles ; a single track is laid on granite sleepers, in the best manner, 
from Prince Street to Union Place, where a double track commences, and which 
is laid on granite sleepers to Twenty-third, and on wood as far as Eighty-fourth 
Street, or Yorkville. The road was begun to be used as far as Murray Hill in 
June, 183-3 ; and up to Feb. , 1834, the total number of passengers carried was 
89,094 For several months cars drawn by horses have been in operation from 
Prince Street to Yorkville, and they now run as often as once in each half -hour 
every day in the week. The fare for each passenger is 13^ cents," 

Stage Lines, 1834. 

Lines ef 8ta,ga, dMnng close of navigation, from December to March, ran 
daily from Cortlandt Street to Albany, on both sides of the Hudson River.' 

Steamboats and Stage Lines also ran to Philadelphia. Office, No, 1 Cortlandt 

Stages run daily, carrying the United States Mail, to New Haven, Boston, Ac 

Stages started from Brooklyn Ferry, Fulton Street, every hour, for diflferent 
parts of Long Island; also, from foot Cortlandt Street, hourly, for different 
parts of New Jersey. 

CrrY Staqes and Omnibusses ran through Broadway and the Bowery to Four- 
teenth Street, and to the Dry Dock, East River ; also, to Yorkville, Harlem and 
Manhattan ville. 

"Supply of Water, 1834." 

" The city is destitute of a supply of good and wholesome water, and various 
plans have been prepared at different times, for obtaining an adequate quantity 
of an element so essential to the health, convenience and comfort of the citizens. 
The Bronx and Croton Rivers have been suggested as sources of supply ; also the 
Passaic at Paterson, New Jersey. The .quantity of water required for the sup- 
ply of the city, is estimated at over four millions of gallons per day, or 20 gal- 
lons for each person, including manufacturers, stables, &c." 

Manhattan Water Works, 

" In 1779, the Manhattan Company was incorporated, with a view to supply the 
City with pure and wholesome water. TJhe charter is perpetual, and the capital 
$2,050,000, the surplus funds being eniployed in banking. From this law 



originated the Manhattan Bank. The Companj had, by the charter, the control 
over the streams and springs on New York Island, and the County of Westches- 
ter, for the above object. Their works were situated in Beads street, a short 
distance north of the City Hall. The water is raised by two steam engines, 
from a well in Cross street, elevated 15 feet above Broadway, from whence the 
water is distributed in iron and wooden pipes to the lower part of the City." 

Proposed Supply of Water from -the Oroton and Bronx Rivera, — ^1834. 

" Surveys of routes and estimates of the expense of bringing water to the 
City, from the Croton and Bronx Rivers, have been recently made by order of 
the corporation. An Act passed the Legislature of the State, May 2, 1834, 
' to provide for supplying the City of New York with pure and wholesome 
water,' by which the Governor and Senate are authorized to appoint five citizens, 
to be called ' Water Commissioners,' who are to examine and consider all 
matters relating to the subject, cause surveys to be made, and adopt such plans 
as they may deem most advantageous. Said commissioners selected were, 
Stephen Allen, Benjamin M. Brown, Charles Busenbeny, Samuel Alley and 
William W. Fox. Jf ,a majority of the electors are found to be in favor of the 
measure to be reported by the conmiissioners, the Common Council are author- 
ized to raise by loan, $3,500,000. The united streams which can be brought to 
the City in an aqueduct, are estimated to aSord a daily supply of 33 millions 
of gallons. The total length of the aqueduct which is proposed to be constructed 
of mason work, will be about 47 miles, and the estimated expense (exclusive 
of pipes in the City), is from five to six millions of dollars." 


Presbyterian 33 

Episcopalian.. 34 

Methodist 19 

Baptist 18 

Dutch Reformed 15 

Roman Catholic 6 

Friends 4 

Universalists 3 

Jews 3 

Lutheran 2 

Unitarian 3 

Independent... 2 

Moravian 1 

Miscellaneous 3 



BANKS— 1834. 

Branch Bank of the United States, chartered April, 1816, to endure 20 years. 
Capital of the parent bank, $.35,000,000 ; New York branch employed $3,500,000. 
There were twenty-one State Banks and three Savings' Banks ; twenty-four Fire 
Insurance Companies, and eleven Marine Insurance Companies ; also one Life 
Insurance and Trust Company, incorporated March 9th, 1830, with a capital of 



The total Population of the City of New York in 1830 was 202,589. In 1833, 
the total expenses of the City were $938,829.76. The City was then divided into, 
fifteen Wards — now twenty-four Wards. 

Assessed value of Real Estate -...$114,124,566 00- 

" Personal Property : 52,366,976 00 

Total Valuation (1833) ...: $166,491,542 00 

The above Statements show the rapid increase of, the City of New York 
during the past fort;/ years. Then' there was no Oroton Water Works m Central 
Park; no Locomotives running into the City ; no Steamships, Telegraphs or Express, 

Lines of Steamers Running from New York, 1861-62. 

The Bkitish and North Amekican Eotal Mail Steamers— (Cunard Line) 
commenced running from Liverpool to Boston and New York in 1840, being 
the first line of European Steamers established. In 1852, the fleet consisted of 
the America, Asia, Africa, Arabia, Canada, Cambria, Europa, Magara and 
Persia. The Boston ships only calling at Halifax, N-. 8. 

E. CcNARD, Jr., Agent, 88 Broadway. 

New York and Liverpool U. States Mail Steamers (or ColliKs Line), 
commenced running in 1850. The steamer Atlantic, Capt. West, made the first 
trip from New York, April 27, 1850. The ships consisted of the AHantie, 
Adriatic, Arctic, Baltic and Pacijic*. These ships were built by contract expressly 
for Government service, every care being taken in their construction, as also in 
their engines, to ensure strength and speed. 

E. K. Collins & Co., Agents, 56 Wall Street. 

New York and Havre Steam Navigation Company. The TJ. States Mail 
Steamers, the Ifranklin and Humboldt, formed the line from New York to Havre 
and Southampton, England. 

Mortimer LrviNSSTON, Agent, 53 Broadway. 

Ocean Steam Navigation Company. — United States Mail Line to Southampton 
and Bremen. Steamers Hermann and Washinffton. 

Mollbr, Sand & Co., Agents, 26 South Street. 

United States Mail Steamship Company, for Havana, New Orleans, King- 
ston and Chagres, N. G., connecting with the Pacific Mail Steamers at Panama.. 

M. O. Roberts, 177 West Street. 

Vandbrbilt's New Line op Steamships, for California, by the way of Nica- 
ragua. Office, No. 9 Battery Place, New York. 

The above six lines of Ocean Steamers, most of them American built, were 
running from and to New York in 1852. 

*The Pacific foundered at eea, and the Arctic was sank in mid ocean, Sept. 27, 1854. 


Railroads Finished and Running from New 7ork in 1862. 

New York and Harlem Railroad, incorporated in 1831, was opened to 
Dover Plains, Dutchess County, in 1851, and completed to Chatham Pour Cor- 
ners, Columbia County, in the year 1852, liJO miles, connecting with the Albany 
and Went StockMdge Eailroad, forming a through railroad route from New Yorlc 
to Albany. Capital, $8,000,000; cost of construction, $10,128,765. 

HtJDSON RrvEK Railroad, chartered in May, 1846 ; capital, $4,000,000. This 
Toad was completed in October, 1851, at a total cost for construction and equip- 
ment, to October, 1857, of $12,845,757. It started from the depot in Chambers 
street, in the City of New York, and ran on the east side of the Hudson River, 
through the counties of Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess, Columbia and Rensse- 
laer to East Albany, a distance of 144 miles, connecting with the Troy and 
OreenlmsJi Bail/road, 6 miles in length. 

Long Island Railroad, chartered in 1834, with a capital of $1,500,000. The 
first run over the entire line, 96 miles, from Brooklyn, to Greenport,.L. I., was 
made on the 27th July, 1844, and the road was formally opened for public use 
on the 9th of August, following. A branch road runs from Junction to Hemp- 
stead, 2i miles, and another from Hlcksville to Syosset, 4J miles. Total cost of 
construction, $2,555,986. 

New York and New Haven Railroad was incorporated in 1844,' by the 
legislature of Connecticut, and in 1846 by the Legislature of the State of New 
York. The road proper is 63 miles in length, extending to the Citjr of New 
York from Williams' Bridge, 14 miles further. At William's Bridge it forms a 
Junction, New York and Harlem Railroad. The whole distance traversed by 
the cars is 76 miles, connecting with the Bbusaionie Baitroad at Bridgeport, 
Connecticut. It was finished in 1852, at a cost of $5,483,221, being upwards of 
$80,000 per mile. 

New York and Erie Railroad. This important Company was first incor- 
porated in 1882, with a capital of $10,000,000. It extends from Jersey City, 
•opposite the City of New York, to Dunkirk, situated on Lake Erie, ^ miles 
south of Buffalo. It is 460 miles in length, with a branch terminus at Piermont, 
24 miles north of New York, 18 miles m length. It was finished in May, 1851, 
at a total cost, to September, 1857, of $39,081,468. It runs through the counties 
of Rockland, Orange (part of Pennsylvania), Sullivan, Delaware, Broome, Tioga, 
Chemung, Steuben, Alleghany, Cattaraugus, and Chatauqua to Lake Erie, thus 
uniting, by one direct route, the Atlantic with the Great Lakes of America. A 
branch road has since been completed from Hornellsville to Buffalo and Niagara 
FaUs. - 

In addition to the above Railroads running from the Citv of New York in 
1852, there were finished and running in New Jersey the Gamden and Aniboy 
Jiaih-oad, and the New Jersey Baikoad, extending to Philadelphia, 90 miles; also, 
the Morris and Essex Bailroad, and the Paterson and Hudson Biver BaUroad. In 
1852, the Central Bait/road of New Jersey was finished from Jersey Ci^.to White 
House, N. J., 50 miles from New York; since completed to Easton, Penn. 

The Railroads and branches, now centering in the City of New York (1875), 
extend to all parts of the Union, connecting with steamers on all the navigable 
rivers and lakes of the United States and Canada. 

It was not until the middle of the 19th Century (1850) that Steamships and 
Railways were fairly inaugurated in the United States— now both systems are 
nearly complete, involving an immense amount of capital. 


In the Early History of New York— 1609 to 1784— a Period of 176 Tears 

1609. — (Sept. 6.) A boat's crew from Hudson's vessel (then anchored •within 
Sandy Hook) passed through the "Narrows," and discovered Manhat- 
tan Island. Sept. 11. The "Half Moon," of 80 tons, anchored in what 
is now the Bay of New York, and afterwards proceeded up the Hudson 
River to above Albany. 

1610. — ^Hudson's last voyage in search of a Northwest Passage was begun in 
April of this year, sailing in the bark "Discovery," from England. 
He passed along the coast of Labrador and discovered the great bay 
which bears his name, and wintered there. He was, however, cruelly 
deserted by a mutinous crew, and left to perish with his son John, 
having never been heard from. 

1611. — A vessel dispatched by Amsterdam merchants to Manhattan Island to 
establish a trading depot. . 

1613. — The trading post on this island consisted of four houses. 

1614. — A fort was erected on the south end of the Island, and further settlements 

1631. — The Dutch West India Company chartered. 

1624. — Peter Minuit arrived at Manhattan Island as Director. 

1636. — The Island of Manhattan, estimated then to contain 33,000 acres, pur- 
chased from the Indians for $34. 

1639. — Charter of privileges to the Colonists granted. 

1633. — Director Minuit returned to Holland. 

WouTER Van Twillbr arrived as Director. 

1633. — The first church erected of wood, in the present Bridge street, the 

dominie or pastor being the Rev. Bverardus Bogardus. 
1635. — The first English settlers domiciled in New Amsterdam. 
1638. — WiiiLiAM KiBFT succeeded Van Twiller as Director. 
1641. — The first war between the Dutch and Indians commenced. 
1642. — A new stone church commenced within the walls of the fort. 

The first city lots granted to individuals ; before that, all were " squatters. ' * 

1643, — The suburbs of New Amsterdam devastated by the Indians. 

1647. — Peter Stuyvesant succeeds Kieft as Director-General. 
1648. — Every Monday declared a market day. 

A wooden wharf completed on the East River on the present line of 

Moore street. 
1653. — A municipal form of government granted to the City. 
1653, — Palisades erected along the outskirts of the town (along Wall street) in 

apprehension of invasion by the English. 

A City Hall first established at the head of Coenties Slip. 

The first magistrates (burgomasters and schepens) appointed. 

1655. — The city attacked by a baud of savages, who were repulsed with loss. 
1656.— The city surveyed, and the streets (17 in number) laid down on a map. 

A Census of the City taken, giving 130 houses and 1,000 inhabitants. 

The first houses built in Wall street. 

1657. — The ditch through Broad street sided up with boards. 

First Treasurer of the City appointed (Van Cortland). 

1658. — Several of the streets first paved with stone. 

A market-house for sale of meat erected on present site of Bowling 

Green, being the first market-house in the city. 


Fire buckets and hooka and ladders first furnished for the town. 

Slaves only to be ■whipped upon application to the burgomasters. 

The first public well dug in Broadway. 

1659. — Brick and tiles imported from HoUand. 

A foreign trade first allowed to merchants of this city. 

A day of prayer set apart in New Amsterdam on accoimt of the progress 

of Quaker doctrines. 

1660. — ^IVIade the duty of Sheriff to go around the city in the night; but he com- 
plains that the dogs attack nim; also, that the people occasion frights 
by halloing "Indian" in the night. 

1664. — The City surprised and taken by the English, and the name changed to 
Jfew York. Col. Riciiakd Nichols, Governor of the Province. 

The name of Fort Amsterdam changed to Fort James. 

Population of the City, 1,500. 

1665. — Manhattan Island incorporated under thegoTemment of a Mayor, Alder- 
men and Sheriff. 

Jury trials first established in this City. 

The City Records kept in both Dutch and En^ish. 

1668. — Col. Fkaucis Lovelace succeeds Nichols as Governor. 

1669. — The Duke of York sends the Mayor and Aldermen civic gowns, a Silve." 
Mace and a City Seal. 

1673. — The City retaken by the Dutch, and the old order of Municipal Govern- 
ment re-established. Anthony Colve appointed Governor. 

1674. — The City and Province ceded to England by the Dutch, and the name of 
New Tm-k finally restored. Sir Edmottd Andkos, Governor. 

1676. — Persons permitted to cut wood on any part of the Island at the distance 
of a mile from habitation. 

The open ditch in Broad street converted into a sewer. 

1677. — Seven public wells first erected in the streets of the city, " For the pub- 

lique good of the cytie." 
1678. — An Admiralty Court established. 
1683. — Population about 2,000 whites, besides negroes and slaves; number of 

houses 207, besides bams and sheds. 
1683. — Col. Thomas Dongan, Governor. 

Dongan's charter granted. Citjr divided into six "Wards. 

1684. — ^Aldermen and Common Councilmen first chosen by the people. 
1685. — Assessors' valuation of property, £75,694. 

1686. — Seal of the City, with the inscription "Sigillum Novi Eboraci," pre- 

. sented. . 
1688. — ^Wall street laid out thirty-six feet wide. 

1691. — Col. Slaughter, Governor. The latter died suddenly the same year, and 
was succeeded by Major Richahd Ingoldsby. 

A ducking stool (for punishment of criminals) erected on the wharf in 

front of the City Hall. 
1693.TT-rThe present Pine, Cedar and adjoining streets laid out through old 
Damen farm. 

(August.) Col. Benjamin Fletcher arrives as Governor. 

1693. — The first printing press established by William Bradford. 

A bridge built by the City at " Spiken Devil." 

1695. — The streets cleaned by contract at £30 per annum. 

1696. — The first Trinity Church erected; also, the first Dutch Church in Garden 
street commenced. 


1697. — Lamps first bung out from every seventh house, upon a pole extending 

from the window. 
1698. — (April.) Eakl Bellamont arrives as Governor. 
1699. — The old palisades in Wall street demolished. 

A new City Hall (in Wall street) erected. 

A market-house erected at Coenties Slip. 

1701. — Earl of Bellamont died in this city. 

A market-house erected at the present Old Slip. ; 

1702. — (AliiJ^-) Lord Lounsbuby arrived as Governor. 

1703. — Trinity Churchyard granted to the Church by the city. '' 

Population of the city, 5,250. 

1704. — French Church in Pine street erected. 

1707. — Broadway paved from Wall street to Bowling Green. 

1708. — LoBD Lovelace arrives as Governor. 

1709. — Market-bouse built foot of Wall street. 

1710. — ^Luthern Church erected, corner Broadway and Rector street. 

Col. HuNTEH arrives as Governor. 

1711. — Ordered that negro slaves, for hire, stand in rank in the market-bouse, 

foot of Wall street. 
1712. — Broadway, between Maiden Lane and the present Park, levelled. 

First negro plot in New York, in which several whites were killed; nine- 

teen negroes were executed. 
1714. — First application for authority to raise a yearly tax, (£120) for support of 

the City (not granted). 
1719. — Presbyterian Church in Wall street erected. 
1720. — William Buknet appointed Governor. 
1735. — The first newspaper (the New York Gazette), published in this City by 

William Bradford. 
1728. — -John Montgomekib, Governor. 
1729. — Dutch Church in Nassau street erected. 

1730. — Stages run to Philadelphia, once a fortnight, in the winter months. 
1731. — Gov. Montgomeiie died; Bip Van Dam, Lieutenant-Governor. 

City divided into seven Wards. 

1732. — Market-house erected at foot of Fulton street, North river, for accom- 
modation of people from New Jersey. 

William Corbt appointed Governor. 

1734. — A work-bouse erected in the present Park. 

Cortlandt street laid out, and ceded to the city. 

1735. — City watch increased to ten men and two constables. 
1730. — Gov. Corby died; Gbobgb Claekb, Lieutenant-Governor. 
1737.— Trinity Church rebuilt. 

1739. — Market-house erected in Broadway, opposite Maiden Lane, 

1741. — The Negro plot; several houses set on fire; many negroes and several 

whites executed. 
1743. — Gbobge Clinton appointed Governor. 

The Newspaper called the "Postboy," published by James Parker. 

1746. — King's College (now Columbia) first proposed. 

1749. — Beekman and contiguous streets regulated. 

1750.— Pearl street regulated from Franklin Square to Chatham street, 

1753, — The first Merchants' Exchange erected at foot of Broad street. 

St. George's Chapel, in Beekman street, erected. 

(January.) The East Biver frozen over, so that a ^double-horse sleigh 

■passed over to Long Island. 


1753. — SiK Danvbrs Osborn, Governor, died soon after his arrival. James 

DbiaSct, Lieut. -Governor. 
1754. — King's College established under a royal charter. 
1755. — Feriy established to Staten Island. 

Sm CnABLES Hakdy, Governor. 

1757. — (May.) Troops embark from this city, destined for Canada. 

1760. — Cadwalladeb Colden, Lieutenant-Governor. 

1761. — Severe Winter; the Bay and Narrows frozen over. 

1762. — RoBEKT MoNCKTON appointed Governor. 

1763. — Powles Hook (Jersey City) ferry established. 

1764. — Methodist Church in Jolm street erected; (still standing.) 

(June 13.) Sandy Hook light-house lighted for the first time. 

1765. — Henry Moore appointed Governor. 

(October.) Merchants resolved not to import goods from England, owing 

to opposition to the Stamp Act. 
1766. — ^The first liberty-pole erected in this city in the present Park. 

News of the repeal of the Stamp Act arrived in this city. 

1768. — The Brick Church, Beekman street, opened for religious service. 

1769. — The use of the Exchange in Broad street granted to the Chamber of 

1770. — Statue of George HI. erected on Bowling Green. 

John, Earl op Dunmore, Governor. 

1771. — William Tryon, Governor. Population of the city, 21,163. 

1772. — New York Society Library Incorporated. 

1773.— The first stone of New York Hospital laid by Gov. Tryon; the last of 

the British Governors. 
1774. — Hoboken Ferry established. 
1775. — Hostilities commence between the Colonies and Great Britain. 

(August.) The British frigate Asia fired on the town. 

1776. — (April 14.) Washington arrived in this city from Boston, after expelling 
the British. 

The American army in the city numbered 10,235 men. 

(August 23.) The British Army destined to attack New York, landed at 

Gravesend, L. I. 

(August 27.) Battle of Long Island, resulting in the defeat of the Ameri- 

cans, with severe loss. 

(Sept. 15.) The British landed at Kipp's Bay; the American army re- 

treated to Harlem. 

(Sept. 21.) Great fire in New York, destroying 493 houses, including 

Trinity Church. 

(November.) Battle between Americans and British at Fort Washington; 

the Americans defeated. 
1777.— (Sept.) A British expedition set out from New York, under General relieve Burgoyne at Saratoga. 
1778. — (Aug. 7.) Second great fire in New York, consumed 300 houses. 
1779-80. — ^This Winter was very severe; a beaten track for sleighs and wagons 

extended across the Hudson to Jersey City and Staten &land. 
1781-82. — The British retained possession of New York. 

A Map of the City issued this year (1782), which appears in this volume. 

1783.— (Nov. 25.) The City of New York evacuated by the British, after the 

declaration of peace; General Washington and his army entered the 
City in triumph. Population of the City of New York (1784), 23,014. 



OLD INSTITUTIONS— Prior to 1800. 
CoLTOnsiA College (Formerly King's College).— T:\i\s venerable Institution was 
estabhshed under a royal charter in the year 1754, which has been conflrmed by 
various acts of the Legislature since the Revolution, the principal of which is 
that of the 13th April, 1787. 

CiiAMBEn OP Commehcb of tiie State of New York.— First organized in 
April, 1768, is one of the oldest Institutions in the City. (See page—.) 

The " SociETT of the Cincinnati" was formed by the OlHcers of the Army 
of the Revolution, June 19, 1783, of which, in 1786, the following was a list of 

0#cer«— Alexander McDougall, Esq., President; Baron Steuben, Esq., Vice- 
President; Philip Cortlandt, Esq., Treasurer; Robert Pemberton, Esq., Sec. 

Society for PKOMOTma the Manumission of Slaves. Meets at the Coffee 
House in "Wall street. 

officers for 1786. 

Hon. John Jay, Esq., President; John Murray, Jr., Treasurer; Samuel Frank- 
lin, Vice-President; John Keese, Esq., Secretary. 

General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen. — Chartered March 14, 
1793; was early organized in the City of New York. (See page 103.) 

officers for 1786. 

Robert Boyd, Chairman; John Burger, Deputy Chairman; Hugh Walsh, 
Treasurer; James Bingham, Secretary, 

Mutual Assurance Company, organized in 1787. Name changed in 1841 to 
Knickerbocker Fire Insurance Company.- 

Bank of New York, first organized in 1784; chartered March 21, 1791. 

In 1688, the Ci^ of New York was divided into six Wards, under the desig- 
nation of South, East, North, West, Dock, and Out Ward. 

The Montgomerie Charter, dated January 15, 1730, designates, in addition to 
the above, the boundaries of the " Montgomerie " Ward. 

By an Act of the Colonial Government, passed Feb. 38, 1791, the Wards are 
designated numerically from 1 to 7, and the bounds of each described. 

By an Act of the Legislature, passed March 8, 1803, the Wards were increased 
to nine, and boundaries described. 

The 10th Ward was erected from the 7th in March, 1808. 

The 11th and 13 Wards were formed, and the boundaries all described by an 
Act passed April 35, 1835. 

13th Ward was erected from the 10th Ward, Act April 6, 1837. 










6th and 8th 

< .< 


' Marcl 


• " 




t (( 


' April 






' June 

hester County. " ' 


I 23, 1832. 
16, 1835. 

1, 1837. 
19, 1846. 

6, 1850. 

9, 1851. 
27, 1853. 
22, 1853. 
33, 1873. 

*The 6th Ward formerly Included that porllon of the 14th Ward which lies BOnth of Grand 
Street ; the remainder of the Mth Ward was taken from the 8th Ward. 




1776 TO 1783. 
Copied from an Address by John Austin Stevens, Esq. 

" On the 15th of September, 1776, (soon after the disastrous battle on Long 
Island,) the British troops took possession of the city, and in their train were 
refugees from all sections. Later, traders and speculators came in hordes by 
every transport fleet from Great Britain, and a large business sprung up in the 
purchase and sale of army supplies, but the city itself found no profit in this 
abnormal traflSc. The streets and buildings were allowed to go to decay, with 
the exception of temporary repairs for sanitary reasons, and the glories of the 
once thriving city were but a story of the past. 

"Two terrible conflagrations added to the measure of distress and ruin. 
Hardly had the British troops taken possession ere (on the 21st of September, 
1776), a disastrous fire breaking out in a small wooden house on the wharf near 
Whitehall, occupied by dissolute characters, spread to the northward, and con-- 
sumcd the entire city westward of Broadway to the very northernmost limit. In 
this terrible calamity, which owed its extent to the desertion of the city and the 
terror of the few remaining inhabitants, 493 houses were destroyed, including 
old Trinity and the Lutheran Church. Another destructive Are broke out on 
Cruger's wharf on the 3d of August, 1778, and burned about 54 houses. . At last 
the fortune of war changed. The thunder of the American artillery at Sara- 
toga, where the sons of l^^ew York were in full force on her own battle-fleld, 
and at Yorktown, where the same gallant corps vied in friendly and not unequal 
rivalry with the trained offloers of France, had cleared the sky, and beneath the 
smoke of battle peace was dawning in the near horizon. 

" On the 34th of March, 1783, Robert R. Livingston, the Secretary of Foreign 
Affairs, notified Washington, then at West Point, of the agreeable intelligence 
of a general peace, and on the 9th of April following, at 13 o'clock, peace was 
proclaimed from the steps of the City Hall by the Town Major The patriots 
were in glee, the English occupants and their friends in alarm. During the 
Summer there was a constant departure of the hostile fleets, and the Whigs be- 

fan to pour into the city and take possession of their deserted homes and estates, 
'eeling ran high, and the remaining loyalists awaited in terror the liour when 
the final withdrawal of the British forces should leave them helpless at the 
mercy of the irritated patriots. The prudent foresight of Gen. Washington, 
counselling 'moderation and steady behavior,' and the wise precautions of 
Gov. Clinton, happily arrested any disposition to excess, and in this they were 
nobly seconded by the Whig leaders, who, at the meeting to prepare for the re- 
ception of the American troops, after a signification of their opinion of those who 
had remained in the city during the British occupation, by a request that any 
such withdraw from the room, pledged themselves to ' prevent any confusion 
that may arise on and after the day of evacuation.' On the 35th day of Novem- 
ber the American army, under the command of Major-Gen. Henry Knox, 
marched from Harlem to the Bowery lane, where they remained until 1 o'clock, 
when, the British posts being withdrawn, the American column marched in and 
took possession of the city. Nothing could have been more grateful to New 
York than this disposition, for in Knox's artillery command was the favorite 
regiment commanded by Col. John Lamb, and olflcered by men who, like liim- 
self, were of the earlier patriots and sons of liberty. The new era began upon 
this day ; henceforth New York was to move on her marvelous career. In a 
few years she appears reorganized, rebuilt, with new architecture, new institu- 
tions, facile princeps the Imperial City of the Continent." 






Situation and Extent. 

view of New York from Weehawken. 

f I "iHE City of New York, proper, 
-L the chief City of the Empire State 
and the Commercial Metropolis of the 
United States, is the third city of the 
civilized world in point of population, 
trade and commerce. It stands on an 
Island of the same name, situated on 
the East side of the estuary of the 
Hudson River, at its junction with a 
narrow Strait called the East Elver, 
opening into Long Island Sound 
through a passage called Hell Gate; be- 
ing bounded by Westchester County on 
the North, on the East by the East 
River, and on the South and West by 
New York Bay and Hudson River, di- 
viding it from Long Island and New 
Jersey. It lies 18 miles from the Atlan- 
tic Ocean, passing through New York 
Bay and the "Narrows;" in N. lati- 

tude 40° 43' 43" W. long- 
itude 70' 0' 3' from 
Greenwich Ob., England. 
Mean Annual Tempera- 
ture 51° Fahr. ; elevated 
50 feet above the ocean. 

Its distance from Al- 
bany, the Capital of the 
State, is 144 miles; from Philadelphia, 
90 miles; from the City of Washing- 
ton, 238 miles, and from Boston, via 
Stonington and Providence, 314 miles. 

The Island, for the most part cov- 
ered with stores, warehouses and 
dwellings, is 13i miles long. North 
and South, with an average width of 
li miles, the greatest vridth being on 
the line of 14th Street, 2^ miles. Prom 
this circumstance, its limited width, 
great inconvenience is felt by the busi- 
ness portion of the inhabitants in daily 
passing from the upper to the lower 
part of the City, where bankers, mer- 
chants and working people congregate. 
On the North and the North-east, the 
land is separated from the main land 
(now forming the 23d and 24th Wards 
of the City, being taken from West- 



Chester County) by the SpuytenDuyvil 
Creek, opening into the Hudson River, 
and by Harlem River, which connects 
■with the Creek not far from King's 
Bridge, and opens into the East River, 
forming with the Creek a continuous 
but very winding water-way, 8 miles 
long. The /«to7id, including Blackwell's, 
Randall's and Ward's Islands, and other 
Islands in the Bay, covers an area of 
about 23 square miles, or 14,000 acres, 
its highest point being 338 feet above 
tide water, at Washington Heights. 
The above area has been nearly doubled 
by the annexation of territory from 
Westchester Co., making about 40 sq. 
miles. The surface in many parts is 
elevated, broken and rocky, vrith a de- 
scent into the East and Hudson Rivers. 
Bay and Islsmds — Fortifications, &c. 
New York Inner Bay forms one of 
the finest harbors in the world; it is 
about 8 miles in length, K. to S., and a 
breadth varying up to 5 miles. It may 
be entered from the Ocean by three 
passages — the Narrows, East River or 
Long Island Sound, and Staten Island 
Sound — but the first, between Long Is- 
land and Staten Island,is at once the best 
and by far the most frequented channel. 
The bar of the mouth of the Outer Bay, 
between Sandy Hook and Long Island, 
has 21 feet of water at ebb tide; and as 
the water rises about 5 feet, the largest 
class of ships may enter the Lower Bay. 
Within the bar, the water in the outer 
and inner Bays, and in the Hudson, is 
so deep that ships of the largest ton- 
nage lay close to the quays, and may 
proceed to a great distance up the Hud- 

son. The navigation of the Bay is but 
rarely impeded by ice. The great 
strength of the tide and the vicinity of 
the ocean keep it generally open. 

In the East River, extending in suc- 
cession towards Long Island Sound, 
are Blackwell's Island, with the City 
Penitentiary on the southerly end, a 
capacious Lunatic Asylum on the 
north, and a new Alms House in the 
middle section; Ward's Island, be- 
tween which and the former Hell Gate- 
is situated, and Randall's Island, are 
all attached to the City and County. 

In the Bay, fronting the Battery, at 
the distance of little more than half a 
mile, and separated from Long Island 
by Buttermilk Channel, is Governor's. 
Island; while toward the Jersey shore, 
and looking up the Hudson are Bedloe's 
and Ellis's Islands; the three latter Is- 
lands are all strongly fortified and occu- 
pied by United States Troops. Port 
Hamilton, on the Long Island shore, 
and Richmond, Tompkins, Columbus, 
and Lafayette (the latter a few years 
since destroyed by fire and not rebuilt), 
are erected at other points for guarding 
the approach to the City from a hostile 

The navigation of the outer harbor, 
or Bay, is very easy, and were it not for 
the risk of violating marine insurances, 
the services of pilots would seldom be 
required. The Light Vessel, about two 
miles east of Sandy Hook, is the first 
light to guide the mariner; then comes 
Sandy Hook Light and two Beacon 
Lights, situated near the north point of 
Sandy Hook. The Oedney Ghamiel 



forms the main entrance to the Lower 
Bay. The New Drop Beacon and the 
light on the east end of Staten Island, 
at the " Narrows," arc next sighted, and 
New York Harbor entered. The new 
Quarantine Station is located on a shoal 
called West Bank, about one mile be- 
low Fort Tompkins. The entrance 
from Long Island Sound, through Hell 
'Gate, is somewhat an intricate passage, 
which has lately been greatly improved 
by increasing the depth of water, under 
the direction of the U. States Govern- 
ment. Vessels, on entering the mouth 
■of the North River, often come to 
anchor, and others run into the slips to 
load and discharge at the wharves, on 
both sides of the City, which are con- 
tinually crowded with ocean steamers 
and shipping, displaying the flags of 
all nations. 

The City and County possesses the 
same limits, occupying the entire sur- 
face of the Island of Manhattan, to- 
gether with the former towns of King's 
Bridge, Morrisania and West Farms, 
which were annexed to the City by an 
Act of the Legislature, in 1873 ; they 
now form the 23d and 24th Wards of 
the City. 

New York or Manhattan Island is 
divided into 141,486 building lots, by 
survey, of which about one-half are 
appropriated. From Battery Point at 
the southern extremity, the City proper 
is regularly covered with streets and 
buildings for a distance of 6 miles, and 
also, but irregularly, 4 miles further to 
Harlem on the East side. On the West 
side again, it forms a concrete mass of 

stone and brick to about Sixtieth street, 
thence less compactly to above Bloom- 
ingdale, where it opens into the subur- 
ban districts of Mauhattanville and 
Washington Heights. 

The panoramic view of the approach 
to the City from the sea is very fine, 
the shores of the Bay, with the Heights 
in the background, being wooded down 
to the water's edge and thickly studded 
with villages, farms and country man- 
sions. The view of the City itself 
from the Bay is less prepossessing; for 
the ground on which it is built, though 
undulating, being nowhere considera- 
bly elevated, but little of it is visible 
from the water, and it has no very 
striking object to arrest the eye. It is 
of a triangular shape, bearing, in this 
respect, some resemblance to Constan- 
tinople. The oldest portion of the 
City, at the apex of the southern ex- 
tremity of the triangle, has still, not- 
withstanding the important improve- 
ments effected of late years, some nar- 
row and crooked streets. At the ex- 
treme southern point of the City is lo- 
cated the Battery, an open green of 
about 10 acres, dotted with a few fine 
trees, and, once, a fashionable promen- 
ade of our forefathers. On the Battery 
is Castle Garden, an old brick fort, now 
used by the Conimissioners of Emi- 
gration as a depot for emigrants on 
their arrival. Advancing to the more 
modern and improved regions of the 
City, we come to broad, straight 
thoroughfares, generally crossing one 
another at right angles. Broadway, the 
principal street of New York, and one 



of the finest thoroughfares in the world, 
is a long and spacious avenue, 80 feet in 
mdth, extending in nearly a straight 
line for about six miles.and presenting a 
coup WibH of life, beauty, and diversity, 
almost unequalled, lined on either side 
as it is with edifices of striking and gen- 
erally noble style of architecture. Many 
of the great shops and stores in this 
and other leading streets are highly 
decorated, and present, on the whole, 
quite a sumptuous appearance. The 
dwelling-houses in the central parts of 
the City bring high prices, and indeed 
it may he said, that, to all classes 
other than the wealthy, house rents are 
almost Intolerably burdensome. The 
pavement throughout the City is, in 
the main, good, and the sidewalks wide 
and clean. The dwelling-houses of the 
richer class are almost invariably mass- 
ive and stately buildings, of brown- 
stone frontage; while the humbler 
dwellings of red brick, set off by their 
brightly painted green blinds, present, 
too, a very bright and cheerful aspect. 


In enumerating the public buildings, 
which are described imder their appro- 
priate heads, we shall first name 

The City Hall, 
Situated in the Park, about half a 
mile north from the Battery, and equi- 
distant from the East and North Rivers, 
standing in an open square of about 
eight acres, planted with trees and in- 
tersected by walks. It is 366 feet in 
length, by 105 feet in depth, with a 
height of 65 feet, and has a front of | 

white marble. The building was begun 
in 1803 and completed in 1812, at a cost 
of $538,734. The Mayor, Clerk of the 
Common Council, and many other city 
officials have their offices in this build- 
ing. On the second floor is the Gover- 
nor's Room, 52 by 26 feet, used for the 
reception of distinguished visitors. The 
cupola contains a four-dial clock, illu- 
minated at night by gas. 

A fountain stands in front of the City 
Hall, surrounded by paved walks, trees- 
and grass'plat. 

The New Court House, 
Fronting on Chambers street, coa- 
structed of East Chester and Massa- 
chusetts white marble, in the Corin- 
thian style, was begun in 1863, and is 
not completed, although an immense 
amount of money has been expended 
on the edifice. It is 350 feet long, 150> 
feet wide, and the crown of the dome 
is to be 310 feet above the pavement. 
It was first used in 1867, and accommo- 
dates the County Clerk, Sheriff, Sur- 
rogate and other City and County offl- 
cers;inpartbcingusedas Court Rooms- 
for the Court of Appeals, etc. 
Hall of Records, 
Stands on the east side of City Hall 
Park. It is a stone building, originally 
the City Prison, and in 1833 used as a. 
cholera hospital. This old, historic 
building of Revolutionary memory, has 
been remodeled and is now occupied 
and used as the Register's Office for 
the City and County of New York. 
City Prison. 
The principal building, called the 
" romJs," occupies a block on Centre 



street; it is built of Maine granite, two 
stories liigb, in the Egyptian order of 
architecture. The structure is 253 by 
200 feet, and occupies tlie four sides of 
a hollow square. In the front arc the 
rooms for the Court of Sessions, the 
Police Court, etc. The men's prison 
contains about 150 cells; the depart- 
ment for females is not so large. Crim- 
inals for murder, etc., are executed in 
the open court. 

The Penitentiaet, situated on 
Blackwell's Island, is an immense stone 
edifice ; the main building is four stories 
high, surmounted by a tower; tliereare 
also tTfo wings, each extending upwards 
of 200 feet from the centre building. 
Police Head-Quarters. 

This is a large marble structure at 
300 Mulberry street, with elegant offices 
for officials; telegraphic communica- 
tions with each station-house ; rooms 
for the instruction of new members and 
the trial of offenders; a rogue's gallery 
of portraits, together with rooms for 
the Health Department of the City. 

The New Yokk Couhty Jail is situ- 
ated in Ludlow street, where non-resi- 
dent debtors and others are detained 
for trial. This prison contains 87 cells, 
or rooms, mostly for debtors. 

The Essex Market Prison is situ- 
ated at 69 Essex street, and there is 
another prison-house on East 57th st. 

Jefferson Market Prison and 
court rooms is a new brick edifice. 

On Blackwell's Island, lying in the 
East River, opposite East Forty-eighth 
to Eighty-third street, are several im- 
portant City buildings, all under the 

charge of the Commissioners of Char- 
ities and Correction : Charity Hospi- 
tal, Fever Hospital, Small-pox Hospi- 
tal, Infant Hospital, Hospital for In- 
curables, Hospital for Paralytics, Alms 
House, Penitentiary, Lunatic Asylum, 
and Workhouse. The island is formed 
of a narrow strip of land, one and three- 
quarter miles long. It is kept in 
perfect order, and is well worthy a visit. 

Ward's Island, situated at the junc- 
tion of the East and Harlem Rivers, 
contains a Hospital for Emigrants and 
a Lunatic Asylum. 

Randall's Island is situated a short 
distance north of Ward's Island. Here 
is a Nursery, in which children only 
two years old are committed. It usu- 
ally contains about 1,000 girls and boys 
who, if not claimed by their parents, 
are . indentured, at a suitable age, to 
learn some useful pursuit. 
United States Government Buildings. 

Custom House. — The present United 
States Custom House, fronting on Wall 
street, between I-Ianov(!r and William 
streets, covering a small block, stands on 
the site of the old Exchange Building, 
destroyed by fire in December, 1835. It 
is one of the finest and most substantial 
edifices in America, being built • of 
Quincy granite. The building is 200 
feet long by 160 feet in width, and 77 
feet high. Its portico is supported by 
12 front, 4 centre and 2 rear Ionic col- 
umns, 38 feet long and 4i feet in dia- 
meter, each being formed from a single 
granite block weighing 45 tons. The Ro- 
tunda is 80 feet in diameter, 80 feet high ; 
and the dome, which is 124 feet above 



the pavement, is supported by 8 pilas- 
ters of variegated Italian marble. The 
cost of its construction was $1,800,000. 
Here the Government collects about 
two-thirds of its customs revenue. 
Sub-Treasury Building. 

This noble edifice stands on conse- 
crated ground at the corner of Wall 
and Nassau streets, on the spot where 
.stood the old Federal Hall, on the bal- 
cony of which Washington was inaug- 
urated as the first President of the 
United States. It is a white marble 
fireproof structure, 00 feet front by 200 
feet deep, running through to Pine 
street, with a rotunda 30 feet in diam- 
eter. The present structure cost 
about $1,200,000, and was erected in 
1845. Here the United Stales Govern- 
ment deposits its gold, and here, under 
the direction of the Assistant Secretary 
of the Treasury, our national monetary 
transactions are made. 

United States Assay Ofmce, 80 
and 82 Wall street, located in the old 
United States Branch Building, next to 
the Sub-Treasury Building. The Assay 
Office was established in 1851, with all 
the functions of the United States Mint 
at Philadelphia except coinage. The 
principal business here transacted is 
the assaying and refinery of gold and 
silver, which is run into bars, being 
then ready for coinage or exportation. 
New York Post Office. 

This grand structure, situated at the 
southern part of the City Hall Park, 
is the most imposing edifice of its kind 
in the United States. It is triangular 
in form, with a front on Broadway and 

Park Bow. The walls are constructed 
of granite, five stories, beside basement 
and attic. The building accommodates 
both the Post Office and the United 
States District Court. 

In addition to the above details a 
general description of the building may 
be of interest. Ground was broken for 
the Post Office in August, 1869, and it 
will have cost, when completely fin- 
ished, about $8,000,000. The general 
plan is an immense triangle, inclosing 
an open triangular court. The light from 
this court extends down through three 
glass tessellated floors to the sub-cellar. 
The court is entirely open down to the 
first story. All the upper stories are well 
lighted and ventilated by this open 
space. The building, which is fire- 
proof throughout, occupies 21 city lots, 
has a frontage on Broadway of 340 feet, 
on Park Row of 320 feet, on the City 
Hall Park of 200 feet, and at its south- 
ern side a frontage of 130 feet. The 
height from the sidewalk to the lantern 
crowning the dome is 195 feet. 

The first two floors and the basement 
below are occupied by the Post Office, 
and the third and fourth floors by the 
United States Courts and offices, Dis- 
rict Attorney's office, United States 
Coinmissioners' office, Clerks' offices 
of the Circuit and District Courts, Law 
Library, etc. There are ten elevators 
for mail matter, and four for passen- 
gers. The building looms up grandly 
above the fine structures in the vi- 
cinity, and attracts and interests the 
attention of every beholder. The 
solid walls of the Post Office contain 


' a 




half a million cubic feet of granite. 
The business transacted in the Post 
Office in this City is sometliing mar- 
velous, being nearly double that of 
any other City in the Union. The aver- 
age number of domestic letters re- 
ceived and distributed daily is 300,000; 
the number of foreign letters received 
is 30,000, the number dispatched 
35,000, and the number of local letters 
received and distributed, 120,000. There 
are 5,795 lock-boxes for letters, and 372 
lock-boxes for newspapers. At the 
Post Office anQ stations there are about 
1,300 employees, and 390 carriers are 
employed. In the Post Office proper 
there about GOO clerks. Experience has 
shown that Mondays and Thursdays 
are generally the heaviest days. To 
properly manage a business so vast and 
so complex as that transacted in the 
New York Post Office requires the 
highest order of executive ability, com- 
bined with a quick perception of needed 
details to systematize the work so as to 
make one harmonious machine. 

Post Office Stations. 

Station A, 695 Broadway. 
" B, 380 Grand street. 
" C, 683 Hudson street. 

D, 4 Cooper Union. 
" E, 465 Eighth avenue. 
" F, 650 Third avenue. 

G, 935 Eighth avenue. 
" II, 1009 Third avenue. 

K, cor, 86th st. and Third av. 

L, 2248 Third avenue. 
" M. Carmansville. 

Stations North of Hablem Rivek. 

1. Morrisania. 5. Kingsbridge. 

2. Tremont. 6. Spuyten Duyvil. 

3. Fordham. 7. West Farms. 

4. Woodlawn. 8. Riverdale. 

The following is the staff of officials 
connected with the New York Post 

Thomas L. James, Postmaster. 

Henry G. Pearson, Assistant Post- 

J. Aug. Hinchman, Chief Clerk. 

1st Division — Auditor's Office, John J. 
Foote, Auditor-in-charge. 

2d Division — Cashier's Office, Harvey 
Major, Cashier-in-charge. 

3d Division — Mailing and Discliarg- 
ing Department, Anthony Yeoman, 
General Superintendent-in-charge. 

4th Division — City Delivery, James 
Gayler, SuperintendenUn-charge. 

5th Division — Money Order Office, 
William Plimley, General Sup't. 


There are Tombs and splendid Mon- 
uments erected in the different Ceme- 
teries in the City to the memory of the 
illustrious dead. Among the most con- 
spicuous are the following: 

The oldest monument of note in the 
City is that erected to the memory of 
Petbb Stutvesant. It is situated on 
the east side of St. Mark's Church, cor- 
ner of Stuyvesant and Second avenue, 
and bears an appropriate inscription. 
(See page 34.) . 

The Tombs of many other eminent 
men are located in this ancient burial 
place, which contains the remains of 
Dutch, English,, and American heroes. 



Alexander Hamilton. 
In the Cemetery surrounding Trinity 
Church, on Broadway, there is a monu- 
ment erected to the memory of Alex- 
ander Hamilton; within the church 
there is also a hust and a tablet. He 
met his death in a duel July 13, 1804, 
aged 47 years. (See page 35.) 
lianrence and liUdlow. 
The monument to the memory of the 
gallant Lawrence aud Ludlow stands 
in Trinity churchyard, near Broad- 
way. The design is by the architect 
Upjohn, the sculpture by Fraser. It 
is built of the same material as the 
church, and hears the following inscrip- 

In memory of 

Captain James LAAntENCE, 

of the United States Navy, 

Who fell on the 1st of June, 1813, in 

the 33d year of his age, 

In the action between the Frigates Chesapeake 

and Shannon, 

On the southern side of the monu- 
ment is an inscription as follows : 

In memory of Lieut. Augustus G. Lubiow, 

of the United States Navy; died at Halifax, 


Moniunent to M^'or Gen. Montgom- 

In front of St. Paul's Church, Broadway. 

This Monument is erected 
by order of Congress, 25tli Jan., 1776, 
to transmit to posterity a grateful re- 
of the patriotism, conduct, enterprise and 

perseverance of 

Major-General Eicuard Montoomery: 

Who, after a series of successes amidst the 

most discouraging dilllcultics, 

I'ell in an attack on Quoljcc, Dec. 31, 1775, 

aged 37 years. 

Smmet's Monument. 
The monument erected lo the mem- 
ory of Emmet, stands in St. Paul's 

churchyard, near Broadway. It is a 
granite shaft with an appropriate in- 
scription : 

Born in Cork, 24th April, 1764. 
He died in New York, 14th Nov., 1827. 

Other Monuments to the illustriona 
dead are to be seen in both of the aboye 

Washington Monument. 

The equestrian bronze statue of the 
Father of his Country, situated on 
south-east side of Union Square, is one 
of the finest in the City. The com- 
manding figure and pedestal are 29 feet 
in height. 

The monument erected to the mem- 
ory of President Lincoln stands on 
the opposite side of Union Square, near 
Fourteenth street. It was erected in 
1870. The pedestal is formed of three 
granite slabs which weigh over 40 
tons. The statue is of bronze, eleven 
feet high, and weighs 3 ,000 lbs. 

Worth Monument, 

Stands On the west side of Madison 
Square, on Fifth Avenue: it is a gran- 
ite obelisk, and presents in relief the 
equestrian image of the noble general 
who signalized himself in the war with 

The Franklin Monument, on Print- 
ing House Square, opposite City Hall 
Park, is a recent and appropriate statue 
erected in honor of the philosopher and 
statesman of Revolutionary memory. 

In addition to the above, a number 
of costly and appropriate monuments 
are to be found in the Central Park. 





There are numerous Public Parks and 
Squares iu different parts of the City, 
the most prominent of wliich is the 
Central Park, containing 843 acres, 
situated near the centre of the Island. 
This is, unquestionably, one of the 
most beautiful parks of its age and kind 
in the world. Besides the Parks and 
Squares in the lower part of the City, 
there are two or three large Parks pro- 
vided for on the banks of the Hudson 
River, yet in an imflnished state, but 
which, eventually, wiU be completed, 
and add largely to the beauties of the 
Metropolis. A full description of the 
Parks is elsewhere given. 

The Boulevards on the Island and 
North of Harlem River, within the City 
limits, afford great attraction to the 
pedestrian as well as the lovers of fine 
drives on good graveled roads. 

The Cbmetbkies, or Burial places, 
are now mostly located outside the 
City limits. IHmty Cemetery, on 
Washington Heights, comprises 36 
acres. Woodlawn Cemetery is situated 
six .miles North of Harlem Bridge, in 
the 24th Ward of the City. 


Columbia College, (formerly 
King's), established in 1754, has a pres- 
ident and eight other professors, about 
170 students, a library of 25,000 volumes, 
and an estate valued at upwards of 
$2,000,000. The University of the City 
of New York, chartered in 1831, and 
opened the following year, situated op- 
posite Washington Square, is a fine 

marble structure, in the English col- 
legiate style, 180 feet in length, by lOO 
feet in width. The front is divided 
into five parts, the chapel being in the- 
centre, with wings, and flanked by 
towers on either side. The New York 
College stands on the corner of Lexing- 
ton Avenue and Twenty-third Street. 

Among the ecclesiastical edifices of 
New York are Trinity Church, situate; 
in Broadway, opposite Wall Street. It 
is a Gothic structure, of solid brown^ 
stone from foundation to spire, with 
the exception of the roof, which is of 
wood; the height of the steeple is 282. 
feet, and its general architectural beau- 
ty make^ it, on the whole, very impos- 
ing; the Roman Catholic Cathedral of 
St. Patrick, now in course of construc- 
tion on Fifth Avenue, between 51st and 
53d Streets, in the Decorated style, after 
the model of the celebrated cathedral at 
Cologne, and when completed it will be 
by far the most magnificent ecclesiastic 
building in the United States. 

The City contains 470 churches, at- 
tached to various denominations, viz : 
Baptist, 43; Congregational, 8; Lu- 
theran, 20; Methodist Episcopal, 56; 
African Methodist Episcopal, 6; Wes- 
leyau Methodist, 1; Methodist ProteSr 
tant, 1; Free Methodist, 1; Moravian, 
2; Presbyterian, 62; United Presby- 
terian, 10; Reformed Presbyterian, 6; 
Protestant Episcopal, 80; Reformed, 
25; Roman Catholic, 43; Unitarian, 5;, 
Universalist, 7; Miscellaneous, 34; be- 
sides, 5, Friends' meeting houses, 29 
Jews' synagogues, 34 city missions, 3 
other missions, and 9 seamen's churches. 



The Bible House, comer Fourth 
avenue and Aster Place ; the Association 
Hall, and National Academy of Design, 
standing opposite, on Fourth Avenue, 
comer 23d Street, are all noble struc- 
tures. The new Masonic Hall, at the 
corner of Sixth Avenue and 33d Street, 
finished and dedicated in June, 1875, is 
one of the most costly and magnificent 
^tmctures in the City. The new Stock 
Exchange on Broad Street, with an en- 
trance on Wall Street, is a fine building. 
In the vicinity is situated the Gold Ex- 
change, tills being the money centre of 

The Thbatkes and Halls of Amuse- 
ment are numerous, numbering about 
30 Theatres, &c., which are usually nu- 
merously attended. The Academy of 
Music, the Grand Opera House, Booth's 
Theatre, Fifth Avenue Theatre, Wal- 
lack's Theatre and others, are favorites. 

The Hotels are also numerous, many 
teing constructed for the accommoda- 
tion of guests regardless of cost. TheAs- 
tor House, St. Nicholas Hotel, Metropol- 
itan Hotel, Fifth Avenue Hotel, Grand 
Hotel, Grand Central, Brevoort House, 
Windsor Hotel, and others, are large 
and noble edifices. On the line of 
Broadway and Fifth Avenue, there are 
upwards of ttiirty of these stately and 
capacious buildings. In other parts of 
the City, of easy access to omnibus and 
street car lines, they no less aboimd, 
altogether numbering about one hun- 
dred good hotels, kept on the American 
and European plans. 

The Bestaukants, or Eating- 
EoiJSES, are still more numerous, being 

found in fashionable parts of the City, 
uptown, and convenient to business 
men in the lower part of the City. 

Oroton Aqueduct and Water- Works. 

New York formerly labored under a 
great deficiency of water; but latterly 
this deficiency has been fully supplied 
by means of the Croton Aqueduct, a 
work worthy of being ranked with the 
noblest of the old Roman aqueducts. 
It commences about 45 miles from the 
City at the Croton River, the waters of 
which are collected by an immense dam. 
The aqueduct proceeding thence is 
arched over and under, being 6 feet 3 
inches wide at bottom, 7 feet 8 inches 
at top, and 8 feet 5 inches in height. It 
has a descent of 1,83 inches per mile, 
and discharges 60,000,000 gallons in 24 . 
hours. It crosses the Harlem River 
over the famous High Bridge, a struc- 
ture of granite, 1,450 feet in length, with 
14 arches, each of 80 feet span, 110 feet 
above tide-water. The receiving reser- 
voir has a water surface of 31 acres, and 
contains 160,000,000 gallons; the dis- 
tributing reservoir, covering 4 acres, 
has a depth of 40 feet, and holds 31,000,- 
000 gallons. Thence the water is dis- 
tributed over the City by means of iron 
pipes, from 6 to 36 inches in diameter, 
extending, in 1870, to the length of 330 
miles, 5,237 feet. The entire cost has 
been $13,376,000. The water was par- 
tially introduced into the City in Jxily, 
1843, but the works were not complet- 
ed till 1845. This ample supply of pure 
water has made a great sanitary im- 
provement in the City; for, as regards 

H. U 



cleanliness and salubrity, there was 
great room for change. 

The City is traversed throughout by 
numerous Street Railroads, while scores 
of Ferry-steamers maintain communica- 
tion with Brooklyn, Jersey City, Staten 
Island, and all the outlying suburban 
places of importance on the East and 
Hudson Rivers. A monster Suspension 
Bridge over the East River, intended to 
connect the cities of New York' and 
Brooklyn, was begun in 1870, and is still 
unfinished; the towers on either side 
presenting a gigantic appearance. 
Schools, Academies, &c. 

New York possesses an excellent sys- 
tem of free schools, and every facility 
is afforded by large and conunodious 
school-houses, free books and materials, 
and competent teachers, for the educa- 
tion of all children within its bounda- 
ries. These schools are managed by a 
Board of Education. The City is divid- 
ed into eight educational districts, over 
which 3 inspectors are appointed. Be- 
sides these, there are 5 school trustees 
ever each of the 34 wards of the City. 
There are 58 grammar schools, and 40 
primary schools — besides 6 colored 
grammar schools. The industrial schools 
number seventeen. There are 12 cor- 
porate schools which participate in the 
school-fund, and 9 colleges. There are, 
besides, 38 Roman Catholic free schools. 
The same denomination have, of high 
schools, St. Xavier's College, under the 
Jesuits ; St. Vincent's Academy, and 
the Academy of the Holy Infancy ; 
Brothers' Christian Schools, and con- 
vents and academies of the Sacred 

Heart. The City has also an Episcopal 
Seminary, and various other sectarian 
high schools; three medical colleges, 
historical, law, agricultural, horticultu- 
ral, topographical, musical, and numer- 
ous other learned societies, with ex- 
tensive readjng rooms. 

Hospitals, Asylums, &c. 
The New York Hospital and that of 
Bellevue, are the principal of the numer- 
ous institutions for medical relief. There 
are admirable establishments for the 
blind and the deaf and dumb; a society 
for the reformation of juvenile offend-' 
ers; a farm termed "Long Island 
Farms" for the provision of destitute 
children, and a great variety of other 
useful public institutions ; — ^but our 
space does not permit us to pass in de- 
tail the multitudinous institutions, ob- 
jects, and pla&es of interest and impor- 
tance diffused over this great city. — 
The New York Hospital, the oldest in- 
stitution of the kind in the State, was- 
chartered by George III., in 1771. The 
Asylum for the Insane, at Blooming- 
dale, is a branch of the hospital. It has 
about forty acres of ground, and a fine 
botanical garden. The New York Wo- 
man's Hospital, for the exclusive treat- 
ment of diseases of women, is the only 
one of the kind in the country. Among 
the numerous other charitable institu- 
tions are the Association for the Relief 
of the Poor (which has an organization 
thoroughly supervising the City, and re- 
lieves all deserving poor not otherwise 
provided for), the New York'Orphaa 
Asylum (on the banks of the Hudson,, 
at Bloomingdale), the Leake and Watts.'' 



Orphan House (in N. 112th Street,) the 
New Foundling Hospital, &c. There 
are also many private benevolent socie- 
ties, besides Masonic, Odd Fellows, 
Druids, United Americans, Sons of 
Hermann, German Verein, Hebrew Be- 
nevolent, Sons of Temperance, and nu- 
merous other societies and associations. 

The CooPBK Institute, for moral, in- 
tellectual and physical culture, is a 
fine edifice of six stories, on Third 
and Fourth avenues. It contains a large 
lecture-room, a valuable library, and 
numerous other rooms with philosophi- 
cal apparatus, study, free reading- 
Toom, &c. 

Prominent among the Public Libra- 
ries are the Astor Library, now having 
upwards of 160,000 volumes ; the 
Mercantile Library, in Astor Place, 
which is a leading library, with about 
150,000 volumes, and the New York 
Society Library. The Lenox Library 
ifl a new institution, which is elsewhere 
described ; also, the other Libraries. 

By recent Acts of the Legislature the 
City is governed by a Mayor and Com- 
mon Council, consisting of twenty-two 
aldermen, elected by apportionment, 
irom the five senatorial Districts, and the 
33d and 24th wards, annually. These to- 
gether form the Common Council. 

Oity Oovemment, Oourts, Police, etc. 
The Mayor, formerly appointed by 
the Oovemor and Senate of the State, 
is now elected by the popular vote every 
two years. The Council exercises the 
legislative power in the City, subject to 
the approbation of the Mayor; but in 

case of the latter vetoing any ordinance, 
it may be passed by a majority of the 
whole number of the members present. 
In addition to that of the City there is 
a County Government, vested in a board 
of 13 Supervisors and 33 Aldermen, 
who have partial control of taxation, 
civil and criminal courts, and county 
offices. New York is politically divided 
into 7 congressional, 5 State senatorial, 
31 assembly, 8 judicial, 24 school or 
ward, and 217 election districts. The 
City forms the 1st judicial district and 
the 1st military division of the State. 
The judicial tribunals are: the Supreme 
Court, of 5 judges, the Superior Court, of 
6 judges, the Marine Court, of 6 judges, 
10 district civil courts, courts of oyer 
and terminer (held by a judge of the 
Supreme Court), the general sessions 
and special sessions and 6 police courts. 
The Circuit and District Courts pf the 
the United States are held in the new 
Post Office Building; also, all the offices 
connected therewith — District Attor- 
ney's Office, Marshal's Office, &c. 

The paid Fire Department, managed 
by a board of 3 commissioners, is com- 
posed of 38 steam-engine companies, 
and 15 hook-and-ladder companies. 
The Police Department is under the 
absolute control of a board of 4 com- 
missioners; and there is besides a su- 
perintendent and four inspectors for 
the whole district, which includes New 
York, Bichmond, and Westchester 
counties. The force in New York 
consists of 34 captains, 133 sergeants, 
70 roundsmen, 1,031 patrolmen, and 73 
doormen — total 2,159. 



Oity Debt, 
I January 1, 1876 

Funded Debt, payable from tax- 
ation and Sinking Fund $110,056,903.64 

Temporary Debt, payable wholly 

orinpartfromasaessmento.. S1,8S2,200.00 

Bevenue Bonds, Special, for 

Fourth av. improvement etc., 460,927.86 

KevenaeBondB 8,682,000.00 

total Debt $144,622,131.30 

Deduct Sinking Fund 27,748,307.30 

Balance 116,773,824.09 

Amount to be raised by tax for 
ezpensea of City Government 
lnl976 80,904,395.64 

Bate, 2.60 per cent on valuation. 

Assessed valae of real and per- 
sonal property, 1876 1,100,943,699 00 

Annual Salary of Oity Officers, as 
fised by Iiaw. 

To the Mayor $13,000 

Comptroller.... 10,000 

Commissioner of Public Works 10,000 

Corporation Counsel 15,000 

President of the Board of Police 8,000 

Commissioners of Police 6,000 

President of the Dept. of Parks. 6,000 

President of the Pire Dept 7,000 

Fire Commissioners - 5,000 

President of the Dept. of Chari- 
ties and Correction 6, 500 

Commissioners of Charities, &c. 6,000 
President of the Health Dept.. 6,500 

Commissioner of H ealth 6,000 

President of the Board of Alder- 
men 6,000 

Members of the Board of Alder- 
men 4,000 

President of the Dept. of Taxes 

and Assessments.... 6,600 

Oommissioners of Taxes and 
Assessments 5,000 

President of the Dept. of Docks 6,000 

Commissioners of Docks. 3,000 

Superintendent of Buildings... 6,000 
Justices of the District Courts. . 8,000 

No subordinate in any department 
shall receive a greater salary than the 
highest salary paid to the head of the 
department, except the Superintendent 
of Police, -whose salary shall not exceed 
ten thousand dollars. 


The New York Markets, 12 in num- 
ber, are most of them well provisioned 
with abundance of meats, poultry, fish, 
and vegetables. The principal Markets 
are Fulton Market, built in 1831, at a 
cost of upwards of $200,000— located 
on a block bounded by Fulton, Beek- 
man. Front and South streets — and 
Washington Market, situated on the 
western side of the city, facing the 
North Kiver, between Fulton and Vesey 
streets ; this market receives the pro- 
duce mostly from the North and West, 
while Fulton Market is mostly supplied 
from Long Island and the East. The 
other principal Markets are Catharine, 
Clinton, Chelsea, Centre, Essex, Jeffer- 
son and Tompkins Market. 

Moneyed Institutionb. — There are 
now in the City of New York (1876), 
76 National and State Banks j 38 Sav- 
ings Banks ; 86 State Fire Insurance 
Companies, beside numerous Agencies ; 
10 Marine Insurance Companies, 20 
State Life Insurance Companies besides 
Agencies; 4 Safe Deposit Companies, a 
Stock Exchange Company, a Gold Ex- 
change Company, and a Bank Clearing , 

* Has control of all structures and property connected with the supply and distribution of 
Croton water, of opening streets, &c. 



House. In addittion to the above there 
are about three hundred Bankers, be- 
sides numerous Brokers who transact an 
immense amount of business, both 
dealing in Money, Stock, etc. The 
total capital thus invested in Banks, 
etc., must amount to several hundred 
millions of dollars— making the total 
cash capital and assets to represent, at 
least, 11,000,000,000. 

Manufacturers, Commerce, etc. 

The manufactures are numerous and 
very diversified, producing annually an 
immense amount of manufactured fab- 
rics of various kinds. Ship-building 
also is conducted on a vast scale. But 
New York is pre-eminently a vast com- 
mercial city, second only to London in 
some respects. The rise in the tide in 
the Hudson is felt at Troy, 150 miles 
above New York, and large vessels as- 
cend to Albany, affording the greatest 
facilties for the transportation of pro- 
duce from and to the interior by means 
of canals and railroads. 

Floating Population. — The City of 
New York stands unrivalled as a great 
commercial mart or entrepot. Five 
thousand vessels arrive here annually 
from foreign and domestic ports; 300 
large steamships being included in the 
number making monthly trips to and 
from European and other foreign ports. 
Five-sevenths of all the emigrants and 
strangers entering this country land at 
New York; hence its population con- 
sists of people from all nations of the 
globe. The transient population is im- 
mense. There are on an average 16,000 
emigrants per month, or about 200,000 

landing at Castle Garden yearly. There 
are probably always stopping in the 
city, 6,000 emigrants; 6,000 seamen and 
boatmen ; strangers at hotels and board- 
ing houses, 20,000; making altogether 
upwards of 80,000. But the daily arri- 
vals by means of steam ferryboats and 
railroad cars exceed all calculation. 
From Brooklyn alone 125,000 persons 
cross at the several ferries daily; as 
many more, no doubt, arrive from 
Staten Island, Jersey City, Hoboken, 
and the Hudson River steamers, making 
in all 250,000 to be added to the 1,000,- 
000 permanent residents. 

According to the Official Censue? of 
1870, the nationalities of the population 
of New York stood as follows: Born 
in the United States, 523,198; born in 
foreign countries and representing forty 
different nationalities, 419,094. 

Avenues and Streets. 

The Avenues and Streets of the City 
of New. York, during the past thirty 
years, have undergone many alterations 
and extensions. Looking at the map, 
the streets in the First, Second, Third, 
Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Wards show 
considerable irregularity exists, but 
above Canal street, they, for the most 
part, run at right angles to each other. 
The avenues known as A, B, C and D, 
and then numbering from I. to XII., 
extending across the Island, from east 
to west; they run north and south, from 
above Houston street to the Harlem 
River. The cross streets, numbering 
from 1 to 150,. and upwards, usually 
run from the East to the North River, 



being designated as East and 
after passing Fif tli Avenue. This ar- 
rangement is broken into by Central 
Park, which extends from the Fifth 
to the Eighth avenue, and from West 
59th to West 110th street. Broadway, 
or Bloomingdale road, however, with 
Kingsbridge road, extends the whole 
length of the Island, from the Battery 
to Harlem River, or Spuyten Duyvil 
Creek, a distance of thirteen miles. 

Besides Broadway, the great thor- 
oughfare of New York, may be named 
other streets and avenues prominent for 
width, length, or for business pursuits. 
Wall street. Broad street, Nassau street, 
Chatham street, the Bowery, Canal street 
Hudson and Greenwich streets are all in 
the lower part of the city ; also Pearl 
street, one mile and three-eighths in 
in length, it commences at State street, 
a short distance from Broadway, and 
runs in a circuitous course through 
Hanover Square and Franklin Square 
to Chatham street, then runs west to 
Broadway, nearly a mile from the Bat- 
tery. Fulton street and Maiden Lane 
are both important business streets. 

The principal Avenues, including 
Second avenue, Third avenue. Fourth 
avenue. Sixth avenue. Seventh avenue 
and Eighth avenue, are all important 
thoroughfares and business streets ; but 
the Fifth avenue is the great pride of 
the City. Here may be seen rows of 
stately private residences, churches, ho- 
tels and places of amusement, while the 
avenue is reserved as a magnificent drive 
from Washington Square to Central 
Fark, a distance of three or four miles. 

Fourteenth street and Twenty-third 
streets are also wide and elegant 

The southern portion of the city, be- 
low Broome street, is almost entirely 
devoted to business purposes, the stores 
and storehouses -being for the most 
part constructed of brick, iron and 
stone in the most substantial manner, 
many of them being rendered fire- 

The northern portion of the Island, 
much of which is not yet thickly set- 
tled, was early laid out in a regular 
manner, under the superintendence of 
Governor Morris, DeWJtt Clinton and 
John Rutherford, Commissioners ap- 
pointed for the purpose by the Legisla- 
ture of the State of New York, in 1807. 
The survey of John Randall, jr., was 
commenced in 1811, and occupied ten 
years. The avenues before alluded to 
were laid out in this survey, running 
nearly north and south, and had to be 
cut through the opposing rocks and 
hills at great expense. They are inter- 
sected by 156 cross streets, numerically 
designated, which, with the Avenues, 
form oblong rectangles, most of them 
300 by 800 feet. 

The City has suffered at times during 
the present century from destructive 
fires, of which the greatest occurred in 
1835 and 1845. The former destroyed 
about five hundred stores and ware- 
houses, with sundry public buildings ; 
total loss estimated at $17,000,000. 
These conflagrations have, however, 
led, as have similar visitations else- 
where, to the improvement of the city. 


iraw TOEK AS IT IS. 


Maiiy of the Avenues and Streets are 
now used by City Railroads, running 
in almost every direction — a complete 
list will be given in another part of this 
volume. The Harlem Bailroad.Bix miles 
in length, was finished to Yorkville in 
1834, and soon afterwards completed to 
Harlem, eight miles. The first City 
Bailroad was built in 1852. 

The JfeiB Ycn-k and Ha/rlem Railroad, 
Hudson River Railroad, and the New 
York and Nem Haven Railroad, all ter- 
minate at the Grand Central Railroad 
Depot on East 42d street, comer of 
Fourth avenue. The Brie Railroad 
terminates on the New Jersey shore, 
opposite Chambers street. 

A peculiar feature of New York and 
its thoroughfares are the dense crowd 
of pedestrians that passes down and up 
Broadway, and other leading streets, 
morning and evening ; also, the nu- 
merous vehicles drawn by horses that 
throng the business portion of the City 
from morning till night, often rendering 
the crossing of the streets a feat of great 
danger, especially during inclement 
weather, when the streets are liable to 
be in a wretched condition from the ac- 
cumulation of mud and ice. The nu- 
merous street railroad cars and tracks 
are also obstructions to the promenad- 
ing of the great thoroughfares of the 

City. The great throng crossing the 
principal steam ferries to Brooklyn and 
Jersey City likewise shows the influx 
of persons living in the suburbs of the 
metropolis — amounting to several hun- 
dred thousand daily of foot passengers. 
Life in Nem York. — The various na- 
tionalities that constitute the great mass 
of the inhabitants of the City of New 
York, show many distinctive features, 
more or less blended. The educated 
English, Scotch, Irish, French and Ger- 
man blend with the New Yorker, and 
the inhabitants from other States of the 
Union, here resident, and form, alto- 
gether, a cosmopolitan society. Yet 
still, the native New Yorker, with the 
better portion of the New Englanders, 
form the elite of its inhabitants. This 
portion of society, often possessing tal- 
ent and great wealth, fostering science 
and the arts, together with every laud- 
able undertaking, are the just pride of 
the nation — showing their liberality for 
the good of the human race. Here in 
New York, looking at the bright side, 
are to be found honest worth, enterprise, 
talent and liberality combined, that 
goes far to redeem the City from all that 
is objectionable; while, on the other 
hand, the corrupt politician, and the 
ignorant masses that follow in their 
wake, form a class of society at war 
with the best interests of the City and 
the nation at large. 



Census of tlie City of New York from 1790 to 1875. 

The recently taken (State) Census of 
"New York City shows a total popu- 
lation ol the 24 "Wards of i;064,373, 
heing an increase since 1870 of 131,980, 
or 2.6 per cent, a year. This increase 
results partly, however, from the annex- 
ation of two "Wards since 1870, with a 
population of 86,466. The increase is 
not nearly so large as expected, nor as 
the growth between 1865 and 1870, 
according to the censuses of those 
years. This is partially owing to the 
decrease of immigration, but more 
largely to the fact that the City of New 
York proper is already crowded, and 
that its surplus population is overflow- 
ing into the suburbs. Henceforth the 
population of Manhattan Island will 
grow with comparatively small speed, 
while its suburbs in Long Island, along 
the Hudson River, and in Connecticut 
and New Jersey, will grow with great 
rapidity. In this connection, the table 
below, showing the population of the 
City according to difEerent censuses 
since 1790, wiU be of interest. 

It is curious to note the sensitiveness 
of our population to business condi- 
tions, as indicated in this table. The 
first check which came to the growth 
of the City was caused by the war of 
1813-15. The next arose from the gen- 
eral stagnation from 1835 to 1830. The 
growth from 1830 to 1835 was beyond 
that of any previous period of five 
years, and was followed by as sudden a 

depression, consequent on the revulsion 
in 1837 from the excessive speculation 
of the previous years, as well as the de- 
struction of a considerable part of the 
City by flre. The impulse given by the 
discovery of gold in California is shown 
by the gain from 1845 to 1850. The civil 
war is sufQcient to account for the ap- 
parent diminution in 1865, and the re- 
vulsion of 1873 for the somewhat un- 
satisfactory figures for the present year. 

Per cent. 
Popnla- of In- 

Tears, tfon. Increase, crease. 

1790 83,131 

1800 60,489 87,358 82 

1810 96,763 85,864 68 

1815* 95,619 —1,834 loss. 

1830 183,705 88,187 80 

1885* 168,086 48,380 34 

1880 197,118 81,026 20 

1835* 268,089 70,977 86 

1840 318,710 64,681 20' 

1845* 871,823 59,513 19 

1850 515,647 141,234 39 

1855* 689,810 114,864 88 

1860 813,509 183,789 89 

1865* 726,386 —87,813 loss. 

1870 948,892 815,907 89 

1875* 1,046,037 121,980 13 

* State Censas. 

Taxation. — The rate of taxation in 
the City of New York is about $3 per 
$100, while the figures for Brooklyn 
vary from $3. 15 to $3.50 per $100 in the 
different wards. The two main sources 
of the burdens of both cities are the 
prosecution of premature public "im- 
provements '' on the most extravagant 
scale, and the vast proportions which 
their bonded debt has been allowed to 
assume. This burden of itself tends to 
retard the increase of population. 








Hudson Rivek Bailkoad 

New York 



(Conn'tg with N. Y. Central) 

Nkw Yokk and Harleu R.R.. 

New York 

Chatham, N.Y.. 


Harlem Extension 

Chatham, N.Y.. 

Rutland, Vt... . 


New York and New Haven . - . 

New York 

New Haven, Ct. 



New York. 

(Upstarting from the Grand 

Central Railroad Depot. 

Flushing, North Shore & Cen- 

tral R R _ -_ 

Hunter's Pt.,L.I 

Babylon, L.I 

Great Neck 


Great Neck Branch 

Flushing, L.I... 


Whitestone Branch 

Flushing, L.l... 

Whitestone, L.I. 


Long Island Railroad 

New York 



Flushing Branch 

Hunter's Pt., L.I 

Flushing, L.I 

Locust Vallej'... 


Hempstead & Glen Cove Br. 

Hempstead, L.I. 


Port Jefferson Branch 

Hicksville, L.L. 

Port Jefferson... 

Sag Harbor Branch 

Manor, L.I 

Sag Harbor 


B'klyn Cent'l& Jamaica R.R 
Southern (Long Island) 

East New York. 



New York 



Rockaway Branch 

Valley Stream. - 

Rockaway _ 

Coney Island 


Brooklyn & Coney Is. R.R 


Bat Ridge Railroad 

Bay Ridge, L.I. 
New York 

Statbn Island Railroad 

Perth Amboy... 


Camden AND Ajibot, via Steamer 

to South Amboy, N. J 

New York 



Erie Railway 

New York 



Buffalo Division 




Niagara Falls Branch. 

New York to Niagara Falls, 

Buffalo, N.Y... 

Susp. Bridge 


448 miles 

Delaware, Lac. and Western. 

New York 

Binghampton ... 


Morris and Essex R. R 

New York 

Easton, Pa 


Central New Jersey R.R 

New York 

Easton, Pa 


N. Y. and Long Branch Div. 

Elizabethport. . . 

Sea Girt 


Bound Brook and Delaware 

, River R.R.* 

Bound Brook. 

Newark, N.J 

New York & Newark R.R 

New York 


Pennsylvania Central R.R. . . 

New York 



Phil., Wil. & Baltimore R.R. 




Baltimore & Potomac R.R. . 

Baltimore, Md-. 

Washington, D.C 


Total miles, 328. 

New Jersey Southern R.R... 

Sandy Hook 

Bay Side, N.J... 


Northern Jerse y R. R 

tsew York 

Nyack, N.Y 


New Jersey Midland 

Np.w York 

Oswego, N.Y 


New York & Oswego Midland. New York 


* This Bailroad, when complete, will form a thronpih line and track from New York to 
FhUadelphia, via the North Pennsylvania Bailroad; distance, 88 miles. 




Suggestive Figures Copied from the Annual Eeport of tlie New 
York City Mission for 1875. 

Population.— The population of the 
■City of New York, according to the 
Ninth United States Census of 1870, 
was 942,293. According to the State 
Census of 1875, 1,046,037. 

Dwellings. — ^The number of dwell- 
ing-houses in the City, in 1870, was 

Families. — The number of families 
living in the City was 185,789. 

Tenement Houses. — Houses con- 
taining three or more families, are 
classed as tenement houses. It is sup- 
posed that there are 20,000 tenement 
liouses, and that they contain a popu- 
lation of 500,000 persons. 

Makbiages. — The number of per- 
sons united in marriage, in the City, 
'during the year, is estimated at 20,000. 

BiKTHS. — The number of births in 
-the city, during the year, is estimated 
at 35,000. 

Deaths. — The number of deaths in 
Ihe city, during the year 1874, was 28,- 
420, or about 28 to the 1,000. 

Pbopbbtt. — The total valuation of 
property in the City was $1,154,029,176. 

City Taxes.— The City taxes are 
$33,000,000 a year, and upwards. 

Public Amusements. — The money 
spent in theatres, operas, and other 
public amusements, is estimated at 
$7,000,000 a vear. 

Public Education.— For the pub- 
lic schools, $4,000,000 a year is re- 

Police. — For the support of the 
police, $4,000,000 a year is required. 

Immigeants. — Seventeen thousand 
immigrants per month, or upwards of 
200,000 per year, land at Castle Garden. 
Last year (1874), the number was 

Chubchbs and Accommodations. — 

There are 470 churches, chapels, and 
missions of all kinds, with accommoda- 
tions for 350,000 persons. 

Protestant Churches and Accom- 
modations.— There are 380 Protestant 
places of worship, with accommoda- 
tions for 250,000 persons. 

Protestant Churches and Com- 
municants.— There are 240 regularly 
incorporated Protestant churches, with 
an average membership of 800, which 
would give a total of 72,000 communi- 

Sabbath-schools and Attend- 
ance. — There are 410 Sabbath-schools 
of all denominations, with an attend- 
ance of 115,836 pupils. 

Protestant Sabbath-schools. — 
There are 256 Protestant Sabbath- 
schools, with an attendance of 88,337 

Young Men and Young Women. — 



The number of males between the ages 
of 15 and 30 years, is 123,081. The 
number of females between the ages of 
15 and 30 years, is 150,467. Probably 
30,000 of the latter are servants. 

Childken between Five and Fif- 
teen. — The number of children in the 
City between the ages of five and fifteen, 
is 197,863. The number five to eight- 
een years of age, is 350,353. 

Public Instbdction. — In the schools 
under the Board of Education there is 
an average attendance of 107,934. 

Private Schools, etc. — In paro- 
chial schools, industrial schools, private 
schools, colleges, etc., there must be 
35,000 more. 

Whole Number at School. — In the 
public schools and private schools, etc., 
there are probably 143,934 regularly in 
attendance. The number of pupils 
who attend these schools for a longer 
or shorter period is over 300,000. 

Street Children. — Children grow- 
ing up without any instruction. This 
number, variously estimated, may be 
set down at about 10,000. 

Dhinkinq Places. — Official state- 
ments place the number of licensed and 
unlicensed drinking saloons at 8,403. 
The money spent in these drinking 
places for liquor is variously estimated, 
but may be set down at $50,000,000 a 

Arrests. — Total number of arrests 
by the Police Department for the year 
1874, 90,030, of which 71,260 were for 
intoxication and disorderly conduct. 

Crimes op Violence. — Arrests for 
crimes of violence in 1874, 7,860. 

Commitments. — Commitments to the 
City Prison in 1874, 51,466. 

Intemperance. — Of the whole num- 
ber committed to the City prisons dur- 
ing the year, 41,514 were of intemper- 
ate habits. 

LoDQiNOS. — Lodgings furnished at 
police stations in 1874, 185,134. 

Lost Children. — Lost children ta- 
ken care of by the police in 1874, 5,879. 

OuT-DooB Poor. — Out-door poor re- 
lieved in 1874. 23,782. 

Benevolent Societieb. — ^There are 
over 815 religious and charitable socie- 

Of the more prominent societies, as 
the American Bible Society, the Ameri- 
can Tract Society, etc., 40 reported last 
year an aggregate of $7,035,021.65, or, 
excluding proceeds of sales, nearly 

The organized local charitable socie- 
ties and institutions receive and disburse 
annually $3,500,000. 

Public Charitieb. — To the alma- 
houses, prisons, hospitals, nurseries, 
schools, asylums, etc., under the care of 
the Commissioners of Public Charities, 
and Correction, there were 158,371 com- 
mitments during the year 1874. It will 
be borne in mind that the returns from 
these institutions do not indicate the 
number of different individuals held. 
In many instances the same person has. 
been committed several times. If he 
were committed twenty times during- 
the year, there would be twenty com- 
mitments registered, and yet but one 
person. The constant population of 
these institutions is about 8,000. 



The Mayor of the City of New York holds 
office for two years. The terra of the present In- 
cumbent commenced January 1, 1875, and expires 
Januaryl, 1877. He is invested by law with exten- 
sive powers, including the appointment and removal 
for cause of the heads of the various Departments 
of the Municipal Government. In cases of removal, 
however, the proceeding must obtain the approval 
of the Governor of the State. 

WILLIAM H. "WICKHAM, Maycrr, Office, No. 6 City Hall. 

Burton N. Harrison, Secretary. 

Chief Clerk — Thomas A Lathkop 

MarihaU — John Tyler Kblly, Herman Schroeter. 

Permit CUrk — Daniel Hart, 6 City Hall. 

JOHN K. HACKETT, Recorder, 317 Broadway. 


.At Large. 

John Reillt, 
Magnus Gross, 
Oliver T. C. Billings. 

Fourth Senate District, 

Bryan Rbilly, 
Patrick Lysaght. 

Fifth Senate District. 

James J. Gumdlbton, 
William Wade. 
Sixth Senate District. 

Patrick Keenan, 
John W. Guntzer. 
Seventh Senate District. 

HBMiy E. HowLAND, Peter Sebry, 

: William Sauer. 

Eighth Senate District, 

MiciAEL Tuomey, Wm. H. McCarthy, 

Hbniy D. Purroy, Joseph Cudlipp. 

Samuel A. Lewis, President Board of Aldermen. 

Francis J. Twomby, Clerk, Office, No. 8 City Hall. 

Samuel A. Lewis, 
Jacob Hess, 
WiiLiAM L. Cole, 

Thcmas Shiels, 

JoH^ J. Morris, 

Joseph C. Pinckney, 

Tfie Mayo; Recorder and Board of Aldermen are the Board of Supervisors. 



ILeatla of Departments. 

1 Exemtive William H. Wickiiam * Mayor. 

3 Legislative Board of Aldermen and Supervisors 

3 Finance Andrew H. Gkeen... Comptroller. 

4 Zaw William C. Whitney Comisel to the Corporation. 

f William F. Smith "] 
iT^^TT^g ThI^lek::::::: «--^-^^- 
Joel B. Erhaiit J 

Public Works Allan Campbell Commissioner. 

Public Charities ( Isaac H. Bailey. 1 

7 and ■! Thomas S. Bbennan > Commissioners. 

Corrections. (TownsendCox ) 

( Joseph L. Perley ) 

8 Fire ■] Roswell D. Hatch j- Commissioners. 

I Vincent C. Kino ) 

i Charles F. Ciiandleu 1 
Dii. E. G. Janeway \ Commissioners 
President Board of Police ) 

i Henry G. Stebuins 1 
K'b.^i^lT.™on::::::: U--^- 
Joseph J. O'Donohue J 

( Jacob A. Westervelt 1 

11 Docks.. i Henry F. Dimock >• Commissioners. 

I SalemH. Wales.. ) 

io Tr.„.,o „„^ Ao (John Wheeler 1 

^^w N George H. Andrews. [ Tax Commissiomrs. 

*'**'^^— --( John N. Haywood..... j 

13 Buildings Walter W. Adams Superintendent. 

f James L. Stewart ) 

14 Excise \ William H. Stineb [• Commissioners 

[ D. D. T. Marshall ) 

15 EdiLcation William Wood President. 

*For Salaries see page 63 


Office, County Court House. 

Comptroller'a OfiSce. 

Andrew H. Green, Comptroller. 

Abm. L. Earle, Deputy Comptroller, 

IticiiARD A. Storrs, Assistant, 

F. W. Whittemobe, Assistant, 

C. W. Lawrence, Clerk to Comptroller, 

Eliot McCormick, Secretary to Comptroller, 

Wakeman H. Dikeman, Stodc Clerk. 


Auditing Bureau. 
DaotbIi Jackson, Auditor of Accounts, 
E. Yblvbhton, Assistant Auditor. 

Bureau for the Collection of Taxes. 
M. T. McMahok, Becdwr of Taxces, 
Alfiibd Vkedenuubgu, First Olerk 

Bureau for the Collection of City Revenue. 
RichakdF. Stevens, Collector of the Oity Bevenxw. 

Bureau for the Collection of Assessments. 
Spencer KiRBT, Collector of Assessments. 

Bureau of Arrears. 
A. 8. Cadt, Clerk of Arrears. 

Bvureau of Markets. 
Thos. F. Dbvoe, Superintendent of Markets. 

City Chamberlain. 
J. Nelson Tappan. 


Office, City Hall. 

Allan CampbelIi, Commissioner. Henry A. Gtjmbleton, Deputy. 

Eobert H. Clifford, Chief OlerK 

Bureau of Repairs and Supplies. 
Thomas Kbech, Superintendent. 
John Sloper, Keeper of City Hall and Park, 9 City HalL 

Bureau of Streets. 
James J. Moonet, Superintendent. 

Bureau of Street Improvement. 
Geobgb A. Jeremiah, Superintendent. ■ 
Bureau of Ijamps and Oas. 
Thomas O'Callagiian, Superintendent. 
Bureau of Chief Engineer of Department of Public Works. 
John C. Campbell. Chief Engineer. 
Bureau of Water Rents. 
Office, City Hall. 
John H. Chambers, Registrar. 

Bureau of Water Purveyor. 
Daniel O'Reilly, Purveyor. 

Bureau of Sewers. 
Stevenson Towle, Surveyor-in-Cliarge. 


Bureau of Construction of Roads and Avenues. 
M. A. Kellogg, Enffineer-in-Chief. 

Bureau of Encumbrances. 
Seth C. Douglabs, Superintendent. 


Oflace, 119 Duane Street. 

Jacob A. Westervelt, President. 


Eugene T. Lynch, Secretary. 

George 8. Greene, Jr., Engineer4T\rChitf. 

Office, 299;iyiulberry Street. 

James L. Stewart, ) 

William H. Stiner, \ Commisgionera. 

D. D. T. Marshall, ) 

Albert G. Growell, Chief Clerk. 


Office, Tryon Row. 

William H. Whttney, Council to the Corporation, 
George P. Andrews, Asmtomt. 


Office, 115 Nassau Street. 

H. N. RuQGLES, Corporation Attorney. 

George W. Parker, and Douglas A. Levein, Jr., Amitants. 


Office, 115 Nassau Street. 

Isaac Dayton, Public Administrator. 
L. H. Arnold, Jr., Chief Clerk. 

Office, 30 Union Square (East). 
HoK. Henry G. Stebbins, President. "1 
l^iB^^X^MSON, XcommUsior^s. 

Joseph J. O'Donohub, ) 



William. Ibwin, Secretary. 

F. L. Olmsted, Landsca/pe Architect. 

John Bogart, Supt. and Ehvgineer. 

General &. S. Greene, Engineer of Gimstruetion. 

J. J. R. Croes, Civil and Topographical Engineer. 

Julius Munckwitz, Supt. of Parks, and Supt. and Architect. 

E. C. Morrison, Supt. of the 23d and ZUh Wards. 

Daniel Draper, Director of tlie Meteorogicai Observatory. 

Wm. A. Conklin, Director of the Menagerie. ' 

Central Office, 300 Mulberry Street. 
"William F. Smith, President, 'j 

iT^ilJ.T^^r^'^- Oommissioners. 

Joel B. Erhakdt, 1 

Seth C. Hawley, Cliief Cflerk. 

Gborob W. Walling, Superintendent. 


300 Mulberry Street. 
D. B. Hasbrouck, Chief of tlie Bureau. 


300 Mulberry Street. 
John Gunner, Inspector. 

Honse for Detention of Wltneases. 

203 Mulberry Street. 

Station Houses. 


1st— 54 New St. 



4th— 9 Oak Street. 

6th — 19 Leonard. 

6th— 9 Franklin. 

7th— 247 Madison. 

8th— 128 Prince. 

9th— 94 Charles. 

10th— 89 Eldridge. 

11th— Union Market. 

12th— East 120th, n 4th av. 

13th— 178 Delancy. 

14th— 305 Mulberry. 

15th— 321 Mercer. 

16th— 230 West 20th St. 

17th— First av., n Fifth. 


18th— 327 East 22d St. 

19th— 220 East 59th St. 

20th'-434 West 37th St. 

21st— 120 East 85th St. 

22d— 347 West ,47th St. 

23d— East 87th, n. av. A. 

24th— Police Boat No. 1. 

25th— 34 East 29th St. 

26th— City Hall. 

27th— 99 Liberty St. 

29th— 137 West 30th St. 

30th— 128th St., bet. 9th and 10th avs 

31st_West 100th, n. 9th av. 

32d— Tenth av. cor. W. 152d Si. 

33d— Town Hall, Morrisania 

34th — Tremont. 

35tli— Kingsbridge. 

76 NEW YOEK AS IT 18. 


Superintendent 1 

Inspectors 3 

■Captains of Precincts 35 

Sergeants 139 

Patrolmen-- 3,261 

Doormen 74 

Total 2,513 

Police liife lusurauce Fund. 

This Is a Benevolent Institution for the benefit of retired officers, widows and 
orphans. Police Commissioners, Trustees. 


Corner of Third Avenue and 11th Street. 

Isaac H. Bailey, ) 
Thomas 8. Brennan, V Gommismners. 
To^VNSEND Cox, ) 

Joshua Phillips, Secretary to Boa/rd. 
The Institutions under their charge are as follows: 

Ahnshmise — ^Marshall Vought, Wa/rden. 

BeUevtie Hospital — James P. O'Rouke, Warden. 

Bureau of Medical and Surgical Belief— Foot East 26th Street. 

Centre Street Social — W. P. Fluhren, Surgeon. 

City Prison — Centre Street, cor. Franklin, John Quinn,. Warden. 

Colored Home — Samuel Whitall, Superintendent. 

Colored Orphan- Asylum — O. K. Hutchinson, Superintendent. 

Industrial School — Hart's Island ; L. Dumphy, Warden. 

Infanta' Hospital — Randall's Island; J. C. Iloward, Physician. 

Inebriate Asylum — Ward's Island; W. L. Hardy, Physician. 

I/unatic Asylum for Fem,aies — Blackwell's Island; R. L. Parsons, Physician. 

Asylum for Insane Males — Ward's Island; A. E. Macdonald, Physician. 

2fursery — Randall's Island; H. de B. Clay, Keeper. 

Nursery Hospital — John Walker, Superintendent. 

Out-door Poor I>epartment — Bast 11th, cor. Third ave. ; George Kellock, Supt. 

Penitentiary — Blackwell's Island; John M. Fox, Warden. 

Penitentiary Small-Pox and Charity Hospital — D. A. Kitchen, Chief. 

BandaU's Island — William H. Stevens, Warden. 

Workhouse Blackutdl's Island — Joseph Keen, Superintendent. 

New Yorh Morgue. — ^Bellevue Hospital Grounds, foot 26th Street, E. R. 

KoTiCE. — Persons visiting their friends at the Almshouse, Lunatic Asylum 
and Workhouse, go by steamboat from foot East 26th Street, at 10^ a. m. The 
Bellevue Hospital can be visited daily, from 11 a. m. to 2 p. m. Special permits 
to visit the different Institutions can be obtained at the office, 66 Third Avenue, 
corner 11th Street. 



Office, 127 Mercer Street. 
JosErn L. Pbklbt, 1 
EoswEiiL D. Hatch, [• Commissioners. 
Vincent C. King, ) 
Geoiige H. Shelden, Fire Mwrsliall. 

Bureau of the Chief of Department. 

Eli Bates, Chief of Dept. 
Bureau of Combustibles. 
Office, 125 Mercer Street. 
WiiiiiiAM Terhune, Inspector 
Trustees of the New York Fire Department Fund. 
Adolphus F. Ockbnhatjsbn, President. 
John J. Gokmait, Secretary. 
John 8. Giles, Ih-easurer, 174 Canal Street. 


Office, No. 2 Fourth avenue. 
Waltek W. Adams, Superintendent. 
Henry J. Dudley, Deputy Superintendent. 
Thomas Donaldson, Chief Clerk. 


Chambers, No. 43 to 51 Police Head-quarters Building, 301 Mott Street. 

The Board of Health, under the Statutes, has legislative powers upon sub- 
jects relating to Public Health. It consists of the President of the Board of 
Police, the Health Officer of the Port and two Commissioners of Health. The 
department is divided into two bureaus — Sanitary Bureau and Bureau of Vital 

The officers of the Board are as follows : 

Charles F. Chandler, President; Dr. E. G. Janbwat, the President of 
the Board of Police, and Dr. S. Oakley Vanderpobl, Health Officer of tlie Port ; 
Emmons Clark, Secretary ; Geo. S. Hastingb, Chief Clerk. 

Chiefs op Btjreatt — Sanitary Bureau — Dr. W. Db Forest Day, Sani- 
tary Swpt; Dr. Edward H. Janes, Assistant. 

Bureau of Vital Statistics Register; Dr. John T. Nagle, 

150 Grand Street. 
This Board is composed of twenty-one Commissioners of Commwn Schools, and 
has the direct charge of all the Common Schools and a general supervision over 
those corporate schools which participate in the school moneys of the State. 

William Wood, Esq., President, Board of Commissioners; L. D. Kibrnan, 
Clerk • Henry Kiddle, City Superintendent; Norman A. Calkins, 1st Assistant; 
DAvro S. Stagg, Supt. Buildings; Alex. M. Stanton, Supt. Truancy; Johk 
Dunham, Engineer. 




FoiTRTH Avenue, cob. Eabt Sixty-eighth Street. 
Thomas Hitnteii, President; Abthdb H. Dunden, Vice-Pres.; Miss Ltdia 
F. Wadleiqh, Superintendent; Model School, Mabtha L. Deake, Prin- 


Ship St. Maby'b, Foot East 23d Steeet. 
KoBEET L. Phtthian, Commander. 


New County Court House, 1st floor. 

William Walsh, County Clerk. 

J. Faibfax McLaughlin, Deputy OWk. 

D. L. Holmes, Amstant Deputy Clerk. 

3. Henry Ford, Equity Clerk. 

Geo. W. Hardie, Law Clerk. 

Wm. Sinclair, Chambem Clerk. 

Peter M. Ledwith, Poflrt 1, Clerk. 

Wm. E. Haskin, Port 3, Clerk. 
John Van Glahn, Part 3, Clerk. 
Wm. Lamb, Jr., Clerk, General Term. 

Edward McCue, Clerk, Special Term 

Stephen C. Duryea, Chief Eecording Clerk. 

Edmund M. Plum, Clerk of Jlecorda. 


County Court House, 1st floor. 

William C. Connee, Sheriff. 

John T. Cuming, Under Sheriff. 

Aaron Aarons, 
William Baird, 
Thomas F. Bourke, 
William H. Burns, 
Patrick Campbell, 
William H. Carroll, 
James Carraher, 
Charles H. Cooper, 
J. F. Cunningham, 
Rufus Dodge, 
Thomas Dunlap, Jr., 
James Fay, 


Dederick G. Gale, 
Bernard Galligan, 
William Henry, 
Martin J. Keese, 
Charles W. Upham, 
George J. Wood, 
Thomas Kerrigan, 
Mark Lanigan, 
Bernard Maguire 
Charles McNulty, 
Thomas McSpedon, 
John J. Maloney, 

Henry New, 
William H. Quincy, 
Peter Radley, 
Albert K. Rich, 
Harvey Scofield, 
Thomas Scheils, 
Charles E. Simms, 
James M. Stuart, 
John H. Hillier, 
Michael Lestrange, 

William Dunham, ) t|t„„j^. 
William Watson, [^'^'^> 

Ludlow Street Jail. 



meet for the purpose of taking inquests, and for trial of claims, and such other 
business as may be brought before them, at 4 o'clock P. M., on Monday of 
of each week. 

Office, 40 Bast Houston street. 
Hbnrt Woltman, Richabd Cbokeb, Anthony Eickhoff; Mobitz Ellin- 

GER, Coroners. 
John J. Toal, Clerk. 

Registrar's Office. 
No. 1 Hall of Records. 
Patrick H. Jonbs, Register; John Y. Savage, Deputy. 

County Court House, 1st floor. 
Stephen D. Van Schaick, Surrogate. 
Cornelius Minor, Chief Clerk. 
Daniel G. Gillette, Probate. 
Peter V. Burtsell, Clerk to the Surrogates Conrt. 
James J. Traynor, Administration and Ouwrdianahip Clerk, 

Oommissioners of Accounts. 
Lindsay P. Howe and Joseph J. Webtbay. 

Commissioners of Jurors. 
OflSce, Chambers, corner Centre Street. 
Thomas Dunlap, Commissioner; Alfred J. Keenan, Assistant. 

Commissioners of Armories and Drill Rooms. 

68 East 14th Street. 
Sheridan Shook, Frank M. Bixby, and Charles Cowan, Cormmssimers. 

Tax Commissioners. 
Office, New Court House, 33 Chambers Street. 
John Wheeler, George H. Andrews, John N. Haywood, Commissioners; 
Albert Storen, Secretairy. 

DEPUTY tax commissioners. 

Albert Bogart, Peter Gillespie, P. V. Ewing, JohnBagler, D. M. Henri- 
ques, Joseph A. Lyons, Wm. D. A. Pearce, Fred. C. Wagner, David Mur- 
ray, Robert T. Payne, Charles H. Yallalee, Michael Coleman, Elisha J. Cald- 
well; At la/rge, Henry Bracken. 

Board of Assessors. 
Office, 19 Chatham Street. , 
Thomas B. Aston, John M'Habg, Valentine S. "Woodruff, John Mullaly, 
Assessors; John H. Munford, Secretary. 

80 NEW TOKK AS IT 18. 

Commisaioners of Emigration. 

Office, Castle Garden. 

Geobgb J. FoKKEBT, Presidmt; George Starr, Henby A. Huklbdt, Daniel 
Maujer, Geo. W. Quintard, Mayor of New York, President of the Germaa 
Society, and President of the Irish Emigrant Society; H. J. Jackson, see. 

Emigrant Landing Depet, Castle Garden, H. J. Jackson, SeereUury of the Oom- 
missioners of Emigration. 

Supervision of City Record. 
RiCEABD J. Morrison; office, 3 City Hall. 

United States Iioan Commissioners. 
Office, 31 Nassau Street. 
Edwabd G. Thompson and Chaklbs Ingersoll, Commissionera. 


Fob the City and County of New Tobk. 
County Court House. 

Noah Davis, Ohief Justice. 

George C. Barrett, John R. Brady, Abraham R. Lawrence, and Charles Dona- 
hue, Associate Justices. 

William Walsh, Glerk • office. County Court House ; I. Fairfax McLauglilm, 
Deputy Olerk. 


County Court House. 

CiiATJBitrs L. MoNELL, Ohief Justice. 

Charles Y. Sanford, Hooper C. "Van Vorst, Wm. E. Curtis, John Sedgwick, 
and Gilbert M. Spier, Judges. Thomas Boese, Clerk; office. County Court 
House. William Caldwell, Deputy Clerk. 


Chables p. Daly, Gliief Justiee. 

George M. Van Hoesen, Charles H. Van Brunt, H. W. Robinson, R. L. 
Larremore, and Jos. F. DaXy, Judges. Nathaniel Jarvis, jr.. Clerk; office. County 
Court House. Thomas H. Landon, Deputy Clerk. 


County Court House. 

Naturalization can be obtained on application to the Clerks of the Court of 
Common Pleas and the Clerk of the Supreme Court. The Clerks have the 
various forms of applications, and the applicants for Naturalization must in every 
instance go before the Clerk before appearing in Court. 

N. Jarvis, jr., Clerk of Court of Common Pleas. 

Thos. Boese, Clerk of the Superior Court. 



1.— Second, Third and Fifth Wards— John Callahan, Judicc. 
2.— Fourth, Sixth and Fourteenth Wards— Charles McClancy, Jmti4X. 
3.— Eighth, Ninth and Fifteenth Wards— George W. Parker, Justice. 
4. — Tenth and Seventeenth Wards— John A. Dinkel, Justice. 
6.— Seventh, EleventhandThirteenthWards— Timothy J. Campbell, Justice, 
6.— Eighteenth and Twenty-first Wards— William H. Kelly, Justice. 
7. — Nineteenth and Twenty-second Wards — Walter 8. Pinckney, Justice. 
8. — Sixteenth and Twentieth Wards — Fred. G. Gedney, Justice. 
9.— Twelfth Ward— Henry F. McGowan, Justice. 

10.— Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards (Fordham)— John Flana- 
gan, Justice. 

Of the City and CotrNTT of New Yoke. 
Couht of Otbr and Tbbminbk, held by a Justice of the Supreme Court at the 
City Hall. 
The following are the Terms appointed by the Justices for the year 1876 : 
February Term, 1876, Justice Barrett assigned. 
November Term, 1876, Justices Brady and Davis assigned. 
The Terms commence on thij first Monday of the Months above designated, 
and may be continued at the discretion of the Justices, by adjournment. 

Court op Generaij Sessions of the Peace. — Two branches of the Court are 
held on the first Monday of each month in the Court House, 32 Chamber street. 
John K. Hackett, Recorder of the City and County of New York and Pres- 
iding Justice of the Sessions. Chambers, 317 Broadway. 
JosiAn Sutherland, City Judge. Chambers, 99 Nassau street. 
Henuy a. GiLDBKSLEEyB, Judgo of the said Court. Chambers, 90 Nassau 

John Sparks, Clerk of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General 
Sessions of the Peace. Office, 32 Chambers street. 
Edward J. Hall, Deputy Glerk. I Charles E. Wendt, Interpreter. 

William C. Stewart, Assistant Clerk. \ William Anderson, Stenographer. 

32 Chambers Street. 
Benjamin K. Phelps, District Attorney, City and County of New York. 
Assistants — ^Daniel G. Rollins, George W. Lyon, Joseph Bell, Horace Russell, 
William Herring. Moses P. Clark, Chief Clerk of OfBce. 

32 Chambers Street (Old Court House), and 27 Chambers Street. 
This Court is held daily (except Sundays), and its jurisdiction has been in- 
creased lately to $2,000, and has been made a Court of record. It was organized 
in 1813 to try marine cases. 
George Shea, Chief Justice. 

James B. Sheridan, Charles Goepp, Jas. P. Sinnot, Henry Alker, David 
McAdam, Justices. John D. Coughlin, Clerk. J. Howard Wood, Deputy Clerk. 



For the trial of criminal cases. Room in tlie " Tombs," on Centre Street. 
Butler H. Besby, President. 

Charies A. Flammer, George E. Kasmire, James T. Kilbretli, Bankson T. 
Morgan, Henry Murray, Marcus Ottenbourg, P. Sherman Smith, Thomas D, 
Sherwood, Benj. C. Wandell, N. K. Wheeler, Justices. Robert H. Johnson. 
Olerh. Merwin N. Jones, Deputy Clerk. 


First District. — At the " Tombs," corner Centre and Franklin streets. Butler 
H. Bixby and Chas. A. Flammer, Judges. 

/Second District. — 18 Washington place. Bankson T. Morgan and James T. 
Kilbreth, Judges. 

Third District. — 69 Essex street. George E. Kasmire and Marcus Otterbourg, 

BburtU District. — ^151 East 57th street. Patrick G. Duffy and Henry Murray, 

Fifth District— 1%^ East 125th street. Benjamin C. Wandell and F. Sherman 
Smith, Judges. 

Sixth District. — (Fordham,) 34th Ward. Nelson K. Wheeler, Judge. 
B. H. Bixby, President. 
Geobqe W. Cooney, Secretary, 18 Washington place. 

Police Justices. 

The Board, by resolutions, made the following assignments of Police Jus- 
tices to preside at the Court of Special Sessions during the ensuing year. 

January. T-Justices Smith, Wheeler and Otterbourg. 

February. — Justices Flammer, Duffy and Wandell. 

March. — Justices Kilbreth, Smith and Murray. 

April. — Justices Wheeler, Wandell and Murray. 

May. — Justices Murray, Morgan and Oiterbourg. 

June. — Justices Bixby, Kilbreth and Wandell. 

July. — Justices Morgan, Wheeler and Smith. 

August. — Justices Duffy, Kasmire and Murray. 

September. — Justices Otterbourg, Bixby and Morgan. 

October. — Justices Kasmire, Kilbreth and Flammer. 

November. — Justices Wandell, Murray and Morgan. 

December. — Justices Flammer, Duffy and Kasmire. 
A resolution was carried that the Police Justices rotate on the 1st of May 
next to the several Police Courts in the city, for four months each, and that 
no Justice sit at one Court twice in succession. 


No. 3 City HaU. 
M. J. Fabbell, Supervisor. 



No. 63 William street. 

Enoch L. Fancheu, Arbitrator. 
Geoboe Wilson, Clerk. 


Edmttnd B. Seaman, Captain of the Port ; J. M. Thompson, Samuel Duncan, 
Edward G. Tinker, Eugene Frost, John W. Tyler, F. R. Tucker, John W. 
Downing, Jos. L. Brosens, John Johnson, John Maginn and Henry W. 

Office No. 2 Exchange Court. 
W. L. B. Steaks, Preaiden t; David W. Judd, James McQuade, Commim<mers; 
Theo. E. Leeds, Secretary. 


Board of Commimonern of Pilots, Office 40 Burling slip, where application can 
l)e made for New York Sandy Hook Pilots. — Robert L. Taylor, Ajnbrose Snow, 
George W. Blunt and Wm. C. Thompson, Commissioners. 

New Jersey Pilots, office 104 South street. 

Hell Oate Pilots, office 23 Coenties slip. 

Sound Pilots, office 89 South street. 

Office, 77 Front Street. 
HoKATio S. Bbown, President ; H. M. Janes, Wm. H. Leaycraf t, Theo. F. C. 
Petrasch, Robert S. Duraont, Geo. C. Burdett, John Sherry, Henry Waterman, 
and H. L. Robinson ; Samuel L. Kennedy, Secretary ; George B. Gibbs, Collector. 


George W. Blunt, President ; J. K. Myers, N. Briggs, Nw D. Wells and C. 
C. Duncan, Commissioners; D. A. Nash, Secretary. 

Office, 20 University Building. 
William Neerguakd, President; Theobald Trohwein, Secretary. 


southern, district op new YORK. 

Rooms in Post Office Building. 

Jurisdiction extends over ihe Counties of New York, Westchester, Rockland, 
Orange, Putnam Dutchess, Columbia, Greene, Ulster and Sullivan. 

Ward Hunt, Associate Justice of the V. 8. Supreme Court and Judge of the 
Circuit Court. Louis B. Woodrupf, Circuit Judge. Kenneth G. White, Clerk. 



0FPICBE8, &C. 

Saitoel Blatchfobd, Jvdge; George T- Betts, Clerk. General Term. — First 
Tuesday in every month. Special Term. — Eveiy Tuesday for return of process. 
George Bliss, jr. , U. States District Attarnei/; Oliveb Itiske, U. States Marshal. 

Eastern District of Neuo York: Counties of Kings, Queens, Suffolk, Rich- 
mond and the Waters of the City and County of N. York. 

District and Circuit Courts held in Brooklyn on Ist Wednesday of each 

Charles L. Benedict, Judge; Asa. W. Tennet, District Attorney; SAjn3Ei> 
R. Harlow, U. States Marshal. 


Samuel Blatchfobd, Judge; George P. Betts, G Urk; A. C. Wilmarth, 
Clerk in charge of Bankruptcy Office; Oliver Piske, Ma/rslud. 


Isaiah T. Williamb, 4 Warren st. ; John Fitch, 345 Broadway; Isaac 
Dayton, 333 Broadway; Henby W. Allen, 152 Broadway; James F. Dwiqht, 
7 Beekman st; Edqab Ketchum, 99 Nassau St. 


The foUowing table shows the number of deaths, stiU-births, mamages and births 
for the year 1S75: 

Still- Mar- 

Beaths, birttis. riagea. Birtha, 

Jannary 2,763 185 683 2,100 

February 2,420 187 679 1,888 

March 2,672 200 489 2,809 

April 2,415 198 724 1,927 

May 2,403 199 736 1,670 

June 2,243 182 677 1,922 

July 3,631 180 W9 2,046 

August 2,968 178 618 2,086 

September 2,639 156 620 1,976 

October 2,175 179 710 1,996 

November 2,033 185 732 1,952 

December 2,228 211 548 2,041 

Totals 30,690 2,240 9,565 23,813 

ThefoUomng table gives the mortality from ths principal diseasesfor the past two 
years, with other information of an interesting cha/raeter : 

1874. lers. 

Small-pox 484 1,265 

Measles 319 163 

Scarlatina 879 504 

Siphtbena 1,665 2,310 

Croup 594 765 

Wbooping-cough 489 403 

Typhus and Typhoid fever 293 363 

Puerperal diseases 815 362 


1874. 1875. 

SiarrhcsRl diseases, all ages 3,569 3,716 

Diarrhceal diseases, under five jeara 3,100 8,357 

Alcoholism 227 167 

Cancer 416 409 

Phthisis pulmonalis (Consumption) 4,034 4,154 

BronchUiB 1,065 1,106 

PneamoDia 2,398 2,775 

Heart diseases 973 1,095 

Marasmus and tabes mesenterica, hydrocephalus, &c 637 696 

Convulsions 671 666 

Meningitis 663 700 

Direct effect of solar heat 19 19 

All diseases of the brain and nervous system 2,451 2,350 

Bright'B disease 827 1,084 

Deaths by violence and accidents 1,008 1,177 

Deaths by suicide 180 152 

Deaths by drowning 174 178 

Dcatlis of children under one year 8,279 7,603 

Deaths of children under five years 13,956 14,800 

TliefoUowing table shmos the claanjkation of the whole number of Deaths for tlie 
past two years : 

1874. 1875. 

Zymotic diseases 9,802 ,10,868 

Constitutional diseases 6,023 6,072 

Local diseases 9,987 10,711 

Developmental diseases 1,667 1,736 

DcathsV violence 1,248 1,203 

Total 28,727 80,590 

The Death Kate for 1875, taking the Population at 1,060,000, Is equal to 28.86 per 1,000. 

NEW YORK OITT.— State Census, 1875. 

Showing the Population and Deatlis by Wards. 

_, J Fopula- Deaths, 

1 14,209 473 

8 1,013 45 

8 2,878 75 

4 20,843 623 

6 15,966 414 

6 19,880 672 

7 45,656 1,217 

8 32,488 950 

9 49,417 1,239 

10 41,777 1,192 

11 63,874 1,983 

12 59,029 *2,118 

13 84,028 876 

14 26,471 753 

* Includes the deaths on Ward's and Bandall Island. 

t Including deaths on Blackwell's Island. 























Asylums, Penal Institu- 





Table duming the Debt and Taaes of New York Oityfor every Five Years since 180O. 


Valuation of Property. 


Tax per 

Head op 




























$127,094 87 

129,727 15 

361,285 40 

839,891 94 

386,448 85 

509,178 44 

965,503 94 

1,354,845 29 

2,096,191 18 

3,230,085 02 

6,843,832 89 

9,758,507 86 

18.202,858 00 

23.566,240 00 

23,361,674 00 

32,035,480 00 

28,230,996 00 

32,312,816 92 

32,367,744 75 



$1 35 




2 76 

3 33 

2 51 

3 58 

4 83 

5 65 

6 37 
9 38 

11 99 



Dec. 31, $774,555 66 
902,634 83 
. 10,775,385 84 
13,029.581 33 
12,204,176 28 
15,024,418 99 
18,901,440 54 
35 973 597 11 



25 11 

73,373,552 03 
88,369,386 90 
95,582,153 09 



106,363,471 07 
114,979.969 9» 


33 00 



116,773,824 0& 


The Debt of New York City is about one hundred and fifteen dollars of debt 
to every man, woman and child. 

The rate of Taxation lias increased from one-lialf of one per cent, in 1805 to two 
and nine-tenths per cent, in 1875. 

The amount of Tax now to each inhabitant is $30, while in 1810, sixty-flve 
years ago, it was only $1.35 — being now nearly twenty-four times as much as 

While the property in 1810 was $264 to each inhabitant, now it is $1,154, or 
about four times what it was then. In other words, tlte taxes liave increased 
six times as fast as the property. 

Notwithstanding the enormous taxation, the debt has increased from $3.82 to 
each inhabitant, to $114.98 in the last forty-five years. From 1865 to 1875 the 
debt has grown from thirty-five millions to one hiuidred and twenty milliousv 
The, rate of taxation per $100 is $2.94. 

Tax Levy for 1876. 

The Board of Estimate and Apportionment decided to fix the financial budget 
for 1876 at $30,904,395.64, after deducting the sum of $4,000,000, which it waa 
estimated, would be the revenue from the general fund. 



Amounts allowed to certain Charities from the excise moneys. The following 
list as those best entitled to share in the award, and the amount which should 
be given to each, was submitted by the Comptroller. This list was agreed upon : 


Name. Allowance for 1876. 

l-.New York Dispensary $1,385 53 

2.. Demilt Dispensary -. 1,097 32 

3- -Eastern Dispensary 1,020 42 

4-. North-Eastern Dispensary 968 15 

B- -German Dispensary 1,039 92 

6- -North-Western Dispensary - 986 40 

7-.Northern Dispensary 994 44 

8-. Yorkvillc Dispensary .- 953 53 

9- -Harlem Dispensary 387 00 

10- -West Side German Dispensary 351 90 

11.. Western HomcBopathic Dispensary 756 96 

12. -Tompkin's Square Horn. Dispensary 630 10 

T 13. -N. Y. Horn. Medical College Dispensary 458 01 

14. -North-Eastern Homceopathic Dispensary 433 96 

15- -Yorkvillc Homoeopathic Dispensary 113 16 

16--N. Y. Free Dispensary for Sick Children 388 64 

17 Metropolitan Throat Hospital 276 00 

18.. N. Y. Dis. for Diseases of Throat and Chest 631 80 


, 1. .Asylum of the Sisters of St. Dominic. $3,925 00 

2--Five Points House of Industry 1,435 00 

3.. Institution of Mercy 3,932 00 

4-. St. Joseph's Industrial Home for Destitute Children 3,550 00 

6 Home for Aged (in charge of Little Sisters of the Poor)... 3,330 00 

6 St. Joseph's Home for the Aged 3,190 00 

7-.The Sheltering Arms 2,025 00 

8.-Association for Befriending Children and Young Girls--. 1,500 00 

9 Home for Aged and Infirm Hebrews 1,043 90 

10- -St. Vincent's Home for Boys 1,375 00 

11 Chapin Home for Aged and Infirm 1,000 00 

13.. St. Vincent's Industrial Home (for Girls) 960 00 

13.. Samaritan Home for the Aged 900 00 

14..St. Barnabas' House 750 00 

15..Home for Incurables -- 700 00 

16 Home for Old Men and Aged Couples 480 00 

17. .Home of Rest for Consumptives - 400 00 

18 New York Asylum for Lying-in Women 1,325 00 

19. .St. Stephen's Home for Children 800 00 

20. -Home for Fallen and Friendless Girls 3,300 00 

21. .St. Luke's Home for Indigent Christian Females 1,300 00 


l..St. Francis Hospital $3,168 75 

\ 2.-New York OrthopsBdic Dispensary 2,380 00 


3.. St. Vincent's Hospital 1,890 00 

4..Mt. Sinai Hospital 1,348 60 

5.. St. Luke's Hospital 1,130 40 

6. -New York Medical College and Hospital for Women 643 40 

7.. German Hospital - 690 00 

8.. St. Elizabeth's Hospital 700 00 

9.. St. Mary's Free Hospital for Children 200 00 


l-.New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute $1,545 20 

3..New York Eye and Ear Infirmary 3,047 20 

3. -N. Y. Infirmary for Women and Children 1,034 80 

4. .West Side Infirmary for Diseases of the Eye and Throat- 171 80 

6.. Manhattan Eye and Ear Hospital 643 60 

6..NewYork Ear Dispensary 318 00 

7..New York Ophthalmic Hospital 779 60 


1.. Association for the Benefit of Colored Orphans $1,375 00 

3..Asylumof St. Vincent de Paul ^ 650 00 

3. -Orphans' Home and Asylum of the P. E. Chm-ch 750 00 

4.. St. Joseph's Asylum 990 00 

6.. Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum 6,095 00 


l..The Church Mission to Deaf Mutes $450 00 

3..Five Points Mission 1,632 75 

3. -Howard Mission 1,000 00 

4.. Ladies' Union Relief Association for Care of Disabled 

Soldiers and their Families 4,200 00 

5. -Ladies' Society for the Support of Widows and Or- 
phans 1,250 00 

6--New York Diet Kitchen -- 1,314 00 

7-.New York Female Assistance Society for the Relief of 

the Sick Poor 1,125 00 

8- -New York Free Medical College for Women 438 25 

9-.Prison Association of New York 3,267 00 

10„St. Johns' Guild 3,000 00 

11. -Society for the Relief of Destitute Children of Sea- 
men 855 00 

13- -Society for the Relief of the Destitute Blind (home for 

the blind) 1,000 00 

13— Society of St. Vincent de Paul of the City of New 

York... 3,859 00 

14--Training School for Nurses 800 00 

15- -United Hebrew Charities of the City of New York 3,065 50 

16--WiIson Industrial School and Mission 350 00 

17. -Woman's Aid Society and Home for Training Young 

Girls 300 00 

18..Women's Prison Association 450 00 

Total $100,908 69 


(Formerly King's CoUege.) 
This venerable Institution of learning is now located on East Forty-ninth 
Street, between Madison and Fourth Avenues. 

HistoruMl Sketch,— '"The establishment of a College in the City of New York 
(during Colonial times), was many years in agitation before the design was car. 
ried into effect. At length, under an Act of Assembly, passed in December, 
1746, and other similar acts which followed, moneys were raised by public lot- 
tery "for the encouragement of learning, and towards the founding a College" 
within the Colony. These moneys were, in November, 1751, vested in trustees, 
ten in number, of whom seven were members of the Church of England, and 
some of these seven were also vestrymen of Trinity Church. 

"These circumstances, together with the liberal grant of land to the College 
by Trinity Church, excited apprehensions of a design to introduce a church- 
establishment within the province, and caused violent opposition to the plan, as 
soon as it became known, of obtaining a royal charter for the College. This 
opposition, however, being at last in a great measure surmounted, the chartei 
was granted on the 31st of October, 1754; from which period the existence of 
the College is properly to be dated." 

The College building was first erected on Park Place, west of Broadway, 
bounded by Broadway, Church and Murray Streets, and by the Hudson Eiver, 
and known as King's CoUege. In 1760 the College buildings began to be occu- 
pied, and these stood for one hundred and three years, until its removal to 
another site, in 1857, occasioned by the demands of the business of the city. 

" Since the passing of the charter, the institution hath received great emolu- 
sments by grants from his most gracious majesty King George the Third, and 
liberal contributions from many of the nobility and gentry in the parent coun- 
try, from the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, and 
from several public-spirited gentlemen in America and elsewhere. By means of 
these and other benefactions, the governors of the College have been enabled to 
extend their plan of education, herein being taught, by proper masters and pro- 
fessors — ^Divinity Nitural Law, Physic, Logic, Ethics, Metaphysics, Mathe- 


matics. Natural Philosophy, Astronomy, Geography, History, Chronology, 

Rhetoric, Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Modern Languages, the Belles-Lettres, and 

whatever else of literature may tend to accomplish the pupils as scholars and 


Present Organization of the College. 


1. — The Greek Language and Literature. 

3. — The German Language and Literature. 

3. — Chemistry. 

4. — Mathematics and Astronomy. 

5. — Mathematics. 

6.— Philosophy, History, Political Economy and Belles-Lettres. 

7. — Physics. 

8. — Latin Language and Literature. 

9. — Botany. 


The Faculty of the School of Mines consists of the President of the College, 
and the Professors of Mineralogy and Metallurgy, of Mining Engineering, and 
of Chemistry, and such other Professors as may hereafter be assigned by the 

The School of Mines was established in 1864, for the purpose of furnishing 
students tlie means of acquiring a thorough knowledge of those branches of 
science which form the basis of the industrial pursuits. 
The system of instruction includes five parallel courses of study, viz : — 
1. — Civil Engineering. 
2. — Mining Engineering. 
3. — Metallurgy. 

4. — Geology and Natural History. 
5. — Analytical and Applied Chemistry. 
In this Department there are now 201 students. 


The President of the College and Professors engaged in the institution in the 
Law School shall constitute the Law Faculty. In this department there are 522 


The College of Physicians and Surgeons in the City of New York constitute 
the Medical School of Columbia College. 

Alonzo Clark, M. D., President. 
In this Department there are 452 students. 

Officers op the college, 1875-76. 

They consist of a Board of twenty-three Trustees and the following Com- 
mittees : 

STANDING committee. 

Gouvernexir M. Ogden, C/iairman, Wm. C. Schermerhorn, 
William Betts, LL.D., Anthony Halsey, 

Charles R. Swords, Joseph W. Harper, 

Lewis M. RnTHERPOiiD. 



Fred. A*. P. Barnard, S.T.t)., LL.D., Evert A. Dutckinck, 
Bbnj. S. Haisht, 8.T.D., LL.D., Jambs W. Bbbkman, 

Beverly R. Bbtts, OUsrk. 

Ofitcers of instruction and government. 

Fred. A. P. Barnard, S.T.D., LLD., President. 

Alonzo Clark, M. D., President of the School of Medicine. 

Andrew J. Anderson, M.D., LL.D., Prof, of Math, and Astronomy. 

Henry Drisler, LL.D., Prof, of Greek Language and Literature. 

Henry I. Schmidt, 8.T.D., Prof, of German Language, &c. 

Cornelius R. Dufle, 8.T.D., Chaplain. 

Cliarles A. Joy, Ph. D., Prof, of Chemistry. . 

Charles Davics, LL.D., Prof, of Higher Miithematics. 

William G. Peck, LL.D., Prof, of Mathematics, Astronomy, &c. 

Charles M. Nairne, M. A., Prof, of Moral and Int. Philosophy. 

Theo. W. D wight, LL.D., Prof, of Municipal Law, &c. 

John Ordronaux, M.D., Prof, of Medical Jurisprudence. 

J. Howard Van Amringe, A.M., Prof, of Mathematics. 

Willard Parker, M.D.,Trof. of Surgery and Surgical Anatomy. 

John C. Dal ton, M.D., Prof, of Physiology and Hygiene. 

Samuel St. John, M.D., Prof, of Chemistry. 

Thomas M. Markoe, Adjunct Prof, of Surgery. 

Charles T. Chandler, Ph. D., M.D., Prof, of Analytical and Applied Chem- 
istry, and Dean of the School of Mines, &c. 

John S. Newberry, M.D., LL.D., Prof, of Geology, &c., besides sixty-eight 
other Professors and Assistants. 

Scholars, 1875-76. 

SenlorClass 41 

Junior Class 29 

Sophomore Class -- 54 

Freshmen Class 48 

Total 172 

There is an Annual Commencement on the last "Wednesday in June, when 
academical degrees are conferred, and orations delivered by members of th& 
graduating class. The regular course of study commences on the first Monday 
in October of each year. 



F. A. P. Barnard, D.D., LL.D., Columbia College, President. 
Theodore W. D wight, LL.D., 8 Great Jones street. 

Warden of tlie Law Sclwol and Prof, of Municipal Lam.. 

, Prof, of Constitutional History and Public Law. 

Charles Murray Nairne, L.H.D., Prof, of Ethics of Jurisprudence^ 
John Ordronaux, M.D., LL.D., Prof, of MedicalJurisp7tiden/:e. 
George Chase, LL.D., Instructor in Municipal Law. 

The design of the Law School is to afford a complete course of legal education 
for gentlemen intended for the bar in any of the.United States, except in matters 


of mere local law and practice. The Annual Term of this Institution com- 
mences on the first Wednesday in October, and continues until Wednesday, 
May 13, 

The regular and systematic instruction of the students upon the various 
topics of legal science is under the special control of Prof. Theo. W. Dwight, 
IL.D., Warden of the Law School. 


Medical Department of Columbia College. 

Rooms, Twenty-third Street, corner Fourth Avenue. 

This Institution was founded in the year 1807, by an Act of the Legislature of 
ITew York, at the recommendation of the Regents of the University, by whose 
immediate government it is controlled. 

Ofpicebs, 1875. 

Alonzo Clakk, M. D., President. 
Edward L. Beadle, if. D. , Vice-President. 
Ellsworth Eliot, M. D., Registrar. 
Cambridge Livingston, Treasurer. 


Alonzo Clark, M.D., Professor of Pathology, &c. 

Willard Parker, M.D., Prof, of Clinical Surgery. 

JohnC. Dalton, M.D., Prof, of Physiology and Hygiene. 

Samuel St. John, M.D., Prof, of Chemistry, &c. 

Thomas M. Markoe, M.D., Prof, of Surgery. 

T. Garland Thomas, M.D., Prof, of Obstetrics, &c. 

John T. Melcalfe, M.D., Prof, of Clinical Medicine. 

Henry B. Sands, M.D., Prof, of Anatomy. 

James W McLane, M.D., Adjunct Prof, of Obstetrics, &c, 

Thomas T. Sabine, M.D., Adjunct Prof, of Anatomy. 

Charles F. Chandler, Ph.D., Adjunct Prof, of Chemistry, &c 

Edward Curtis, M.D., Prof, of Materia Medica, &c. 

William Detmold, M.D., Prof of Clinical and Military Surgery 

William H. Draper, M.D., Clinical Prof, of Diseases of the Skin. 

Cr. R. Agnew, M.D., Clinical Prof, of Diseases of the Eye and Ear. 

Abraham Jacobi, M.D., Clinical Prof, of Diseases of Children 

Fessenden N. Otis, M.D., Clinical Prof, of Venereal Disease. 

Edward C. Seguin, M.D., Clinical Prof, of Diseases of the Mind, &c. 

John G. Curtis, M.D., Adjunct Lecturer on Physiology and Hygiene. ' 

Charles M. Bumey, M.D., Demonstrator of Anatomy. '■ 

Charles Kelsey, M.D., Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy. 

George B. Fowler, M.D., Curator of the. College Museum. 

The annual number of Students attending this Medical Institution amounts 
to about 400. 


Annual Announcement. 

In THE Plan op Instruction adopted by the College of Physicians and Sur- 
geons, Clinical Teaching constitutes an important and prominent feature, all 
tlie practical subjects treated in the Didactic Course being fully illustrated at 
the bedside. In the furtherance of this object, the College itself and the exten- 
sive Hospitals of New York furnish ample fields for instruction and study. 

Tlie CoLUBGE Clinics, held within the College building, have been for 
some years an important feature of the course. In these Clinics a great 
variety of diseases in all the prominent departments of Practical Medicine and. 
Surgery are presented for observation and diagnosis, their peculiarities ex- 
plained, by the lecturer, the appropriate treatment prescribed, and the requisite 
surgical operations performed before the class. Opportunities are also afforded 
at successive Clinics for observing the effect of remedies on the progress of 
the case. 

In this way, besides the Clinics held at the various Hospitals, nine are- 
given each week in the College, thus affording constant opportunities for clini- 
cal instruction, without the otherwise necessary loss of time. During the yea/r 
1874, 6,000 new patients were registered. 

At the Bbllevub Hospital, situated within ten minutes' walk of the College, 
at the corner of 2Gth Street and First Avenue, will be found the largest collec- 
tion of medical and surgical cases in the United States. This institution receives 
over six thousand patients annually, thus affording to the student the oppor- 
tunity of seeing for himself the greatest possible number and variety of diseases. 
Clinical Lectures are given at this Hospital by Professors Clakk, Makkob, 
Sands, Jacobi, and others. The Medical Colleges in the city are equally repre- 
sented as rega/rds the number of Attending Physicians and Surgeons, and the 
number of hours devoted to CUnical Instruction. 

At the Charity Hospital, Blackwell's Island, there are over one thousand 
patients, a large number of whom are affected with Chronic Diseases of various 
kinds ; and, in the Venereal Wards is a very valuable collection of Syphilitic 
Diseases and otlier affections of the Genito-urinary System, both chronic and 
acute. Clinical instruction is given by Prof. Otis and Dr. R. W. Taylor. 

TiiB Roosevelt Hospital, in 59th Street and Tenth Avenue, has been for 
throe years in successful operation. Professors Parker, Clark, Metcalfe, 
Markob, Sands, Thomas, Draper, and Dr. "Weir, are members of the Medi- 
cal and Surgical Staff of the Hospital. 

The Dispensaries of New York form a valuable addition to the means of 
clinical observation in a large class of affections. There are twenty-one of 
these dispensaries, situated in various parts of the city, where the sick poor, 
whose aliments are not of such a nature as to confine them to their homes, re- 
sort for advice and treatment. One of the largest and finest of these institu- 
tions is the Demilt Dispensary, situated at the corner of Twenty-third Street 
and Second Avenue, within a few minutes' walk of the College. At this Dis- 
pensary, over 22,000 patients were examined and treated during' the past year. 
The diseases are divided into various classes, each class being examined and 
prescribed for by the attending physicians, who are in attendance daily from 
9 to 4 P.M. 


At the New York Eye and Ear Inpirmakt, 13th Street and Second 
Avenue, over 10,000 new patients and 1,300 operations were recorded during 
the past year. Prof. Cdbtis is connected with the Eye Department, Dr. Buck 
with that for Diseases of the Ear, and Dr. Weir with that for Diseases of the 

At the Manhattan Eye and Ear Hospital, 233 E. 34th Street, of which 
Prof. Aqnew is Surgeon, 3,100 new patients were treated, and 580 operations, 
thought worthy of record, performed. 

At the New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, 46 East 12th Street, 
Tinder the charge of Dr. Knapp, 4,145 new patients were treated, and 413 ope- 
rations, exclusive of minor ones, were performed during the past year. It is at 
this Institution that the Instruction in the Physical Examination of the Eye is 

The Collegiate Year embraces a Summer Session and a Winter Session. 

Was cliartered in 1831, and opened for the reception of students in October, 1832. 
The buildings for this Institution are situated on tlie east side of Washington 
Square, between Waverly Place and Washington Place. The style of the archi- 
tecture is the English Collegiate Gothic, being built of marble ; the edifice 
forms one of the most splendid ornaments of the City. It is one hundred feet 
wide, and one hundred and eighty feet long. The Chapel, Library Room and 
offices for the Faculty, are large and well fitted up with every convenience. 
The number of students, the present year (1875), are 575. The Institution is 
richly endowed and in a prosperous condition. 

ofpiceks op the council. 

John Taylor Johnson, Esq. , President. 
William R Martin, Esq., Secretary. 
Morris K. Jesup, Esq., Treasurer. 
Howard Crosby, D.D., LL.D., Chancellor. 


Class of 1871-'75.— Mancius S. Hutton, D.D., Robert Ij. Kennedy, Esq., 
William E. Dodge, Esq., William R. Martin, Esq., George H. Moore, Esq., 
Augustus F. Smith, Esq., Alexander R. Thompson, D.D. 

Class of 1872-'76.— Hon. William B. Maclay, John Taylor Johnston, Esq., 
George Griswold, Esq., Samuel J. Tilden, Esq., D. B. St. John Roosa, M.D., 
John Hall, D.D., D. Willis James, Esq., S. O. Vundorpoel, Esq. 

Oto«s 0/ 1873-77. —E. P. Rogers, D.D., Howard Crosby, D.D., LL.D., John 
E. Parsons, Esq., William H. Neilson, Esq., J. W. 0. Leverid.sre, Esq., F. W. 
Lente, M. D., Hon. E. D. Morgan, W. B. Duncan, Esq., Smith E. Lane, Esq. 

Glass of 1874-'78.— Charles Butler, Esq., William M. Vermilye, Esq., William 
Allen Butler, Esq., Morris K. Jesup, Esq., Aaron J. Vanderpoel, Esq., William 
A. Wheclock, Esq.. Abram 8. Hewitt, Esq., Rev. S. M. Hamilton. 


0£Scers and Instructors in ths University of the City of New York. 

Howard Crosby, D. D., LL.D., 


E. A. Johnson, LL.D., 

Professor of the Latin Languago and Literature. 

John W. Draper, M.D., LL.D., 

Professor of Chemistry and Natural History. 

Martyn Payne, M.D., L.L.D., 

Emeritus Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. 

Alfred C. Post, M.D., 

Emeritus Professor of Surgery. 

Benjamin N. Martin, D.D.,L.H.D., 

Professor ol Logic and Intellectual and Moral Philosophy. 

KlCIIARD H. BuLi^, A.M., 

Professor of Civil Engineering. 

Henry M. Baird, Ph.D., 

Professor of the Greek Language and Literature. 

George W. Coakley, LL.D., 

Professor of Mathematics, Natural Philosophy and Astronomy. 

John C. Draper, M.D., 

Professor of Chemistiy. 

Charles A. Budd, M.D., 

Prof, of Obstetrics, the Diseases of Women and Children, and Clinical Midwifery. 

Henry Draper, M.D., 

Professor of Physiology and Analytical Chemistry. 

Alfred L. Loomis, M.D., 

Professor of Pathology and Practice of Medicine. 

William Darlino, M.D., 

Professor of General and Descriptive Anatomy. 

- PaneuilD. Weisse, M.D., 

Professor of Surgical Pathology. 

T. Addison Richards, N.A., 

Professor of Art. 

D. B. St. John Rooba, M.D., 

Clinical Professor of Diseases of the Eye and Ear. 

Louis Elsberg, M.D., 

Professor of Laiyngolqgy and Diseases of the Throat. 

E. H. Gillbtt, D.D., 

Professor of Political Science. 


Professor of the Italian Language and Literature. 

William H. Thomson, M.D., 

Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. 

Hon. Henry E. Davies, LL.D., 

President of the Law Faculty. 
Hon. E. Delafield Smith, A.M., 
Professor of Law. 
Together with thirty other Professors in different departments of learning. 


The Fbee Academy, incorporated May 7, 1847, established in 1848, and the 
organization completed in 1851 by the Hon. Townsend Harris, under the 
direction of the Board of Education of the City of New York, in pursuance of 
an Act of the Legislature of the State. Horace Webster, LL.D., Principal. 


In the year 1854 the Legislature passed a law endowing the Institution with 
full collegiate powers and privileges, so far as pertained to the conferring upon 
its graduates the usual Collegiate degrees and diplomas in the Arts and Sciences. 
In the year 1866, on the recommendation of the Board of Education, the Legis- 
lature of the State, by an act passed March 30, changed the name to that of 
"The Colleoe of the City of New York," and conferred on the Institution 
all the powers and privileges of a College, pursuant to tlie Revised Statutes of 
the State, and making the members of the Board of Education ex officio the 
Trustees of the College. 

executive committee — 1875. 

Albon p. Man, Chairman. Joseph Seligman. 

Rupus G. Beardsley. Randolph W. Townsend. 


Eugene Kelly. Alexander S. Webb. 

Albert Klamroth. 

officers of instruction, government, &c. 
Alexander Stewart Webb, LL.D., President. 

Jean Roemer, LL. D., Prof, of the French Language and Literature, 
1 Augustin Jose Morales, Prof, of the Spanish Language, &c. 
GerardusB. Docharty, LL.D., Prof, of Mathematics, i&c. 
Charles E. Anthon, LL.D., Prof, of History, &c. 
John G. Barton, LL.D., Prof, of the English Language and Literature. 
Robert O. Doremus, M.D.. LL.D., Prof, of Chemistry, &c. 
Herman J. A. Koerner, Ph. D., Prof, of Descriptive Geometry and Drawing. 
Adolph Werner, M.S., Prof, of German Language, &c. 
John C. Draper, M.D.. LL.D., Prof, of Natural History, &c. 
Alfred G. Compton, A.M., Prof, of Mechanics, Astronomy, &c. 
George W. Huntsman, A.M., Prof, of Philosophy. 
James A. Spencer, S. T. D., Prof, of Greek Language, &c. 
Charles G. Hebermann, Ph. D., Prof, of the Latin Language, and Librarian. 
Besides 23 other Professors and Assistants. 

The Commencement of the College is held on Thursday preceding the first of 
July in each year. 


By a resolution of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees, passed 
Februai-y 26, 1875, there will be hereafter two Collegiate Courses— the Classical 
and the Scientific ; the former, when completed to the satisfaction of the Faculty, 
entitling the student to the degree of A.B., the latter to that of B.S. 

Hio. 97 

In addition to the above there is a Post Graduate Course of Civil Engineering, 
and also a short Commercial Course, for such students of the Introductory Class 
as may desire it, and intend to remain one year only. 

University Place. Founded January 18, 1836. 

This Institution was opened for instruction December, 1836. Its Directors 
and Professors are members of the Presbyterian Church, and give their assent, 
as oflScers of the Institution, to the formularies of the Church. 

Until the reunion, in 1870, of the two largest Presbyterian Churches in the 
United States, the Seminary was independent of ecclesiastical control ; but to 
further that union, its Directors then agreed to a plan adopted by the General 
Assembly of the Presbyterian Church for all the Seminaries of that Church, in 
granting the Assembly the right of veto upon the appointments of its Pro- 
fessors, and maldng to it an annual report. 


Chaklks Butlek, LL.D., President. 

NoKMAN White, Vtce-President. 

Ezra M. Kingslet, Treasurer and Oen. Secreta/ry. 

ExecuUM Committee. 

Rev. William Adams, D.D., LLD., D. Williams James, 

Rev. Thomas S. Hastings, D.D., John Taylor Johnston, 

Rev. Robert Russell Booth, D.D., Alfred (J. Post, M.D., LL.D. 

Ezra M. Kingsley. 
The Faculty and Lecturers consist of thirteen eminent persons, comprising 
Theologians and Professors of Learning. 


Tkustebs. — All the Bishops of the American Church ; one Trustee from 
each Diocese ; one additional for every eight clergymen ; one more additional 
for every two thousand dollars contributed, until the same amounts to ten 
thousand dollars, and one for every additional ten thousand contributed. 

The Rev. William G. Fabkington, D.D., Orange, N. J., SeareUi/ry. 

Henkt E. Pibbbepont, Esq., Brooklyn, New York, Treasurer. 

The ItTANDiNG Committee. — The Bishop of the Diocese in which the Semi- 
nary is situated, such other Bishop or Bishops as may be in the City of New 
York at any meeting, the Secretary and Treasurer of the Board, and the Dean 
of the Seminary, together with the Revs. E. N. Mead, D.D., J. H. Price, D.D., 
M. Dix, D.D.,W. F. Morgan, D.D., I. H. Tuttle, D.D., R. M. Abercrombie, 


D.D„ A. B. Beach, D.D., C. H. Hall, D.D., and G. H. Houghton, D.D.. and 
Messrs. C. Curtlss, J. C. Garthwalte, A. B. McDonald, 8. V. HofEman, C. 
Livingston, G. M. Miller, H. Drisler, LL.D., J. A. King, and O. Meads, LL.D. 

The Rev. Qbobqb F. Seymoub, D.D., Bean. 

The Rev. Samuel Buel, D.D., Librarian. 

Number of students in 1875, 68. Number of the Alumni, 825, of whom 153 
are deceased. 

The -whole number of students matriculated since 1823, is 1,171. Prior to 
that date, about 20 had been admitted. Total, 1,191. Volumes in the Library, 
about 15,000. 

The Seminary opens on the first Monday in October, and closes on the Satur- 
day next succeeding the Commencement. Trustees meet Thursday, "June 
29. Commencement Friday, June 30. 

No. 49 West 15th street. 
This Institution, incorporated in 18(51, with the privileges of a University, is 
conducted by the Fathers of the Society of Jesus. 

It is a day College, affording the two-fold advantage of a complete collegiate 
and commercial education. 

There are five distinct departments, the Post-graduate, Under-graduate, 
Grammar, Commercial, and the Preparatory. 
The Collegiate Course of Studies embraces the Greek, Latin, English, French 

or German Languages, Rhetoric, Poetry, Elocution, Histoay, Geography, Myth- 
ology, a complete course of Mathematics, Chemistry, Natural, In 
and Moral Philosophy. 

The present number of students is between 400 and 500. It has no endow- 
ment ; it is supported by the yearly fee of $60 for each student. 

H. HuDON, President. 

This Institution is situateed at Fordham, in the 24th Ward of the City of New 
York. It is under the direction of the Fathers of the Society of Jesus. Rev. 
F. Wm. GockeIiN, S.J., President. 

The higher branches of education are taught by eminent professors and 
teachers. The following Fathers devote themselves in a special manner to the 
work of missions: Rev. V. Beaudevin, S.J., and Rev. M. Plynn, S.J. Every 
facility for gentlemen of the clergy and laity to make private retreats. 

228 and 230 West Forty-second street. 
This Institution is under the direction of the Rev. Fathers of Mercy, Rev. 
M. RoNAT, President, with a corps of twelve lay professors. 

Grand Boulevard and 132d street, Manhattanville. 
Under the direction of the Christian Brothers; Brother Papt.taw, President; 
Brother Asthony, Director, 

Amkeioan tract society. 99 

Incorporated in the year 1839, and first located in the Seventh Ward of the City. 
After a very successful career, with the growth of the City, a change was 
made to its present site, opposite the Reservoir, on Fifth Avenue, where it occu- 
pies buildings among the most conspicuous in the city. On April lllh, 1807, 
by Act of the Legislature, the name was changed to the Rutgers Female Col- 
lege, which put it on the same footing as our male colleges throughout the land, 
and gives the right to confer equal degrees. Besides the Collegiate Depart- 
ment, there are the Academic and Elementary Departments, in which pupils are 
prepared for the College. It has an average attendance of 150 students per an- 
num. Those in the Collegiate Department receive a thorough classical course. 
It has also a fine Library of 5,000 volumes, and Laboratory with first-class chem- 
ical apparatus. Its rooms are large, well- ventilated, and arranged for the com- 
plete comfort of the students. 


Rev. Thos. D. Andebson, 

Edward Hale, M.D., JPrmdent^ th* Board. 

3. Irving Burns, Secretary and Treasurer. 

Everett Clapp, J. B. Tallman, 

B. P. Martin, 8. T. D., Wm. R. Real. 

Daniel T. Stevens, Rev. Lyman Cobb, jr., , 

D. L. Sturges. 


Rev. Thos. D. Anderson, President and Professor of Moral Philosophy. 

Benjamin F. Martin, S.T.D., Professor of Mental Philosophy. 

Albert H. Gtallatin, Professor of Chemistry. 

Daniel S. Martin, A.M., Professor of Geology and Natural Science. 

Erastus Everett, A.M., Professor of Latin and Greek Language. 

Miss Adeline W. Farless, Principal and Instructor in History. 

Miss Mary E. Oloy, Mathematics. 

Miss Blandina Conant, English Literature and Rhetoric. 

Mile. Louise F. Rostan, Modern Language and Literature. 

Miss Lizzie M. Burns, Department of Fine Arts. 

Miss Florence Hill, Instrumental Music. 

Miss Olivia J. Burns, Academic Department. 

150 Nassau Street. 

This Society was organized May 10, 1835. S. V. S. Wilder, Esq., being 
elected President, and a full Board of officers, among whom were Rev. William 
A. Hallock, D.D., Secretary, Moses Allen, Esq., Treasurer, and Rev. Howard 
Malcolm, Director, now the sole survivors of the first Board, and all of whom 
continue to be identified with the Society. 

Its list of members and directors embraces over 31,000 names, including mem- 
bers from all evangelical denominations. It has issued, exclusive of periodicals, 
9,679 distinct publications, of which 1,733 are volumes. Of these 4,055, includ- 
ing 599 volumes, are issued by the Societjy's aid at Foreign Mission stations, the 
common salvation being thus printed in 143 languages or dialects. It has 
printed 533,097,338 copies of publications, including 164,879,000 of periodicals 
and 27,035,036 volumes. 

100 NEW YOKK AS IT 18. 

Its total receipts have been $13,597,589.63, of which $4,328,095.44 were from 
donations and legacies, $8,957,219.50 were from sales, and $312,274.69 were 
from rents. 

It has made cash appropriations in aid of the Foreign Mission press amount- 
ing to $560,637.50, and granted publications to the value of $1,671,800. It has 
performed 4,938 years of missionary colportage, employing about 5,000 men 
whose record shows 10,503,696 volumes sold; 2,780,066 volumes granted; 376,298 
religious meetings held or addressed; 11,495,780 family visits made; 6,258,070 
families conversed with on personal religion, or prayed with; 1,568,495 Protest- 
ant families visited who habitually neglect to attend evangelical preaching; 
919,846 families of Roman Catholics visited; 579,510 Protestant families desti- 
tute of the Bible; and 953,633 families destitute of all religious books except the 

OFFICERS FOB 1875-'76. 

Hon. William Strong, L.L.D., Philadelphia, President. 
Rev J. M. Stevenson, D.D., Corresponding Secretnry. 
Rev. W. W. Rand, Publishing 8eereta/ry. 
Rev. Q. L. SHBAREii, Financial Secretary. 
O. R. KiNGSLEY, Treasurer. 


Bellevue Hospital Medical College, foot E. Twenty-sixth street. Isaac E. 
Taylor, President; Austin Flint, jr.. Secretary. 

College of Pharmacy of the City of New York. Paul BallufE, President. 
Stated meetings, third Thursday of each month, at New Yorlc University. 

Eclectic Medical College, 223 E. Twenty-sixth street. Alexander Wilder, 
President; Robert S. Newton, Secretary. 

Homceepathic Medical College, Third avenue, cor. E. Twenty-third street. 
J. W. Dowling, Dean; F. S. Bradford, Secretary. 

Neurological Society. — Wm. A. Hammond, President. Meets first Monday 
in each month (except July and August), at 101 E. Twenty-third street. 

New York Academy of Medicine. — Samuel S. Purssel, President, Meets at 
12 W. 31st street. 

New York College of Dentistry, 245 E. Stephen D. Main, 


New York College of Veterinary Surgeons, 205 Lexington avenue. A. F. 
Laintard, Surgeon. 

New York Free College for Women, 51 St. Mark's place. Mrs. Hester 
Pendleton, President. 

New York Medical College and Hospital for Women, 187 Second avenue. 
Mrs. R. B. Connolly, President. 

New York Medical and Surgical Society. — Charles M. Allen, M. D., Presi- 
dent; Thomas T. Sabine, M. D., Secretary. 

New York Pathological Society, 101 E. Twenty-third street. George P. 
Shrody, Secretary. Meets second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. 

New York Society of Neurology, &c., 101 E. Twenty-third street. Mere- 
dith Clymer, President. Meets third Monday of each month. 

University Medical College, 426 E. Twenty-sixth street. Alfred C. Post, 
President; Charles Inslee Pardee, Secretary. 




No. 128 West Fourteenth Street. 

The movement which resulted in the cstablisliment of the Musbum op Akt 
■was initiated at a public meeting for a consultation on this subject, held on the 
23d day of November, 1869, when a Special Committee of fifty was appointed. 
The number of this Committee was increased, and the gentlemen organized the 
Association substantially as it exists at present. 

On the 13th of April, 1870, the Legislature of the State of New York granted 
an Act of Incorporation to this body, by the name of "The Metropolitan 
Museum of Art," to be located in the City of New York, "for the purpose of 
establishing and maintaining in said City a Museum and Library of Art, of 
encouraging and developing the Study of the Fine Arts, and the application of 
Art to manufacture and natural life, of advancing the general knowledge of 
kindred subjects, and to that end of furnishing popular instruction and 

In 1871 an Act was passed by the Legislature of New York, authorizing the 
Department of Parks to raise $500,000, for the erection of a building to receive 
the collections of the Museum, in accordance with which a flre-proof building 
is now being constructed in Central Park, and, it is expected, will be ready for 
occupation in about two years. 

A Collection of interesting Works of Art, presented and belonging to the 
Museum, of the aggregate value of $350,000, are now on exhibition at the 
Douglas Mansion, 128 West Fourteenth street. 

The Loan Collection, consisting of fine Statuary, ancient and modern Paint- 
ings, Ceramics, Porcelains, Enamels, Carvings, Arms, Armor, &c., &c., has 
proved a great success. Numerous objects of value are being constantly offered, 
and important additions are expected to be placed at the disposal of the Trustees, 
so soon as the new building in the Central Park shall be ready for occupation. 

In order to extend the educational influence of these and other Collections, 
the Trustees have bestowed free admissions to the Museum, on the Art Students 
of the National Academy of Design, and Cooper Institute, which privileges 
have been largely availed of by them. 

Subscribers are divided into four classes: those contributing at one time 
$1,000 and upwards become Patrons in Perpetuity; $500, Fellows in Perpetuity; 
$200, Fellows for Life; Annual Members have recently been added. On pay- 
ment of a yearly subscription of $10, the Annual Member is entitled to invitations 
to all Receptions given by the OflScers of the Museum, and to a ticket admitting 
two persons, which may be used by any member of his family, or by friends (non- 
residents;, who may be visiting him. All Annual Subscriptions paid prior to 
Jan. 1st, 1876, will expire 31st December, 1876. 



(For the year ending May, 1876.) 
John Taylor Johnston, President. 
William C. Prime, Vice-President. 
r. W. Rhinelander, r;-ea*urer. 
William J. Hoppin, Secretary. 
Thomas Bland, Assistant Secretary. 

Twenty-third Street, corner Fourth Avenue. 
This building was finished and opened in 1865, at a cost of about $150,000. 
Its peculiar style of architecture, copied from a building on the Rialto, ia 
Venice, makes it an object of interest to all strangers. In it are held, twice a 
year, exhibitions of the works of the artists of the National Academy of Design, 
at which time the building is open to all visitors. 


WoRTHiNGTON Whittredge, President. 
Eastman Johnson, Vice-President. 
T. Addison Richards, Corresponding Secretary. 
Alfred Jones, Becording Secretary. 
E. D. E. Greene, Treasurer. 



This noble Institution, founded by the munificence of Peter Cooper, Esq., 
issued its sixteenth annual report in May, 1875. The following is an extract : 
"The reports of the various departments of the Cooper Union show progress, 
enlarged facilities and increased usefulness as the result of that wise 
and economy with which this Institution has been administered. After six- 
teen years of thoughtful and laborious administration, the trustees, officers and 
teachers, ought to feel gratified that the Cooper Union holds no second place 
among those Institutions devoted to the ' Advancement of Practical Science 
and Industrial Art.' " 

The total list of pupils, male and female, amounted to upwards of 2,800 — a 
greater number than any previous year. There are connected with the Insti- 
tution two Schools of Art, one for males and one ion females, and a School of 
Science — all presided Over by competent instructors. In April last 425 certifi- 
cates of merit were awarded to 425 scholars. The Exhibition and Commence- 
ment is held in May of each year. 


Peter Cooper, President. 
Wilson G. Hunt, Treasurer. 
Absam S. Hewitt, Secretary. 
Trustees. — Peter Cooper, Daniel F. Tieman, John E. Parsons, Wilson G. 
Hunt, Edward Cooper and Abram S. Hewitt. 

J. C. Zachos, Curator. 
The Free Reading Boom and Library connected with the) Cooper Union is 
open to both sexes from 8 A. M. to 10 P.M. 


Ui! I 



Building, Second avenue, corner of Eleventh street. 
This Institution, the just pride of the City, was founded in 1804. It now 
occupies a line edifice on Second avenue, near St. Mark's Church. It has a 
very valuable Library (open to members for consultation only), and a fine Art 
Gallery. The Society owns and has on exhibition, in its building, the Bryan 
Collection of Egyptian Curiosities and the Crawford Marbles. The rooms are 
not open to the general public, but strangers can visit by obtaining a note of 
introduction from a member of the Society. 


Frbdebick Db Pbtstek, LL.D., Prmdent. 
William Cullen Bryant, LL.D., tst Vice-Prmdent. 
James W. Bbekman, Esq., M Vice-President. 
William J. Hoppin, Foreign Corresponding Secretary. 
Evert A. Dutckinck, Domestic " " 

Andrew Warner, Recording Secretary. 
Bbnj. H. Field, Treasurer. 
Georob H. lAoasE, JMrcm-ian. 

CITY OF NEW YORK— Rooms, 472 Broadway. 

This venerable Institution, founded in 1785, is thus alluded to in an inaugural 
address in 1875, ninety years after it was first established. " Our position among 
the great associations of to-day is well defined. The little organization of 1785 
has become a great power in our Metropolitan society of 1875. Its prosperity 
has kept pace with the marvelous growth of our great City. Its efficiency, 
though not so great as we hope for at a future day, is a subject of congratula- 
tion. Its system of instruction by classes, aided by those powerful adjuncts of 
education, the Public Library and Public Lectures, is comprehensive enough to 
be in keeping with the spirit of the age. Recognizing the relations of skilled 
handicraft to the prosperity of a nation, our Society, among an industrious and 
free people, has done its part to assert and maintain the dignity of labor." 

The Society is now managed by Gtanding; Committees on Finance, Pensions, 
School, Library, Literary and Scientific, having special assigned duties. 

The Apprentices' Library, connected with this Institution, contains about 

50,000 volumes. 

officers FOR 1876. 

Havilah M. Smith, President. 
Edwin Dobbs, First Vice-President. 
Daniel D. Wright, IVeasurer. 
Thomas Earlb, Secretary. 
Jacob Schwartz, Librarian. 

Rooms, 23 Cooper Union. 

This Institution was organized January, 1828. Incorporated May 2, 1829, by 
Act of the Legislature, " for the purpose of encouraging and promoting Domes- 


tic Industry in this State and the United States, in Agriculture, Commerce, 
Manufactures and the Arts, and any improvements made therein by bestowing 
rewards and other benefits on those who sliall make any such improvements, or 
excel in any of the said branches, and by such other ways and means as to the 
said corporation, or the Trustees thereof hereafter mentioned shall appear to be 
most expedient ;" with power to make by-laws, &c. 


William Few* -1828-29. 

JoHM Mason*. 1830-31. 

James Tallmadge* 1882 to 1845. 

Mahlok Dickbrson * 184G-47. 

James TALLMADGEf 1848 to 1853. 

Robert L. Pell 1854 to 1858. 

James Renwick*. 1859. 

William Hall* 1860 to 1865. 

Horace Gkeelet* .1866 to 1870. 

William B. Ogden 1871. 

Prop. F. A. P. Barnard 187^73. 

Orestes Cleveland 1874-75. 

* Deceased, t President Tallmadge died while in office. 

The First Manufacturers' Fair, held under the auspices of the Institute, 
was in October, 1828, at Masonic Hall, Broadway ; since which time forty-four 
other annual fairs have been held, and annual addresses been made by distin- 

f:uished individuals. The receipts have been large, arising from annual dues 
rom members, now numbering about 2,000, and admission fees to the annual 

The Farmers' Clvb and the Polytechnic, connected with the American Insti- 
tute, meet weekly for the reading of Papers and discussions on the same. 

The Institute possesses a library of about 10,000 volumes, and there has been 
published monthly and yearly voluminous Transactions of the Institute — now 
discontinued. Courses of lectures have also been inaugurated from year to 
year by order of the Trustees, but of late discontinued. 

In May, 1875, a new Charter was passed by the Legislature of the State of 
New York, making changes for the good of the Institute and for the protection 
of its property. 


Orestes Cleveland, President. 
Cyrus H. Loutrel, 1 
Thomas Rutter, [■ Yice-PveHdents. 

J. Groshon Herriot, ) 
Charles McK. Leoser, Recording Secretary. 
Edward Schell, Treasurer. 
John W. Chambers, GWk. 
Director*.— Nathan C. Ely, George Peyton, Charles H. Clayton, James L. 
Jackson, James Delamater, Charl|^ 8. Arthur. 

Boara of Managers.— Chsiilea F. Allen, F. D. Curtis, George Whitefleld, Alex- 
ander M. Eagleson, Walter Shriver, William Rutter, John J. Tucker, William 
H. Gedney, A. J. Halsey, Peter H. Jackson, Charles Place, Albro Howell, Al- 
fred T. Ackert, Abraham Lent, Alexander Hadden. 

Rooms in Cooper Union, New York. 
This Society was organized October 9, 1851, in the rooms of the Geographical 
and Statistical Library, No. 179 Broadway, kept by J. Disturnell. under the name 
of the " American Geogrofphieal and Statistical Society." 


Its object, as expressed in the Constitution, was " for the collection and diffu- 
sion of geographical and statistical information, and to consist of ordinary, cor- 
responding and honorary members." 

The late Hon. George Folsom and DeWitt Bloodgood, Esq. , were among its 
founders. In October, 1851, the late Hekry Grinnbll, Esq., was elected 
President, and served until February, 1852, when the Hon. Geo. Bancroft was 
elected President, and the rooms removed to the University Building, Wash- 
ington square. 

The Society became incorporated under the general Act, in May, 1853, but, on 
the 13th April, 1854, obtamed a special charter more in accordance with its 
wishes and views. Its charter has since been amended and name changed to 
"American Geographical Society," theieby annulling in part, the object of its 
original founders. 

The Rev. Francis L. Hawks, D. D., was elected President, Dec. 7, 1854, and, 
after his death in 1866, Hon. Cuarles P. Dalt was elected President of the 

It has published, from time to time, Bulletins of its transactions, among 
which are many valuable papers. In 1851, the late Asa Whitney, Esq., read a 
paper on the proposed Paciiic Railway ; in 1852 a paper was read by E. A. Hop- 
kins, Esq., on Paraguay, followed by General Mosquera on New Grenada; on 
the Polar Sea, by the late Dr. E. K. Kane, U. S. N., and on Geographical Sci- 
ence, by Lieut. Matthew P. Maury. Numerous other papers have since been 
read before the Society by distinguished savans, and addresses made by the pre- 
siding ofBcers.* 

Its Library consists of about 11,000 volumes, being rich in geo^aphical and 
statistical works, charts, maps, &c. This library should be made mainly to consist 
of works of reference, and thrown open to students in search of geographical and 
statistical knowledge. 


Charles P. Daly, President. 

Frederick A. Conkling, ) ■ 
• Francis A. Stout, >• Vice-Presidents. 

George W. Cullum, ) 
Charles A. Joy, Foreign Oor. Secretary. 
James Muhlenberg Bailey, Domestic Cor. Secretary. 
Elial F. Hall, Hecording Secretary. 
George Cabot Ward, Ih-easurer. 

William Remsen, H. M. Morris, 

Theo. W. Dwight, Charles A. Joy, 

T. Bailey Myers, Harlow M. Hoyt, 

W. H. K. Moore, Roswell D. Hitchcock, 

William E. Curtis, 8. L. M. Barlow, 

Walton W. Evans, Clarence King, 

Isaac Bernheimer, Isaac I. Hayes, 

Paul Du ChaiUu. 

♦OfBcers elected October 9, 1851. — Henry Grinnell, President; Henry E. Pierrepont, Joshua Leav- 
itt, Arch. Russell, Freeman Hunt, Vice-Presidents; Cbarlcs C'ongdon, Treasurer; Charles A. 
Dnnn, Jtecordinrr Secretary ; S. Hewitt Bloodgood, Foreign Oor. Secretary; John Dlstumell, J)o- 
mesllc Cor, Secretary and Agent. 



This association was organized January 30, 1865, hj the adoption of a Consti- 
tution and the framing of By-Laws for its government. " The objects of the 
Association shall be pursued by the following means, viz. : The reading of papers 
on scientific subjects, the discussion thereon, the delivery of Lectures, the pre- 
sentation and preservation of works of art, inventions, improvements in manu- 
factures, machinery, and other subjects promotive of general knowledge, and 
the offering of prizes therefore." Its labors were divided into ten sections, with 
a chairman for each division. 

The Association for several years had rooms provided for their accommoda- 
tion in the Cooper Union, then removed to a new location, and ultimately was 
almost disbanded. In 1874 it was revived, and a course of Lectures begun under 
its auspices, which proved a success, being largely attended by an appreciative 
audience. This season, 1875-'70, there will be Lectures delivered by eminent 
men in Rev. Dr. Rogers' Church, comer of Fifth avenue and Twenty-first 
street. Admission free * 


John H. Gkisom, M.D., President. 
Rev. Dr. 8. Iren^us Puimb, Vice-President. 
Leonard D. Gale, M.D., OenercU Secretary. 
Robert M'C. Graham, Treamrer. 
JohnDisttjrnell, Libranan. 

OFFICERS for 1876. 
President — ^Rev. S. Iren^us Prime. D.D. 
Vice-Presidents. — E. P. Rogers, D.D., Howard Crosby, LL.D., Prof. D. 
6. Eaton, Henry Day, Jambs Tttds, Rev. B. F. Da Costa, Samuel Sloan, 
John Disturnell, Prof. Elib Charlier. 

Foreign Corresponding Secretary. — Rev. Thomas G. Anderson. 
Domestic Corresponding Secretary. — Clinton Roosevelt, Esq. 
General Secretary. — Walter E. Smith, Esq. 
Treasurer. — E. W. Fisher, M.D. 
Librarian. — Alexander J. Davis, Esq. 

Comer Twenty-third street and Sixth avenue. 

This magnificent building, recently erected on the corner of Twenty-third 
street and Sixth avenue, opposite Booth's Theatre, occupies a lot 141 feet by 98 
feet 9 inches, and is constructed of light and dark granite. 

The style of architecture is the Rpnaissance, and the design, as marked out by 
the architect, Mr. Le Brun, is exceedingly chaste and well-proportioned. The 
building is five stories high, and each story distinctly represented in the exterior. 

*A8 this Association has attained a high ranlc among kindred scientific societies, we append 
the names of its founders, who first organized in December, 1864, under the title of the " Society 
of Associates of the Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art:" 

Committee on Organization — John H. Grisom, Henry O'Reilly, Lorenzo Sher- 
wood, Daniel Minthorn, Clinton Roosevelt, O. Macdaniel, John DisturneU, 
James Lorimer Graham, jr. , Leonard D. Gale, John A. Fowle. 


A pavilion ornamented by columns and surmounted by a quadrangular dome 
fifty feet square at the base and rising 155 feet above the pavement is the main 
feature of Twenty-third street. Curtains embellished with allegorical statuary 
connect this centre compartment with corner pavilions, each 26 feet square at 
the base, rising 95 feet to the top of the main cornice, and capped by a Mansard 
roof. The front, on Sixth avenue, will be in harmony with that on Twenty- 
third street. 

The first story is entirely arranged for stores, three larce ones on the street 
and four on the avenue. The main entrance will be on Twenty-third street, in 
the curtain next to Sixth avenue, and is to have a Doric portico. In front of 
this portico will be placed two Masonic columns, surmounted by globes 20 feet 
high, the significance of which will be duly appreciated by Masons. These, 
together with the statuary and the arms of the Grand Lodge, on the fifth story, 
will form the only indications of the purpose of the building. This entrance 
leads directly by a wide flight of stairs to a large corridor, 20 feet wide, '66 feet 
long, and 30 feet high, on the second floor, from which immediate access is. 
obtained on the east side to the Grand Lodge Room 84 by 90 feet, and 80 feet 
high, calculated to seat 1,000 persons comfortably, in addition to which a gallery 
across the west end of the room will accommodate 150 persons. The Throne M 
the Grand Master will be in a recess at the east end, with retiring and accommo- 
dation rooms conveniently located on each side. From this corridor is also 
reached, on the west side, the parlor of the Grand Master, the parlor and offlcesi 
of the Grand Secretary, the fireproof archive room and others. At the north 
end of the corridor is the stairway leading to the upper stories. The reception 
halls above are 20 feet wide, 68 feet long, and 22 feet high, from which entrance 
is gained on the east side to three tyler's rooms, connected by ante-rooms, with 
three Blue Lodge rooms, each 63 feet long. On the west side of the corridor is 
a large banqueting room, with steward's rooms adjoining. The stairway leads 
next to the fourth story, which is 22 feet high, and contains two Blue Lodge 
rooms, and one Boyal Arch Chamber room, the same size as those on the fioor 
below. The latter room will be arranged with certain novel and valuable con- 
veniences, and will be complete in every respect. 

The whole of the fifth story will be devoted to the use of the Knights Temp- 
lar, and it is believed this Commandery Hall will be the most complete ever 
constructed, and will greatly increase the effect of the imposing ceremonies of 
the order. 

The first story and all the halls, corridors, and stairways throughout is of the 
best fireproof construction, and a large elevator transverses the building from 
the first to the fifth stories, so that in case of accident the entire building can be 
emptied in five minutes. 

The ground cost $340,000, and the estimated cost of the building is over half 
a million. 

Meet annually in the City of New York on the first Tuesday in June. 

There are numerous other Lodges in New York City usually holding meetings 
twice monthly. 



There are a number of Masonic Lodges of diif erent rank in the City of New 
Tork. The Orand Lodge of tits State of New York meets annually in June. The 
Grand Goundl of Soyai and Select Masters meet annually in New York on the 
1st Tuesday in October. 

Subordinate Lodges meet daily or weekly in different parts of the city. 

There are a number of Societies under the above denomination that meet 
daily, weekly and monthly in different parts of the city. 


The Grand Lodge meets at New York, on the Tuesday succeeding the third 
Monday in August. Oppicbrs : John W. Stebbins, O. M. , Charles V. Clark, 
G. Secretary. Office, 224 Centre street. 

There are other Orders of a secret character, aiming to promote charity and 
.:good feeling among their members. 

This Society was organized May 6, 1805, to commemorate the landing of our 
Pilgrim Fathers on Plymouth Rock (December, 1620), and to promote friend- 
ship, charity, and mutual assistance, and to establish and maintain a library. 

OFFICERS, 1876. 

Ibaao H. Bailey, President. 

William Borden, 1st Vice-President. 

Daniel F. Appleton, 2d Vice-President. 

Luther B. Wyman, Treasurer. 

L. P. Hubbard, Searetwry, 80 Wall street. 
Any descendant of a New Englander, of good moral character, from and after 
the age of eighteen, is eligible to membership. Annual meetings held Dec. 22, 
in the City of New York. 

Organized in 1756. Office, No. 3 Broadway. 
OFFICERS IN 1875-76. 
Robert Gordon, President. 
James Brand, ) -,,-.„ -a.,.,^,. ■ 
John S. Kennedy, } ^*^ Presnd^ts. 

Bryce Gray, John Paton, John Sloane, William LyaU, William Coverly, and 
Alexander Rhind, Managers. 

William J. Ingram. ) o ^ries 
Thomas Maitland, f ':ieeretartes. 

Robert Dinwiddle, Treasurer. 


Established in 1786. Office, No. 3 Broadway. 
Henry E. Pellew, President. 
Edward Hill and Bkiten RicnABDSON, Vice-Presidents. 
Richard J. Curtis, Treasurer. 
Peter Jones and H. G. M. Linten, Secretaries. 
Executive Commiife*— Robert Waller, Henry Romilly, R. D. Perry John G 
Dale, John Moulsen, Edward W. Mascord, J. Collin Vincent. 


Office, No. 13 Broadway. 

Frederick Schack, President. 

Wm. a. ScHMiTTHENrrBR, Secretary. 

Theodore E. Buck, Treasurer. 


Augustus R. Macdonough, President, 

William M. Vermilye, ") 

Charles R. Swords, I ^r.•. t> -j < 

Carlisle Norwood, f V^Prestdenis. 

George W. McLean, J 

Edward Schell, Treasurer. 

John C. Mills, Secretary. 

P. Van Zandt Lane, Assistant Secretary. 
Managers. — D. Henry Haight, Augustus Schell, Benjamin H. Field, James W. 
Beekman, James Breath, Aaron B. Hays, Frederic De Peyster, James M, 
McLean, Hamilton Fish, William Remsen, John Schuyler, Theodore Roosevelt. 


52 Varick Street. 

Altah Wiswall, Master; Andrew W. Leggat, AlnwTier. 


The Libraries of America, although not beginning to compare with the Libra- 
ries of Europe, as regards number of volumes or ancient works by eminent au- 
thors, yet still are assuming an Importance which makes them rank high as 
helps to knowledge, both ancient and modern. The two great Public Libraries 
of the city are the Astor Library, and the Lenox Library, Vaa latter just about 
ready to be thrown open to the public. These libraries combined will contain at an 
early date, about 300,000 volumes, compriaing works of great merit. The next 
library of importance is the MercarUiie Library, with its 160,000 volumes, open ta 
subscribers to the Institution; also, the Cooper Union Library and Reading 
Room, open free to the public. The Ifew York Society Library, the oldest In- 
stitution in the city, contains a large collection of valuable books in the different 
departments of knowledge; open for subscribers. The Young Men's Christian 


Association Libraiy is a free Institution of great merit. The other City Libraries 
are for the most part devoted to some particular branch of Icnowledge, and open 
for the exclusive benefit of subscribers and their friends.^ There is great need 
•of another universal Public Library, to be centrally situated, and richly en- 
dowed, to contain all the works, ancient and modern, relating to American his- 
tory, together with all American publications, similar to the Congressional Li- 
brary at Washington. 

Bible House, Astor Place. 
Open to visitors daily. This Library contains rare copies of the Bible in dif- 
ferent languages. 

473 Broadway. 
This Library, under the management of the General Society of Mechanics and 
Tradesmen, consists of 50,000 volumes, including the Demilt Library Open 
■daily from 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. Jacob Schwartz, Librarian. 


22 Cooper Union, Astor Place. 

Open to members of the Institute from 9 A. M. to 10 P. M. 

This Library how contains 11,000 volumes, including many valuable works of 

reference, and thirty-one scientific journals or magazines, together with the 

leading journals. At the present time it is much neglected, owing in part to the 

"want of a full catalogue and a competent librarian. 

Cooper Union. 
This Library contains 11,000 volumes and pamphlets, devoted mostly to 

Geographical and statistical knowledge, with numerous atlases, maps, charts, 
;c. Open daily to members from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. 

Lafayette Place, near Astor Place. 

Founded by the late John Jacob Astob, who granted $400,000 by will at the 
time of his death, in 1848. Since that period Wm. B. Astok has contributed 
upward of $350,000.* Open to the public from 9i A. M. to 5i P. M. The 
Lil)rary remains closed during one of the Summer months. The Astor Library 
Building is constructed in the Byzantine style of architecture, richly ornamented 
with brown-stone mouldings and an imposing entablature. The Library room 
is 100 feet in length by 64 In width, and 50 feet in height. 

According to the twenty-sixth annual report of the Astor Library, issued in 
1875, the total number of volumes now in the Library is 150,306; 2,666 books 
haviiigbeen added during the past year. The number of readers appears to be 
increasing, the increase for 1874 being about one-fifth more than the number 

* Br his late will, Wu. B. Abtoii, deceased, haa further contribated the sum of $250,000 to the 
Astor Library, making altogether on amount of about $1,000,000. 


visiting the Library in 1873, The endowment fund of the Library now amounts 
to $773,330, it havm^ been increased from the original donation by contributions 
from tlie Astor family, and by investments from tlie original $400,000 by John 
Jacob Astor. In proportion to the whole number of books the Library contains 
a very large number of works of permanent value as books of reference, and as a 
consulting Library it is probably the best to bo found in America. 


No. 20 W. 27th Street. 


"William M. Evakts, Preaident. 


Edgar 8. Van Winkle, 

Charles W. Sanpohd, 

Stephen P. Nash, 

James Emott, 

William A. Butler, Corresponding Secretary. 

Mason YonNo, Becording Secreta/ry. 

Edward Mitchell, Treasurer. 
The report of the Library Committee showed that the Library had been in- 
creased by over 1,000 volumes in the past year, and now contained about 10,000 

This Association, composed of leading Members of the Bar, reviews Muni- 
cipal and State Laws, and suggests amendments to the same. 

In College Building, E. 49th street, between Madison and Fourth avenue — 
This is a large and valuable Library. 


No. 13 City Hall. 
This Library contains about 3,000 volumes, but is greatly neglected by its 
present managers. 

Eighth street, corner Fourth avenue. 
This Free Library contains 15,000 bound volumes, 316 periodicals, and 200 
American and Foreign newspapers. Open to the public from 8 A.M. to 10 P.M. 

Seventeenth street, near Irving place. 

2238 Third Avenue. 
Terms, $2.00 per annum. Open from 2 to 7 P.M. 



Incorporated January 20, 1870, by the Legislature of the State of New York. 
Sec. 1 provides for nine Trustees, and declared them to be a body corporate, by 
the name of the " Tnisteea of tlie Lenox Lilrai-y." 

Sec. 2. To receive from the said James Lenox, his collection of manuscripts, 
printed books, engravings and maps, statuary, paintings, drawings, and other 
works of art; also the sum of $300,000, to be used for the establishment of a 
Public Library in the City of New York, and such real estate as he may convey 
for a site for the same, in the 19th ward of the said city, in the vicinity of Cen- 
tral Park, which site, with its appurtenances, the said corporation is hereby 
empowered to take and hold in fee simple, for the purposes of the said Library. 

Since the above princely gift, and the announcement of the founding of the 
Library, several large donations have been offered and accepted by the trus- 
tees; also a second donation has been made by Mr. Lenox of $100,000, to be 
added to the building fund. 

By a late report it appears that " the library building is rapidly approaching 
completion, and will be ready to be occupied at an early day. The necessary 
appm'tenances, fittings and furniture, with all the details of administration and 
sei-vice of the library will soon be provided and settled ; and while a consider- 
able time will be required for the transfer and arrangement of the library and 
various collections, there will be no unnecessary delay in making them acces- 
sible to readers and students, and available to the public, in accordance with the 
design of the founder and tbe purposes of the institution. 

"The library edifice, which occupies a commanding site on Fifth avenue, 
between Seventieth and Seventy-first streets, is grand in mass though simple in 
construction, and admirably proportioned in the relation of parts to the whole. 
The disposition of the building is a centre virith two projecting wings — the 
object being to secure as much light as possible for the library rooms and 
galleries — an arrangement which has proved entirely successful. 

" The building is 103 feet in length parallel to the avenue, and 114 feet deep 
on each street, with an entrance court between the north and south wings 43 
feet in depth from the front line, and 96 feet long. The main approach is from 
Fifth avenue through two massive gateways and the court, then up a wide flight 
of steps to the principal entrance door. The service entrances are in the rear of 
the building, and communicate with Seventieth and Seventy-first streets by a 
passage way which extends from street to street. 

" The library rooms in the south wing communicate directly by circular stairs 
of stone in the piers on both sides, and have been fitted with presses or book- 
cases of iron, the capacity of which for immediate use will accommodate not 
less than eighty thousand volumes. 

" The corresponding rooms in the north wing and galleries of the centre will 
be devoted to the arrangement for exhibition and use of those various collec- 
tions of rare and curious works, objects of art, &c., which require extended 
space and special protection against loss or injury. 

' ' A more extended and ample description of the entire building and its appur- 
tenances, when completed, may be given in a future report, with illustrative 
plan and elevation." 

James Lenox, President, 
Aaron B. Belknap, Seo'etary. 
George H. Moore, Superintendent. 

lilBKAEIES. 113 

Equitable Building, 130 Broadway. 

107 E. Twenty-eighth Street. 
Open from & A.M. to 9 P.M. 


64 Madison Avenue. 

Open from 11 A.M. to 9 P.M. 

Second Avenue, corner E. Eleventh Street. 
Open, from October to April, from 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. : from April to October, 
from9 A.M. toGP.M. 

Geohgb II. Moore, Lihrwnan. 

No. 6 Centre street. 

No. 3 Chatnbers Street. 
This Library contains 5,000 volumes. Open every Saturday evening. Free, 
except where persons take out books from the Library. 

58 Broadway. 

University Place, near Eighth Street. 

Tenth Avenue, corner West One-hundred-and-flfty-sixth street. 

38 Bleecker street. 
Terms of membership, $1.50 per annum. Open from 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. 
Mrs. M. Perbeb, Superintendent. 

114: NEW YORK AS IT 18. 


53 E. Twenty-third Street, 3233 Third Avenue, 403 Grand Street, 134 Bowery, 

and Tliird Avenue, corner B. Eighty-sixth Street. 

Open from 8 A.M. to 10 P.M., and Sundays from 2 to 9 P.M. 


Rooms Nos. 33, 34 and 36 fourth floor, U. S. Court and Post-Offlce Building. 
Established in 1830. 
Among its founders were Chancellor Kent, James W. Gerard, and a number of 
other gentlemen of distinction. 

OFFICEKS, 1875-'76. 

Charles O'Conor, President. 

Charles Tracy, 1 

Hon. Samuel Blatchford, \ Vice-Presidents. 

Joseph H. Choatb, ) 

Edward H. Owen, IVeasurer. 

Aaron J. Vanderpoel, Librarian. 

Wm. M. Evarts, Ghai)tnan. 

Com. on Jurisprudence. 

The Library contains about 19,000 volumes, comprising full collections of Law 
Reports, together with Statute Laws of the United States, Great Britain, &c. 

Members of the bar from abroad, while in the city, and Judges of the different 
Courts, are, by the rules of the Institute, entitled to the use of the Library. 


Rooms 67 University Place between 13th and 13th Streets. 

(Pounded A. D. 1700; Incorporated A. D. 1772.) 

This Library is by far the oldest Institution of its class in the city. For a long 
time the only public library of New York, it has had from the beginning for 
its supporters, our most respected and influential families, by whom it is still 
sustained. Never has the Library been in a more healihy condition than at the 
present time. " It is possessed of a valuable property in its land, building, and 
accumulated store of volumes," now consisting of over 60,000 valuable works on 
almost all departments of knowledge, periodicals, newspapers, &c. 

The Library is open from 8 A. M. to 6 P. M., and the Reading-room from 8 
A. M. to 10 P. M. 

Persons entitled to the use of the rooms are members, and strangers when reg- 
ularly introduced. , 


Trustees. — Frederick De Peyster, GJuiirman, Otis D. Swan, li'easurer, 
William J. Hoppin, Secretary, together with twelve others. 
Wentworth S. Butler, Libra/rian. 



The Mercantile Library, situated in Astor Place, formerly known as the As- 
ter Place Opera House, and now called Clinton Hall, was founded in 1820. 

The first meeting was called by Wm. Wood, Esq., by a notice posted at the 
Commercial Advertiser office, and dated Nov. 3d of that year, to be hold on the 
9th at the Tontine CoHoc Room House to consider a plan for establishing a Li- 
brary and Reading Room. The call was addressed to the clerks of South street, 
JFront street, Pearl street and Maiden Lane. 

About two hundred persons attended this meeting and it resulted in the adop- 
tion of a constitution on the 27th, and the election of officers. 

The Library was opened in February, 1831, at No. 49 Fulton street, with 700 
•volumes and 150 members. la 1826 the Library was removed to the building of 
Messrs. Harper & Bros, in Cliff street, at which time it contained 6,000 volumes. 

In 1828 a subscription was started among the merchants of New York to raise 
funds to erect a new building for the use of the Library. The new building was 
built on the corner of Beekman and Nassau streets, and was dedicated Nov. 2d, 
1860, under the name of Clinton Hall. 

Twenty years later it was found that the collection of books had become too 
large for the space afforded by Clinton Hall, and it therefore became necessary 
to provide other quarters. 

After a long contest between two factions, one favoring removal up town and 
the other opposing it, the Astor Place Opera House was purchased and fitted up 
and the Lib ary removed into it in 1854. From this time its present prosperity 
began to date. It now contains 160,000 volumes, and in the nmnber of its books 
ranks as the fourth library in size in the United States. The reading room is 
furnished with over 450 newspapers and magazines. The executive force num- 
bers twenty odd clerks under the cliarge of the Librarian, Mr. W. T. Peoples. 

The Library is open from 8 A. M. to 9 P. M., and the total number of persons 
entitled to its use is over ten thousand. 

pijAoes of amusement. 

AcADEMT OF Mtjsic Fourteenth st. , cor. Irving place. 

Anatomical Museum 088 Broadway. 

Booth's Theatre Twenty- third st. cor. Sixth av. 

BowEKT Theatkb 40 Bowery. 

Centennial Concert Garden 8:31 Sixth av. 

Chickbrino Hall Fifth av. cor. 18th st. 

Colosseum - - Broadway, cor. Thirty-fifth st. 

Darling's Opera House .,...115 West Twenty-third st. 

Eagle Theatre Sixth av., junction Broadway. 

JFiFTH Avenue Theatre Twenty-eighth St., near Broadway. 

Grand Opera House Twenty-tlurd st., cor. Eighth av. 

Gilmore's Concert Garden Fourth av. and Twenty-sixth st. 

Globe Theatre 738 Broadway. 

Great Double Circus Foot Houston St., B. R. 

Lyrio Hall. .-733 Sixth av. 

Lyceum Theatre Fourteenth st. and Sixth av. 

Metropolitan Museum op Art ...138 West Fourteenth st. 
JVIbtropolitan Theatre 585 Broadway. 


Museum op Anatomy 665 Broadway. 

New Opbba House 

NiBLO's Theatre Broadway, cor. Prince st. 

Olympic Theatke 624 Broadway. 

Parisian Varieties East Sixteenth st., near Union sq. 

Park Theatbe Cor. Broadway and Twenty -second st, 

Steinway Hall Fourteentli st. near Fourth av. 

TiimD Avenue Theatke .Between Thirtieth and Thirty-first sts. 

Theatre Comique 514 Broadway. 

TivoLi Theatre - - Eighlli st. , near Third av. 

Tony Pastor's Metropolitan 585 and 587 Broadway. 

Union Square Theatre Union Square. 

Wallack's Theatre 844 Broadway, cor. Tliirteenth st. 

Wood's Museum .Broadway, cor. Thirtieth st. 


American Jockey, 22 East 27th street. Nassau Boat, 31 Nassau street. 

Arcadian, 52 Union square. New York, 5 West 26th street. 

Army and Navy, 21 West 27th street. N. Y. Athletic, 1309 Broadway. 
Atlanta Boat Club, East 132d street, comei'N. Y. Caledonian, 118 Sullivan street. 

Fourth avenue. ^. Y. College Buatinu Association, 19 Lcz- 
Blossom, 129 Fifth avenue. ington avenue. 

Boulevard, Boulevard, cor. West 104th street. N. Y. Press Club, 6 Centre street. 

Century, 109 East 15th street. N. Y.-Yacbt, 22 East 27th street. 

Columbia Yacht, foot West 57th street. Olympic Athletic, 6 East 28th street. 

Free Masons', B8 West 22d street. Palette, 7 East 22d street. 

German, 13 West 24th street. Eepublican, 211 Fourth avenue. 

Gotham, Broadway, comer East 14th street. St. Nicholas, 8 West 25th street. 

Harlem Yacht, Port Morris. St. George's Cricket, 15 Broadway. 

Haumonie, 45 West 42d street. SOROSis, 162 East 38th street. 

Knickerbocker, 249 Fifth avenue. Standard, 149 West 42d street. 

Lotos, 2 Irving place. Travellers', 124 Fifth avenue. 

Manhattan, 96 Fifth avenue. Union, 1 West 21st street. 

Manhattan Yacht, foot East 89th street. Union League, 34 East 26th street. 

Mercilants", 108 Leonard street. Xavier Union, 49 West 15th street 
Young Men's Democratic, 51 Exchange place. 


Organized in April, 1768. 
Rooms, No. 63 William Street, New York. 
The objects of the Association were expressed by its founders as follows : 
"Whereas, mercantile societies have been found very useful in trading cities 
for promoting and encouraging commerce, supporting industry, adjusting dis- 
putes relative to trade and navigation, and procuring such laws and regulations 
as may be found necessary for the benefit of trade in general. " 
Annual Election, first Thursday in May of each year. 

OPFICEBS, 1875. 
Samuel D. Babcock, President. 
James M. Brown, 1st Vice-PreMent. 
George W. Lane, %d Vice-President. 
Francis S. Lathrop, Treasurer. 
Qeoroe Wilson, Secretary. 


Court of Arbitration of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New 

Nevr York. 


Sessions of this Court are lield daily at the rooms of the Chamber of Com- 
merce, No. 63 William street, and at the offlce of the Arbitrator, No. 329 
Broadway, for the hearing and prompt settlement of controversies, disputes 
iind matters of difference arising among merchants, shipmasters and others 
within the port of New York. 

Parties may submit their controversies to this court, whether members of 
the Chamber of Commerce or not. 

Blank forms for the submission of causes, and other information, may be ob- 
.tained gratis on application to the Clerk, at the rooms of the Chamber. • 
Hon. Enoch L. Fanchbk, Arbitrator. 
Gborgb Wilson, Arbitration Clerk. 


Rooms, 66 Beaver and 113 Pearl street, Organized, February, 1873, for the 
protection of the maritime interests. A Reading Boom is attached 
for the use of its members. 

OFl'ICERS, 1875. , 

Jambs Henry, Prmdent. 
A. H. Brown, Treasurer. 
A. J. Maguirb, Secretary. 


Room, 37 William street. 
T. B. Blbecker, Jr., President. 
A. G. Montgomery, Vice-PresOent. 
W. H. H. MooRB, Treasurer. 
T. W. Ellisen, Secretary. 


Corner Cortlandt and Church streets ; offlce of the Delaware and Hudson 

Canal Company. 


Cor. Whitehall and Pearl Streets. Organized, 1861. 
Benjamin W. Floyd, PresiderU. 
Ohables Spear, Vice-President. Edward W. Mascord, Secretary. 

"Wm. H. Philips, Treasurer. S. H. Grant, Superintendent. 


Hanover Square. 

Incorporated, April 8, 1871 

To promote the cotton trade in the City of New York. 


OFFICERS, 1875. 

Henry EIentz, President. 
James F. Wenmau, Vice-President. 
Walter M. Miller, Treasurer. 
Edward Leverich, Secretary. 


87 Wall Street. 
Incorporated, March 28, 1872. 
George W. Lane, President. 
Solan Humphreys, "] 

g. ^ar^r'JZSn, Wi^^re^nU. 


William Neilson, Secretary, 


Manufactdbes and Agriculture, of the City and State of New York:.. 

Rooms 17 and 19 Broadway. Organized in 1874; Incorporated in 1875. 

officers for 1875-'76. 

George Opdyke, Esq., President. 

Vice-Presidents. — G. W. Ghater Clarke, H. W. Wickiiam, Geo. T. Hope, 
F. A. Potts. 

Wallace P. Groom, Actuary and 8ecreta/ry. 

Executive Committee. — George Opdyke, Chairman; Sinclair Tousey, American 
News Co. ; Edward A. Boyd, Plate Glass Importer; I. V. Carpenter, Evans, 
Peake & Co., Dry Goods Merchants; W. H. Dannat, Dannat & Bro., Lumber ; 
J. Sv. Decastro, Decastro & Donner Sugar Refining Company; Edward Frith, 
Sanderson Bros. & Co., Metal Importers; Albert G. King, Geo. King & Son, Fur 
Importers; Joseph Seligman, J. & W. Seligman & Co., Bankers; Fred. Taylor, 
Fred. Butterfleld & Co., Dry Goods Importers; Jas. T. Van Rensselaer, F. B. 
Nicol & Co., China and Glass Importers; Richard Young, Youug, Ladd ifc 
Coffin, Perfume Importers and Manufacturers. 

This Board or Association consists of members and Subscribers interested in. 
the trade, manufactures and agriculture of the City and State of New York. 

The objects of the Board are the originating and promoting measures for the 
benefit of trade, agriculture and manufactures in the City and State respectively; 
the collection and distribution of statistical and other iiuormation of importance 
to traders, manufacturers and agriculturists. 

No. 10 Broad Street. Founded, 1792. 
George W. Mclean, President. B. Ogden White, Secretary, 

Brayton Ives, Vice-PresideTit. M. A. Wheelock, C/iairman. 

D. C. Hays, Treasurer. James Mitchell, Vice-bluiirTnan. 

William Weeber, BoU Keeper. 



No. 14 New Street. Organized, 1864. 
jAifEB B. Colgate, President. "W. J. Hutchinson, Second Vice-Pres. 

E. T. BiiAGAW, Mrst Vice-Premlent. Wm. P. Wbscott, Secretwry. 
R. L. Edwards, Treasurer. 

Wall Street, between William and Hanover Streets. 
Chester A. Arthur, Collector. 
Charles P. Clinch, Assistant-CoUector. 
Samuel 6. Ogden, Auditor and Acting Disb'g Agent. ) ^ j. ■^■ 
Samuel J. Jacobs, Assistant-Auditor. ) 

Wm. D. Robinson. Cashier. \ „ ■■ t,,- ■ ■„ „ 
James Hoflman, Asst. - Cashier. ] '"^ iJivision. 
John J. Osborne, Deputy-CoUector, 8d Division. 
Richard Wynkoop, do. do. 4th do, 
W. A. Morris, do. do. 5th do. 

Beni. F. Wyman, do. do. 6th do. 
N. G. Williams, do. do. 7th do. 
W li. Mro-wn, Deputy ad int. , 8th do. 
DudlcvF. Phelps, 2)cpM/?/Wtor, 9th do. 
John ft. Lydecker, Sp. Deputy Col. and Storekeeper of tlu> Port, 10th 

D<muty Collectors. — Samuel M. Blatchford, James Tanner, W. F. Norris, H. 
C. Manning, S. T. Maddox, Deputy OoUector-at-Zarge ; Geo. K. Leet, Assistant 
ChUecfor at Jersey City. 


A. H. Laflin, Naval Officer. 

Silas W. Burt, ComptroUer and Special Deputy. 

E. W. B. Canning, Deputy. 

Wm. A. Jones, " 

J. M. Comstock, Chief EnAry Clerk. 

A. W. Green, Chief Liquidating Clerk, No. 1. 

T. O'Meara, " " " No. 2. 

J. J. Couch, Chief Warehouse Clerk. 

T. Hays, Aitditor. 

H. W. Gomley, OJiief Correspondence Clerk. 

Custom-House Building. 
George H. Sharpe, Surveyor. 
James S. Benedict, Special Deputy. 
Edward F. Burton, "| 

IZfA^nt'^' \^^'« ^'^'^'- 

Jacob Sharpe, J 

Henry Gaines, Chief Measurer of Vessels. 

E. C. DeLong, Inspector in Cha/rge of Departure Boom. 

Alfred Mabie, Boarding Office at Barge Office. 



Wall, corner Nassau Street. 

(Office hours, from 10 A. M. to 3 P. M.) 

Thomas Hilliiocsb, Asmiant Treasurer. 

Chablbs H. Patterson, Deputy Treasurer. 

WiiiLiAM Q. White, Gashier. 

David G. Caywood, Superintendent of Building. 


No. 30 and 33 Wall Street. 

Thomas C. Acton, Superintendent. 

Hbiujeut G. Torkey, Assayer. 
Andrew Mason, MeUer and Beflner. 
J. M. Floyd, Chief Clerk. 
Gold and silver bullion, in amounts not loss than $100, received on deposit, 
and returns made in coins or stamped bars, at the option of the owners. Vis- 
itors are admitted to witness the operation of the office, on Wednesdays, be- 
tween 10 A. M. and 13 M. 


Office, Exchange Place, cor. Hannover Street. 
Jacob M. Patterson, Jr., Agent. 


Office, 29 Broadway. 
George F. Cutter, Disbursing Officer. 


Office, 187 Cheriy Street. 
C. C. Duncan, Commissioner. 


32(J District — First, Second and Fourth Wards. Marshall B. Blake, 
Collector, 83 Cedar Street. 

2d District— Third, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, Ninth, Fifteenth and Sixteenth 
Wards. Max Weber, Collector, 395 Canal Street. 

3d District — Seventh, Tenth, Eleventh, Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Seven- 
teenth Wards. Joseph Archbold, Collector, 9 Seventh Street, cor. Third 

ith District— Twelfth, Eighteenth, Nineteenth, Twentieth, Twenty-flrst and 
Twenty-second Wards. C. R. Coster, Collector, 1396 Broadway. 




This Institution was formed in 1816, for tlie sole object of increasing tlie 
circulation of the Holy Scriptures without note or comment. Its entire work 
is essentially^ gratuitous. It is thoroughly unsectarian, circulating only the com- 
monly received version in English, and the most faithful translations in other 
languages and in foreign lands, and everywhere helping the poor to procure and 
own the Bible. It is printing and circulating the Scriptures in more than fifty 
different languages, and is usually at the sole expense of publishing all new 
translations by American missionaries and American scholars as soon as their 
manuscript is ready for the press. It has also published, at great expense, the 
entire Bible in raised letters, for the blind. Its issues of the Bible, and Testa- 
ments, and Portions, are in almost every variety of size and style of binding. It 
sells at the cost of manufacture to all who wish to buy, and responds, to the 
measure of its ability, to all applications for grants. Its issues for the 59th 
fiscal year, ending March 31, 1875, were 920,900 volumes. The value of the 
books donated in the year was $94,913.83, and the appropriations in money for 
Bible distribution in foreign lands were $69,441.83. The total receipts from all 
sources for the year were $577,569.80. 

Since its organization, the Society has issued 31,893,332 volumes, and its 
aggregate receipts have btjen $16,701,944.17. 

The present Bible House is located on an open square, bounded by Third and 
Fourth avenues, Astor place and Ninth street. The building covers the entire 
square — about tliree-quarters of an acre — and is six stories high. It was erected 
in 1853, at a cost of about three hundred thousand dollars, and is the result of in- 
dividual subscriptions for that especial purpose. The income from the rental of 
that portion of the building not occupied for the Society's own uses is appro- 
priated to payment of the salaries and expenses of the executive departments. 

Tlie aggregate number of persons engaged in the service of the Society, in its 
manuCacturinj^ department, wliicli includes the printing, electrotyping, proof 
reading and bindery, docs not vary much from four hundred. 

The government of the Society is intrusted to a board of managers, consisting 
of thirty-six laymen, one-fourth of whom go out of office each year, but are re- 
eligible. The executive officers are appouited by the board of managers, and 
standing committees of the board are annually appointed to supervise and direct 
the various departments of the Society's work. The committee on versions, 
which has the oversight of the textual correctness of the Society's issues, is 
composed of seven of the most learned clergymen of the country, who act as 
representatives of the several Christian denominations which co-operate with 
the society. Tlie committees on finance, publication, and legacies, are com- 
posed of laymen only, and the committees on distribution and agencies com- 
prise both clergymen and laymen. 

The Society has about 2,000 auxiliaries, scattered through eveiy State and 
Territory of the Union, through whom, under the supervision of its district 


superintendents, is effected tlie greater part of Bible distribution in this country, 
Tliese auxiliaries purchase books at cost for sale or distribution within their 
respective limits, and when unable to buy, are furnished with them gra- 

OFFICEBS FOR 1875-76. 

William H. Allen, LL.D., Philadelphia, President. 

Thirty Vice-Presidents. 

Tlev. Joseph Holdich, D.D. ; Rev. Edwakd W. Gilman, D.D., Secretaries 

Eev. Alexander McLean, D.D., Treamrer. 

Andrew L. Taylor, Assistant Treasurer. 

Caleb T. Rowe, General Agent. 


Rooms, 33 Bible House, Astor Place. 
This Association, first formed by persons of the Congregational, Presbyterian, 
Associate Reformed, and Reformed Dutch Churclies, in May, 1826 ; incorpor- 
ated, February 6, 1871, is now the organ of the Congregational Churches. The 
olDJect is "to assist congregations that are unable to support the Gospel Minis- 
try, and to send the Gospel to the destitute within the United States." During 
the 49th year of its operations (1875) it sustained in thirty-three States and 
Territories 952 Missionaries, laboring in more than 2,X)00 congregations, or 
missionary districts. Expenditure, $296,000. It lias State Auxiliaries in Maine, 
Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New 
York and Ohio. Thirty dollars constitute a life member, and one hundred 
dollars a life director. 

OFFICERS, 1875-76. 

Theodore D. Woolsey, D.D., LL.D., New Haven, Conn., President. 

Thirty-four Vice-Presidents and fifty PirecU/rs. 
William Henry Smith, Esq., Treasurer. 
George S. Cob, Esq., Auditor. 
Rev. David B. Coe, D.D., ) 

Rev. Alexander H. Clapp, D.D., > Secretaries for Correspondence. 
Rev. Henry M. Storrs, D.D., ) 
Austin Abbott, Esq., Becording Secretary. 

Instituted in 1810. — Room, No. 39 Bible House. 

The object of the Board is to propagate the Gospel among the unevangelized 
nations and communities, by means of preachers, catechists, schoolmasters, and 
the press. 

This Board has under its care numerous missions and stations among differ- 
ent nati. ins, where missionaries are at work. A late report of their doings says : 
"Heathenism, whether in pagan or papal lands, entrenched in tlie native de- 
pravity of the human heart, buttressed about with forms and usages and insti- 
tutions consecrated by the arts of a crafty priesthood and the traditions of 
generations, involving the entire intellectual and social life from infancy to the 
grave, yields but slowly to the missionary effort, but it yieldi>. The gain ia 


church membership is steadily on the increase in Central, Eastern and Western 
Turkey, in the Zula Mission, the Mahvatta Mission, the Ceylon Mission, the 
Poochow Mission, the North China Mission, as well as in Japan, &c. The -work 
in Austria and Spain is also encouraging, as well as in other parts of the world."" ' 

OFFICEKS, 1875-76. 
Mamk Hopkins, D.D., LL.D., President. 
Hon. WiI/Liam E. Dodge, Vice-President. 
Prudential Committee.— Hon. Alpheus Hardy, Augustus C. Thompson, D.D., 
Abner Kingman, Esq., James M. Gordon, Esq., Ezra Farnsworth, Esq., Ed- 
mund K. Alden, D.D., J. Eussell Bradford, Esq., Joseph S. Ropes, Esq., Prof. 
Egbert C. Smyth, D.D. ^ f f , ^ , 

Rev. Selah B. Treat, N. G. Clark, D.D., Secretaries for Correspondence. 
Rev. John O. Means, D.D., Recording Secreta/ry. 
Langdon S. Ward, Treasurer, No. 1 Somerset Street, Boston. 


Rev. C. P. Bush, D.D., Dist. Sec., 39 Bible House, Astor Place. 



Rooms, Nos. 23 and 23 Biule House. 

Organized by the General Convention in 1821, and incorporated by the State; 
of New York, May IB, 1846. 

Membei's. — The Society is considered as comprehending all persons who are- 
members of this Church. 

Board of Missions, How Appointed. — The General Convention, which repre- 
sents the whole Church, appoints at every Triennial Meeting, a Board of Clerical 
and Lay Members, who, together with the Bishops of the Church, constitute the 
Board of Missions of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of 

Functions of tM Board. — To the Board of Missions is intrusted the supervision 
of the general missionary operations of the Church, with power to establish 
Missionary stations, appoint Missionaries, make appropriations of money, and. 
regulate the conducting of Missions. Tlie Board meets once a year. 

Home Missions to Colored People. — There exists, during the will of the Board of 
Missions, and by its appointment, the " Commission of Home Missions to 
Colored People," to which is committed the religious and other instruction of 
the f reedmen. 

Indian Commission. — There exists, by appointment of the Domestic Committee, 
acting by request of the General Convention and under instructions from the 
Board of Missions, an Indian Commission, charged with the oversight and care-, 
of the Indian Missionary work of the Church. 

Woman's AuixUiary. — The Woman's Auxiliary, organized b^ the secretaries of 
the several departments at the instance of the Board of Missions, aids the work 
of the Board of Missions in all its departments, Domestic, Foreign, Freedmen, 
and Indian. 


These are the several departments of the work of the Board of Missions, 
■which Board, as ahove set forth, acts in behalf of the Domestic and Foreign 
Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of 

The next Annual Meeting of the Board of Missions will be held in the City of 
PhUadelphia, in October, 1876. 

Committee for Domestic Missions. — Rt. Rev. Hobatio Pottek, D.D., LL.D., 
■Chairman; Revs. Morgan Dix, D.D., George Leeds, D.D., Henry C. Potter, 
D.D., N. H. Schenck, D.D.; Messrs. Cyrus Curtiss, G. N. Titus, B. B. Sher- 
man, and E. T. Gerry. Rev. A. T. Twing, D.D., Secretary and General Agent, 
.22 Bible House; Rev. C. N. Chandler, D.D., and Rev. T. A. Starkey, D.D., 
Associate Secretaries and General Agents; Lloyd W. Wells, Esq., Treasurer, 
.22 Bible House, New York. Stated meetings, third Monday of each month. 

Committee fov Foreign Missums. — Rt. Rev. Hokatio Potteb, D.D., LL.D., 
Chairman; Revs. John Cotton Smith, D.D., H. Dyer, D.D., Benjamin I. 
Haight, D.D., LL.D.; Messrs. Lewis Curtis, Frederick S. Winston, Stewart 

Brown, Lemuel Coffin, and James M. Brown. , Secretary 

«nd General Agent, 23 Bible House; Rev. S. D. Denison, D.D., Honorary Secre- 
tary, 23 Bible House; James M. Brown, Esq., Treasurer, 23 Bible House, New 
York. Stated meetings, fourth Wednesday in each montli. 


Incorporated 1838. 

The Bishop, ex-officio. President. 
Rev. C. T. Woodruff, SuperinteTident. 
B. S. Holt, treasurer, 57 Water street. 


The Bishop, President. 

J. Pott, Treasurer and Agent, 5 and 13 Cooper Union. 


H. Bruce, Recording Becretary. 

J. Pott, Treasurer avd Agent, 5 and 13 Cooper Union. 


The Bishop of the Diocese, ex-officio. President. 

T. W Ogden, Secretary. 

R. M. Harrison, Treasurer, 110 Broadway. 

Rev. G. P. Seymour, D.D., Superintendent of the Department of Learning. 


The Bishop, ex-offido. President. 

H. P. Marshall, Treasurer, at Seamen's Bank, comer of Wall and Pearl ' 


No. 219 West Fourteenth street. Incorporated 1868. 

Yisitor, the Bishop ; Treasurer, H. Manuel, 31 Wall street. 



Mission House, 23 Centre Street. Organized in 1832. 

This Foreign Missionary Society, -whicli lias been in successful operation for 
more tlian forty years, selected Africa and the populous regions of Asia for their 
extended mission fields — China, Japan, Persia, Asia Minor, South America and 
other localities were early selected, and have proven to be fields of unsurpassed 
promise. According to the Thirty-eighth Annual Report, for 1875, all the 
above missionary fields -were occupied by zealous missionaries, both male and 
female, from whom reports are forwarded to the parent society. There are 
also auxiliary societies, in different parts of the United States, that aid in thia 
great work. 

OFFICERS FOR 1875-76. 

Rev. William Adams, D.D., President. 

" John D. Wells, D.D., Vice-President. 

" John C. Lowrie. 1 

" David Irving, \ Secretaries. 

" Frank F. Ellinwood, ) 
William Rankin, Esq., Treasurer. 


Mission Hoose, 23 Centre Street, New York. Organized in 1870, under its- 
present Management. 

To this Board is committed the work of aiding feeble churches in the United. 
States of America in the support of their ministers; of sending out and support- 
ing missionaries to preach the gospel, and of planting churches in new and des- 
titute sections of th^ country. 

OFFICERS, 1875-76. 
Rev. James O. Murray, D.D., President. 
" Hbnrt Randall, D.D., ( „ Secretaries 
•' Ctrub Dickson, D.D., \ ^'^- *««'^«««"«»- 
O. D. Eaton, Treasurer. 
Edw. a. Lambert, Recording Secretary. 

Office, No. 23 Centre Street. 

According to the Fifth Annual Report, for 1875, the number of churches 
erected during the year by aid of the Board was 153, located in 29 States and 
Territories, and under the care of 84 Presbyteries. 

OFFICERS FOR 1875-76. 

Rev. Joseph Fewbmith, D.D., President. 
Rev. John Hall, D.D., Vice-President. 
Rev. H. R. Wilson, D.D., Cor. Secreta/ry. 
J. P. Cvi.osB-i.'Bsq., Recording Seereta/ry. 
Nathan Lane, Esq., Treasurer. 



Rooms, 34 Vcsey Street. 

OWICEUS li-OK 1875. 

Rev. Wm. H. Steele, D.D., President. 
Sanpoud Cobb, Esq., Vice-President. 
Rev. C. L. Wells, liean-ding Secretary. 
Rev. J. M. Ferris, Corresponding Secretary. 
Mr. Gamaliel Smith, Treasurer. 

Rooms, 84 Vesey Street. 
OFPiCBRS poa 1875-76. 
Mr. S. R. W. Heath, President. 
Rev. Paui, D. Van Cleep, D.D., Vice-President. 
Rev. O. E. Cobb, Becording Secretary. 
Rev. Jacob West, D.D., Corresponding Secretary. 
Mr. John R. Smith, Treasurer. 


76 East Ninth Street. 

Baptist Citt Mission, 1870, 76 East Ninth Street. Organized. — The objects 

of the Society are church extension, mission and Sunday-school worlr of the 

Soutliern N. Y. Baptist Association. S. S. Constant, Esq., President; C. T. 

Evans, Secretary; A. Denilie, Treasurer. 

American Baptist Publication Societt. — New Yorls Branch, 76 East Ninth 
Street. — G. M. Vanderlip, Deposita/ry ; Rev. James Waters and Rev. J. 8. 
Backus, D.D., District Secretaries. 

Rooms, 150 Nassau Street. 
Organized in 1833. The object of this Society is to promote the preaching of 
the Gospel in North America, through its own exertions and the aid of auxiliary 
Societies of the Baptist denomination. 


Hon. Samuel A. Ckosier (Penn.), President. 
Joseph B. Hoyt, Esq., Treasurer. 
Nathan Bishop, LL.D., Corresponding Secretary. 
Rev. D. B. Jutten, Itecording Secretary. 
Rooms, 150 Nassau Street. 
Organized in 1836. The object of tlio Society is to procure and circulate the 
most faithful versions of the Holy Scriptures in all languages throughout the 

OPPICEKS FOB 1875-76. 
Hon. Petek Balen (New Jersey), President. 
A. B. Capwell, Esq., and others, Vice-Presidents. 
N. D. Ward, Esq. , Secretary and Treasurer. 
Rev. George E. Horn, Becording Seeretary. 


Rooms, 805 Broadway. 
Incorporated April, 1839. Its objects are charitable and religious; designed 
to diSuse more generally the blessings of education and Christianity, and to pro- 
mote and snjjport Missionary Schools and Christian Missions throughout the 
United States and Territories, and also in foreign countries. 

oppicEKs, 1876. 
Rev. Bisnop E. S Janes, President. 
John P. Dubihn, D.D., nonorai-y Secretary. 
Robert L. Dasiiiell and John M. Reid, SecreUmes. 
Reuben Nelson, Treasurer. 
David Tekrt, Recording Secretoury. 


Established for the purpose of distributing books and tracts throughout the 
United States; the income of which, after deducting expenses, is appropriated 
to benevolent purposes. Rooms, 805 Broadway, New York. 

Rev. Reuben Nelson, D. D. and J. M. Phillips, Esq., Book Agents. 


Office, 805 Broadway. 

Bishop Janes, President. 
3. H. Vincent, D.D., Cor. Secretary. 
W. H. DbPot, D.D., Pecordir 
D. Denham, Jr., Treasurer. 

Office, 805 Broadway. 

(Offlcgrs elected by the Board.) 
Bishop Janes, President. 
Rev. C. A. Holmes, D. D., Secretary. 
OLiAfER HoYT, Esq., Treasurer. 

Rooms, 56 Reade Street. 
Organized in 1866. The aim and object of this Association is to preach the 
Gospel to the poor. It originated in a sympathy with the almost friendless 
slaves. Since emancipation, it has devoted its main efforts to preparing the 
freedmen for their duties aa citizens and Christians in America and as mission- 
aries in Africa. Also to aid and benefit the Chinese in America, and co-operate 
■with the Government in its humane and Christian policy towards the Indians, 

OFFICERS, 1875-76. 
Hon. E. S. ToBEY (Boston), President. 
Fifty-two Vice-Presidents. 

Rev. George Whipple and Rev. M. E. Story, Beoretames. 
Edgar Kbtchum, Esq., Treasurer. 


Rooms, 58 Reade Street. 
This Society was organized in 1865 in tlie cause of Temperance, and has 
printed and circulated over 215,635,356 pages of temperance literature during 
the past ten years. It has its agencies in every State in the Union, and is diffus- 
ing a sound temperance literature all over the world. 
oppiCKiis FOB 1875-'76. 
Hon. Wm. E. Dodge, Prmdent. 
T. T. Sheffield, IVemurer. 
J. N. Steakhs, Cor. Secretary and Publialdng Agent. 



Was founded in June, 1853, with a membership of 1,200; its membership Is 
now about 3,500. 

The building was erected in 1869, at a cost of $485,000, and is held and man- 
aged by a Board of nine Trustees; the affairs of the Association are under the 
management of a Board of twenty Directors, who are elected by the members, 
and are persons in communion with at least five different Protestant Evangelical 

The membership is composed of three classes : Active members, members of 
Protestant Evangelical Churches, between the ages of sixteen and forty years; 
counseUing members, over forty years of age; and associate members, to which 
latter class any man over sixteen years of age is eligible, and will be received by 
the Secretary or Assistant Secretary, upon presentation of satisfactory evidence 
of good moral character. They have the privileges of active members except 
the right to vote and to hold oflBce, and to be members of committees. 

The annual fee for simple membership for all classes is two dollars. By pay- 
ment of this a member is entitled to use the Reading-room and Library. By 
payment of five dollars by active and associate members, they are entitled to all 
the privileges of the Association. 

The object of the Association, as stated in its constitution, is "the improve- 
ment of the mental, physical, social, and spiritual condition of young men." 
The Association seeks to accomplish these by the employment of the following 
agencies: Reading-room, Library, Literary Society; Classes in French, German, 
Spanish, Writing, Book-keeping, and Vocal Music; Gymnasium, Bowling Alley, 
Baths, Lectures, Social Meetings and Entertainments; Bible Classes, Prayer 
meetings. Service of Song, and Sermons to Yoimg Men. 

The rooms of the Association are open daily from eight o'clock in the morn- 
ing tiU ten o'clock at night. The Library, Reception Room and Parlors are 
open on the Lord's day in the afternoon from one and a half to half-past nine 

The Literary Society meets every Tuesday evening in the Lecture Room. 
Members of the Association are eligible to membersliip in the Society. Visitors 
are cordially invited. 

The Association has opened three branches in different parts of the City where 
young men are invited to spend their evenings : The Harlem Branch, 2291 Third 
avenue; the TorkmUe Branch, corner of Eighty-sixth street and Third avenue; 


and the Bowery Branch, at 134 Bowery. These have well-arranged and cheerful 
reading-rooms and halls for meetings. The lirst two branches are open from 
half-past_ seven o'clock to ten o'clock in the evening, and maintain prayer meet- 
ings, social receptions, entertainments, and in some instances lectures. 

OFFICERS 1876-76. 

William E. Dodge, Jr., President. 

Elbekt H. Monkob, Vice-I^esident. 

R. R. McBuKNBY, Corresponding Secretary. 

Jambs A. Bennett, Recording Secretary. 

Jacob F. Wyckofp, Treasurer. 
Board of Directors. — Morris K. Jesup, James Stokes, Jr., L. Bolton Bangs, 
James A. Bennett, Jacob P. WyckofE, William F. Lee, John S. Bussing, J. ^. 
Van Wocrt, ir. , "Waldron P. Brown, Robert R. McBurncy, "William H. S. "Wood, 
"William B. Dodge, jr., Cephas Brainerd, J. M. Cornell, Q. M. Vanderlip, "Wil- 
liam "W. Iloppin, jr., Elbert B. Monroe, Riley A, Brick, "W, H. Thomson, 0. 
Vanderlip, ir. 


Showing tlie Denomination, Location, Pastor, etc. 

The Hours of Service. — On the Sabbath : lOi a.m., almost universally; 
afternoon, 3i in winter, and 4 in summer ; evening 7i. Week-day evening 
services, usually Wednesday, 8 o'clock. 


Abyssinian (col'd), 100 Wavcrly place; pastor, Rev. Wm. Spelman. 

Amity, W. Fifty-fourth street, n. Eighth avenue ; pastor. Rev. W. R. Wil- 
liams, D.D. 

Berean, 35 Downing street; pastor, Rev. L. G. Barrett. 

Calvary, SO W. Twenty-third street; pastor. Rev. R. S. Mc Arthur. 

Central, 220 W. Forty-second street; pastor. Rev. J. D. Herr. 

Central Park, E. Eighty-third street, n. Second avenue ; pastor, Rev. C. C. 

East, Madison street, cor. Grouverneur; pastor. Rev. W. S. Mikels. 

Ebenezer, 154 "W. Thirty-sixth street; pastor, Rev. Wm. Benedict. 

Fifth avenue, W. Forty -sixth street, n. Fifth avenue ; pastor. Rev. Thomas 
Armitage, D. D. 

First, Park avenue, cor. B. Thirty-ninth street; pastor. Rev. Thomas D. An- 
derson, D.D. 

First German, E. Fourteenth St., n. First avenue; pastor. Rev. Or. A. Schults. 

First, Harlem, One-hundred-and-twenty-flf th street, n. Third av. ; pastor, Rev. 
George W. Samson, D.D. 

First Swedish; pastor. Rev. . 

First Mariners', Oliver street, cor. Henry; pastor, Rev. A. F. Perry. 

Grace, 405 W. Twenty-ninth street. 

Harlem Temple, One-hundred-and-twenty-flf th street, n. Fourth avenue; pas- 
tor. Rev. . 

Macdougal street, 24 Macdougal street; pastor. Rev. J. J. Muir. 


Madison avenue, Madison avenue, cor. E. Tliirty -first street; pastor, Rev. Jos. 
r. Elder, D.D. 

Nortli, 120 Christopher street; pastor. Rev. J. J. Brouner. 

Pilgrim, W. Tliirty-third street, n. Eighth av. j pastor. Rev. J. S. Kennard. 

Second German, 453 W. Forty -fifth street ; pastor. Rev. . 

Second, Harlem, One-hundred-and-eleventh street, bet. Third and Fourth 
avenues; pastor. Rev. Halsey Moore. 

Sixth street, 644 Sixth street; pastor. Rev. D. C. Potter. 

Sixteenth, 357 W. Sixteenth street, n. Eighth av. ; pastor, Rev. D. B. Jutten. 

South, 235 W. Twenty-flf th street, n. Eighth avenue ; pastor. Rev. A. C. Os- 
born, D.D. 

Stanton street, 36 Stanton street, pastor, Rev. W. H. Leavell. 

Tabernacle, 1G2 Second avenue ; pastor, Rev. J. B. Ilawthorne. 

Trinity, E. Fifty-fifth street, n. Lexington av. ; pastor. Rev. J. S. Holme, D.D. 

W. Fifty -third street, W. Fifty-third street, n. Seventli avenue ; pastor, 

Sabbath services morning and evening. 

Tabernacle Church Mission, 189 E. Twentieth street. 

First Baptist Mission, Laight street, cor. Varick; Rev. H. W. Knapp. 

Bethesda Baptist Misson, 233 E. Thirty -third street, n. Second avenue ; pas- 
tor. Rev. John Love. 

German Baptist Mission, 417 W. Fifty-third street, near Ninth avenue. 

Second Baptist Misson, Grand St., cor. Clinton; pastor. Rev. Samuel Alman. 

Bethany Baptist Mission, cor. Boulevard and Eighty-sixth street. 

Zion Baptist, 7 Seventh avenue. 

German Mission, Third avenue, near One-hundred-and-twenty -first street. 

Shiloh (col'd). Third avenue, near One-hundred-and-twenth-sixth street. 


Tabernacle, Sixth avenue, cor. W. Thirty-fourth street; pastor, Rev. Wm. M. 

Disciples, Madison av., cor. Forty-fifth street; pastor, Rev. Geo. H. Hepworth. 

Harlem, Second avenue, cor. 125th street; pastor. Rev. S. H. Virgin. 

Welsh, 206 E. Eleventh street ; pastor. Rev. D. S. Davis. 

Tabernacle Bethany Mission, Ninth avenue, cor. Thirty -sixth street; pastor. 
Rev. W. Plested. 

Mission, W. Fiftieth street, near Eighth avenue. 

AlUance Chapel, Sixty-eighth st. , n. Broadway; pastor. Rev. S. Colcord, jr. 


Meeting-house, E. Fifteenth street, cor. Rutherford place. 
Meeting-hjuse (orthodox), E. Twentieth street, near Third avenue. 
Meeting-hoHse, 43 "W. Twenty -seventh street, near Sixth avenue. 
Mission (orthodox), 303 E. Forty-first steeet. 
Mission (orthodox), 135 W. Thirtieth street, n. Sixth avenue. 

Greek Mission, 951 Second avenue. 

Adaareth El, 135 E. Twenty-ninth street. 
Adath Israel, E. Fifty-seventh street, n. First avenue. 
Ahawath Chesed, Lexington avenue, cor. E. Fifty-fifth street. 


AnsM Emeth, E. Houston street, cor. Kidge. 

Anshi Bikur Cholim, 127 Columbia street. 

Beth CholiiA, 333 W. Twenty-eighth street. 

IBeth El, 817 Lexington avenue, cor. Sixty-third. 

Beth Hamidrash, 78 Allen street. 

Beth Hamidrash, 3d, 153 Chatham street. 

Beth Israel Bikur Cholim, 56 Chrystic street. 

JJikur Cholim, U-Kadischa, C3 Chrystie street. 

Bnai Israel, 41 Stanton street. 

Bnai Jeshurun, 145 W. Thirty-fourth street. 

Bnai Sholom, 680 Fifth street. 

Chisuck Amuno, E. Fifty-fourth street, n. Third avenue. 

Darech Amuno, New York University. 

JEmmanuel, Forty-third street, cor. Fifth avenue. 

IPoel Zedeck, W. Twenty-ninth street, cor. Eighth avenue. 

Bodeijh Scholem, 8 Clinton street. 

Shaari Berocho, 306 Sixth street. : < 

Shaari Roch Mim, 146 Norfolk street. 

Shaari Tephila, W. Forty-fourth street, n. Sixth avenue. 

Shaari Zedeck, 38 Henry street. 

Shaaer Hashamoin, 91 Kivington street. 

Shagnarai Tikva, Lexington avenue, n. E. Eighty-seventh street. 

Shearith Israel, W. Nineteenth street, n. Fifth avenue. 

Shearith Israel, 114 Columbia street. 

Synagogue, Third avenue, cor. 124th street. 


'Trinity, Avenue B, cor. Ninth street; pastor. Rev. F. Koenig. 

;St. James, 216 E. Fifteenth street; pastor. Rev. A. C. Wedekind, D.D. 

iSt. John's, 81 Christopher street; pastor. Rev. A. H. M. Held. 

.St. Luke's, W. Forty-second street, n. Eighth av. ; pastor. Rev. W. Busse. 

St. Mark's, 328 Sixth street ; pastor. Rev. H. Raegener. 

St. Matthew's, 354 Broome street, cor. Elizabeth ; pastor. Rev. Justus Ru- 
perti, D. D. 

Emmanuel, E. Eighty-third street; pastor. Rev. F. W. Foehlinger. 

Bethlehem, 492 Grand street ; pastor. Rev. C. Kuehn, 

St. Paul's, 326 Sixth avenue ; pastor. Rev. F. W. Geissenhainer, D.D. 

St. Peter'Sj Lexington av., cor. Forty -sixth st. ; pastor. Rev. Dr. E. Moldelmke. 

Holy Trinity, 47 W. Twenty-first street, n. Sixth avenue; pastor, Rev. G. F. 
Krotel, D. D. 

Emmanuel, E. Eighty-seventh stijeet; pastor, Rev. L. Half man. 

St. Paul's, W. 123d street, n. Seventh avenue ; pastor. Rev. Julius Ehrhart. 

Church of Our Saviour (Norwegian), 56 Monroe street; Rev. S. O. Juul. 

Gustavus Adolphus (Swedish), 153 E. Twenty-second street; Rev. J. G. 

St. John's, E. 119th street, n. Third avenue ; pastor. Rev. W. F. Seeger. 

Church of Christ, 648 Sixth street ; Rev. G. U. Wenner. 

Zion Mission, 153 B. Twenty-second street. 

St. Stephen's Mission, 116 Elizabeth street. 

Emigrant House Chapel, 16 State street ; Rev. W. Berkemeier, 

liUther Chapel, 435 E. Houston street. 


(Sabbath services in all the Methodist churches, morning and evening.) 

Alanson, 53 Norfolk street ; pastor. Rev, W. P. Estes. 

Allen street, 126 Allen street ; pastor, Rev. C. E. Harris. 

Bedford street, 28 Morton street; pastor. Rev. G. II. Gregory. 

Beekman Hill, 321 E. Fiftieth street, n. Second avenue ; pastor. Rev. W. H. 

Bethel Ship, foot of Carlisle street; pastor. Rev. D. S. Sorlin. 

Central, 58 Seventh avenue; pastor. Rev. 0. S. Harrower. 

Cornell Memorial, E. Seventy-sixth street, n. Second avenue; pastor. Rev. J. 
S. Haugh. 

Duane, 294 Hudson street ; pastor, Rev. J. A. Edmonds. 

Eighteenth Street, 307 W. Eighteenth street ; pastor, Rev. M. S. Terry. 

Five Points' Mission, 61 Park street; pastor, Rev. C. S. Brown. 

Forsyth street, 10 Forsyth street; pastor. Rev. J. B. Merwin. 

Forty-fourth street, 461 W. Forty-fourth street; pastor. Rev. S. I. Ferguson.. 

Forty -third street, 253 W. Forty -third street; pastor. Rev. W. H. Mickle. 

Free Tabernacle, 248 W. Thirty-fourth street; pastor, Rev. John Johns. 

German, 253 Second street; pastor. Rev. C. Jost. 

German Mission, 346 W. Fortieth street; pastor. Rev. C. F. Grimm. 

Grace, 104th street, n. Ninth ovenue ; pastor. Rev. R. Wheatley. 

Greene street, 59 Greene street ; pastor. Rev. J. A. Edmonds. 

Hedding, 337 E. Seventeenth street; pastor, Rev. J. H. Lightbourne. 

Hope, 125th street, n. Sixth avenue ; pastor. Rev. J. G. Oakley. 

Jane street, 13 Jane street; pastor. Rev. W. W. Sever. 

John street, 44 John street ; pastor, Rev. W. H. Depuy. 

Lexington avenue, Lexington avenue, corner Fifty-second street ; pastor. Rev, 
J. W. Selleck. 

Perry street, 123 Perry street ; pastor. Rev. W. Ostrander. 

Rose Hill, 223 East Twenty-seventh street ; pastor. Rev. W. "W. Clark. 

St. James', Madison avenue, corner 126th street ; pastor, Rev. 

St. John's, W. 231 Fifty-third street ; pastor, J. M. King. 

St. Luke's, West Forty-first street, near Sixth avenue ; pastor. Rev. W. P. 

St. Mark's (colored), 65 West Tliirty-flfth street ; pastor. Rev. E. W. S. Peck. 

St. Paul's, Fourth avenue, corner Twenty-second street ; pastor, Rev. J. A. 
M. Chapman. 

Second avenue. Second avenue, comer 119th street ; pastor. Rev. T. Burch. 

Second street, 276 Second street ; pastor. Rev. W. McAllister. 

Seventh street, 24 Seventh street ; pastor. Rev. J. S. Willis. 

South Harlem, 111th street, near Lexington avenue; pastor. Rev. A. Von 

Thirtieth street, 331 West Thirtieth street; pastor, Rey. G. H. Corey. 

Thirty-fifth street, near Tenth avenue; pastor. Rev. A. C. Morehouse. 

Thirty-seventh street, 223 East Thirty-seventh street ; pastor. Rev. W. H. 

Twenty-fourth street, 359 West Twenty-fourth street ; pastor. Rev. T. Lodge. 

Washington Square, 137 West Fourth street ; pastor. Rev. W. Lloyd. 

Washington Heights,, Washington Heights ; pastor. Rev. H. H. Birkins. 

Willett street, 7 w illett street ; pastor, J. V. Saunders. 


Torkvilte, E. Eighty-sixth street, n. Fourth avenue; pastor; Rev. A. D. Vail. 

Mission, 647 East Sixteenth street. 

" Broadway, corner Sixty-ninth street ; pastor. Rev. W. 8. Bouton. 

Sixty-first street chapel, Sixty-flrst street, near Third avenue ; pastor. Rev. R. 

Mission, 197 Mott street. 
" 180 Franklin street. 

Eleventh street Chapel, 545 East Eleventh street, near Avenue B ; pastor. Rev. 
A. Graliam. 

German Mission, Pearl street, corner Madison street ; pastor. Rev. P. W. 

Willett Mission, Cannon street, near Broome. 

Oerman Mission, fl8 Eighth street, near First avenue; pastor, Rev. C. Scherff. 

Emmanuel Mission (colored), 87 Attorney street; pastor, Rev. J. A. Davis. 

Wesley Mission, 292 Stanton street, cor. Cannon; pastor. Rev. R. Roden. 


African Union, 161 West Fifteenth street ; pastor, Rev. W. Hutchings. 

Bethel, 314 Sullivan street ; pastor. Rev. Henry Davis. 

Zion, 331 Bleecker street ; pastor, Rev. Jacob Thomas. 

African Union, 132 West Thirtieth street ; pastor, Rev. P. Hopkins. 

Little Zion. East 117th street, near Fourth avenue ; pastor, . 

Bethel Mission, 106 West Thirtieth street. 

Free Methodist, 339 West Thirty-seventh street; pastor, Rev. M. N. Downing. 

Welsh, 325 East Thirteenth street ; pastor. Rev. . 


Moravian Church, Lexington avenue, corner East Thirtieth street ; pastor, 
Bev. A. A. Reinke. 
Moravian Mission, 636 Sixth street ; pastor. Rev. Theodore Sonderman. 


Allen streeet, 61 Allen street, near Grand ; pastor. Rev. George O. Phelps. 

Brick, Fifth avenue, corner Thirty-seventh street ; pastor, Rev. . 

Canal street, Greene street, near Canal ; pastor. Rev. . 

Central, West Fifty-sixth street, near Broadway ; pastor. Rev. James D. 

Covenant, Park avenue, corner East Thirty-fifth street ; pastor. Rev. M. R 
Vincent, D.D. 

Covenant, (colored). Prince street, comer Sullivan street ; pastor, Rev. T. C. 

Eighty-fourth street. West Eighty-fourth street, near Boulevard ; pastor, Rev. 
W. W. Newell, D.D. 

Fifth avenue. Fifth avenue, corner West Fifty-fifth street ; pastor. Rev. John 
Hall, D.D. 

First, Fifth avenue corner West Eleventh street ; pastor, Rev. William M. 
Paxton, D.D. 


Fourth avenue, 286 Fourth avenue, corner East Twenty-second street ; pastor. 
Rev. Howard Crosby, D.D. 

Fourteenth street, E. Fourteenth street, cor. Second avenue, pastor. Rev. 
Francis H. Marling. 

Fourth, West Thirty-fourth street, near Sixth avenue ; pastor. Rev. Joseph. 
R. Kerr. 

French Evangelical, 9 University place ; pastor. Rev. H. L. Grandlienard. 

German, 390 Madison street ; pastor. Rev. B. Krusi. 

Harlem, E. 125th street, n. Fifth avenue; pastor. Rev. J. S. Ramsay. 

Madison square, Madison avenue, cor. East Twenty-fourth street; pastor, Rev> 
W. J. Tucker, D.D. 

Manhattanville, Ninth avenue, cor. 126th street; pastor, Rev. . 

Memorial, Madison avenue, cor. Fifty-third street; pastor. Rev. C. S. Robins- 
son, D.D. 

Mount Washington, Inwood ; pastor. Rev. Geo. S. Payson. 

Murray Hill, E. Fortieth street, n. Lexington avenue; pastor. Rev. George S, 

New York, 167 W. Eleventh street; pastor, Rev. W. W. Page. 

North, Ninth avenue, cor. W. Thirty -first street; pastor, Rev. S. B. Rossiter.. 

Phillips, E. Seventy-third street, cor. Madison avenue; pastor, Samuel D.. 
Alexander, D.D. 

Puritans, W. 130th street, n. Fifth avenue; pastor emeritus. Rev. George 
B. Cheever, D.D. ; pastor. Rev. Edward L. Clark. 

Rutgers, Madison avenue, cor. E. Twenty-ninth street; pastor. Rev. N. W- 
Conkling, D.D. 

Scotch, 53 W. Fourteenth street, n. Sixth avenue; pastors. Rev. Joseph McEl- 
roy, D.D., and Rev. S. M. Hamilton. 

Sea and Land, Market street, cor. Henry; pastor. Rev. Edward Hopper, D. D. 

Seventh, Broome street, cor. Ridge ; pastor, . 

Shiloh (colored), 140 Sixtli avenue, and 135 W. Thirtieth street; pastor, Rev_ 
H. H. Garnet, D.D. 

Spring street, 246 Spring street, n. Varick; pastor. Rev. G. M. McCampbell. 

Thirteenth street, 145 W. Thirteenth street; pastor. Rev. Samuel D. Burchard„ 

University place. University place, cor. Tenth street; pastor. Rev. Robert R. 
Booth, D.D. 

Washington Heights, 155th street, cor. Boulevard; pastor. Rev. Charles A. 
Stoddard, D.D. 

West, W. Forty-second street, n. Fifth avenue; pastor. Rev. Thoinas S. Hast- 
ings, D.D. 

Westminster, 151 W. Twenty-second street, n. Seventh avenue; pastor. Rev. 
G. D. Matthews. 

West Twenty -third street, W. Twenty-third street, n. Seventh avenue; pastor,. 
Rev. Erskine N. White, D.D. 

First Union, Yorkville, 145 E. Eighty-sixth street; pastor. Rev. James- 

Chapel of Brick Church, 228 W. Thirty-fifth street, n. Seventh avenue; pastor. 
Rev. Joseph J. Lampe. 

Chapel of Fifth avenue Church, 127 Seventh avenue. 

Alexander Chapel of Fifth avenue Church, 7 and 9 King street; pastor. Rev. 
H. A. Davenport. 


Mission of Fifth avenue Church, 416 E. Fourteenth street, n. First avenue. 

Chapel of First Church, 35 W. Twelfth street. 

Mission of W. Twenty-third street Church, 373 W. Twenty-flfth street. 

Chapel of University place Church, 167 W. Eleventh street. 

Emmanuel Chapel of University place Church, Sixth street, n. Avenue D; 
pastor. Rev. Erastus Seymour. 

Memorial Cliapel of Madison square Cliurch, E. Thirtieth street, n. Third 
avenue; pastor. Rev. Charles H. Payson. 

German Mission of Madison square Church, 206 E. Thirty-flrst street; pastor. 
Rev. M. A. Erdman. 

Grace Chapel of Fourth avenue Church, 340 E. Twenty-second street, n. First 
avenue; pastor, Rev. J. W. Earnshaw. 

Cliinesc Mission of Fourth avenue Cliurch, 623 Pearl street. 

Hope Mission of Fourth avenue Church, avenue C, cor. Fourth street; pastor. 
Rev. W. F. Matthews. 

Faith Cliapclof "West Churcli, 410 W. Forty-sixth street, n. Ninth avenue; 
pastor. Rev. James II. Hoadlcy. 

Memorial Chapel of Convenant Cliurcli, 306 E. Forty-second street, n. Sec- 
ond avenue; pastor. Rev Howard A. Talbot. 

Mission ot Fourteenth street Church, E. Twelfth street, n. avenue B. 

Mission of Seventh Church, 203 Rivington street. 

Krebs Mission (colored), 69 Thompson street. 

Salem Mission of Scotch Church, 185 Spring street. 

Emmanuel Mission of Scotch Church, 64 W. Fifteenth street. 

Westside Chapel of Fourth Presbyterian Church, 439 W. Thirty-third street. 

Bethesda Mission of Rutgers Presbyterian Church, 336 W. Twenty-ninth 

Goodwill Mission of Memorial Church, Second avenue, cor. Fifty-second st. 

Mission of Murray Hill Church, 30 Stuyvesant street. 

Eleventh street, 206 E. Eleventh street; pastor. Rev. J. D. Turner. 

Jane street, 41 Jane street; pastor. Rev. Robert Scott. 

Seventh avenue, 29 Seventh avenue ; pastor, Rev. S. H. Graham. 

Seventh, 434 W. Forty-fourth street; pastor. Rev. G. Campbell., 

Third, 41 Charles street; pastor, Rev. Hugh H. Blair. 

West Twenty-flfth street, 161 W. Twenty-flfth street; pastor. Rev. JohnKirk- 

Harlem, E. 127th street, n. Third avenue; pastor, . 

Charles street Mission, Eighth avenue, cor. Thirty-fourth street. 

Mission, Third avenue, cor. Eighty-sixth street. 

Harlem, B. 116th street, bet. Second and Third avenues; pastor. Rev. J. S. 


First, 123 W. Twelfth street; pastor. Rev. Wm. Wylie. 
First, 426 W. Twenty-eighth street; pastor, Rev. J. C. K. Milligan. 
Second, 321 W. Thirty-ninth street, n. Seventh avenue; pastor, Rev. Andrew 
Stevenson, D.D. 
Third, 238 W. Twenty-third street; pastor. Rev. David Gregg. 
Fourth, 365 W. Forty-eighth St., n. Ninth av. ; pastor. Rev. James Kennedy. 
Mission, 440 W. Fortieth street. 



All Angels', "W. Eighty-flrst St., n. Eleventh av.; rector. Rev. C. P. Hoffman. 

All Saints', 286 Henry street; rector. Rev. "W. N. Bunnell. 

Annunciation, 142 W. Fourteenth street; rector. Rev. Wm. J. Seabury. 

Anthon Memorial, 139 W. Forty-eighth street, n. Seventh av. ; rector, Rev. 
R. H. Newton. 

Ascension, Fifth av., cor. Tenth st. ; rector, Rev. John Cotton Smith, D. D. 

Atonement, Madison av., cor. Twenty-eighth st. ; rector. Rev. C. C. Tiflfany. 

Beloved Disciple, Madison avenue, cor. Eighty-ninth st. 

Calvary, Fourth av., cor. E. Twenty-first St.; rector. Rev. E. A.Washbum.D.D. 

Chapel of Holy Comforter, 865 West street; rector, Rev. H. F. Roberts. 

Chapel of Our Saviour, foot of Pike St., E. R. ; rector, Rev. R. J. Walker. 

Christ, Fifth av., cor. Thirty-fifth st. ; rector. Rev. H. M. Thompson, D. D. 

Du St. Esprit, 30 West "Twenty-second street; rector, Rev. Leon Pons. 

Epiphany, 238 East Fiftieth street ; rector. Rev. U. T. Tracy. 

Grace, 800 Broadway; rector. Rev. H. C. Potter, D. D. 

Grace, E. One-hundred-and-sixteenth street, n. Second av. ; rector. Rev. D. 
B. Ray. 

Heavenly Rest, Fifth avenue, n. E. Forty-fifth street; rector. Rev. R. S. How- 
land, D.D. ^ 

Holy Apostles', Ninth avenue, cor. W. Twenty-eighth street; rector. Rev. 
John P. Lundy. 

Holy Communion, Sixth avenue, cor. Twentieth street; rector. Rev. Francis 
E. Lawrence. 

Holy Martyrs, 39 Forsyth street; rector, Rev. James Millett. 

Holy Saviour, E. Twenty-fifth street, n. Madison avenue; rector, Rev. A. B. 
Carter, D. D. 

Holy Sepulchre, E. Seventy-fourth street, n. Fourth avenue; rector, Rev. 
James T. Smith. 

Holy Trinity, Madison avenue, cor. E. Forty-second street; rector. Rev. 
Stephen H. Tyng, Jr., D. D. 

Holy Trinity of Harlem, Fifth av., cor. 135th st. ; rector, Rev. R. H. McKim. 

Incarnation, Madison av., cor. Thirty-fif th st. ; rector, Rev. Arthur Brooks. 

Intercession, 158th St., cor. Eleventh av.; rector. Rev. E. W. Donald. 

Mediator, Eleventh avenue, n. Fifty-first street; rector. Rev. John McCaffrey. 

Nativity, 70 Avenue C; rector. Rev. Caleb Clapp. 

Redeemer, E. Eighty-second street., cor. Fourth av. ; rector, J. W. Shackel- 

Resurrection, B. Eighty -fifth St., n. Third av. ; rector, Rev. J. W. Trimble. 

Santiago, 30 W. Twenty-second st. ; minister. Rev. J. D. Palma. 

St. Alban's, E. Forty -seventh street, n. Lexington avenue : rector. Rev. C. W. 

St. Ambrose, 117 Thompson street; rector. Rev. H. T. Widdemer. 

St. Andrews, 127th St., n Fourth av. ; rector. Rev. G. B. Draper, D.D. 

St. Ann's, 7 W. Eighteenth st. ; rector. Rev. Thomas Gallaudet, D.D. 

St. Bartholomew's, Madison av. ; cor. Forty -fourth st. ; rector. Rev. Samuel 
Cooke, D.D. 

St. George's, Rutherford pi. , cor. E. Sixteenth st. ; Rev. Stephen H. Tyng, D.D. 

St. Clement's, 108 Amity st. ; rector. Rev. Theodore A. Eaton, D.D. 

St. Ignatius, W. Fortieth street, n. Sixth av. ; rector. Rev. F. C. Ewer, D.D. 


St. James', E. Seventy-second St., n. Third av.; rector, Rev. 0. B. Smith. 
St. John Baptist, 361 Lexington av.; rector. Rev. C. R. Duffle, D.D. 
St. John Evangelist, 232 "W. Eleventh St.; rector, Rev. Wm. T. Egbert. 
St. John's, 46 Varick street; rector, Rev. S. H. Weston, D.D. 
St. Luke's, 483 Hudson street; rector. Rev. I. H. Tuttle, D.D. 
St. Mark's, Stuyvesant st., cor. Second av. ; rector, Rev. J. H. Rylance, D.D. 
St. Mary's, "W. 128th St., n. Tenth a;v. ; rector, Rev. C. C. Adams. 
St. Mary's, Forty -fifth st., n. Seventh av.; rector, Rev. T. M. Brown. 
St. Michael's, Broadway,c. Ninety-ninth st. ; rector, Rev.T. M. C.Peters,D.D. 
St. Paul's, Broadway, cor. Vesey St.; rector. Rev. B. I. Haight, D.D. 
St. Peter's, 340 W. Twentieth St.; rector, Rev. Alfred B. Beach, D.D. 
St. Phillip's (colored), 305 Mulberry St. ; rector, Rev. J. S. Atwell. 
St. Stephen's, 53 W. Forty-sixth St., n. Sixth av.; rector. Rev. Joseph H. 
Price, D. D. . . f 

St. Thomas', Fifth av., cor. Fifty-third st. ; rector, Rev. W. F. Morgan, D.D. 

St. Timothy, W. Fifty- seventh street, n. Eighth avenue; rector, Rev. G. J. 
Qccr, D.D. 

Transfiguration, E. Twenty-ninth street, n. Fifth avenue; rector. Rev. G. H. 
Houghton, D.D. 

Trinity, Broadway, opp. Wall street; rector. Rev. Morgan Dix, D.D. 

Trinity Chapel, 15 W. Twenty-fifth street; rector, Rev. C. E. Swope, D.D. 

Zion, Madison avenue, cor. 'Thirty-eighth street; rector. Rev. J. N. Gallaher. 

Calvary Chapel, 218 E. Twenty- third street; minister. Rev. W. D. Walker. 

Rutger Street Mission, 58 Rutgers street; minister. Rev. . 

St. George's Mission, Chapel of Free Grace, 408 E. Nineteenth street; minis- 
ter. Rev. . 

St. George's Mission, German, 420 E. Fourteenth street; minister, Rev. J. C. 

St. George's Mission, Chapel of Bread of Life, 430 E. Fourteenth street. 

St. Mark's Mission, 141 Avenue A ; minister. Rev. S. A. McNulty. 

Ascension Chapel of Shepherd's Flock, 330 W. Forty-third street; minister. 
Rev. John F. Steen. 

Ascension Chapel of Comforter. Greenwich street, cor. Jane. 

Mission Chapel of St. Thomas' Church, E. Sixtieth street, near Second av. 

Atonement Chapel, 418 W. Forty-first street; minister. Rev. George Howell. 

Grace Chapel, B. "Twenty-third street, near Third avenue; minister, Rev. J. 
W. Kramer. 

St. Chrysostom Chanel, Seventh avenue, cor. Thirty-ninth street; minister, 
Rev. T. II. Sill, 226 W. Fortieth. 

St. Augustine Chapel, 264 Boweiy; minister. Rev. A. C. Kimber. 

Incarnation Chapel of Reconciliation, 242 E. 'Thirty-first street; minister. Rev. 
E. S. Widdemer. 

Betlilehem Mission, Ninth avenue, cor. Eighty-third street; minister. Rev. F. 
St. Barnabas Chapel, 806 Mulberry street; minister. Rev. C. "t. Woodruff. 

Mission Chapel, 130 Stanton street. 

French, in Chapel, Fourth avenue, near Twenty-first street; minister. Rev. 
Emile Borel. 

Italian, in St. Ambrose Church, 117 Thompson and 46 Franklin streets; min- 
ister, Rev. C. Stauder, 814 Greenwich street. 
Mission, 353 W. Thirty-fifth. 



First Reformed Episcopal, Madison avenue, cor. Forty-seventh street; rector. 
Rev. W. T. Sabine. 

Second Reformed Episcopal, W. 26tb near 7tli av. ; rector. Rev. George 


Bloomingdale, W. Seventy-first street, n. Ninth avenue; paster. Rev. Enoch 
Van Aken. 

Collegiate, Lafayette place, cor. Fourth street; pastor. Rev. Talbot W. Cham- 
bers, D.D. 

Collegiate, Fifth avenue, cor. Twenty-ninth street; pastor. Rev. Wm. Ormis- 
ton, D.D. 

Collegiate, Fifth avenue, cor. Forty-eighth street; pastors. Rev. Thomas E. 
Vennilye, D.D., and Rev. James M. Ludlow, D.D. 

Fourth German Mission, 346 W. Fortieth street, n. Eighth avenue; pastor. 
Rev. J. H. Oerter. 

German Evangelical Mission, 141 E. Houston street; pastor. Rev. Julius W. 

German Reformed Protestant, 120 Norfolk street; pastor. Rev. Henry A. 

Harlem, Third avenue, cor. 131st street; pastor, Rev. G. H. Mandeville, D.D. 

Holland, W. Twenty-ninth street, n. Ninth av. ; pastor. Rev. A. H. M. Bech- 

Madison avenue, Madison avenue, cor. Fifty-seventh street; pastor. 

Prospect Hill, E. Eighty-fifth street, near Second avenue; pastor, Rev. D. M. 
L. Quackinbush, D. D. 

South, Fifth avenue, cor. Twenty-first street; pastor. Rev. E. P. Rogers, D.D. 

Thirty-fourth street, 807 W. Thirty-fourth street; pastor, 

St. Paul's, Sixth avenue, cor. Forty-second street; pastor. Rev. . 

Union, 25 Sixth avenue; pastor. Rev. W. B. Merritt. 

Washington Heights, Washington Heights. 

Washingtoa Square, Wooster street, cor. Washington place; pastor, Rey. 
ManciuaS. Hutton, D.D. 

Collegiate Mission, 160 W. Twenty-ninth street; pastor, Rev. J. H. Bertholf. 

Collegiate Mission, 514 Ninth avenue, near Thirty-ninth street; pastor. Rev. 
W. H. De Hart 

Collegiate Mission, Seventh avenue, cor. Fifty-fourth street; pastor. Rev. V. 
B. Carroll. 

Collegiate Mission, Pulton street, near William ; pastor. Rev. George J. 

South Church Mission Chapel, 348 W. Twenty-sixth street. 

Thirty-fourth Street Church Mission, 405 W. Twenty-ninth street. 

German EvangeUcal Mission, 71 Avenue B, cor. Fifth street; pastor. Rev. M. 
N. StefEens. 

German Evangelical Mission, Second avenue, N. W. cor. Fifty-second street. 

Annunciation, W. 131st street, n. Broadway ; priest. Rev. J. J. Qriffen. 
Assumption, W. Forty-ninth street, n. Ninth avenue ; priest. Rev. B. Stroehle. 
Epiphany, Second avenue n. Twenty-second street ; priest. Rev. R. L. BurtselL 



Holy Cross, 335 W. Forty-second street ; priest, Rev. P. McCarthy. 

Holy Innocents, W. Thirty-seventh st. n. Broadway ; priest. Rev. JohnLarkin. 

Holy Name of Jesus, Broadway n. Ninety-seventh st. ; priest. Rev. R. Brennan. 

Immaculate Conception, 505 B. Fourteenth street ; priest. Rev. John Edwards. 

Most Holy Redeemer, 1G5 Thh-d street ; priest, Rev. Joseph Wirth. 

Nativity, 40 Second avenue ; priest. Rev. William Everett. 

New Cathedral, (building). Fifth Avenue. 

Our Lady of Sorrow, 105 Pitt street ; priest. Rev. Ivo Prass. 

St. Agnes, E. Forty-third st, n. Third ave. ; piiest, Rev. Henry C. McDonell. 

St. Alphonso's, 10 Thompson street ; priest. Rev. Eugene Grimm. 

St. Andrew's, Duane street cor. City Hall place ; priest. Rev. Michael Curran. 

St. Ann's, 112 E. 12th street; priest, Rev. T. S. Preston. 

St. Anthony's, 143 Sullivan street ; priest. Rev. James Titta. 

St. Bernard's, 334 W. Fourteenth st. n. Ninth ave. ; priest, Rev. G. A. Healey.. 

St. Boniface, E. Forty-seventh street n. Second avenue ; priest. Rev. M. Nicot. 

St. Bridget's, Avenue B, cor. Eighth street ; priest. Rev. Thomas J. Mooney. 

St. Cecilia, 105th st., bet. First and Second avs. ; priest. Rev. Hugh Flattery. 

St. Colomba's, 339 W. Twenty-fifth street ; priest. Rev. M. McAleer. 

St. Elizabeth, Broadway, cor. Onc-hundred-and-eighty-seventh street ; priest,. 
Rev. Henry A. Brown. 

St. Francis, 139 W. Thirty-first street ; priest, Rev. Eugene Dikovich. 

St. Francis Xavier, 36 W. Sixteenth street ; priest, Rev. D. Merrick. 

St. Gabriel's, E. Thirty-seventhst., n. Second av. ; priest, Rev. W. H. dowry. 

St. James's, 33 James street ; priest. Rev. F. H. Farrelly. 

St. John Baptist, 209 W. Thirtieth street ; priest. Rev. B. Frey. 

St. John Evangelist, E. Fiftieths!., n. Fifth av. ; priest, Rev. James McMahon. 

St. Joseph's, Sixth av., cor. W. Washington pi. ; priest, Rev. Thomas Farrell. 

St. Joseph's (German), W. 125th street, n. Ninth av. ; priest. Rev. A. Kessler. 

St. Lawrence, E. Eighty-fourth st., n Fourth av. ; priest, Rev. Florentine Acherd. 

St. Mary's, 438 Grand street : Rev. E. J. O'Reilly. 

St. Mary Magdalen ; E. Seventeenth street, n. Avenue B. 

St. Michael's, 407 W. Thirty -first street ; priest, Rev. Arthur S. Donnelly. 

St. Nicholas, 125 Second street ; priest. Rev. F. Krebesz. 

St. Patrick's Cathedral, Mott street, cor. Prince ; His Eminence John- 
McCloskey, D.D.* 

St. Paul's, W. Fifty-ninth street, n. Ninth avenue ; priest. Rev. I. T. Hecker. 

St. Paul's, E. 117th street, n. Fourth avenue ; priest, Rev. Eugene Maguire. 

St. Peter's, Barclay street, cor. Church ; priest. Rev. M. J. O'Parrell. 

St. Rose of Lima, 32 Cannon street ; priest, Rev. M. McKenna. 

St. Stanislaus, 264 Madison. 

St. Stephen's, 149 E. Twenty-eighth street ; priest. Rev. E. McGlynn. 

St. Theresa, Rutgers street cor. Henry ; priest. Rev. James Boyce. 

St. Vincent de Paul, 127 W. Twenty-third st . ; priest. Rev. Edmund AuvriL 

St. Vincent, Lexington av., cor Sixty-fifth st. ; priest.Rev. M. D . Lilly. 

Transfiguration, Mott street, cor. Park ; priest. Rev. J. H. McGean. 

(The residence of the clergy is usually found adjoining the church they serve... 

* Created Cardinal Priest of the Holy Boman Catholic Church, March 16, 1676. 




Marinnrs' Church, cor. Madison and Catharine ; pastor. Rev. E. D. Murphy. 

Port Society Mission. 

Port Society Mission, Dover street, cor. Water. 

Howard Mission, 40 New Bowery. 

Wilson Mission, Avenue A, cor. Eighth street ; pastor. Rev. . 

Church of tlie Strangers, Neilson pi. (Mercer st.) n. Eighth street ; pastor, 
Hev. C. P. Deems, D. D. 

Olivet Chapel, 63 Second street ; pastor. Rev. A. P. Schauffler. 

Lebanon Chapel, 70 Columbia street ; pastor. Rev. J. H. Bradley. 

Church of the Disciples, Madison av., cor. Forty-fifth st. ; pastor. Rev. George 
H. Hepworth. 

Carmel Chapel, 134 Bowery ; pastor. Rev. D. Stuart Dodge, 134 Bowery. 

Rose Memorial Chapel, 418 W. Porty-first street ; pastor. 

Calvary Chapel, 153 Worth street ; pastor. 

DeWitt Chapel, 135 Greenwich street ; pastor. Rev. George Hatt. 

Alliance Chapel, h Sixty -eighth street, n. Broadway; pastor. Rev. S. Colcord, jr. 

All Soul's, Fourth avenue, cor. E. Twentieth street ; pastor. Rev. H. W. Bel- 
lows, D. D. 

Messiah, Park avenue, cor. E. Thirty-fourth street ; pastor. Rev. W. R. Alger. 
Third, Sixth avenue, n. Forty-second street ; pastor. Rev. O. B. Prothingham. 
Fourth, E. 128th street, n. Fourth avenue ; pastor, Rev. W. T. Clarke. 
Mission, 30 Stuyvesant street, Plimpton Building. 


Third, 366 Bleecker st. ; pastor. Rev. E. T. Sweetzer. 

Fourth, Fifth av. cor. Forty-fifth street ; pastor. Rev. Edwin H. Chapin, D.D. 
Our Saviour, W. Fifty-seventh street, n. Eighth avenue ; pastor. Rev. James 
IM. Pullman. 

Mission, 137th street, n. Fourth avenue ; pastor, Rev. Charles Fluhrer. 
Universalist Association, Sixth avenue, cor. Thirty-third street. 
Mission, Plimpton Building, 30 Stuyvesant street. 
Mission, Brevoort Hotel, E. Fifty-fourth street, n. Third avenue. 


Christian Israelites, 108 First street. 

German Evangelical Reformed, 97 
•Suffolk street. 

Disciples, 34 W. Twenty-eighth st. 
. German Evangelical, 138 W. Twenty- 
fourth street. 

Second Advenj;, 405 Grand street. 
" " Cooper Union, Room 


First Congregational Methodist, W. 
Twenty-fourth street, near Sixth av. 

German Swedenborgian, 141 Christie 

True Reformed Church, Perry street, 
cor. West Fourth. 

Mission, 435 E. Houston street. 

Mission, 180 Wooster street. 

Mission, Broadway, cor. Forty-third st. 

Phelps' Mission, 835 E. Thirty-fifth st. , 

Mission.W.Fiftieth st.,near Eighth av.' 

Camp Mission, 116 Elizabeth street. 

Mission, 405 W. Twenty-ninth street. 
Catholic Apostolic, 128 W. Sixteenth st 
Swedenborgian, 68 E. Thirty-fifth st 
Messiah, Second Advent. 
Welsh Church, 235 E. Thirteenth st. 


Second Advent, 68 E. Broadway. 

fourth street. 

Mission, 454 W. Twenty -ninth street. 

Mission. Ninth avenue, cor. Thirty- 
sixth street. 

German Mission,W. Fifty-first street, 
near Tentli avenue. 

German Mission, Eighth avenue, near 
Sixty-eighth street. 

Mission, 69 Ludlow street. 
Mission, Third avenue, cor. Eighty- 
sixth street. 
Mission, Third avenue, near 114th st. 
Italimi Mission, 99 South Fifth av. 
Mission, 345 W. Twenty-eighth st. 
Star Mission, 109 W. Twenty-sixth st. 
Mission, Eighth avenue, cor. Thirty- 
There are four societies of Spiritualists, four clubs of Free Thinkers and In- 
'fldels, a company of Comte's followers, and other circles of a similar character,, 
who advertise meetings weekly, in various halls throughout the City. 
Total number of Churches and Missions, 470. 

135 Greenwich street. 1 134 Bowery. 

153 Worth street. | 63 Second street. 

70 Columbia street. 

Home, 200 Greene street. 

Ladies' M. E. Mission, 01 Park street. Services every Sabbath aj; 3 p. m. 
House of Industry, 155 Worth street. " " " ' ■' 

Howard Mission, 40 New Bowery. Services every Sabbath at 3 p. m. 


74 Madison street. 
Oliver street, cor. Henry. 
Market street, cor. Henry. 
Bethel, Pike street. East River. 
Bethel, Pier 11, North River. 

Dover street, cor. Water. 
135 Greenwich street. 
23 South street. 
34 Pike street. 
305 West street. 

Bethel, 75 Beach street. 

There will be found in almost every Protestant Church some free seats, and 
more or less generous attention paid to strangers. All of the mission churches, 
in chapels, halls, and bethels, at least fifty in number, are held with open doors, 
and all persons are freely invited to enter. In addition to these, there are fifteen 
to twenty of the regularly incorporated churches which are known as free-seat 
churches; and many of the old-established churches advertise every week a Sab- 
bath evening service, where all the seats are entirely free, and all comers are 
made welcome. 



This Society employs eight missionaries and Bible-readers, who are chiefly- 
engaged in laboring in the public Institutions on Blackwell's Island, Ward s- 
Island, Randall's Island, and in the hospitals, prisons, and iisylums in the city. 
The Society has also opened a House of Refuge, at 304 Mulberry street, for the 

142 HEW TOYK AS IT 18. 

lodging of friendless women, for the protection of strangers, and the saving of 
-wanderers A mission chapel is opened at 806 Mulben-y street, and a readmg- 
room at 308 Mulberry street. For further information apply at 308 Mulberry 



John B. Cornell, President. 

The object of this Society is to promote Missions and Church Extension in 
the City of New York, in connection with the Methodist Episcopal Church. 

The oflBce of the Society is at 805 Broadway, corner Eleyenth street. 



This Committee is engaged in establishing mission chapels, and sending out 
Oily missionaries to extend the Kingdom of Christ in the City in connection with 
the Protestant Episcopal Church. 

This Society is engaged in establishing and sustaining mission churches in 
•connection with the Protestant Reformed Church. 

Wm. E. Barnes, See'y, 29 South street. 
Gamaliel G. Smith, Treas., 342 Pearl street. 

Instituted 1827. Reorganized and Incorporated 1866. 
Lewis E. Jaokbon, Got. See. and Aaaiat. Treaa. 
OFFICE, 60 bible house. 
It is the oldest organization of the kind in the city, entirely unsectarian, de- 
signed to give the gospel to the needy. It employs 30 missionaries, male and 
female, who are daily visiting the poor. It has mission stations. It holds 100 
meetings weekly. It sustams preaching services. Sabbath-schools, reading- 
rooms, etc. It gives popular lectures ana social entertainments to the people. 
It furnishes a field for the emplojrment of the lay talent of the churches. It 
has erected a mission station at No. 63 Second street, known as Olivet Chapel, 
at a cost of $20,000, which has been pronounced a model of its kind, and has, 
in conjunction with the House of Industry, built the commodious and attractive 
Calvary Chapel, 153 Worth street, and has purchased and fitted up three other 
houses for missionary purposes, and holds in all real estate to the value of 
$100,000. The money contributed for the Mission Building Fund is kept entirely 
distinct from donations to the general work, and is either represented in real 
«state unencumbered or good investments. 

The latest census gives 356 Protestant Sabbath-schools, with 88,237 scholar; 
on roll, and an average attendance of 66,187. And of Roman Catholics, Jews, 
■etc., there are 59 Sabbath Schools, having 27,589 scholars on roll, and an average 
attendance of 18,274. 



The total number of City missionaries in New Yorlc may be set down at 266, 
who probably make 800,000 visits a year. Besides these, there are hundreds of 
tract visitors, and hundreds of poor visitors and other voluntary agents of various 
churches and societies who are going about continually doing good. 


There arc 140 Protestant Missions in the City where Sabbath schools and preach- 
ing and other religious and moral services for adults, or children, or both, are 
regularly carried on. Of this number, 45 are permanently established in suit- 
able, commodious church-like buildings, with the ministry, the ordinances, and 
the government that usually appertain to churches, though they be not regu- 
larly incorporated as such. 


Calvary. — Office, 206 Mulberry street. The grounds are in Newtown, L. I., 
about two miles from East Tenth Street Ferry. M. Rowan, Superintendent. 

City. — On Hart's Island. Office, 66 Third avenue, corner East Eleventh 
street. L. C. Dunphy, Superintendent. 

Cypress. — Office, 124 Bowery. The grounds are situated on the northerly 
side of the Jamaica Turnpike, about live miles from Williamsburg ferries. N. 
O. Palmer, Superintendent. 

Evergreen. — Office, 163 Bowery. Located three miles east of Brooklyn. 

Greenwood. — Office, 30 Broadway. Tlio grounds are situated in Brooklyn, 
on Gowanus Heights, about two and a half miles from Hamilton Avenue 
Ferry. The Cemetery, opened in September, 1840, now contains about 450 
acres ; interments to January, 1875, 172,890. Henry E. Pierrepont, President. 
J. A. Perry, Secretary and vomptroUer. 

Iiutheran. — Office, 298 Broadway. Grounds on the Jamaica turnpike road, 
near Middle Village, L. I., four miles from the Williamburg ferries. 

Marble. — Office, 65 Second street. Grounds in Second street, between First 
and Second avenues. James H. Hull, Keeper. 

Machpelah. — Office, 160 West Twenty-fourth street. The grounds are lo- 
cated at New Durham, Hudson Co.. N. J., about one mile from Weehawken 
Ferry. Robert'McClintock, President. Walter T. Miller, Secretary. 

Mount Pleasant. — Located on Buffalo avenue, Brooklyn, four miles from 
Pulton Ferry. Robert Williams, President. 

New York Bay. — Office, 5 Dey street. The grounds are on the Bergen 
Point plank road, two and a half miles from Jersey City- Ferry. T. H. Buck- 
master, Secreta/ry. 

Trinity Church. — Office, 187 Fulton street. The grounds are between West 
158d and West 155th streets, between Tenth avenue and the North River. 
James Amin, Keeper. 

Union. — Office, 192 Rivington street. The grounds are located near Wyckofl 
avenue, Brooklyn, three and a half miles rrom the Williamsburg ferries. 
Joshua Brown, President. J. S. Cronk, Secretary. 


Woodlawn.— Office, 48 East Twenty-third street. The grounds, 380 acres, 
are in the Twenty-fourth Ward of the City of New York, near the Westchester 
Co. Line, six miles from Harlem Bridge, on the line of the Harlem Railroad, 
The Southwest entrance, for carriages, on Central avenue. 

Benevolent Associations. 


Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor, 59 Bible House. 

Ladies Union Relief Association, Mrs. Kennedy, 135 W. Twenty-second st. 
- For the Employment and Relief of the Poor, for women, 143 E. Thirteenth st. 
" " " " for women, 120 W. Sixteenth St. 

'■ " " " for women, 876 Broadway. 

" " " for all, 105 Worth st. 

Ladies' Mission of the Protestant Espiscopal Church to the Public Institutions, 
390 Madison avenue. 

St. John's Guild, St. John's Chapel, 52 Varick street. 

For the Employment and Relief of the Poor, for women and children, 29 E. 
Twenty-ninth street. 

Commissioners of Charities for Out-Door Poor, 66 Third avenue, comer 
Eleventh street. 

Labor Exchange, for Emigrants, Castle Garden. 

The Society for the Relief of Poor Widows with Small Children, Mrs. Trins- 
dale, 205 W. Thirteenth. 

The New York Female Assistance Society, for Sick Poor (give food and 
clothing), Mrs. Purdy, 30 W. Thirty-third street. 

For the Employment of Women, 64 Irving place, cor. Eighteenth street. 

Working Women's Protective Union, for Women, 38 Bleecker street. 

Bureau of Employment for Men and Women, Nos. 8 and 10 Eighth street. 

Sisters of the Stranger, 4 Winthrop place, Greene street, near Eighth. 

Friends' Mission for Colored People, 135 W. Thirtieth street. 

Stranger's Friend, for Men, 316 Water street. 

Ladies' Missionary Association, 46 Catharine street. 

Food for the Destitute Sick, 525 West Fifty-first street, and 306 W. Fifty- 
second street. 

New York Diet Kitchen, food for the sick, 110 and 374 Second avenue. 

Women's Educational and Industrial Society, Sewing and other Schools for 
Women, 47 E. Tenth street. 

School of Trades, to teach people how to work, 124 W. Twenty-sixth street. 

The United Hebrew Charities, 59 Fourth street. 



Home for Aged Israelites, 822 Lexington avenue, cor. Sixty-third street. 
Association for l.espectable Aged Indigent Females, 326 E. Twentieth street. 
Protestant Episcopal Home for Aged, Madison avenue, cor. Eighty-ninth st. 
Baptist Home for Aged, Sixty-eighth street, near Fourth avenue. 
Methodist Episcopal Home for Aged, 255 W. Forty-second street. 
Presbyterian Home for Aged, Seventy-third street, near Madison avenue. 


Colored Home, foot of E. Sixty-fifth street, Bast River. 

Samaritan Home for Aged Men and Women, 409 Fourteenth St., cor. Ninth av. 
St. Joseph's Home, Roman Catliolic, 203 W. Fifteenth street. 
St. Stephen's Home, Roman Catholic, 145 E. Twenty-eightli street. 
Home tor Aged Men an*d Women, Roman Catholic, 179 E. Seventieth street. 
Chapin Home, E. Sixty-sixth street, near Lexington avenue. 
Home for Aged Men and Aged Couples, 485 Hudson street. 
Home for Aged Men, St. Johnland, refer to Rev. Dr. Muhlenberg, St. Luke's 
Trinity Chapel Home for Aged Women, 308 W. Twenty-seventh street. 


Lying-in-Asylum, 85 Marion street. 

Lying-in-Asylum, E. Fifty-first street, cor. Lexington avenue. 
Infant Asylum, for Mothers and Infants, 34 Clinton place, and Tenth avenue, 
cor. Sixty-first street. 


New York Institution for the Blind, Ninth avenue, near Thirty-fourth street. 
Destitute Blind, 219 W. Fourteenth street. 


New York Institution for Deaf and Dumb, W. 162d street, near Bloomingdale 
Association for Deaf Mutes, 643 Seventh avenue, near Forty-fifth street. 
Home for Deaf Mutes, 220 B. Thirteenth. street. 


Asylum for Lunatics, W. 117th street, near Tenth avenue ; ofllce, 8 West 
Sixteenth street. 
Asylum for Lunatics, Blackwell's Island ; ofiice, 66 Third avenue. 


Asylum for Inebriates, Ward's Island ; oiHce, 66 Third avenue. 


Asylum for Soldiers, Ward's Island ; office, 66 Third avenue. 

Benevolent Societies. 

Ancient Britons' Benefit Society, meets at 35 Bayard street first Tuesday in 
each month. 

Ancient Order of Hibernians ; the Board of Directors meet first Monday m 
January, April, July and October, at 38 Prince street. 

Blind Mechanics' Association, 432 W. Thirty-sixth street. 

Bnai Jeshurun Benevolent Society, 145 W. Thirty-fourth street. 

Father Mathew Total Abstinence Benefit Society, 401 Second avenue, and 214 

Franklin German Benevolent Society, meets first Monday in each month at 26 
Delancey street. 

French Benevolent Society, 21 Houston, or refer to F. R. Coudert, 49 Wallst. 


Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, refer to Hon. John R. Brady. 

German Mutual Assistance Society, for Widows and Orphans, 33 Frankfort Bt. 

German Ladies Aid Society, 350 Broome street, cor. Elizabeth street. 

Germania Benevolent Society, meets first and third Thursdays of each month 
at 10 Stanton street. 

Hebrew Benevolent Society, 6 Walker street. 

Hebrew Charities, 59 Fourth street. 

Irish Emigrant Society, 51 Chambers street. 

Italian Benevolent Society, 69 Fulton street, Bureau for Labor, 303 Pearl street. 

Life Saving Benevolent Association, refer to Elwood Walter, 35 Wall street. 

Lutheran Emigrant Home, 16 State street. 

Monteflore Widow and Orphan and Benevolent Society, meets Broadway, 
cor. W. Twenty-ninth street. 

New York Benefit Society of Operative Masons. 

New York Diet Kitchen, 374 Second avenue, refer to C. L. Tiffany, 15 Union 

New York Society for the Relief of Widows and Orphans of Medical Men, 
refer to Dr. Smith, 14 E. Seventeenth street. 

New York Typographical Society, 3 Chambers street. 

Prison Association, 19 Centre street. 

Public Health Association, refer to Dr. Harris, 58 Bible House. 

St. David's Benevolent Society, meets on the third Monday of March, June, 
Septem'ber, and December, at 314 Bowery. 

St. Vincent de Paul (Roman Catholic), refer to Dr. H. J. Anderson, 366 Mul- 
berry street. 

Swiss Benevolent Society, 63 Bleecker street and 19 John street. 

Teutonia Benevolent Society, meets second and fourth Tuesday in each month 
at 10 Stanton street. 

United Hands, meets at 56 Orchard street. 

Working Women's Union, 38 Bleecker street. 

Ladies' Missionary Association for the Fourth Ward, 46 Catharine street. 

The Life Saving Society, Dr. Howard, Secretaiy. 

Society for Suppression of Vice, refer to Young Men's Christian Association. 


Bureau of Charities, for the Ijetter organization of the City Charities, refer to 
Henry E. Pellow, 18 W. 33d st. 

Christian Associations. 


Ladies' Christian Home Association, Boarding-house for Young Women, 37 
and 38 Washington square; Temporary Home, 133 Macdougal street. 

Female Christian Home, 314 East Fifteenth street. 

New York Business Women's Union, 333 Madison street. 

Women's Library, 38 Bleecker street. 

Young Ladies' Christian Association, Library, etc., 64 Irving place, cor. 18th 

Young Women's Aid Association, 85 East Fourth street. 


City Missions.' 

ISTew York City Mission and Tract Society, 50 Bible House. 

City Missionary Society of the Reformed Cliurcli, 34 Vesey street. ' 

Sabballi school and Church Extension Committee of the Presbytery of New 
Tork, refer to Dr. Roosa, 20 East Thirtieth street. 

Protestant Episcopal City Mission, 306 Mulberry street. 

New York City Church Extension and Missionary Society of the Methodist 
Episcopal Church, 805 Broadway, cor. Eleventh street.' 

New York City Committee of the Protestant Episcopal Church, 3 Bible House. 

Midnight Mission, 306 Mulberry street. 

Female City Mission, 50 Bible House. 

Female Bible Readers' Mission, 6 Bible House. 

Baptist City Mission, 76 EastNinth street. 


Central, 984 Eighth avenue. 

Demilt, Second avenue, cor. Twenty-third street. 

Eastern, Essex Market, 67 Essex street. 

Eclectic, 328 East Twenty-sixth street. 

German, 332 "West Fortieth street, 65 St. Mark's place. 

Homoeopathic, at 59 Bond street, 423 "West Thirty-fourth street, Bleecker street, 
cor. Mulberry, 307 East Fifty-flf th street, 109 "West Thirty-fourth street, Third 
avenue, cor. Twenty-third street, 228 East Broadway, 678 Ninth avenue, 201 East 
Uighty-third street. 

Manhattan, 246 East Thirteenth street. 

New York, Centre street, cor. "White. 

Northeastern, 222 East Fifty-ninth street. 

Northern, "Waverly place, cor. Christopher street. 

Northwestern, Ninth avenue, cor. Thirty-sixth street. 

Orthopoedic, 126 East Fifty-ninth street. 

Harlem, 188 East One-hundred-and-twenty-seoond street. 

Hoffman, 153 "West Twenty-eighth street. 

"Western, 334 Ninth avenue. 

Yorkville, 1476 Third avenue. 

For Diseases of Throiit and Chest, 49 "University place. 

For Diseases of the Skin, 101 East Thirtieth street, cor. Fourth avenue. 

For the Ear, "West Thirty-sixth street, cor. Ninth avenue. 

For Tumors, 101 East Thirtieth street. 

"Women's Dispensary, 39 "West Sixteenth street and Lexington avenue and 
Thirty-seventh street. 

For Children, 406 East Fifteenth street. 

Diet Kitchens, refer to C. L. Tiffany, 15 IJnion square. 

Trinity Infirmary, for Sick Poor, 60 Varick street. 

Education Societies. 
Board of Education of Presbyterian Church, 23 Centre street. 
Board of Education of Reformed Church, 34 "V"esey street. 
Board of Education of Protestant Episcopal Church, 5 Cooper IJnion. 
Society for Collegiate Education at West, 63 Bible House. 
House of the Evangelists, 52 Seventh street. 
Bethany Institute, 69 Second avenue, corner Fourth street. 

148 NEW YOEK AS IT 18. 


Home for the Friendless, 29 East Twenty-ninth street. 

Home for Colored Aged, foot of East Sixty-fifth street. East River. 

House of Mercy, foot of West Eighty-sixth street. North River. 

Home for Women, 304 and 306 Mulberry street. 

Home for Training Young Girls, 41 Seventh avenue, corner Thirteenth street. 

Home for Mothers and Infants, 34 Clinton place, and Tenth avenue, corner 
West Sixty-first street. 

Home for Women, 260 Greene street. 

Home for Women, 273 Water street. 

Home for Girls, 86 West Fourth street. 

House of Industry, 155 Worth street. 

House of Industry, 120 West Sixteenth street. 
' Home of Prison Association, 213 Tenth avenue. 

Magdalen Asylum, Eighty-eighth street, near Fifth avenue. 

Infants' Home, Lexington avenue, corner East Fifty-first street. 

Home for Foundlings (Roman Catholic), Lexington av. and Sixty-eighth st. 

Home for Incurables, A. M. Campbell, Superintendent, Fordham. 

Young Women's Home, 27 and 28 Washington square. 

Business Women's Home, 233 Madison street. 

House of Good Shepherd (Roman Catholic), foot of East Eighty-ninth street. 
East River. 

Home for Aged Men, Ninth avenue, corner Fourteenth street. 

Home for Little Wanderers, 40 New Bowery. 

Home for Soldiers, Ward's Island. 

Home for Sailors, 190 Cheny street. 

Home for Blind, 219 West Fourteenth street. 

House of Rest for Consumptives, refer to H. J. Cammann, 8 Wall street. 

St. Joseph's (Roman Catholic), East Eighty-first street, n. Madison avenue. ■ 

St. Stephen's Home (Roman Catholic), 138 East Twenty-eighth street. 

Home for Aged Israelites, Lexington avenue, corner Sixty-third street. 

Home for Babies, refer to 131 Lexington avenue. 

Industrial Home for Jewesses, 145 West Thirty-fourth street. 
. Shelter for Girls, 334 Sixth avenue. 

Temporary Home for Women, 133 Macdougal street. 

Home Missions. 

American Home Missionary Society, 34 Bible House. 

Presbyterian Board of Home Missions, 23 Centre street. 

Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 805 Broadway, comer 
Eleventh street. 

American Church Missionary Society, Protestant Episcopal Church, 3 Biblo 

American Missionary Association, 50 Reade street. 

American Christian Society for Jews, refer to Rev. J. C. K. MiUigan, 309 
West Fifty-second street. 

Military Post Library Association, 58 Broadway. 

American Baptist Home Mission, 150 Nassau street. 

American Congregational Union, 69 Bible House. 

American and Foreign Christian Union, 47 Bible House. 


Ladies Board of Missions, 30 Washington square. 
■ Society for Collegiate and TheologiciS Education, 63 Bible House. 

Foreign Missions. 

American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, 39 Bible House. 

American Colonization Society, 44 Bible House. 

Board of Foreign Missions, Reformed Church, 34 Vesey street. 

Missionary Society of Methodist Episcopal Church, 805 Broadway, corner 
Uleventh street. 

Board of Foreign Missions of Presbyterian Church, 33 Centre street. 

Board of Foreign Missions of Protestant Episcopal Church, 33 Bible House. 

American Church Missionary Society of Protestant Episcopal Church, 3 Bible 

American Missionary Association, 50 Reade street. 

American Baptist Free Mission, 37 Park row. 

American and Foreign Christian Union, 47 Bible House. 

American Baptist Missionary Union, 76 East Ninth street. 

Woman's Union Missionary Societjr, 47 East Twenty-first street. 

Ladies Board of Missions, 80 Washington square. 

Institutions for Children. 

'The Girls' Lodeing House, 27 St. Mark's place. ' 

TJie Newsboy? Lodging House, William street, cor. Chambers street. 

Italian School, 46 Franklin street. 

Sheltering Arms, Tenth avenue, and 129th street. 

Hefuge for Homeless Children, 211 West Eighteenth street. 

JBoys' Lodging House, 709 East Eleventh street. 

House of Refuge, Randall's Island; office, 61 Bible House. 

Eive Points House of Industry, 155, 157, 159 Worth street. 

New York Ladies' Home Missionary Society, 61 Park street. 

N. Y. Juvenile Asylum, 175th street. High Bridge ; House of Reception, 61 
IV. Thirteenth street. 

Howard Mission, 40 New Bowery. 

Wilson Industrial School, 127 Avenue A, cor. Eighth street. 

Society for the Protection of Destitute Roman Catholic Children, 29 Reade 
street ; 15 E. Eighty-sixth street ; and Westchester. 

Children's Aid Society, 19 E. Fourth street. 

Union Home for Soldiers' Children, 151st street, near Eleventh avenue. 

American Female Guardian Society, 39 E. Twenty-ninth street. 

Home for Christian Care, refer to Rev. S. H. Tyng, Jr., D. D. 

House of the Good Shepherd, Rockland Co., refer to Rev. G. Gay, Jr., 
Tompkins Cove, Rockland Co., N, Y. 

St. Jolmland, refer to Rev. Dr. Muhlenberg, St. Luke's Hospital. 

St. Paul's Mission House, Day Nursery, 28 Cortlandt street. 

Roman CathoUe Industrial School for Soldiers' Children, E.Eighty-flrst street, 
near Madison avenue. 

Home for Seamen's Children, Staten Island. 

Shepherd's Fold, E. Eighty-sixth street, n. Second avenue. 

Wayside Home School, 405 W. Twenty-ninth street. 

For Befriending Children (Roman Catholic), 130 Second avenue. 

OMldren's Fold, 437 E. Fifty-eighth street. 


N. Y. Infant Asylum, 24 Clinton place. 
Dispensary for Sick Children, 406 E. Fifteenth street. 
St. Vincent Home (Roman Catholic), for Boys, 53 Warren street. 
Summer Boarding for Poor Children, Staten Island, refer to Children'* Aid 
Society, 19 E. Fourth street. 

Orphan Asylums. 

New York Orphan, Bloomingdale road, near "West Seventy-third street ; apply 
for admission at 109 East Twenty-first street, Wednesdays. 

Leake, and Watts Orphan House, West 111th street and Ninth avenue. 

Hebrew Orphan and Half Orphan, East Seventy-seventh st. , near Third av. 

Colored Orphan Asylum, Tenth avenue and 143d street. 

Orphans' Home of the Prot. Epis. Church, E. Forty-ninth St., n. Lexington av.. 
' Roman Catholic Orphan, for Girls, Prince street, corner Mott. 

" " " for Boys, Fifth avenue, comer Fifty-first street, 

" " " for Girls, East Eighty-sixth street, near Second av. 

" " Madison avenue, corner Fifty-second street. 

" " " Madison avenue, corner Eighty-first street. 

Protestant Half Orpnan, 65 West "renth street, near Sixth avenue. 

Wartburg Orphans' Farm School, Mount Vernon, Westchester county. 

St. .Joseph's Orphan Asylum (Roman Catholic), E. Eighty-sixth St., cor. Av. A. 

St. Vincent de Paul Orphan Society (Roman Catholic), 20aW,TMrty-ninth-st. 

Prison Associations. 

National Prison Association, 820 Broadway, Room 52. 
Prison Association of New York, 58 Bible House. 
Aid of Prisoners, 19 Centre street. 
Aid of Female Prisoners, 110 Second avenue. 


For Prisoners, 19 Centre street. 
Female Prisoners, 110 Second avenue. 
Magdalen Asylum, Eighty-eighth street, near Fifth avenue. 
For Juvenile Delinquents, House of Refuge, Randall's Island, office 61 Bibfe 
House of Mercy for Women, West Eighty-sixth street. North River. 
St. Barnabas Home for Women, 306 Mvdberry street. 
Home lor Girls, 86 West Fourth street. 
Midnight Mission, for Women, 260 Greene street. 
For Inebriates, Ward's Island. 

House of Mercy, Roman Catholic, East Eighty-ninth street. East River. 
Juvenile Asylum, for Children, 61 West Thirteenth street. 
House of the Good Shepherd, for Women, West Eighty-sixth St., North River. 
Hou-e of the Good Shepherd, Roman Catholic, E. Eighty-ninth St., East River. 
For Women, 273 Water street. 
Prison Association, 58 Bible House. 


Bible Woman's Rest-awhile. Summer boarding for Women and Children, St. 
Johnland, L. I., refer to Rev. Dr. MulUenberg, St. Luke's Hospital. 


Seamen's Societies. 

American Seamen's Friend, 80 Wall street. 

Marine Society, 12 Old Slip. 

Marine Temperance Society, 73 Madison street. 

Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen, 74 Wall street. 

Mariners' Family Industrial Society, 73 Madison street. 

Mariners' Guide and Wanderers' Aid Society, Oliver street, corner Henry st. 

Sailors' Home, 190 Cherry street. 

Society for promoting the Gospel among Seamen in the port of New York 
(usually called the Port Society), 72 Madison street. 

Seamen's Exchange, 187 Cherry street. 

Reading matter for Soldiers and Sailors may be sent to 72 Madison street and 
68 Broadway. 

Sunday School Societies. 

American Sunday school Union, 8 Bible House. 

New York Sunday school Association, 304 Fourth av. and Twenty-third st. 

Protestant Episcopal Sunday school Union, 713 Broadway. 

Methodist Episcopal Sunday school Union, 805 Broadway, cor. Eleventh st. 

New York Sunday school Missionary Union, 8 Bible House. 

Baptist Sunday school Union, 76 East Ninth street. 

Presbyterian Sunday school Association, refer to Dr. Roosa, 30 E. Thirtieth st. 

Tract Societies. 
American Tract Society, 160 Nassau street. 
Protestant Episcopal 'Tract Society, 5 Cooper Union. 

Tract Society of Methodist Episcopal Church, 805 Broadway, cor. Eleventh st. 
American Tract Society (of Boston), Hurd & Houghton, 13 Astor place. 
Baptist Tract Society, 76 East Ninth street. 
Willard Tract Depository, 239 Fourth avenue. 

State Charities. 
State Commission of Public Charities, 58 Bible House. 
State Charities Aid Association, oftlce, E. Twentieth st. 

Training Schools for Christian Workers. 

House of Evangelists, for men, 53 Seventh street. 

Bethany Institute, for women, 69 Seventh avenue, cor. Fourth street. 

Training School for Nurses, Bellevue Hospital. Office, 53 E. Twentieth St., 
Home, 314 E. Twenty-sixth street. 

Temperance Societies. 

National Temperance Society, 58 Reade street. 

Marine Temperance Society, 73 Madison street. 

There are of Sons of Temperance, Good Templars, and other orders, 70 meet- 
ings weekly; and there are 30 Father Mathew Temperance Societies. 

Inebriate Asylums. 

Kings County Inebriate Asylum, Fort Hamilton, L. I. — Hon. J. S. T, Strana- 
han, President; Rev. John Willetts, Superintendent. 

Ward's Island Asylum for Inebriates, near New York City— Under charge of 
the Commissioners of Charities and Correction. Dr. W. K. Fisher, Resident 
Physician. Office, 63 Third avenue. 

152 NEW YOEK AB IT 18. 



OflSce, 860 Broadway. Incorporated April, 1875. 

0PFICE118 for 1875-76. 

John D. WitianT, President. 

Vice-Presidents. — James Brown, Augustus Belmont, Peter Cooper, Theodore 

Roosevelt, Wm. E, Dodge, Henry Bergh, Jonathan Thome, EldridgeT. Gerry, 

Robert L. Stuart, Cornelius Vanderbilt. 

Wm. L. Jenkins, Treasurer. 
E. Fellows Jenkins, Secretary. 



Headquarters, Fourth Avenue, cor. Twenty-second Street. 
Tliis Institution was incorporated April 10, 1866, by the Legislature of the 
State of New York. The objects of the Society are: to provide effective means 
for the prevention of cruelty to animals throughout the United States ; to en- 
force all laws which are now or may hereafter be enacted for the protection of 
animals, and to secure by lawful means the arrest, conviction and punishment 
of all persons violating such laws. The society to consist of resident, non-resi- 
dent, honorary, corresponding and ex-offieio members 


Henbt Beboh, President. 
Vice-Presidents. — Henry W. Bellows, Elbridge T. Gerry, James Brown, Ben- 
jamin D. Hicks, Horace B. Claflin, John T. HoSmanj Peter Cooper, Marshall 
O. Roberts, John A. Dix, Moses Taylor. 

Executive Committee. — N. M. Beckwith, Charles Lanier, John M Bixby, 
Frank Leslie, Thomas C. Doremus, Charles H. Marshall, Nathan C. Ely, Edw. 
Matthews, Elbridge T. Gerry, Royal Phelps, Frederic Gallatin, James Stokes, 
Townsend Harris, Charles L. Tiffany, Alexander Van Rensselaer. 
Charles Lanier, Treas^irer. 
Elbridge T. Gerry, Counsel. 
N. P. Hosack, Secretary. 
Thos. W. Hartfield, Superintendent. 


Bellevue, foot of East Twenty-sixth street. East River. 

Children's Hospital, East Fif ty-flrst street, near Lexington avenue. 

German, Fourth avenue, corner Seventy-seventh street. 

Home for Incurables, Pordliam. Address A. M. Campbell, Superintendent, 

Hospital for Diseases of the Nervous System, Second avenue, comer St. 
Mark's place. 

Hospital for Foundlings, East Fifty-flrst sti'eet, near Lexington avenue. 

Hospital for Foundlings (Roman Catholic), Sixty-eighth St., near Third av. 

Lying-in Hospital, Lexington avenue, comer East Fifty-flrst street. 

Manhattan Eye and Ear Hospital, 233 East Thirty-fourth street. 


Metropolitan Throat Hospital, 17 Stuyvesant Street. 
Mount Sinai, Lexington avenue, corner Sixty-sixth street. 
New York, Bloomingdale; office, 8 "West Sixteenth street. 
New York Eye Infirmary, 316 Second avenue. 

New York Hospital and College, for Women, Lexington avenue, corner 
Thirty-seventh street. 
New York Infirmary for "Women, 14 Livingston place, arid 12G Second avenue] 
New York Ophthalmic, Third avenue, corner Twenty-third street. 
Ophthalmic and Aural, 40 East Twelfth street. 
Presbyterian Hospital, Madison avenue and Scventietli street. 
Rest for Consumptives, Tremont, refer to H. J. Cammann, 8 "Wall street. 
Roosevelt Hospital, Ninth avenue, corner Fifty-eighth street. 
Ruptured and Crippled, Lexington avenue, corner Forty-second street. 
Seamen's Friend and Retreat, Staten Island. 

St. Francis' Hospital (Roman CathoUc), Fifth street, near Avenue B. 
St. Luke's, "West Fifty-fourth street, corner Fifth avenue. 
St. "Vincent's (Roman Catliolic), 195 "West Eleventh street. 
Strangers', Avenue D, corner Tenth street. 
"Ward's Island; office. Castle Garden. 
"Woman's Hospital, East Forty-ninth street, cor. Fourth avenue. 

Saint Mary's Free Hospital for Children. 

The success of the Saint Mary's Free Hospital for Children, which was opened 
■five years ago by a few persons, -who quietly made themselves responsible for 
the rent and maintenance of a building, is now a fact beyond doubt. At the 
beginning, the Institution was placed, by those who agreed to maintain the ex- 
periment, under the supervision of Bishop Potter, while the hospital work was 
put in charge of the Sisters of Saint Mary. 

A removal to larger premises, at No. 407 West Thirty-fourth street, was 
found necessary three years ago, and during the last two years it has become 
evident that a laige and suitable building, with all the modern hospital conve- 
niences, has become a positive necessity. A movement is on foot for the pur- 
chase of the present house and the grounds adjacent, and on the lots east of the 
house it is proposed to build the new hospital. The cost of this ground and the 
house will be about $35,000, which sum it is proposed to raise by subscription, 

There is no distinction made on account of religious creeds in the admission 
of patients into the Institution, and as it is the only child's hospital of the kind 
in the countiy, it is hoped that all persons, irrespective of creed, will give it aid 
and sympathy. 

Contributions may be sent to and certificates received from the Hospital, No. 
407 "West Thirty-fourth street, New York City. 


Office, No. 8 West Sixteenth street : 
{Libra/ry, Patliological Cabinet and Businem Office of tlie Hospital and Blooming- 
dale Asylum.) 
This institution was founded 1770; chartered by George III., July 13, 1771 ; 
corner-stone laid July 27, 1773. Patients first admitted, Jan. 3, 1701. The old 
building finally vacated February, 1870. 
The property heretofore known as the "Thorn Mansion," on West Sixteenth 


Street, has been purchased by " The Society of the New York Hospital," to- 
gether with the surrounding land, forming a plot 125x103 feet on Sixteenth 
street, and 75x103 feet on Fifteenth street, in the rear. 

Tlie above building will be used for the administration purposes of the Society, 
and will contain, in addition, its extensive Library and Pathological Cabinet. 
The Hospital will accommodate about 150 patients, or a larger number if more 
land adjoining can be purchased, in which it is intended to care for persons in- 
jured by accidents, or who may be taken suddenly ill in the streets in tbe west- 
erly and southerly districts of the City. 

OFFICERS, 1876. 

Robert Lbnox Kennedy, President. 
James W. Beekman, Vice-President. 
Wm. H. Macy, Treasurer. 
David Golden Murray, Secretary. 
Together with a Board of Governors. 

Bellevue Hospital 
Entrance, foot of Twenty-sixth Street, East River. 

Established November, 1826, as a Hospital for the sick and the insane- 
poor. Present number of beds, 1,000; provision for 1,200. Maximum charge 
for patients, $3.50 per week, which is expected only from those abundantly able 
to pay. Contagious diseases not admitted. 

The medical management is vested in a Medical Board, who meet on the first 
of every month, to assign from their number the visiting staff to the several 

The admission 6f patients (between 10 A.M. and 8 P.M.) is readily procurable 
upon the recommendation of a physician. Accidents and sudden illness at any 
time, day and night. Hoursfor visitors, from 11 A.M. to 3 P.M., daily. 

St. liuke's Hospital. 
Fifty-fourth Street, between Fifth and Sixth Avenues. 

The object of this corporation is " the establishment, support, and manage- 
ment of an institution to be known as St. Luk^s Hospital, for the purpose of 
affording medical and surgical aid and nursing to sick or disabled persons, and 
also to provide them, while inmates of the Hospital, with the ministrations of 
the Gospel, agreeably to the doctrines and forms of the Protestant Episcopal 
Church. A further object of the Society is the instructing and training of 
suitable persons in the art of nursing and attending upon the sick." 

This noble institution was founded by the Rev. William A. Muhlenberg, 
D. D., in 1846, since which time, liberal donations have been contributed, spa- 
cious ground purchased, and a large edifice erected. The corner-stone of the 
building was laid in 1854, and finished in 1857, at a cost of upwards of |100,000. 

The Hospital is under the control of a Board of thirty-one Managers. The 
officers of the Society are a President, two Vice-Presidents, a Treasurer and a. 
Secretary. The professional staff consists of four attending and four consulting 

"Wm. a. Muhlenberq, Pastor and Superintendent. 
Geo. ]M. MiLi-EU, Secretary. 





Formerly the most attractive spot on the Island, is situated at the southernmost 
terminus of the City, facing the harbor of New York ; connected with the 
Battery is Castle Garden. 

Near the Battery, at the entrance to Broadway, is the small enclosure so- 
called from having been used as such prior to the Revolution. Here stood, at 
the commencement of the Revolutionary struggle; the leaden statue of George- 
III., which was pulled down and melted into bullets, to be used by the- 

Is an enclosure of about ten acres, containing the City Hall, Court House, and 
other public buildings, also the new United States Post OflBce, which is one of 
the finest buildings in America. A new fountain, which is very elaborate in, 
appearance, has recently been erected in this Park. 

Was formed by laying out the ground formerly occupied as a Potter's Field. 
On the east side is the University Building. South Fifth Avenue now bisects^ 
this Park. 

Facing Broadway on the south and west, extends from Fourteenth to Seven- 
teenth streets, and from Fourth avenue to University place. At the south side- 
is the bronze equestrian statue of Washington, and opposite, on Broadway side,, 
stands the statue of Abraham Lincoln. 

Situated a little to the northeast of the above, is a select and beautiful enclosure- 
on a smaller scale. This Park is private property, having been ceded to the; 
owners of the surrounding lots by Samuel B. Ruggles, Esq. 


^Extends from Fifteenth to Seventeenth street, and is divided by the intersecting 
passage of the Second avenue. The Rev. Dr. Tyng's Church is upon the west 
.■side of this Park. The ground was presented by the late Peter G. Stuyvesant, 
JEsq., to the corporation of this Church. 

'Ten and one-half acres in extent, occupying the area formed by Avenues A and 
J3, and Seventh and Tenth streets, is now used as a parade ground, but orders 
have been issued to place it in its former condition as a park. 

Comprising ten acres, is at the junction of Broadway and Fifth Avenue. On 
the west side stands the monument of General Worth. Facing the square stands 
the Fifth Avenue Hotel. . 

Reservoir Square is located between the Fifth and Sixth avenues, and For- 
tieth and Forty-second streets, and has an extent of between nine and ten acres, 
upon one-half of which is the Distributing Reservoir. The other, or western 
half, once had upon it tlie New York Crystal Pdlaee, but since the destruction 
•of that building by the fire of 1858, the grounds have been kept open as a park. 

Mt. Morris Square presents the anomalous appearance of an abrupt hill, with 
thickly-wooded sides, rising from the midst of a plain that has no other hills 
npon it. It "heads oflE" the Fifth avenue at One-hundred-and-twentieth 
street, and extends as far north as One-hundred-and-twenty-fourth street, and 
its area is over twenty acres. This is a favorite resort for the citizens of Harlem 
and its vicinity. 

Situated on the bank of the noble Hudson, between Seventy-second and One- 
hundred-and-twenty-ninth streets, is a long narrow strip of land, almost 
entirely on the river slope, comprising some eighty-two acres, and at present 
possessing no other than natural beauties. When finished as proposed, it will, 
jio doubt, be the noblest park in the world of its extent. 

Is another grand contemplated improvement, being a newly laid out piece of 
^ound forming the area between Eighth and Tenth avenues and One-hundred- 
and-tenth to One-hundred-and-twenty-third streets. The land here is so ex- 
•cessively irregular that it could not have been, under any circumstances, adapted 
to building purposes. 


Under the control of the present Commissioners, all of the above-named 
parks have lately undergone a marked improvement. Many of them, morff 
especially the Battery Grounds, were a disgrace to the city, but they are now 
being fast transformed into miniature paradises ; all have been entirely re- 
modeled, and in some the changes have been so radical that they would not be 
recognized as the old spots by persons who have been absent from the city for 
the past five years ; Union Square, Washington Sguwre and the Battery Grounds 
are notable instances of the entire and complete changes that have been efEected; 
the most promineut of these is the removal of the iron railings and fences, and 
the placing of numerous lights along the paths, making all portions of the 
ground as visible as in the day time. Let these contemplated improvements be 
finished as proposed, then ISfew York, including the attractions of Central 
Park, will be a most splendid metropolis, equal to any city in the world as. 
regards ornament and commercial advantages. 


The largest of all our parks, was laid out in 1857. It is two and one-half miles: 
long, three-flfths of a mile widie, and contains 843 acres. It has cost over 
$12,000,000, and is now maintained at an annual expense of about $250,000. It 
has twelve entrances, contains five and a-half miles of bridle path, nine and 
a-half of carriage roads, and twenty-eight miles of walks. The old Arsenal, at 
the southeast entrance, is a three-story stone structure, filled with the collections 
of the society of "American Museum of Natural History." Outside of tliis 
structure are large cages, with bears, eagles, serpents, and many other varieties- 
of animals. 

The lakes and fountains in the Park are exquisitely beautiful. The old Croton^ 
Meservoir covers 35i acres, and new Oroton Reservoir 106^ acres, elevated 115 feet 
above tide- water. In the northern section stands the old convent, the chapel of 
which is now a gallery of art, containing the finest collection of statuary m the 
country. Near this are also the Nursery grounds, covering two and a-half acres. 
A la,rge Zoological Garden is constructed, with underground accommodations 
for bears, seals, the walrus, beaver, &c. 

The Park contains the best Meteorological Observatory in America; also a fine 
Astronomical Observatory. There is also a Paleozoic Museum, containing life- 
size representations of most of the animals believed to have existed in America 
during the secondary and post-tertiary geological periods. The Park, exclusive 
of the water areas, contains 707^ acres, the total area being 843 acres ; as a 
whole it is a museum of genius and curiosity, presenting everywhere the choicest, 
aspects of nature and art. 


^o wagons or carts are allowed on its drives, but by an ingenious device four 
streets cross it from Fifth to Eighth avenues, under the Parle roads; these streets 
-are C5th, 79th, 85th, and 97th. 

The Second, Third, and Fourth avenue cars convey passengers to 65th street, 
lon the east side of tlie city, and Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth avenue cars convey 
passengers on the west side of the city ; also, the Elevated Railroad, running 
through Greenwich street and Ninth avenue. 

Central Park — Areas of Surface, &c. 

Length of Park from 59th to 110th street 13,507 feet. 

JBreadth " 5th to 8th avenue &,718 " 

.Superficial area.. -. 843 acres. 

" " ground known as Manhattan Square 19 " 

Total Park area - - 863 " 

Water Surface, &e. 

Acres. Petit. 

Area, exterior to inclosure — Broad walks 3 

" occupied by four Transverse Roads _. 9 

" " new Croton Reservoir .106^ 115.30 

old Reservoir 35^ 115.30 

'Total area of Park within inclosure, exclusive of above areas 707^ acres. 

-Area, occupied by Carriage Roads -. 49^^ acres. 

Bridle Paths 15 " 

Walks . 88i " 

Total 103 " 

Xength of Carriage Roads completed 9^ miles. 

" Bridle Roads completed 5^^ " 

Walks completed 28 " 


Copied from the Central Park Map. 

1. Humboldt Monument. 
3. The Pond. 

3. Museum and Park Offices. 

4. Dairy. 

5. Children's Cottage. 

6. Children's Summer House. 

7. Ball Players' House. 
•8. Playground. 

9. The Green. 

10. Statue of Commerce. 

11. Carrousel. 

13. The Marble Arch. 

13. Shakspeare Monument 

14 The Mall. 

15. Oak and Elm, planted by Prince of 


16. Music Pavilion. 

17. Vine-covered Walk. 



■Carriage Concourse. 




Casino, Rcfrcslnncnt Ilou.go. 


Reservoir Keeper's House. 


Croquet Players' House. 


The Knoll. 


Tlie Terrace. 





North Gate House. 


Bronze Statue of Tigers. 
Drinliing Fountain for Horses. 
Mineral Spring Building. 


The "West Meadow. 



The East Meadow. 



The Pool. 


Site for Refectory. 


The Loch. 


Tlie Lalce. 


Mount St. Vincent House of Re 


Tlie Bow Bridge. 



Ladies' Cottage. 


The Nursery. 


Balcony Bridge. 


Old Fortification. 


"West Carriage Step — entrance to 


Harlem Lake. 



The Cliffs. 


Schiller's Monument. 


Block House, "War of 1812. 


Gentlemen's Cottage. 


The Briars. 


The Ramble. 


Seventh Regiment Monument. 
The Great Hill. 


The Tunnel. 



The Belvedere. 


Deer Paddock. 


The Cedars. 


Sheep Cote. 


East Carriage Step^entrance to 


Fifth Avenue Plaza and Fountam. 



The Circle. 


Evergreen Walk. 




Site of Morse Statue. 


Bridge or Archway. 


Conservatory Lake. 




The Conservatory. 


Drinking Fountain. 


Proposed Art Museum and Hall. 


Horso Drinking Place. 


The Maze. 


Boat Landing. 


South Gate House. 


Summer House. 

Hackney Coaches — Central Park. 

Besolsed, That the rates of fa/re to be charged for the use of such coaches shall 
1)6 as follows : All around the Park, with the privilege of keeping the coach 
two hours, four doUars ; principal parts of the Park, three daUara; to Casino and 
Lake, and return, two dolla/rs ; when engaged by the hour, two dMa/rs per hour; 
■when for three or more hours, each orie dollar and fifty cents per hour ; and be it 

Mesolved, That drivers of coaches hired to drive in the said Park are hereby 
required to wear a badge displayed on the left breast, in the shape of a shield, 
not to exceed two inches in diameter, and to have the number of each coach 
thereon, and to be worn continually when waiting for hire. 

Besolwd, That all ordinances or parts of ordinances, inconsistent or conflicting 
■with the provisions of the foregoing resolutions, are hereby annulled, rescinded, 
and repealed. — Approved by the Mayor, July 17, 1866. 


All Hackney Coaches waiting for hire to be driven in the Central Park, may 
stand at all times, Sundays included, at the following i)laces, viz : west Fifty- 
ninth street, from Fifth to Eighth avenue, south side ; west Seventy- 


second street, from Third avenue, 100 feet west ; also in Seventy-sceond street, 
from Eighth avenue to Ninth avenue ; Eighth avenue, from Sixty-flrst to Sixty- 
third street, west side ; Fiftli avenue, from Seventy-flrst to Seventy-second 
street, and 110th street, between Fifth avenue and Eighth avenue. 

Central Park Stages 
Carry Passengers around the Parle for 25 cents each passenger, having a fixed 
route, from the Stand at entrance and return. 


■ There are now 894 licensed Coaches in New York. Those occupy the hack 
stands in various parts of the City, are compelled to display a number, and have 
their rates of fare regulated by ordinance. 

In addition to these, there are 740 " Special Coaches," which do not occupy 
the Stands, and are not numbered, and for which the fare is a matter of bargain. 

An OiiDiNANOE amending the ordinances entitled " Ordinances for the govern- 
ment of Hackney Coaches in the City of New York," passed October 7, 1874. 
The Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, in Common 
Council convened, do ordain as follows: 

The title third of said ordinances shall be amended so as to read as follows: 
Title Third of the Bates and Prices of Fares. 

The prices or rates of fares to be taken or paid to the owners or drivers of. 
hackney coaches or carriages shall be as follows : 

1st. For conveying a passenger any distance not exceeding one mile, fifty 
cents; for conveying two passengers the same distance, seventy-five cents, or 
thirty-seven and a /lalf cents each ; and for every additional passenger, thirty-seven 
and a half cents. 

2d. For conveying a passenger any distance exceeding a mile, and within two 
miles, seventy-five cents; and for every additional passenger, thirty-seeen and a 
half cents. 

3d. For the use of a hackney coach or carriage by the hour, with one or more 
passengers, with the privilege of going from place to place, and stopping as 
often as may be required, orui dollar an hour. 

4th. In all cases where the hiring of a hackney coach or carriage is not at the 
time thereof specified to be by the day or hour, it shall be deemed to bo by the 

5th. For children between two and fourteen years of age, half price is only to 
be charged ; and for children under two years of age, no charge is to be made. 

6th. Whenever a hackney coach or carriage shall be detamed, excepting as 
aforesaid, the owner or driver shall be allowed after the rate of seventy-five cents 
per hour. 

Approved by the Mayor, October 7, 1874. 

Pkahcis J. TwoMBY, Clerk C. C. 


There are now (1876) 6,767 public carts in New York, engaged in draying and 
similar work. Eates established by law, but it is necessary to make special 





Abattoir place, 
Abingdon place, 
Abingdon square, 
Ackerman place, 
Albany street, 
Albion place, 
Allen street. 
Amity, now called 

"W. Third, 
Amity place, 
Ann street, 
Ashland place, 
Astor place, 
Attorney street. 
Avenue A, 
Avenue B, 
Avenue C, 
Avenue D, 
Avenue, First, 
Avenue, Second, 
Avenue, Third, 
Avenue, Fourth, 
Avenue, Fifth, 
Avenue, Sixth, 
Avenue, Seventh, 
Avenue, Eighth, 
Avenue, Ninth, 
Avenue, Tenth, 
Avenue, Eleventh, 
Avenue Twelfth, 
Bank street, 
Barclay street, 
Barrow street, 
Batavia street, 
Battery place, 
Baxter street. 
Bayard street. 
Beach street, 
Beaver street, 
Bedford street, 
Beekman street, 
Belvidere place, 
Benson street, 
Bethune street, 
Bible House, 
Billings' row, 
Birmingham street. 

"West 39th street, between Eleventh avenue and N. K. 

West Twelfth, between Eighth avenue and Greenwich. 

on Bleecker, Bank, Hudson and Eighth avenue. 

New Chambers, between Chatham and William. 

from 132 Greenwich, west to North River. 

from 5G to 78 East Fourth street. 

from 104 Division, north to East Houston. 

from 681 Bowery, west to Sixth avenue. 

Laurens street, between Bleecker and Amity. 

from 333 Broadway, east to Gold street. 

Perry street, between Greenwich avenue and Waverly pi. 

from 744 Broadway, east to Fourth avenue. 

from 336 Division, north to East Houston. 

from 330 East Houston, north to East River. 

from 296 East Houston, north to East River. 

from 358 East Houston, north to East River. 

from 422 East Houston, north to East River. ■ 

from 164 East Houston, north to Harlem River. 

from 118 East Houston, north to Harlem River. 

from 403 Bowery, north to Harlem River. 

from 402 Bowery, north to Harlem River. 

from 57 Waverly place, north to Harlem River. 

from 1 Carmine, north to Harlem River. 

from 72 Greenwich avenue, north to Harlem River. 

from Abingdon square, north to Harlem River. 

from Gansevoort, north to Harlem River. 

from 542 West street, north to Harlem River. 

from 550 West Fourteenth, north to W. 55th 

from the foot of West Fourteenth street, north. 

from 85 Greenwich avenue, west to North River. 

from 239 Broadway, West to North River. 

from 59 West Washington place, west to North River. 

from 78 Roosevelt, cast to James. 

from 1 Broadway, west to North River. ; 

from 136 Chatham, north to Grand. 

from 82 Division, west to Baxter. 

from 134 West Broadway, west to North River. ' 

from 8 Broadway, east to Pearl. 

from 184 West Houston, north to Christopher. 

from 34 Park row, southeast to East River. , 

West 30th, between Ninth and Tenth avenues. < 

from 109 Leonard, north. i 

from 782 Greenwich, west to North River. j 

on Eighth and Ninth streets, and Third and Fourth aves. ) 

West 50tli street, between 8th and Ninth avenues. i 

from 84 Henry, south to 137 Madison. 



Bishop's lane, 
Bleecker street, 
Bloomingdale road, 
Bond street, 
Boorman place, 
Boorman terrace. 
Boulevard place. 

Bowling Green, 
Brevoort place. 
Bridge street. 
Broad street, 
Broadway alley, 
Broome street, 
Burling slip, 
Camden place. 
Canal street. 
Cannon street, 
Carlisle street. 
Carmine street, 
Caroline street, 
Carroll place, 
Caatharine street, 
Catharine lane, 
Catharine market, 
Catliarinc slip. 
Cedar street, 
Centre street. 
Centre market. 
Centre market place. 
Chambers street, 
Charles street, 
Charles lane, 
Charlton street, 
Chatham street, 
Chatham square, 
Chelsea lots. 
Cherry street. 
Chestnut street, 
Christopher street, 
Chrystie street. 
Church street. 
City Hall place. 
City Hall square, 
Clarke street, 
Clarkson street. 
Cliff street, 
Clinton street. 

from 174 Chambers, south to Warren. 

from 318 Bowery, west and north to Eighth avenue. 

Broadway, north to Harlem River. 

from 058 Broadway, east to Bowery. 

West 33d, between Eighth and Ninth avenues. 

West 33d, between Eighth and Ninth avenues. 

from West 180th, bet. Fifth & Sixth avenus. 

from West 59th and Eighth avenue to West Seventieth 

and Tenth avenue, extending to Bloomingdale rd. 
from 210 Chatham, north to Fourth avenue, 
from 3 Whitehall, west to State. 

East Tenth street. Between University pi. and Broadway, 
from 15 State, east to Broad, 
from 21 Wall, south to East River, 
from 1 Battery place, north to Bloomingdale road, 
from 153 East 20th, north to East 27th. 
from East River west to Hudson street, 
from 234 Pearl, southeast to East River. 
East Eleventh, between Avenues B and C. 
from 179 East Broadway to North River, 
from 540 Grand, north to East Houston, 
from 112 Greenwich, west to North River, 
from 1 Sixth avenue, west to Varick. 
from 211 Duane, north to Jay. 
Bleecker street, between Laurens and Thompson, 
from Bowery, south to Cherry, 
from 50 Elm , west to 344 Broadway, 
foot of Catharine street, 
from 115 Cherry, south to East River, 
from 181 Pearl, west to North River, 
from the Park, north to Broome. 
Centre to Grand street, 
from 172 Grand, north to Broome, 
from 60 Chatham, west to North River, 
from 27 Greenwich avenue, west to North River, 
from 094 Washington, west to West street, 
from 29 Macdougal, west to North River, 
from City Hall square, east to Chatham square, 
from 2 Catharine to East Broadway. 
West 24th, between Ninth and Tenth avenues, 
from 1 Dover, east to East River, 
from 8 Oak, north to Madison, 
from 5 Greenwich avenue, west to North River, 
from 44 Division, north to East Houston, 
from 6 Morris street, north to Canal street, 
from 15 Chambers northeast to Pearl, 
between Tryon row and Spruce street, 
from 538 Broome, north to Spring, 
from 225 Varick, west to North lliver. 
from 101 John, northeast to Hague, 
from 295 East Houston, south to East River. 



Clinton alley, 
Olinton court, 
Clinton market, 
■Clinton place, 
Coenties alley, 
Coenties slip. 
College place, 
CoUesten street, 
Columbia street, 
Columbia place. 
Commerce street. 
Congress street. 
Congress place. 
Cooper Union, 
Corlears street, 
Cornelia street, 
Cortlandt street, 
Cortlandt alley, 
Cottage place, 
Collays place, 
Crosby street, 
Cuyler's alley, 
Davies place, 
Decatur place, 
Delancey street, 
Depau place, 
Depau row, 
Depeyster street, 
Desbrosses street, 
Dey street. 
Division street, 
Dixon's row, 
Dominick street, 
Donovan's lane, 
Dover street. 
Downing street, 
Doyers street. 
Dry Dock, 
Duane street, 
Duncomb place, 
Dunham place, 
Dutch street, 
East street, 
East Broadway, 
East Clinton place,' 
East Gotham place, 
East Houston, 
East place. 
East Fourth, 
East 10th street. 

from 97 Clinton to 104 Suffolk.' 

from 120 Clinton place. 

west corner Canal street. 

from 765 Broadway, west to Sixth avenue. 

from 73 Pearl, northwest to Stone street. 

from 66 Pearl, south to East River. 

from 63 Barclay, north to Chambers. 

from 61 Beach, north to Laight. 

from 620 Grand, north to East Houston. 

386 Eighth street. 

from 273 Bleecker, west to Barrow. " 

from 177 West Houston, south to King. 

opposite 3 Congress street. 

on Eighth street and Third and Fourth avenues. 

from 687 Grand, south to East River 

from 160 West Fourth, west to Bleecker. 

from 171 Broadway, west to North River. 

from 270 Canal, south to Franklin. 

Hancock street. 

Third street, between Avenues B and C. 

from 28 Howard, north to Bleecker. 

from 28 South street, west to Water. 

West 86th, between Broadway and>Sizth avenue. 

Seventh street, from 96 to 114. 

from 181 Bowery, east to East River. 

185 and 187 Thompson street. 

154 to 158 Bleecker street. 

from 139 Water stireet to East River. 

from 195 Hudson, to North River. 

from 192 Broadway, west to North River. 

from 1 Bowery, east to Grand. 

West 110th, from Bloomingdale to Ninth avenue. 

from 13 Clarke, west to Hudson. 

rear 474 Pearl street. 

from 340 Pearl, south to East River. 

from 210 Bleecker, west to Varick. 

from 205 Chatham, west and north to Pearl. 

from 243 East Tenth street, north to East Twelfth. 

from 40 Rose, west to North River. 

East 128th, from Second to Third avenues. 

rear 140 West 33d street. 

from 49 John, north to Fulton street. 

from 755 Water, east to Rivington. 

from 207 Chatham, east to Grand. 

rear 50 Clinton street. 

from 138 Cherry street. 

from 609 Broadway, eaat to East River. 

rear 214 Third street. 

from 696 Broadway, east to East River. 

to East 129th, east from Fifth avenue to East River. 

EastTompkin&place,159 to 165 East 11th street. 



Edgar street, 
Eighth street, 
Eldridge street, 
Elizabeth street. 
Elm street, 
Essex street, 
Essex market, 
Essex market place, 
Everett row. 
Exchange alley. 
Exchange place, 
Extra place. 
Perry street. 
Fifth street. 
First street, 
Fitzroy place, 
Fletcher street, 
Forsyth street, 
Frankfort street, 
Franklin street, 
Franklin market, 
Franklin alley, 
Franklin square, 
Franklin terrace. 
Front street, 
Fulton street, 
Fulton market, 
Gansevoort street, 
Garden row. 
Gay street, 
Giuord place, 
Glover place, 
Qoerck street. 
Gold street, 
Gouverneur street, 
Qouverneur lane, 
Gouverneur market, 
Gouverneur slip, 
Gramercy park, 
Gramercy place. 
Grand street. 
Great Jones street, 
Greene street, 
Greenwich street, 
Greenwich avenue. 
Grove street, 
Hague street, 
Hall place, 
Hamersley place, 
Hamilton street, ' 
Hamilton place. 

from 69 Greenwich, east to Trinity place, 

from 94 Sixth avenue, east to East River. 

from 86 Division, north to East Houston. 

from 63 Bayard, north to Bleecker. 

from 12 Beade, north to Spring street. 

from 162 Division, north to East Houston. 

Essex cor. Grand street. 

from 68 Ludlow to Essex. 

from 64 West 34th street to 6th avenue. 

from 55 Broadway, west to Trinity place. 

from 2 Hanover, west to Broadway. 

rear of 10 First street. 

from 84 Gold street, east to Pearl. 

from 379 Bowery, east to East River. 

from 308 Bowery, east to Avenue A. 

357 West 28th street. 

from 820 Pearl, South to East River. 

from 68 Division, north to East Houston. 

from 166 Nassau, east to Pearl. 

from 64 Baxter, west to North River. 

Old Slip. 

from 70 Franklin, north to White. 

from Cherry to Pearl. 

rear 364 West 26th street. 

from 49 Whitehall, E. to Roosevelt street, and E. to E. R. 

from 98 South, west to North River. 

Fulton comer South. 

from 855 West 4th, west to North River. 

rear of 138 West 11th. 

from 141 Waverly place, north to Christopher. 

East 45th street, from Lexington to Third avenue. 

Thompson street, between Spring and Prince. 

from 574 Grand, north to East River. 

from 87 Maiden lane, north to Frankfort. 

from 275 Division, south to Water. 

from 48 South to Water. 

see Gouverneur slip. 

from 371 South, north to Water. 

between Third and Fourth avenues and 20th and 21st. 

East 20th, from 100 to 146. 

from 80 Varick, east to East River. 

from 682 Broadway, east to Bowery. 

from 331 Canal, north to Clinton place. 

from 4 Battery place, north to Gansevoort. 

from 105 Sixth avenue, north to Eighth avenue. 

from 488 Hudson, east to Waverly place. 

from 367 Pearl, west to Clifl street. 

from 2 Sixth, north to Seventh. 

West Houston, between McDougal and Congress. 

from 73 Catharine, east to Market. 

West 51st, between Broadway and Eighth avenue. 



Hancock street, 
Hanover street, 
Hanover square, 
Hanson place, 
Harrison street, 
Harwood place, 
Henry street, 
Herman place, 
Hester street, 
Hoboken street, 
Holjrwood place, 
Horatio street, 
Howard street, 
Hubert street, 
Hudson street, 
Hudson place, 
Irving place, 
Jackson street, 
Jackson place, 
Jacob street, 
James street, 
James slip, 
Jane street, 
Jauncey court. 
Jay street, 
Jefferson street, 
Jefferson Market, 
Jersey street, 
John street, 
Jones street, 
.Jones' lane, 
Johnson's road. 
King street, 
Kirkpatrick place, 
Knapp's place, 
Lafayette place, 
Laight street, 
Lamartine place, 
Laurens street, 
Laurence street, 
Leandert's place, 
Lenox place, 
Leonard street, 
Leroy street, 
Leroy place, 
Lewis street, 
Lexington avenue, 
Liberty street, 
Xiiberty court. 
Liberty place, 
Xispenard street. 

from 176 West Houston, north Bleecker. 

from 57 Wall, south to Pearl street. 

on Pearl, from 105 to Stone street. 

Second avenue, between 124th and East 135th streets. 

from 81 Hudson, west to North River. 

Bast 78th street, between Third and Fourth avenues. 

from 14 Oliver, east to Grand street. 

rear 220 East Fourth street. 

from 216 Division, west to Centre. 

from 476 Washington, west to North Biver. 

East 83d, between Second and Third avenues. 

from 129 Greenwich avenue, west to North River. 

from 201 Centre, west to Mercer. 

from 149 Hudson, west to North Biver. 

from 139 Chambers, north to Ninth street. 

West 34th, between Ninth and Tenth avenues. 

from 81 East Fourteenth street, north to East Twentieth. 

from 838 Henry, south to East Biver. 

rear 916 Downing street. 

from 19 Ferry, north to Frankfort. 

from 175 Chatham, south to James slip. 

from 77 Cherry, south to East Biver. 

from 113 Greenwich avenue, west to North River. 

37, 39, 41 and 43 Wall street. 

from 61 Hudson, west to North Biver. 

from 179 Division, south to East Biver. 

Sixth avenue, corner Greenwich avenue. 

from 127 Crosby, east to Mulberry. 

from 184 Broadway, east to Pearl street. 

from 176 West Fourth, west to Bleecker. 

from 101 Front street, south to East Biver, 

West 15th, from 477 to 495. 

from 41 Macdougal, west to North Biver. 

74th, between Fifth and Madison avenues. 

rear 423 Bast Tenth street. 

from 8 Great Jones street, north to Eighth. 

from 808 Canal, west to North River. 

West 20th, between Eighth nnd Ninth avenues. 

from 375 Canal, west to Amity. 

from West 126th, n Ninth avenue, to West '129th. 

183 Seventh street. 

West 22d, between Eighth and Ninth avenues. 

from 93 Hudson, east to Baxter. 

from 338 Bleecker, west to North Biver. 

Bleecker street, between Mercer and Greene. 

from 556 Grand street, north to Eighth 

from 83 East 21st street, north to East 63d. 

from 76 Maiden lane, west to North Biver. 

4 and 6 Liberty place. 

from 57 Liberty, north to Maiden lane. 

from 157 West Broadway, east to Broadway. 



Little Twelfth street, Gansevoort, west to North Eiver. 

Livingston place, 
London terrace. 
Lord's court, 
Ludlow street, 
Ludlow place, 
Macdougal street, 
Madison street, 
Madison avenue, 
Madison court, 
Madison square. 
Maiden lane, 
Mangin street, 
Manhattan place, 
Mansfield place, 
Marion street. 
Market street, 
Martin terrace. 
Mechanic alley. 
Mechanic place, 
Mercer street. 
Miller's place, 
Milligan place, 
Millward place, 
Minetta street, 
Minetta lane, 
Minetta place. 
Mission place, 
Mitchell place, 
Monroe street, 
Monroe place, 
Moore street, 
Morgan block, 
Morris street, 
Morris place, 
Morton street, 
Mott street, 
Mt. Morris place. 
Mulberry street, 
Murray street, 
Nassau street, 
Neilson place. 
New street. 
New Bowery, 
New Chambers St., 
Ninth street, 
Norfolk street. 

from 325 East 15th, north to East 17th. 

West 23d street, between Ninth and Tenth avenues, 

rear 51 Beaver street. 

from 144 Division, north to East Houston. 

West Houston street, between Sullivan and MacdougaL 

from 319 Spring, north to Clinton place. 

from 426 Pearl, east to Grand street. 

from 29 East 23d, north to Harlem River. 

rear 237 Madison street. 

north East 26th, between Fifth and Madison avenues.. 

from 172 Broadway, southeast to East River. 

from 590 Grand, north to East River. 

from 444 East Houston, north to Third. 

from West 125th, near Ninth avenue, to Twelfth avenue. 

from 10 Elm, west and south to Reade. 

West 51st, between Eighth and Ninth avenues. 

from 404 Broome, north. 

from 61 Division, south to East River. 

from 1 Whitehall, east to Broad. 

East 30th street, between Second and Third avenues.. 

from 72 Monroe to Cherry street. 

rear 28 Avenue A. 

from 311 Canal, north to Clinton place. 

rear 4 Macdougal street. 

rear 139 Sixth avenue. 

West 31st street, between Eighth and Ninth avenues.. 

from 205 Bleecker, north to Minetta lane. 

from 113 Macdougal, west to Sixth avenue. 

rear 8 Minetta street. 

from 58 Park, north to Worth. 

East 49th street, between First avenue and Avenue A.. 

from 59 Catharine, east to Grand. 

Monroe street, from 207 to 213. 

from 247 Division street to East River. 

from 30 Pearl, South to East River. 

'Second avenue, between 77th and 78th. 

from 37 Broadway, north to North River. 

West 42d street, between Tenth and Eleventh avenues.. 

from 256 Bleecker, west to North River. 

from 176 Chatham, north to Bleecker. 

West 124th, between Fifth and Sixth avenue. 

from 156 Chatham, north to Bleecker. 

from 247 Broadway, west to North River. 

from 20 Wall, north to Chatham. 

Mercer street, between Waverly place and Eighth avenue. 

from 7 Wall street, south to Beaver. 

from 396 Pearl, north to Chatham. 

from 67 Chatham, east to Cherry. 

from 1 Sixth avenue, east to East River. 

from 180 Division, north to East Houston. 



North Moore street, from 123 "West Broadway, west to North River. 
North William street,from 16 Frankfort, north to Chatham.- 

Nyack place. 
Oak street. 
Old slip, 
Oliver street, 
Orchaid street. 
Pacific place. 
Pagoda place. 
Park str«et. 
Park aveaue. 
Park place. 
Park row, 
Patchin phce, 
Pearl street. 
Pearl streei exten., 
Peck slip, 
Pelham stnet. 
Pell street. 
Perry stree;, 
Pike street, 
Pine street 
Pitt street, 
Piatt stree), 
Prince stnet, 
Bachel stieet, 
Bandall jlace, 
Reade stiset. 
Rector steet, 
Renwick street, 
Ridge steet, 
Rivingtm street, 
Rivingtm place, 
Robinsm street, 
Rooseffilt street. 
Rose areet 
Roslyi place, 
Russel place, 
Rutgirs street, 
Rutprs place, 
Rutlerford place, 
RydJr's alley, 
St. 3ridget's place, 
St. Clement's place, 

St George's place, 
SI John's lane, 
S. Luke's place, 
S. Mark's place, 
a. Nicholas av.. 

rear 149 Bank street. 

from 392 Pearl, east to Catharine. 

from 100 Pearl, south to East River. 

from 62 New Bowery, south to East River. 

from 124 Division, north to East Houston. 

rear 133 West 29th street. 

foot East 130th street. 

from 36 Centre, east to Mott. 

Fourth avenue, from East 34th to East 39th. 

from 237 Broadway, west to College place. 

from 1 Ann street, east to Spruce street. 

rear 111 West 10th street. 

from 14 State, east and north to Broadway. 

from 318 Broadway, west to Hudson. 

from 312 Pearl, east to South street. 

from 96 Monroe, east to Cherry. 

from 18 Bowery, west to Mott. 

from 55 Greenwich avenue, west to North River. 

East 30th street, between First and Second avenues. 

fropi 107 Division street, south to East River. 

from 106 Broadway, east to East River. 

from 376 Division, north to East Houston 

from 131 Pearl, west to William street. 

from 230 Bowery, west to Maedougal street. 

from 4 Goerck, east to Mangin street. 

Ninth street, between Broadway and University place. 

from 23 Duane, west to North River. 

from 73 Broadway, west to North River. 

from 506 Canal, north to Spring street. 

from 354 Division, north to East Houston street. 

from 313 Bowery, east to East River. 

rear 316 Rivington street. 

from 4 College place, west to North River. 

from 147 Chatham, south to East River. 

from 34 Frankfort, northeast to Pearl street. 

Greene street, between Amity and West Fourth streets. 

Greenwich avenue, Charles and Perry streets. 

from 26 Canal, south to East River. 

Monroe street, from Jefferson to Clinton streets. 

from 234 East 17th, south to East 14th street. 

from 68 Fulton to Gold street. 

rear 185 Seventh street. 

Maedougal street, from West Houston to Bleecker, and 

from Waverly place to Clinton place. 
East 13th street, between First and Second avenues, 
from 9 Beach street, north to Laight street. 
Leroy street, from 63 to 99. 

8th street, from 17 Third avenue, east to Avenue A. 
from West 110th and Sixth ave. to W. 145th and Ninth av. 



Bt. Timothy's place, W. 53d, between Broadway and Eighth avenue. 

Scammel street, 
Second street. 
Seventh street, 
Sheriff street. 
Sixth street. 
Sixth Bt. court 
Sniffln street. 
South street. 
South Fifth avenue. 

from 299 East Broadway to Water street. 

from 223 Bowery, east to Avenue D. 

from Fourth avenue, east to East River. 

from 502 Grand, north to Second street. 

from 395 Bowery, east to East River. 

rear 169 Sixth street. 

rear 154 East 36th street. 

from 60 Whitehall, east to East River. 

from 68 Washington square, south to Canal streec. 

South William street,f rom 7 William, west to Broad. 

Spingler street. 
Spring street, 
Spruce street, 
Stanton street, 
Stanton place. 
Staple street, 
State street, 
Stone street, 
Stryker's lane, 
Stryker's row, 
Stuyvesant street, 
Suffolk street, 
Sullivan street. 
Temple street, 
Thomas street, 
Theatre alley, 
Third street, 
Thirteenth avenue, 
Thomas street, 
Thompson street, 
Tinpot alley, 
Tompkins market. 
Trinity place, 
Tryon row. 
Union street, 
Union market. 
Union pJace, 
University place, 
Vandam street, 
Vandewater street. 
Van Nest place, 
Varick street, 
Varick place, 
Vesey street. 
Vestry street, 
Walker street. 
Wall street, 
Warren street, 
Warren place. 

East 15lh street, between Fifth avenue and Broadway, 
from 188 Bowery, west to North River, 
from 41 Park row, southeast to Gold, 
from 245 Bowery, east to East River, 
rear 8 Stanton street. 

from 169 Duane, north to Harrison street, 
from 48 Whitehall to Broadway, 
from 13 Whitehall, east to William street, 
rear 743 Eleventh avenue. 

West 52d street, bet. Tenth and Eleventh avenues, 
from 2 Third avenue, east to Second avenue, 
from 203 Division, north to East Houston, 
from 415 Oanal, north to Amity street, 
from 88 Liberty, south to Thomas street, 
from 111 Broadway, west to Greenwich street, 
from 19 Ann, north to Beekman street, 
from 345 Bowerv, east to East River, 
from ft. West Eleventh, northwest to ft. West 29;h street, 
from 126 Church, w. to Hudson, and east to Broaiway. 
from 395 Canal, north to West Fourth street, 
from 59 Greenwich to Trinity place, 
from 606 Grand, east to East River. 
Third avenue, corner 6th street, 
from 98 Liberty, south to Tinpot alley, 
from 1 Centre, east to 86 Chatham street, 
rear 53 University place. 
East Houston, corner Columbia street, 
from 156 to 23 Fourth ave., and from 851 to 857 B'wty. 
from 31 Waverly place, north to East 14th. 
from 13 Macdougal, west to Greenwich, 
from 54 Frankfort, east to Pearl. 
Charles street, between Bleecker and West Fourth, 
xfrom 130 Franklin, north tp Carmine. 
Sullivan street, between West Houston and Bleecker. 
from Broadway, opposite Ann street, west to North Rivir. 
from 428 Canal street, west to North River. 
Irom 135 West Broadway, east to Canal street, 
from 86 Broadway, east to East River, 
from 260 Broadway, west to North River. 
Cliarles street, between Greenwich ave. and Waverly pi. 



Washington street, from 6 Battery place, north to West Twelfth. 

Washington market, Fulton, corner "West street. 

Washington place, from 713 Broadway, west to WooBter. 

Washington square, surrounding Wash'n park, bet. W. Fourth and Waverley pi. 

Water street, from 41 Whitehall, east to East River. 

Watts street, from 44 Sullivan, west to North River. 

Waverly place, from 737 Broadway, west and north to Bank street. 

Weehawken street, from 304 West Tenth, south to Christoplier. 

Mulberry street, from Bast Houston to Bleecker. 

from 13 Battery place, north to Tenth avenue. 

from Broadway, west to Sixth avenue. 

from 131 Chambers, north to Canal street. 
. . South Fifth avenue, between Canal and Grand. 

West Houston street, from 609 Broadway, west to North River. 
WestWashingtonpl.from 155 Macdougal, west to Grove street. 
West Fourth street, from 697 Broadway, west to West Thirteenth. 
W 9th to W. 59th, from Fifth avenue, west to North River. 
" from 117 West Broadway, east to Chatham sq. 

rear 314 West Eighteenth street. 

from 8 Broadway, south to Bast River. 

from 482 Grand, north to East Houston. 

from 107 Pearl, northeast to Pearl street. 

East 73d street, near Third avenue. 

Greene street, between Clinton place and Waverly ulace. 

from 355 Canal, north tp West Fourth. 

from 73 Hudson, east to Chatham. 

Elizabeth, between East Houston and Bleecker. 

from 9 St. John's lane, east to West Broadway. 

Wesley place. 
West street, 
West Third street. 
West Broadway, 
West B'way place, 

White street. 
White's place, 
Whitehall street, 
Willett street, 
William street. 
Willow terrace, 
Winthrop place, 
Wooster street. 
Worth street, 
Wyoming place, 
York street, 


Broadway and University Place 
Iiine. — Leaves corner Broadway and 
Barclay st. Runs through Barclay st. 
to Church, to Canal, to Green, to Clin- 
ton pi., to University pi., to Union sq., 
to Broadway, to 7th av., to Fifty-ninth 
St., to Central Park. Aeturns by same 
route to University pi., to Wooster st., 
crosses Canal st. to West Broadway, to 
College pi., to Barclay St., to starting 
point. Fare, 5 cents. 

Broadvray and Broome St. Iiine. — 

Leaves corner Broadway and Broome 
St. Runs through Broome st. to Green 
St., and thence by same route as Broad- 
v\ray and Barely st. line. Beturna by 
same route as Broadway and Barclay 
St. line to Broome St., thence to Broad- 
Tvay. Fare, 5 cents. 

Sixth Avenue Line. — Leaves comer 
Broadway and Vesey st. Runs through 
Vesey st. to Church st. , to Chambers 
St., to West Broadway, to Canal St., to 
Varick St., to Carmine St., to Sixth av., 
to Fifty-ninth st. and Central Park. 
Iteturns by the same route, to West 
Broadway, to College pi., to Vesey st., 
to corner Broadway ; runs all night. 
Fare, 5 cents. 

Sixth Avenue, Broadvray and 
Canal Street Iiine. — Leaves corner 
Broadway and Canal St. Runs through 
Canal st. to Varick St., thence by same 
route as Sixth av. line. Returns by 
same route. Pare, 5 cents. 

Seventh Avenue Line. — Leaves 
Broadway and Barclay st. Runs 
through Barclay st. to Church, to Canal, 



to Sullivan, to Amity, to Macdougal, to 
Clinton pi., to Greenwich av., to 
Seventh av., to Fifty-ninth street and 
Central Park. Jtetums by same route, 
to Sullivan St., to West Broadway, to 
College pi., to Barclay St., to Broad- 
way. Fare, 5 cents. 

Eighth Avenue Ijine. — Leaves 
Broadway and Vesey St. Runs tlu-ough 
Vesey st. to Church, to Chambers, to 
West Broadway, to Canal St., to Hud- 
son, to Eighth av., to Fifty-ninth St. 
and Central Park. Eeturns by same 
route to Chambei-s St., to College pi., 
to Vesey St., to Broadway. This line 
runs every 15 minutes all night. 

Eighth Avenue, Broadway and 
Canal Street Line. — Leaves Broadway 
and Canal St., to Hudson St., thence up 
and down same route as Eighth av. to 
Macomb's Dam, returning to Canal st. 
and Broadway. Fare, 5 cents to Fifty- 
ninth St. ; to Macomb's Dam, 10 cents. 

Ninth Avenue Line. — Leaves Broad- 
way and Pulton st. Runs through 
Fulton St. to Greenwich, to Ninth av., 
to- Fifty-fourth st. Returns by same 
route to Washington St., to Fulton, to 
Broadway. Fare, 5 cents. 

Second Avenue Line. — Leaves foot 
of Peck Slip. Runs through South St., 
to Oliver, to Boweiy, to Grand St., to 
Cbrystie, to Houston, to Second av., to 
138th St. , Harlem. Beturns by Second 
av., to "Twenty-third St., to First av., to 
Houston St., to Allen, to Grand, to 
Bowery, to Chatham St., to Pearl, to 
starting point. Cars run from Peck 
Slip all night ; cars run from C3d st. all 
night. Fare, 5 cents to 63d st. 

Third Avenue Line. — Leaves Broad- 
way, opposite Astor House. Runs 
through Park Row to Chatham st. , to 
Bowery, to Third av., to Sixty-flfth St., 
thence to Harlem. Beturns by same 
route. Cars on this line run all night. 
This road commenced running in 1853.* 

BuANCii Line. — Runs from Broad- 
way througli Bowery and Third av., 
to 35th St., thence through Lexington 
av. to 43d St. , Grand Central Railroad 
Depot. Fare, 5 cents. 

Fourth Avenue Line. — Leaves 
Broadway, opposite the Astor House. 
Runs through Park Row, to Centre St., 
to Grand, to Bowe^, to Fourth av., to 
Thirty-second st. Every third car con- 
tinues thi'ough Thirty-second St., to 
Lexington av., to Thirty-fourth St., to 
Hunter's Point Ferry, lieturns by same 
route, to Broome St., to Centre, to 
starting point. Fare, 6 cents. 

Central Park, North River and 
Tenth Avenue Line.— Leaves South 
Ferry. Runs through Whitehall St., to 
Marketfleld, to Bowling Green, to Bat- 
tery pi., to West St., to Tenth av., to 
Fifty-ninth St., to Central Park. Beturns 
by same route. Fare, 5 cents. 

Central Park, East River and Av- 
enue A Line. — Leaves South Ferry, 
foot of Whitehall st. Runs through 
Whitehall St., to front, to Old Slip, to 
South St., to Grand, to Goerck, to 
Houston, to Avenue D, to Fourteenth 
St., to Avenue A, to Twenty-third .St., 
to First av., to Fifty-ninth St., to Fifth 
av. and Central Park. Beturns by Fifty- 
ninth St., takes same route to Avenue 
D and Seventh st., to Lewis, to Hous- 
ton, to Mangin, to Grand, to Corlears, 
to Monroe, to Jackson, to Front, to 
Water, to South Ferry. This road 
passes all the East River ferries. Fare, 
5 cents. 

Bleecker Street and Fulton Ferry- 
Line. — Leaves Fulton Ferry. Runa 
through Fulton St., to William, to Ann, 
to Park Row, to Centre St., to Leonard, 
to Elm, to Howard, to Crosby, to 
Bleecker, to Macdougal, to Fourth, to 
W. Twelfth, to Hudson, to W. Four- 
teenth, to Tenth av. Beturns by Tenth 
av., to Fourteenth St., to Hudson, to 

* The L'rant to the Ifew York and Harlem, Railroad, allowing a double or single track to be 
laid along Fourth Avenue, was dated January 9lh, 1832. 



Bleeckei-, to Crosby, to Ilowavd, to Elm, 
to Rcatlc, to Centre, to Beeknuiii, to 
South, to Fulton Ferry. Fare, 5 cents. 
Bleecker Street Branch. — Leaves 
Fulton Feny. Runs through Fulton 
St., to Water, to Peck Slip, to Pearl, to 

New Bowery, to Bowery, to Canal St., 
to Elm, to Howard, to Crosby, tlicnco 
by same route as the above road. 
lieturns by same route to Canal St., tO' 
Bowery, to New Bowery, to Pearl, to 
Peck Slip, to South, to Fu ^ 

rulton Ferry. 


Dry Dock and East Broadway 
Iiine. — Leaves Ann St. and Broadway. 
Runs through Park Row, to Chatham 
St., to East Broadway, to Grand St., to 
Columbia,, to Avenue B, to East Four- 
teenth St. , to Avenue A. lieturns by 
Fourteenth St., to Avenue D, to Eighth 
St., to Lewis, to Grand, thence by same 
route to starting point. Fare, 5 cents. 

City Hall, Avenue B and 34th St. 
Iiine. — Leaves Ann st. and Broadway. 
Runs through Park Row, to Cliatliam 
St., to East Broadway, to Clinton St., 
to Avenue B, to Fourteenth St., to 
Avenue A, to Twenty-third St., to First 
av., to East Thirty-fourth St., to Ferry. 
lieturns by same route, to Second st., 
to Avenue A, to Essex St., to East 
Broadway, to Chatham St., to Park 
Row, to Ann st'. and Broadway. Fare, 
5 cents. 

Forty-second and Grand Stteet 
Ferry Line.— From foot W. 42d to 
Tenth av., to W. 34th, to Broadway, to 
E. 23d, to Fourth av., to E. Fourteenth, 
to Avenue A, to E. Houston, to Can- 
non, to Grand, to Feny. Eeturninff 
through Grand to Goerck, to E. Hous- 
ton, to Second, to Avenue A, to East 
Fourteenth, to Seventh av., to East 
Twenty-third, to Broadway, to West 
Thirty -fourth, to Tenth av., to foot 
West Forty-second. 

Debrosses St., Vestry and Grand St. 
Iiine. — Leaves Grand st. Ferry. Runs 
through Grand St., to Sullivan, to 
Vestry, to Grecnwicli, to Desbrosses, 
to Desbrosses st. Ferry. lieturns by 
Desbrosses St., to Washington, to Ves- 
try, thence by same route to starling 
point. Fare, 6 cents. 

Grand St. Ferries to Jersey City 
Ferries — to Cortlandt st. Ferry, via 
Grand st. — Bast Broadway, Canal, 
Walker, North Moore and Washington 
sts., to Cortlandt st. lieturns via Cort- 
landt, Greenwich, Beach, Lispenard, 
Canal, and Grand sts. 

Grand Street Ferries, to Broadway, 
corner of Canal St., via Grand ot.. East 
Broadway and Canal st. to Broadway. 
lieturns same route. Fare, 5 cents. 

Avenue O. — Runs from Fourth av., 
corner East 42d St., to Lexington av., 
to East Thirty-fifth, to First av., to 
East Twenty-third, to Avenue A, to 
East Seventeenth, to Avenue C, to 
Third, to First av., to East and West 
Houston, to West, to foot Chambers 
St. Beturning through West st., to 
Charlton, to Prince, to Stanton, to Pitt,, 
to Avenue C, to Bast Eighteenth, to 
Avenue A, to East Thirty -third, to First 
avenue, to East Thirty-sixth, to Lex- 
ington av., to East 43d, and Fourth av. 
Fare, 6 cents. 

Central Cross Town. — From' foot 
East Twenty-third St., to Avenue A, to 
East Eighteenth, to Broadway to East 
and West Fourteenth, to Seventh av, 
to West Eleventh, to Christopher. JBe- 
turmny through Christopher to Greert- 
wich, to West Eleventh, to Seventh av., 
to West and East Fourteenth St., to 
Union sq., to East Seventeenth, to 
Avenue A, to East Twenty-third. 'Fare, 
5 cents. 

' Christopher and East Tenth St. — 
From Christopher to Greenwich av., to- 
Clinton pL, to St. Mark's pi., to Avenue; 
A, to East Tenth, to Ferry, lieturnim/ 
tlu'ough East Tenth to Avenue A, to 



JEast Ninth, to Stuyvesant, to Eighth, 
to Clinton pi., to Greenwich av., to 
West Tenth, to West, to Christopher. 
IFare, 5 cents. 

Twenty-third Street Une. — Runs 
through Twenty-third St., from East to 
l^Torth River, connecting with the fer- 
j-ies, and all the north and south lines 
of street railroads on the different av- 
enues ; also, through Twenty-third St. 
to First av. , and thence to Thirty-fourth 
St. Ferry. Pare, 5 cents. 

125 Street. — Runs from Third ave. 
Corner East 130th St., through Third 
avenue to East 125th St., thence to 
West 135th, to North River. Betuming 
the same route. Fare, 5 cents. 

Harlem Bridge, Morrisania and 
Fordham. — Runs from Harlem Bridge 
up Third Avenue to Morrisania and 
Fordliam, 4J^ miles j also, up Third 
Avenue to Boston Avenue and thence 
to West Farms, SJ^ miles. Betuming 
the same route. Fare to Morrisania, 5 
cents ; through fare, 10 cents. 


The Omnihns Lines commenced ninning through Broadway to Greenwich, 
in abont 1832, and twenty years thereafter the Tiiird Avenue Street cars com- 
menced running to Harlem. For several years Broadway was alive with Omni- 
buses ; but, as the Street Railroads increased, many of the Omnibus Lines were 

The following Omnibus Lines are still continued : 

Bivadway and Fifth Avenue Line. — 
Xeaves Fulton Ferry, E.R., and inns 
through Fulton, Broadway, Fourteenth 
jind Fifth avenue to Forty-seventh 
street. Returns the same route. Fare, 
10 cents. Office, 23 West 43d street. 

Broadioay, Ikoenty-third and Ninth 
Jivenue Line. — Leaves South Ferry and 
runs through Broadway, Twenty-third 
a,nd Ninth Avenue to Thirtieth street. 
Returns the same route. Fare, 10 cents. 
■Office, 287 Ninth avenue. 

Broadway and Fourth Aoemie Line. — 
Leaves South Ferry and runs through 
Broadway and Fourth avenue to Forty- 
second street and Grand Central Depot. 

Returns the same route. Fare, 10 cents. 
Office, 127 East Thirty-second street. 

Broadway, Tuenty-third and Erie 
Bailroad Ferry. — Leaves South Feny 
and runs through Broadway to West 
Twenty-third street to Ferry, North 
River. Returns the same route. Fare, 
10 cents. Office, 287 Ninth avenue. 

Madison Avenue Line. — Leaves Wall 
street Ferry and runs through Wall 
street to Broadway to Twenty-third 
street, thence through Madison avenue 
to Forty-second street and Grand Cen- 
tral Depot. Returns the same I'oute. 
Fare, 10 cents. Office, 53 East Fortieth 


This important question, which has agitated property owners for the past 
tifteeu years, has not yet been fully solved, or the routes established, in full. 
There are now two chartered companies organized, by acts of the Legislature of 
the State of New York, with sufficient powers to build parallel lines of Elevated 
Railways from the Battery and City Hall Park to Harlem River, terminating at 
different points, and running through different Avenues. 

The New York Elevated Railkoad Company has completed their line 
ftetween the Battery and Fifty-ninth street, running through Greenwich street 


and Ninth avenue to opposite the Southern end of Central Park, a distance of 
about five miles — Time Table F— Progress in Ba^ Transit. — The New York 
Elevated Kailroad Company has completed its line to Fifty-ninth street, and 
begun running regular trains between Central Park and the Battery, according 
toa new time-table. The first train from the Battery will leave at 6 A. M., and 
will run through to Fifty-ninth street in thirty-four minutes. The second train 
will leave at 7 o'clock, and will make the trip in thirty-one minutes. After 7 
o'clock the trains will be run with short intervals, the last one leaving the Bat- 
tery at 7 :07 P. M. From Fifty-ninth street, the first train will start at 6 :18 A. M. , 
and the last one at 7:40 P. M. There will be forty through trains each way 
during the day. The company will also run Sunday trains between 7:35 A. M., 
and 0:49 P. M., with the same frequency as on week days. 


The Gilbert Elevated Railroad Company has not yet begun laying its track, 
but the announcement is authorized that the company expects to build the west 
side division and have it in running order from the Bowling Green to Central 
Park by Aug. 1,1876. The company is preparing drawings for the iron com- 
panies, and calculating in detail the amount of different kinds of iron that will 
be required in the construction of the railroad. When these drawings and calcu- 
lations are completed, they will be open to the inspection of the iron companies, 
all of which will be invited to send in bids for the building of the road. 

It is contemplated by this company to build two or three parallel lines of rail- 
road, through different avenues, connecting with steam ferries running to 
Long Island ; also, with the Grand Central Railroad Depot and Central Park. 
The line will start from the Battery, and City Hall Park and run north to Chat- 
ham square, from thence through Second and Third avenues to Harlem River, 
a distant of about eight miles. There will be a branch road connecting with the 
Brooklyn Bridge, and with Twenty-third Street Ferry, running to Green Point, 
connecting with Railways on Long Island. 

Another line is contemplated to run from the Battery, through New Church 
street. West Broadway and Sixth avenue to Central Park, a distance of- about 
five miles. 


Continental, 88 Broadway. 

EcjriTABi/K Gas Light and Constkuotion Co., 59 Liberty street. 

EABiiEU, 2084 Third avenue and 61 Liberty street 

Manhattan Gas Light Co. Office, 4 Irving place. Works, foot Four* 
teenth street. East River, foot Eighteenth street. North River. Incorporated 
February 26th, 1830. Capital, $4,000,000 ; shares, $50. District : North side 
Grand to south side Thirty -fourth street, inclusive. Charles Roome, President; 
A. Cabpentek, Vice-President; Jas. W. Smith, Secretary and Treasurer; C. V. 
Smith, Engineer. 

Metropolitan, 1501 Broadway, and foot West Forty-second street. 

Mutual, 86 Fourth avenue and foot East Eleventh street. 

National Coal Gab Co., 4 Warren street. 

New York, 157 Hester and Avenue A, corner East Twenty-first street. 

174. new tokk as it is. 

New Yokk Mutual. 

New Yobk Oxygen Gas Co., 547 West Eorty-flrst street. 

New York Mutual Gas Light Co. Office, 36 Union square and foot East 
Illeventh street. C. K. Gakrison, President ; Abthub Leahy, Vice-President ; 
Chables Hake, Secretary. 

Suburban Gas Light Co., Fourth avenue, near One-hundred-and-seventy- 
sixth street. 

Union Gas Light Co., l^ Pine, and Second avenue comer East Ninety- 
eighth street. 

United States Gas Co., 149 Broadway. 


Office, Cortlandt Street, New York. 

Thi3 Canal Company, now controlling two or three railroads, was chartered 
Tby the States of New York and Pennsylvania, and is too important in connection 
with internal trade not to be noticed. The work was commenced in 1827, and 
finished in 1829, extending from the Hudson River, at Rondout, up the valley 
of the Rondout Creek, in Ullster County ; then across parts of Orange and 
Sullivan counties, to the Delaware River, crossing the stream and extending to 
Hornesdale, Penn., 108 miles. The canal was constructed by the company, 
at an original cost of $6,156,000, and the company is extensively engaged in 
mining and bringing to the New York market Lackawanna coal, constantly 
employing a large number of boats, barges and men. 

In 1870 this company leased the Albany and StLsguehanna Jiailroad, and in 
1871 leased the Benasdaer and Saratoga Railroad, with its branches. It is now 
•engaged in constructing a road from Wliitehall, N. Y., on the west side of Lake 
Champlaln, which, when completed, will give this company between 600 and 
700 miles of railway. In addition to this, they have 186 miles of iron railway in 
.their mines in Pennsylvania. 


Thos. Dickson, President, Scranton, Penn. 
James C. Harit, Treasurer, New York. 
Geouge L. Haiqiit, Secretai-y, New York, 
n. II. Fonda, Oeneral SupcrintemUiit, Albany, N. Y. 

Astoria, from foot of E. Ninety-second street, E. R., from Peck slip to Astoria. 

by Harlem steamboat. 
Bedloe's Island, from Pier 43, N. R. 
Brooklyn, foot Catharine slip to Main street. 
Brooklyn, foot Fulton street to Fulton street. 
Brooklyn, foot James slip to Bridge street. 
Brooklyn, foot Wall street to Montague street. 
Brooklyn, foot Whitehall street to Atlantic street. 
Brooklyn, foot Whitehall street to Hamilton avenue. 
Brooklyn, foot New Cliambers street to Bridge street. 
Brooklyn, foot Jackson street to Hudson avenue. 
Brooklyn (E. D.), foot Roosevelt street to S. Seventh street, Williamsburg. 


Brooklyn (E. D.), foot E. Houston street to Grand street, Williamsburg. 
Brooklyn (E. D.), Grand street to South Seventh street— South Side R. R. 
Brooklyn (E. 13.), foot Grand to Grand street, Williamsburg. 
Bull's Ferry and Fort Lee, N. J., Pier 51 North River. 
Communipaw, N. J., foot or Liberty street. 
David's Island, from Pier No. 1, E. R. 
Fort Schuyler, from Pier No. 1, E. R. 

Green Point, foot E. Tenth street and foot E. Twenty-third st. to Green Point. 
Governor's Island, from Piers 1 and 43, E. R. 

Hamilton Avenue, foot Whitehall street to Atlantic Dock, Brooklyn. 
Harlem, Astoria, Ac, from Peck slip, E. R. 
Hart's Island, from 26th street, E. R. 
Hoboken, foot of Barclay street. 
Hoboken, foot of Christopher street. 
Hunter's Point, foot E. 34th street to Ferry street. 
Hunter's Point, James street to Ferry street. 

Jersey City, foot of Cortlandt street to Montgomery street. ( 

Jersey City, foot of Desbrosses street to Exchange place. 
Jersey Oity, foot of W. 23d street to Long Dock. 

Jersey Oity, or Favonia, foot of Chambers street to Long Dock — Erie Rail- 
way Depot. 
Mott Haven, Pier No. 24, E. R. 
Randall's Island, from 3Gth street and 122d street. 

Staten Island — New Brighton, Castleton, Fort Richmond, from Battery. 
Staten Island — Tompkinsville, Stapleton, Vanderbilt's Iianding, from Battery. 
Ward's Island, from 10th street, E. R. 
W^illett's Point, L. I., from Pier No. 1, E. R. 

Weehawken, foot of W. 43d street, N. R. , 


The leading passenger transportation company in this country, if not in the 
world, is probably the " Union Ferry Company," which controls the ferries con- 
necting New York City and Brooklyn. This corporation runs four separate 
ferries between tliose cities, and has sixteen large boats, of which thirteen nin 
by day and six all night. Tliey carry on an average one hundred and twenty- 
live thousand foot-passengers every day, and about forty-flve millions a year, 
and have been extraordinarily successful in carrying this vast number without 
accident. The ferriage for foot. passengers is two cents, excepting between the 
hours of five and half -past seven,morniug and evening, when it is reduced to ono 
cent, these being the times when multitudes of workmg people cross the East 
River, and the boats are consequently the most crowded. For carriages the fer- 
riage is ten and twenty cents for one and two horse vehicles, large trucks paying 
more. The Union Ferry Co. run from Fulton, Wall and South Ferry slip. New 
York, and their manager, the president of the company, is Hon. Cyrus P. 
Smith, formerly Mayor of Brooklyn. 

Distances across the Diiferent Ferries from Ne-w York. 

Catharine Ferry, E. R 735 yards. 

Fulton Street, " 731 " 

South Ferry, " 1,066 

Jackson Street Ferry " , 935 

Peck Slip Ferry, " 2,800 

Williamsburgh Ferry 950 

Staten Island Ferry, Bay of New York 6,418 



Jersey City Ferry, from Cortlandt Street 1 mile. 

Hoboken FeiTy, from Barclay street !■} miles. 

Staten Island Ferry, from Battery - 6 miles. 


North River. 

1. Battery place. 

2, 3. Battery place and Morris streets. 
4. Morris street. 

6, 6, 7. Morris and Rector. 
9, 10, Rector and Carlisle. 

11. Carlisle street. 

12. Albany street. 

13. Albany and Cedar streets. 
14 Cedar street 

15. Liberty street. 

16. Liberty and Cortlandt streets. 

17. 18. Cortlandt street. 

19. Cortlandt and Dey. 

20. Dey street. 

21. Fulton street. 

22. 23, 24, Fulton and Vesey streets. 

25. Vesey street. 

26. Vesey and Barclay streets. 

27. Park place. 

28. Murray street. 

29. Warren street. 
80. Chambers street. 

31. Buane street. 

32. Duane and Jay streets. 
83. Jay street. 

34. Harrison street. 

35. Franklin street. 

36. North Moore street. 

37. Beach street. 

88. Hubert street. 

89. Vestry street. 

40. Watts street. 

41. Hoboken street. 

42. Canal street. 

43. Spring street. 

44. Spring and Charlton. 

45. Charlton street. 

46. King street. 

47. West Houston street. 

48. Clarkson street. 

49. Leroy street. 

50. Morton street. 

51. Christopher street. 

East River. 

1, 2, Whitehall stieet. 

3. Moore street. 

4. Moore and Broad streets. 

5. Broad and Coenties slip. 

6. 7, 8, C(ienties slip. 

9, 10, Coenties and Old slips. 
11, 13, Old slip. 

13. Old and Gouverneur slip. 

14. Jones' lane. 

15. 16, Wall street. 

17. Pine street. 

18. Maiden lane. 

19. Fletcher street. 

20. 21, Burling slip. 

22. Fulton street. 

23. Beekman street. 

24. Beekman and Peck slip. 

25. 20, Peck sUp. 

27. Dover street. 

28. Dover and Roosevelt streets. 

29. Roosevelt street. 

80. Roosevelt and James streets. 
31, 32, James slip. 

33. Oliver street. 

34, 35. Catharine street. 

36. Catharine and Market streets. 

37, 38. Market street. 

39. Market and Pike streets. 

40, 41. Pike street. 

43. Pike and Rutgers street. 
43, 44. Rutgers street. 

45. Rutgers and Jefferson. 

46. Jefferson street. 

47. Jefferson and Clinton. 

48. Clinton street. 

49. Clinton and Montgomery streets. 

50. Montgomery street. 

51. 52. Gouverneur street. 

53. Jackson street. 

54. Corlears street. 

55. Cherry street. 

56. 57. Broome street. 
58, 59. Delancey street. 

60. Bivington street. 

61. Rivington and Stanton streets. 





The following Table will show the Eates of 
Postage on letters ; aleo the postage on news- 
papers, books, pamphlets and all mailable mat- 
ter to and from all parts of the United States. 


Letters to any part of the U. States. 

Drop letters — that is, letters mailed 
in a city, to be delivered elsewhere 
in the same city 

Postal cards to any part of the U. S. 
Registered letters are charged 10 

cts. in addition to the proper postage 

Eachf oz. 


2 cts. 
1 ct. each. 

Books, Transibht Newspapers, ForEvery 
Mdsb, etc. 8oz. 

Books, clrcnlars and other printed 
matter (Inclnding Iraiisient news- 
papers), seeds, cuttings, bulbs, 
roots and scions, in pacl^ages not 
exceeding 4 lbs. in weight, for each 

Merchandise and samples, in pack- 
ages not exceeding 4 lbs. in weight, 
for each ounce or fraction thereof. 

Newspapers, circulars and periodicals 
not exceeding 2 oz. in weight, de- 
posited for local delivery 

Exceeding 2 oz 


1 ct. each. 

2 cts. each 

Postage ok Newspapers, Magazines and 
Periodicals to Subscribers. 

The postage rates on all newspapers and peri- 
odical publications, mailed from a known office 
of pttblKation or news agency, and addressm to 
T'e^M^arswdscrifiertf or news agents, are as follows: 

On daily and weekly newspapers and periodi- 
cal publications, and on newspapers and periodi- 
cals issued oftener than once a week, two (2) 
cents for each pound or fraction thereof. 

On newspapers and periodicals issued less 
frequently than once a week, three (8) cents per 
pound or fraction thereof, 


Rates on money orders in U. S. : Not exceed- 
ing $15, ten cents ; over $20 to $30, fifteen 
cents ; over $30 to $40, twenty cents ; over $40 
to $50, twenty-five cents. 

Money orders to Great Britain and Switzer- 
land : Not exceeding $10, twenty-five cents ; 
over $10 to $20, fifty cents ; over $20 to $30, 
seventy-five cents ; over $30 to $40, one dollar ; 
over $40 to $50, one dollar and twenty-five cents. 

Money orders to Germany : Not exceeding $6, 
fifteen cents ; over $5 to $10, twenty-five cents ; 
over $10 to $20, fifty cents | over $20 to $30, 
seventy-five cents ; over $30 to $40, one dollar ; 
over $40 to $50, one dollar and twenty-five cents. 

Money orders to Canada : Not exceeding $10, 
twenty cents ; over $10 to $20, forty cents ; 
over $20 to $30, sixty cents ; over $30 to $40, 
eighty cents ; over $40 to $50, one dollar. 


The following Table shows the Hates of Post- 
age chargeable on letters and newspapers to the 
foreign countries and places named in alphor 
betlcal order. 


Argentine Confederation. . 



Australia, via San Francisco 

do, via England 

do. via Brindisi 


Bormnda, via New York . . . 

Brazil, direct 

Canada, Nova Scotia, New- 
foundland, etc : 

Cape of Good Hope 

Chili, Bolivia, Ecuador and 

China, via Southampton 

Denmark, via England. . 

Bast Indies, via San P'ncisco 
do. via England. . . 
do. via Brindisi... 


German States, via North 
German Union 

Great Britain and Ireland. . 


Hong Kong, Canton, Swa- 
tow, Amoy and Foochow, 
via Sim Francisco 

Italy, via England 

Japan, via San Francisco., 



Norway and Sweden 

Portugal, via Southampton. 

Russia, via England 

Shanghai, via San Francisco 



Turney, Syria, etc., viaEng- 

Venezuela, by American 

Venezuela, by B'tish Packet 

West Indies, direct 

do. (British), via St. 
Thomas or Havana 


'^S'oi"^ p-'p^^- 

23 cts. 



























The asterisk (*) indicates that the postage may be 
paid ornot, at the option of the sender of the letter. 

+ The newspaper postal to Canada is the same as 
that to any part oftbeUnlted States. 

Postal Cards to Foreign Countries. 
American postal cards may be sent for an ad- 
ditional one cent stamp to Eoropean countries 
and Egypt. 






The total number of cases disposed of in the Police Courts of the, city 
•during^ the present year was 84,399, of which number 60,331 were males and 
54,068 were females. Of these there were held upon some charge 54,655, of 
whom 36,841 were males and 17,814 were females. There were discharged 
39,733, of whom 23,749 were males and 6,254 .were femaJes, and 11 cases of 
males are still pending the decision of magistrate. 


Of the total number of persons held for trial and convicted, amounting 
to 64,655, the several nativities are distributed as follows: Ireland, 23,891; 
United States, 21,270; Germany, 6,197; England, 1,793; Scotland, 663; France, 
452, Italy, 277; other foreign countries, 757; and not given, 455. No compari- 
son can be made with last year, as the report for that year shows the nativity of 
almost one-third not given! 


The nativity of those convicted upon charges of intoxication and disorderly 
conduct is as follows ; Ireland, 18,816; United States,13,159; Germany, 2,754; 
Ilngland, 1,281; Scotland, 456; Prance, 294; Italy, 124; other foreign countries, 
452; not given, 133; total, 37,470. 


The nativity of those held for trial upon charges of felony is as follows; 
United States, 1,892; Ireland, 553; Germany, 365; England, 117; France, 37, 
Italy, 30; Scotland, 17; other foreign coimtries, 71; ana not given, 45. Total: 


The nativity of those held for trial upon charges of misdemeanor is as fol- 
lows: United States, 3,386; Ireland, 2,569; Germany, 1,423; England, 303; 
J'rance, 74; Italy, 67; Scotland, 43; other foreign coimtries, 132; and not given, 
157. Total, 8,053. 


The nativity of those convicted of being vagrants is as follows: United 
States, 1,373; Ireland, 1,213; Germany, 384; England, 118; Scotland, 33; 
France, 26; Italy, 35; other foreign countries, 47; and not given, 33. Total, 
3, 151. By reference to table P, the nativity for each specific ollense may be seen. 


The ages of all persons held for trial or convicted are as follows: Under 
the age of 14 years, 1,538 males and 336 females; total, 1,873. Between the ages 
14 and 30 years, 4,337 malfes and 1,418 females; total, 6,745. Between the ages 
of 30 and 30 years, 13,308 males and 7,086 females; total, 20,394. Between the 
ages of 30 and 40 years, 16,048 males and 5,348 females; total, 15,396. Over 40 
years of age, 7,065 males and 3,471 females; total, 10,536. Age not given, 557 
males and 155 females; total, 64,665. No comparison can be made with last 
year, owing to the large number reported for that year as not given. 


The color of those held or convicted is reported as — white, 63,534; black, 
1,131; total, 54,655. Last year the color was reported — white, 48,678; black, 
573; total, 49,351; making an increase for this year of — white, 4,856; black, 548; 
total, 5,404. 




Eatal)- Dailv. 

lUhed. ' 

1855. Bulletin and Auction Record, 5 South "William street. 

1874. City Record (Official Journal), No. 2 City Hall. 

1794. Commercial Advertiser (daily and weekly), cor. Pulton and Nassau street!. 

1828. Courier des Etats-Unis (daily and weekly) 92 Walker street. 

1873. Daily Graphic (Illustrated), 41 Park place. 

1870. Daily Register, 303 Broadway. 

1859. Evening Mail (daily and weekly), 34 Park Row. 

1835. Evening Express (daily, semi-weekly and weekly), 23 Park row. 

1801. Evening Post (daily, semi-weekly and weekly), 206 Broadway cor. Fulton. 

1867. Evening Telegram, 2 Ann street. 

1862. Financial Daily Record, 42 Broad street. 

1834. Herald* (daily and weekly), cor. Broadway and Ann street. 

1791. Journal of Commerce (daily, semi-weekly and weekly), 76 Beaver street. 

1859. Le Messager Franco-Ajnericain, 42 Great Jones street. 
1858. News, 19 City HaU Square. 

1846. New Yorker Demokrat (daily and weekly). 

1861. New Yorker Journal (daily and weekly), 15 Frankfort street. 

1873. New Yorker Presse (daily and weekly), 7 Frankfort street. 

1870. New Yorker Tagea-Nashrichten, 19 City Hall Square. 
1851. Skandinavish Post (daily and weekly), 19 City Hall Square. 
1851. Staats-Zeitung (daily and weekly), Tnron Row. 

1868. Star (The), 27 City Hall Square. 

1833. Sun* (The), (daily and weekly). Printing House Square. 

1851. Times* (daily, semi-weekly and weekly). Printing llouse Square. 

1841. Tribune (daily, semi-weekly and weekly). Printing House Square. 

1871. Witness (daily and weekly), 2 Spruce street. 

1860. World* (daily, semi-weekly and weekly), 35 Park row. 

* Issued on Sundays. 

Weekly and Semi-Weekly. 

Advocato and Family Guardian, 29 East 

20tli St. 
Albion, 16 South WllUam st. 
American Art Journal, 104 East 13th st. 
American Commercial Times, 86 Duane. 
American 0rocer, 141 Chambers st. 
American Newspaper Reporter, 41 Park 

American BaUroad Journal, 9 Spruce st. 

American Standard Register, 30 Vesey st. 
Ai)i)lctou's Journal, 551 Broadway, 
Arbeltcr Zeltung, 113 Chrystlo st. 
Arcadian, 169 Fulton st. 
Army and Navy Journal, 23 Murray. 
Art Journal, 1(S4 East IBth st. 
Atlantische Blaetter, 24 Stanton st. 
Bank Note and Commercial Reporter, 22 
. Bcekman. 




Baptist Union, 37 Park row. 
Baptist Weekly, 37 Park row. 
Boys' and Girls' Weekly, 537 Pearl st. 
Bulletin de New York, 48 Broad. 
■Catholic Review, 37 Park row. 
Chimney Comer, 537 Pearl st. 
Christian Advocate, 805 Broadway. 
•Christian Intelligencer, 6 New Church st. 
Christian Union, 24 Murray st. 
'Christian at Work, 102 Chambers st. 
Chronicle, 86 Liberty st. 
Church Journal and Gospel Messenger, 783 

Church Union, 292 Broadway. 
Church and State, 139 Eighth st. 
Churchman, 713 Broadway. 
Coal Trade Journal, 39 Nassau st. 
Commercial and Financial Chronicle and 

Hunt's Merchant's Magazine, 79 William. 
Copy Hook, 87 Parle row. 
•Comer Stone, 599 Broadway. 
Countlng-House Monitor, 75 Fulton st. 
■Crockery and Glass Journal, 30 Vcsey st. 
Cronista (Kl), (semi-weekly), 64 Broadway. 
Day's Doings, 535 Pearl st. 
Deutsch Amerlkanische Volksblbliothek, 

19 Dey st. 
Deutsch Volksfreund, 150 Nassau st. 
Deutsches Volksblatt, Third av., near 

147th St. 
Digest, .79 Nassau st. 
Druggists' Journal, 350 Pearl st. 
Drygoods Keporter, 350 Pearl st. 
Jlcho, 39 William st. 
Eco d'ltalla (semi-weekly), 51 Liberty st. 
Engineering and Mining Joumal,27Park pi. 
Examiner and Chronicle, 39 Park row. 
Fireside Companion, 84 Beekman st. 
JForest and Stream, 17 Chatham st. 
Fortschritt (Literary Journal). 
Free Press, 185 Bleecker st. 
Free Lance, 31 Park row. 
Freischuetz (Der), 8 N. William st. 
Girls and Boys of America, 84 Beekman st. 
Oospel Sower, 34 Vesey st. 
■Grocers' Price Current, 350 Pearl st. 
Orocery and Provision Review, 42 Cedar st. 
Grocer, 163 Chambers st. 
Hardware Price Current, 350 Pearl st. 
Harper's Bazar, 331 Pearl st. 
Harper's Weekly, 331 Pearl st. 
Heart and Hand, 142 Fulton st. 
Hearth and Home, 41 Park pi. 
Hebrew Leader, 196 Broadway. 
Home Journal, 3 Park place. 
Illustrated Christian Weekly, 150 Nassau 
niustrated Newspaper, 537 Pearl st. 
Illustrated Weekly, 11 Dey st. 
Jllustriste Zeitung, 537 Pearl st. 

Independent, 251 Broadway. 

Insurance and Real Estate Journal, 23 

Dey st. 
Internal Revenue Record, 23 Murray et. 
Irish American, 57 Murray st. 
Irish Citizen, 59 Warren st. 
Irish Democrat, 25 Beekman st. 
Irish World, 5 Barclay st. 
Iron Age, 10 Warren st. 
Jewish Gazette, 112 Canal st. 
Jewish Messenger, 645 Broadway. 
Jewish Times, 11 Ann st. 
Joumal de la Seraaine, 41 Liberty. 
La Revolucion, 13 Park row. 
Lady's Journal, 537 Pearl st. 
Liberal Christian, 214 Broadway. 
Medical Record, 27 Great Jones st. 
Merchants and Manl's Times, 81 Park row. 
Metal Worker. 10 Warren st. 
Methodist, 114 Nassau st. 
Monde Illustre, 41 Liberty st. 
Moore's Rural New Yorker, 78 Duane st. 
Nation, 5 Beekman st. 
National Police Gazette, 15 Centre st. 
Nature, 21 Astor place. 
Nautical Gazette, 40 Burling slip. 
Neue Helm, 22 Beekman st. 
New Jerusalem Messenger, 20 Cooper 

New Sensation, 28 Beekman st. 
New York Clipper, 88 Centre st. 
N. Y. Commercial Times, 31 Park row. 
New York Courier, 18 Ann st. 
New York Day Book, 60 Beekman st. 
New York Dispatch, 11 Frankfort st. 
New York Era, (8. W. & W.), 26 Ann Su 
New York Evangelist, 5 Beekman st. 
N. Y. Family Story Paper, 28 Beekman st. 
New York Freeman's Joumal, 37 Barclay. 
New York Handel's Zeitung, 73 William st. 
New York Home Magnet, 75 Nassau st. 
New York Ledger, 182 William st. 
New York Maritime Register, 73 William st. 
N. Y. Mercantile Journal, 850 Pearl st. 
New York Mercury, 128 Fulton st. 
New York Observer, 8. J. Prime & Co., 

37 Park row. 
N. Y. School Joumal, 89 Liberty st. 
New York Spectator, 126 Fulton st. 
New York Sportsman, 23 Park row. 
New York Sunday News, 19 Chatham st. 
New York Tablet, 31 Barclay st. 
N. % Trade Reporter, 17 New Church st. 
New York Weekly, 31 Rose st. 
New Yorker, 49 Liberty st. 
Once a Week, 59 Hudson st. 
Paper Trade Reporter, 57 Gold st. 
Pathfinder, C6 John st. 
People's Pulpit, 57 Bible House. 



Pleasure Season, 91 Duane st. 
Producer's Price Current, 163 BVay. 
Publishers' 'VVeekly, F. Seyboldt, 37ParkR. 
Kailroad Gazette, 71 B'way. 
Kailroad Journal, 9 Spruce st. 
Rationalist, 16 New Church st. 
Keal Estate Record, 345 B'way. 
Saturday Star Journal, 98 William st. 
Schnoduoredeng, 59 Beekman st. 
Scientific American, Munn & Co., 37 Park 

Scottish American Journal, 37 Park row. 
Shipping and Commercial List, 4 Cedar st. 

Established in 1795. 
Shoe and Leather Reporter, 17 Spruce st. 
Social Democrat, 17 Forsyth st. , 

South, 182 Pulton st. 
Spirit of the Times, 3 Park row. 
Stoclcholder, 59 Cedar st. 
Sunday Citizen, 59 Warren st. 
Sunday Democrat, 25 Beekman st, 
Sunday Mercury, 128 Fulton st. 

Sunday School Advocate, 895 B'way. 

Sunday Times, 12 Frankfort st. 

Telegrapher, 38 Vesey st. 

The Public, 71 Broadway. 

Thompson Bank Note Reporter, 22 Beek- 
man St. 

Time Table, 173 Greenwich st. 

Tobacco Leaf, 142 Fulton st. 

Touchstone (The), 52 Fourth av. 

Trade Record, 164 Fulton st. 

Truth Seeker, 335 Broadway. 

Turf, Field and Farm, 37 Park row. 

United States Economist, 88 White at. 

United States Mining Journal, 16 South 
William st. 

Volksfruend. 150 Nassau st. 

Wall Street Journal, 16 S. William st. 

Weekly Bulletin, 76 William st. 

Wild Oats, 59 Beekman st 

Wine and Fruit Reporter, 45 Beaver st. 

WodohuU & Claflin's Weekly ,111 Nassau st. 

Young American, 537 Pearl st. 

Monthly Fublicatloni. 

Advance, 75 Gold st. 
Aldine, 58 Maiden Lane. 
Alte und Neue Welt, 311 Broadway. 
American Age, 245 Broadway. 
American Agriculturist, 245 Broadway. 
American Bibliopolist, 84 Nassau st. 
American Brewer, 5 Frankfort st. 
American Brewer's Gazette, 194 Fulton st. 
American Builder, 176 Broadway. 
American Educational Monthly, 14 Bond. 
American Engineering, 269 Pearl. 
American Industries, 14 Park place. 
American Literary Bureau, 20 Cooper Un. 
American Lloyds, 85 Wall st. 
American Locomotive Engineer, 269 Pearl. 
American Messenger, 150 Nassau st. 
American Missionary, 56 Reade st. 
American Progress, 339 Broadway. 
Amigo de Los Ninos, 40 Broadway. 
Aquatic Monthly, 83 Union square. 
Art Journal, 551 Broadway. 
Ateneo (El), 81 Park Row. 
Atlantic, 13 Astor place. 
Bankers' Magazine, 251 Broadway. 
Bible Society Record, 4 Bible House. 
Biblical Museum, 52 Fourth av. 
Blackwood's Magazine, 41 Barclay st. 
Body and Mind, 137 Eighth street, 
Botschaften, 150 Nassau st. 
Boys of America, 537 Pearl st. 
Budgjet of Fun. 537 Pearl st. 
Carrier Dove, 22 Bible House. 
Catholic World, 9 Warren st. 
Centennial Art Journal, 409 Broadway. 

Child's Paper, 150 Nassau st. 
Child's World, 7 Bible House. 
Christian Patriot, 37 Park row. 
Christian World, 45 Bible House. 
Church Gazette. 153 East 39th st. 
Contemporary Review, 25 Bond st. 
Delineator (The), 555 Broadway. 
Demorest's Monthly, 17 East 14th st. 
Dental Monitor, 25 West 23d st. 
Domestic Monthly, 849 Broadway. 
Druggists' Circular, 36 Beekman st- 
Eclectic Magazine, 25 Bond st. 
Electrical Era, 7 West 14th st. 
Espejo (El), 4 Cedar st. 
Family Friend, 52 Fourth av. 
Family Journal, 292 Broadway.. 
Fire Record, 65 Liberty st. 
Floral Cabinet, 46 Beekman st. 
Friendly Visitor, 52 Fourth av. 
Galaxy, 677 Broadway. 
God's Glad Tidings 15 Bible House. 
Golden Hours, 39 tfassau st. 
Golden Hours, 805 Broadway. 
Good Cheer, 102 Chambers st. 
Good Things, 25 Bond st, 
Good Words, 103 Chambers st. 
Grand Army Gazette, 28 Centre st. 
Grangers' Price Current, 33 Beekman st. 
Guide to Holiness, 14 Bible House. 
Hall's Journal of Health, 137 Eighth st^ 
Harper's New Monthly, 331 Peafl st. 
Herald of Health, 13 Laight st. 
Here and There, 115 Broad st. 
Hive, 52 Fourth av. 



Home Journal of Health, 849 Broadway. 
Home Missionary, 34 Bible House. 
Home and Abroad, 32 Bible House. 
Homilist, 52 Fourth av. 
Household Magazine, 41 Park Kow. 
Housekeeper, 69 Duane St. 
Hub, 333 Pearl st. 
Humorist, 33 Park Row. 
Importer, 42 Pine St. 
Industrial Monthly Magazine, 176 B'way. 
Infant's Magazine, 52 Fourth av. 
Insurance Age, 365 Broadway. 
Insurance Law Journal, 176 Broadway. 
Insurance Monitor, 176 Broadway. • 
Insurance Times, 137 Broadway. 
Iron Age, 10 Warren st. 
Kind Words, 53 Fourth av. 
Ladies' Floral Cabinet, 46 Beekman st. 
Ladies' Own Magazine, 11 Clinton place. 
Ladies' Repository, 805 Broadway. 
Lady's Magazine, 587 Pearl st. 
Life Boat, 80 Wall St. 
Little Gem, 46 Beekman st. 
London Lancet, 52 John street. 
Macmillan's Magazine, 21 Astor place. 
Manufacturers' Review, 18 Exchange p). 
Manufacturers and Builders', 87 Park row. 
, Messenger, 150 Nassau st. 
Millers' Journal, 84 Park Row. 
Mirror of Fashion, 615 Broadway. 
Missionary Advocate, 805 Broadway. 
Missionary Herald, 39 Bible House. 
Missionary Link, 47 East 21st st. 
Monthly Packet, 52 Fourth av. 
Morning, 33 Park Row. 
Morning Light, 150 Nassau st. 
Morning of Life, 52 Fourth av. 
Mothers' Magazine, 5 Beekman st. 
Morford'sAmerican Traveller, 56 Broadway 
Musical Globe, 2 Clinton place. 
My Paper, 102 Chambers st. 
National Agriculturist, 128 Nassau st. 
National Bank Note Reporter, 76 Nassau st. 
National Protestant. 67 Liberty st. 
National Teachers' Monthly, lllWilliam st. 
National Temp. Advocate, 5i8 Reade st. 
Needle, 25 Park Row. 
New Era, 67 William st. 
New Remedies, 27 Great Jones st. 
New York Journal of Health, 13 Union sq. 
New York Medical Journal, 551 Broadway. 
New York Trade Gazette, 75 Gold st. 
Nick Nax, 49 Liberty st. 
Normal Class, 805 Broadway. 
Novo Mundo, 39 Park Row. 
Old and Young, 102 Chambers st. 
Our own Fireside, 176 William st. 

Painters' Magazine, 42 Cedar st. 

Paper Makers' Monthly, 77 Duane st. 

Parish Visitor, 3 Bible House. 

Patent Right Gazette, 94 Chambers st. 

Peerless, 88 East 10th st. 

Penny Post, 52 Fourth av. 

Phrenological Journal, 737 Broadway. 

Phunny Fellow, 31 Rose st. 

Pictorial World, 75 Gold st. 

Pleasant Hours, 537 Pearl st. 

Popular Science Monthly, 551 Broadway. 

Portfolio, 706 Broadway. 

Practitioner, 31 Astor Place. 

Presbyterian Quarterly, 88 John st. 

Safeguard, 36 Broad st. 

Sailor's Magazine, 80 Wall st. 

St. Nlcliolas Magazine, 743 Broadway. 

St. Paul's Magazine, 35 Bond st. 

Sanitarian, 234 Broadway. 

Science of Health, 737 Broadway. 

Science Gossip, 308 Fourth av. 

Scribner's Magazine, 743 Broadway. 

Seaman's Friend, 80 Wall st. 

Sewing Machine Journal, 66 Bible House. 

Singers' Journal, 60 Chatham st. 

Sound Words, 15 Bible House. 

Spectator, 16 Dey st. 

Spirit of Missions, 22 Bible House. 

Student's Journal, 563 Broadway. 

Sunday, 62 Fourth av. 

Sunday at Home, 7 Bible House. 

Sunday Magazine, 52 Fourth av. 

Sunday School Chronicle, 52 Fourth av. 

Sunday School Journal, 805 Broadway. 

Sunday School Times, 52 Fourth av. 

Sunday School World, 7 Bible House. 

Sunshme, 52 Fourth av. 

Tailors' Review, 555 Broadway. 

Technologist, 176 Broadway. 

Temperance Magazine, 383 Broome st. 

Ten Weeks, 35 Bible House. 

Truth Seeker, 835 Broadway. 

U. States Insurance Gazette, 153 Broadway. 

Univers lUustre (L'), 41 Liberty st. 

Van Nostrand's Eclectic Engineering, 33 

Murray st. 
Watchmaker and Jeweler, 65 Nassau st. 
Work and Play, 57 Bible House. 
Working Church, 57 Bible House. 
Working Teacher, 89 Liberty st. 
Workshop, 82 Frankfort st. 
Yankee Notions, 49 Liberty st. 
Young Catholic, 9 Warren st. 
Young Israel, 17 Cedar st. 
Your Paper, 33 Park Row. 
Youth's Temperance Banner, 58 Reade st. 


Quarterly Publications. 

Advertiser's Gazette, 40 Park Row. 
African Repository, 44 Bible House. 
American Journal of Obstetrics, 37 Great 

Jones St. 
American Life Assurance Magazine, 153 

Congregational Magazine, 69 Bible House. 
Edinburgh Review, 41 Barclay st. 
Happy Hours, 1 Chambers st. 

Leaf Cluster, 805 Broadway. 
Methodist Quai-terly Review, 805 Broad- 
Missionary Echo, 2 Bible House. 
Musical Monitor, 55 Maiden lane. 
Photographic Review, 25 Bond st. 
Pulpit and Rostrum, 14 Bond st. 
Real Estate Journal, 345 Broadway. 

Semi-Weekly Publications. 

City Gazette, 2,401 Third av. I Eco d'ltalla, 51 Liberty st. 

Cronlsta (El), 64 Broadway. I Shipping and Commercial List, 4 Cedar st. 

Semi-Monthly Publications. 

American Bookseller, 121 Nassau st. 
American Gas Light Journal, 42 Pine st. 
American, illustrated. 39 Park Row. 
Education, Popular, 40 Broadway. 

Journal of the Telegraph, 195 Broadway. 
Lutherische Herald, 39 Centre st. 
Novellcn-Schatz, 19 Dey st. 
Precio Corrients Americano, 237 Broadway. 


Rooms, 8th floor Western Union Telegraph Company's Building. 
James W. Simonton, OemrcU Agent. 


Rooms, ill Nassau Street. 
C. A. O'RouEKE, MarMger. 

New York Newspapers and Periodicals. 

The Bally, Weekly, and Semi- Weekly papers, and Monthly and Quarterly 
publications, now number about four hundred. The Dailies are mostly issued 
in the interest of the different politicl parties, or stand independent, wliile 
others are devoted to different kinds of business pursuits ; a few being issued 
in foreign languages. The Weekly, Semi- Weekly, and Montlily publications 
are of all kinds — devoted to the Arts, Manufactures, Trade and Commerce, as 
well as Miscellaneous reading. Of the latter are many Religious publications. 
The Quarterly publications are comparatively few, being mostly devoted to 
Religious subjects. Medical, etc. 

Note. — The list as here published, has been revised from the books of Messrs. 
Geo. p. Rowell & Co., publishers of the American Newspaper Directory, and 
wiU be found accurate and complete. 




PORTS— 1876. 

New York to Bremen, via Southampton, England — Per " North Gbbman 
Lloyd" Steamship Linb — Established 1858 — Steamsliips America, Donau, 
Frankfort, Oraf Bismarck, Habtburg, Hansa, Hermann, Marumer, HoMnzoUern, 
Holienatauffen, Eoln, Kronpririz, Fr. W., Main, Mosel, Neckar, Oden, Rliein, 
Strasburg, Salier and Weier — Sailing every Saturday. Oblrichs & Co., 
Agents, No. 2 Bowling Green, New York. 

Ne-wr York to Plymouth, Cherbourg and Hamburg — Per " Hambubg-Ameri- 
CAN Packet Co." — Established 1856. — Steamships Allemannia, Bavaria, Bo— 
russia, Cimhra, Franconia, Frisia, Oellert, Oermania, Ooethe, Hammonia, Her 
der, Hohatia, Elopatoek, Lessing, Zotharingia, Pommerania, Rhenania, Saxonia. 
Silesia, Suerma, Teutonia, Thuringia, Vandalia and Westplialia — Sailing from 
Hoboken every Thursday. Kunhardt & Co, , Agents, 61 Broad Street, and 
C. B. Richard & Boas, General Passenger Agents, 61 Broadway, New York. 

New York to Havre, France — Per "General Transatlantic Co." — Steame 
ships Amerigue, France, Lafayette, Labrador, Periere, Saint Laurent, Ville d. 
Paris and Washington — Sailing every other Saturday from Pier No. 60, N. R- 
LouiB DB Bedian, Agent, 55 Broadway, New York. 

New York to Glasgow — Calling at Londonderry, Ireland — Per " Anchor 
Line" — Steamers Alsatia, AncTioria, Anglia, Australia, Bolivia, Caledonia, 
California, Castalia, Elysia, Ethiopia, Europa, India, Italia, Nubia, Trinacria, 
Utopia and Victoria — Sailing every Saturday from Pier No. 20, North River. 
Henderson Bros., Agents, 7 Bowling Green. 

Nevr York to Marseilles, France, and Ports in the Mediterranean — Per "Au- 
CHOR Line." — Steamers Acadia, Alexandria, Assyria, Columbia, Despatch, 
Dorian, Napoli, Olympia, Scotia, Scandinavia, Shamrock, Sidonian and Tyrian. 
Sail every week from Pier 21, N. R. Henderson Bros., Agents, 7 Bowling 

New York to Iiiverpool — Calling at Cork. — (Cunard Line — Established, 1840.) 
— Per British & North America Royal Mail Steamships Abyssinia, 
Algeria, Aleppo, Atlas, Batama, Calabria, China, Cuba, Hecla, Java, Kedar, 
Malta, Marathon, Morocco, Olympus, Palmyra, Parthia, Bussia, Samaria, Scotia, 
Siberia, Sidon, Tarifa, Trinidad, Bothnia, Scythia and Saragassa. Sailing from 
New York every Wednesday and Saturday ; from Boston twice a week. — 
Chas. G. Franckltn, Agent, 4 Bowling Green, N. Y. ; Jas. Alexander, 
Agent, 99 State street, Boston. {See Adv.) 


New York to Liverpool — Calling at Cobk, Ireland. — Per National Steambhip- 
Company's Steameus Spain, Bgypt, The Queen, Erin, England and Hdvetia. 
Sailing Saturdays from Pier 47, North River. — P. W. J. Hubbt, Manager, 
C'J Broadway, N. Y. The most Southerly Eoute has always been adopted by 
this Company, to avoid ice and headlands. 

New York to London. — Per National Line Stbameks Italy, Ih-ance, Canada, 
Greece, Denmark and Holland. Sailing from Piers 44 and 47, North River, 
fortnightly. — F. W. J. Hukst, Manager, 69 Broadway, N. Y. 

New York to Liverpool, via Queenatown. — Per " White Star Line Stbam- 
BBs" Adriatic, Baltic, Britannic, Germanic, Celtic, Oceanic and JRepvilic^ 
(Carrying the U. S. Mails.) Sailing every Saturday. — R. J. Cobtis, Agent, 
37 Broadway. 

New York to Bristol, ENGLAND. — Per Geeat Westebn S. 8. Line. — Steam- 
ers Arragon, Cornwall, Great Western and Somerset, sailing from Pier 18, East 
River. — W. D. Mobqan, Agent, 70, South street. New York. 

New York to Liverpool — Calling at Qdeenbtown. — " Inman Line." (Estab- 
lished 1850.) City of New York, City of BrooMyn, City.of BrusaeU, (Xty of Lon- 
don, City of Paris, City of Antuierp, City of Limeri^, City of Bristol, City of 
Oheiter, City of Montreal, City of Biehmond, and City of BerUn. Sailing every 
Saturday from Pier 45, North River. — John G. Dale, Agent, 15 Broadway. 

To Liverpool and Queenstown. — Per Livebpool and Gbbat Webtebn' 
Steam Company's Steamebb (carrying the U. S. Mails), Iddlia, Nevada, Wiseon- 
'tin, Wyoming, Dakota and Montana. Sailing every Tuesday from Pier 46, North 
River. Passage Office, 29 Broadway.— Williams & Guion, 03 Wall street. 

New York to Glasgow and Belfast. — Per State Line Steamebb Alabama, 
Georgia, Louisiana, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Indiana and Nevada. 
Sailing every Thursday from Eagle Pier, Hoboken. — Austin Baldwin & 
Co. , Agents, 72 Broadway, N. Y. 

New York to Antwerp. — Per "White Cross Line" Steamebb Steinmann, C. 
F. Funch and Auguste Andre. — Punch, Edye «& Co., Agents, 27 South Williaia 

New York to Rotterdam. — Per Nethbblands-Amebican Steam Nayiqation 
Company's Steamebb Moos, Botterdam, P. Caland, and W. A. Schotten. — 
Sailing every second Thursday from Pier near Pavonia Perry, J. C. — ^Punch, 
Edye & Co., Agents, 27 South WilUam street. 

New York to Hull, XSngland. — Calling at Southampton. — Per "Wilson 
Line." — Steamers Colombo, Hindoo, Navarino and Otfiello. Sail from Pier No. 
53, N. R. Chas. L. Wbight «fc Co., Agmts, 56 South Street, New York. 

New York to Rio de Janeiro. — Calling at St. Thomas, W. I., Para, Per- 
nambuco, Bahia, and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. — ^Per Unitbo States and 
Bbazil Mail Steamships OntaHo, South America and Merrimack. Sailing 
from Pier 43, N. R., New York, on the 23d of every month.— Connect with 
steamers running to Montevideo and Buenos Aybes. — Wm. R. Gabbison, 
Agent, 5 Bowling Green, New York. 


New York to Havana, Progresso, Campeachy, Vera Oruz, Tuxhan, Tam- 
pico and New Orleans.— Per New York, Havana and Mexican Mail 
Steamship Line. Steamers Gity of Mexico, City of Merida, City of Vera> 
Cruz, City of New York, City of Havana and Cuba. Sailing from Pier No.. 
3, N. E.— F. Alexander & Sons, 33 Broadway, New York. 
Note. — The Steamers remain at several of the above Ports sufQcient time for- 
visit back in the interior, making the trip specially attractive for both tour- 
ists and invalids at any season of the year, from either New York or New 

Neijr York to Havana, Direct Mail Iiino. — Steamers sail every Tuesday. 
from Pier 13, N. R., at 3 P. M. Steamers Orescent City, Cohimlms, Coltmibia,. 
Mora Castle and Wilmington.— yf. P. Cltdb & Co., 6 Bowling Green, New 

New York to Hayti, Jamaica, Venezuela and Spanish Main. — Per Thk 
Atlas Steamship Company's Mail Steamers Andes, Atlas, Alps,. 
Glaribel and JEtna. — Sailing bi-monthly from Pier No. 12, N. B. Pim, For- 
ward & Co., Oenerai Agents, 56 Wall Street. 

American Iiine. — Weekly Mail Steamship service between Philadelphia and 
Iiiverpool. — Calling at Queenstown, sailing every Thursday from Philadel- 
phia, and sailing every Wednesday from Liverpool. The following steamers 
are appointed to sail from Philadelphia : Ohio, Pennsylvania, *Kenilworth, 
Indiana, Illinois and *Lord CliWi Prices of Passage in Currency — Cabin $75 
to $100, according to location. Steerage and intermediate tickets to and from 
all points at the lowest rates. * Steamers marked with a star do not carry 
intermediate. Passenger accommodations for all classes unsurpassed. For 
passage, rates of freight, and other information, apply to Geo. W. Colton, 
Agent, No. 42 Broad Street; John McDonald, Passenger A^ent, No. 8 Battery 
Place, New York. Richardson, Spbncb & Co., Liverpool. ' Peter. 
Wright & Sons, General Agents, 307 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. 

Ziines of Ocean Steamers Running firom American to European Ports. 


American Steamship Co 6 Philadelphia to Li verpool. 

, „ _ . Oft i Montreal and Quebec to Liverpool. 

AllanLme ^0 ^ Sail from Portland, Me., in Winter. 

" " 8 Baltimore to Halifax and Liverpool. 

Anchor Line 17 New York to Glasgow. 

" " 13 New York to Marseilles, &c. 

Cunard Line .26 New York and Boston to Liverpool. 

General Transatlantic 

(French Line) 7 New York to Havre. 

Great Western 4 New York to Bristol, England. 

„ . . , . T • oA S New York to Plymouth, Cherbourg 

Hamburg- American Line 24 | and Hamburg. 

InmanLine 12 New York to Liverpool. 

Liverpool and Great Western 8 New York to Liverpool. 


If ational Line 7 New York to LiverpooL 

" " 5 New York to London. 

INorse American 6 New York to London. 

Netherlands- American 4 New York to Rotterdam. 

JNorth German Lloyd's 20 N. Y. to Southampton and Bremen. 

" " " 5 Baltimore to Southampton and Bremen. 

State Line 8 New York to Glasgow. 

"White Cross Line -- 3 New York to Antwerp. 

"White Star Line 7 New York to Liverpool. 

■Ocean Steamers Running firom New York to the West Indies, South 
American Ports, &c. 


Atlas Steamship Co 7 New York to Hayti, Jamaica, &c. 

Havana Direct Mail Line 5 New York to Havana. 

New York and Mexican 8. 8. Line 6 New York to Havana, Vera Cruz, &c. 

U. S. and Brazil S. 8. Co 3 St. Thomas, W. I. . Para, & Rio Janeiro. 

United States Mail Steamer 1 New York to St. Domingo. 

Pacific Mail Steamship Co 4 New York to Aspinwall. 

" " " " 6 Panama to San Francisco. 

" " " " 7 San Francisco to Japan and China. 

,, „ „ „ , ( Shanghai Branch Line — Yokohama to 

( Shanghai, &c. 

Australian and American Mail \ a \ San Francisco to Honolulu and Aus- 

8. 8. Co f * \ tralia. 

Ne^v York to California, Japan and China, via AspintirsSl and 
Panama. — Steamers leave New Yoke on the 15th and 30th of each month. 
The Freight Steamers leave Jan. 9th, and every fourteen days thereafter, 
carrying Passengers, Mails and Freight to the "Pacific Coast of Mexico, 
Central America, Peru, Chili, California, Japan and China. 

Steamers of the above Line leave San iVancisco semi-monthly for Japan 
and China, connecting with Steamship Lines for different parts of the 
World.— H. J. BuLLAY,, Pier 34 North River, foot of Canal St., N. Y. 

Atlantic Ijlne Steamers. — Henry Clumncey, Colon, Acapidco, and Oity of 

.Pacific Iilne. — Arizona, ConatUution, Montana, Oolima, Oranada and Dakota. 

Trans-Pacific liine. — Alaska, Colorado, China, Oreat Beptiblie, City of Peking, 
City of Tokio, Oceanic, Belffic, and Oaelic. 

Shanghai Iiine. — ^Mitbu Bitshu (Japanese) Co. — Costa Siea, Golden Age, Oregon- 
tan, and Nevada. — J. S. Cox, Agent, San Francisco, Cal. 

A.ustrallan and American Mall Steamship Company's Steamers. — City of 
San Prandsco, City of Sydney, City of New York, Zealandia,* and Aristralia, sail 
from San Francisco for Sydney, Australia, via Honolulu and Fiji Islands, 
stopping at New Zealand. — R. W. Fokbks, Agent, 14 South William Street. 
New York. 

* EngUeh steamers running in the Line. 



Anchor Line. — Steamer Mhiopia, ran from Londonderry, Ii'eland, to Sandv 
Hook, 1875, in 8 days, 18 hours. 

Cunard Line. — Steamer Busaia, in May, 1869, ran from New York to Queens- 
town, Ireland, in 8 days, 2 hours and 34 minutes ; from Queenstown to New 
York, in 8 days. 

French Line. — Steamship Pereire, ran from New York to Brest, France, 
3,000 miles, in 7 daiys, 22 hours; Havre to New York, in 8 days, and 12 hours. 

Inman Line. — Steamer Oity of Berlin, ran from New York, (Sandy Hook), 
to Queenstown, 2,843 miles, in 7 days, 16 hours and 48 minutes; returned in T 
days, 18 hours and 3 minutes.* City of Bichmond, from New York to Queens- 
town, Deo. 1875, in 7 days, and 18 hours ; returned in 8 days, 12 minutes. 

White Star Line. — Steamer Adriatie, ran from Queenstown to New York, in 
7 days, 23 hours and 17 minutes; steamer Baltic, New York to Queenstown, in 
7 days, 20 hours and 9 minutes. 

*Thi3 was the fastest passage out and home ever made across the Atlantic, ac- 
complished by the new steamer " City of Berlin", in 1875. 



Alexandria, Vir. — Merchants' Line {New York, Alex., Wash. & Georgetown 8. 
S. Co.). Every Saturday at 4 P. M., from Pier 41 E. R. J. C. Kbntow,, 
Agent, 226 South street. 

Boston, Mass. — Metropolitan 8. 8. Go., Outside Line, every Tuesday, Thursday 
and Saturday, at 4 P. M., from Pier 11 N. R. R. P. Dimook, agent, 80 West 

Narragansett 8. 8. Co., via Newport and Fall River, daily from Pier 30 
N. R., at 4 P. M. Borden & Lovbll, agents, 70 West street. 

8tonington Line, via Stonington, daily from Pier 33 N. R., at 4 P. M. 
Agent on the Pier. 

Brunswick, Ga. — Fernandina Steamers, at Pier 8, N. R., receive freight for 
this place, and leave it on return trip to New York. 

Charleston, S. O. — New York & Oha/rleston 8. 8. Co., every Wednesday and 
Saturday, at 3 P. M., from Pier 29, N. R. J. W. Quintabd & Co., agents, 
177 West street. 

City Point, Va — See "Norfolk, Vir." 

Fernandina, Pla. — ^Via Port Royal, 8. 0. Merchants' 'Line, about every Thurs- 
day at 3 P. M.,_from Pier 3, N. R. H. Gbubke, agent, 5 William street. 

Galveston, Tei^—MaMory's Line, every Saturday at 3 P. M., from Pier 20 E. R. 
C. H. Malloby & Co., agents, 153 Maiden lane. Also via New Orleans, by 
Morgan's Line of steamers, from Pier 36 N. R. 

Georgetown, D. C— See "Alexandria, Vir." 


JKey West, Fla. — Mallory'i Line of steamers for Galveston stop here with TJ. 8. 
mails, (fee. See " Galveston, Tex." 

liowes, Del.— OM Bominwn, 8. 8. Co., about twice a week, at 4 P. M., from 
Pier 37 N. R. 

Hew Bedford, "^NS.a.ia.—PUmeer Line, every day at 4 P. M., from Pier 39 E. 
R. Barling <fc Davis, agents, 46 South street. 

JNewbem, N. O. — A steamer about every ten days from Pier 15 E. R. Josiah 
J. White, agent, 118 Wall street. 

Kew Orleans, Lou. — Morgan's Line. Every Saturday at 3 P. M., from Pier 36 
N. R. C. A. Whitney & Co., agents. Pier 36 K. R. 

Oromwdl Line. Every Saturday at 3 P. M., from Pier 9 N. R. Freight 
received daily to 5 P. M. Clark & Seaman, agents, 86 West street. 

ITorfolk, Va. — Old Dominion 8. 8. Co. To Norfolk, Portsmouth, City Point and 
Richmond. Steamers sail regularly every Tuesday, Thursday ana Saturday, 
at 3 P. M., to all the above ports ; also, extra steamers leave frequently for 
Norfolk and Portsmouth on intermediate days. OflSc'e, 197 Greenwich street. 

Philadelphia, Penn.—CTy«fo's Xjtm, at 3 P. M., from Pier 33 E. R. W. P. 

Clyde & Co., agents, 6 Bowling Green and Pier 33 E. R. {See Adv.) 
Portland, Maine. — Portland & New York 8. 8. Co. Every Monday and 

Thursday, at 3 P. M., from Pier 38 E. R. J. F. Ames, agent, on Pier 38 

E. R. 

Port Royal, S. O.— See "Femandina, Fla." 

Richmond, Vir.— See "Norfolk, Vir." 

Savannah, Geo. — Murray's Line. About every Tuesday, at 3 P. M., from Pier 
16 E. R. Murray, Ferris & Co., agents, 62 South street. 

Bmpire Line. About every Thursday and Saturday, at 3 P. M. , from Pier 
43 N. R. W. R. Garrison, agent, 5 Bowling Green. 

BlMk Bta/r lane. About every Saturday, at 3 P. M., from Pier 13 N. R. 
R. LowDEN, agent, 93 West street. 

"Wilmington, N. O. — Clyde's Line. About every Wednesday and Saturday, at 
3 P. M., from Pier 13 N. R. W. P. Clyde & Co., agents, 6 Bowling Green. 

Washington, D. O. — See "Alexandria, Vir." 


During the season of navigation, which usually lasts from March to December, 
lines of steamers run from New York to Yonkers, Nyack, Sing Sing, and Peek- 
skill, 45 miles, stopping at intermediate landings on both sides of the river. 

Lines of steamers also run to Peekskill, West Point, Newburgh, and Pough- 
keepsie, making landings on both sides of the river, carying passengers and 

Steamers run from New York to Rondout, Ulster County, carrying passengers 
and freight, including a large amount of Lackawanna coal, brought by canal 



from northern Pennsylvania. Steamers also run from New York to Hudson, 
carrying passengers and freight. 

The Peopk's Line of Steamers, of a large class, run from New York to Albany, 
145 miles ; also a Day Line of Steamers, passing up and down the noble Hudson 
by daylight, connecting with the New York Central and other railroads. 

The New York and Troy Line of Steamers leave every evening, connecting 
■with railroads running north and west. 

During warm weather, the Albany and Troy Steamers are the favorite modes 
of travel for health and pleasure. 


A line of steamers run from New York to New Haven, Conn. , connecting 
-with railroads running north and eash, forming a through line of travel to Hart- 
ford, Springfield, and the north. 

A line of steamers run to New London and Norwich, Conn., connecting with a 
railroad line running to Worcester, Boston, etc. 

The Providence and Stonington Line of Steamers run from Pier 33, North Kiver, 
to Stonington, Conn.; also, direct to Providence, P.. I., from Pier 37, N. R. 
The Steamers landing at Stonington are of a large class and connect with railroads 
running to Providence and Boston, Mass., forming a speedy mode of convey 
ance. First-class through fare, $4. 

The FaU River Line of Steamers, via Newport, form a through line of travel 
to Boston and all points east. These Steamers are of a large class, carrying 
passengers and freight. They leave daily, every afternoon, from Pier 38, N. R., 
foot of Murray Street. 

Steamers also run from New York to Bridgeport, Conn., and other ports on 
Long Island Sound, landing on the North Shore of Long Island. 

distances and Mail Time from New York to the principal cities. 

Cities. Mites. 

Augusta, Maine 404 

Bangor, Maine 476 

Baltimore, Md 190 

Boston, Mass 336 

BufEalo, N. Y 434 

Burlington, Iowa 1,107 

Charleston, 8. C 804 

Cheyenne, Wy. Ter 1,911 

Chicago, 111 900 

Cincinnati, Ohio 744 

Cleveland, Ohio 673 

Columbus, Ohio 634 

Des Moines, Iowa 1,359 

Detroit, Michigan 678 

Denver, Col 3,008 

Fort Wayne, Ind 748 

Indianapolis, Ind 812 

Kansas City, Mo 1,373 

Louisville, Ken 854 

Memphis, Tenn 1,165 




Cities. Miles. Hours, 

Milwaukee, Wis 988 40 

Mobile, Ala 1,335 69 

Montreal, Can 400 16 

Nashville, Tenn 1,005 46 

New Orleans, La 1,375 75 

Niagara Falls 450 17 

Omaha, Neb 1,395 60 

Pittsburgh, Penn 433 15 

Portland, Me 344 15 

Quebec, Can 520 34 

Eichmond, Vlr 343 16 

Salt Lake City, Utah 2,464 130 

San Francisco 3,352 168 

Savannah, Geo 928 

St. Louis, Mo., via. Pitt8b'gh.l,060 40 

St. Paul, Minn 1,311 60 

Toledo, Ind 689 37 

Toronto, Can 533 24 

Washington, D. C 228 8 

WUmlngton, N. C 693 38 




Atlantic Coast Iiine, 329 Broadway. 

Atlantic and Great Western, Ticket Of&ce, 305 Broadway. 

Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe, OflBce, 239 Broadway. L. H. NuTrmo, Oen. 

Baltimore and Ohio, Freight and Ticket Office, 261 & 815 Broadway. Pbed. 

W. Rankin, Eastern Pass. Agent, 
Central, (of New Jersey,) 119 Liberty Street, and Piers 13 and 14 North River. 

H. P. Baldwin, Oen. Pass. Agent. It^" Leave from foot of Liberty street. 
Central Vermont, 417 Broadway. 

Chesapeake and Ohio, Office, 229 Broadway. H. W. Carh, Agent, 
Chicago, Burlington and Quincy, Freight Office, 317 Broadway. R. Tbn 

Broeck, Agent. 
Chicago and Northwestern, Office, 53 Wall street, and 415 Broadway. 
Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific, Ticket Office, 257 Broadway. 
Chicago, Mil-waukee and St. Paul, 319 Broadway. 

Cook's Tourist Offices, 361 B'way, G14 Chestnut St. , Phila. , & Fleet St. , London. 
Selatirare, Lackavranna and Western, 26 Exchange Place, and Piers 36 and 48, 

North River. 

Erie Railway, Ticket Office, 389 and 401 Broadway, and foot of Chambers 
street. Passengers leave from foot of Chambers street, and foot 33d street. 

Flushing and North Side, foot of James Slip, E. R., or 34th street. 

Grand Trunk, (Canada) Ticket Office, 175 Broadway. E. P. Beach, Oen. Agent. 

Great Southern Mail Route, Ticket Office, 303 Broadway. 

Great Western, (Canada, Ticket Office, 849 Broadway.) Gen- 

eral Ticket Accountant; John Mdlford, Freight Agent. 

New York Central and Hudson River, Grand Central Depot. C. H. Ken- 
DRicK, Oen. Ticket Agent. Ticket Office, 413 B'way. R. L. Crawford, Agent. 

Illinois Central, 9 Astor House. 

Lake Shore and Michigan Southern, Ticket Office, 353 Broadway. A. 8. 

Winston, Agent. 
Long Island Depot, James slip, E. R. 

Michigan Central, Ticket office, 349_ Broadway. John Mulford, Freight 
Agent. , Passenger Agent. 

Morris and Essex, Depot, foot of Barclay street, foot of Christopher street. 

and Pier 48, N. R. 
Newark and New York, foot of Liberty street. 
New Jersey Railroad and Trans. Com., Ill Liberty street, and foot of Cort- 

landt Street. 

New York and Harlem, Grand Central Depot, Fourth Avenue. 

New York and New Haven, Depot, Fourth Avenue, Grand Central Depot. 

New York and Oswego Midland, Erie R. R. Depot. 


New Jersey Southern, Pier 8, N. R. 

Neiv Yorh and Flushing, foot James slip, B. B. 

New York, Philadelphia and Washington Air Line, Ticket Office, foot of 
Cortlandt street. 

Northern Pacific, Oflice, Land Department, No. 23 Fif tli Avenue, New York. 

Ohio and Mississippi, Office, 261 Broadway. 

Panama, No. 7 Nassau street, and Pier 43 N. R., foot of Canal street. 

Pennsylvania Central, Ticket Offices, No. 1 Astor House, Nos. 626 and 944 
Broadway; No. 8 Battery Place, and at the Depots, foot of Desbrosses and 
Cortlandt streets. S. Carpenter, General Passenger Agent, 536 Broadway. 

Piedmont Air Iiine, 9 Astor House. 

Staten Island, Foot of Whitehall street. 

Stonington Line, 319 Broadway. 

Union and Central Pacific, 387 Broadway. F. Knowland, General Agent. 

Virginia and Tennessee Air Iiine, 303 Broadway. C. E. Evans, Agent. 


" The New York and PJiUaddphia New lAne" having completed the laying 
of its track, forming a junction with the Central New Jersey Railroad and 
the North Pennsylvania Railroad, will immediately complete the necessary pro- 
visions for its freight and passenger traffic. The road was built to break the 
monopoly of railroad business between New York and Philadelphia, and the 
company expects that it will immediately on its completion receive a large share 
of the business between the two cities. The length of the now line, from Lib- 
erty street. New York, to Berk street, Philadelphia, is eighty-eight miles, divided 
as follows : Central Railroad of New Jersey, from New York to Bound Brook, 
33.4 miles ; Delaware and Bound Brook Railroad, 27 miles ; North Pennsylvania 
Railroad, Yardleyville to Philadelphia, 28.0 miles. By the Pennsylvania Rail- 
road Company's leased line, from New York to Germantown Junction the dis- 
tance is 85.6 miles : to Mantua Junction, West Philadelphia, it is 88 miles ; to 
New York Depot, Pennsylvaniai Railroad Company, Market and Thirty-second 
streets, it is 90 miles. The new line has its freight accommodations in this city 
at the foot of Liberty street, and in Philadelphia at Willow street. For pas- 
senger travel excellent accommodations are promised by the new company. 


Adams Express, 59 Broadway, New York ; 40 Court street, Boston ; 531 
Chestnut street and Sixteenth and Market streets, Philadelphia; 164 Baltimore 
street, Baltimore ; 235 Pennsylvania avenue, Washington. 

American Express, 65 Broadway, New York ; 98 Washington street, Boston; 
Albany, Buffalo and the West. 

Central Express, 69 Broadway, New York ; 581 Chestnut street, Philadel- 


New Jersey Sxpress, 59 Broadway, New York ; Newark, Trenton &c., and 
631 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. 

National Express, 65 Broadway, New York ; Albany. Troy, Saratoga 
Springs, Montreal, &c. 

Philadelp^a and Reading Railroad Oo.'s Express, 634 Chestnut street, 
Philadelphia; Reading, Easton, &c., and 33 College Place, New York. 

Southern Express, 59 Broadway. 

United States Express, 83 Broadway, New York ; Buffalo, Cleveland, De- 
troit, Chicago and the West. 

Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Express, 65 Broadway, New York; Salt Lake City, 
Utah; Sacramento, San Francisco, &c. 

Westcott Express Co., 785 Broadway and 181 Fifth Avenue. 

American-European, 73 Broadway. Austin Baldwin & Co. 
American, Foreign and European, 40 Broadway. 
British and Foreign, 08 Broadway. 
Oarrington & Co., 3 Bowling Qreen. 
European Express, 45 Broadway. 
Morris European, 50 Broadway. 

Jones, S. C, Foreign Express Company, 48 Broadway. 
European and East India, 48 Broadway. 


Since the completion of the first line of Telegraph, in 1844, between the Cities 
of Washington and Baltimore, a distance of forty miles, the Government of the 
United States having appropriated $30,000 for that purpose to the late Prof. 
Morse, the construction of telegraph lines has increased with wonderful 
rapidity. Now, 1875, the Western Union Telegraph Co. alone has 175,000 miles 
of wire in use, extending across the Continent of America, and from near the 
Gulf of St. Lawrence to the Gulf of Mexico, connecting with transatlantic 
lines to almost all parts of the habitable globe. 


Having Offices in the City of New York: 

Anglo-American Telegraph Company. Five cables ; capital, £7,000,000. 
Principal oflices, London, England. Agents in America, Western Union Tele- 
graph Co. Itgr'The Line extends from Plaister Cove, N. S., to Valencia, Ire- 
land. Cyitos W. Field, BirecU/r, New York. 

American District Telegraph, No. 03 Broadway, New York. This Com- 
pany will furnish a Telegraphic Apparatus to Private Dwellings, Stores, Offices, 
Restaurants, &c., connecting Subscribers with District Offices, affording protec- 
tion and convenience by means of a private pohce and messenger service. 
Elisha W. Andbbws, President; A. W. Gbeenlbaf, Treasurer; C. B. Hotch- 
KI6S, Seeretary. 


AUantic and Pacific, 145 Broadway. Capital, $10,000,000. Thos. T. Eck- 
KRT, President ; Albert B. Chandler, 8earetary. These lines extend across 
the Continent, from New York to San Francisco, California. Messages trans- 
mitted by the Direct Cable Company to Europe and all parts of the world. 

The Franklin Telegraph Co., 145 Broadw^. Capital, $1,000,000, Extends 
from Boston, Massachusetts, to Washington, D. C, including all intermediate 
cities. It connects at its termini with all the opposition Telegraph Companies, 
which extend over the greater part of the United States and Canada. Thos. 
T. EcKBRT, President; Alfred Nelson, Treasurer. 

Direct United States Cable Company, 16 Broad street, New York. In 
direct communication through the Company's own Cables with Europe, and 
connected with all Telegraphic Lmes throughout the entire world. Opened to 
the public September 15th, 1875 ; extends from. Ballingskelleg's Bay to Rye 
Beach, N. H., 3,060 miles. 

Gold and Stock, ^o. 195 Broadway. Capital, $3,500,000. This Company 
furnishes Gold and Stock Quotations, Cotton and Produce Exchange, and gene- 
ral Commercial News Reports to its subscribers, by Telegraphic Printing In- 
struments, at their respective places of business. Marshall Lefferts, I*resi- 
dent; Geoboe B. Prescott, Vice-President; Henkt H. Ward, Secretary and 

International Ocean. OflBce, Western Union Telegraph Company, New 
York. Capital, $1,500,000. Extends from Lake City, Florida, to Havana, 
Cuba. William Orton, President. 

Erie Railway, No. 145 Broadway and Eighth Avenue, cor. West 23d st. 

Southern and Atlantic Telegraph Company, No. 61 New street. New 
Tork; Connect with the Franklin Telegraph Line at Washington, D. C., and 
■extend through the principal points in the Southern States. 

Western Union, 193 and 195 Broadway. Capital, $41,000,000. This 
Company reaches across the Continent, from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, 
and embraces every State and Territory in the Union but Arizona. They also 
connect with Canada Lines of Telegraph, and with the Transatlantic and 
Cuba Cables, having in use 175,000 miles of wire. William Orton, President; 
A, R. Brewer, Secretary; R H. Rochester, Treasurer. 


Are the Anglo-American, Anglo-Mediterranean, British-Indian and Ex- 
tension, British Australian, China Sdb-Marine, China and Japan Ex- 
tension, Cuba Sub-Marine, Direct United States Cable, Falmouth, 
Gibraltar and Malta, Great Northern Danish Company, Indo-Euro- 
GIERS AND Malta, Panama and South Pacific, Societe du Cable Trans- 
atlantic Francais, Sub-Marine— Dover, England, to Calais, France ; Sub- 
Marine — England to Denmark. 

B^ A great many Cables of short length, not included in this list, are now 
.at work in various parts of the world. 



Argentine Sep. Edward F. Davison (0. 6.). 128 Pearl street 

Auatria-Hungary. Theo. A. Havemeyer (C. Ot.), Hugo Fritsch (C), 38 Broadway. 

Belgium. Charles Mali (C), 68 Worth street. 

Bolima. Jose Pol (C. G.). 

BrazU. Louis H. F. de Aguiar (C. G.), 13 Broadway. 

CMi. I. B. Casablanca (V. C). 

Golornbia. Miguel Salgar (C. G.), WiUiam street. 

Costa Rica. Jose M. Munos (C. G.). 

Benrruvrk. Henrik BraUn (C), 52 Broadway 

Equador. Jose Jerman Ribsen (C). 

France. L. de Forest C. G.), 4 Bowling Green. 

Germany. H. A. Shumacher (C. G.), F. Ilinkel (C), August Feigel V. C), No. 

2 Bowling Green 
Qreat Britain. Edward M. Archibald (C. G.), John P. Edwards (V. C), Gilbert 

Fraser (2d V. C), 17 Broadway. 
Oreece. D. N. Botassi (C. G.), 56 Stone street. 
(huUemala. Jacobo Baiz (C. G.). 

Hawaiian Islands. Elisha H. Allen (C. G.), 24 Beaver street. 
Hayti. Charles A. Van Bokkelen (C), 29 Front street. 
Italy. Ferdinando de Lucu (C. G.), 7 Broadway. 
Ja/pan. Tetonoske Tomita (V. C), Exchange place. 
Mexico. Juan N. Navarro (C. G.), 52 Exchange place. 
Monaco. Auguste A. Jacquemin (C), 41 Bowling Green. 
Netherlands. Rudolph C. Burlage (C. G.), 45 Exchange place. 
Nicaragua. Alex. I. Cotheal (C. G.), J. R. Espriella (C), 59 WiUiain street. 
Pivraguay. Rafael R. Barthold (C. G.), 40 Stone street. • 
Peru. Josg C. Trary (C), 39 Broadway. 

Portugal. A. M. du C. S. Major (C. G.), G. Amsinck (V. C), 148 Pearl street. 
Busgia. Waldemar Bodesco (C. G.), Robert Schultze (V. C), 52 Exchange place. 
Spain. Hipolito de Uriarte (C. G.), F. Granados (V. C), M. S. de Saurez 

(Secretary), 29 Broadway. 
San Domingo. Leonardo Del Monte (C), William street. 

Suoeeden and Norway. C. B8rs(C.), John W. TornSe (V. C), 18 Exchange place. 
Smtzerland. Jacques Bertschmann (C), Adrian Iselin (V C), 60 Wall street, 
Urugmy. Edwin C. B. Garcia (C. G.), Carlos E Leland (C), 76 Wall street. 
Veneziida. Sacinto G. Cob (C), Antonia A. Munoz (V. C), 24 Broadway. 



In the Year 1800 there were but two Incorporated Banks in the City of New 
York, and in 1612 eight Banks. 

1. The Bauk op New Yokk, incorporated March 1791, to endure until the 

second Tuesday in May 1811 ; charter was renewed until the second Tuesday 
in May 1832. Renewed in 1831 to the 1st January, 1858. Capital, $1,000,000. 
Reorganized in 1858, with capital of $3,000,000; In July, 1865, became a 
National Bank. 

2. The Manhattan Company was incorporated inl709 for tlie purpose of 

supplying tlie City of New York with pure and wholesome water, and for 
other purposes. Charter unlimited. Captal, $3,050,000. 

5. The Mekchantb' Bank, incorporated in 1805, to endure until the first Tues- 
day in June, 1882. Renewed in 1831, till 1857. Capital, $1,490,000. In 1867 
the capital increased to $3,000,000. July, 1865, became a National Bank. 

4. The Mechanics' Bank, incorporated 23d of March, 1810, with a capital of 

$1,500,000. In 1811, increased the capital to $2,000,000. To endure until 
the 2d Tuesday in April, 1832. Renewed in 1831 till 1855. Reorganized 
in 1857, and 1865 became a National Bank. 

5. The Union Bank, incorporated March, 1811, to endure until 1831. Renewed 

in 1831 till 1853. Capital, $1,000,000. In 1833 capital increased to $1,500,- 
000. In July, 1865, became a National Bank. 

6. Bank of America, chartered in 1813 for twenty years ; renewed till 1858. 

Capital, $2,001,200. In 1865 became a National Bank. 

'7. The Phbnix Bank, chartered June 15th, 1812, for twenty years. Continued 
to 1854 Capital $1,500,000. In 1865 became a National Bank. 

8. The City Bank, incorporated in 1812 for twenty years. Extended in 1831 
for twenty years. Capital, $720,000 ; reorganized in 1851, with a capital 
of $1,000,000 ; in 1865 became a National Bank. 

The above eigJii Banks, with an aggregate capital of $10,661,200, weire in ope- 
ration in the City of Now York prior to and during the War of 1812, no new 
banks being chartered for several years thereafter. 




According to " Williama' Begister,'' issued in 1840, there were 18 Banks 
subject to the Safety Fund Act, and six Banlcs not subject, located in the City 
of New Yorli, at the above date, viz. . 

Abstract of the Bank Commissioner's Beport, Janua/ry 24, 1840. 



Naues of Banks. 




Loans, &c. 



Bank of New York 

Merchant's Bank 

Mechanics' Bank 

Union Bank 

Bank of America 

Phenix Bank 

City Bank 

Tradesmen's Bank 

Merchant's Exchange Bank 

National Bonk* 

Mechanics & Traders' 

Butchers & Drovers' Bank 

Greenwich Bank 

Leather Manufacturers' Bank . . . 

Seventh Ward Bank 

Commercial Banlct 

Lafayette Bankt 

Bunk of the State of New York 














































































Totals $16,611,200 







Names of Banks. 




Loans, &c. 



Manhattan Company^ 






North Blver Bank 

Delaware & Hudson Canal Co. .. 
Fulton Bank 



Chemical Manufacturing Co 

New York Dry Dock Co 




* Now Gallatin National Bank. t Failed. 

X Incorporated in the year 1799, for the purpose of supplying the City of New York with 
pure and wholesome water, and with the privilege of using their surplus funds in the pur- 
chase of public or other stock, or in any moneyed transactions or operations. Claiter un.- 



In addition to the Incorporated Banks in operation in 1840, tliere -were the 
following Banking Associations, formed under the General Banking Law : 

Agency of Tmu Bank of tub United States (Philadelphia), 34 Wall Street ; 
George Griswold and Richard Alsop, Associates. 

NoRTn Amebioan Trust AND Banking Company; Capital, $2,000,000; Jo- 
seph D. Beers, President. 

Mechanics' Baneing Association; Capital, $633,000; E. D. Comstock, 

American Exchange Bank; Capital, $1,000,000; David Leavitt, Presi- 
Bank op Commerce; Capital, $5,000,000; John A. Stevens, President. 

New York Banking Company; Capital, $1,000,000; John Delafleld, Presi- 

The aggregate capital of the five Associate Banks, independent of the United 
States Agency, was $9,000,000. 


18 Safety Fund Banks $10,011,300 

6 Banks not subject to the Safety Fund 3,650,000 

6 Associated Banks 9,000,000 

80 Grand total .— $29,261,200 

NEW YORK crrsr banes. 


There are now (1876), seventy-flve Banks in operation in the City of New 
York, of which forty-eight are National Banks, and twenty-seven State Banks, 
having an aggregate capital of $84,115,200. 

The Banks are open daily, from 10 A. M. to 3 P. M., except Sundays, Christ- 
mas Day New Year's Day, Washington's Birthday, the Fourth of July, Deco- 
ration Day, Thanksgiving Day, and the day for holding State elections. 

The interest for discount in the Banks of this City and State is fixed at 7 per 
cent, per annum. Three days of grace are allowed, and the discount taken for 

the same. * ,.,■,,,.! 

Deposits of money or notes for collection must be entered in the dealer s bank- 
book at the time such deposit is made. 



The New York Cleakinq-House Association commenced its operations 
on the 11th day of October, 1853, and consists at the present time (1875) of 
flfty-nine banks, located in the City of New York. The transactions of the 
fiscal year, ending October 1st, 1875, were $34,273,848,191, and the average 
daUy transactions for the same period were $79,336,301. 

WILLIAM A. CAMP, 48 WaU Street, 




AuEBiCAN Exchange,* 138 Broadway. 
Capital, $5,000,000. Organized, 1838. 
Reorganized 1865 as a National Bank. 
George S. Coe, Pres. ; Edmond 
Willson, Cashier ; Dumont Clarke, 
Ass't Cashier. 

Bank op AMERioA.f 46 Wall street/ 
Chartered 1813. Reorganized, 1853. 
Capital, $3,000,000. Wm. L. Jen- 
kins, Pres. ; Robert JafErey, Cashier. 

Bank op Commerce,* Nassau cor. of 
Cedar. Capital, $10,000,000. Organ- 
ized, 1839. Robert Lenox Kennedy, 
President ; George T. Adel, Vice- 
Pres. ; Henry P. Vail, Cashier ; 
Richard King, Ass't Cashier. 

Bank op New York,* 48 Wall street. 
Organized, June 9th, 1784. Incorpo- 
rated 1791. Renewed 1831. Reorgan- 
ized in 1853. Capital, $3,000,000.. 
Charles M. Pry, Pres. ; Henry Ooth- 
out, Vice-President ; Richard B. Fer- 
ris, Cashier. 

Bank op North America, f 44 Wall 
street. Incorporated in 1851. Reor- 
ganized, 1869. Capital. $1,000,000. 
Wiliam Dowd, Pres. ; J. A. Beards- 
ley, Cashier. 

Bank op the Metropolis,! 31 Union 
Square. Organized, 1871. Capital, 
500,000. Robert Schell, Pres. ; Geo. 
M. Groves, Vice-Pres. ; Theo. Riogers, 

Bank op the Republic,* Wall cor. 
Broadway. Organized, 1851. Capi- 
tal, $2,000,000. R. H. Lowiy, Pres. ; 
H. W. Pord, Cashier. 

Bank op the State op New York,* 
38 William street. Incorporated, 1836. 
Reorganized, 1865. Capital, $2,000,- 
000. G. W. Duer, Pres.; Richard 
Patrick, Vice-Pres. ; Charles B. Van 
Wyck, Cashier. 

Bowery,* 62 Bowery. Oreanized, 
1865. Capital, $250,000. Henry P. 
Degraaf, Pres.; R. Hamilton, Cash- 

Broadway,* 237 Broadway. Organ- 
ized, 1849. Capital, $1,000,000. P. 
A. Palmer, Pres. ; Charles Burkhal- 
ter, Vice-Pres.; John L. Everitt, 

Bull's Head,! 340 Third avenue. Or- 
ganized, 1854. . Capital, $300,000. 
James E. Kelley, Pres.; A. 8. Cam- 
eron, Vice-Pres., George P. Vail, 

Butchers and Drover's,* 124 Bow- 
cry. Incorporated in 1830. Reorgan- 
ized in 1853. Capital, $500,000. 
Robert P. Perrin, Pres. ; G. G. Brink- 
erhoff. Cashier. 

Central,* 330 Broadway. Organized, 
1864. Capital, $3,000,000. W. A. 
Wheelock, Pres. ; Wm. M. Bliss, 
Vice-Pres. ; Edward Skillin, Casliier. 

Chatham,* 196 Broaaway. Or^n- 

ized, . Capital, $450,000. Jos. 

M. Cooper, Pres. ; H. W. Belcher, 
Vice-Pres. ; George M. Hard, Cashier. 

Chemical,* 370 Broadway. Incorpora- 
ted in 1834 Reorganized, 1844. 
Capital, $300,000. Jolm Q. Jones, 
Pres. ; George G. Williams, Cashier. 

* National Banks. 

t State Banka. 



CiTiZBKS',* 401 Broadway. Organized, 
1851. Capital, $600,000. Sylvester 
R. Comstock, Pres. ; W. H. Oakley, 

City,* 52 Wall street. Incorporated in 
1812. Reorganized, 1851. Capital, 
$1,000,000. Moses Taylor; Pres.; 
B. Cartwriglit, Cashier. 

CoNTiNENTAi,,* 7 Nassau street. Or- 
ganized, 1853. Reorganized in 1865. 
Capital, $1,500,000. Charles Bard, 
Pres. ■ John T. Agnew, Vice-Pres. ; 
W. J. Harris, Cashier. 

CoKN Exchange,! 13 William street. 
Organized, 1852. Capital, $1,000,- 
000. Wm. A. Falls, Pres. ; Wm. A. 
Nash, Cashier. 

Dry Goods, t 345 Broadway. Organ- 
ized, 1871. Capital, $1,000,000. Wm. 
P. Brintnall, Pres. ; Arthur W. Sher- 
man, Casliier. 

East Rivek,* 682 Broadway. Organ- 
ized, 1852, reorganized, 1865 ; capital, 
$350,000 ; Charles Jenldns, Presi- 
dent; Z. E. Newell, Cashier. 

Eleventh Ward,! Avenue D, comer 
East Tenth street. Organized, 1867 ; 
capital, $200,000 ; John Englis, Pres- 
ident ; C. E. Brown, Cashier. 

Fifth Avenue, Fifth avenue, corner 
Forty -fourth street. Organized, 1875 ; 
capital, $100,000 ; Philip "Van Vol- 
kenburgh. President ; John H. Sher- 
wood, Vice-President ; A. S. Fris- 
sell. Cashier. 

First National,* 94 Broadway. Or- 
ganized, 1863; capital, $600,000; S. 
C. Thompson, President; George 
F. Baker, Cashier. 

Fifth National,* Third avenue, near 
Twenty-seventh street. Organized, 

; capital, $150,000; Richard 

Kelley, President; A. Thompson, 

Fourth National,* Nassau, corner 
Pine street. Organized, 1864 ; capital, 
$5,000,000 ; P. C. Calhoun, Presi- 

dent ; John M. Firman, Vice-Presi- 
dent ; Anthony Lane, Cashier. 

Fulton,* Fulton, corner Pearl. Incor- 
porated, 1824, reorganized, 1865 icap- 
ital, $500,000 ; Thos. Monahan, JPres- 
ident ; R. M. Buchanan, Cashier. 

Gallatin,*36 Wall street. Organized, 
1829 ; capital, $1,600,000 ; F. D. Tap- 
pen, President; A. A. Stevens, 

German American (The),! 1^0 Broad- 
way. Organized, 1870 ; capital, $1,- 
000,000 ; Henry RochoU, President ; 
M. Hartley, Vice-President; F. M. 
Reading, Cashier. 

German Exchange,! 245 Bowery. Or- 
ganized, 1872 ; capital, $200,000 ; M. 
J. Adrian, President ; Adam Fahs, 

Germania,! 185 Bowery. Organized, 
1869 ; capital, $200,000 ; C. Scbwar- 
zaeldjar, President; G. Schreitmiller, 

Grand Central,! 760 Third avenue. 

Organized, ; capital, $100,000 ; 

Chas. E. Lowe, President; Isaac 
Anderson, Cashier. 

Greenwich,! 402 Hudson street. In- 
corporated in 1830 ; reorganized 
1855 ; capital, $200,000; John S. Mc- 
Lean, President ; Wm. Hawes, Cash- 

Grocers'*, 59 Barclay street. Organ- 
ized, 1869; capital, $800,000; Samuel 
B. White, President ; B. E. Watson, 

Hanover* 83 Nassau street. Organ- 
ized, 1851; capital, $1,000,000; James 
Stuart, President; George W. Per- 
kins, Cashier. 

Harlem,! 2,279 Third avenue. Organ- 
ized, 1868; capital, $100,000; Addi- 
tion Smith, President ; Wm. T. Ryer- 
son. Cashier. 

Importers and Traders'* 247 Broad- 
way. Organized 1855 ; capital, $1,- 
600,000 ; James Buell, President ; 

* National Banks. 

t State Banks. 



Kussell Sage, Vice-President ; E. H. 
Perkins, Jr., Cashier. 

Island City (State), 33 Abingdon sq. 
Organized, 1870 ; capital, $300,000; T. 
J. Coleman, President; J. O. Noxon, 

Ikvinq*, Greenwich, comer Warren 
street. Organized,1851 ; capital, $500- 
000 ; Isaac Odell, President ; John 
L. Jewett, Cashier. 

Leather Manupactuheks'*, 39 Wall 
street. Incorporated in 1833 ; reor- 
ganized in 1863 ; capital, $600,000 ; 
N P Palmer, Prfesident ; David L. 
Holden, Cashier. 

LoANEBs'f, 33 Nassau street (for loan- 
ing upon collaterals in hand). Organ- 
ized, 1870 ; capital, $500,000 ; I)orr 
Russell, President; A. D. Russell, 

Manhattan, 40 Wall street. Chartered 
1799 ; unlimited ; capital, $3,050,000; 
J. J. Morrison, President ; J. S. Ilar- 
berger, Cashier. 


Broadway. Organized, 1859 ; capital, 
$500,000 ; A. Masterton, President, 
T. D. Warren, Cashier. 

Marine*, 78 Wall street. Organized 
1853 ; capital, $400,000 ; J. D. Fish, 
President ; Jos. W. Elwell, Vice- 
President ; Jas. Delamater, Cashier. 

Market*, Pearl, corner Beekman. In- 
corporated 1853 ; reorganized, 1865 ; 
capital, $1,000,000 ; R. Bayles, Pres- 
ident ; A. Gilbert, Cashier. 

Mechanics'*, 33 Wall street. Incorpor- 
ated in 1810 ; reorganized, 1857; cap- 
ital, $3,000,000 ; Benj. B. Sherman, 
President; W. H. Cox, Cashier. 

Mechanics' Banking Association*, 38 
Wall street. Organized.1838; capital, 
$500,000 ; Franklin Chandler, Presi- 
dent ; J. H. B. Edgar, Cashier. 

Mechanics and Traders'*, 153 Bow- 
ery. Organized, 1831 ; reorganized 
1857 ; capital, $600,000; E.D.Brown, 
President ; George W. Youle.Cashier. 

Mercantile*, 191 Broadway. Organ- 
ized, 1850 ; capital, $1,000,090 ; Nor- 
man White, President ; N. Amer- 
man. Cashier. 

Merchants*, 43 Wall street. Incor- 
porated in 1805 ; reorganized, 1865 ; 
capital, $3,000,000 ; Jacob D. Ver- 
milye, President ; WUliam Barton, 
Vice - President ; Cor. V. Banta, 

Merchants' Exchanqe* 357 Broad- 
way. Organized, 1839; capital, 
$1,000,000 , Wm. A. Thomson, Pres- 
ident; JohnG. Davis, Vice-President; 
Allen S. Apgar, Cashier. 

Metropolitan*, 108 Broadway. Or- 
ganized, 1853 ; capital, $4,000,000 ; 
John E. Williams, President; George 
J. Seney, Cashier. 

Murray HiLLf , 558 Third avenue. Or- 
ganized, 1870. Capital, $300,000. 
Wm. A. Darling, President ; James 
Striker, Cashier. 

NABSAuf, Nassau, comer Beekman. Or- 
ganized, 1853. Capital, $1,000,000. 
P. M. Harris, President ; Augustine 
Smith, Vice-President; Wm. H. 
Rogers, Cashier. 

National Currency*, 93 Broadway. 
Organized, 1864. Capital, $100,000. 
F. P. Thompson, President; J. H. 
L. Morford, Cashier. 

New York County*, 81 Eighth ave- 
nue. Organized, . Capital, 

$300,000. Francis Leland, Presi- 
dent; Geo. H. WyckoflE, Cashier. 

New York Gold ExcHANGEf, 53 
Broadway. Organized, 1866. Capi- 
tal, $500,000. R. L. Edwards, Presi- 
dent; Wm. S. Mathews, Cashier. 

New York National Exchange*, 136 
Chambers street. Organized, 1851. 
Capital, $500,000. D. B. Halstead, 
President; C. B. Outcalt, Cashier. 

Ninth National*, 407 Broadway. Or- 
ganized, 1864. Capital, $1,500,000. 
John T. Hill, President; H. H. Naz- 
ro. Cashier. 

* National Banks. 

t State Banks. 



North ErvERf , 187 Greenwich street. 
Incorporated in 1831; reorganized, 
1843. Capital, $400,000. L. Apgar, 
President; A. B. Hayes, Cashier. 

OniENTALf, 123 Bowery. Organized, 
1853. Capilnl, $300,000. Washing- 
ton A. Hall, President; H. T. Chap- 
man, jr.. Cashier. 

PACiricf, 470 Broadway. Chartered 
Oct., 1850. Keorganized, 1869. 
Capital, $433,700. Jacob Campbell, 
President ; Robert Buck, Cashier. 

Park*, 214 Broadway. Organized, 1856; 
capital, $3,000,000. Wm. K. Kitchen, 
President ; J. S, Worth, Cashier. 

PEOPLE'sf, 893 Canal street; Organized, 
1851 ; capital, $413,500 ; C. F. Hun- 
ter, President ; G. I. N. Zabriskie, 

Phbnix*, 45 Wall street. Incorporated, 

1813 ; reorganized, 1854 ; capital, 

$1,800,000 ; P. M. Bryson, President; 

■ Eugene Dutlif, Yice-President ; J. 

Parker, Cashier. 

PEODUCEf, 5 College place. Organized, 
1870 ; capital, $250,000 ; T. L. 
Baymond, President ; Samuel Con- 
over, Cashier. 

St. Nicholas*, 7 Wall st. Organized, 
1853 ; capital, $1,000,000 ; J. Leo 
Smith, President ; Arch. Parkhurst, 

Second National*, Fifth avenue, cor. 
23d street ; Organized, 1863 ; capital, 
$300,000 ; Amos H. Trowbridge, 
President ; O. D. Roberts, Cashier. 

Seventh Ward*, 234 Pearl street. 
Incorporated, 1888 ; reorganized, 
1865 ; capital, $300,000 ; Q. Mon- 
tague, President; J. D. W. Grady^ 

Shoe and Leather*, 371 Broadway. 
Organized, 1852; capital, $1,000,000 ; 
A. V. Stout, President; J. M. Crane, 

Sixth National, West 35th st., comer- 
Broadway ; Organized, ; capital, 

$200,000; Cassius Darling, President ;, 
A. E. Colson, Cashier. 

Tenth National*, 15 Nassau street. 
Organized, 1864; capital, $1,000,000 ;. 
Walter B. Palmer, President; George 
Ackerman, Cashier. 

TnniD National*, 39 Pine street. 
Organized, 1863; capital, $1,000,000 j 
J. F. D. Lanier, President ; C. N. 
Jordan, Cashier. 

Tradesmen's*, 291 Broadwa}^. Incor- 
porated ,1823 ; reorganized in 1855 ;. 
capital, $1,000,000 ; Richard Berry, 
President ; A. HaJsey, Cashier. 

Union* 34 Wall street. Incorporated, 
1811 ; reorganized in 1863 ; capital, 
$1,500,000 ; De Witt C. Hays, iPres- 
Ident ; Wm. B. Isham, Vice-Presi- 
dent ; James M. Lewis, Cashier. 

West Sidbj, 464 8th avenue. Organ- 
ized 1869 ; capital, $300,000 ; George- 
Moore, President ; John W. B. Dob- 
ler, Cashier. 


Bane of British North Aukrica 
(Montreal), 53 Wall street. 

Canadian Bank of Commerce (Tor- 
onto), 50 Wall street. Capital and 
surplus, $7,900,000, gold ; Agents, 
James G. Harper and J. H. Goadby. 

Bank of Montreal, 59 & 61 Wall 
street ; R. Bell and C. F. Smithers, 

Merchants' Bank of Canada, 63 Wall 
street; capital, $9,000,000 gold ; paid 
up, $8,103,046, gold ; bills of Exchange 
bought and sold, commercial credits^ 
granted, drafts on Canada issued, 
bills collected, and other banking- 
business transacted. Walter Watson 
and Wm. J. Ingram, Agents; London, 
agency, 33 Lombard street. 

* National Banks. 

-f- State Banks, 



In 1840 there were ovUjfmir Savings Banks in operation in the City of New 
York, as follows : 

{Copied from WiOdcm^ Anrmal BegisterfoT 1840.) 

1. Bank fob Savings in the City of New York. Incorporated March 26, 

1819. John Pintard, Prmdent. Assets, January, 1830, $2,098,394 ; assets, 

1840, 13,228,803. 
The bank had been in operation, at the latter period, twenty and a half years, 

during which time it had opened CG,169 accounts, and received altogether 

from depositors,.- $15,928,622 

To which add interest up to 1st January, 1840 1,693,164 

Closed, during the same period, 39,712 accounts, and paid out 14,496,340 

Leaving 26,457 accounts entitled to this balance $8,125,546 

In 1858 the assets were $8,990,840 

In 1875 the assets had increased to -- 22,538,823 

2. Seamen's Bank fob SAViNas. Incorporated in 1829. Benjamin Strong, 


Assets in 1840 $143,791 

Assets in 1858 - 7,229,455 

Assets in July, 1875 -- 15,145,313 

S. Greenwich SAvnias Bank. Incorporated April 12, 1833. George Suckley, 

Assets in 1840 $176,388 

Assetsin 1858 3,466,340 

Assets in 1875 12,210,915 

4. Bowery Savings Bank. Incorporated Maly 1, 1834 James Mills, Pi-esi- 

Assets in 1840 $505,391 

Assets in 1858 ■ 7,206,563 

Assets in 1875 29,327,109 

Notice. — Bowery Savings Bank. 

New York, Dee. 14, 1875. 
A semi-annual dividend at the rate of six per cent, per annum on all sums of 
■$5 and upward, and not exceeding $2,000, and of five per cent, per annum on 
all sums over $2,000, which shall have been deposited at least three months on 
the 1st day of January next, will be allowed to the depositors, and will be pay- 
able on or after Monday, Jan. 17, 1876, in accordance with the provisions of the 
by-laws. By order of the trustees. On and after Jan. 1, 1876, the interest al- 



lowed upon deposits exceeding $1,000 shall be one per cent, per annum less 
upon such excess of deposits than upon deposits of $1,000 and less, and no 
■interest will be paid upon any excess of $3,000 of deposits. 

/-. XT ^ , „ „ Samuel T. Bkown, President. 

O. ±1. Coggeshall, Secreia/ry. 


According to the Annual Report of the State Superintendent of Savings 
Banks, dated March, 1875, there were 158 Savings Institutions in the State 
of New York, showing total assets amounting to $328,574,573. 

July 1, 1873 (before the panic), the deposits amounted to $393,178,030 

On Jan 1, 1874, the deposits had fallen to 285,630^085 

Withdrawn in six months 7,657,945 

On July 1, 1874, the deposits increased to 292,738,456 

Showing a return of confidence on the part of depositors.* 


Abingdon Squaub, 23 Abingdon sq. 
Incorporated 1869. Assets, Jan. 1, 
1875, $179,753. C. A. Schumaker, 
Pres. ; George W. Brown, Sec. 

Bank for Savings, 67 Bleecker street. 
Incorporated in 1819. Assets, $32,- 
533,823. Robert Lenox Kennedy, 
Pres. ; David Olyphant, Treas. ; Benj. 
D. K. Craig, Comptroller; Otis D. 
Swan, Sec. 

Bond Stkbbt, Bowery, cor. Bond st. 
Incorporated 1860. Assets, $2,014,- 
031.98. Harrison Hall, Pres.; Jos. 
P. Cooper, Sec. 

BowBKY, J.30 Bowery. Incorporated 
1834. Assets, $39,337,109. Samuel 
T Brown, Pres. ; John Gray, 1st Vice- 
Pres. ; John P. Townsend, 2d Vice- 
Pres. ; Giles H. Coggeshall, Sec. 

Bkoadway, 4 Park place. Incorpor- 
ated 1851. Assets, $3,383,197. F. P. 
Schoals, Pres. ; Peter Gumming, 

Citizens', 58 Bowery. Incorporated 
1860. Assets, $8,350,417. Edward 
A. Quintard, Pres. ; Seymour A. 
Bunce, Sec. 

Clairmont, 247 Greenwich street. In- 
corporated 1870. Assets, $83,427. 
Sherman Broadwell, Pres. ; David E. 
Swan, Sec. 

Clinton, 344, Eighth av. Incorporated 
1868. Assets, $178,791. William W. 
Owens, Vice-Pres. ; Orlando P. Smith, 

Dry Dock, 341 and 343 Bowery. In- 
corporated 1848. Assets, $1O,O46j076. 
Andrew Mills, Pres. ; Wm. V. Web- 
ster, Sec. 

East River, 3 Chambers street. Incor- 
porated 1848. Assets, $7,083,769. 
Wm. H. Slocum, Pres. ; Charles A. 
Whitney, Sec. 

Bast Side, fob Sailors, 187 Cherry 
street. Incorporated 1871. Assets, 
$16,535. Charles C. Duncan, Pres. ; 
George F. Duncan, Cashier. 

Eleventh Ward cor. Avenue C. and 
7th St. Incorporated 1869. Assets, 
$729,159. Jas. L. Stewart, Pres.; 
John H. Timmerman, Sec. 

Emigrant Industrial, 51 Chambers 
St. Incorporated 1850. Assets, $14,- 
036,358, Henry L. Hoguet, Pres.; 
David Ledwith, Comptroller. 

* The failure of Jive Savings Banks In the City of New Torli, during the past few months 
having on hand deposits to the amount of $3,768,813, again causes distrust among depositors* 
wtiich, If it assumes another panic, must cause other banks to suspend. 



lEqDiTABLE, 170 Sixth avenue. Incor- 
porated 1869; Assets, $55,163. John 
E. DeWitt, Pres. ; George C. Waldo, 

lExoELSiOB, 374, Sixth avenue. Incor- 
porated 1869. Assets, $529,924. B. P. 
Beelcraan, Pres. ; W. B. Jandon, Sec. 

IPranklin, 658 Eighth av. Incorpor- 
ated 1860. Assets, $1,645,609. J. P. 
Chamberlain, Pres. ; James E. Smith, 

Oekman, 100 East 14th street. Incor- 
porated 1859. Assets, $12,680,477. 
Philip Bissinger, Pres.; Theo. E. 
Buck, Sec. 

Oerman, MoBBisAifiA, cor. Third av. 
and 158th street. Incorporated 1868. 
Jacob Held, Pres. ; Wm. Hoeland, 

dBEENWiCH, 73 Sixth avenue. Incor- 
porated 1883. Assets, $12,210,915. 
W. R. Vermilye, President ; Clinton 
Gilbert, Treasurer ; J. H. Bhoades, 

Hablem, 2281 Third avenue. Incor- 
porated, 1863. Assets. $1,036,425. 
Thos. B. Tappen, President ; John 
S. Kenyon, Secretary. 

Institution fob the Savings of 
Merchants' Clerks, 20 Union 
Place. Incorporated, 1848. Assets. 
$3,904,183. A. Gracie King, Presi- 
dent ; Joseph W. Patterson, Treas- 
urer ; Andrew Warner, Cashier and 

Ibving, 96 Warren street. Incor- 
porated 1851. Assets, $3,477,217. 
W. W. Conklin, President ; C. D. 
Heaton, Asst. Secretary. 

MANirATTAU, 644 Broadway. Incor- 
porated 1850. Assets, $9,091,916. 
E. J. Brown, President ; Edward 
Schell, Treasurer ; C. L. Alvord, 

Mechanics and Teaders', 283 Bow- 
ery. Incorporated 1852. Assets, 
$2,644,381. Alfred T. Conklin, Pres- 
ident ; H. C. Fisher, Secretary. 

Metropolitan, 1 Third avenue. In- 
corporated 1852. Assets, $6,903,635. 
Isaac T. Smith, President ; T. W. 
Lillie, Secretary. 

MoRRiSANiA, Third avenue, cor. 150th 
Incorporated 1868. Assets, $306,602. 
William Cauldwell, President ; E. B. 
Fellows, Secretary. 

New Amsterdam, 215 Bowery. In- 
corporated 1869. Assets, $781,130. 
Theo. Frohwein, President ; John 
Guth, Treasurer. 

New Yobk, West 14th sfreet, cor. 
Eighth avenue. Incorporated 1854. 
Assets, $3,255,855. Richard H. Bull, 
President ; C. W. BrinckerhoflE, Sec- 

North Riveb, Eighth avenue, cor. 
West 34th street. Incorporated 1866. 
Assets, $883,868. John Hooper, Pres- 
ident ; James O. Bennett, Secretary. 

Oriental, 430 Grand street. Incor- 
porated 1869. Assets, $369,251. Wil- 
liam P. Buckmaster, President ; E. 
R. Kennedy, Secretary. 

Seaman's, 74 and 76 Wall street. 
Incorporated 1829. Assets, July, 1875, 
$15,145,312. Wm. Henry Macy, 
President ; H. P. Marshall, Cashier ; 
S. F. Jenkins, Treasurer. 

Security, t Third Avenue, cor. 34th 
street. Incorporated 1868. Assets, 
$660,630. D. D. T. Marshall, Presi- 
dent ; William M. Banks, Secretary. 

Sixpenny, Broadway and Astor Place, 
Incorporated 1853. Assets, $2,676, 
485. William Miles, President ; 
A. C. Collins, Secretary ; Ed. G. 
Maturin, Asst. Secretary. 

Teutonia, No. 25 Avenue A. Incor- 
porated 1868. Assets, $2,053,219. J. 
Scheuermann, President ; Michael 
Hahn, Secretary. 

Trades, 275 West 23d street. Incor- 
porated 1870. Assets, $106,584. Al- 
exander M. Lesley, President ; J. M. 
Freese, Secretary. 



Union Dime, 396 Canal street. Incor- 
porated 1859. Assets, $11,085,997. 
N. J. Haines, President ; T, S. Arm- 
our, Secretary. 

"West Side, 154 Sixth avenue. Incor- 
porated 1868. Assets, 1344,600. Fred- 

erick A. Conliling, President ; Jolin 
H. Hudson, Secretary. 
YoiiKViLLB, Tliird avenue, cor. E. 86tli 
street. Incorporated 1869. Assets, 
$42,753. L. R. Kerr, President; 
Jolin Gillelan, Secretary. 
NoTis. — The Total Beeources, or Assets, of the Forty-two Savings Banks In the City of New 
Tork, January 1, 1875, was $195,335,164. Since the above date^»« Savings Banks have failed. 


Bankkbs and Bkokebs', 16 Broad 
street— (Clearing House for Stocl£s). 
Capital, $500,000. John Bonner, 

Equitable Teust, 62 William street. 

Organized . Capital, $1,000,000. 

Jonathan Edwards, President. 

Pabmbes' Loan and Teust, 26 Ex- 
change place. Chartered 1822. Cap- 
ital. $1,000,000. R. G. Rolston, 
President; G. F. Talman, Vice-Pres- 
ident; George P. Fitch, Secretary. 

National Tbust, 261 Broadway. 
Chartered 1867. Capital, $1,000,000. 
D. R. Mangam, President; T. W. 
Shannon, 1st Vice-President; Benja- 
min F. Bancroft, 2d Vice-President; 
John C. Cruikshank, Secretary. 

New Yobk Life Insueance and 
Teust, 52 Wall street. Chartered 

1830. Capital, $1,000,000. Henry 
Parish, President ; Jos. R. Kearney, 

Centeal, 14 Nassau street. Organ- 
ized September, 1876. Capital, $1,- 
000,000. Henry F. Spaulding, Pres- 
ident; Benj. B. Sherman and Fred. 
H. Cossett, Vice-Presidents; 0. H. 
Babcock, Secretary. 

Real Estate Teust, 17 Nassau street. 
Chartered 1871. Capital $1,000,000. 
V. K. Stevenson, President ; Wm. 
L. Ely, Secretary. 

Union, 73 Broadway. Chartered 1864. 
Capital, 1,000,000. Edward King, 
President ; J. H. Ogilvie, Secretary. 

Unitbd St.\tb8, 49 Wall, Chartered 
1858. Capital, $2,000,000. John A. 
Stewart, President ; William Dar- 
row. Secretary. 


Safe Deposit Company of New 
YOEK, 140, 142 and 146 Broadway. 
Chartered 1861. Francis H. Jenks, 
President ; A. D. Hope Vice-Presi- 
dent, Frederick Foster, Secretary. 

The Centbal Safe Deposit Co. of 
THE City of New York, for the 
Safe Keeping of Valuables and the 
Renting of Safes in Burglar-Proof 
Vaults, 71 and 73 West Twenty-third 
street. (Masonic Temple Building.) 
EUwood B. Thome, President ; Darius 
R. Mangam, Vice-President ; John P. 
Roberts, Secretary and Treasurer ; 
William A. Frazer, Superintendent. 

Safe Deposit Vault op the Na 
TioNAL Park Bank, 214 and 216 

Stuyvesant Safe Deposit Company, 
Third avenue, cor. Seventh street. 

The Safe DEPosrT Vaults op the 
Mbbcantile Teust Company, in 
the Fire-Proof Equitable Building, 
122 and 124 Broadway, cor. Cedar 
street, afEord total avoidance of risk 
to person or property. Wm. H. Miller, 
President J George W. Phillips, Secre- 




In the following Table only the more important monetary standards are 
given, the minor sub-divisions being omitted. For each unit four values are 
given. First, its value in American cui-rency (United States), vyhich, expressed 
in dollars, represents also its value in dollai-s of Canada and Liberia, and the 
pesos of South America. Second, its value in French francs, to which are 
equivalent to the francs of Belgium and Switzerland, pesetos of Spain, lire of 
Italy, and drachmes of Greece. Third, its value in German mai'ks. Fourth, 
its value in English sterling : 






£ a. a. 

Dollar . 

see Peso... 



Florin, me Guilder 

Gersli _. 

Guilder, or Florin 

Krone, Vereins. . 
" or Crown. 

Lei, or Piastre 








Mexico & S. Amer. 

United States* 











Mohur (15 Bupees) 



Peso, or Dollar 

Norway & Sweden. 










Argentine Confed. . 
Central America... 
















4 H 
4 3i 
4 U 







1 sf 

1 Hi 














3 11' 




3 11f 
3 11f 
3 11f 

* American Monet Values.— We have now in the United St&tea/our different legal dollars : 
One a tender ahaolately, two partially, and one no legal tender at all. They are the gold dollar 
of 25 8-10 grains, the silver dollar of 384 grains, coined in halves ; the trade dollar of 420 grains 
(silver^, and the greenback, which has no fixed value— ranging during the past year from 85 to 90 
cents m gold. 








£ s. d. 

Peso, or Dollar 



Pound Sterling. 


Kiiksdaaler : 


" Silver. 
Ruble, or Rouble 


Shilling .- 


Specie Daler 

Star Pagoda 


Tallari, or Dollar 
Thaler, Vereins. 

" Old Rix. 

" Vereins. 







Venezuela .. 





Great Britain 







Great Britain 


Denmark ... 






Germany ... 
Turkestan .. 








10 Mills make 1 Cent. I 10 Dimes make 1 Dollar. 

10 Cents " 1 Dime. | 10 Dollars " 1 Eagle. 

In the West and South 13i cents make a hit. In New York this sum is called 
a shitting. The sMliTig of the New England States is 16f cents. These values, 
however, are not legal. 

Single Gold Ooina. 

Nome of Coins. Standard. Least CnrrentWeight. Value. 

DoableEagle 516.0gralns. B13.42 grains. $20. 

Eagle.. ..rr. 258.0 " 356.71 " 10. 

HalfBaele 129.0 " 128.36 " B. 

ThreeDoilats 77.4 77.W 3. 

Dollar 25.8 " 25.05 1. 





Alabama 8 per cent, 

Arkansas 6 " " 

ArizonaTer 10 " " 

Oalifornia 10 " " 

UoloradoTer. 10 " " 

Connecticut 7 " " 

Dakota Ter.. — . 7 " " 

Delaware 6 " " 

District of Columbia* ...■ 6 " " 

Florida 8 " " 

Georgia* 7 " " 

niinois*-- 6 " " 

Indiana* -- -— 6 " " 

Iowa* 6 " " 

Kansasf--- 7 " '• 

Kentucky* 6 " " 

Louisiana^ 5 " " 

Maine - 6 " " 

Maryland 6 " " 

Massachusetts -.6 " " 

Michigan* 7 " " 

Minnesota^ 7 " " 

Mississippi* 6 " " 

* A contract to pay 10 per cent, is valid. 
+ " " 12 per cent. " 

Note. — The legal Hate of Interest in the United States may be said to range from 6 to 12 per 
cent., while in England It usually ranges from S to 6 per cent. ; average, iH per cent. The high 
rate of interest in the United States, no doubt, in part causes our present financial troubles. 
Monej/ Values and Interest should be the same, or nearly the same, in all commercial nations. 

STATES^ etc. bate. 

Missouri* 6 per cent. 

Montana Ter. 10 " 

Nebraska 10 " 

Nevada 10 " 

New Hampshire " 

New Jersey -..7 " 

New York 7 " 

North Carolina^ 6 " 

Oliiot 6 " 

Oregon 10 " 

Pennsylvania 6 " 

Bhode Island 6 " 

South Carolina - -7 " 

Tennessee* 6 " 

Texas.^ 8 " 

Utah Ter.* 7 " 

Vermont.. 6 " 

Virginiaf 6 " 

West Virginia 6 " 

"Washin^on Ter 10 " 

Wisconsin* 7 " 

Wyoming Ter.§ 12 " 

X A contract to pay 8 per cent, is valid. 
$ Any rate agreed upon is lawful. 


By the term Exchange is meant the manner in wliich accounts are adjusted 
when the debtor or creditor reside in different localities or countries, and where 
the coin or money is not actually used. 

The rule by which we find the amount of money to be placed to one's credit 
in one place in return for a given amount in another is also called Exchange. 

Bills of Exchange are notes representing a certain sum of money purchased 
by those who wish to cover an indebtedness from those who are in possession of 
funds in the place where the former is a debtor. 

If a merchant wishes to pay for commodities purchased in London or Paris, 
without actually sending over the coin, he purchases a "Bill of Exchange" 
at the "rate of the day," the price of bills fluctuating according to the supply 
and demand, in the same manner as an article of commerce or of merchandise. 





The past one hundred years has given rise to Fire and Marine Insurance Com- 
panies in the United States. The first on record and which still exists is the 
Philadelphia Contributionship, instituted in 1762 j the Mutual Assurance Com- 
pany of Philadelphia, instituted in 1784 ; the Mutual Assurance Company of 
New York, organized in 1787 ; Insurance Company of North America, (Pliila- 
delphia,) fire and marine, incorporated in 1794 ; New York (Marine) Insurance 
■Company, incorporated in 1798 ; Washington Insurance Company, (New York,) 
instituted in 1801 ; Commercial (Marine) Insurance Company, 1805 ; Eagle Fire 
Company, incorporated in 1806 ; Ocean Marine Insurance Company, incorpo- 
lated in 1810 ; American (Marine) Insurance Company, incorporated in 1815 ; 
Union (Marine and Life,) incorporated in 1818 ; Pacific (Marine) Insurance 
Company, 1818. 

The above twelve insurance companies were organized in New York and Phila- 
delphia, prior to 1830 ; after that period the growth of Fire and Marine Com- 
panies was very rapid. In 1833 there were 26 Fire Insurance Companies and 10 
Marine Insurance Companies organized in the City of New York. 

In 1840 the Fire Insurance Companies had increased to 32, with a gross capital 
of $11,260,000. and 13 Marine Companies with a capital of $4,100,000. Now, 
<1875,) the 94 Fire Insurance Companies connected with New York Board of 
Fire Underwriters have a capital of $85,000,000, and the 10 Marine Insurance 
Companies a capital of about $25,000,000. 


Chartered May 9, 1867.— Nos. 156 and 158 Broadway, N. Y. 
Edhak W. CbowbiiIi, Presiderd,. WrLLiAM W. Henshaw, Secretary. 
Daniel A. Hbald, Vice-President. Mabcub P. Hodgbs, Treasurer. 
The one hundred and ninety-four Fire Insurance Companies connected with the 
Board of Underwriters, and doing business in the City of New York, exclusive 
of the Foreign Companies, according to the last Reports, dated January, 1875, 
had a total capital of about $85,000,000. 


.Adriatic, 187 Broadway. Organized 
in 1858. Capital, $300,000.. Wm. A. 
Sbaver, President; N. G. Rogbbs, Sec. 

Aetna, 172 Broadway. Organized in 
1871. Capital, $200,000. Fbed. A. 
CoNKLma, President; Bradley Mae- 
tin, Vice- President; O. S. Bogbbt, 

Aetna, (Hartford), 173 Broadway. 
Organized, 1819. Capital, $3,000,000. 
Jas. a. Albxandbb, Agent. 

American, 120 Broadway. Organized 
in 1857. Capital, $400,000. Jambs M, 
Halsted, Pres,; T. L. TnoBNBLL,iSisc. 

American Exchange, 61 Liberty St. 
Organized, 1859. Capital, $200,000. 



Hbnby Butlek, President; Wm. Ray- 
nob, Secretary. 

Amity, 345 Broadway. Organized in 
1873. Capital, $200,000. Edwakd 
Mebkitt, President; Nathan Harper, 

Arctic, 104 Broadway. Organized, 
1853. Capital, $300,000. Vincent 
TiLYOu, President; Charles Ham- 
burgh, Secretary. 

Atlantic, Atlantic Ave., cor. Clinton 
St., Brooklyn. Organized, 1871. Capital, 
$200,000. John D. Cocks, President; 
Wm. D. Cornell, Secretary. New 
York Office, 178 Broadway. 

Brewers and Maltsters, 139 B'way. 
Organized, 1871. Capital, $200,000. 
Charles W. Standart, President; 
Wm. B. Oqdbn, Secretary. 

Broadway, 158 Broadway. Organ- 
ized, 1849. Capital, $200,000. H. M. 
Forrester, President; John Wray, 

Bowery, (New York,) 124 Bowery 
and 8 Pine St. Incorporated in 1833. 
George G.Taylor, P/'eswient/ William 
L. CoBTELYOu, Vice-President; John 
A. Delaway, 

Brookljrn, 32 Court St. Organized, 
1824. Capital, $153,000. Tunis C. 
Bergen, President; Geo. K. Brand, 
Secretary. New York Office, 191 Broad- 

Citizens, 156 Broadway. Incorpora- 
ted in 1836. Capital, $300,000. Jas. 
M. M'Lban, President; Edward A. 
Walton Secretary. 

City, 111 Broadway. Organized in 
1833 (japital, $210,000. S. Townbend, 
President ; D. J. Blautblt, Secreta/ry. 

Clinton, 156 Broadway. Organized, 
1850. Capital, $250,000. James B. 
Ames, President; G. T. Patterson, jr., 

Columbia, 161 Broadway. Organ- 
ized, 1853. Capital, $300,000. Alfred 
Douglass, President; Jno. B. Arthur, 

Commerce, 104 Broadway. Organ- 
ized, 1859. Capital, $200,000. Dun- 
can McDouGAL, President; Wm. E. 
HoxiB, Secretary. 

Commercial, 157 Broadway. Organ- 
ized, 1850. Capital, $300,000. M. V. 
B. Fowler, P-esident ; David Quack- 
ENBUSH, Secretary. 

Continental, 102 Broadway and cor- 
ner Court and Montague sts., Brooklyn. 
Organized, 1853. Capital, $1,000,000. 
George T. Hope, President; Cyrus 
Peck, Secreta/ry; H. H. Lamport, 

Eagle, 71 Wall St. Organized, 1806. 
Assets, $900,105. Sanpord Cobb, 
President; A. J. Clinton, Secreta/ry; 
T. J. Gaines, Assistant Secretary. 

Bmpire City, 103 Broadway. Or- 
ganized, 1850. Cfapital, $200,000. Wm. 
A. BuBTis, President; Lindley Mur- 
ray, jr., Secreta/ry. 

Emporium, 237 Broadway. Organ- 
ized, 1873. Capital, $300,000. George 
Alger, President; Henry B. Mead, 

Equitable, (New York) 58 Wall St. 
Capital, $310,000. Kichard J. Thorne, 
President; John Miller, Secretary. 

Exchange, 173 Broadway. Organ- 
ized, 1853. Capital, $200,000. Rich- 
ard C. Combes, President; Geo. W. 
Montgomery, Secretary. 

Farrag^t, 346 Broadway. Organ- 
ized, 1873. Capital, $200,000. John 
M. Furman, President; Samuel Dab- 
bee, Secretary. 

Firemen's, 153 Broadway. Organ 
ized, 1825. Capital, $204,000. John B. 
Halsted, President; Thad. J. Whit- 
lock, Secretary. 

Firemen's Fund, 167 Broadway. 
Organized, 1858. Capital, $150,000. 
Jab. D. Sparkman, President; W. R. 
Wadsworth, Secretary. 

Firemen's Trust. Organized, 1859. 
Capital, $150,000. Dwight Johnson, 
President; Oliver D. Milderbergeh, 
Secretary. New York Office, 204 B'way. 



Gebhard, 141 Broadway. Organized, 
1857. Capital, $200,000. W. 5. "Wad- 
DiNGTON, President; John R. Smith, 

German American, 179 Broadway. 
Organized, 1872. Capital, $1,000,000. 
E. Obubebmann, President; Jab. A. 
SiLVEY, Secreta/ry. 

Germania, 175 Broadway. Organ- 
ized, 1859. Capital, $500,000. Ru- 
dolph Gabhigub, President; John Ed- 
ward Kahl, Vice-President; Hugo 
Shumann, Secretary. 

Globe, 176 Broadway. Organized, 
1863. Capital, $200,000. Leonard 
KiRBY, President; Alfkkd A. Reeves, 

Green-nrich, 155 Broadway. Incor- 
porated, 1834. Capital, $200,000. Sam- 
uel C. Harriott, President; Mason A. 
Stone, Secretary. 

Guaranty, 120 Broadway. Organ- 
ized, 1875. Capital, $200,000. Wm. 
H. Bkidgman, President; Wm. MtJiiLi- 
GAN, Vice-President; C. D. Harts- 
horn, Secretary. 

Guardian, 187 Broadway. Organ- 
ized, 1865. Capital, $200,000. Wm. 
C. Thompson, President; Walter R. 
Page, Secretary. 

Guardian Assurance, (London), 60 
Wall Street. 

Hamburg- Bremen, (United States 
Branch), 178 Broadway. Capital, $1,- 
819,000 in Gold. S. V. Dobribn, Mana- 

Hamilton, 11 Wall Street. Organ- 
ized, 1862. Capital, $150,000. D. D. 
Whitney, President; D. D. Leeds, 

Hanover, 120 Broadway. Organized, 
1852. Capital, $500,000. Bbnj. S. 
Walcott, President; I. Remsen Lane, 

Hofifaian, 130 Broadway. Organized, 
1884. Capital, $200,000. M.F. Hodges, 
President; John D. McIntybe, Secre- 

Home, 185 Broadway. Organized, 
1853. Capital, $3,000,000. Charles 
J. Martin, President; A. F. Will- 
marth, tst Vice-President; John D. A. 
Heald, 2d Vice Presideni; H. Wash- 
burn, Secreta/ry. 

Hope, 169 Broadway. Organized, 
1866. Capital, $150,000. John W. 
Mbrsbrbau, President; Isaac D. Cole, 
Vice-President; Louis T. Bayard, Sec- 

Howard, 66 Wall Street. Incorpo- 
rated, 1825. Capital, $600,000. Sam- 
uel T. Skidmore, President; Henry 
A. Oakley, Vice-President; Theodore 
Keblbb, Secreta/ry. 

Importers ^nd Traders, 192 Broad- 
way. Organized, 1859. Capital, $200,- 
000. Jacob Bbokaw, President; Dan- 
iel A. Smith, Secretary. 

Irving, 157 Broadway. Organized, 
1872. Capital, $200,000. Martin L. 
Crowbll, President; James M. Wil- 
son, Secreta/ry. 

Jefferson, 111 Broadway. Incorpo- 
rated, 1824. Capital, $200,000. S. B. 
Belcher, President; Wm. B. Flowery, 


Knickerbocker, 64 Wall St. Organ- 
ized, 1787, as the Mutual Assurance 
Co. Reorganized to Knickerbocker 

Fire in 1846. Capital, $280,000. 

, President; Jos. L. Townsend, 

Kings County. Organized, 1858. 
Capital, $150,000. Surplus, $250,000. 
Edward T. Backhouse, President; 
Henry Pope, Secretary. New York 
Office, 59 Liberty St. 

Iiafayette. Organized,1856. Capital, 
$150,000. Hubert Giroux, President; 
Geo. W. Hunt, Secretary. New York 
Office, 165 Broadway. 

Lamar, 184 Broadway. Organized, 
1872. Capital, $200,000. Isaac R. 
St. John, President; Wm. R. Macdiab- 
mid, Secreta/ry. 



Lancashire, (England), 184 Broad- 
way. Capital, $10,000,000. Henby 
Robertson, Manager. 

Iienoz, 158 Broadway. Organized, 
1853. Capital, $150,000. George A. 
Jauvis, President; Arthur H. Wal- 
ton, Seoretary. 

Iiiverpool and London and Globe 
Insurance Company, 45 William St. 
Jambs E. Pdlsford, Besident Secretwry. 

London Assurance, (London), estab- 
lished in 1720. 88 Wall street. Assets, 
$14,000,000. Frame, Hare & Lock- 
wood, Managers, United States Branch. 

Lorrillard, 152 Broadway. Organ- 
ized, 1871. Capital, $300,000. Cab- 
USLE Norwood, Prendent; John C. 
Mills, Secretwry. 

Long Island. Incorporated in 1833. 
Reorganized in 1868. Capital, $200,000. 
B. W. Dklamater, President; Wm. 
W. Henshaw, Secretary. New York 
Office, 120 Broadway. 

Manhattan, 68 Wall street. First 
incorporated, March 18, 1821. Reorgan- 
ized, 1872. Capital, $250,000. Andrew 
J. Smith, President. 

Manufacturers' and Builders', 207 
Broadway. Organized, 1870. Capital, 
$20Q.000. E. V. Lowe, President; 
J. Jay Nebtell, Secretary. 

Mechanics', 217 Montague street. 
Organized, 1857. Capital, $150,000. 
John A. Baker, President; Daniel 
Chauncey, Jr., President; Walter 
Nichols, Secretary. New York Office, 
165 Broadway. 

Mechanics' and Traders', 48 Wall St. 
Organized, 1853. Capital, $200,000. 
James R. Lett, President; John M. 
Tompkins, Seereta/ry. 

Mercantile, 166 Broadwav. Organ- 
ized. 1852. Capital, $200,000. Wm. 

A. Anderson, President; C. W. Par- 
melee, Secretary. 

Merchants', 149 Broadway. Organ- 
ized, 1850. Capital, $200,000. C. V. 

B. Ostrandbr, President; John L. 
DouoLARR, Secretary. 

Metropolitan, 108 Broadway. Or- 
ganized, 1854. Capital, $300,000, 
Robert M. C. Graham, J^esidentr 
Samuel J. Young, Secretary. 

Montauk, 22 Court street. Organ- 
ized, 1857. Capital, $200,000. Wm. 
Ellsworth, President ; Geo. G. Trask, 
Secretary. New York Office, 120 Broad- 

Nassau, 30 Court street. Capital, 
$200,000. Thos. B. Jones, President; 
Wm. T. Lane, Secretary. New York 
Office, 167 Broadway. 

National, 52 Wall street. Incorpo- 
rated, 1838. Capital, $200,000. Hen- 
ry T. Drowne, President; Henry H. 
Hall, Secretwry. 

New York, 72 Wall street. Incor- 

S orated, 1832. Capital, $200,000. 
•aniel Undebhill, President; Au- 
gustus CoLSON, Seoretary. 

New York Produce, 112 Broadway. 
Organized, 1874. Capital, $200,000. 
Warren Harriot, President; S. W. 
Wendoveb, Secretary. 

New York and Yonkerg, 100 Broad- 
way. Organized, 1872. Capital, $200,- 
000. R. L. Franklin, Pre^dent; John 
W. SiMONSON, Secretary. 

Niagara, 201 Broadway. Organized, 
1850. Capital, $500,000. Henry A. 
Howe, President; Peter Notman, 

North River, 202 Greenwich street. 
Incorporated, 1822. Capital, $350,000. 
Peter R. Warner, President; Albert 
BoGERT, Jr., Secretary. 

Pacific, 470 Broadway. Organized, 
1851. Capital, $200,000. Thos. F. 
Jeremiah, President; Wm. A. Butler, 

Park, 170 Broadway. Incorporated, 
1853. Capital, $200,000. William 
Jafpray, President ; William Valen- 
tine, Secretary. 

People's, 393 Canal street. Organ- 
ized, 1851. Capital, $150,000. F. V. 
Fine, PresiderU; A. C. Milne, Seore- 



Peter Cooper, Third avenue, convr 
East Ninth street. Organized, 1853. 
Assets, $400,000. Kathan C. Ely, 
President; Wm. H. Eiblet, Secretary. 

PhcBnlx, 12 and 14 Court street. 
Organized, 1868. Capital, $1,000,000 ; 
surplus, $1,888,402. Stephen Crow- 
ell, President; Philander Shaw, 
Vice-President; Wm. R. Cbowell, 
8eeret(vry. New York Office, 108 Broad- 

Queen, (Liverpoolj) 216 Broadway. 
Capital, £2,000,000. William H. Robs, 
Manager. Assets in United States, 

Relief, 149 Broadway. Organized, 
1855. Capital, $200,000. Jab. A. 
PiNCKNEY, President; Wm. E. Crary, 

Republic, 158 Broadway. Organized, 
1852. Capital, $300,000. Robert S. 
Hone, President; Duncan F. Cdrby, 
Secreta/ry ; Edward Rowell, Assistant 

Resolute, 151 Broadway. Organized, 
1857. Capital, $200,000. John Gihon, 
President; Wm. M. Randbll, Secretary. 

Ridgewood, 26 Court street, Brook- 
lyn. Organized, 1878. Capital, $200,- 
000. Wm. K. Lathkop, President; 
Wm. a. Scott, Secreta/ry, New York 
Office, 170 Broadway. 

Royal Canadian, (Montreal, Can.,) 
64 William street. 

Royal, (Liverpool and London,) 56 
Wall street. Assets, $17,000,000. A. 
B. McDonald and E. F. Bbddall, 
Agents. (See adv.) 

Rutgers, 180 Chatham street. Or- 

fnized, 1858. Capital, $200,000. Ed. 
Fellows, President; Jos. W. Duo- 
LIS8, Secretary. 

Safeguard, 152 Broad waj. Organ- 
ized, 1872. Capital, $200,000. Thos. 
C. DoRBMUS, President; James Yer- 
EANCE, Secretary. 

St. Nicholas, 166 Broadway. Organ- 
ized, 1852. Capital, $150,000. Wm. 
WiNSLOW, President; J. Dubois, Sec- 

Standard, 117 Broadway. Organ- 
ized, 1859. Capital, $200,000. Wm. 
Cripps, President; Wm. M. St. John, 

Star, 161 Broadway. Organized, 1864. 
Capital, $200,000. Nicholab C. Mil- 
ler, President; Jas. M. Hodges, See- 

Sterling, 155 Broadway. Organized, 
1864. Capital, $200,000. Andrew L. 
SouLAKD, President ; J. K. Van Rens- 
selaer, Secreta/ry. 

Stuyvesant, 200 Broadway. Organ- 
izeji, 1851. Capital, $200, 000. Samuel 
F. Patterson, President ; George B. 
Rhoades, Secreta/ry. 

Tradesmen's, 168 Broadway. Organ- 
ized, 1858. Capital, $1500,000. David 
B. Keeler, President; T. Y. Brown, 

United States, 106 Broadway. Or- 

§anized, 1824. Capital, $250,000. A. 
. Undbrhill, President; W. W. Un- 
DERHiLL, Seeretary. 
Westchester, 114 Broadway. Or- 

fanized, 1870. Capital, $200,000. Geo. 
. Pbnpibld, President; Geo. 8. 
Crawford, Secretary. 

WiUiamsburgh City, (Brooklyn), 208 
and 210 Broadway. Organized, 1858. 
Capital, $250,000. Edmond Driggs 
Present; N. W. Mesbrolb, Secretary 





Atlantic Mutual, 51 Wall street. 
(Chartered in 1834 as a stock company.) 
Incorporated, 1842. Assets, $16,003,- 
584. John D. Jones, President; Charles 
Dennis, Vtee-President / W. H. H. 
Moore, 2d Ttce-I^esident; A. A. Raven, 
3d Vice-President; Joseph H. Chapman, 

Oommerolal Mutual, 67 and 50 Wil- 
liam street. Incorporated, 1843. As- 
sets, $1,189,040. Daniel Drake Smith, 
President; W. I. Comes, Vice-Presi- 
dent; Henry D. King, Secretary. 

Great Western, 50 Wall street. Or- 

fanized, 1855. Assets, $1,098,009. 
'erdinand Motz, President; Alex. 
Mackay, Vice-President; Wm. T. Lock- 
wood, Secretary. 

Mercantile Mutual, 35 Wall street. 
Incorporated, 1842. Assets, $981,607. 
Ellwood Walter, President; A. G. 
Montgomery, jr., Vice-President; A. W. 
Hegeman, idVice-President ; C. J. Des- 
pard, Searetary. 

New York Mutual, 61 William 
street. First incorporated in 1798 as a 
stock company. Incorporated, 1843. 
Assets, $847,176. John H. Lyell, Presi- 
dent; T. B. Bleeckcr, Jr., Vice-Presi- 
dent; Edward Laroque, Secretary. 

Orient Mutual, 43 Wall street. Or- 

fanized, 1854. Assets, $1,947,373. 
lugene Dutilh, President; Alfred Og- 
den, Viee-President ; Charles Irving, 

United States "Uoyds," 50 Wall 
street. Higgins & Cox, Attorneys for 
the subscribers. 

Pacific Mutual, 119 Broadway. Or- 

fanized, 1835. Assets, $1,017,143. John 
I. Meyers, President; Thomas Hale, 

Vice-President; Willoughby Powell, 

Sun Mutual, 37 Wall street. (Marine 
and Fire.) Incoroorated, 1841. Assets 
$775, 138. John P. Paulison, President; 
Isaac H. Waikei, Vice-President; John 
P. Nichols, Secretary. 

Union Mutual, 03 William street. 
(Marino and Fire.) Incorporated, 1845. 
Assets, $1,176,711. P. S. Lathrop, 
President; Ferdinand Stagg, Vice-Presi- 
deni; P. F. MacDonald, Seareta/ry. 

Board of Marine Underwriters — 
Office, 51 Wall St. Organized in 1833. 
Officers: Charles M'Evers, President; 
William NeUson, Vice-President; Joseph 
Fowler, Secretary. 


The following Companies now con- 
stitute the Board of Marine Under- 

The Atlantic Mutual Insurance 

The Sun Mutual Insurance Com- 

The Mercantile Mutual Insur- 
ance Company. 

The Orient Mutual Insurance 

The Pacific Mutual Insurance 

The Commercial Mutual Insur- 
ance Company. 

The New York Mutual Insurance 

The Union Mutual Insurance 


Francis 8. Lathrop, President. 
Daniel D. Smith, Vice-Pres. 
El WOOD Walter, Secretary. 
W. H. H. Mooke, Ih'&isurer. 
G. S. Stagg, Olerk of the Board. 




Office in Bennett Building, 99 Nassau St. Organized in 1873. 
OFFICERS FOR 1875—76. 
Jacob L. Gbeenb, Hartford, President. 
Samuel C. Huey, Philadelphia, Vice-President. 
Chaklton T. Lewis, New York, Sec. amd Treasurer. 
This Association is composed of 27 Life Insurance Companies, representing 
an immense amount of assets. 


American Popular, 419 and 431 
Broadway. Organized May, 1866. As- 
sets, $686,173. T. S. Lambert, M. D,. 
Pres.; Mobeau Morris, M. D., Vice- 
Pres. ; Jas. Cruikshank, See/retis/ry. 

Brooklyn, 820 Broadway. Organ- 
ized July, 1864. Assets, $3,244,341. 
Christian W Bouok, Pres. ; Wm. H. 
Wallace, Vke-Pres. ; Wm. M. Cole, 

Connecticut Mutual,{Hartford). Or- 

fanized 1846. Jambs Goodwin, Pres.; 
ACOB L. Green, Secretary. Assets, 
$41,000,000. Dunham & Sherman, 
Oen. Agents, 194 Broadway. 

Continental, 20 Nassau St. Organ- 
ized May, 1866. Assets, $6,473,168. 
L. W Frost, Pres. ; M. B. Wtnkoop, 
Vice-Pres.; 3. P. Rogers, 8ecreta/ry. 

Equitable, 120 Broadway. Organ- 
ized July, 1869. Assets, $25,606,847. 
Henry B. Hyde, Pres.; J. W. Alex- 
ander, Vice-Pres.; Samuel Burrows, 

Germania, 393 Broadway. Organ- 
ized April, 1860. Assets, $6,640,004. 
Hugo Wesendonck, Pres.; Cornelius 
DoREMUS, Secretary. 

Globe Mutual, 345 Broadway. Or- 

fanized June, 1864. Assets, $4,093,131. 
'liny Freeman, Pres.; Jas. M. Free- 
man, Secretary. 

Home, 254 Broadway. Organized 
April, 1860. Assets, $4,113,905. George 
C. Ripley, Pres.; Wm. J. Coffin, Sec- 

Homoeopathic Mutual, 281 Broad- 
way. Organized July, 1868. Assets, 
$578,114. D. T. Marshall, Pres.; F. 
B. Mayhew, Beeretary. 

Enickerbocker, 239 Broadway. Or- 
ganized April, 1853. Assets, $7,214,719. 
J. A. Nichols, Pres.; G. F. Bniffen, 

Life Association of America, (St. 
Louis, Mo.), 92 Broadway. 

Manhattan, 156 Broadway. Org. 
July, 1850. Assets, $9,561,403. Henry 
Stokes, Pres.; Chris. Y. Wbmplb, 
Vice-Pres.; J. L. Halsey, Secretary. 

Merchants', 257 Broadway. Organ- 
ized April, 1870. Assets, $196,659. 
James A. Tabeb, Pres.; A. R. Hobby, 

Metropolitan, 319 Broadway. Or- 
ganized Jan., 1866. Assets; $1,848,088. 
Jas. F. Enapp, Pres.; Robert A. 
Gbannis, Secretary. 

Mutual of New York, Broadway, 
cor. Liberty St. Incorporated April, 
1842. Assets, $72,191,288. F. S. Win- 
ston, Pres.; R. A. McCurdy, Vice- 
Pres.; J. M. Stuart, Secretary. 

Mutual Benefit, (Newark, N. J.) 8. 
H. Lloyd, Agent, 137 Broadway. 

New York, 346 Broadway. Incor- 
porated May, 1843. Assets, $27,179,394. 
Morris Franklin, Pres. ; Wm. H. 
Beers. Vice-Pres. and Actwury; Theo- 
dore M. Banta, Cashier. 

New York Fire Ins. and Trust, 52 
Wall St. Incorporated March, 1830. 



Capital, $1,000,000. Henry PAHisn, 
Prea.; Joseph R. Keakny, Secretary. 

New Jersey Mutual, ^ewark, N. 
J.), 261 Broadway, and Drexel Build- 
ing, Wall St. 

North America, 17 and 19 Warren 
St. Organized Oct., 1863. Assets, 
$5,789,074 H. J. Furbeb, Pres. ; 
Geobge L. Montague, Secretairy. 

Provident Savings, oflBce, Western 
Union Building, Broadway. Organized 
1875. George Walker, Fi-es.; Shep- 
PARD HoMANS, fice-Pres. and . Ac- 
Jab. L. Goodridgb, Seereta/ry. 

Royal, (Liverpool & London), 56 
Wall St. A. B. McDonald, Agent. 
(See adv't.) 

Security, 31 and 33 Pine St. Or- 
ganized Jan., 1862. Assets, $3,359,265. 
BoBERT L. Case, Prea,; Isaac H. 
Allen, Secretary. 

Travelers' Life and Acoldent,(Hart- 
ford), 207 Broadway. R. M. Johnbon, 

United States, 261 Broadway. Organ- 
ized Feb., 1850. Assets, $4,381,266. 
John E. De Witt, Pre».; C. E. Peabe, 

Universal, 17 and 19 Wall St. Or- 
ganized Feb., 1865. Assets, $4,618,851. 
William Walker, Pres.; H. J. Fuk- 
BER, Viee-Pres.; 3. H. Bewley, Secre- 

Washington, 155 Broadway. Organ- 
ized Feb., 1860. Assets, $4,379,424 
Cyrus CuRTiss,Pre»./ Wm. A. Brewer, 
Jr., Vice- Pres.; Wm. Haxtun, See. 

World Mutual, 60 Broadway. Or- 
ganized Nov., 1866. Assets, $344,258 
James H. Prothingham, Pres.; J. B. 
Blossom, Secretary. 


In the City op New York. 
The Life Insurance business, which has assumed such immense importance 
during the past thirty-three years that their rise and growth is a matter of as- 
tonishment, which can best be shown by enumerating the several companies 
that have been organized, with their assets, &c. : 


1842. Mutual of New York ....$78,191,288 

1843. New York 27,179,394 

1850. United States 4,381,266 

1850. Manhattan 9,561,402 

1853. Knickerbocker 7,214,719 

1859. Equitable 25,606,847 

1860. Gerraania 6,640,004 

1860. Home (Brooklyn) 4,113,905 

1860. Washington 4.879,424 

1862. NorthAmerica 6,789,074 

1862. Security 8,359,265 

1864 Brooklyn 2,244,341 

1864 Globe 4,093,131 

1865. Universal 4,618,851 

1866. Continental.. 6,473,158 

1866. World 844,258 

1866. American Popular 686,173 


1866. jyletropolitan 1,848,088 

1868. Homoeopathic '678,114 

1870. Merchants' 196!659 

1875. Provident Savings (a) capital 125,'000 

1830. New Yoik Life Insurance Trust Com capital 1,000,000- 

1833. American Life Insurance and Trust Com 

1859. Guardian* 

1863. National* 

1864. Widows and Orphansf 

1865. Great Western^: 

1867. Excelsiorf 

1867. Asbury* 

1867. Standard .■ 

1868. American TontineJ... 

1868. Commonwealthf 

1868. Craftsmen's-)- 

1868. Eclectic*- 

1869. Bmpiret- „ 

1869. Herculesf 

1870. Government Securityt - 

1872. Reservef 

Note. — Of the above thirty-eix Life Insurance Companies about one-half have been obliged to 
relinquish business during the past few years. 

The gross assets of the solvent Life Insurance Companies at the close of the 
year 1874, doing business in the State of New York, amounted to |387,381,896, 
an increase of $37,141,313 over the amount reported for 1873 ; of which fiomff 
companies possess $195,336,920, other State companies $191,944,975, showing- 
a great accumulation of assets — the practical working of the system seeming to 
be to amass an immense amount of capital or wealth drawn from the insured. 

Life Insurance Oompanlea are of recent origin, yet still for a series of years 
they rapidly increased in numbers. Commencing in 1842 we find four compa- 
nies organized in the city in 1850 and ten in 1860 — these for the most part form, 
the great companies of the present time. In 1870 the number rose io forty in 
the State of New York, and have since decreased, now (1875) numbering twen- 
ty-two in the State at large. § 

The gross assets, in 1860, were $13,745,559,83 ; in 1865, $33,330,840 ; in 1870, 
$133,119,187.48 ; in 1874, $195,336,920.95— showing a rapid increase of asset* 
that are truly alarming. At this rate, if the system is continued, in a few de- 
cades the accumulation will be enormous. 

(a) This company has a flzed capital, and offers a new plan of insurance, which renders iarga 
accumulation of assets unnecessary. 

•Receiver appointed. tBe-insured In other companies. ^Closed up. 

JThe total assets of the Life Insurance Companies of this State, amount to nearly $800,000,000 ; 
the amount insured by them to $1,000,000,000, and their annual receipts to more than $60,000,000. 
The magnitude of these sums, and the duration and fiduciary character of the engagements of 
these corporations, mal:e it specially important that the interests of the poUcy-holders should. 
be guarded with jealous care.— /n««mncc Department Seport, 1875. 




Adams & McHarg, 33 "Wall st. 
Amy, H. & Co., 21 Nassau st. 
Arthur, Geo. D. & Co., 34 Wall st. 
Babcock, Brothers & Co., 50 Wall st. 
Baldwin, Austin & Co., 72 B'way. 
Baldwin & Kimball, 16 Wall st. 
Baldwin & Weeks, 14 Wall st. 
BalUn, Eugene S. & Co., 24 Ex. PI. 
Baltzer & Taaks, 50 Exchangee place. 
Bankers' & Brokers' Association, 25 

Broad st. 
Barney, Raymond & Co., 5 Wall St. 
Baylis, A. B. & Co., 19 William st. 
Bell, Richard and Charles P. Smithers, 

(Agents Bank of Montreal,)61 Wall st. 
Belden, William & Co., 78 Broadway. 
Belmokt, August & Co., (August 

Belmont and E. B. Lucke,) 19 Nassau 


Blake, Brothers & Co., 52 Wall st. 

Bloodgood, John & Co., 22 William st, 

Bogart, Orlando M. & Co., 3 Nassau st. 

BoNNEK, G. T. & Co., 20 Broad St. 

Bound* Co., 52 Wall St. 

Bkown, Bros. & Co., 59 Wall st., Bos- 
ton and Philadelphia. 

Brown, A. H. & Co., 22 Nassau st. 

Bbown, Aug. J. & Son, 50 Liberty st. 

Brown, Edward J. & Co., 64 Broadway. 

Cammann & Co., (C. L. Cammann, Q, 
W. Puller, Henry J. Cammann and 
Charles Schroder,) 8 Wall st. 

Camblos & Myers, (H. S. Camblos and 
T. W. Myers,) 22 and 24 New st. 

Chase & Atkins, 18 Broad st. 

Cisco, John T. & Son, 59 Wall street. 

Clark, Bodge & Co., 51 Wall st. 

Colgate, J. B. & Co.,(Jas. B. Colgate 
and Robert Colby,) 47 WaU st. 

Corbin, Austin, 61 Broadway. 

Com & Autermann, 30 Broad st. 

Davis & Preeman, 53 Ex. Place. 

Davidson & Jones, 61 Wall st. 

Dean, McGinnis & Co., 30 Broad st. 

Denny, Thos. & Co., 39 Wall st. 

Dennistoun & Co., 22 Ex. Place. 

De Rham & Co., (L. De Comeau, Alex. 
Major, and Charles de Rham,) 69 
William st. 

Donnell, Lawson & Co., 92 Broadway. 

Drexel, Morgan & Co., Broad and 
Wall sts. ; Drexel & Co., Philadel- 
phia ; Drexel, Harjes & Co., Paris. 

Duncan, Mathews & Co., B'way. 

D'Wolf & Parsons, 49 Ex. Place. 

Edwards, R. L., 33 Wall st. 

Elwell, Stout & Co., 16 WaU st. 

PiSK & Hatch, (Harvey Pisk and A. 
S. Hatch,) 5 Nassau st. 

Pitch, Otis «& Co., 11 Pine st. 

Freeman, Petty & Bond, 21 Wall st. 

Grant & Co., 33 Wall st. 

Gaylor, Samuel A. & Co., 33 Wall st. 

Gibson, Casanova & Co., 50 Ex. Place. 

Oilman, Son & Co., 47 Ex. Place. 

Glendinning, Davis & Amory, 17 Wall st. 

Greenebaum Brothers & Co., 1 Nas- 
sau St. 

Qreenleaf, Norris & Co., 66 Ex. Place. 

Gwynne & Day, 16 Wall st. 

Haar & Co., 45 Wall st. 

Haight & Field, 2 Wall st. 

Hallgarten & Co., 28 Broad st. 

Harney & Searles, 24 New st. 

Harriot & Co., 19 New st. 

Harper & Goadley, 50 Wall St. 

Hatch. W. T. & Son, 34 Wall st. 

Hatch & Poote, (D. B. Hatch and B. 
Poote,) 12 Wall st. 

Heidelbach, Frank & Co., 52 Ex. PI. 

Heminway, A. G. & Co., 33 Broad st. 

Hess Brothers & Co., 20 Wall st. 

Hewson, Kilbreth & Co., 11 Broad st. 

Hoge, William & Co., 40 Wall st. 

Horton, H. L. & Co., 56 Broadway. 

Howes & Company, 6 Wall st. 

Irvin, Richard & Co., 54 Exchange pi. 

Iselin, A. & Co., 48 Wall st. 

Ivins, Howard & Co., 24 Nassau st. 

James, P. P. & Co., 40 Wall st. 

Jameson, Jos. A & Co., 14 Broad st. 

Jameson, Smith & Cotting, 14 Broad st. 

Jaudon, Samuel, 119 Broadway. 

Jesup, M. K., Paton «& Co., (M. K. 
Jesup, John Paton, D. A. Lindley, 
and E. K. Goodnow,) 52 William st. 

Johnson & Puller, 70 Broadway. 

Jones & Schuyler, 12 Pine st. 

Justh & Co., 53 Exchange pi. 

Kelley, Eugene & Co., 45 Exchange pL 



Kemeys & Cox, 51 Exchange pi. 

Kennedy, Hutchinson & Co. , 40 Wall st. 

Ketcham & Clark, 63 Broadway. 

Kidder, A. M. & Co., 4 Wall st. 

King's, James G. Sons, (Denning Duer, 
A. Grade King, and James G. K. 
Duer, 53 William st. 

Kelly & Alexander, 68 William st. 

Kissam & Co., 36 Wall st. 

Knauth, Nachod & Kuhne, 118 B'way. 

Knoblank & Lichtenstein, 35 Broadway. 

Kountze Brothers, 12 Wall st. 

Kuhn, Loeb & Co., 31 Nassau st. 

Lancaster, Brown & Co., 1 Ex. Court. 

Latham, Alexander & Co., 18 Wall st. 

Lawiience L. 8. & Co, (Charles Fra- 
zier, F. E. Williams, and C. P. Law- 
rence, special,) 93 Nassau st. 

Lawrence, Brothers & Co. , 16 Wall st. 

Laidlaw & Co., (Agents Bank of Cal- 
ifornia,) 12 Pine st. 

Leland Brothers & Co., 19 Nassau st. 

Leonard, Sheldon & Co., 10 Wall st. 

Limbert& Co., 21 Nassau st. 

McKim Brothers & Co., 47 Wall st. 

Maas, Martin & Co., 48 Exchange pi. 

Maitland, Phelps & Co., 45 Ex. pi. 

Manuel, Horace & Co., 31 Wall st. 

Martin & Runyan, 40 Wall st. 

Marsh, Jos. A. & Co., 36 Broad st. 

May and King, 11 Broad st. 

Meeker, Worden «& Co., 48 Wall st. 

Merrill, G. W. & Co., 10 Wall st. 

Mills, Kobeson& Smith, 3 Exchange pi. 

Moore, W. D. & Co., 4 Exchange pi. 

Moran Brothers, corner Cedar and 
William st. 

Morgan, H. T. & Co., 35 William st. 

Morgan's M. Sons, 39 William st. ■ 

MoKTON, Buss & Co., 33 Broad st. 

Monroe, John & Co., 8 Wall st., and 
Paris, France. 

Musgrave & Co., 19 Broad st. 

Nelson, George 8., 64 Wall st. 

Nichols, Stone & Co., 33 Wall st. 

O'Brien, William & John, 68 Wall st. 

Opdyke, Geohgb & Co., (George Op- 
dyke, C. W. Opdyke, G. P. Opdyke, 
11. B. Opdyke, George W. Farlee,) 
35 Nassau st. 

Orvls, Jos. U. & Ce., 88 Nassau st. 

Osborn, C. J. & Co., 84 Broad st. 
Peck & Martin, 44 Wall st. 
Phelps, Royal, 45 Exchange pi. 
Pillot, Perry & Co., 44 Broad st. 
Prickett, Ellis & Co., 46 Broad st. ' 
Purdon, Jas. and Wiggins, Augustus; 

30 Pine st. 
Ralli & Pachiri, 25 William st. 
Randolph, Birkley & Co., 6 Wall st. 
Reed, 'Thomas & Co., 64 Broadway. 
Reld «& Content, 20 Broad st. 
Richard, C. B. & Boas, 61 Broadway. 
Riggs & Co., 66 Wall st. 
Ripley & Co., 32 Pine st. 
Robinson, Chase & Co., 18 Broad st. 
Robinson, Thos. B. & Co., 2 Nassau st. 
Rollins, Bbothers & Co., 21 Wall st. 
Russell, S. P. & Co., Wall st. 
Saunders <fc Hardenbergh, 112 B'way. 
Schafer Brothers, 15 Broad st. 
Schulz & Ruckgaber, 40 Exchange pi.. 
Schulze, P. H., 35 Wall st. 
Scott, E. P. & Co., 3 Exchange court 
Scott, Strong & Co., 86 Broad st. 
Scott, Wm. B. & Co., (Wm. B. Scott, 

Albert E. Scott,) 24 Pine st. 
Seligman, J. & W. & Co., 60 Exchange 

pi., and 21 Broad st. 
Smith, Seaver & Bower, 8 Broad st. 
Smith, Wm. Alexander & Co., 40 Wall 

Soutter& Co., (Wm. K. Soutter, T. H.. 

Porter, J. T. Soutter,) 78 B'way. 
Stead, Stone & Co., 46 Broad st. 
Stebbins, H. & G. & Son, 60 Ex. pi. 
Sterett, Colbron & Co., 17 New st. 
Sternberger, M. & S., 44 Exchange pL 
Stout & Dickinson, 35 Broad st. 
Stuart, J. & J. & Co., 38 Nassau st. 
Stuart, Andrews & Co., 84 Pine st. 
Talmadge, Henry & Co., 39 Pine st. 
Taussig, Fisher & Co., 82 Broad st. 
"Taylor, Alex., Sons, 66 Broadway. 
Taylor Brothers, 17 Wall st. 
Tilney, J. S. & Co., 16 Wall st. 
Toussaint & KoUstede, 42 Exchange pi.. 
Tremain, E. R. & Co., 6 Wall st. 
Underbill, J. P. & Co., 64 Wall st. 
Unger, Charles & Co., 46 Ex pi. 
Urquhart & Co., 80 Pine st. 
Van Deventer & Patton, 6 Wall st. 



Vermilye & Co, (Washington R. Ver- 
milye, Jas. A. Trowbridge, Donald 
Macliay, Latham A. Pish,) 16 Nassau. 

Ternam & Hoy, 34 Kew st. 

Yon Hoffman, L. & Co., 50 "Wall St. 

"Walker, Andrews & Co., 14 Wall St., 
and Andrews & Co., Paiii. 

"Ward, S. G. & G. C, 63 Wall st. 

"Ward, Campbell & Co., (Alexander 
Campbell, Henry G. Chapman, and 
Richard Baring Gould.) 56 Wall st. 

IVarren, John & Son, 85 Wall st. 

Warren, Kidder & Co., 4 Wall st. 

Watson, John H. & Co., 201 Broadway. 

"Watson, W. & W. J. Ingram, agents 
Merchant Bank of Canada, 63 Wall st. 

Wells, Fargo & Co., 65 Broadway, and 
Ban Francisco, CaJ. 

White, Morris & Co., 18 Wall st. 

White, Defreitas & Rathbome, 
Broad st. 

Whitehouse «& Co., 25 Broad st. 

Whittemore & Co., 56 Exchange pi. 

Williams, H. C. & Co., 49 Wall st. 

WiNSLOw, Lanier & Co., (J. F. 
Lanier, Charles Lanier, John W. Ellis, 
John 8. Sauzade, and Edward Win- 
slow,) 27 Pine st. 

Winthrop, Robert & Co., 18 Wall st. 

Wood & Davis, (C. D. Wood and 8. D. 
Davis,) 31 Pine st. 





48 National Banks. $68,500,000 

37State Banks - 16,500,000 $ 85,000,000 

58 Savings Banks _ January, 1876, 190,000,000 

74 New York Fire Insurance Companies. ) ,„ nnn nnn 

13 Brooklyn* " " " \ " " ■*"."""-""" 

13 Foreign Fire Insurance Companies ■ 45,000,000 

10 Marine Insurance Companies 25,000,000 

20 Life Insurance Companies. 195,000,000 

12 Loan and Trust Companies 18,000,000 

5 Safe Deposit Companies 

1 New York Stock Exchange 

1 New York Gold Exchange . 

1 Bank Clearing House. ' 

In addition to the above 86 Fire Insurance Companies in the City of New 
York, chartered by the State, there are 13 Foreign Companies, with an esti- 
mated capital of $45,000,000 ; besides numerous companies from other States 
4oing business in the city. There are also a number of Marine and Life Insu- 
rance Companies, both Foreign and from other States. 

There are about 300 Bankers, besides numerous Brokers, who transact an 
immense amount of business, both in dealing In money, stocks, etc. The 
'Capital thus invested must amount to several hundred millions of dollars, making 
the total cash capital and assets of Monied Institutions and Bankers to represent 
at least $1,000,000,000. 

* Having offices In the City of New York. 





The City of Brooklyn, capital of 
Kings County, N. Y., is a sea-port ad- 
vantageotisly situated on the west end 
of Long Island, opposite the City of 
New York, with which it is closely con- 
nected by numerous steam ferries and a 
new Bridge now nearly completed. 
The East River, which separates Long 
Island from New York Island, is here 
about lialf a mile in width, affording a 
sufficient depth of water for the largest 
jihips. By the acquisition of Williams- 
burgh, (annexed in 1854,) Brooklyn 
now contains an area of about 16,000 
acres, having an exterior line of 22 
miles. The surface is uneven and the 
south and east borders are occupied by 
a broad range of low hills, wliich extend 
east to Queens County. Along the 
water's edge, opposite the lower part of 
New York, is an iiTegular bluff known 
as Brooklyn Heights. Wallabout Bay 
is a deep indentation lying between the 
old towns of Brooklyn and Williams- 
burgh. Gowanus Bay extends into the 
south part of the City. The land that 
borders upon these bays is flat and 
marshy. Most of the city site, however, 
is on elevated ground, and well adapted 

for avenues and building purposes. 
The water front is entirely occupied by 
wharves and warehouses, while other 
portions of the city are devoted to large 
manufactories of various kinds ; hero 
are extensive ship yards and other pur- 
suits connected with shipping. 

The Atlantic Dock, in South Brooklyn, 
near Buttermilk Channel, with an area 
of 40 acres, is a work of great utility ; 
it has sufficient depth of water for any 
vessel, and is usually crowded with 
ships and steamers. The commerce of 
Brooklyn is large, though it scarce has 
an independent existence, owing to its 
proximity to the City of New York. 
Ship and boat-building and repairing 
are extensively carried on at Williams- 
burg and Green Point on the East Kiver. 

The United States Navy Yard is 
located upon Wallabout Bay. Here is 
also the United States Marine Hospital 
for the care of the sick and infirm sea- 
men belonging to the Navy. Nmnerous 
ships-of-war of a large class are usually 
to be seen at the Government Docks, or 
anchored off in the stream, this being a 
great rendezvous for vessels and fleets 
arriving from foreign ports. 



Public Parks. 

Brooklyn, which now ranks as the 
third city of the Union, boasts of sev- 
eral fine parks, of which Pbospect 
Park is the most extensive, containing 
about 600 acres and laid out at a total 
cost of $10,000,000. It was first pro- 
jected in 1860, though the original plan 
was exceedingly meagre in its pro- 
visions. The site of this park, formerly 
known as "Prospect Hill," is one of 
surprising natural beauty, with mag- 
nificent views embracing every variety 
of prospect and scenery. The rich soil 
is covered in Summer with a luxuriant 
growth of plants and flowers ; stately 
forest trees wave in the breeze ; hill- 
ocks, lakes, and water-courses lend the 
charms of rural scenery; while art, with 
lavish expenditure, has been introduced 
to supply with exquisite sculpture and 
multiplied adornments all that can 
please the eye and enrich the mind. 
Twenty-five acres are devoted to zoo- 
logical gardens. Its tasteful fountains, 
arbors, terraces, exquisite bridges, 
music-stands, skating ponds, winding 
pedestrian and carriage ways, in mag- 
nificence equal those of Central Park, 
New York. The site of this Park is 
unrivalled as regards elevation — over- 
looking Brooklyn, the City of New 
York and the surrounding country, 
together with a fine view of the Bay of 
New York and the Atlantic Ocean as 
seen in the distance. 

Washington Park. — This park 
covers the site of Port Green of Rev- 
olutionary fame, and is the oldest of the 
Brooklyn parks. It is but a short dis- 
tance from the ferry, wUl well repay a 

visit, and may be reached by the horse 

Cabboll Park. — This is a small 
park handsomely formed at the inter- 
section of Carroll and Court streets. It is 
much frequented by the working classes. 

Brooklyn Parade Ground. — This 
Is a level tract of rich greensward just 
outside of the city limits on the way to 
Coney Island, and is considered the 
finest parade ground in the United 

Prospect Park Faer Grounds, situ- 
ated at Gravesend, between Brooklyn 
and Coney Island, is owned by a pri- 
vate association, and is a tract of 80 
acres containing a one-mile driving 
track, a club-house, a hotel, and fair 
ground, costing in the aggregate over a 
quarter of a million. 

There are several other parks and 
drives of more or less notoriety ; while 
City BaUroads run in almost every di- 
rection to different parts of the city. 

The Nassau Water Works afford an 
abundant supply of pure water, while 
the several Gas Works afford light for 
the city. 

The numerous Churches of Brooklyn 
— for which it is famed — its Institutions 
of Learning, Libraries, etc., together 
with an easy access to the City of New 
York, makes this favored city a most 
desirable place of abode, both for the 
wealthy and the laboring classes. Its 
public building are numerous, and many 
of them costly edifices. The Oitj Soli 
and Cownby Court Mouse are fine build- 
ings, the former in part surrounded by 
a small park, standing at the junction 
of Court and Fulton streets. 



The PMic Scliools are numerous, be- 
ing under the charge of a Board of 
Education. Packer Collegiate Institute, 
for girls, occupies an elegant building, 
to which is attached an astronomical 
observatory. The Brooklyn Institute 
has a free library, and provides free 
lectures, and lessons in drawing and 
painting for apprentices. The Brooklyn 
Athenmum, the Mercantile Library and 
Seadinff Boom, (erected at a cost of 
$200,000, the Law Library and Naval 
Lyceum, are valuable institutions. 

Among the societies for intellectual 
improvement are the Long Island His- 
torical Society, the Hamilton Literary 
Association, the Fh-anldin BebaUng Asso- 
ciation, the Young Men's Association, 
and several others of a similar char- 

The Academy of Music and the T7ie- 
atres aflord ample places of amusement 
for the people of Brooklyn, now num- 
bering near half a million of favored 
citizens, most of whom are closely 
identified with the City of New York. 
A late writer remarks : " We know far 
too little about the 'City of Churches,' 
which, without as much business of its 
own as is carried on in towns of half 
the population, has gone on expanding 
in all directions, improving its natural 
advantages, acquiring a Park only in- 
fpvior to Central Park and Boulevards, 
of ^eat extent, until it is undoubtedly 
the largest ' residence city ' in the 
world. " But the Brooklyn Hagle brings 
out facts from the last State census, 
and from other reliable sources of in- 
formation, which ought to be heeded 
by New Yorkers. Take, for instance, 

the statistics of new buildings erected 
from 1864 to 1875, inclusive : 







■ 8,617,300 





















The mere fact of the erection of 21,130- 
buildings in the period above given, is 
one that, of itself, should attract atten- 
tion. In other words, accomodations 
have been provided for 150,000 inhab- 
itants, or for an increase of population 
equal to that of a city as populous as 
BuflFalo. This growth has not been 
due, in any large degree, to the growth 
of the business of Brooklyn, but has 
been owing far more to the fact that, 
owing to the lack of rapid transit, and 
liigh prices of real estate, tens of thous- 
ands of people who would have pre- 
ferred living on this island, have been 
driven across the Bast River. 

Brooklyn City Hospital.— This 
institution is situated on an elevated 
site, near De Kalb avenue, on Raymond 
street, with a frontage of 200 feet, and 
consists of a main structure and two 
wings. It is complete in its appoint- 
ments, and contains private wards for 
such as require and are able to pay for 
special attention. 

Long Island Collboe Hospital 
occupies 14 lots, at the junction of 



Pacific and Henry streets. It provides 
lOr in-door and out-door patients, lias 
a school for nurses, and is a medical 
college proper. It cost $50^000. 

United States Natai, Hospital, 
situated east of the Navy Yard. Con- 
tains a laboratory, where medicines are 
manufactured for the United States 

Eye Airo Ear Hospital, comer of 
Johnson and Washington streets, and 
treats the suffering gi-atuitously. It is 
supported by private charity. 

St. Peter's Hospital. — A brick 
structure, on the corner of Hicks and 
Congress streets, managed by "Sisters 
of the Poor of the Third order of St. 

Brooklyn Dental Infirmary, situ- 
ated at No. 2G0 Washington street, and 
was the first /ree dental infirmary estab- 
lished in this country. 

Brooklyn Orphan Asylum, located 
on Cumberland street. 

CnuRCH Charity Foundation, cor- 
ner of Herkimer and Albany streets. It 
combines hospital, asylum, home, 
training scool, bethel for seamen, etc. 

Howard Colored Orphan Asylum, 
on Ralph avenue and Pacific street. 

Catholic Orphan Asylums. — 
Female Asylum, corner Congress and 
Clinton streets ; also Willoughby end 
Yates avenues. Roman Catholic Or- 
plian Asylum, on block between Albany 
and Troy avenues, and WyckofE and 
Warren streets. Orphan's Home Asy- 
lum, on Graham avenue, near Montrose. 

its rapid strides in population and 
wealth. It became an incorporated 
city in 1834, with a population of about 

Population at Different Periods. 

In 1800 3,298 

" 1810 4,403 

" 1820 7,l'/3 

" 1830 15,393 

" 1840 30,333 

" 1850 96,850 

" 1800 366,661 

" 1870 396,105 

" 1875, by the State Census.. -484, 616 

The avenues and streets are numer- 
ous, while many of them are occupied 
by Street liailroads, extending to almost 
every part of the city. (See Idst of 
Streets, etc.) 

The rise and growth of Brooklyn 
deserves particular attention, owing to 

United States Navy Yard, Brooklyn. 

This is an important national depot 
of gi'cat interest and curiosity, and is 
visited by many thousands annually. In 
1801 the United States Government first 
purchased grounds located on WaU- 
about Bay for the above purpose ; sub- 
sequent purchases has increased the 
plot to about 200 acres, lying between 
the Eastern and Western Districts of 
Brooklyn. The Navy Yard proper 
covers about 50 acres, is laid out with 
paved streets and walks which are kept 
in good order. The Diy Dock is a vast 
structure capable of taking in a ship 
300 feet long, and has cost near $3,000,- 
000. It is emptied by immense steam 
pumps constracted for the purpose. 
The Yard contains several large build- 
ings, to cover ships of war while in 
process of construction, lumber ware- 
houses, together with great numbers of 
cannon and quantities of shot and shells. 



foundries, &c. Here are cottages for 
officers, barracks for troops, a Marine 
Hospital, a Naval Museum filled witli 
curiosities, wliich are open to the public, 
jind many other objects of interest, in- 
■cluding ships of war lying at the docli:s 
or anchored in the bay. 

Nassau Water Works, Brooklyn. 


Ground broken, July 31st, 1856. 

Water first distributed, Dec. 13, 1858. 

Work comiilcted, April, 1801. 

Lengtli of Main Aqueduct, 13J miles. 

Length of Branches, miles. 

Length of cast iron main and distrib- 
uting pipes, 130 miles. 


Aqueduct per day, 40,000,000 gals. 


Mt. Prospect " 30,000,000 *■ 

Average daily consumption, (1875) 
27,000,000 gallons. 


Surface Eidgewood Reservoir, 170 ft. 

Surface Mount Prospect Reservoir, 
198 feet. 

Top of Tower Mount Prospect Park, 
330 feet. 

Total cost of works, about $10,000,000. 

From the top of the Tower in Pros- 
pect Park is afforded a grand view, 
overlooking "the Park and City of 
Brooklyn ; south may be seen the At- 
lantic Ocean ; west, Staten Island and 
New Jersey ; north, the Bay and City 
of New York ; east; the Navy Yard, 
Williamsburgh and the East River, al- 
together affording one of the grandest 
panoramas imaginable. 

Purity of the Water. 

The quality of the Ridgewood water 
compares very favorably with that of 
any other water supply in the world. 
On the analyses of the waters used in 
several cities the following are the re- 
sults, indicating the grains of solid mat- 
ter per gallon: Brooklyn, 3.64; Boston; 
3.57; Philadelphia, 4.36; Albany, 4.73; 
Paris, 9.86. 


This Company now run five Ferries, owning 16 Boats. 

1. Catharine, from Main street, Brooklyn, to Catharine street. New Yorlc. 

2. Fulton, from Fulton street, Brooklyn, to Fulton street. New York. 

3. Wall street, from Montague street, Brooklyn, to Wall street. New York. 

4. South, from Atlantic street, Brooklyn, to Whitehall street. New York. 

6. Hamilton, from Hamilton avenue, Brooklyn, to Whitehall street. New 

Running tliirteen boats daily and six all night. Transporting 135,000 foot 
passengers daily, over and back — 44,000,000 annually ; being more than the 
entire population of the United States, tlie Fulton Ferry alone transporting every 
seven days more than the entire population of Brooklyn. Only one life lost on 
the boats in fifteen years. In the meantime no person injured permanently on 
the boats. This Company transport more passengers than any other corporation 

228 NEW YORK AS IT 18. 

in the world, by land or water. Fare, two cents in day time, and one cent be- 
tween 5 and 7)^ morning and evening. Consume 28,000 tons of coal annually. 
Employ 300 hands daily. Capital stock, $100,000. 

N. B. MoBSE, President. 

H. E. PiEBREPONT, Vice-President. 

J. A. Perby, Secretary and Treamrer. 

W. A. Degbauw, Cashier. 

Cyrus P. Smith, Managing Director. 

Prior to 1810 row-boats and pirogues were the only ferry-boats upon the river. 
Next came the horse boats, wheel in the middle. The first steamboat, caUed 
the "Nassau," was put on Fulton Ferry on 8th May, 1814, and ran with horse 
boats till 1824 R. S. Stevens, Esq., put a side-wheel steamboat on Hoboken 
Ferry in 1822. 


Livingston Street, near Court Street. 

This institution was incorporated in April, 1854, and first opened for students 
in Peptember, 1855. Its object is to afford to the youth of Brooklyn, and to 
others who may choose it as a place of study, the requisite facilities for a 
thorough education adapted to their destined pursuits. 

The large and commodious edifice erected for its use is provided with all ap- 
propriate means and appliances for the benefit and comfort of its pupils and for 
the business of instruction. The Department of Physical Sciences is furnished 
with a valuable Philosophical Apparatus, a well-appointed Chemical Laboratory, 
and a Cabinet of Natural History. To each of these large additions are annu- 
ally made. The management of the Institute, the appointment of its officers, 
and the administration of its finances, are committed to a Board of Trustees, 
elected by the stockholders. 

Board of Trustees. 

J. 8. T. Stranahan, 
Luther B. Wyman, 
JosiAH O. Low, 
John T. Martin, 
George A. Jarvis, 
Charles S. Baylis, 
James How, 


Charles R. Marvxn, 
Alfred 8. Barnes, 
Alexander M. White, 
Walter T. Hatch, 
Joshua L. Pope, 
Benjamin T. FiioTHrNanAH, 
William C. Fowler, 
C. L. Benedict, 
T. H. Mabvin. 

Isaac H. Frothinqiiam, President. 

Benj. T. Frotiiingiiam, 8ecreta/ry. 

Tabker H. Mabvin, Treasurer. 

Albert J. Leffingwell, Begistrwr and Clerk. 

long island historical society. 229 


David H. CocnnAN, Pn. D., LL.D., President, and Professor of History 
and Philosophy. 

George W. Colloiid, A. M. , Professor of the Greek and Latin Languages. 

RuFUB Sheldon, A. M., Professor of Pure Mathematics. 

Rodney G. Kimball, A. M. , Professor of Applied Mathematics. 

George W. Plympton, A. M., Professor of Physical Science. 

Brainbrd Eellogg, a. M., Professor of the English Language and Liter- 

Philip Willner, A. M. , Professor of the French and German Languages. 

Constantine Hertzbero, Professor of Drawing. 

BoBERT Foster, A. M. , Superintendent of the Collegiate Department. 

Edward C. Seymour, A. M., Principal of the Academic Department. 

Erederick F. MiJLLER, Professor of Vocal Music. 

Jesse W. Payson, Professor of Bookkeeping and Penmanship. 

Rooms on Court Street near City Hall. Founded, 1863. 

This Society had Its origin in the desire of many gentlemen, principally living 
in Brooklyn, not only to bring together, at a convenient centre, books, docu- 
ments, memorials of all kinds, relating to the history of Long Island, and of the 
State of New York, but also to collect a library rich in all departments of his- 
torical literature ; a library of reference, in which the student may find what he 
needs for the illustration of any period in history, of any epoch of progress, in 
politics, art, invention, letters and human thought. 

The Society was incorporated in 1863 ; and it numbers, at present, 596 an- 
nual members, and 424 life members. 

The library already contains over twenty-six thousand volumes, with nearlj « 
as many selected pamphlets, many of the latter being rare and valuable. It is 
very rich in works relating to American local history, and to family genealogy ; 
and contains nearly all the important works which have been published upon 
general American history. It is also strong in English and French history and 
biography, and has a fine collection of costly and richly illustrated volumes, re- 
lating to fine art, antiquities, and natural history. It has also courses of Lec- 
tures every Winter on historical subjects. 


Richard S. Storrs, President. 

Henry C. Murphy, First Vice-President. 

Joshua M. Van Cott, Second Vice-President. 

J. Carson Brbvoort, Foreign Corresponding Secretary. 

T. Stafford Drowne, Home Corresponding Secretary. 

Chauncey L. Mitchell, Recording Secretary. 

James B. Taylor, Treasurer. 

George Hannah, Librajrian. 

MeectUive Committee. — J. Carson Brevoort, Chairman; Henry Sheldon, Charles 
Storrs, John Greenwood, Camden C. Dike, Ellas Lewis, Jr., Enos N. Taft ; 
Oeorge Hannah, Secretary. 




Incorporated May 30, 1834 

George Hall* ...1834-35 

Jonathan Trotter* .1836-37 

Jeremiah Johnson* 1838-39 

Cyrus P. Smithf 1840-41 

EfenryC. Murphy ...1842-^3 

Joseph Sprague*. ...1844-45 

Thos. G. Talmage* ..1846 

Francis B. Stryker 1847-49 

Edward Copeland* 1850 

Samuel Smith,* 3 months 1850 

Conklin Brush* .1851-52 

Edward A. Lambert 1853-54 

George Hall* ...1855-56 

Samuel S. Powell.. 1857-60 

Martin Kalbfleisch* .1861-63 

Alfred M. Wood 1864r^5 

Samuel Booth 1806-67 

Martin Kalbfleisch* 1868-71 

Samuel 8. Powell 1873-73 

John W. Hunter 1874-75 

Pbederick A ScnKOEDEK 1876-77 

* Deceased. • t Elected by the people ; previously appointed by the Common Conncil. 


Mayor's Office, 

Nos. 2 and 3 City Hall. 

Chables a. McLaughlin, Secreta/ry, 





3 — George H. Sterling. 

3 — Charles J. Sliepard. 

4 — Robert Black-. 

5 — Henry Corr. 

6 — James Kane. 

7 — A. Stewart Rowley. 

8— David S. Arnott. 

9— William H. Murtha. 
10 — Simon Gunder. 
11— Stephen M. Griswold. 
13 — James Donovan. 
13— William H. Ray. 


John French, Esq., PreaiAmt. 

14 — Mark Reardon. 
15— John T. Parker. 
16 — David Acker. 
11 — Hermfin Cottrell. 
18 — George W. Williams. 
19 — Samuel Guthrie. 
30— John French. 
21 — Frederick Sigrlst. 
23— William A. Fritz. 
23— Francis B. Fisher. 
24 — George Jennison. 
25— Robert Hill. 

City Clerk's Office. 
No. 1 City Hall. 
Wm. G. Brsnop, City Glerk, 
Dennis McNamaba, Bept. Glerk, 



Rooms, No. 9, 10 and 11 First Floor, City HaU. 

Samuel S. Powell, Comptroller, - $10,000 

Aaron Brinkerhopf, Deputy Comptroller, 3,000 


Receiver of Taxes. 
William A. Fubt, - - - 7,000 

Register of Arrears. 
Daniel D. Whitney, 5,000 


WiLUAM S. Searing, 5,000 

Coroners of Kings County. 

Office, No. 6 Court House Building. 

Henry C. Shims, M. D., and Francis Nolan. 


Central Office, 76 Court Street. 

Daniel D. Briggs, President, ) 

William B. Hurd, j- Commissumers. 

John Pyburn, ) 

Health Department. 

Office, 66 Court Street. 

Andrew Otterson, M. D., President, $5,000, ) 

John French, President Boa/rd of Aldermen, > Comrrmsioners. 

Daniel D. Briggs, President Boa/rd of Police, ) 

Francis H. Stuart, M. D., Begistra/r, 

Oommissioners of Fublio Charities, Kings County. 

Office, near Court House, Livingston Street. 
Thomas P. Norris, M. D., President. 

Bernard Bogan, John Raber, Bernard Miles, Hanuond V. Storms. 

The Commissioners of Public Charities have charge of the following institu- 

Oownty Alms House, Oounty Hospital, Nursery Building (undergoing repairs), 
and Lunatic Asylum, all of which are located at Flatbush. 

Attached are grounds for the benefit of the inmates, consisting of 4!^ acres of 
land. The present number in the Alms House, Hospital and Lunatic Asylum 
number about 2,100. 

Park Conunissioners. 

Office, 94 Court Street. 
James S. Stranahan, President. 
John H. Prentice, William Marshall, Abiel A. Low, Seymou- L. Husted, 
Abraham B. Bayiis, Stephen Hayncs, Fred. A. Schroder, e!c-oficio, John N. 
Taylor, Comptroller and Counsel; Olmsted, Vaux & Co., Archiiecu and Superin- 
tendents/ John Y. Cuyler, Chief Engineer. 


Board of Oommisaioners of City Works. 
Office, Room 10, City Hall, Brooklyn. 
Gen. Henry W. Slocum, President. 
William A. Fowler, T. W. Adams, Daniel L. Northmp, Secretary; Julius 
W. Adams, Chief Migineer. 

County Clerk's 0£5ce, 

No. 15 County Court House Building. 

Qeorge G. Hebman, County Clerk. 
Gboroe G. Baknakd, Deputy Clerk. 

District Attorney's Office, 

No. 3 Court House Building. 
Winchester Britton, Diatr Attorney. 

Sheriff's Office, 
No. 8 Court House Building. 

Albert Daggett, Sheriff. 

Lewis R. Stegman, Under Sheriff. 

Surrogate's Office, 
County Court House Building. 

William D. Vbedeb, Surrogate. 
Jddau B. Voorheeb, Deputy Surrogate. 
JouN Courtney, Administration Clerk, 

County Treasurer, 
13 Court House Building. 

Thomas A. Qabdiner, Treasurer. 
James Gardiner, Deputy Treasurer. 


United States District Court. 

Charles L. Benedict, Judge. 
Aba W. Tennby, District Attorney. 
Samuel R. Harlow, Marshal. 

Supreme Court, 

Room 19, Court House Building. 
Daniel P. Barnard, Chief Justice. 
Pratt, Gilbert and Dykeman, Justices. 
General Terms and Special Terms are held Monthly. 


County Court and Sessions. 

IIenrt a. Moore, Judge. 
Bernabd J. YoKK, Olerk. 

City Court of Brooklyn. 
Joseph Neilson, Ohief Judge. 
Alexander McCub, ) tl.j„,. 
Geokgb G. Reynolds, f •'"«5"»- 
George W. Knaebel, Clerk. 
Alden J. Spooner, AssH Olerk. 
Charles Thomas, Ass'i Olerk. 

Extract from the Annual Message of tJie Mayor of Brooklyn, dated Jan. 3, 1876. 
Statement, showing the Debt on the 31st of December, 1875 : 

Permanent Debt $20,003,000 

Temporaiy Debt 20,052,000 

Tax Certificates of Indebtedness 3,379,000 

Less Sinking Fund 3,463,736 

Add Kings County Debt, for which the City- 
is liable 3,739,300 

Total Debt $38,770,464 

Assessed Value of City Property - $193,000,000 

The Kate of Taxation in Brookljm is determined by wards, and the figures 
for this year vary from $3.13 to $3.50 per $100. The average rate is $3.40 per 
cent., or fifty cents on the $100 more than New York hasto pay. 


Statement of the Belief given to the out-door poor of the City of New York, 
during the past eight years : 

Year. Money. Coal. Transportation. Total. 

1868 $65,453 $37,474 $1,977 $104,904 

1809 73,095 43,855 3,009 118,959 

1870 77,987 32,299 1,719 103,005 

1871 55,066 31,784 1,731 88,581 

1873 -.- 34,704 25,597 1,694 61,995 

1873. -• 43,810 20,083 1,228 64,120 

1874 49,119 24,637 649 65,405 

1875 49,331 26,827 1,066 66,134 

The Report showed that the per capita expense incurred in the maintenance 
of the inmates of the several institutions during 1875, was less than in any pre- 
ceding year. In 1874 the average number supported was 10,289 ; in 1875, 10,387. 



The returns of the State Census of 1875 have been completed and distributed 
by the Secretary of State. They are tabulated in conjunction -with the returns 
of the six previous censuses taken from 1845 to 1875 inclusive, in such a manner 
that the steady increase of population is immediately seen by comparison. 

The following Table shows the totals in Kikg's County for the time named : 































































































































The changes of the Population in the County Towns are thus shown : 









• 3,781 







New Lots . 

10 765 

New Utrecht 


Total towns.. 






Total King's County, 1875 509,316. 

In the above totals for 1875 Brookljn is credited with 3,691 persons in asylums, 
penal institutions, &c., and the county towns with 336 in the same or similar 


• 235 


Brooklyn Daily Argus, 325 Washington Street. 
Brooklyn Daily Eagle, 82 and 34 Fulton Street. 
Brooklyn Union, Fulton corner Front Street. 
Brooklyn Times (Williamsburgh), 24 and 26 Broadway. 
Freie Presse (German), Myrtle Avenue. 


Brooklyn Sunday Sun, Washington corner Johnson Street 
Brooklyn Review, 351 Fulton Street. 
South Brooklyn News, 449 Fifth Avenue. 


Association Advocate, Gallatin Place corner Fulton Street. 
Educational Journal. 


Mr Rules and Begulations, see New York Oity Banks. 

Atlantic, (State,) 49 Fulton stfeet. 
Organized, 1872. Capital, $200,000. 
Par $100. George S. Puffer, President ; 
Oliver M. Denton, Cashier. 

Brooklyn, (State,) Fulton, corner 
Front. Incorporated, 1832. Organ- 
ized, 1859. Capital, $300,000. Par $50. 
George A. Thome, President; P. S. 
Henderson, Cashier. 

Commercial, (State,) 18 Court street. 
Organized, 1868. Capital, $180,000. 
Thomas D. Hudson, President ; John 
J. Vail, Cashier. 

First National, First street, comer 
Broadway, E. D. Organized, 1852. 
Capital, $500,000. Par $100. Kicholas 
WyckoflE, President; J. G. Jenkins, 

Fulton, (State,) 361 Fulton street. 
Organized, 1870. Capital, $225,000. 
Edward A. Lambert, President; John 
A. Nexsen, Cashier. 

Long Island, (State,) 47 Fulton st. 
Organized, 1845. Capital, $400,000. 

Par $50. Wm. C. Fowler, President; 
A. J. Beekman, Cashier. 

Manufact>irers',(National,) 64 Broad- 
way, E. D. Capital, $252,000 Par 
$30. C. H. Fellows, President; T. C. 
Disbrow, Cashier. 

Mechanics, (State,) Court street, cor 
Montague. Organized, 1852. Capital, 
$500,000. Par $50. Dan'l Chauncey, 
President; Geo. W. White, Cashier. 

Mechanics and Traders, (State,) 
Greenpoint avenue, corner Franklin, (B. 
D.) Organized, 1867. A. K. Meserole, 
President; H. J. Oldering, jr., Cashier. 

Nassau, (National,) 24 Court street. 
Capital, $300,000. Organized, 1859. 
Crawford C. Smith, President; Edgar 
T. Jones, Cashier. 

National City, 357 Fulton street. 
Capital, $300,000. Organized, 1850. 
John J. Studwell, President; Andrew 
A. Rowe, Cashier. 




Brooklyn, 317 Fulton street. Incor- 
porated in 1827. Assets, Januaiy 1, 
1875, $13,457,443. Hosea Webster, 
President ; John A. Latimer, Account- 

Bushwick, 823 Broadway. Incor- 
porated, 1868. Assets, $39,318. Joseph 
Liebman, President ; Samuel L. Car- 
lisle, Secretary. 

Dime, 367 Pulton street. Incorpor- 
ated, 1859. Assets, $7,661,200. Sey- 
mour L. Husted, President ; Charles 
Lowry, Secretary. 

Dime, of Williamsburg, 48 Broad- 
way. Incorporated, 1864. Assets, 
^1,380,691. G. W. Kelsey, President ; 
Wm. Grandy, Secretary. 

East Brooklyn, 643 Myrtle Avenue. 
Assets, $809,872. Stephen Crowell, 
President; Eugene F. Barnes, Secretary. 

Emigrant, 74 Court street. Incor- 
porated, 1863. Assets, $209,956. An- 
drew Dougherty, President ; Francis 
L. Dallon, Secretary. 

Qerman, 92 Montrose Avenue. In- 
corporated, 1866. Assets, $1,447,168. 
John Raber, President; Geo. S. Bishop, 

Germania, 375 Pulton street. Incor- 

E orated, 1867. Assets, $645,038. P. A. 
chroeder, President ; Theo. JUncke, 

Greenpoint, 94 Franklin street. In- 
corporated, 1868. Assets, $571,705. 
Edw. F. Williams, President; R. J. 
Whittemore, Secretary. 

Hamilton, 198 Remsen street. Incor- 
porated, 1867. Assets, $1,935. Chas. 
H. Collins, President. 

Einga County, comer Broadway and 
Fourth street. Incorporated, 1860. 
Assets, $2,755,459. J. 8. Beavers, 
President; A. B. Hodges, Secretary. 

Long Island, 342 and 344 Fulton st. 
Incorporated, 1865. Assets, $1,344,009. 
James M. Seabury, President ; Edward 
B. Fowler, Secretary. 

Mechanics', 111 Fulton street. In- 
corporated, 1871. Assets, $95,205. 
Thomas Brooks, President; Henry E. 
Hutchinson, Secretary. 

Park, corner Fulton and Oxford sts. 
Incorporated, 1868. Assets, $181,218. 
Daniel McCabe, President; R. A. Lind- 
say, Cashier. 

South Brooklyn, 160 Atlantic street. 
Incorporated, 1850. Assets, $6 908,551. 
J. W. Green, President; Czar Dun- 
ning Secretary. 

Williamsburgh, 141 Fourth street. 
Incorporated, 1851. Assets, $11,309,- 
732. George Ricard, President ; John 
Broach, Secretary. 

Note. — The total resources of the sixteen Savings' Banks of Brooklyn, Jan- 
uary 1, 1875, was $48,999,262. 


Corner Fulton and Front Streets. 


Comer Montague and Clinton Sts. 
Chartered, 1866. Capital, $500,000. 

This Company is authorized by special charter to act as Receiver, Trustee or 

Ripley Ropbs, President. Chahlbs R. Marvin, Vice-President. 
Wm. R. Banker, Secretary. 


See New York and Brooklyn Fire Insurance Qmpames, pages 211-215. 



Corner Fulton Street and Gallatin Place. 

Is a flourishing_ institution, occupying a fine suite of rooms.where are accommoda 
tions for religious services, lecture room, library and a reading room. The 
library contains about 8,000 volumes, and the reading room is supplied witk 
Quarterlies, Monthlies, Weeklies and Dailies, regularly received. 

Oppicers for 1876. 

, President. 

David H. Cochran, L.L. D., and others, Vice-Freaidentt. 

William W. Wicks, Treasurer. 

John T. Adams, Becording Secretary. 

Rev. WiLiiiAM M. Martin, Superintendent. 

A. S. Emmons, LByraarian. 



Berean (colored), Warren, near Troy avenue. 

Central, Bridge, near Myrtle avenue ; Rev. John W. Sarles. 

Central (Williamsburg), South Fifth, corner of Eighth street; Rev. Christopher 

Clinton avenue. Armory Hall, Clermont avenue, near Myrtle avenue. 

Concord (colored), Canton street, near Park avenue ; Rev. Wm. T. Dixon. 

Consolidated American Baptist Missionary Convention, 1,003 St. Mark's ave- 
nue; Rev. Rufus L. Perry. 

East Brooklyn, Bedford avenue, near Myrtle avenue ; Rev. Hiram Hutchings. 

Fifth, Broadway, corner Eleventh street (B. D.); Rev. Mr. Oakley. . 

First, Nassau, comer Liberty ; Rev. Jesse B. Thomas. 

First fWilliamsburg), Fifth st., corner South Fifth (E. D.); Rev. Daniel Read. 

First German, Montrose avenue, near Union av. (E. D.); Rev. J. C. Grinnell. 

German Baptist, Twenty-second street, near Third avenue ; Rev. Carl Damm. 

Gethsemane, Willoughby avenue, near Broadway ; Rev. A. Stewart Walsh. 

Greenpoint, Noble street, near Union avenue (E. D.); Rev. D. Henry Miller. 

Greenwood, Fifteenth street, corner Fourth avenue ; Rev. Albert G. Lawson. 

Hanson place, Hanson place, comer South Portland avenue ; Rev. Justin 
D. Fulton. 

Herkimer street, Herkimer st., corner Trw avenue ; Rev. Henry B. Warring. 

Lee avenue, Lee avenue, near Wilson (E. D.); Rev. J. Hy&tt Smith. 

Marcy avenue, Marey avenue, comer Madison street ; Rev. Reuben Jeffrey. 

Mount Olivet (colored), Montrose avenue, near Lorimer street (E. D.); Rev. 
J. R. Young. 

Pilgrim OLeflerts .Park Mission), Van Buren, near Tompkins avenue ; Rev. 
Charles C. Callen. 

Sands Street Mission, Sands street, near Gold street; Rev. John Toomath. 

Second (Williamsburg), Ainslie street, near Graham avenue (E. D.); Rev. J. 
N. Folwell. 

Sixth avenue. Sixth avenue, corner Lincoln place. 

Strong pl^ce. Strong place, corner Degraw street ; Rev. Galuska Anderson. 


Strong Place Mission, Carroll place, near Hoyt street. 

Tabernacle Mission, 208 Hamilton avenue. 

Tabernacle, Clinton, comer Third place ; Rev. Thomas Rambaut 

Trinity, Broadway, comer Ralph avenue ; Rev. J. L. Hodge. 

Union avenue, Greenpoint ; Rev. Hughes. 

Washington avenue, Washington av., corner Gates av.; Rev. D. Moore, Jr. 


Atlantic Avenue Mission, Atlantic avenue, comer Grand avenue. 
Bethel of Plymouth Church, 15 Hicks street ; Rev. C. M. Morton. 
Central Tabernacle, Hancock street, near Franklin av.; Rev. H. M. Scudder. 
Clinton avenue, Clinton av., corner Lafayette av.; Rev. W. Ives Budihgton. 
Covenant, Classon avenue, comer Baltic street. 

Grand Avenue Mission, Grand avenue, near Myrtle av. ; S. L. Parsons, Sup't. 
Leo avenue, Lee avenue, corner Howes street ; Rev. Edward Eggleston. 
Mayflower Mission, Jay street, near Sands street. 

Mediator, Rochester avenue, corner Herkimer street ; Rev. Bishop Palkner. 
New England, South Ninth street, near Sixth street (E. D.); Rev. John H. 

Pacific street. Pacific street, corner Clove road. 

Park, Sixth avenue, comer Seventh street. 

Pilgrims, Henry street, corner Remsen street ; Rev. Richard S. Storrs, Jr. 

Plymouth, Orange, near Hicks street ; Rev. Henry Ward Beecher. 

Puritan, Lafayette avenue, corner Marcy avenue ; Rev. C. H. Everest. 

South, President, comer Court street ; Rev. Albert J. Lyman. 

Union, Elm place, near Fulton ; Rev. Joseph Wild. 

Warren Street Mission, Warren St., near Hiclis ; Rev. J. H. Cullen, D.D. 


Ahavateh Acham, Johnson avenue, near Ewen st. (E. D.) ; Isaac Hess, Rabbi. 

Beth Elohim, South First street, corner Eighth st. (E. D.); Dr. Gross, Rabbi. 

Beth Jacob, 10th street, near South Fifth street (E. D.) 

Beth Elohim, Pearl, near Concord street ; George Brandenstcin, Rabbi. 

Beth Israel, Boerum, corner State street. 

Temple Israel, Green avenue, near Carlton avenue ; R Lasker, Rabbi. 


German (Fifth), Noble, near Franklin street, Greenpoint ; Rev. C. O. Kaselitz. 

St. John's (E. D.), Graham avenue, corner Ten Eyck; Rev. J. Weisel. 

St. John's, Prospect avenue, near Fifth avenue ; Rev. Helmuth Sommer. 

St. Luke's, Carlton avenue, near Myrtle av. ; Rev. J. H. Baden. 

St. Mark's, Evergreen avenue, corner Jefferson ; Rev. Emile Frey. 

St. Matthew's, North Fifth street, between Fifth and Sixth streets (E. D.), 
Rev. J. H. Vosseler. 

St. Matthew's (English), Atlantic avenue, near Third avenue ; Rev. Stewart 

St. Paul's, South First street, comer Ninth st. (E. D.); Rev. M. Wrage. 

St. Paul's, Columbia, near Summit street ; Rev. Robert Neumann. 

St. Peter's, Wallworth, comer De Kalb avenue ; Rev. Charles Goehling. 

Zion, Henry, near Clark street ; Rev. T. W. T: Steimle. 




Ebv. C. B. Sing, Presiding Elder ; Residence, 84 Quincey street. 

Broadway Mission, Kosciuslco street, n. Broadway : Rev. R. P. Cliristoplier. 

Central South Fifth, cor. Fifth street (E. D.), Rev. B. M. Adams. 

Cook street. Cook, cor. Bushwick avenue (E, D.) ; Rev. G. II. Andrews. 

De Kalb avenue, De Kalb avenue, near Franklin avenue ; Rev. S. H. Piatt. 

Gothic, Grand, corner Ewens street (E. D.) ; Rev. W. J. Robinson. 

Grand street. Grand street, corner Ewen (E. D.) ; Rev. C. S. Wing. 

Greenpoint, Union avenue, near Java street (E. D.) ; Rev. W. W. Clark. 

Greenpoint Tabernacle, Greenpoint; Rev. T. H. Burch. 

John Wesley, Tompkins avenue, cor. Willoughby avenue ; Rev. C. B. Ford. 

Leonard street, Conselyea, corner Leonard street (E. D.) ; Rev. S. 0. Keeler. 

North Fifth street, North Fifth, near Fourth street (E. D.); Rev. 0. P. 

Park Avenue Mission. 

Simpson, Clermont avenue, corner Willoughby avenue; Rev. W. R. Davis. 

South Second street, South Second street, near Fifth (E. D.) ; Rev. J. 
Pegg, Jr. 

South Third St., South Third (corner Union av., E. D.) ; Rev. J. Simmons. 

St. John's, Bedford avenue, corner Wilson street (E. D.) ; Rev. H. W. 

Bummerfleld, Washington avenue, corner Green avenue ; Rev. A. H. Hyatt. 

Tompkins avenue, Tompkins avenue, corner Madison ; Rev. F. Brown. 


Rev. C Fletcher, Presiding Elder. 

Carroll Park, Rev. W. W. Bowdish. 

Eighteenth street. Eighteenth street, near Fifth avenue ; Rev. P. C. Putney. 

Embury, Herkimer street, near Schenectady avenue ; Rev. 0. E. Miller. 

First place. First place, corner Henry street ; Rev. J. W. Bamhart. 

Fleet street. Fleet, comer Lafayette ; Rev. Wm. C. Steele. 

Green avenue. Green avenue, near Tompkins avenue ; Rev. F. M. Mare. 

Hanson place, Hanson place, corner St. Felix ; Rev. G. E. Reed. 

Janes, Reid avenue, near Gates avenue ; Rev. J. H. Stransbury. 

Johnson street, Johnson, corner Jay street ; Rev. J. L. Hall. 

Nathan Bangs, Clove road, corner Butler street. 

New York avenue. New York avenue, corner Herkimer street ; Rev. G. L. 

Nostrand avenue, Nostrand avenue, near Quincy street ; Rev. C. M. Griffln. 

Pacific street, Pacific, near Clinton ; Rev. A. S. Hunt. 

Sands street. Sands, near Fulton street ; Rev. George Taylor. 

Scandinavian Chapel, Dean street, near Fifth avenue ; Rev. A. Erickson. 

Seventh avenue. Seventh avenue, corner Butler street ; Rev. E. J.' Haynes. 

Swedish, Rev. A. Erickson. 

Warren street, Warren, near Smith street ; Rev. J. Parker. 

Washington street, Washington street, near Tillary street ; Rev. D. A. Good- 

William Street Bethel Mission, William, near Van Brunt ; Rev. 0. K. Fanning. 

York street, York, corner Gold street ; Rev. J. L. Gilder. 


Bethel, Schenectady avenue, comer Dean ; Rev. Deaton Dorrell. 
First Bethel, Frost, near Lorimer street (E. D.) ; Rev. Deaton Dorrell. 
Fleet street Bethel, Fleet street, near Myrtle avenue ; Rev. Robert Wayman. 
Wesleyan, Bridge, near Myrtle avenue ; Rev. Wm. H. W. Winder. 
Zion, South Third, corner Eleventh street (E. D.) ; Rev. Nathaniel Stubbs. 


First German, Stagg, corner Lorimer street ; Rev. H. Kastendick. 
WyokofE street, Wyckoff street, near Smith ; Rev. C. F. Grimm. 


First, Grand, near Fifth street (E. D.) 

Second, Graham avenue, near Withers street (E. D.) ; Rev. A. J. Conklin. 
Third, Evergreen avenue, near Myrtle avenue ; Rev. J. Smith, D. D. 
Primitive, Park avenue, near Canton street ; Rev. Fred. Bell. 


Ainslie street, Ainslie, corner Ewen street (E. D.) ; Rev. J. M. Buchanan. 
Bethlehem Mission, 631 Fulton street ; T. Brett, superintendent. 
Brooklyn Tabernacle, Schermerhorn, near Nevins ; Rev.T. DeWittTalmage. 
Calvary, North Fifth street, near Fifth (E. D.) ; Rev. Mr. Wilson. 
City Park Mission, Concord, near Hudson avenue ; Rev. Charles Wood. 
Classon avenue, Classon avenue, cor Monroe street ; Rev. Joseph T. Duryea. 
First, Henry, near Clark street ; Rev. Norman Beaver. 
First, Remsen, comer Clinton street ; Rev. H. J. Van Dyke. 
First, (Reformed), Duffield near Myrtle avenue ; Rev. Nevin Woodside. 
First, Williamsburg, S. Fourth, corner Sixth street, (E. D.) 
Franklin Avenue, ]^anklin av. , near Myrtle avenue ; Rev. Sam'l P. Halsey. 
; French, 398 Fulton street j Rev. F. B. Richard. 
; Fort Greene, Cumberland, near Myrtle avenue ; Rev. A. McLelland. 
■ Gates Avenue, (closed). Gates avenue, corner Irving place. 

German, Leonard, corner Btagg street, (E. D.) . Rev. John Neander. 

Greenpoint, Noble street, near Union place ; Rev. William H. Taylor. 

Hopkins street (German), Hopkins, near Throop av. ; Rev. John Menry. 

Lafayette Avenue, Lafayette av., cor. S. Oxford st. ; Rev. Theodore L. Cuyler. 

Memorial, Warren St., near Fifth avenue ; Rev. Thomas Crowther. 

Reformed, Ninth, near Hope, (E. D.) 

Reformed, Lafayette avenue, corner Ryerson street ; Rev. John H. Boggs. 

Ross Street, (E. D.), Ross st. , bet. Bedford av. and Lee av. ; Rev. Mr. Crosby. 

Second, Clinton, near Fulton street ; Rev. A. Crosby. 

Second Reformed (Williamsburg), S. Second, n. Fourth ; Rev. Saml Moffett. 

Second United, Atlantic avenue, cor. Bond street. 

Biloam (col'd). Prince street, near Myrtle avenue ; Rev. A. N. Freeman. 

South, Clinton street, comer Amity street ; Rev.. Alexander Reed. 

South Third street, S. Third st., cor. Fifth St., (E. D.); Rev. John D. Wells. 

Tompkins Avenue, Tompkins avenue, comer McDonough. 

Throop Avenue, Throop avenue, cor. Willoughby av. ; Rev. L. R. Foote. 

Westminster, Clinton, near First place; Rev. J. Clement French. 


All Saints, Fifth avenue, near Nintli street ; Rev. C. H. Bixby. 
Ascension (Greenpoint), Kent av., near Union av.; Rev. T. W. Haskins. 
Atonement, Fifth avenue, cor. Seventeeth street; Rev. William Hyde. 
Calvary, S. Ninth, corner Eighth street, (E. D.) ; Rev. Francis Peck. 
Christ, Bedford avenue, near Clymer street, (E. D.);Rev. Alfred Partrige. 
Christ, Clinton, corner Harrison street; Rev. L. W. Bancroft. 
Church of our Saviour, Clinton, corner Luquer street. 
Cutler Memorial, in Old St. Ann's, Washington street, near Sands street. 
Emanuel, President St., corner Smith; Rev. H.B. Walbridge. 
Evangelist, Bergen street, near Sixth avenue. 

Good Shepherd, McDonough, near Stuyvesant av. ; Rev. Hennr B. Cornwell. 
Grace, Brooklyn Heights, Grace court, cor. Hicks st. ; Rev. Wm. A. Snively. 
Grace Chapel, High, near Gold street; Rev. W. M. William. 
Grace, Conselyea, near Lorimer street (B. D.); Rev. William S. Chadwell 
Guion, Greene avenue, near Marcy avenue; Rev. P. C. Carter. 
Holy Trinity Mission, 120 Myrtle avenue; Rev. William Short. 
Holy Trinity, Clinton street, cor. Montague street; Rev. Charles H. Hall. 
Mediator, Ormond place, cor. Jeflerson street; Rev. T. F. Cornell. 
Messiah, Greene avenue, corner Clermont avenue ; Rev. Charles R. Baker. 
Redeemer, Church of The, Pacific St., cor. Fourth av. ;Rev.Wm. A. Leonard. 
Red Hook Mission Chapel; Rev. J. Lee. 

Reformation, Gates avenue, near Classen avenue; Rev. John S. Bacchus. 
St. Ann's, Clinton st, corner Livingston street ; Rev. Noah Hunt Schenck. 
St. Barnabas, Bush wick avenue, near Kossuth place; Rev. Henry E. Hovey. 
St. James, Hall street, corner Lafayette avenue; Rev. Charles W. Homer. 
St. John's, St. Johns' place, corner Seventh avenue; Rev. T. E. Pycott. 
St. Luke's, Clinton avenue, near Fulton street; Rev. Jacob W. Dillcr. 
St. Mark's, Adelphi street, bet. Willoughby av. and DeKalb av. ; Rev. W. T. 
St. Mark's, Fourth, cor. S. Fifth street, (E. D.); Rev. Samuel Haskins. 
St. Mary's, Classon avenue, near Myrtle avenue ; Rev. Daniel V. M. Johnson. 
St. Matthew's, Throop av., cor. Pulaski avenue; Rev. Charles S. Williams. 
St. Paul's, Carroll street, near Hicks street; Rev. T. S. Drowne. 
St. Paul's, Penn street, corner Marcy avenue, (E. D.): Rev. N. Maynard. 
St. Peter's, State street, near Bond street; Rev. John A. Paddock. 
St. Peter's, Chapel, WyckofE street, near Bond street; Rev. William Burnett. 
St. Stephen's, Patchen avenue, corner Jeflferson; Rev. J. A. Nock. 
St. Thomas' Chapel, Bushwick av., cor. Cooper av. ; Rev. Cornelius L. Twing. 


Bedford avenue Bedford avenue, cor. Clymer (B. D.) ; Rev. E. S. Porter. 
Bethany Chapel, Hudson avenue, near Myrtle av. ; Rev. John V. Griswold. 
Centennial Mission, Third avenue, cor. WyckofE. 
East Bedford avenue, cor. Madison street ; Rev. J. Halsted Carroll. 
First (Brooklyn) Joralemon street, near Court street. 

First (Williamsburg), Bushwick avenue, near N. Second (E. D.) ; Rev. 
Stephen H. Meeker. 
German, New Brooklyn ; Rev. C. F. C. Luckow. 
Greenpoint, Kent avenue, near Union avenue ; Rev. Mr. Francis. 


Heights Church, on Pierrepont street, near Monroe place ; Kev. David Inglis. 

Middle, Harrison, cor. Tompkins place ; Kev. E. P. IngersoU. 

North, Clermont avenue, near Myrtle avenue ; Rev. Alexander R. Thompson. 

South Bushwick, Bushwick av., near De Kalb av. ; Rev. George D. Hults. 

South Gowanus, Third avenue, cor. Fourth street ; Rev. John H. Manning. 

Twelfth street ; Rev. Nehemiah P. Pierce. 

Union avenue (German), Union avenue, cor. Scholes St. ; Rev. J. M. Wagner. 

Right Rev. John Loughmn, Bishop. 

All Saints, Throop avenue, cor, Thornton street ; Rev. A. Arnold. 

Annunciation B. V. M. (German), N. Fifth, cor. Seventh street (E. D.) ; Rev. 
John Hauptman. 

Assumption of The B. V. M., York st., cor. Jay st. ; Rev. William Keegan. 

Holy Trinity (German) Montrose avenue, near Ewen st. ; Rev. Michael May. 

Immaculate Conception of V. B. M., Leonard, cor. Maujer street ; Rev. John 
R. McDonald. 

Nativity, Classon avenue, cor. Madison ; Rev. M. J. Moran. 

Our Lady of Mercy, Debevoise, near De Kalb avenue ; Rev. James McElroy. 

Our Lady of Victory, Throop avenue, bet. McDonough and Macon street ; 
Rev. P. Creighton. 

Sacred Heart, Clermont avenue, near Park avenue ; Rev. Thomas McGivem. 

St. Alphonsus (German), Kent, near Union place ; Rev. W. Guhl. 

St. Anne's, Front street, cor. Gold street ; Rev. Bartholomew Gleeson. 

St. Anthony's, India street (E. D.) ; Rev. William Lane. 

St. Augustine, Fifth avenue, cor. Bergen ; Rev. Louis Rhatigan. 

St. Barnard's Chapel (German), Hamilton avenue, near Hicks street ; Rev. 
John Ammann. 

St. Benedict (German), Fulton St., near Ralph av. ; Rev. Michael Koehren. 

St. Bonifacius (German) DuflBeld, near Willoughby st. ; Rev. Peter De Berge. 

St. Cecilias, Herbert, cor. N. Henry street (E. D.) ; Rev. Florence McCarthy. 

St. Charles Borromeo, Sidney place, cor. Livingston street ; Rev. Francis J. 
Freel, D.D. 

St. Francis, Putnam avenue, near Bedford av. ; Rev. Nicholas Butler, 0. S. B. 

St. Francis De Sales, 1575 Broadway (E. D.) j Rev. H. Leneuf. 

St. James' Cathedral, Jay, cor. Chapel ; Rt. Rev. John Loughlin, Bishop, 
Very Rev. John F. Turner. 

St. John's, Fifth avenue, cor. Twenty-first street ; Rev. James O'Beirne. 

St. John the Baptist, Willoughby avenue, bet. Lewis avenue and Stuyvesant 
avenue ; Rev. J. Malony, C. M. 

St. Joseph's, Pacific street, near Vanderbilt avenue ; Rev. Edward Corcoran. 

St. Leonard of Paul Maurice, Hamburgh avenue, cor. Jefferson (E. D.) ; Rev. 
John J. Raber. 

St. Louis (French), McKibben, near Leonard street ; Rev. Julius Jollon. 

St. Mary's Star of the Sea, Court, cor. Luquer street ; Rev. Eugene Cassidy. 

St. Michael's, Fourth av., cor. Forty-second street; Rev. J. O'Connell, D.D. 

St. Nicholas (German), Powers, cor. Oliver (E. D.); Rev. J. Peine. 

St. Patrick's, Kent avenue, cor. Willoughby avenue; Rev. T. Taaffe. 

St. Paul's, Court, cor. Congress street; Rev. R. J. Maguire. 


St. Peter's, Hicks, cor. Warren street; Rev. Joseph Fransioli. 

St. Peter's and St. Paul's, Second, n. S. Second st. (E. D.); Rev. S. Malone. 

St. Stephen's, Carroll, n. Hicks; Rev. Edward O'Reilly. 

iSt. Theresa's, Classen avenue, cor. Butler street; Rev. Joseph McNamee. 

St. Vincent De Paul, N. Sixth St., n. Fifth (E. D.); Rev. Martin Carrol. 

Transfiguration, Marcy avenue; Rev. John Fagen. 

Visitation of B. V. M., Ewen, n. Van Brunt; liev. Timothy O'Farrell. 


Church of the Saviour, Pierrepont, n. Monroe place; Rev. Alfred P. Putnam. 
New Chapel, Clinton, cor. Congress ; Rev. J. W. Chadwick. 
Third, Classon av., cor. Leflerts; Rev. S. H. Camp. 


■Centenary Chapel, Nostrand avenue, near DoKalb. 

Our Father, Church of, Clermont av., n. Atlantic av. ; Rev. H. R. Ncy. 

Reconciliation, Noble street, near Franklin street. 

All Souls' Church, Fourth, cor. S. Third st. (E. D;) Rev. A. Gunnison. 


All Souls, Episcopal, Pierrepont, cor. Clinton st. ; Rev. George B. Porteous. 

Our Mission, 416 Adelphi street. 

Brooldyn Society of New Jerusalem, Monroe place, cor. Clark street; Rev. 
J. C. Ager. 

Church of the Incarnation, 266 Cumberland; Rev. W. H. Reid. 

Church of the People, State, n. Hoyt street; Rev. Hugh Pentecost. 

Columbia Mission, Columbia, n. Summit; Rev. Joseph West. 

English Evangelical, Clinton, n. Fulton; Rev. T. B. Richard. 

Free Methodist, Third avenue, cor. Twenty-first street; Rev. Mr. Gould. 

Friends' Meeting-house (Orthodox), Washington av., cor. Lafayette av. 

Oerman Evangelical, Schermerhorn, n. Court street. 

Seaman's Friend Society, President, n. Hamilton avenue; Rev. E. 0. Bates. 

Tabernacle Free College, Schermerhorn, n. Nevins. 

The Gospel, Lincoln pi., n. Sixth avenue; Rev.' Joseph B. Cleaver. 

Union Chapel, 106 N. Tliird street (E. D.); Rev. Wm. H. Johnson. 

Union Methodist Mission, 257 Grand street (E. D.) 

United Brethren (Protestant Episcopal Moravian), Jay, n. Myrtle avenue; 
Bev. Mr. Schultz. 

OREENWOOD, the oldest and most noted of all the New York cemeteries, is 
situated on Gowanus Heights, Brooklyn, and about two and one half miles from 
South Ferry, and contains 413 acres of land, purchased of over 60 different 
owners. The surface has been graded at immense expense ; the entrance ways 
are marked with rich adornments, and the whole grounds are encircled with an 
iron fence. It contains 17 miles of carriage roads, and 15 miles of foot-paths, 
most of which, covered with concrete, are always free from dust, mud, and 


weeds. The grounds are adorned with finely-wrought vaults, and with over 
2,000 monuments, some of which have cost large fortunes. The monuments of 
Charlotte Canda, De Witt Clinton, D. H. Lewis, and Col. Vosburgh are among 
the most imposing. About 185,000 interments have been made in these grounds, 
and the annual income from the sale of lots exceeds $300,000. 

CvpiiESS Hill is situated on Long Island, north of the Brooklyn and Jamaica 
turnpike, is partly in Kings and partly in Queens Counties, and about five mUes 
from the ferry near Peck Slip. The grounds comprise about 400 acres, con- 
taining large natural forests. The views from the elevations in this cemetery 
are very extensive. Brooklyn, New York, Jersey City, and the Palisades, to 
the west and north are spread out with panoramic grandeur ; while to the south, 
as far as the eye can extend, roll the blue waves of the Atlantic, bounded by 
the horizon. Over 100,000 interments have been made here since 1848, includ- 
ing the remains of 4,060 soldiers of the late war. 

The Cemetery op the Evbbqkebns is situated three miles east of Willims- 
burgh. It is a large and beautiful plot, with variegated surface and scenery. 

Calvary was laid out in August, 1848, at Newtown, Long Island, and con- 
tains 75 acres. It is the consecrated burial-ground of Boman Catholics, 300,00ft 
bodies having already been interred here. 


Brooklyn City Bailroad Company. 

East New York Line.— Fulton Ferry to East New York, via Fulton street. 
Returning by same route. 

Flatbush Line.— Fulton Ferry to Platbush, via Fulton street and Flatbush 
avenue. Returning by same route. 

FLUSHiNa AvBNDE LiNE. — Fulton Ferry to Van Cott Avenue, via Fulton 
and Sands streets, Hudson and Flushing avenues, Broadway and Graham av- 
enue, to Van Cott. Returning by same route. 

Fdrman Street Line. — Fulton Ferry to Hamilton Ferry, via Furman, Col- 
umbia and Sacket streets. Returning by same route. 

Gates Avenue Line. — Fulton Ferry to Broadway, via Fulton street, and 
Greene, Franklin and Gates avenues. Returning by same route. 

Greenpoint Line, No. 1.— Fulton Ferry to Greenpoint, via Fulton street. 
Myrtle, Classon and Kent avenues, and First, Franklin and Commercial streets. 
Returning by same route. 

Greenpoint Line, No. 3. — Fulton Ferry to Greenpoint, via Fulton street. 
Myrtle, Washington and Kent avenues, and First, Franklin and Commercial 
streets. Returnmg by same route. 

Greenwood Line, No. 1. — Fulton Ferry to Greenwood, via Fulton and 
Court streets, Hamilton and Third avenues and Twenty-fourth street. Return- 
ing by same route. . 



Gbebnvvood Line, No. 2.— Fulton Ferry to Greenwood, via Fulton street, 
Tlatbush and Third avenues and Twenty-fourth st. Returning by same route. 

Hamilton Avbnde Line. — Hamilton Ferry to Fort Hamilton via Hamilton 
and Third avenues. Returning by same route. 

Myrtle Avenue Line. — Fulton Ferry to Broadway, via Fulton street and 
Myrtle avenue. Returning by same route. 

Putnam Avenue Line. — Via Fulton and Putnam avenues, and Halsey street. 

The above Company controls twelve routes, extending through 43 miles of 
streets and avenues. 

The building Street Railroads in Brooklyn commenced in 1855, now extend- 
ing to almost every section of the city. 


New WiUiamsburgJi and FlatbusJi Line. 
BrooUyn and Coney Island Line. 
Grand Street and Newtown Line. 
Brooklyn Cross-Town, to Hunter's Point. 
North Second Street and Middle Village. 
Prospect Park and Coney Island. 
Van Brunt Street and Erie Basin. 

Hoyt, Sa^kett and Bergen Street Line. 
Tlie Broadway, to East New York. 
Grand Street, Prospect Pa/rk and Flat- 
South Fourth Street and Bushwick Line. 
Brooklyn and Newtown Line. 
AtlanUc Avenue and Greenwood Line. 


The Directors announce that they will begin the construction of the road be- 
fore June 1, 1876, as their charter requires. The route will be from "Washington 
and Sands streets, thence through York street to Hudson avenue, to Park avenue 
Grand avenue, Lexington avenue to Marion street and Broadway, and thence to 
^ast New York and Woodhaven, L. I. 

Extract from the Beport of the Board of Trustees of the 


The first estimate was made in 1867, by the late John A. Roebling, Esq., its 
•designer and first engineer, for a structure 80 feet wide and 130 feet above 
high water, exclusive of the land, as follows : 

Suspended superstructure $3,787,972 

Anchorage, including excavation, plates and chains 795,434 

foundation of Brooklyn tower - 855,400 

foundation of New York tower- 
Pile foundation - - $399,087 00 

Brick foundation - 737,294 32 

The latter was adopted -- - 727,394 

Two towers - --- , -- 1,409,820 

Approaches - -- - 742,516 

lilngines and machinery - 40,000 

Toll-houses and gateways - 20,000 


lEngineering . 1 50,000" 

Contingencies. 299,781 

To the foregoing sums, amounting to $7,338,207 32, was added eight 
per cent, for additional width to 85 feet, and height to 135 feet, as 
required for the latter, before commencing the bridge, by the Sec- 
retary of War, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1869 586,250' 

Total for structure --- $7,914,457 

estimate: fob iiand. 

For land in New York then yet to be taken $3,401,978 00' 

For land in Brooklyn 530,394 00 

Making in both cities $2,922,373 00 

There had been taken previously land not embraced in the forego- 
ing amount, costing 735,478 83. 

Making the total estimate of land required for the purpose of the 
bridge., i $3,657,850 83: 

Which sum, added to $7,914,457 for the structure, made the entire 
cost of the bridge as first estimated ..11,572,287 OO 


The total expenditures, January 1, 1876, were... $5,954,910 0* 

Amount still wanted to complete the structure, &c 7,217,030 OOt 


Amount already expended $5,954,910 OO 

Existing liabilities for materials delivered and 
charges, as per schedule B 92,913 00' 

Total - 6,047,823 00 

Less cash and materials on hand 145,278 00 

Whole amount expended $5,902,545 0* 

To be expended as above 7,217,030 00 

Total $13,119,575 00 

"In conclusion, I may add that if the means be promptly furnished the bridge' 
can be entirely finished and open for public travel, and begin to be remunerative; 
in the Summer or Fall of 1879. True economy, in the prosecution of the work,, 
is to push it forward, with all the speed that a due regard to its proper construc- 
tion will permit It will open a new thorouglif are for half a million- of people loi 
the centre of business and intelligence in this great Metropolis of the nation — 
where it is already fixed by the erection of public buildings, bothi national and 
municipal, and by grand edifices devoted by private enterprise toi financial, tele- 
graphic and journalistic purposes. ■ It will practically unite the two cities, and. 
contribute to the convenience, comfort and safety of that portioni of the commu- 
nity which will use it in their daily avocations, and be a worthy monument of 
the foresight as well as the greatness of New York. If made perfectly free for 


travel it will yet be Belf -sustaining, and ■without expense in the future for its 
maintenance, by receipts of the railway, which will carry over it, for a trifling 
charge, such as may be disposed to avail themselves of it ; while the entire cost 
to the City of New York will not, in any possible contingency, including all the 
" vast sums " already contributed, amount to $5,000,000. 
Respectfully submitted, 


President Board of Trustees." 


The Bridge wliich it is proposed to lay across the East River at Blackwell's 
Island will be commenced early in the Spring, (1876,) and the calculation is that 
it will be completed in the course of two years. Its New York end will be at 
Third Avenue and Seventy-seventh Street. It will be carried from this point to 
the East River, a distance of 3,000 feet ; thence across the River to the Island, 
700 feet, which will be its largest span. It will then pass across the Island and 
over the River to the Long Island side. This latter span will be nearly 600 feet. 
On this side the approach will begin on Astoria Heights. Its entire length will 
be a mile and three-quarters. The Bridge will be of iron and of the truss order; 
and in consequence of the heights of the span above high water, a draw will be 
unnecessary. A road for steam cars, besides that for the ordinary traffic, will be 
one of the features of the structure. Its estimated cost is $2,000,000. 


Aberdeen street, from Broadway, east to Evergreen Cemetery. 

Adams street, from East River, south to Fulton street. 
Adama street (E.D.), from Broadway, northeast to Evergreen avenue. 

Adelphi street, from Flushing avenue, south to Atlantic avenue. 

A^ate street, from Grand street, south to Mauger street. 

Amslie street, from Eighth street, east to Bushwick avenue. 

Albany avenue, from Decatur, south to City line. 

Amity street, from East River, east to Court street. 

Amos street, from Kingsland avenue, east to Newtown Creek. 

Ann street, from Commercial street, northwest to Newtown Creek. 

Anthony street, from Morgan avenue, east to Newtown Creek. 

Apollo street, from Meeker avenue, north to Newtown Creek. 

Arlington place, from Halsey street, south to Fulton street. 

Ash street, from Union place, east to Oakland street. 

Atlantic avenue, from East River, southeast to City Line. 

Atlantic Dock, bounded by Com. wharf, Clinton wharf. Buttermilk Chan- 
nel and India wharf. 

Auburn place, from Canton street, southeast to North Portland avenue. 

Bainbridge street, from Yates avenue, ea t to Broadway. 

Baltic street, from East River, east to Fifth avenus. 

Bancroft place, from Herkimer street, southwest to Atlantic avenue. 

Banker street, from Union avenue, north to Franklin street. 

Banzett street, from Maspeth avenue, north to Beadel street. 

Barbarine Court, from Lawrence place, west half block. 



Bartlett street, 
Bay street. 
Bayard street, 
Beach place, 
Beadel street, 
Beaver street, 
Bedford street, . 
Bedford avenue, 
Belvidere street, 
Bennett street, 
Benton street, 
Bergen street, 
Bergen Point, 
Bleeker street, 
Boerum street, 
Boerum place, 
Bogart street, 
Bolivar street, 
Bompjes HookWh'f, 
Bond street, 
Bowen street. 
Box street. 
Brant street, 
Braxton street, 
Bremen street, 
Brevoort place. 
Bridge street, 
Bridgerd street, 
Bridgewater street, 
Brooklyn avenue, 
Broome street, 
Bryant street, 
Buffalo avenue, 
Bullion street. 
Burr place. 
Bush street, 
Bushwick avenue, 
Butler street, 
Calhoun street, 
Calyer street, 
Cambridge place, 
Canal street. 
Canton street, 
Carlton avenue, 
Carroll street, 
Carroll Park, 
Catharine street. 
Cedar street, 
Central avenue. 
Central place. 

from Flushing avenue, northeast to Broadway. 

irom Otsego street, southeast to Gowanus Bay. 

from Union avenue, east to Humboldt street. 

from Degraw street, southwest to Sackett street. 

from Kingsland avenue, east to Kewtown Creek. 

from Flushing avenue, southeast to Bushwick avenue. 

from Raymond street, southeast to Division street. 

from Division avenue, southeast and south to City Line. 

from Broadway, northeast to Beaver street. 

from Kingsland avenue, east to Newtown Creek. 

from Kingsland avenue, east to Newtown Creek. 

from Court street, east to City Line. 

foot of 48th and 49th streets. 

from Bushwick avenue, northeast to City Line. 

from Broadway, east to Bogart street. 

from Fulton street, south to Bergen street. 

from Flushing avenue, north to Meadow street. 

from Fleet street, east to Canton street. 

from Clinton street, northwest to Otsego street. 

from Fulton street, south to Canal street. 

from Columbia, northwest to Conover street. 

from Commercial street, east to Oakland street. 

from Paidge avenue, northeast to Newtown Creek. 

from 1st avenue, southeast to City Line. 

from Bushwick avenue, north to Flushing avenue. 

from Atlantic avenue, east to Bedford avenue. 

from East River, south to Fulton street. 

from Sands street, southeast to Navy street. 

from Meeker avenue, northwest to Front street. 

from East River to City Line. 

from Fulton street, south to City Line. 

from Graham avenue, southeast to Humboldt street. 

from Otsego street, southeast to Gowanus Bay. 

from Fulton street, south to City Line. 

from Kingsland avenue, cast to Newtown Creek, 

from Prospect at, bet. Bushwick av. and Breraar, s i block. 

from Dwight street, southeast to Smith street, 

from Skilunan av., south and southeast to Evergreen Cem. 

from Court, southeast and east to City Line. 

from Morgan avenue, east to Stewart avenue 

from East River, east to Sutton street. 

from Green avenue, south to Fulton street. 

from foot Bond street, runs east and west 1^ blocks. 

from Flushing avenue, south to Willoughby street. 

from Flushing avenue, south to Platbush avenue. 

from Hamilton avenue, southeast to City Line. 

bounded by Court, Smith, President and Carroll streets. 

from Grand street, north to Metropolitan avenue. 

from Bushwick avenue, northeast to Central avenue. 

from Flushing avenue, southeast to Evergreen Cemetery. 

from Greene avenue, southeast to Grove street. 



Centre street, 
Chapel street, 
Charles street, 
Charles place, 
Charlick street, 
Chauncey street, 
Cheever place. 
Cherry street. 
Chestnut street. 
Church street. 
City Park, 
Clark street, 
Claseon avenue. 
Clay street, 
Clermont avenue, 
Clinton street, 
Clinton avenue, 
Clinton wlmrf , 
Clymer street. 
Coles street. 
College place, 
Columbia street, 
Columbia Heights, 
Columbia place, 
Columbia wharf, 
Columbus place. 
Commerce street, 
Commercial street, 
Commercial wharf. 
Concord street. 
Concord place. 
Congress street, 
Conover street, 
Conselyea street, 
Conway street. 
Cook street. 
Cooper street. 
Cooper place, 
Cornelia street, 
Cornell's alley. 
Court street, 
Covert street. 
Covert avenue, 
Cranberry street, 
Cross street. 
Crown street, 
Cuba street, 
Cumberland street, 
Curran square. 
Cypress avenue, 
Dean street, 

from Columbia, southeast to Gowanus Canal. 

from Jay street, east to Bridge street. 

from York street, south to Sands street. 

E. D. from Myrtle avenue, north i block. 

from Front street, northeast to Newtown Creek. 

from Fulton street, east to Broadway. 

from Harrison street, southwest to Degraw street. 

from yandervoort avenue, east to Newtown Creek. 

from Bushwick avenue, northeast to City Line. 

from Columbia street, southeast to Smith. 

bounded by Flushing av., Navy, Park av. and Canton Bt. 

from Columbia Heights, east to Fulton street. 

from Kent av., south and southwest to Washington avenue. 

from Commercial street, east to Paidge avenue. 

from Flushing avenue to Atlantic avenue. 

frojn Fulton street, southwest to Gowanus Bay. 

from Flushing avenue, south to Atlantic avenue. 

Atlantic dock, from Commercial to North pier. 

from Wallabout canal, northeast to Lee avenue. 

from Columbia street, southeast to Henry street. 

from Love lane, northeast half block. 

from Atlantic avenue, south to Gowanus Bay. 

from Fulton street, south to Pierrepont street. 

from Joralemon street, south to Atlantic avenue. 

foot of Columbia street. 

from Herkimer street, southwest to Atlantic avenue. 

from Columbia street, northwest to Conover street. 

from Dupont, northeast to Union place. 

Atlantic dock from India wharf, south to William street. 

from Fulton street, east to Navy street. 

from Concord street, between Prince and Hudson streets. 

from East Kiver, east to Court street. 

from Hamilton avenue, southwest to New York Bay. 

from Union avenue, east to Humboldt street. 

from Broadway, northeast to Evergreen Cemetery. 

from Broadway, east to Bogart street. 

from Broadway, northeast to City Line. 

from Herkimer street, southwest to Atlantic avenue. 

from Broadway, northeast to City Line. 

from Gold street, east to Green lane. 

from Fulton street, south to Gowanus Bay. 

from Broadway, northeast to City Line. _ 

from Seneca avenue, southeast to City Line. 

from Columbia Heights, east to Fulton street. 

from Kent avenue, west to Wallabout Channel. 

from Washington avenue, southeast and east to City Line. 

from Otsego, southeast to Court street. 

from Flushing avenue, south to Atlantic avenue. 

junction of Flatbush av., Raymond st. and Hanson place. 

from Johnson avenue, southeast to City Line. 

from Court street to City Line. 



Debevoise street, 
Debevoiso place, 
Decatur street, 
Deeraw street, 
DeKalb avenue, 
DeEalb place, 
Delevan street, 
Delmonlco place, 
Dennet place, 
Devoe street, 
Diamond street, 
Dick street, 
Dickinson street, 
Dikeman street, 
Ditmars street. 
Division street, 
Division avenue. 
Division place, 
Dixon's alley, 
Dobbin street. 
Dock street, 
Dodsworth street. 
Doughty street, 
Douglass street. 
Downing street, 
Duck street, 
Duffleld street, 
DuflSeld terrace, 
Dunham place, 
Dupont street, 
Duryea street, 
Dwight street. 
Eagle street, 
Eckford street, 
Eldert street, 
Elizabeth street, 
Elizabeth place, 
EUery street, 
Elm street. 
Elm place, 
Emery street, 
Emmett street, 
Evans street. 
Eve street. 
Evergreen avenue, 
Ewen street, 
Pair street, 
Fairfax street, 
Payette street, 
Pellows place, 
Ferris street. 

from Broadway, east to Bushwick avenue. 

from Fleet street, south to DeKalb avenue. 

from Tompkins avenue, east to Broadway. 

from East River, southeast to City Line. 

from Fulton street, east to Broadway. 

from Broadway, northeast to Bushwick avenue. 

from Columbia street, northwest to Van Brunt. 

from Flushing avenue, southeast to Park avenue. 

from Luqueer street, south to Nelson street. 

from Union avenue, east to Morgan avenue. 

from Van Cott avenue, north to Greenpoint avenue. 

froni Commercial, northwest to Newtown Creek. 

from Morgan avenue, east to Newtown Creek. 

from Otsego, northwest to New York Bay. 

from Broadway, northeast to Myrtle avenue. 

from Canton, southwest to Myrtle avenue. 

from East River, east to Broadway. 

from Eingsland avenue, east to Newtown Creek. 

from York street, south to Sands street. 

from North Fifteenth street, to Calyer street. 

from East River, south to Front street. 

from Broadway, northeast to Bushwick avenue. 

from Furman street, east to Hicks street. 

from Court street, southeast to City Line. 

from Quincy street, south to Fulton street. 

from Paidge avenue, northeast to Newtown Creek. 

from Nassau street, south to Fulton street. 

east side Duffleld street, near Johnson street. 

from Broadway, northeast to South Sixth street. 

from East River, east to Paidge avenue. 

from Broadway, northeast to City Line. 

from Columbia street, southwest to Elizabeth street. 

from East River, east to Paidge avenue. 

from Newtown, north to Greenpoint avenue. 

from Broadway, northeast to City Line. 

from Otsego street, northwest to New York Bay. 

from Fulton street, southwest to Doughty street. 

from Nostrand avenue, east to Beaver street. 

from Bushwick avenue, northeast to City Line. 

from Fulton street, southwest to Livingston street. 

from Paidge avenue, north to Newtown Creek. 

from Atlantic avenue, south to Amity street. 

from Hudson avenue, east to Navy Yard. 

from Commercial street, northwest to Newtown Creek. 

from Cook street, southeast to Evergreen Cemetery. 

from Broadway, north to Newtown Creek. 

from Prince, east to Fleet place. 

from Elizabeth street, northeast to City Line. 

from Broadway, northeast to Beaver street. 

from Herkimer street to Atlantic avenue. 

from William, southwest to N. Y. Bay. 



Ferry place, 
Fillmore place, 
Fiske place, 
Flatbush avenue, 
Fleet street, 
Fleet alley. 
Fleet place, 
Flint street. 
Flood's alley, 
Floyd street. 
Flushing avenue, 
Forrest street. 
Fort Green place, 
Franklin street, 
Franklin avenue, 
Franklin place. 
Freeman street, 
Front street. 
Front street, E. D., 
Frost street, 
Fulton street, 
Fulton place, 
Furman street, 
Furman avenue, 
Gallatin place. 
Garden street. 
Garden place, 
Gardner avenue. 
Garnet street. 
Garrison street, 
Gates avenue, 
Gem street, 
George street, 
Gerry street. 
Gold street, 
Gothic alley, 
Grace court, 
Graham street, 
Graham avenue, 
Grand street. 
Grand avenue. 

Granite street, 
Grattan street, 
Greene street, 
Greene avenue, 
Green lane, 
Greenpoint avenue, 
Grinnell street. 
Grove street. 
Grove place. 

from Hamilton avenue, northeast to Sackett street. 

from Fifth street, southeast to Sixth street. 

from Carroll street, southwest to Macomb street. 

from Fulton street, south to City Line. 

from Hudson avenue, southwest to De Kalb avenue 

north from York, between Washington and Adams 

from Tillary street, south to Willoughby. 

from Front, south to Prospect street. 

from Johnson, south to Myrtle avenue. 

from Nostrand avenue, east to Broadway. 

from Navy street, east to Prospect street. 

from Bushwick avenue, northeast to Flushing avenue. 

from De Kalb avenue, south to Atlantic avenue. 

from Bushwick Creek to Commercial street. 

from Wallabout, south and southwest to City Line. 

from Pearl, east to Jay street. 

from East River to Paidge avenue. 

from Fulton street, east to Hudson avenue. 

from Norman avenue, northwest to Sutton street. 

from Union avenue, east to Kingsland avenue. 

from East River, south and southeast to City Line. 

from Pulton street, southwest to Livingston. 

from Fulton street, southwest to Atlantic avenue. 

from Broadway, northeast to Evergreen avenue. 

from Fulton street, south to Livingston street. 

from Flushing avenue, southeast to Bushwick. 

from Joralemon street, southwest to State street. 

from Jefferson street, north to Meeker avenue. 

from Hamilton avenue to Smith street. 

from Front street, south to York street. 

from Fulton street, east to Broadway. 

from North 15th street, north to Meserolo avenue. 

from Evergreen avenue, northeast to Thames street. 

from Marcy avenue, northeast to Broadway. 

from East River, south to Fulton street. 

from Pearl street, west to Adams street. 

from Hicks street, near Remsen, runs northwest and north. 

from Flushing avenue, south to Lafayette avenue, 

from Broadway, north to Van Cott avenue. 

from East River, southeast and east to Newtown Creek. 

from Flushing avenue, south and southwest to Waslung- 

ton avenue, 
from Broadway, northeast to City Line, 
from Bogart street, east to Jefferson street, 
from Bast River, east to Paidge avenue, 
from Fulton street, east to City Line, 
from Front, south to Sands street, 
from East River, east to Newtown Creek, 
from Otsego street, southeast to Gowanus Bay. 
from Broadway, northeast to City Line, 
from Hanover place, near Fulton street, runs southeast 



Guernsey street, 
Guilford street, 
Ounther place, 
Gwinnett street. 
Hall street, 
Halleck street, 
Halsey street, 
Hamburg street, 
Hamilton street, 
Hamilton avenue, 
Hancock street, 
Hanover place, 
Hanson place, 
Harmon street. 
Harper court, 
HaiTison street, 
Harrison avenue, 
Harrison court, 
Harrison place, 
Hart street, 
Hart's alley, 
Hausman street, 
Henry street, 
Henry place, 
Herkimer place, 
Hewes street, 
Heyward street. 
Hicks street, 
Higli street, 
Himrod street, 
Holand street, 
Hooper street, 
Hope street, 
Hopkins street, 
Hopkinson arenue, 
Howard avenue, 
Howard court, 
Hoyt street, 
Hudson avenue, 
Hull street, 
Hull street, E. D. 
Humboldt street, 
Huntington street, 
Huron street, 
Imlay street, 
India street, 
India wharf, 
Ingrabam street, 
Irving street. 

from Fifth St., bet. N. 15tliand Oak sts., half a block, 

from Maspeth avenue, south to Orient avenue. 

from Herldmer street, southwest to Atlantic avenue. 

from Wallabout street, northeast to Broadway. 

from Flushing avenue, south to Lafayette avenue. 

from Otsego street, southeast to Gowanus Bay. 

from Bedford avenue, east to Broadway. 

from Flushing avenue, southeast to Evergreen Cemetery. 

from Flushing avenue, south to Atlantic avenue. 

from East River, south to Third avenue. 

from Franklin avenue, east to Broadway. 

from Fulton street, southwest to Livingston street. 

from Flatbush avenue, east to Fulton street. 

from Bushwick avenue, northeast to City line. 

from Jay street, east to Lawrence street. 

from East Kiver, east to Court street. 

from Division avenue, southeast to Flushing avenue. 

from Front street, near James, runs north half block. 

from Bogart street, cast to Jefferson street. 

from Nostrand avenue, east to Broadway. 

from Gold street, cast to Bridge street. 

from Meeker avenue, north to Front street, E. D. 

from Fulton street, southwest to Brooklyn Basin. 

from Paidge avenue, northeast to Newtown Creek. 

from Richardson street, northeast to Kingsland avenue. 

from Bedford avenue, east to City Line. 

from Bedford avenue, east to Nostrand avenue. 

from Wallabout Canal, northeast to Broadway. 

from Wallabout street, northeast to Broadway. 

from Fulton street, southwest to Gowanus Bay. 

from Fulton street, east to Navy street. 

from Bushwick avenue, northeast to City Line. 

from Paidge avenue, norHieast to Newtown Creek. 

from Wallabout Cuual, northeast to Division avenue. 

from Sixth street, southeast to Union avenue. 

from Nostrand avenue, east to Broadway. 

from Broadway, south to City Line. 

from Broadway, south to City Line. 

from Main street, near Water street, runs west half a block. 

from Fulton street, southwest to Fifth street 

from East River, south to Fulton street. 

from Fulton street, east to Broadway. 

from Broadway, northeast to Evergreen Cemetery. 

from Flushing avenue, north to Meserole avenue. 

from Columbia street, southeast to Gowanus Bay. 

from East River, east to Kingsland avenue. 

from Hamilton avenue, southwest to William street 

from East River, east to Kingsland avenue. 

from Commercial whf . , N. toNorth pier and Atlantic dock. 

from Bogart street, east to Jefferson street 

from East River, southeast to Columbia street 



Irving avenue, 

Irving place, 

Ivy street, 

Jackson street, 

Jackson court, 

Jackson place, 

Jacob street, 

James street, 

Jane street, 

Java street. 

Jay street, 

Jefferson street, 

Jefferson st., E. D., 

Jewel street, 

John street, 

Johnson street, 

Johnson avenue, 

Joralcmon street, 

Judge street, 

Kane place, 

Eeap street, 

Kent street, 

Kent avenue. 

King street, 

Kingsland avenue, 

Kingston avenue, 

Knickerbocker av., 

Kosciusko street, 

Kosciusko place 

Kussuth place, 

Lafayette, street, 

Lafayette avenue, 

Le Grange street, 

Lake street, 


Lawrence place, 

Lawton street, 

Lee avenue, 
■ Leflert's park, 

Leflert's place, 

Leonard street, 

Lewis avenue, 

Lexington avenue, 

Leyden street. 

Liberty street, 

Lincoln place, 

Linden street. 

Little street. 

Little Nassau street, 

Livingston street, 
' Locust street. 

from Varick avenue, southeast to City Line. 

from Gates avenue, south to Fulton street. 

from Broadway, northeast to City Line. 

from Union avenue, east to Kingsland avenue. 

from Front street, near Gold street, runs south half a block. 

from Sixteenth street, southwest to Prospect avenue. 

from Broadway, northeast to City Line. 

from Front street, southeast to Main street. 

from Union avenue, east to Leonard street. 

from East River, east to Greenpoint avenue. 

from East River, south to Fulton street. 

from Ormond place, east to Broadway. 

from Broadway, northeast to Cypress avenue. 

from Humboldt street, north to Greenpoint avenue. 

from Adams street, east to Little street. 

from Fulton street, cast to Raymond street. 

from Broadway, east to Cypress avenue. 

from East River to Fulton street. 

from Devoe street, south to Powers street. 

from Herkimer street, soutliwest to Atlantic avenue. 

from "Wallabout Canal, northeast to Division avenue. 

from East River, east to Newtown Creek. 

from Division avenue, southeast to Lafayette avenue.. 

from Columbia street, northwest to New York Bay. 

from Maspeth avenue, north to Paidge avenue. 

from Fulton street, south to City Line. 

from Vandevoort avenue, southeast to City Line. 

from Bedford avenue, east to Bushwick avenue. 

from Graham street, runs east IJ^ blocks. 

from Broadway, northeast to Bushwick avenue. 

from Fleet street, northeast to Raymond street. 

from Flatbush avenue, east to Bushwick avenue. 

from Grand street, south to Maujer street, 

from Bridgewater street, northeast to Newtown Creek. 

from Lawrence place, south to Pulton street. 

runs east and west, at north end of Lawrence street. 

from Broadway, northeast to Bushwick avenue. 

from Division avenue, southeast to Gwinnett street. 

bounded by Tompkins, Gates, Throop avs. & Quincy st. 

from St. James place, southeast to Franklin av. 

from Broadway, north to Greenpoint av. 

from Floyd street, south to Fulton street. 

from Grand avenue, east to Broadway. 

from Paidge avenue, northeast to Newtown Creek. 

from Nassau street, south to rear of 241 Fulton street. 

from Fifth avenue, to Prospect Park. 

from Broadway, northeast to City Line. 

from East River, southwest to Evans street. 

from Graham street, n. Park avenue, runs east IJ^ blockf. 

from Sidney place, east to Flatbush avenue. 

from Broadway northeast to Beaver street. 



Lombardy street, 
Lorimer street, 
Lorraine street, 
Louis place, 
Love lane, 
Luqueer street, 
lynch street, 
Macomb street, 
Macon street, 
Madison street. 
Magnolia street. 
Main street, 
Malbone street, 
Manhasset place, 
Marcy ayenue, 
Margaretta street, 
Marion street, 
Marshall street, 
Maspeth avenue, 
Maujer street, 
McDonough street, 
McDougal street, 
McKenney street, 
McKibben street. 
Meadow street. 
Meeker avenue, 
Melrose street, 
Mercein street, 
Meserole street, 
Meserole avenue. 

from Kingsland avenue, east to Newtown Creek. 

from Broadway, north to Noble street. 

from Otsego street, southeast to Hamilton avenue. 

from Herkimer street, so\ithwest to Atlantic avenuo. 

from Henry street, west to Hicks street. 

from Columbia street, southeast to Smith street. 

from Wallabout street, northeast to Broadway. 

from Fourth avenue, southeast to Ninth avenue. 

from Arlington place, east to Hopkinson avenue. 

from Classon avenue, east to Broadway. 

from Broadway, northeast to City Line. 

from East River, south to Fulton street. 

from City Line, north to Albany avenue. 

from Rapelye street, southeast to Coles street. 

from Division avenue, south to Fulton street. 

from Broadway, northeast to City Line 

from Fulton street, east to Broadway. 

from East River, east to Little street. 

from Humboldt street, northeast to Newtown Creek. 

from South First street, east to Newtown Creek. 

from Marcy avenue, east to Broadway 

from Fulton street, east to Broadway. 

from Doughty street, southwest to Poplar street. 

from Broadway, east to Bogart street. 

from Waterbury street, east to Newtown Creek. 

from Richardson street, northeast to Newtown Creek. 

from Evergreen avenue, northeast to Irving avenue. 

from James street, east to Garrison street. 

from Union avenue, east to City Line. • 

from Franklin street, east to Front street. 

Metropolitan avenue,from Richardson street, northeast to Newton Creek. 

Middagh street, from Columbia Heights, east to Fulton street. 

Middleton street, from Wallabout street, northeast to Throop avenue. 

Mill street, from Columbia street, east to Hamilton avenue. 

Mill street, E. D. from Metropolitan avenue, east to Newtown Creek. 

Milton street, from East River, east to Orchard street. 

MoSatt street, from Broadway, northeast to City Line. 

Monitor street, from Richardson street, north to Greenpoint avenue. 

Monroe street, from Classon avenue, east to Broadway. 

Monroe place, from Clark street, southwest to Pierrepont avenue. 

Montague place, from East River, east to Court street. 

Montague terrace, from Montague street, south to Remsen street. 

Montgomery street, from Eighth avenue, southeast to City Line. 

Monteith street, from Bushwick avenue, east to Evergreen avenue. 

Montrose avenue, from Union avenue, east to City Line. 

Moore street, from Broadway, east to Bogart street. 

Morgan avenue, from Flushing avenue, north to Front street. 

Morrell street, from Flushing avenue, north to Bushwick avenue. 

Morse street, from Bridgewater street, northeast to Newtown Creek. 

Morton street, from Kent avenue, northeast to Bedford avenue. 

Moultrie street, from Humboldt street, north to Greenpoint avenue. 



Mumby's alley. 
Myrtle street, 
Myrtle avenue, 
Nassau street, 
Nassau avenue, 
Nassau place, 
Navy street, 
Naylor's alley. 
Nelson street, 
Nevins street, 
Newell street, 
Newton street, 
New York avenue, 
Noble street, 
Norman avenue, 
N. Elliott place, 
N. Henry street, 
N. Oxford street, 
N. Portland avenue, 
Nostrand avenue 
Nutria alley, 
Oak street, 
Oakland street. 
Ocean place, 
Olive street, 
Olive place, 
Orange street, 
Orchard street, 
Oregon street. 
Orient avenue, 
Ormond place, 
Osage street, 
Otsego street, 
Pacific street, 
Paidge avenue. 
Palmetto street. 
Park street. 
Park avenue. 
Park place. 
Park way, 
Parker street. 
Partition street, 
Patchen avenue. 
Pearl street, 
Penn street, 
Pequot street, 
Percival street. 
Perry place, 
Phillips alley, 
Pierrepont street, 
Pierrepont place, 

from Nassau street, north to High street. 

from Broadway, northeast to City Line. 

from Fulton street, east to City Line. 

from Fulton street, east to Navy street. 

from N. Fourteenth street, northeast to Varick street. 

from Nassau street, south to Concord street. 

from York street, south to Flalbush avenue. 

from "Washington street, west to Liberty street. 

from Columbia street, southeast to Smith street. 

from Flatbush avenue, southwest to Carroll. 

from Van Cott avenue, north to Greenpoint avenue. 

from Union avenue, northeast to "Van Pelt street. 

from Fulton street, south to City Line. 

from East River, east to Orchard street. 

from N. Fifteenth street, northeast to Bridgewater street. 

from Flushing avenue, south to Myrtle avenue. 

from Richardson street, north to Paidge street. 

from Flushing avenue, south to Myrtle avfinue. 

from Flushing avenue, south to Myrtle avenue. 

from Wallabout street, south to City Line 

from Adams street, east to Jay street. 

from East River, east to Guernsey street. 

from Van Cott avenue, north to Newtown Creek. 

from Herkimer street, southwest to Atlantic avenue. 

from Grand street, north to Sharon street. 

from Herkimer street, southwest to Atlantic avenue. 

from Columbia Heights, east to Fulton street. 

from Van Pelt street, north to Greenpoint avenue, 
from Otsego street, southeast to Gowanus Bay. 
from Metropolitan avenue, east to Newtown Creek. 

from Putnam avenue, south to Fulton street. 

from Cuba street, southwest to Gowanus Bay. 

from Dwight street, southwest to N. Y. Bay. 

from East River, cast to City Line. 

from Oakland street, southeast to Newtown Creek. 1 

from Broadway, northeast to City Line. i 

from Broadway, northeast to Beaver street. ; 

from Hudson avenue, east to Broadway. I 

from Fifth avenue, east to City Line. 

from Prospect park, east to City Line. 

from Kingsland avenue, east to Newtown Creek. 

from Otsego street, northwest to New York Bay. 

from Broadway, south to Fulton street. 

from East River, south to Fulton street. 

from Classon avenue, northeast to Broadway. 

f 1 cm Paidge avenue, northeast to Newtown creek. 

from Otsego street, southeast to Gowanus Bay. 

from Atlantic avenue, north to Herkimer place. 

from Plymouth street, south to "Water street. 

from Columbia Heights, east to Fulton street. 

from Pierrepont street, opposite Coltunbia Heights, south 
to Montague street. 



Pilling street. 
Pineapple street, 
Pink street. 
Plaza street. 

Pleasant place, 
Plymouth street, 
Folhemus place. 
Pollock street. 
Poplar street. 
Poplar place. 
Porter avenue. 
Powers street, E.D 
Prescott place. 
President street, 
Prince street. 
Prince street ct., 
Privat way. 
Prospect street. 
Prospect St., E.D., 
Prospect avenue. 
Prospect park. 
Prospect place. 
Prospect terrace. 
Provost street, 
Pulaski street, 
Putnam avenue. 
Quay street, 
Quincy street, 
Radde place, 
Ralph street, 
Ralph avenue, 
Randolph street, 
Ranton street, 
Rapelye street, 
Raymond street. 
Red Hook lane, 
Reid street, 
Reid avenue, 
Remsen street, 
Richards street, 
Richardson street. 
River street, 
Rochester avenue. 
Rock street, 
Rockaway avenue, 
Rodney street, 
Rogers avenue, 
Ross street, 
Rush street, 
Russell street. 

from Broadway, northeast to City Line. 

from Columbia Heights, east to Fulton street. 

from Commercial street, north to East River. 

at entrance of Prospect Park, at Vanderbilt and Flatbush. 

from Herkimer street, southwest to Atlantic avenue, 
from East River, east to Little street, 
from Carroll street, southwest to Macomb street, 
from Front street, northeast to Newtown Creek, 
from Columbia Heights to Henry street. ' 

from Fulton street, south to Poplar street, 
from Thames street, north to Meeker avenue. 
, from Union avenue, cast to Catliarinc street, 
from Herkimer street, southwest to Atlantic avenue, 
from Hamilton street, southeast to City Line, 
from Concord street, south to Fleet street, 
from Prince street, near Concord street, one-half block, 
from Pearl street, east to Jay street, 
from Main street, east to Navy street, 
from Bushwick avenue, east to Knickerbocker avenue, 
from Gowanus Bay southeast to City Line, 
bounded by Flatbush avenue. Ninth ave. and Fifteenth St. 
from Fifth avenue, east to City Line. 
Prospect place, near Jay street, one-half block, 
from Greenpoint avenue, northeast to Paidge avenue, 
from Nostrand avenue, east to Broadway 
from Fulton street, east to Broadway, 
from East River, east to Franldin street, 
from Downing street, east to Broadway, 
from Herkimer street, southwest to Atlantic avenue, 
from Bushwick avenue, northeast to City Line, 
from Broadway, south to City Line, 
from Bogart street, east to Covert avenue, 
from Paidge avenue, northeast to Newtown Creek, 
from Van Brunt street, southeast to Henry street, 
from Park avenue, south to Flatbush avenue, 
from Fulton street, southwest to Livingston street, 
from Van Brunt street, northwest to New York Bay. 
from Pulaski street, south to Fulton street. 
from Firman street, southeast to Court street. 
from Rapelye street, southwest to Elizabeth street, 
from Union avenue, east to Kingsland avenue, 
from First street, north to North Third street, 
from Fulton street, south to City Line, 
from Bogart street, east to Prospect street, 
from Broadway, southeast to City Line, 
from Wallabout Canal, northeast to Division avenue, 
from Pacific street, south to City Line, 
from Wallabout Canal, northeast to Division avenue, 
from Kent avenue, east to Division avenue, 
from Meeker avenue, north to Greenpoint avenue. 



Russell place, 
Rutledge street, 
Kyerson street, 
Sackett street, 
Sackman street, 
Sandford street. 
Sands street, 
Saratoga avenue, 
Schaener street, 
Schenck street, 
Schenectady avenue, 
Scliermerhorn street, 
Scholes street, 
Scott avenue, 
Seabring street, 
Sedgwick street, 
Seigel street, 
Seneca avenue, 
Setauket street, 
Sharon street, 
Shawnett street, 
Sheiinan street, 
Sidney place, 
Si^ourney street, 
SkiUman street, 
Skillman avenue, 
Smith street. 
Smith's alley, 
Snell's alley, 
Somers street, 
S. Elliott place, 
S. Oxford street, 
S. Portland avenue, 
Spencer street, 
Spencer place, 
Sprague's alley. 
Spruce street, 
Stagg street. 
Stanhope street, 
Starr street. 
State street. 
Sterling place, 
Steuben street, 
Stewart street, 
Stewart avenue, 
Stewart alley, 
St. Ann's court, 

St. Andrew's place, 
St. Felix street, 
St. James' place. 

from Herkimer street, southwest to Atlantic avenue. 

from Wallabout street, northeast to Broadway. 

from Flushing avenue, south to Lafayette avenue. 

from East River, southeast to Prospect Park. 

from Broadway, south to Fulton street. 

from Flushing avenue, south to DeKalb avenue. 

from Fulton street, east to Navy street. 

from Broadway, south to City Line. 

from Broadway, northeast to City Line. 

from Flushing avenue, south to Lafayette avenue. 

from Fulton street, south to City Line. 

from Clinton street, south to Platbush avenue. 

from Union avenue, east to Newtown Creek. 

from Johnson avenue, north to Newtown Creek. 

from Columbia, northwest to Van Brunt street. 

from East River, southeast to Columbia street. 

from Broadway, east to Bogart street. 

from Randolpli street, nortli to Newtov/n Creek. 

from Paidge avenue, northeast to Newtown Creek. 

from Orient street, east to Morgan street. 

from Paidge avenue, northeast to Newtown Creek. 

from loth avenue, southeast to City Line. 

from Joralemon street, south to State street. 

from Otsego street, southeast to Qowanus Bay. 

from Flushing avenue, south to Lafayette avenue. 

from Union avenue, east to Kingsland avenue. 

from Fulton street, southwest to Gowanus Bay. 

from High street, south to Nassau street. 

from Nassau street, north to High street. 

from Fulton street, east to Broadway. 

from DeKalb avenue, south to Atlantic avenue. 

from DeKalb avenue, south to Atlantic avenue. 

from DeKalb avenue, south to Atlantic avenue. 

from Flushing avenue, south to DeKalb avenue. 

from Fulton street, north to Hancock. 

from Fulton street, east to Liberty street. ' 

from Maujer street, north to Grand street. 

from Un on avenue, east to Newtown Creek. 

from Bushwick avenue, nortlieast to Cypress avenue. 

from Central avenue, northeast to City Line. 

from Purman street, southeast to Flatbush avenue. 

from 5th avenue, east to Flatbush avenue. 

from Flushing avenue, southeast to Lafayette avenue. 

from Broadway, northeast to Evergreen Cemetery. 

from Jefferson street, north to Meeker avenue. 

from Water street, south to Front street. ' 

from Washington street near Sands street,' runs west half a 

from Atlantic avenue, north to Herkimer street. 
from DeKalb avenue, south to Hanson pla,ce. 
from Lafayette avenue, south to Atlantic avenue. 



St. John's place, 
St. Mark's avenue, 
St. Nicholas avenue, 
Stockholm street, 
Stockton street. 
Stone avenue. 
Strong place, 
Stryker court, 
Stuyvesant avenue, 
SulUvan street. 
Summit street, 
Sumpter street, 
Sutton street, 
Suydam street, 
Suydam place. 
Sycamore street, 
'I'alman street, 
Taylor street. 
Ten Eyck street, 
Thames street, 
Thomas street, 
Thornton street, 
Throop avenue. 
Tiffany place, 
Tillary street, 
Tompkin's avenue, 
Tompkin's place, 
Tompkin's square, 

Townsend street, 
Tremont street, 
Troutman street, 
Troy avenue, 
Truxton street, 
Underhill avenue. 
Union street. 
Union avenue. 
Union court. 
Union lane. 
Union place. 
United States street, 
Utica avenue, 
Vail street. 
Van Brunt street. 
Van Buren street. 
Van Cott avenue, 
Vandam street, 
Vanderbilt avenue, 
Vanderveer street^ 
Vandervoort av., 
Vandyke street. 

from 5th avenue, south to Flatbush avenue, 
from 5th avenue, east 4o City Line, 
from Jefferson street, southeast to City Line, 
from Bushwick avenue, northeast to City Line, 
from Kostrand avenue, east to Broadway, 
from Broadway, south to City Line, 
from Harrison street, south to Degraw. 
from Jay street, near Chapel street, runs east half block, 
from Broadway, south to Fulton street, 
from Dwight street, northwest to New York Bay. 
from Conover street, southeast to Henry street, 
from Fulton street, east to Broadway, 
from Meeker avenue, northeast to Paidgo avenue, 
from Broadway, northeast to City Line, 
from Herkimer street, southwest to Atlantic avenue, 
from Raymond street, east to Canton street. 
from Jay street, east to Charles street, 
from Washington avenue, northeast to Lee avenue, 
from Union avenue, east to Newtown Creek, 
from Bogart street, cast to Jefferson street, 
from Varick street, northeast to Newtown Creek, 
from Throop avenue, northeast to Broadway, 
from Broadway,' south to Fulton street, 
from Harrison street, south to Degraw street, 
from Fulton street, east to Canton street, 
from Flushing avenue, south to Fulton street, 
from Harrison street, south to Degraw street, 
bounded by Mercy avenue, Greene avenue, Tompkins ave- 
nue, and. Lafayette avenue, 
from Stewart avenue, northeast to Newtown Creek, 
from Columbia, northwest to Van Brunt street, 
from Mjrrtle avenue northeast to City Line, 
from Fulton street, south to City Line, 
from Fulton street, east to Brosidway. 
from Washington avenue, south to Prospect Park, 
from Hamilton avenue, southeast to City Line, 
from Broadway, north to Fifth street, 
from Union street, near Hamilton, southwest half block, 
from Myrtle avenue, near Adams street, south half block, 
from Greenpoint avenue, north to Newtown Creek, 
from Little street, southeast to Navy street. 
from Fulton street, south to City Line, 
from Sutton street, northeast to Newtown Creek, 
from Harrison street, southwest to Gowanus Bay. 
from St. James place, northeast to Bushwick av. 
from Leonard street, east to Meeker avenue, 
from Meeker avenue, northeast to Newtown Creek, 
from Flushing avenue, south to Flatbush avenue, 
from Broadway, northeast to Evergreen Cemetery, 
from Thames street, north to Meeker avenue, 
from Otsego street, northwest to New York Bay. 



Van Pelt street, from Fifth street, east to Meeker avenue. 
Van Voorhis street, from Broadway, northeast to City Line. 
V aret street, from Broadway, east to Bogart street. 

from Meeker avenue, north to Newtown Creek. 

from Flushing avenue, north to Meeker avenue. 

from Henry street, east to Clinton street. 

from Macon street, south to Fulton street. 

from Broadway, northeast to City Line. 

from McKenney street, northwest to Columbia Heights. 

from Washington avenue, southeast to Williamsburg rd. 

from York street, between Jay and Bridge streets. 

from Broadway, northeast to Bushwick avenue. 

from Williamsburg road, east to Broadway. 

from Paidge avenue, northeast to Newtown Creek. 

from Wallabout street, northeast to Broadway. 

from Flushing avenue, south to DeKalb avenue. 

from East River, southeast to Fifth avenue. 
. from East River, south to Fulton street. 
Washington avenue, from Kent avenue, south to City Line. 
Washington park, bounded by Canton St., Cumberland St., DeKalb av., and 
Myrtle avenue. 

from Washington St., bet. Tillary and Concord streets. 

from Fulton street, east to Hudson avenue. 

from Johnson avenue, north to Grand street. 

from Gold St., bet. Nassau & Concord sts., runs E. i block. 

from Front St., bet. Morgan av., N. E. to Newtown Creek, 

from Sixteenth street, south to Prospect avenue. 

from Broadway, northeast to City Line. 

from Bushwick Creek, north to Dupont street. 

from Flushing avenue, northeast to Broadway. 

from Cook street, north to Johnson avenue. 

from Carroll street, southwest to First street. 

from Columbia street, northwest to Atlantic dock. 
Williamsburg road, from Flushing avenue, north to Hewes street. 
Willoughby street, from Fulton street, east to Canton street. 
Willoughby avenue,from Cumberland street, east to Broadway. 
Willow street, from Poplar street, southwest to Pierrepont street. 

Willow place, from Joralemon street, southwest to State street. 

Wilson street, from Wallabout Canal, northeast to Division avenue. 

Withers street, from North Ninth street, east to Eingsland avenue. 

Witherspoon street, from Nostrand avenue, east to Broadway. 
Wolcott street, from Dwight street, northwest to New York Bay. 

Woodbine street, from Broadway, northeast to City Line. 
WoodhuU street, from Hamilton avenue, southeast to Henry street. 
Wright street, from Front street, northeast to Newtown Creek. 

Wyckoll street, from Court street, east to Fifth avenue. 

WyckofE avenue, from Jefferson street, southeast to City Line. 
Wythe avenue, from Division avenue, south to Wallabout street. 

Yates avenue, from Hopkins street, south to Fulton street. 

Yates place, from Broadway, northeast to Flushing avenue. 

York street, from Fulton street, east to Navy street. 

Varick street, 
Varick avenue. 
Verandah place, 
Verona place, 
Vigelius street. 
Vine street, 
Waalbocht place, 
Waldron place. 
Wall street, 
Wallabout street, 
Wallock street, 
Walton street, 
Walworth street, 
Warren street, 
Washington street. 

Washington place. 
Water street, 
Waterbury street, 
Wayhome street, 
Webster street, 
Webster place, 
Wairfield street. 
West street, 
Whipple street. 
White street, 
Whitwell place, 
William street. 



First Street, 
First street (B. D.), 
First aTenue, 
First place. 
North First street. 
South First street. 
Second street. 

from Hoyt street, southeast to Ninth avenue. 

from Division avenue, northeast to N. Fourteenth street. 

from Fortieth street, southwest to City Line. 

from Henry street, soutlieast to Smith street. 

from East River, southeast to Fifth street. 

from East River, southeast to Union avenue. 

from Smith street, southeast to Ninth avenue. 
Second street'(E. D.),from Division avenue, northeast to N. Fifteenth street. 
Second avenue, from Gowanus Canal, southwest to City Line. 
Second place, from Henry street, southeast to Smith street. 

North Second street, from East Kiver, east to Bushwick avenue. 
South second street, from East River, southeast to Union avenue. 
Third street. from Smith street, southeast to Ninth avenue. 

Third street (B. D.), from Division avenue, north to Fourteenth street. 
Third avenue, from Flatbush avenue, southwest to City Line. 

Tliird place, from Henry street, southeast to Smith street. 

North Third street, from East River, southeast to Fifth street. 
South Third street, from East River, southeast to Union avenue. 
Fourth street, from Smith street, southeast to Ninth avenue. 

Fourth street (E. D.),from Division avenue, northeast to Orchard street. 
Fourth avenue, from Flatbush avenue, southwest to City Line. 

Fourth place, from Henry street, southeast to Smith street. 

North Fourth street.from East River, southeast to N. Second street. 
South Fourth street, from East River, southeast to Union avenue. 
Fifth street, from Smith street, southeast to Ninth avenue. 

Fifth street (E. D.), from Division avenue, northeast to Leonard street. 

from Atlantic avenue, southeast to City Line. 

from East River, southeast to Union avenue. 

from East River, southeast to Union avenue. 

from Smith street, southeast to Ninth avenue. 
Sixth street (B. D.), from Division avenue, north to Union avenue. 
Sixth avenue, from Atlantic avenue, southwest to City Line. 

North Sixth street, from East River, southeast to North Second street. 
South Sixth street, from East River, southeast to Broadway. 
Seventh street, from Smith street, southeast to Ninth avenue. 

Seventh street (E.D.),from Division Avenue, northeast to Ninth avenue. 
Seventh avenue, from Flatbush avenue, southwest to City Line. 
North Seventh street,from East River, southeast to Union avenue. 
Eighth street, from Gowanus Canal, southeast to Ninth Avenue. 

Eighth street (B. D.),from Division avenue, northeast to North Second street. 
Eighth avenue, from Flatbush avenue, southwest to City Line. 

North Eighth street, from East River, southeast to Union avenue. 
South Eighth street, from East River, southeast to Broadway. 
Ninth street, from Smith street, southeast to Ninth avenue. 

Ninth street (E. D)., from Division avenue. North to North Second street. 
Ninth avenue, from Union street, southwest to Twenty-flrst street. 

North Ninth street, from East River, southeast to Seventh street. 
South Ninth street, from Bast River, east to Broadway. 
Tenth street, from Gowanus Canal, southeast to Ninth avenue. 

Tenth street (B. D.), from Division Avenue, north to Union avenue. 
Tenth avenue, from Fifteenth street, southwest to Twenty-second street. 

Fifth avenue. 
North Fifth street, 
South Fifth street. 
Sixth street. 


North Tenth street, from East River, southeast to Union avenue. 
South Tenth street, from East River, east to Fourth street. 
Eleventh street, from Second avenue, southeast to Ninth avenue. 
Eleventh street(E.D),from Broadway, north to Grand street. 
Eleventh avenue, from Fifteenth street, southwest to City Line. 
North Eleventh St., from East River, southeast to Union avenue. 
South Eleventh St., from East River, east to Third street. 
Twelfth street, from Gow^anus Canal, southeast to Ninth avenue. 

Twelfth street (E.D.), from Broadway, north to Union avenue. 
North Twelfth street, from East River, southeast to Union avenue. 
■Thirteenth street, from Gowanus Canal, southeast to Ninth avenue. 
North Thirteenth St., from East River, southeast to Union avenue. 
Eourteenth street, from Hamilton avenue, southeast to Ninth avenue. 
North Fourteenth St., from East River, southeast to Fifth street. 
Eifteenth street, from Hamilton avenue, southeast to City Line. 
North Fifteenth St., from Franklin street, southeast to Fifth street. 
Sixteenth street, from Hamilton avenue, southeast to City Line. 
Seventeenth street, from Gowanus Bay, southeast to City Line. 
Eighteenth street, from Gowanus Bay, southeast to City Line. 
Nineteenth street, from Gowanus Bay, southeast to City Line. 
Twentieth street, from Gowanus Bay, southeast to City Line. 
Twenty-first street, from Gowanus Bay, southeast to City Line. 
Twenty-second St., from Gowanus Bay, southeast to City Line. 
Twenty-third street, from Gowanus Bay, southeast to Seventh avenue. 
Twenty-fourth street, from Gowanus Bay, southeast to Sixth avenue. 
Twenty-fifth street, from Gowanus Bay, southeast to Fifth avenue. 
Twenty-sixth street, from Gowanus Bay, southeast to Fifth avenue. 
Twenty-seventh St., Irom Gowanus Bay, southeast to Fifth avenue. 
Twenty-eighth St., from Gowanus Bay, southeast to Fifth avenue. 
Twenty-ninth street, from Gowanus Bay, southeast to Fifth avenue. 
Thirtieth street, from Gowanus Bay, southeast to Fifth avenue. 
Tliirty-flrst street, from Gowanus Bay, southeast to Fifth avenue. 
Tliirty-second street, from Gowanus Bay, southeast to Fifth avenue. 
Thirty-third street, from Gowanus Bay, southeast to Fifth avenue. 
Thirty-fourth street, from Gowanus Bay, southeast to Fifth avenue. 
Thirty-fifth street, from Gowanus Bay, southeast to Fifth avenue. 
^Thirty-sixth street, from Gowanus Bay, south to Seventh avenue. 
Thirty-seventh street, from Gowanus Bay, southeast to City Line. 
Thirty-eighth street, from Gowanus Bay, southeast to City Line. 
Thirty-ninth street, from Gowanus Bay, southeast to City Line. 
Tortieth street, from Gowanus Bay, southeast to City Line. 

Forty-first street, from Gowanus Bay, southeast to City Line. 
Forty-second street, from Gowanus Bay, southeast to City Line. '■ 

Forty-third street, from Gowanus Bay, southeast to City Line. ■ 

Forty-fourth street, from Gowanus Bay, southeast to City Line. 
Forty-fifth street, from Gowanus Bay, southeast to City Line. 
Eorty-sixth street, from Gowanus Bay, southeast to City Line. ; 

Eorty-seventh street, from Gowanus Bay, southeast to Eighth avenue. 
Eorty-eighth street, from Gowanus Bay, southeast to Cit^ Line. { 

Eorty-ninth street, from New York Bay, southeast to City Line, 
fiftieth street, from New York Bay, southeast to City Line. 


Fifty-first street, from New York Bay, southeast to City Line. 

Fifty-second street, from New York Bay, southeast to City Line. 

Fifty-third street, from New York Bay, southeast to City Line. 

Fifty-fourth street, from New York Bay, southeast to City Line. 

Fifty-fifth street, from New York Bay, southeast to City Line. 

Fifty-sixth street, from New York Bay, southeast to City Line. 

Fifty-seventh street, from New Yorlc Bay, soutlieast to City Line. 

Fifty-eighth street, from New York Bay, southeast to City Line. 

Fifty-ninth street, from New York Bay, southeast to City Line. 

Sixtieth street, the Division Line bet. the City of Brooklyn & New Utrecht- 


Queens County, N. Y., is situated on the East River and Long Island Sound, 
opposite the upper part of the City of New York. It was incorporated in 1870, 
and is divided into five wards, including Astoria, Ravenswood and Hunter's; 
Point. Population about 14,000. The streets and avenues are being handsome- 
ly laid out, most of them running at right angles. A street railroad runs f romi 
Astoria through Vernon Avenue to Hunter's Point, and connects with the 
Williamsburgh railroads, the Long Island Bailroctd and the New York and Flushing 
Saikoad both run from Hunter's Point, connecting with steam ferry boats 
crossing the East River to New York. 

A bridge will soon be completed, to extend from New York to Blackwell's- 
Island, and thence to Long Island City, at Ravenswood. When completed the 
distance from the City Hall tc the centre of Long Island City will not exceed, 
six miles, thus placing this favored place of residence in easy communicatioa 
with the City of New York. 

AsTOKiA, lying opposite New York, being connected by a steam ferry to 92d.' 
Street, has long been the abode of many New York merchants, and contains fine' 
residences along the shore, commanding fine views across Hell Gate and up 
the East River. 

At this place (Hallett's Point), the United States Government Works are sit- 
uated, and soon the dreaded rocks will all be removed, making the ac- 
cess to and from the ocean through the Sound easier and shorter than through 
the " Narrows." Two lines of fast steamers run from Pulton Perry and Peck 
Slip for Harlem and Morrisania, stopping at Astoria. 

Ravenswood, opposite Blackwell's Island, is a continuous line of private- 
residences, from Hallett's Cove to Hunter's Point, along the shore between 
Vernon Avenue and the East River. 

Hunter's Point, closely connected with the City of New York by steaoL 
ferries, is the centre of all the Railroads of Long Island, and is fast growing to be a 
place of importance. Its streets are being graded, sewered, paved and curbed. 
It is the great mart for petroleum and its products. 


No portion of the Union witnessed more stirring and unfortunate events than 
those enacted on Long Island near Brooklyn. On tlie 22d of August, 1776, the 
British Army, under Lord Howe, landed on Long Island, near the present site of 
Fort Hamilton, and marched direct towards Flatbusli, near where is now located 
Prospect Park. Here was stationed the American Army under General Wash- 
ington, consisting of about 10,000 men, most of whom were undisciplined and 
illy prepared with arms for defence. 


On the 27th of August a severe battle was fought in which the Americans 
were defeated with great loss of life. New York was soon after occupied by the 
British, and Washington retreated to Harlem Heights, near the upper end of the 
island, where several skirmishes ensued, ending in the capture of Fort "Washing- 
ton with about 2,000 prisoners. 

Then followed the inhuman incarceration of the American prisoners in the 
"Sugar House," and other places in the City of New York ; also, on board 
prison ships, lying in Wallabout Bay, Brooklyn. The following is a brief history 
of these floating dungeons and the sufferings of the prisoners. 

"During the Revolution the British had stationed at the Wallabout, Long 
Island, nearly opposite the City of New York, a number of prison ships, on board 
of which it was the fate of Americans who were prisoners of war to be placed. 

" The principal of these were the 'Jersey,' the 'John," the 'Scorpion," the 
'Strumbolo,' and the 'Hunter.' From these the remains of the prisoners who 
died were removed from time to time, and deposited on the adjacent shores of 
the Wallabout to the number of about 12,000. The remains of these unfortunate 
patriots were thrown into shallow pits, with scarcely covering enough to protect 
them from the elements." The remains of most of them have within a few 
years been removed and deposited in a tomb at Fort Greene, Brooklyn. 


Long Island, a strip of land averaging 15 miles in width and over 100 in 
length, containing 1,682 square miles, is washed on its northern shore by the 
billows of the Long Island Sound, and on its southern by those of the Atlantic 
Ocean. Here arc to be found numerous sea-bathing resorts and inlets, abounding 
in many kinds of fish and sea-fowl in abundance. Most parts of the Island aro 
reached by railroad or steamer. 

Coney Island is the nearest popular resort for sea-bathing and a fair sniff of 
the Atlantic to the masses of New York, and is thronged for seven months of the 
year. It is reached by horse-car from Brooklyn ferry, or by steamer from New 
York. Fort Hamilton is situated on a commanding bluU at the Narrows, and 
near by are Bath and Bay Ridge, with fine residences, either of which are reached 
by the Fort Hamilton line of cars. Still further east are Rockaway and Far 
Rockaway. The latter has several lar^e hotels, ailords a fine ocean sail from 
New York, and has the finest surf -bathmg in the world. 

Jamaica is an old town with fine residences, 10 miles from New York, 
reached by railroad. Jamaica Bay, a few miles south, is a large body of water. 

Hempstbad is a populous old village with fine churches and schools. Near 
by are the plains recently purchased by Alex. T. Stewart, on which he is building 
a town, called Garden City. A railroad is being built to this locality from 
B^ Ridge. 

FLUBHiNa is a charming town, situated on Flushing Bay, and may be reached 
by car from Hunter's Point, or by steamer from Peck Slip. It contains about 
15,000 inhabitants. 

Bay Side, four miles from Flushing, is noted for rich scenery, and famous for 
its clam bakes and chowder in primitive style. 

College Point and Whitestonb, situated on Long Island Sound, are de- 
lightful places of resort. 

RosLYN, at the head of Hempstead Harbor, is a thriving village, with natural 
scenery of rugged beauty. The place contains an eminence 319 feet high. In 
this village the first paper-mill in the State was erected. Several literary charac- 
ters of note reside here. 

264: NEW YOKE AS IT 13. 


On entering the Lower Bay of New York from the ocean, and approaching 
Bandy Hook, the immense Government works are Been, which are being con- 
structed on a scale for strength and durability that will surpass any fortress on 
the Atlantic coast. Next are passed Port Lafayette and Fort Hamilton, the 
latter being situated on the west end of Long Island. Opposite these, on Staten 
Island, are Fort Richmond and Fort Tompkins — adjoining these are several 
strong water batteries ; these, with Fort Hamilton, command the approaches to 
the "Narrows," here about one mile wide. 

The Upper Bay contains several Islands well adapted for fortifications. 

Gotbknor's Island, about two-thirds of a mile from the Battery or Castle 
Garden, is the largest ; it contains 72 acres, where is stationed a military garrison. 
Here are located Fort Columbus, a large star-shaped fortification, and Castle 
Willam, a three-story round tower, 60 feet high, and 600 feet in circumference, 
and mounts over 100 heavy guns. 

Bkdiow's Island, lying west of Governor's Island, is occupied by Fort Wood, 
another strong fortification. It can mount 80 guns, and garrison 350 men . 

Ellis' Island, near by, is owned by the United States Government, where 
stands Fort Gibson. 

The above six points, on which are fortifications, command the approaches to 
New York through the Lower and Upper Bays from the Atlantic Ocean. The 
Brooklyn Navy Yard could also afford a floating battery sufScient to repel any 
foreign foe. 

Fort ScinjYLEK, situated on Throgg's Neck, at the entrance of the East 
Biver into Long Island Bound, is a strong fortification, built of granite and earth- 
works, and mounts over 300 gnns. This, and the fortress at Willett's Point, 
opposite, serve as a defence from an attack on the city through the Bound. Here 
are located the principal Engineer Depot and Torpedo School of the United States 
Army. It is also a place of deposit for surplus government stores, which have 
accumulated in large quantities since the late war. 

At Hallett's Point, near Hell Gate, the Government has been for several 
years making excavations and blasting roqk, with the view of removing the Hell 
Gate obstructions — ^thus affording a safe approach to New York harbor through 
Long Island Sound and the East River for ships and steamers of large size — 
thereby greatly increasing the commercial advantages of the Port of New York. 
As a Military and Naval Station, New York exceeds any other place on the 
Atlantic Coast, and in case of a foreign war, could be rendered impregnable. 





"within a kadiua of fiftebn milks of the citt hall, new yobk. 

Long Island. 

New Yokk and Westchesteb Co., 
via Steamboat and Railroad. 

CiUeSf &c. 

Manliattanville* 8 

Washiington Heiglits 9 

■Spuyten Duyril* 12 

King's Bridge* 

Bivcrdale* 13 

Mount St. Vincent 14 

YoNKERS* (Westchester County).. 16 

Harlem 7 

MottHamn* 8 

Montrose 8i 

Morrisania* 9 

High Bridge* 10 

Tremont* 11 

Fordham* 12 

Williams' Bridge. -. 14 

Woodlawn* 13 

Mount Vernon,* W. Co 15 

West Farms*.... 12 

Fairmount 13 

Mount Hope 12 

Bronxville,* W. Co 13 

Westchester,* " 12 

City Island,* " 15 

Connerville, " 14 

Schuylerville -. 13 

Fort Schuyler 14 

It^" Steamers run from Fulton Ferry, 
E. B., to Astoria, Harlem, &c. ; also, 
from North River side to Tonkers, &c. 

Hies, &e. Miles. 

Bkooklyn*... -J 

WUliaimburgJi* 1 

Green Point* 1^ 

Hunter's Point 2 

Long Island City* 4 

Ravenswood* 5 

Astoria* 6 

Hell Gate 7 


Winfleld* 7 

Newtown*.. 8 

Maspeth* 6 

Flushing* 11 

College Point* 13 

Whitestone* 14 

Willett's Point... 15 

Bay Side* 14 

Ridgewood*. 6 

East New York* 6 

Clarenceville 7 

Woodhaven* 8 

Jamaica* 1 12 

Queens* 14 

Springfield* 14 

Valley Stream* 15 

Roekaway* 16 

Bay Ridge* 4 

Flatbush* 5 

Flatlands* 7 

Canarsie* 8 

New Utrecht* 9 

Gravesend* 10 

Fort Hamilton* 9 

Bath 10 

Coney Island 14 

* Pos'.-OfflceB. 




Staten Island, 
Via Steamboat and Railroad. 

Castleion* 6 

Tompkinsville* 6 

Edgewatcr, or Stapleton* 7 

Vanderbilt's Landing 7i 

Clifton -- 8 

Fort Richmond 9 

Richmond* 13 

Middletown '. 13 

New Dorp* 14 

Springville - 14 

Eltingville - 15 

New Brighton* 6 

West New Brighton* 

Mariner's Harbor* 7 

SaUor's Snug Harbor 7 

Factoryville 8 

PoH Biclijrumd* 9 

Elm Park 10 

Chelsea 15 

Steam ferry boats run from 
Whitehall Slip, near the Battery, and 
from foot of Dey Street, for the differ- 
ent Landings on Staten Island, con- 
necting with the Staten Island Bail/road. 
Steamers run to Bergen Point and 
Newark, N. J., passing through New- 
ark Bay. 


New Jebsbt. 

Jersey Citt 1 

Communipaw 2 

Claremont 3 

Greenville* 4 

Pamrapo.... 5 

Bayonne* 6 

Centrcville 7 

Bergen Point* 8 

Elizabet7i.port 11 

Elizabeth* 13 


West Hoboken 4 

Nbwabk* !> 

Waverly 11 

Irvington* 13 

Springfield 14 

Orange* 13 

East Orange* la 

South Orange* 15 

Bloomfleld* 11 

Montclair* 13 

Belleville*.! 10 

Acquackennock 13 

Rutherford Park* 9 

Passaic* 11 

Clifton ^ 13 

Patekson*! 16 

Carlstadt*..! 9 

Woodridge* 10 

Lodi* la 

Ilaehensack* 13 

New Bridge* 15 

New Durham*-- : ft 

Ridgefield..."-- 9 

Leonia* - la 

Englewood* 14 

Highland 15 

Weehawken* 4 

Guttenbergh* 5 

Bull's Perry a 

Fort Lee* -- - 10 

• Post-Offlces 



New York to Elizabeth, N. J., via Central Railroad of New Jersey. 

Lbating New York from the foot of Liberty street, a steam ferry boat con- 
veys passengers to Jersey City, one mile. 

Communipaw, 2^ miles; here is a 
flourishing settlement forming part 
of Jersey City, and the point where 
diverges the Newark and New York 

Olaremont, 3 miles, lies upon the 
high, wooded ridge, a short distance 
west of the railroad. A short distance 
beyond Claremont, the railroad crosses 
the Morris Canal. 

Greenville, 4V miles, is handsomely 
situated, overlooking New York and 
Newark Bays, and in the distance may 
be seen the Orange Mountains on the 
west, and the shores of Long Island 
and the NaiTOws, alive with craft. 
A horse railroad runs from this place to 
Montgomery street, Jersey City. 

Pamrapo, 5i miles, forms the third 
ward of the City of Bayonne. It is 
handsomely situated and abounds in 
eligible sites for suburban homes. ' 

BATONNE, 6 miles, is a flourishing 
city containing about 6,000 inhabitants, 
heing incorporated in March, 1870. Its 
avenues stretch in a magnificent sweep 
from Jersey City line to Kill von KuU, 
on the south; its flagged sidewalks ex- 
tend in all directions as far as the eye 
can reach; its private aud public build- 
ings are most of them models of beauty 
and tastefulness. 

Oentreville, 7 miles, is another sta- 
tion in the City of Bayonne, where are 
many fine residences. 

Bergen Point, 8 miles, is the most 

densely populated section of Bay- 
onne, comprising the first and fourth 
wards of the city, and long famous as a 
Summer resort for New Yorkers. The 
streets are here wide, well paved, and 
kept in fine condition, while tlie beauty 
of dwellings and public edifices gives as- 
surance that here both wealth and cul- 
ture reside. 

Elizabethport, 10^^ miles, is a flourish- 
ing marine town, lying on Staten Island 
Sound, and forming part of the City of 
Elizabeth. Its growth within the past 
few years has been marvellous. Here 
are immense coal whai-ves, where are 
deposited five million tonnage annually, 
and give it a prominence as a commer- 
cial point. From Elizabethport nins- 
the Perth Amboy and Elizabethpwt Bail- 
road, 12 miles in length. 

ELIZABETH, 13 miles, is a flourish- 
ing city wliich contained, in 1870^ 
20,832 inhabitants. Here is a Court 
House, a number of Churches and 
other public buildings, many of which 
are fine and costly edifices. It is an 
old town, first settled in 1664, beinff 
named Elizabeth Town, in honor of 
Sir James Casteret's beautiful wife. 

Here crosses the New York and 
Philadelphia line of railroad, controlled 
by the PennsyJmima Bailrdad, while 
westward runs the Central Baiiroad of 
New Jeriey, extending to Easton, Penn. 
A new line of railroad will soon be con- 
stmcted, on this line, through to Phila- 
delphia, connecting with the Penmyl- 
vania Nbrtheirn Bailroad. 





New Jersey, on account of the mildness of its climate, productive soil, healthy 
Influence, and its proximity to the City of New York, has become a desirable 
and popular section of country for residence and business pursuits. The State 
Is bounded on the west and south by the Delaware Kiver and Bay, and on the 
«ast by the Hudson Kiver and the Atlantic Ocean ; the coast line from Sandy 
Hook to Cape May extends about 120 miles. 

JERSEY CITY, Hudson Co., N. J., 
lying opposite New York, is reached 
by several steam ferries, running day 
and night. Here the Hudson River is 
one mile in width — affording a fine 
view of the Palisades on the north, and 
the Harbor and Bay of New York on 
the south — with Staten Island and 
Long Island in the distance. Some ten 
or twelve railroads centre at Jersey 
City, running south, west and north, 
carrying daily an immense number of 
passengers to and from the City of New 
York. The City is favorably situated 
for trade and commerce, and has rap- 
Idly increased in population, now con- 
taining upwards of 115,000 inhabitants. 
It is governed by a Mayor and Board 
of 13 Aldermen, and contains several 
:fine public buildings — a City Hall and 
Court House, and about 60 Churches of 
-different denominations ; 4 Banks, 8 
Saving Banks, 3 Insurance Companies, 
2 Gas Light Companies, Water Works 
and 6 City Kailroads, besides large Rail- 
Toad Depots and Ferry Houses. Tay- 
lor's Hotel, near the Pennsylvania Rail- 
road Depot, is a large and well kept 
public house. 

The Cunard Line of Steamers run 
from their dock at Jersey City for 
Liverpool and other European ports. 

Debt, &c., Jebbey City. 
Tear. Fopulatlan. Debt. Per Capita. 

1870. 85,335 $5,072,000 $58 59 
1875. 116,813 13,830,485 120 00 

Note.— In 1870, Bergen City and Hudson City 
were consolidated with Jersey City, but the 
rapid Increase of the City Debt and Taxation, 
shows that fraud and corruption Is spreading 
alike SB in New York and Brooklyn. 

Cenbtts op Hudson Codntt, New 
Jersey, 1875. 

Jersey City, 6 Districts 116,813 

Hoboken, (City) 24,966 

City of Bayonne 5,836 

West Hoboken 5,219 

Kearney Township 1,401 

Town of Union 4,676 

Union Township 3,580 

North Bergen 3,928 

Weehawken 603 

Total 170,859 

The City of Hoboken, one mile 
north of Jersey City, is a place of grow- 
ing importance, being closely connected 
with the City of New York by two 
steam ferries. The City now contains 
a population of 24,966. It has been a 
favorite resort and place of residence, 
having delightful grounds and walks in 
the vicinity, near the water's edge. 
Here commences the Morris and Essex 
Bailroad, running west to the Delaware 
River, opposite Easton, Penn. The 
Hamburg and Havre Steamers leave 
from their wharf at this place for 
European ports. 

NEWARK, N. J., the county seat of 
Essex County, 9 miles from New York, 
is the largest City in the State, now con- 
taining about 120,000 inhabitants. It 
has many public buildings, churches, 
hotels and fine residences ; excellent 
schools and numerous extensive manu- 
factories. Steamboats and vessels of a 
small class ascend the Passaic River to 
this place, which is closely identified 
with the City of New York. It is an 
immense thoroughfare for passengers 



going south and west, trains leaving 
every few minutes for various points. 

Tlie City of Orange, four or five 
miles from Newark, is a charming 
locality, containing ahout 10,000 inhab- 
itants. Here are numerous churches, 
schools and fine residences, surrounded 
by an exceedingly healthy section of 
the country. JJewellyn Park, lying on 
the north, is a most delightful place of 
residence during warm weather, when 
the cool air descends from the surround- 
ing highlands, the whole Park being 
ornamented with shade trees, drives and 
walks. The Orange Mountains rise on 
the west and north, affording protec- 
tion from the prevailing winds of Win- 
ter, while it catches the sea breezes 
which prevail in Summer. 

East Orange, with its 6,000 inhabi- 
tants, and South Orange, about haU the 
size, are also finely situated and are 
fashionable places of residence, con- 
taining many beautiful dwellings, sur- 
rounded by all the desired comforts of 
a city and country life. 

West Orange, containing 3,800 in- 
habitants, is another fine town. 

Further westward, toward Morris- 

town, are a succession of villages and 
fine country residences, affording homes, 
of a most charming character. 

Belleville, 10 miles from New York, 
lying north of Newark, is a charming 
place of Summer resideiice. 

Bloomfield, Essex Co., 13 miles from. 
New York, containing 4,000 inhabi- 
tants, is another delightful place of 

Mount Olair, 14 miles from New 
York, is reached by railroad. This is 
a flourishing village with many fine 
residences. Population, 4,000. 

Waverley, about 3 miles south of 
Newark, is a fine situation, surrounded 
by an agricultural district, where are 
located the grounds belonging to the 
State Agricultural Society. 

The City of Elizabeth, 15 miles from. 
New York, by the Pennsylvania Bail- 
road, is also reached by the Jfew Jer- 
sey Central Eailroad. This is a flourish- 
ing city, closely connected with the 
City of New York by two lines of rail- 
road. A Boulevard, 200 feet in width, 
extends from Elizabeth to' Newark, 5 
miles, affording a delightful drive dur- 
ing pleasant weather. 


Leaving New York from the foot of Chambers Street, or Twenty-TIiird Street, 
a steam ferry boat, conveys passengers to the commodious Depot on the New 
Jersey side. The passenger cars are luxurious and roomy, the track being 
broad gauge. By means of a long tunnel a very level line is afforded across the 
Jersey Meadows and the Hackensack River. 

In addition to the Mrie Baihoay, which forms one of the trunk lines of the 
country, the Nbrilwrn Bailnoad of Mio Jersey di-vergea from the main line west 
of Hoboken and runs through Mw Durham, Oranton, Bidgefield, Miglewood, 
EigMand, Norwood, Twppan, and Piermont to New York, 39 miles, passing 
through a succession of villages, situated back of the Palisades, afibrding de- 
lightful Summer resorts. 

The Hackensack BaOroad is another branch of the Erie Railway running 
through Carlstadt, Woodridge, Hackensack, New MUford, HiUsdaM and other vil- 
lages, to Rockland County, N. Y. A branch railroad also extends to TMi, N. J. , 
affording altogether easy and rapid access to the city of New York. 



Rutherford Park, 9 miles from New- 
York, is the first stopping place of im- 
portance on the line of the Erie Railway. 
Here is a beautiful settlement where is a 
good Hotel, and several Summer board- 
ing houses. The scenery and drives in 
the vicinity of Rutherford Park are 
much admired, being in the vicinity of 
the Passaic River. 

Haokensack, 13 miles, the capital 
of Bergen Co,, N. J., lies north of the 
line of the Erie Railway. It is ap- 
proached by railroad, extending north- 
ward. This is a flourishing village, 
containing about 9,000 inhabitants. 

Passaic, 13 miles, is a flourishing vil- 
lage, numbering about 5,000 inhabi- 
tants. Here are two well-kept hotels, 
besides private boarding-houses, which 
are usually thronged during warm 
weather. Contains several fine church 
edifices, and a number of elegant pri- 
vate residences. 

Clifton, 13 miles, is another delight- 
ful village, where is a good public houdc 
called the Clifton Orove Hotel ; also, the 
Willow Park Hotel. 

Lake View, 14} miles, is pleasantly 
situated on a rising slope of ground 
which overlooks the Passaic River and 
Dundee Lake. It contains a hotel and 

the usual proportion of private families, 
who will accommodate Summer board- 
ers. It is within the city limits of 
Paterson, and contains many handsome 
villas situated on the avenues which 
lead to the city. 

PATERSON, 16 miles, is a flourishing 
manufacturing city, where health and 
comfortable residences are to be found. 
Population in 1870, 33,579. In the 
heart of the city are the famed Falls of 
the Passaic, only inferior to Niagara in 
grandeur and sublimity. Visitors will 
also find much to admire and instruct 
them in an inspection of the various 
industries — the silk mills, the locomo- 
tive works and the numerous factories 
which have made Paterson famous the 
world over. There are here eight or 
ten churches of different denomina- 
tions, and three first-class hotels ; also, a 
number of well-kept private boarding- 
houses. The Delaware and Lacka- 
wanna Railroad runs through Paterson, 
and the Paterson and Newark Railroad 
runs south, while the Mrie Bailroad ex- 
tends northwest through Rockland and 
Orange counties, when the Delaware 
River is reached at Port Jervis ; thence 
crosses into Pennsylvania, and extends 
to Dunkirk, Buffalo and Niagara Falls. 


Coney Island was for many years 
tne leading sea-side resort. It is still 
patronized by crowds that indulge in 
its most excellent surf-bathing. It is 
reached by steamboat or by the Brook- 
lyn horse-cars that pass Greenwood 

RocKAWAT, on the South Shore of 
Long Island, is growing rapidly as a 
fashionable resort, and is reached by 
steamboat or steam-car. 

The most charming of all is a trip of 
twenty-four miles to Long Bbanch, a 
sail of one hour by steamboat to Sandy 
Hook, thence by steam-car twenty min- 
utes to the famous watering-place and 
Summer capital of the Metropolis. 

Many wealthy persons here have fine 
residences. As you journey you pass 
the Battery, Castle Garden, Governor's 
Island, Fort Lafayette, Fort Hamilton, 
and Sandy Hook Lighthouse to the left, 
and Staten Island, Fort Wadsworth, 
Quarantine, and Navesink Light-house 
to the right. After a surf -bath and a 
promenade among the elite, inhaling the 
sea breezes, you arc fully prepared to 
do justice to the viands furnished by 
any of the numerous first-class hotels 
that line the bluff for nearly two miles. 
Of late years. Long Branch has become 
the semi-capital of the nation, the Pres- 
ident of the United States making this 
his Summer residence. 



New York Harboii ob Bat.— A 
fine view of the Harbor and Baj may be 
obtained by a round trip on a Staten Is- 
land Ferry-boat, occupying about an 
hour. A more extended trip, passing 
Bergen Point tlirough tlie Kills and 
Newark Bay, is furnished by steamer 
running to Newark. 

Ketpokt, noted for its oysters and 
fishing. Highlands for its large hotels 
and commanding view, and Red Bank 

in its quiet beauty on the Navesink 
River, are places of interest easily 
reached by steamboat. 
_ During the Summer the daily excur- 
sions to the Fishing Banks (see adver- 
tisements ^n the New York morning 
papers) are very popular, in which you 
pass out on to the broad expanse of the 
Ocean, ten or twenty miles from the 
New Jersey shore, and it often happens 
that the beneficial effects of sea-sick- 
ness is experienced. 


Staten Island, an oval-shaped tract 
of land 14 miles long and 8 miles 
broad, containing 68i square miles, is 
situated from 6 to 20 milqs southwest 
of New York city, arid is waslied on 
all sides by salt water, being surrounded 
by New York Bay, Raritan Bay and 
Staten Island Sound. The adjacent 
waters of the bays abound with oysters 
and fish, tlie trade of which afford the 
staple occupation of thousands dwel- 
ling on the island. A ferry boat runs 
hourly from the foot of "Whitehall 
street to the three principal points, the 
first of which is the 

Quarantine Landing, so called 
because formerly the location of the 
New York quarantine buildings. It 
is a charming location for private re- 

Edgkwater (Stapleton). This is a 
mile or two further down, and is the 
largest village on the island, containing 
some manufactories and a shot tower. 
Around its suburbs are many beautiful 
residences overlooking the Nevv York 
Bay. The " Seamen's Fund and Re- 
treat," established by the Legislature, 
and a building for indigent mothers, 
widows and children oi seamen, are 
situated on very sightly locations here, 
and will well repay a visit. 

Vandebbilt's Landing, just below 

the former, is the point of connection 
between the ferry of the Staten Island 
Railroad, which runs to Tottenville. 
Still further down are the United States 
fortifications, Richmond and Tomp- 

Richmond, the county-seat, stands in 
a rich agricultural district, and is 
reached by stage. 

North Shore. 

Another steam feny line from Dey 
street. North River (Pier 19), runs along 
the northern shore several times daily 

New Brighton is a large village, 
with much fashionable society, where 
is located a first-class hotel. 

Sailors' Snug Harbor. — This is 
another charming spot, where stands a 
fine edifice for the abode of disabled 

Bergen Point, a delightful Summer 
resort, lies opposite on the New Jersey 

Poet Richmond is a large and hand- 
some village, and has been the centre 
of considerable manufacture. In its 
suburbs are rare pleasure grounds, to 
which New York excursion parties 
gladly resort. 

Elm Park is reached also by the 
North Shore FeiTy after a sail of an 




Westchebteb is, and must ever con- 
tinue, one of the most celebrated coun- 
ties of the Empire State, much of it 
being historic ground, where were 
enacted many of the important events 
of the Revolutionary War. Its prox- 
imity to the Metropolis, the beauty of 
its scenery bordering on Long Island 
Sound — skirted its entire length by the 
finest river in the world and threaded by 
railroads, its surface dotted with towns 
and palatial residences, rendering it 
one of the most desirable and pictur- 
esque sections of the Empire State. 

The Wew Haven JSailroad runs across 
the southern portion of the county, and 
has several charming villages on its 
line, among which are I^(e, New Ro- 
chelle, Mamaroneck, and Port Chester. 
The Harlem JSailroad runs about mid- 
way and diagonally through the county, 
and has fine villages all along the route. 
The principal ones are Mount Vernon, 

Tuckahoe and White Plains. The 
2fev> York, Boston and Montreal Hail- 
road runs midway between the Har- 
lem and Hudson River R. R. , and crosses 
Croton Lake. But the chief attractions 
of Westchester are spread along the 
bank of the Hudson River, where 
nearly every eminence is surmounted 
by a paradise of beauty and fragrance. 
A strip of country one mile wide, 
stretching from Spuyten Duyvel to 
Sing Sing, contains more of taste, cul- 
ture and wealth than any rural district 
of its size on the continent. 

The Hudson River BaUroad runs 
along the western part of the county, 
within sight of the noble Hudson, pass- 
ing Yonkers, Dobb's Perry, Irvington, 
Tarrytown, Sing Sing, Croton and 
Peekskill, where it enters the "High- 
lands," passing West Point, situated on 
the opposite side of the river. 

Excursions on the East River and Long Island Sound. 

The steamboat excursion to Flushing 
and other landings on the Long Island 
shore are delightful during warm weath- 
er. On leaving the steamboat land- 
ing on the East River, near Pulton Fer- 
ry, you at once feel the invigorating 
breeze — passing the United States Navy 
Yard, situated on Wallabout Bay, where 
may usually be seen vessels of war of a 
large class, moored near the Brooklyn 
shore. As the steamer rounds Corlear's 
Hook, a fine view is obtained of the 
Ship Yards on the New York shore. 
WiUiamsburgli, Hunter's Point, and Long 
Island Gity are passed on the right. 

' Blaekwell's Island, lying in the East 
River, is attached and belongs to the 
City of New York ; here are situated 
the Penitentiary, the Almshouse and 
the Lunatic Asylum, all of which are 
usually thronged with inmates. 

Astoria, 6 miles from the City of 
New York, forming part of Long Is- 
land City, is pleasantly situated on 
Edst River, being connected with the 
City Iw a steam ferry, called the Hell 
Gate Ferry. On the north may be seen 
the village of Harlem, and the mouth of 
Harlem River. 

Hell-Gate, sometimes called Hurl- 
Gate, is a narrow and dangerous strait 
in the East River, 7 miles above New 
York. Soon the channel widens and a 
beautiful stretch of the East River is 

Two small islands called Tlie Brothers 
are next passed, and then Biker's Island, 
lying at the mouth of Flushing Bay. 

FIiUSHING, 13 miles, is a large and 
flourishing town containing upwards of 
15,000 inhabitants. Here are several 
good hotels and boarding-houses ; also. 



70NKER9, 16 miles, is a new and 
growing city on the banks of the Hud- 
son. It contains 20,000 inhabitants, with 
costly churches and fine residences. 
Here all the enjojments of city and 
country life can be indulged in by the 
fashionable portion of the community. 

Hastings and Dobb's "Ferry lie on 
the Westchester shore, while opposite 
is Piermtmt and Nydek, in Rockland 

Iroington, Tarrytown, Sirig Sing and 
PeeksMU, are all passed before coming 
to the " Highlands." 

West Point, 52 miles, with its Na- 
tional Academy, is a place of fashion- 
able resort, where is a well-kept hotel. 
Here the scenery is truly grand and 

During the season of navigation on 
the Hudson, which usually extends 
from the middle of March to the mid- 
dle of December, numerous steamboats 
leave the city of New York every morn- 
ing and evening for various places on 
both shores of the river, connecting 
with railroad lines of travel. 

Steamers of the largest class, nowhere 
excelled for speed or comfort, run 

through to Albany and Trot, about 
150 miles, in ten or twelve hours run- 
ning time ; others touch at the princi- 
pal cities and villages on the way, to 
land and receive passengers. Usual 
through fare, $2, including berths in 
the night boats ; berths in state room, 
$1.10 extra. 

By far the most interesting portion 
of this noble river is embraced in the 
trip to West Point and Newburgh, 
60 miles distant, passing the Palisades 
— Tappan and Haverstraw bays — the 
"Highlands," and entering the bay of 
Newburgh, here presenting to the be- 
holder a most interesting and grand 
view of river and mountain scenery, 
being deeply connected with stirring 
events of the war of the Revolution. 

The IFudson Biter JlaHroad, extend- 
ing to Albany, 145 miles, runs along the 
east bank of the river, passing through 
all the villages and landings, affording 
the most speedy means of conveyance 
to Peekskill, West Point and Fishkill, 
situated opposite Newburgh, with 
which it is connected by a steam ferry, 
thus presenting two modes of convey- 
ance to the tourist. 

The Qbaotj Centkal Railroad Depot, comer Fourth Avenue and Ibrty- 
aeamd Street, is the terminus of the Hudson River Bailroad, New York and Har- 
lem Bailroad and the New York and New Haven Bailroad, all being important 
lines of travel running east, north and west, connecting with other railroads 
running in almost every direction through the New England States, Canada 
and the Western States, connecting with steamers running on the St. Law- 
rence River and the Great Lakes of America. 



Principal Mercantile Honses 



Engaged in Business in the City of 'New. York, 

This List is unavoidably incomplete, as many Firms were 
not called on, and others declined having their . 
names inserted on the terms proposed. 



Whilb engaged in the arduous duty of compiling " New York as It Was 
and as It Is," it has been made apparent that there is suflBcient Intelligence, Hon- 
esty and Wealth in the community, if rightly applied, to correct all the great evils 
under which the Metropolis of the Empire State is laboring at the present time. 
The community may be said to be divided into four separate classes, standing 
aloof from each other in social life — the wealthy, the middle class, the indus- 
trious laboring poor, and the intemperate and ignorant poor — all being equally 
privileged as regards citizenship. 

The unprincipled wealthy portion, of all parties, who, when in power, rob 
the public, and the degraded poor are the two portions of the community to be 
feared. They are usually found to work together for party objects, one supply- 
ing the capital for election purposes and the other the votes, in order to secure 
power. Such at the present time is the working of our republican institutions, 
as exists in Municipal, State and National affairs, the honest portion of the 
community being deprived of their rights and voice in government by being 
thus overruled. 

The only remedy left is the combination of the people in one party, consisting 
of the wealthy, the middle class and the intelligent laborer, uniting for self-de- 
fence, irrespective of nationality, as an independent party throughout the 
Union, and endeavor at once to stop the tendency toward corrupt legislation 
and robbery. 

In order to perpetuate this system it will be necessary to introduce a " Civil 
Service Reform ;" also liave City, State and National officers elected for longer 
periods than at present — say for two, four or aiayea/rs — incumbents being subject 
to removal from office for misdemeanors. Adopt this plan, and our political 
evils, which are a disgrace to the nation, would iu a great measure be prevented 
— ^punishing all def atilters who are office-holders by sending them to a penal 
colony, to be established by the National Government. Hepubliean Institutions 
can only be perpetuated by Imtblligbnce and Honesty. 

Classified Business Directory, 


Agencies, Commercial and ITIer- 

Bradstbbet, J. M. & Son, 279 B'way and 

57 Keade St. 
Don, Bablo-w & Co., 335 B'way and 80 

Wall 6t. 
I"ems, Garlock & Co., 335 Broadway. 
McKiLLOP & Sprague Co., 109 and 111 

Worth St. 
Ketail Dealers' Protective Ass. ,85 Union sq. 
iSimpsou & Smith, 66 Courtlandt st. 
V. a. Mercantile Bepotting Co., 335 B'way. 

AKOiits, Advertising. 

Abbot & Co., 141 Fulton and 20 Ann st. 
Banicers' & Brokers' Adv. Ass., 52 B'way. 
Bates & Locke, 34 Park row. 
Buys & Collin, 194 Broadway. 
Chisholm, Alex. Robert, 52 Broadway. 
Clegg, Charles A., Tribune Building. 
Conent, Hermon & Co., 52 Broadway. 
Daucht & Co., 191 Fulton st. 
Davis, Bernard 8., 165 Broadway. 
Deto, Pbtbb K., 7 Beekraan St., up stairs. 
Taulkner T. G., 126 Fulton st. 
Fuller, J. W., 338 Broadway. 
Hitchcock, Henry M., 769 Broadway. 
Maten, Charles & Co., 37 Park row 
Peaslee & Co., 5 Beekman st. 
Pettenoill, S. M. & Co., 37 Park row. 
Eailway Advertising Co., 63 Broadway. 
Sichards, Joseph H., 245 Broadway. 
KowBLL, Geokob P. & Co., 41 Park row. 
Sharpe, W. W. & Co., 25 Park row. 
aoper, I. N. & Co., 27 City Hall Square. 

Agents, Patent. 

Brown & Allen, 258 Broadway. 
Burke & Fraser, 37 Park row. 
Hazeltine, Lake & Co., 247 Broadway. 
Inglis, John & Co., 39 Park row. 
McLean, James P., 133 Nassau et. 
MuNN & Co., 37 Park row. 
Munson, Albert L., 35 Pine st. 
Boeder, Henry E., 302 Broadway. 
iSerrell, Lemuel W., 119 Nassau st. 

Smith, Earle H., 302 Broadway. 
Vansantvoord & Sauli, 41 Park row. 
Whitney, James A., 212 Broadway. , 

Agents, Real Estate. 

Beekman, L. & T. H., 81 Cedar st. 
Bergen John L., 82 Broadway. 
Berrian & Duffiy, 163 Broadway. 
Cruikshank, William & E. A. , ^ Broadway. 
Falconer, William H. & Son, 1 00 Fourth av. 
Ludlow, E. H. & Co., 3 Pine st. 
Price, James, 200 Hudson st. 
Ruland & Whitney, 5 Beekman st. 
Selden, S. Colt, 39 Nassau st. 
Thompson D. & Son, 56 Wall st. 
Wilkinson, Alfred, 99 Nassau st. 

Agricultural Implements, 
Dealers In. 

Allen, R. H. & Co., 189 Water st. 
Ames Plow Co., 53 Beekman st. 
Carr & Hobson, 56 Beekman st. 
Hovey, Geo. & Son, 71 John st. 
Lamson & Goodnow Mfg. Co., 50 Beek- 
man st. 
New York Plow Co., 55 Beekman st. 
Reeves, Robert C, 185 & 187 Water st. 
Vanderbilt Brothers, 28 Fulton st. 
White, Luther C, 50 Beekman st. 


American Institute of Architects, 128 Bway. 
Beckwith, Arthur, 111 Broadway. 
Bragaldi, Marshall & Co., 265 JBroadway. 
Cady, Josiah C, 111 Broadway. 
Davis, Alexander J., University Building. 
D'Orsay & Co., 561 Broadway. 
Duggin & Grossman, 63 E. 4l6t st. 
Hatch, Buckley & Smith, 239 Broadway. 
Lockwood, Rembrandt, 293 Broadway. 
Schulze & Steinraetz, 744 Broadway. 
Upjohn, Richard M., Ill Broadway. 
West & Anderson, 14 Park pi. 

Art Furniture and Decorations. 

Herter Bros., 877 Broadway. 

Sypher & Co. (Antique Goods), 593 B'dway. 



Apotliecarles.— See Druggists. 
Aquaria Depot. 
Greenwood & Seymour, 13 College pi. 
Artlilclal Flowers. 

Cormier, L. & Co., 151 Wooster st. 
Henrichs, Charles F. A., 31 Park pi. 
Hofteimer & Co., 494 Broadway. 
Jouard & Lebaflly, 23 W. Houston st. 
Mendel & Loeb, 598 Broadway. 
Schnaier & Klein, 111 Grand st. 
Smith, Wm. W. & Co., 661 Broadway. 
White, Alansen, jr., 540 Broadway. 

Artificial Iilml>s. 

Bly, Douglas, 658 Broadway. 
Condell, J. & Son, 643 Broadway; 
Frees, Chauncy A., 682 Broadway. 
Marks, Amasa A., 575 Broadway. 
Monroe, Joshua, 411 Canal st. 
Wickett & Bradley, 516 Broadway. 


Baker, George A^ Association Building. 
Beard, William H., 51 West 10th st. 
Bierstadt, Albert, 51 West 10th st. 
Casilear. J. W., 51 West 10th st. 
Church Frederick E., 51 West 10th st. 
De Haas, M. F. H., 51 West 10th st. 
Durand A. B., South Orange, N. J. 
Giffiord, S. R, 51 West 10th st. 
Guy, S. J., 51 West 10th st. 
Huntington, Daniel, 49 East 80th st. 
Hart, WUliam, Association Building. 
Hart, James M., 212 Fifth avenue. 
Irving, J. Beauvain, 51 West 10th st. 
Hicks, Thomas, 6 Astor pi. 
Hubbard, R. W., 51 West 10th st. 
Homer, Winslow, 51 West 10th st. 
Kurtz, W., Madison sq. near B'way. 
Le Clear, Thomas, 51 West 10th st. 
McEntee, Jarvis, 51 West 10th st. 
Page, William, 51 West 10th st. 
SmilUe, James (engraver), Poughkeepsie. 
SmUlie, James D.,^12 Fifth av. 
Ward, J. Q. A., 9 West 49th st. 
Wein, Robert W., West Point, N. T. 
Whittrldge, William, 51 West 10th st. 

Artists' materials. 

Belss & Heppe, 10 Park pi. 
Benoit A. V., 14S Fulton st. 
Devoe, F. W. & Co.. 117 Fulton st. 
Keuliel & Esser, 111 Fulton st. 
Mintross, Newman E., 1366 Broadway. 
Palm, Charles & Co., 84 Chambers st. 
Raynolds, C. T. & Co., 106 Fulton st. 
Schaus, William, 749 Broadway. 

Staab, C. P. & Co., 52 Barclay st. 
Stedwell, George H., 141 Fulton st. 

Arts, Dealers in AVorks oC. 
Wood's Art GaUeiy, 826 Broadway. 
Assayers.— See B^nera. 
Chittenden, gimon B., Jr., 145 Broadway. 
Cobb, John S., 67 William st. 
Culver, E. D., 114 Nassau st. 
Hall, Abraham O., 291 Broadway. 
Jordan, Philip, 132 Nassau st. 
Merrill, Nelson, 4 Pine st. 
O'Conor, Charles, 59 Wall st. 
Smith, Walter E., 52 Broadway, (Room 43.), 
Tilden, Samuel J., 12 Wall st. 
Townsend, John J., 76 Wall st. 
Tracy, Charles, 50 Wall st. 
Tracy, William, 128 Broadway. 
Waddington, James, 149 Broadway. 
Waterbury, Nelson J., 152 Broadway. 
Webster, Sydney, 29 Nassau st. 


Agar, James, 59 New Bowery. 

Bangs, Mcrwin & Co. (books, etc.), 65ft 

Betts, Gerard & Co., 7 Old slip. 

Bissell, Wells & Millet, 15 Murray st. 

Bleecker, A. J. & Son, 9 Pine st. 

Bnrdett & Dennis, 20 Burling slip. 

Camp, Hugh N., 152 Broadway. 

Cole's, James, Son, 389 Fulton st., B'klyn. 

Draper, John H. & Co., 1112 Pearl st. 

Hadden & Co., 33 Chambers st. 

Halstead & Peters, 83 Warren st. 

Harnett, Richard v.. Ill Broadway. 

Haydock & Brother, (S College pi. 

Hoffman, L. M., Son & Co., Ill Pearl st. 

Johnson, Jeremiah, Jr., 21 Park row. 

Kennelly, William, 6 Pine st. 

Kobbe & Ball, 87 Leonard st. 

Leavitt, Geo. A. <fe Co. (books, etc.), Clin- 
ton Hall. 

Ludlow, E. H. & Co., 3 Pine st. 

MathewEon, J. & Co., 4 Fine st. 

Miller, James, 1 Pine st. 

Muller, A. H. & Son, 7 Pine st. 

Nicolay, Albert H. & Co., 43 Pme St.. 

PeUs & Co., 19 Pearl st. 

Richards, A. S. & Co., 7 College pi. 

Seott, George H., 52 Pine st. 

Stevenson, V. K., Jr., 11 Pine st. 

Wilmerding, Hoguet & Co., 112 Duane st. 

Avrning and Tent Makers. 

American Awning Factory, 1280 Broadway. 
Johnston, James O., 752 Broadway. 
I Martin, Thomas, 276 Canal st. 



Sherman, Wm. T., 946 Broadway. 
Sykes, Henry, 604 Broadway, 
l^ler, John W., 379 Bowery. 

AxeandXldge Tool nianafacturers. 

Collins & Co., 213 "Water st. 
Douglas Axe Man'I'gCo., 298 Broadway. 
Green, R. M. & Co., 100 Chambers st. 
PiUsbury, M. M., 85 John st. 

Bags and Bagging. 

Asten, W. B. & Co., 35 Pearl st. 
Cooper, William B., Jr., & Co., 99 Pearl st. 
David, Henry R., 17 Piatt st; 
Lawson, Jacob & Co., 40 Whitehall st. 
New York Bagging Co. , 88J^ Pine st. 
Parsons, ChaiTes H., 80 Water st. 
Todd, Joseph C. & Co., 10 Barclay st. 


Boyd, Andrew A. (Ship Bread, etc.), 219 

Fulton St. 
Brown, Paul S., Third ave. cor. 9th st. 
Gilmon, J. D. & Co., 305 Greenwich st. • 
Metz, Charles, 536 Greenwich st. 
Simpson, Andrew, 366 Bowery. 
Treadwells, E. & Son, 104 Warren st. 

Bank Note Companies. 

Amekioau, 143 Broadway, (see adv.) 
CoNTiNENTAi., Greenwich st., cor. Liberty. 
, National, 1 Wall st., cor. Broadway. 

Basket and AVoodonwaro Dealers. 

Banms & Kahn, 43 Park Place. 
Burgher, John A., 68 Vesey st. 
Louderback, John A., 153 Chambers st. 
Robinson, Lord & Co., 147 Chambers st. 
Zinn, Charles & Co., 406 Broadway. 

Bedding, Dealers In. 

Alden, Wm. E. & Co., 346 Canal st. 
Frennd, J. & Co., 339 Grand and 359 E. 

Houston St. 
Howe, Otis & Tyler, 173 Canal st. 
Kittle, S. P., 203 Canal st. 
Mellen & Co., 143 & 144 Worth st. 
National Wire Mattress Co., 379 Sixth av. 
Schenck, James V., 183 Canal st. 
WUlard & Rogers, 384 Hudson st. 

Bedstead mCannfacturers. 

Baker, Henry, 189 Canal st., & 330 Seventh 

Comins, George T., 393 Canal st. 
risk, Russell C., 46 New Bowery. 
Kelly, John, 41 Mott st. 

Billiard Table IHannfactarers. 

BoUmann, Ferdinand, 316 William st. 
CoUender, Hugh W„ 738 Broadway. 
Decker, L. & Co., 154 Centre st. 
Griffith, W. H. & Co., 40 Vesey st. 
Grote, Charles, 9 Henry st. 
Phelan, George E., 30 E. 14th & 449 W. 

41st sts. 
Rothermel, John, 1334 Third av. 

Bird Cages. 

Gunther^ G., 103 & 105 William St. 
Liudemann, O. & Co., 254 Pearl st. 

Birds, Dealers In. 

Bagot, Joseph, 31 Fulton st. 
Collier, John H., 78 Fulton st. 
Douglass, Thomas, 300 W. 40th st. 
FincK, Henry, 45 Avenue A. 

Blacking mannfactnrers. 

Amson, Louis, & Co., 434 Broadway. 
Bartlett, H. A. & Co., 143 Charhbers st. 
Joseph, I. & J. A , 15 <& 17 Crosby st. 
Miller, Frank, Hon & Co., 18 Cedar st. 
Restoi-ffi & Bettmann, 130 Green st. 
Sheldon, S. W. & Dunscomb, 94 Reade st. 
Turner, Joseph W., & Co., 96 John st. 
Wadelton, Joseph, 5 John st. 

Blind manufacturers. 

Bradley & Currier, 54 & HG Dcy st. 

Hall, William <& Sons, 99 Forsyth st. and 

667 First av. 
Jenkins, William H. & Son, 847 Canal st. 
Lee Box and Lumber Co., Eleventh av. 

cor 21st St. 

Block and Pamp manufacturers. 

Burlingham & Purdy, 103 Chambers st. 
Burr & Co., 31 Peck slip. 

Boat Builders. 

Blackburn David, foot Grand st. 
Everson, Jas., 453 First St., Brooklyn, E. D. 
HofEman & Brother, 391 South st. 
Ingersoll, A. M., 156 South st. 
Roberts, Stephen, 368 and 373 South st. 

Boiler makers. 

Andrews, Wm. D. & Bro., 414 Water st. 
Cobanks & Theall, foot Bethune st. 
Murphy, McCurdy & Warden, 74 Beach st. 
Shearman, Isaac H., 45 Courtlandt st. 



Sabln, J. & Sons, Booksellers, 84 Nassau st. 

Sadller, D. & J. & Co., Catholic Books, 31 
Barclay st. 

Sehermerhom, J. W. & Co., 14 Bond st. 

Scribner, Armstrong & Co., Publishers and 
Bookaellei-s, 743 Broadway. 

Schmidt, L. W., German Books, 24 Bar- 
clay St. 

Sheldon & Co., Publishers and Booksellers, 
8 Murray St. 

Steiger, Ernest, 32 Frankfort st. 

Smith, Geo. W. & Co.-, Law Booksellers, 95 
Nassau st. 

Strong, T. W., 599 Broadway. 

Swayne, William, 216 Fulton et.JS'ldyn. 

Thomas, William, Bookseller, 1107 B'way. 

Tibbals, N. & Sons, 37 Park row. 

Tredwell, Fred., 417 Fulton St., S'ldyn. 

Virtue & Torston, 12 Dey st. 

Van Nostrand, David, Publisher (Estab- 
lished 1838), 23 Murray st. 

Wells, S. R. & Co., Publishers and Book- 
sellers, 737 Broadway. 

Westerman, B. & Co., German Books, 524 

Wight, James, 14 Pine st. 

WiLET, John & Son, Publishers and Book- 
sellers (Established 1831), 15 Astor place. 

Wilmer & Rogers News Co., Beekman st. 

Wood, William & Co. (Established 1815), 
27 Great Jones st. 

Worthington, R. & Co., 750 Broadway. 

Zlckel, Solomon, 19 Dey st. 

Boot aud SUoe Dealers. 

Alexander, Andrew, 357 Sixth av. 

Bach, J. & Sons, 30 Warren st. 

Bates, A. J. & COy^ 46 WaiTen st. 

Benedict, Ezra, 8 Warren st. 

Claflln, Aaron & Co., 116 Church st. 

O'Neill, 1187 Broadway and 14 Fourth av. 

Porter, Day & Co., 596 Broadway. 

Ranson, W. A. & Co., 537 Broadway. 

Sears & Fitch, 12 Warren st. 

Brass Fenders, Andirons, Sec, 

Lewis & Conger, 501 Sixth av., and 1306 

Brass Founders. 
Donegan & Reilly, 230 West st. 
McNab & Harliu Manufacturing Co., 56 
John st 

Ballantine, Peter & Sons, 134 Washington 


Ehret, George E., 92d st., cor. Third av. 
Jones, David, 619 to 637 Sixth av. 
Milbank Brothers, 70 Madison st. 
Taylor & Son, 894 Greenwich st. 

Britannia and Tin Ware. 

Boardman, L. & Son, 82 Chambers st. 
Schade, Henry, 84 John st. 

Broom Dealers. 

Cooley, Eli P., 394 Broome st. 
Lee, J. F., Jr„ & Co., 6 Sullivan st. 
McArthur & Co., 815 Pearl st. 
Martin, Robert Y. 104 Duane st. 
Rice, Samuel Q., 49 Fulton st. 

Brusli Manuracturers. 

Beissbarth & Ilcppe, 10 Park pi. 
Berrien, D. &. Co., 228 Pearl st. 
Bradley & Smith, 251 Pearl st. 
Hoppel, John K., 335 Pearl st. 
Leiner, Moritz, 476 Second av. 
McArthur & Co., 815 Pearl st. 
Mount, Henry B., 859 Pearl st. 
Stabb, C. P. & Co., 52 Barclay st. 
Taylor & Perrin, 273 Pearl st. 

Buckskin Undergarments. 

Hall, D. C. & Co., 633 Broadway. 
Burglar Alarms. 

Bogart, Abraham L., 702 Broadway. 
Champion ElectriCj^) W. Eighteenth st. 
Famhara, Charles H., 39 Nassau st. 
Holmes Burglar Alarm Tel. Co., 571 B'way. 

Burr Mill Stones. 

Carey, Samuel, 7 Bi-oadway. 

Charles, Richard P., 19 South William. 

Livingston, W. & F., 3 Broadway. 

Button makers. 

Douglas, Robert, 364 Broadway. 

Fuld, Julius, 406 Broadway. 

Porter Bro. & Co., 443 Broadway. 

Scovill Manufacturing Co., 419 Broome st. 

Waterbury Button Co., 27 Reade st. 

Williston, Knight & Co., 76 Worth st. 

Cards, Blank. 

Clement & Stockwell, 30 Beekman st. 
Hake, Philip, 25 Frankfort st. 
Knickerbocker Card & Tag Co., 39 Ann st. 
Nesbitt, Geo. F. & Co., 165 to 169 Pearl st. 
Porter & Bainbridge, 33 Beekman st. 
Trier & Wolff, 190 William st. 

Cards, Playing, 

Crawford, W. L. & Co., 65 Nassau st. 

Dixon & Co., 701 Broadway. 

Hart Samuel & Co., 123 William st. 

Hinrlchs, Charles F. A., 31 Park place. 

Kraft, George J., 48 Maiden lane. 

Lawrence & Cohen, 128 William st. 

Manger, Victor E., 110 Reade st. 

N. iTConsoUdat'd Card Co., 128 William st. 


lll^"For continuation of Booebellgbs, &c., see page 280. 




Sacktnann, H. E. & Sons, 39 Centre st. 
Shaw, J. Gt. (Blank Books), 638 Pearl st. 
Shipman, Asa L., 29 Ann st. 
Walker, E., Sons (Estab. 1836), 55 Day st. 

Bookbinders' Stock. 

Campbell, John & Co., 164 William st. 
Griflfn, H. & Sons, 64 Duane st. 
Hewitt, C. B. & Brother, 48 Beekman st. 
Rose, George L., 183 WUUam st. 


To the Editors of the New Yobk Evening Post is due the credit of publishing, from 
time to time, notices of eminent Booksellers and Publishers, " giving credit to whom 
credit is due," for disseminating useful knowledge to iiie world at large. 

Alexander, Geo. W., 110 & 112 Wooster st. 
Bradstrect, J. M. <& Son, 279 Broadway. 
Erancis & Loutrel, 45 Maiden lane. 
Haddon & Co., 207 Centio st. 
Hosford & Sons, 56 Cedar st. 
Patterson, George Y., 19 Rose st. 
Russell & Banks, 23 Rose st. 
Rutter, Robert, 82 Beekman st. 

Booksellers and Publlsliers. 

Adams, Victor & Co., 98 William st. 

Agar, Alexander, Bookseller and Stationer, 
110 William st. 

Appleton, D. &Co., Publishers and Book- 
sellers, 551 Broadway. 

Appleton, John L., 19 Third st.,nr. B'way. 

Baker, Voorhis & Co., Law Booksellers, 66 
Nassau st. 

Banks & Brother, Law Booksellers, 144 

Baker, Pratt & Co., 142 Grand st. 

Butler, W. L., 33 tfnion sq. 

Baknes, a. S. & Co., Publishers, 111 Wil- 
liam st. 

Brontano, August, 39 Union sq. 

Bouton, J. W., Bookseller, 700 Broadway. 

Bumton, Richard, 92 Fourth av. and 298 

Cahlton & Co., G. W., Publishers and 
Booksellers, 192 Fifth av. 

Christem F. W., Foreign Books, 77 Univer- 
sity place. 

Carter, Robert & Bros., Theological, 530 

■Clark & Maynard, 5 Barclay st. 

Collins & Brother, Publishers and Book- 
sellers, 370 Broadway. 

De Witt, Robert M., Publisher, 33 Rose st. 

Dick & Fitzgerald, Publishers, 18 Ann st. 

Dillingham, Charles T., 678 Broadway. 

Diossy & Company (Law), 86 Nassau st. 

Distumell, John (Estab. 1829), 137 8th st. 

Dodd & Mead, Publishers, 751 Broadway. 

Dutton, E. T. & Co., Booksellers, 713 

Ellis, Harley, Books and Jewelry, 823 

Terry, J. Milton, 76 Bowery. 

Ford, S. B. & Co., 37 Park pi. and 24 Mur- 
ray St. 

Francis, David G., xiooKseller, 17 Astor pi. 

Gurley, Henry, Bookseller, 313 Fulton av., 
cor. Fourth av. 

Hale, E. J. & Son, 17 Murray st. 

Hahper Bbotheus, Publishers, Franklin 

Holt, Henry & Co., 25 Broad st. 

Hurd& Houghton, Publishers, 13 Astor pi. 

Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor & Co., Publish- 
ers, 138 Grand st. 

Johnson, Wilson & Co., 27 Beekman st. 

Lain <fe Co., 113 Fulton st. 

.Leggat Brothers, Booksellers, 3 Beekman 


Lawler, Miss S. E., Fourth av. near 12th st. 

Lockwood, George R., Bookseller, 812 

London Publishing Company, 17 Park pi. 

Macmillau & Co., 21 Astor pi. 

McDivitt, Campbell <& Co., Law Booksel- 
lers and Publishers, 79 Nassau st. 

McGee, J. A., Catholic Books, ? Barclay st. 

Miller, James, 647 Broadway. 

Miller Henry, Bookseller, 83 Nassau st. 

Morrell, T. H., 78 Nassau st. 

Nelson & Phillips, agents, Methodist Book 
Concern, 805 Broadway. 

Nelson, Thomas & Sons, 42 Bleecker st. 

Nash Edward W., 120 Nassau st. 

Orange Judd Company, Publishers and 
Booksellers, 245 Broadway. 

Palmer, W. C, Jr., 14 Bible House, Astor 

Phillips & Son, 79 Fourth av. 

Pott, Young <fc Co.. No. 6 Cooper Union. 

Putnam, G. & Sons, Publishers and Book- 
sellers, 182 Fifth avenue. 

Pyne, John, Bookseller, 109 Nassau st. 

Radde, William, 548 Pearl st. 

Randolph, A. D. F. & Co, Booksellers, 
900 Broadway. 

Richardson, H. H., & Co., 43 Park pi. 

Routledge, George, & Sons, 416 Broome st. 



Carpet Dealers. 

Andereon's Sons, Hiram, 334 Eighth av. 
Crossley, J. & J. W., 320 and 332 B'way. 
Gregg, J. & Co^ 1 and 125 Bowery. 
Hyatt, George E. L., 273 Canal 6t. 
Kiapp, Sheppard, 183 & 185 Sixth av. 
Sloan, W. & J., 649 to 655 Broadway. 

Carriage and VTagou Kakers, 

Brewster & Co., Fifth av., cor.l4th st. 
Brewster, J. B. & Co. , Fifth av. cor. 31st st. 
Crandall & Co. (Baby Carriages), 569 

Third av. 
Demarest, A. T. & Co., 628 & 630 B'way. 
Ham, John C, 10 to 20 E. 4th st. 
Marsh, Ezra, 18 E. 18th st. 
Wood Brothers, 740 Broadway. 

Carriage I^ac'es and Xrlmmlngs. 

Bloodgood, Winfleld, 3 Howard st. 
Gilford & Beach, 39 Warren st. 
Jubo, John V. & Co., 97 Bowery. 
Alartluo, S. A. & Co., 11 Warren st. 


GlUet Etienne, 9 Nassau st. 
Hammill & Gillespie, 340 & 342 Front st. 
James Cement Co., 41 Dey st. 
Laurenceville Cement Co., 96 Wall st. 
Merchant, S. L. & Co., 76 South st. 
Merryweather, George, 53 WiUiam st. . 
Moen's Asphaltic Cement Co., 103 Maiden 

New York Cement Co., 5 Dey st. 
Spies, Francis A. Co., 66 South st. 

Clxemlsts, jnCauufacturlng. 

Cooper Charles & Co., 191 Worth st. 
Kalbfleisch's Sons, M., Manufacturing 

Chemists, 55 Fulton st. 
Seely, Chas A. (consulting, &c.), 37 Park r. 

Chinese and Japanese Goods. 

Vantine, A. A. & Co., 831 Broadway. 
Clilna, Glass and Earthenware. 

Brundige, Rufus M., 919 B'way & 651 6th av. 
Hadley, Charles L., 5 Cooper Union. 
Ovington's, 250 Fulton St., BrooMyn. 
Shaw, James M., 78 Chambers st. 
Wilhelm & Graef, 1158 Broadway. 

Chop Bouses. 

Farrish's " The Original," C4 John st. 
Kolfe's, Geo. B., 43 John st. 


James, Dr. W., 756 Broadway. 

Westervelt, Dr. H. (refers to the most 

eminent Physicians), 853 Broadway. 
Zacharie, Dr., 27 Union sq. 

Chrome Publishers. 

Anthony, E. & H. T. & Co., 591 Broadway. 
Foerster, Edmund & Co., 645 Broadway. 
Joerg, Charles, 36 Maiden lane. 
KauSnann, A. & Co., 366 Broadway. 

Clock and 'Watch Makers. 

American Clock Co., 581 Broadway. 
Cox, John, 373 Boweiy. 
Fellows, Holmes & Clapp, 31 Maiden lane. 
Giles & Wright (Manufacturers, &c.), 13 

Maiden lane. 
Howard & Co., 553 Broadway. 
Kodgers, James (Established 1818), 102 

Fulton St. 
Seth, Thomas, Sons & Co., 581 Broadway. 
Taylor, Olmstead & Taylor, 5 Bond st. 
Walter, A. & Co., 40 Maiden lane. 

Clocks and Uronzos. 

Magnin, Ve. J., Guedm & Co., 653 B'way. 
Schuyler, Hartley & Graham, 19 Maiden 
lane and 20 & 33 John st. 

Clothing, Dealers In. 

Abbott & Duyckinck. 

Argall, Thomas M. & Co. , 314 & 316 B'way, 

Brokaw, Bros., Fourth av. opp. Cooper Un. 

Brooks Brothers, B'way cor. Bond st. 

Devlin & Co., Broadway cor. Grand & 
Broadway cor. Warren st. 

Freeman & Woodruff, 241 Broadway. 

Hodgman, D. & Co. (India Rubber), Mai- 
den lane, cor. Nassau st. 

Jessup & Co., 256 Broadway. 

Moore & Yawger, 36 Fourth av., cor. 
Astor pi. 

Raymond & Co., Fulton & Nassau sts. 

Rogers, Peet & Co. , Broadway & Broome st. 

Sackett & Miller, 6 Fourth av. 

Traphagen, Hunter & Co., 398 to 403 

Wade & Cummmgs, 261 & 263 Eighth av. 

Commission Merchants. 

Adams, Joseph H. & Son (Hardware), 

283 Pearl st 
Agnew, William & Sons (Tobacco), 384 

Front St. 
Barling & Davis, 46 South st. 
Bigelow, Asa, 150 Broadway. 
Bliss, Geo. C. & Co., 126 Front st. 
Talmage's Sons (Rice), 109 Wall st. 
Welch, Holmes & Clarlt, 383 West st. 
Wetherwill, S. P. & G. D., 13 Piatt st. 



Copperplate Printers. 

Allen, James N., 146 Fulton st. 
Dunbar & Co., 121 Liberty st. 
Kimmi'l & Voigt, 354 and 256 Canal st. 
Lee, Homer & Co., 62 Liberty st. 
McRae, John, 108 Liberty st. 

Cotton JUercltants. 

Babcock Bros. & Co., 50 Wall st. 
Bloss cfc Inches, 128 Pearl st. 
Smith, B. R. & Co.. 44 Broad st. 
Wright, Richards & Co., 39 Broad st. ' 

Cotton Presses. 

DUlon, Robert, 30 Burling Slip. 
Standard Compress Cotton Co., 108 Mor- 
ton St. 
TuUy & Wilde, 20 Piatt st. 
United Power ]?rcs8 Co., 39 Dey st. 

Cortalns, Itlanuracturcrs or 

Kauffman, A. & C, 366 Broadway. 
Solomon, B. L. & Sons, 657 and 659 B'way. 

Cntlory, Manufacturers of. 

Curley, J. & Brother, 184 & 136 Nassau st. 
■Friedman & Lauterjung, 14 Warren st. 
Heinisch's, R., Sons, 301 Broadway. 
Klaubcrg, Carl (Established 1828), 195 Wil- 
liam st. 
Lamson Goodnow Manuf. Co., 101 Duane 


Meriden Cutlery Co., 49 Chambers st. 
New York Knife Co., 120 Chambers st. 
Northampton Cutlery Co., 45 MuiTay st. 
Saunders, B. & G. T., Razor Strops, etc., 7 
Astor House. 

Sellers, John & Sons, 95 John st, 
Seymore, Henry & Co., 39 Rose st. 
Tomes, 1 raucis & Co. , 6 Maiden la 



Allen, John, 314 Fifth avenue. 
Allen, William H., 18 W. Eleventh st. 
Ambler, J. G., 25 W. Twenty-third st. 
Barlow, Edward, 471 Hudson st. 
Bronson (M. D.), Wm. A., 28 E. 13th st. 
Castle, Alex. C, 54 S. Washington sq. near 

Thompson st. 
Colton, G. (J- (Dental Association), 19 

Cooper Union. 
■Dodge, J. Smith, 15 W. Twentieth st. 
Hurd, Wm. W.j 81 E. Eiglitecnth st. 
Jaivis, Israel, 161 E. Thirty-third st. 
Kingsiey N W., 25 W. Twenty- seventh st. 
Main, Stephen A, 23 W. Twenty-third st. 
Parmly, Jehial, Clinton pi. (19 W. Ninth st.) 

Wait, T. G., 45 E. Twenty-third st. 
Young, Wm. H., 409 Fulton St., B'Myn. 

Dentists' materials. 

Biddle, John, 307 Centre st. 

Gunning, Thomas B., 34 East 21st st. 

Johnston Brothers, 812 Broadway. 

Loekwood, Henry T., 735 Broadway. 

Pack, George J. &Co., 506 Broome st. 

Prime, Nathaniel S., 1212 Broadway. 

Raynor, Hiram M., 25 Bond st. 

White, Samuel S., Manufacturer of Arti- 
ficial Teeth, &e., Philadelphia, comer of 
Chestnut and Twelfth sts., and Nos. 767 
and 769 Broadway, New York. 

Williams, Richard 8., 907 Broadway. 

Diamonds, Dealers In. 

Bishop, Victor, 47 Nassau st. 
Bisslnger, Philip, 13 John st. 
Howard & Co., 333 Fifth av. 
Humphrey, Richard, 779 Broadway. 
Randel, Baremore & Co., 58 Nassau st. 
Starr & Marcus, 32 John st. 
Taylor, Olmsted & Taylor, 5 Bond st. 

Diamond Setters. 

Aitken, Thomas, 193 Broadway. 
Bomemann, Louis, 171 Broadway. 
Deacon, Francis, 13 Maiden la. 
Friend, S., 24 John st. 
Hoeraer, Heller & Bardel, 13 John St.. 
Moore & Horton, 11 Maiden la. 
Zimmerman & Weill, 87 Prince st. 


Blauvelt, Cornelius I., 50 Cortlandt st. 
Carle & Strong, 153 Water st. 
Caswell, Hazard & Co., B'way cor. 24th st. 
Crawford, G. & S. <& Co. (wholesale), 119- 

Fulton st. 
Day, Hoagland & Stigcr (wholesale), 54* 

Cortlandt st. 
Ditman, A. J., Astor House, B'way cor. 

Barclay st. 
Dodd, John B., 108 Fourth av. 
Douglas, Wm. H., 433 Fulton St., JS'klyn. 
HaU & Ruckel, 218 Greenwich st. 
Hartnett, Eugene, 9 Bible House. 
Hegeman & Co., 303 Broadway. 
Hudnut, Alex., 318 Broadway. 
Lehn & Fink (wholesale), 160 William st. 
Mllhau, J., Sons, 183 Broadway. 
Olille, Wm. M. (established 1805), 6 Bowery. 
Riker, Wm. B. & Son, 353 Sixth av. 
Rusliton & Co., E., Fourth av. cor. 33d st. 
Schieirelin, W, H. & Co. (wholesale), 17» 

& 172 William st. 




Dry Good*,! Dealers In. 

JUtman, B. & Co., 831 & 333 Sixth av. 
-Arnold, Constable & Co., B'way c. 19th et. 
Bloom's, 338 & 340 Bowery. 
•Claflin, H. B. & Co. ; (wholesale), Church 

and Worth sts. 
•Conkling & Co., 763 Broadway. 
Ehrich, J. W., 287 & 289 Eighth av. 
<3amer & Co. (wholesale), 2, 4, 6 and 8 

Worth St. 
■Grigy, Haskell & Co., 809 Broadway. 
Johnston, J.&C, Broadway c. E. 22d st. 
Klnzey, William, 767 & 769 Broadway. 
Lord & Taylor, 895 Broadway. 
McCreeiT, James & Co., B'way c. 11th st. 
Matiy, K. H. & Co., 14th st. c. 6th av. 
Meares, Richard, 6th av. c. 19th st. 
Miller & Grant, 879 Broadway. 
O'Neill & Co., 337 & 329 Sixth av. 
Opdyke, Ferry & Steele (wholesale), 375 

Kidley, E. & Sons, 809 and 811 Grand st. 
Eodgcrs & Orr Brothere, 183 and 185 8th av. 
Stem- Brothers, Sixth i[iv. and W. 23d st. 
Stewart, Alex. T. & Co., Broadway, Fourth 

av., 9th and 10th sts., and (wholesale) 

Broadway c. Chambers st. 
Sutzberger, S. & Co., 291 Eighth av. 
Wallen & McSorley, afe Grand st. 

Grocers, Retail and AFliolesale. 

Acker, MeiTall & Condit, Chambers st. 

Agnew, Thomas R., 39 Vesey st. 

Albro, Albert T., 328 Bowei-y. 

Duncan's Sons, John, 1 Union place. 

Jackson & Fletcher, 339 Sixth av. 

Kerr, Henry A., 746 Broadway. 

Moise, Benj. V., 10 Univeraity place. 

Moore, Jenkins & Co. (Wholesale), Frank- 
lin St. c. West Broadway. 

Park & Tilford, 921 B'way and 112 6th av. 
'Thurber, H. K. & F. B. & Co. (whole- 
sale), West Broadway c. Reade st. 

Voy, William H„ 10 Fourth av. 


Dye StnflTs, Dealers In. 

Durkee, E. R. & Co., 135 Water st. 
GiUord, Sherman & Innis, 120 William st. 
Kohnstamm, Hesstein, 226 Chambers st, 
JHorgan, James L. & Co., 47 Pulton st. 

New York Chemical Co., 161 Front st. 
Ross, W. A. & Brother, 56 Pine st. 


Bennett, James Gordon (N. Y. Herald), 220 

Brooks, ErastuB (N. Y. Express), 38 Park 

Bryant, Wm. C. (Evening Post), 208 B'way. 
Bundy J. M. (Evening Mail), 34 Park row. 
Cobb, John Steven (New Era), 67 WiUiam 


Croly, David G. (Graphic), 41 Park pi. 
Dana Charles A. (Sun), 170 Nassau st. 
Hastings, Hugh (Commercial Advertiser), 

126 Fulton St. 
Jennings, Lewis J. (Times), 41 Park row. 
Marble, Manton (World), 35 Park row. 
Ottendorfer, Oswald (Staats Zeitung), Try- 
on row. 
Prime, Rev. S. Irenius (Observer), 37 Park 

Reid, Whitelaw (Tribune), 154 Nassau st. 
Ripley, George (Tribune), 154 Nassau st. 
Schuyler, Montgomeiy (World), 35 Park 

Sotheran, Charles (American Bibliopolist), 

84 Nassau st. 
Stone, David M. (Journal of Commerce), 

76 Beaver st. 
Wood, Benjamin (Daily News), 19 Chatr 

ham St. 


Barnard, Wm. S. , 101 Varick st. 

Demarcst, A., 182 Broadway. 

Everdell, Wm. Sons (See Adv.), 104 Fulton 


Gimbrede L. A. (Cards and Seals), 873 

McRae, John, 108 Liberty st. 

OiT, John W. (Wood Engraver), 113 Lib- 
erty St. 

Pierson, P. R. B. (Wood Engraver), 7Beek- 
man st., up-stairs. 

Richardson, J. H. (Wood Engraver), 58 
Ann street, up-stairs. 

Skelton, D. J., 2 Centre, cor. Chambers st. 

Smith, John Calvin (Map Engraver), ^ 
John st. 

Tompson, Wm. M., 169 William st. 

Engravings and Prints. 

Buttre, John C, 48 Franklin st. 
CnnniEB & Ives, 123 Nassau st. 
Foei-ster, Edmund & Co., ('A5 Broadway. 
Hooper Charles T., 76 Nassau st. 
Kelley Thomas, 17 Barclay st. 



Knoedler, M. & Co., 170 Fifth av. cor. 

Wunderlich, Hermann, 3 John at. 

Envelope makers. 

Berlin & Jones, 131 William at. 
Brown, E. E. <fc Co., 29 Beokman st. 
Chamberlin, C. C. & A. L., 56 lleade st. 
Chamberlin, Whitmore & Co., 45 Beekman 


Nesbitt, George F. & Co., 165 to 169 Pearl 


Porter & Bainbridge, 33 Beekman st. 
Kaynor, Samuel & Co., 115 WiUiam at. 
Tarbox & Co., 36 Beekman st. 
Woolworth & Orabam, 51 John st. 

Fancy Goods, Dealers In. 

Hinrichs, C. F. A., 29 and 31 Park pi. 
Nicol, F. B. & Co., 686 Broadway. 
Pell, Stephen, 21 John st. 
Schuyler, Hartley & Grahamj 19 Maiden la. 
Tomes, Francis & Co., 6 Maiden la. 

Fire Arms, Dealers In. 

Fowler, Wm. M. & Co., 300 Broadway. 
Moore's, John & Sons, 300J^ Broadway. 
Remington, E. & Sons, 281 Broadway. 

[Fire Detector. 

American Fire Detector Company, C. D. 
Fredericks, Pres., 137 Eighth st. 

Fishing Tackle. 

Abbey & Imbria, 48 Maiden la., 35 Liberty 


Barbour Brothers, 134 Church st. 
Barton, Alexander & Waller, 101 Duane st. 
Clark, D. W. <fc J. D., 163 Chambers st. 
Hawks & Ogilvy, 300 Broadway. 
Mills, Thomas, 7 Warren st. 
Onion & Cornwall, 18 Warren st. 
Peck & Snyder, 126 Nassau st. 
Plath, Charles, 552 Grand st. 
Queripel, Henry, Jr., 175 Tenth av. 
Snyder, Ward B., 84 Fulton st. 
Travers, J. P. & Son, 46 Beekman st. 

Flags and Banners. 

Annin & Co. (Established 1847), Fulton cor. 

WilUam st. 
Burtine, Edwhi R., 149 Fulton st. 
Grumbach, J. E. & Co., 215 Fulton st. 
McFaddon S. <& Co., 198 Hudson st. 
Salisbury & Co., 159 Duane st. 


Gabrielson, Gunerius. 831 Broadway. 
Welterle & Belows, 958 Broadway, comer 
Twenty-third st. 

Fruit Dealers. 

Murphy, Joseph, 194 Broadway. 
Smitli, W. & 0., 189 Broadway. 
Smith & Finch. 86 Beaver st. 

Fnr Dealers. 

Backus, M. M. & Co., 768 Broadway. 
Gunther, C. Godfrey & Co., 19 Union sq. 
Gunther, C. G. & Sons, 502 and 504 B'way. 
Mahler, Moritz, 849 Broadway. 

Furnaces and Heaters. 

Burtis & Graft, 237 Water st. 
Fuller, Warren & Co., 236 Water st. 

Furnishing Goods, men's. 

Silleck, D. C. & Cox, 180 Broadway. 
Ward, E. M. & W., 862 Broadway. 
WitthauB, G. H. & E. J. & Co. (whole- 
sale), 496 Broadway. 

Furniture Dealers. 

Irving & Son, 204 to 208 East a7th st. 
Kmtina, Frederick, 96 & 98 E. Houston st, 
Lee, William H., 199 Fulton st. and 277 

Canal st. 
Sellew, T. G., 103 Fulton st. 
Wakefield, Rattan & Co., 814 Broadway. 
Ward, Warren & Co., 75 and 77 Spring st. 

Games and Toys. 

Horsman, E. I., 100 William st. and 72 Joha 


Johnson, George R., 43 Barclay st. 
Mapes, Stephen S., 37 Maiden la. 
Selchow, E. G. & Co., 41 John st. 

Gas Burner ITIakers. 

Gleason, E. P., Manuf'g Co., 20 W. Hous- 
ton st. 

Hunter, Charles A., 744 Broadway. 

Wallace <fe Sons, 89 Chambers st. and 71 
Reade st. 

Gas Fixtures, dec. 

Cox, Henry T. & Co., 694 and 696 B'way. 
James Brothers, Automatic Gas, 615 B'way. 
Mitchel, Vance & Co., 597 Broadway. 

Gas meter makers. 

Amer. Meter Co., 512 W. 22d st. 



Harris, Griffin & Co., 49 Dey st. 

New York Gas Saving Meter Co., 5 Dey st. 

Gas Stoves. 

Bogart, A. L. & E. E., 703 Broadway. 
Shai-p. James L. & Co., 198 Sixth av. 
Tifft & Howard, 13 Murray st. , 

Gas Works, Portable. 

•Gilbert & Barlcer Manufacturing Co., 338 

Canal st. 
Olcflant Gas and Gas Works Manufacturing 

Co., 13 Doy St. 
Under-ground Gas Machine Co., 89 Dey st. 

Glass, Dealers in. 

Baehe, Semon & Co., 184 & 136 Duane st. 
Morris, Delano & Co., 37 Chambers st. 
Koosevelt & Son, 94 Maiden Lane. 

Glass, Iiookfng, Dealers in. 

Hooper, Thomas, 114 Nassau st. 
Noll, Saurcl & MianiefEe, 36 Howard st. 
Boosevelt & Son, 94 Maiden lane. 
Whittemore Brothers, 579 Broadway. 
Willard, John S., 251 Canal st. 
Wilmurt, Thomas A., 54 E. 13th st. 

Glass Manufacturers. 

Hagerty Bros. & Co., 10 Piatt st. 
Qmnlan, Jeremiah, 138 William st. 
Walker, Wm. A,, 616 Broadway. 

Glove Cleaners. 

Bascb, Heniy, 158 Broome st. 
O'Gorman, John, 599 Broadway. 

Gloves, Importers of. 

Harris Brothers, 877 Broadway. 
Kidley, Edward & Son, 809 Grand st. 
Salisbury & Co., 159 Duane st. 
Thompson, Langdon & Co., 478 Broadway. 
Vienna & Paris Glove Co., 939 Broadway. 

Glue, Dealers in. 

Baeder, Adamson & Co., 67 Beekman st. 
Cooper, Peter & Co., 17 Burling slip. 
Hewitt, C. B. & Bro., 48 Beekman st. 
Marcus Brothers & Co., 374 Pearl st. 
Milligan & Higgins Glue Co., 300 Fulton st. 
Townsend, Charles, 116 John st. 

Gold Fen dc Pencil Makers. 

Aiken, Lambert & Co., 13 Maiden lane. 
Fairchild, Leroy W. & Co., 110 Willlara st. 
Foley John, 3 Astor House. 
Ludden's Gold Pen & Pencil Case Co., 179 

Grate Bars. 

New York Fuel and Grate Bar Co., 53 Wil- 
liam St. 
Salamander Grate Bar Co., 85 Liberty st. 

Grates and Fenders. 

Jackson, William H. & Co., 81 E. 17th st. 
Mott, J. L., 90 Beekman st. 
Stewart, T. B. & Co., 320 W. 23d St. 
Vannote & Pries, 394 Canal st. 

Gun and Pistol Makers. 

Barton, Alexander & Wallei\.101 Duane st. 
Merwin, Hulbert & Co., 88 Chambers st. 
Remington, E. & Sons, 281 Broadway. 
Schuyler, Hartley & Graham, 19 Maiden la. 
United States Arms Co., 101 Duane st. 

Guns, Dealers in. 

Eeminoton, E. & Sons, 281 and 283 B'way, 
Manufacturers of Breech-Loading Fire 
Arms, Ammunition, etc.' 

Tomes, Francis & Co., 6 Maiden la. 

Hair Clotli. 

Johnson & Faulkner, 63 Greene st. 
Newman, Henry, 391 Broadway. 
Wagner, Schneider & Co., 185 Canal st. 

Hand Stamps. 

Cooke, 6. K. & Co., 93 Chambers st. 
Davis Manufacturing Co., 79 Nassau st. 
Fenner & Co., 98 Liberty st. 
Stewart, George H. & Co., 29 William st. 


Adams Brothers & Brush, 83 Green st. 
Amidon, T. H. & Son, 220 Fifth av. 
Bird, M. (Established 1837), 49 Nassau st. 
Burk(The Hatter), 214 Broadway, and 128 

Fulton St. 
Dunlap & Co., 174 Fifth av. & 589 B'way. 
Hunt & Dusenbury (Established 1845), 3 

Astor House. 
Knox, Charles, 212 Broadway. 
Mealio, Wm. C. & Co. (Established 1835), 

416 Broadway. 
Terry, John R. (Hats and Furs), 865 B'way. 
Youmans, Daniel D., 819 and 1103 B'way. 

Harness Makers. 

Campbell, Richard, 50 Fourth av. 

Healtli Food. 
Health Food Company, 137 Eighth St. 
Healtli liift. 

Health Lift Co., 46 East 14th st. . 



Heating Apparatus. 

Angell & Blake Manufacturing Co., 720 

Bramhall, Deane & Co., 724 Broadway. 
Morse, James 0., 76 Jolin St. 
Simonds Manufacturing Co., 50 Cliff St. 
Warner, Wyllys II., 11? Leonard st. 

Horn Dealers. 
Buck, Louis, 312 Broadway. 
Cooper, John W., 259 Front st. 
Sullivan, Eugene, 11 Jacob st. 
Thompson, Gilbert, 248 Front st. 

Albemakle, H. <fc T. Hagaman, 1101 

Broadway cor. 34th st. 
Anthony House, Beynolds <fc Merritt, 834 

Akhnoton House, Lewis Stine, 22 E. 14th 

St. near Broadway. 
AsuLAND House, H. H. Brockway, 315 

Fourth av. 
ASTOB House,* Allen & Dam, Broadway 

bet. Barclay and Vesey sts. 
Belvedere House, Joseph Wehrlo, 17 Ir- 
ving pi. cor. 15th St. 
Brandrotli House,* Kerr & Slador, Canal 

st. cor. Broadway. 
BiiEvooBT House, Clark & "Waite, 11 Fifth 

Buckingham Hotel,* Gale, Fuller <& Co., 

Fifth av. and 50th st. 
Central Park,* Herman Knubel, Seventh 

av. and 59th st. 
Clarendon, Charles H. Kemer, Fourth av. 

cor. 18th St. 
Coleman House,* Jewell & Austin, 1167 

Broadway cor. 27th st. 
Cosmopolitan,* N. & 8. J. Huggins, 129 

Chambers st. 
Delmonico's,* L. Delmonico, Fifth av. and 

14th St. 
Earle's Hotel, Earl Brothers, 241 Canal cor. 

Centre st. 
Everett House, Kemer & Weaver, Fourth 

av. and 17th st. 
Fifth Avenue Hotel, Darling, Griswold & 

Co., Fifth av. and 2Bd St. 
French's Hotel,* T. J. French & Bros., 

cor. Frankfort st. and City Hall pi. 
Gllsey House,* Breslin, Gardner & Co., 

1202 Broadway. 
Glenham House,t N. B. Barry, 155 Fifth 

Grand Hotel,* Heniy M. Smith, Broad- 
way cor. 31st st. 

Grand Central, H. L. Powers, Broadway 
opp. Bond St. 

Grand Union,* Breslin, Purcell & Co., 
Fourth av. cor. 42d st. 

Hoffman House, C. H. Read, 1111 Broad- 
way, cor. 25th St. 

Hotel Brunswick,* Mitchell & Kinzler, 
Fifth av. and 26th st. 

Hotel Royal, Pieris & Co., cor. 40th st. and 
Sixth av. 

International Hotel,* Joshua Vanbrimmer, 
17 and 19 Park row. 

Irving House, George P. Harlow, Broad- 
way cor. 13th st. 

Leggett's,* Leggett & Storms, 42 and 44 
Chatham st. 

Mansion House, 151 Hicks st., S'ldyn. 

Marlborough Ilouse, Wm. L. Fish, Sixth 
ave. cor. 38th st. 

Merchants' Hotel, Wm. G. Schenck, 39 
Cortlandt st. 

Metropolitan Hotel, Breslin, Purcell <fe Co. 
584 Broadway. 

Monument House, Nicholas Haughton, 6 
Union sg. 

National Hotel, A. T. Halliday, 5 Cort- 
landt st. 

New England, Peter V. Ilustod, 80 Bowery. 

New York Hotel, F. Wrisley & Co., 721 

Occidental Hotel, J. F. Darrow, 343 Broome 
St. cor. Bowery. 

Oriental, F. M. tinderhill, 43Layfayettepl. 

Pacific Hotel, John Patten, 172 Greenwich 


Park Hotel,* George A. Crossett, 140 Nas- 
sau St. 
Pierrepont House, Montague cor. Hicks St., 

Prescott House, David Hexter, 531 B'way. 
Eevekb House*, T. J. Coe & Son, 606 

RossMonE House,')' Charles E. Leland, 

Broadway cor. Seventh av. 
St. Charles*, G. Dorval, 648 Broadway. 
St. Cloud, Rand Brothers, 1456 Broadway. 
St. Dennis,* Wm. Taylor and E. A. Gilson, 

799 Broadway. 
St. Germain,! Wm. G. Tompkins, 1 E. aad 

St., cor. Broadway 
St. Nicholas, S. Hawk&Co., 515 B'way. 
St. James,* George B. Lester, B'way, cor. . 

Twenty-sixth st. 
Sinclair House,* Ashman & Morton, 754 

Spingler House,* J. F. Frost, 5 & 7 Union sq. 

'European Flan. 

tAmerican and Baropean Flan, 



Stacy Houflo, Stacy & Nelson, 760 B'way. 
Stevens House* Allen &Bodwell,25B'way 
Sturtevant House, Lewis and Geo. S. Le- 

land, 1186 Broadway. 
Sweeny's IIotel,t Daniel Sweeny, comer 

Chambers and Cliatham sts. 
Tremont House,* Caddagan & Hasbrouek, 

665 Broadway. 
Union Place Hotel,* Thomas Ryan, 54 E. 

Fourteenth St. 
Union Square Hotel, Dam & Sanborn, 16 

Union sq. 
United States Hotel, Truman & Peabody, 

196 Water cor. Fulton st. 
Washington,* Chas. W. Dingley, 1 B'way. 
Westminster, Chas. B. Ferrin,125 E. 16th st. 
Westmoreland, E. J. Kllboume, Union sq. 
Windsor Hotel, Hawk, Waite & Wether- 
bee, 565 Fifth av. 

House Fnrnlslilng Goods. 

Baldwin, J. H., 26 Murray st. 

Bassford, E. D., Cooper Institute, 8th st. 

HubbelL John E., 932 Broadway. 

Parke, John, Hardware, &c., 3& Sixth av. 

Bonse Famishing Hardirare. 

Howard, Wm. C, 553 Third av. 
Lewis & Conger, 601 Sixth av. and 1306 

Ice Cream. 

Fussell, J. & Sons, 13 Bible House. 
Horton, J. M., 1264 B'way & 305 Fourth av. 
Jewell, Alfred, 262 Grand and 118 Bowery. 

Ice Coiii]>aiiIcs. 

Knickerbocker, 433 Canal st. 
Washington, 434 Canal st. 


Bowie, Dash & Co., Coffee, 166 Pearl st. 

Cort, N. L. & Co., Tin Plate, etc., 220 Wa- 
ter St. and 115 Beekman st. 

Durkee, E. R. & Co., 185 to 139 Water st. 

Le Bontilhen & Bride, Fancy Goods, 10 
Maiden lane. 

Mangin, V. E. J., Guedin & Co., Watches, 
etc., 652 Broadway. 

Schuyler, Hartley & Graham, Bronzes, etc., 
19 Maiden lane. 

Spies, Kissam & Co., Guns, etc., 229 B'way. 

Story, Rufus & Co., Spices, 7 & 9 Front st. 

India Rubber Goods. 

Goodyear India Rubber M'f'g Co., 205 

Broadway and 162 and 164 FiJton st. 
Goodyear Rubber Co., 365 and 367 B'way. 

New York Belting and Packing Co., 37 and 

39 Park row. 
New York Rubber Co., 5 and 7 Dey st. 

Iron Beams, &e. 

Cornell, J. B. & J. M., 141 and 143 Centre, 

and 526 W. 26th st. 
New Jersey Steel and Iron Co., 17 Burling 

Pierson & Co., 24 B'way and 77 New st. 

Iron Founders. 

.iEtna Iron Works, 103 Goerck st. 
Architectural Iron Works, 624 E. 14th st. 
Calkin, Freeman Brant, 515 W. 25th st. 
Cook <fc Radley, 218 E. 37th st. 
Cornell, J. B. & J. M., 141 and 143 Cen- 
tre st. Plain and Ornamental (See Adv.) 
Dimond James 6., 209 W. 33d st. 
Jackson. James L., 315 E. 28th st. 
Nichol & Billerwell, 234 W. Houston st. 
WorraU & Co., 28 Elm st. 

Iron manufacturers. 

Coddington, T. B. & Co., 27 Cliff st. 
Congreve, Charles & Son, 104 John st. 
Cooper, Hewitt & Co., 17 Burling slip. 
Crocker Brothers, 33 Clitf st. 
Dunham, Carrigan & Co., 23 Vesey st 
Eglestou Brothers & Co., 166 South st. 
Oothout, WiUiam, 3 Cliff st. 
Richards, Daniel W. & Co., 93 Mangin st. 
Trimble, Mei-ritt, 21 Piatt st. 
Wetmore <& Co., 365 Greenwich st. 
Whitney, Alfred R. & Bro., 58 Hudson st. 
Williamson, James & Co., 69 Wall st. 


Allen, George C. (Diamonds, &c.), 1190 

Benedict, A. C, 28 Bowery. 
Benedict Brothers, 171 Broadway. 
Black, Starr & Frost, Fifth av. cor. 28th st. 
Fellows & Co. (Watches and Diamonds), 17 

Maiden lane. 
Fellows, Forster & Co. (Watches, &c.), 11 

Ladd, Wm. F. (Established in 1828), 19 

Wall St. 
Moir, William (Diamonds, etc.), 373 Sixth 

Squire, H. N., 97 Fulton st. 
Starr & Marcus, 22 John st. 
Tiffany & Co. (Diamonds, etc.), 15 Union 

Thomas, S., 311 Fulton st., Srooklyn. 

Isabel manufacturers. 

Crump & Everdell, 75 Fulton st. 



Everdell's, Wffllam Sons, 104 Fulton st. 
Price Brothers, 112 Fulton st. 
Salisbury & Co., 159 Duane st. 
Wemple, Charics E. & Co., 23 Dey st. 

Ijace DoalorSa 

Aziel, Erdmann & Co., 168 Church st. 
Maodonald, Robert, 468 Broadway. 
SaUsbui-y & Co., 159 Duane st. 
Yard, Edmund, Jr., & Co., 61 Leonard st. 

Iiadles' SUoemakers. 

Arnold, William & Co., 781 Broadway. 
Bennett, J. C. & Bernard, 51 Warren st. 

I^ead, Dealers In. 

Crooke, Edward & Co., ft. W. 15th et. 
Leroy, Thomas, Otis & Co., 261 Water st. 

Iiead Pipe. 

Colwell Lead Co., 213 Centre st. 
Leroy, Thomas, Otis & Co., 261 Water st. 
New Yorli Lead Co., 65 Centre st. 
Plumbers' Lead Co., 60 Duane et. 
Tatham & Brothers, 82 Beekmau st. 

lioathor Dealers. 

Adler, Sigraund, 37 Franltfort st. 
Andrews J Loring Sons, 61 ClifE st. 
Arthur, Ileury, 84 Gold st.. 
Beswick, Thomas, 275 Front st. 
Bucking Leather Co., 39 Spruce st. 
Burbank & Baldwin, 27 Spruce st. 
Carroll, James, rear 66 Frankfort st. 
Chatfield, Underwood & Co., 29 Ferry st 
Evans, George & Son, 1 Jacob st. 
Foul, J. G., 51 Warren st. 
Gamer, Thomas, 180 William st. 
Herrick, Silas W., 12 Jacob st. 
Hogg, William, 52 Feriy st. 
Hopkins, Frank C, 46 FeiTy st. 
Howell. T. P. & Co., 77 Beekman at. 
Hoyt, J. B. •& Co., 28 Spruce st. 
Jones, Benjamin W., 38 Spruce st. 
Lutkins, Theodore L^ 40 Spruce st.' 
Nagel & Werner, 62 Duane st. 
Schultz, Jackson S., 65 Clifl st. 

lilbrarles, Circulating. 

New York Eclectic, 33 Union sq. 
liire Preservers. 

Kahnweiler, David, 120 Centre st. 

Ferguson <S Co., 610 W. 39th st. 
Melntyre, Edmund H., 87 Dey st. 
Malono. Patrick M., 393 W. 12th st. 
Miller, William A., 121 West st. 
Osbom, Henry S., 115 West st. 

lilnen Goods, Dealers In. 

Ballin, G. & J., 213 Church st. 
Douglass, David & Co., 91 Franklin st. 
JafEe, O. & PinkuB, 89 Leonard st. 
Longmire, Elmore & Mackenzie, 400 B'way. 
McGibbon & Co., 173 Fifth av. 
Paton & Co., 113 Duane st. 
Scott Brothers, 198 Church st. 
Watt, Wm. & Co., 60 Leonard st. 
White, James F. & Co., 54 Worth st. 
Windmuller, Louis & Roelker, 20 Reade st. 


American Photo-Lithographic Co., 103 

Fulton st. 
Endicott & Co., 57 Beekman st. 
Hatch Lithographic Co. , 32 and 34 Vesey st. 
Laing, Joseph, 107 Fulton st. 
Major & Knapp, 56 and 58 Park pi. 
Maverick, Steven & Co., 176 Fulton st. 
Mayer, Ferdinand, 96 Fulton st. 
Nesbitt, George F. & Co., 163 to 169 Pearl 


New York Lithographing and Engraving 
Co., Jiilius Bieu, supt., 16 and 18 Park 

Pelletreau & Raynor, 35 Vesey st. 

Snyder & Black, 92 William st. 

Wood, Thomas, 81 Nassau st. 

Iilvery Stables. 

Brown, Ira, 54 University pi. 

Furguson, George N. & Frank, 120 W. 52d 


New York Transfer Co., 945 Broadway. 
Queen, Montgomery, 57 Irving pi. 
Byerson, Brown & Davis, 32 and 73 Uni- 
versity pi. 

mantel Ornaments. 

Starr & Marcus, 22 John st. 

Map Dealers. 

Asher & Adams, 59 Beekman st. 
Beers, J. B. & Cfo., 36 Vesey st, 
Bidwell & Co , 25 Bond st. 
Bridgeman, Edward C, 5 Barclay st. 
Colton, G. W. & C. B. & Co., 17 WiUlam st. 
Johnson, A. J., Great Jones st, 
Lloyd, H. H. & Co., 21 John st. 
Steiger, E., 22 Frankfort St. 
Waker, Jewett & Miller, 141 Fulton st. 
Watson, Gaylord, 16 Beekman st. 

marble Dealers. 

Casonl & Isola, Monuments, etc., 146 to 

153 W. Fortieth st. 
Klaber, Adolph, 136 E. Eighteenth st. 
Nichols, W. D. & A. 8., 73 Hudson st. 



Masonic Goods. 

Howell, D. B. & Co., Masonic Temple, aSd 

St. and Sixth av. 
ItfatUematlcal Instrument OTalters. 

Eij^erts, D., Sons, 74 Wall st. 
Hunter, Hugh W., 1132 Broadway. 
Pikes, Benj., Son, 518 Broadway. 

mattresses. Dealers In. 

Brantigan, F. A., 661 Broadway. 
nercbant Tailors. 

Baldwin & Co., Broadway and Canal st. 
Brooks Brothers, Broadway and Bond st. 
Derby, F. & Co., (Established 1829), 3 CUn- 

ton pi., 8th St. 
Devlin &, Co., Broadway & Grand st. and 

Warren st. 
Freeman & Woodruff, 241 Broadway. 
Jessup & Co., Broadway. 
Raymond & Co., 127 Pulton st. 
Snckett & Miller, 6 Fourth av. 
Thompson, J. B., 64 Nassau st. 
Torrey & Jenkins, 55 W. 23d st. 

mCetals, Dealers In. 

Coddington, F. B. & Co., 27 Cliff st. 
Crocker Brothers, 32 Cliff st. 
Phelps, Dodge & Co., 19 and 21 Cliff st. 
Pope, Thomas J. <fc Brother, 292 Pearl st. 
Quiney, John W., 98 William st. 

mUtary Goods. 

Hortsmann Brothers & Allen, 7 Bond st. 
Remington, E. & Sons, 281 Broadway. 
Schuyler, Hartley & Graham, 19 Maiden la. 
Shannon, Miller & Crane, 46 Maiden la. 
Tomes, Francis & Co., 6 Maiden la. 

miliners and Dress Makers. 

Clark & McLoughlin, 889 Broadway. 
Higgins, M.T., Millinery and Fancy Goods, 

5% W. 14th St. 
Magnus, J., 343 Sixth av. 
Olney, C. M., 30 E. 14th st. 
O'Neill, H. & Co., 327 and 329 Sixth av. 
Trumbull, Madame, 367 Bowety. 

inilllnery Goods. ' 

Shannon, Miller & Crane, 46 Maiden la. 
Tomes, Francis & Co., Guns, etc., 6 Maiden 

niiueral \Taters. 

Bolen & Byrne, 231 E. Twenty-eighth st. 
Gelston, John, 4 Broad st. and 340 Fifth av. 
Schenck & Co^55 Beekman st. 
Schultz, Carl H., 860 Broadway and 432 
First av. 

Smith, Hanbuiy & Hazard, 35 Union sq. 

and 309 Broadway. 
Walker, Thomas, 112 E. Fourteenth st. 

Monrning Goods. 

Jackson, W., 777 Broadway. 
Mnslc Dealers. 

American Conservatory of Music, 144 

Fifth av. 
Hall, Thomas J., 814 Broadway. 
Hopldns, Edward, 861 Broadway. 
Pond, Wm. A. & Co., 547 Broadway and 

39 Union sq. 
Waters & Sons, 481 Broadway. 

Nail Makers. 

Fuller, Lord & Co., 139 Greenwich st. 
Morris, Wheeler & Co., 14 Cliff st. 
Oxford Iron Co., 81 to 85 Washington st. 
Parker Mills, 73 Pearl st. 
Waterman, L. C. & Co., 181 Canal st. 

Naval Stores, Dealers In. 

Creed, George H^ 49 Warren st. 
Cuthbert, John H. & Co., 38 Burling slip. 
King, John, 141 Maiden la. 
Turton, John, 133 Maiden la. 

Nevrs Companies. 

Ambbican, 119 and 121 Nassau st. 
Nationai,, 122 Nassau st. 
New Tobk, 18 Beekman st. 
Wilmer & Rogers, 31 Beekman st. 

Oil Dealers. 

Mayhew & Co., 140 Front st. 
Pratt, Charles & Co., 128 Pearl st. 


Burbank, S. D. & Co., 14 Maiden la. 

Kahn, Benoit, 703 Broadway. 

Pike, Benjamin, Son, 518 Broadway. 

Organs, Mannfactnrers of. 

Billings & Wheelock, "Burdett Organ," 

14 E. Fourteenth st. , 
Needham, E. P. & Son, " Silver Tongue," 

143 and 145 E. Twenty-third st. 


Chapman, Warren & Son, 131 Liberty St. 

Paints, Dealers In. 

Devoe, F. W. & Co., 115 and 117 Fultonst. 
Empu-e Iron-Clad Paint Co., 30 West B'way. 
National Mixed Paint, 68 Barclay st. 
Baynolds, C. T. & Co. (See Adv.), 106 and 
108 Fulton St. 



Paper Dealers. 

Anderson, J. ¥., Jr., & Co., 34 Beekman st. 
Ayres, J. 13. <fe Co., 33 Beekman st. 
Bulkloy, Dunton & Co., 74 John st. 
Campbell, Hall & Co., 110 and 112 Nas- 
sau St. 
Hand & Elsworth, 51 Beekman st. 
Hard, Melvin, & Son, 25 Beekman st. 
Lindenmeyr & Bro^ 15 & 17 Beekman st. 
Parsons, W. H. & Bro., 74 Duane st. 
Seymour Paper Co., 45 John st. 
Van Winkle, Frank O., 186 William st. 
Vernon Bros. & Co., 67 Duane st. 


Alman, Louis, & Co., 173 Fifth av. 
Bogardus, Ahraham, 872 Broadway. 
Estabrooke, 31 Union sq. 
Fredericks, C. D. & Co., 587 Broadway. 
Kurtz, William, Madison sq., 4 E. 23d st. 
Mora, Joseph M., 707 Broadway. 
iSarony, N., 680 Broadway. 

Fbotographlc Materials. 
Anthony, E. & H. T. & Co, 591 Broadway. 

Piano Forte makers. 

Ball, S. V. & Co., 15 E. Fourteenth st. 
Chickering & Sons, 11 E. Fourteenth st. 
Cabler, Ernest, 220 E. Twenty-second st. 
Chambers' Piano Factory, 306 Fourth av. 
Decker Brothers, 33 Union sq. 
Haines Bros., Second av. cor. 2l8t st. 
Knabe, Wm. & Co., 112 Fifth av. 
Kranieh & Bach, 241 and 243 E. 26th st. ■ 
Xighte & Ernst, 12 E. Fourteenth st. 
Raven & Co^ 116 arid 118 W. 14th st. 
Sehuetze & TudolfE, 452 Broome st. 
iSmith, T. G., 14 E. Fourteenth st. 
Somers & Co., 149 to 155 E. Fourteenth st. 
Steinway & Sons. 107 to 111 E. 14th st. 
Stanford, D. R. & Co., 17 Union sq. 
Waters, Iloracc, & Sons, 481 Broadway. 
Weber, Filth av. cor. Sixteenth st. 


Photo-Engraving Co., 62 Cortlandt st. 
Pocket Books, Portfolios, &c. 

Culbert & Co., 24 Maiden la. 
Tostevin, Alfred, 48 Nassau st. 

Postage Stamps, Foreign. 

Scott, J. W. & Co., 75 Nassau st. 

PoTvder Companies. 

DuPont Co., 70 Wall st. 
Hazard Powder Co., 88 Wall st. 
Xaflin & Rand, 21 Park row. 

Printers' IVarehonses. 

American Printers', 41 Park row. 
Damon & Peels, 44 Beekman st. 
Dauciiv & Co., 191 Fulton st. 
Vanderburgh, Wells & Co., Dutch, cor. 
Fulton St. 


Armstrong, Edward V. & Co., 729 B'way. 

Baker & Godwin (Established 1850), 25 
Park row. 

Davis, Joseph, 645 Broadway. 

Everdell's, Wm., Sons (Established 1815), 
104 Fulton St. 

Griswold, T; D. & Co., 192 Broadway. 

Hart, Francis & Co., 12 and 14 College pi. 

Metropolitan Printing Co., 218 Broadway. 

Murphy's Son, D., 65 Fulton st. 

Napier, Charles, 419 Broadway. 

National Printing Co., 25 Chambers st. 

Nesbitt, Geo. F. & Co., Pearl st. 

Oliver, Isaac J., 78 Duane st. 

Polhemus, John, 102 Nassau st. 

Prall, J. P.,9Sprucest. 

Pratt, J. W., 75 Fulton st. 

Rogers c& Sherwood, 94 Nassau st. 

Siebert, M. W., 26 Frankfort st. 

Sackett, E. Wells, & Bro., 56 and 58 Wil- 
liam st. 

Torry, James D.. 13 Spruce st. 

Trow, John F. & Son, 209 E. Twelfth st. 
' and 11 University pi. 

Whitehonie, A. N., Ann st., cOr. Nassau. 

Wynkoop & Hallenbeck, 113 Fulton st. 

Printing Ink OTanufacturers. 

Lighthody, John G., 24 Beekman st. 
Mather's, George, Sons, 60 John st. 
Printing machines. 

Gordon, George T., 17 Beekman st. 
Hoic, R. & Co., Manufacturers, comer 
Grand and SheriU sts. 


American Swedenborg Printing and Pub. 

Society, 20 Cooper Union. 
Anderson, W. T^, Masonic Pub. Co., 626 

Atlantic Pub. and Eng. Co., 141 Fulton st. 
Authors', The, Pub. Co., 27 Bond st. 
Baker, Pratt & Co., 142 and 144 Grand st. 
Baptist Publication Co., 76 E. Ninth st. 
Beadle & Adams, 98 William st. 
Cassel, Fetter & Galpin, 596 Broadway 
Currier & Ives, Prints, etc., 133 Nassau st, 
Distumell, John. 137 Eighth st. 
Gibson, W. W. iB Co., 712 Broadway. 



Goulding, Lawrence G., City Directory, 
132 and 134 Nassau St. 

Harper Brothers, Franklin sq., Pearl St. 

Holt, Henry & Co., 25 Bond st. 

Home Publishing Co., B'way, eor Uth st. 

Industrial Puhlishing Co., 176 Broadway. 

Leonard Scott Pub. Co., Blackwell'a Mag- 
azine, &c., 41 Barclay st. 

Leopold, P., 37 Park row. 

London Printing and Pub. Co., 17 Park pi. 

Lovell Printing and Publishing Co., 713 

Manhattan Book Co., 137 Eighth st. 

Mason, Albert, 13 Astor Place. 

Munn & Co., Scientific American, 37 Park 

Patterson, F. B., 32 Cedar st. 

Patrons and Sovereigns Pub. Co., 89 Liberty 


Pelton, E. K., 25 Bond st. 

Redding & Co., Masonic Works, 731 B'way. 

Strong, Thomas W., 599 Broadway. 

Taintor Bros. & Co., 758 Broadway. 

Townsend, Wm. A., 177 Broadway. 

Treat, E. B., 805 Broadway. 

United States Pub. Co., 13 University pi. 

Wells, S. R. & Co., 737 Broadway. 

World Publishing House, 139 Eighth st. 

Razor Strops, Dealers In. 

Saunders, B. & G. F., 7 Astor House. 
Smith, Homy (Razor Strop Man), cor. Nas- 
sau and Pine sts. 

Ranges and Furnaces. 

Janes & Eirtland, 8, 10 & 12 Reade st. 
Richardson, Boynton & Co., 234 Water st. 


Dederick & Co., 18 Maiden la. 
GifEord, William E., 19 Broad st. 
Longman's Sons, R., 31 John st. 
Piatt, George W., 2 Liberty pi. 
Spear & Howard, 1 John st. 

Restaurant and Eating House. 

Murphy & Powers, 77 Cedar st. 

Russia I.eatlier Goods. 

Culbcrt & Co., 24 Maiden la. 

Saddlers and Harness. 

Campbell, R., 50 Fourth av. 
Condit& Co., 521 Broadway. 
Gibson, Wood (Estab. 1818), 793 B'way. 
Harmer, Hays & Co , 72 Beekman st. 
Miller, Morrison & Co., 596 Broadway. 

Saleratas, Dealers In.^ 

Taylor, J. Monroe, 112 Liberty st. 

Diebold, Norris & Co., 267 Broadway. 
Hebrino & Co. (Estab. 1841), 251 B'way, 
Marvin Safe & Lock Co., 265 Broadway. 
TerwiUiger & Co., Maiden la. 
Valentine & Butler Safe & Lock Co., 298. 

Scales, Manufacturers of. 

Fairbank & Co., 311 Broadway. 
Howes Scale Co., 3 Park pi. 

Seedsmen and Florists. 

Bridgeman, Alfred, 876 Broadway. 
Fleming, James, 67 Nassau st. 
Thorbum, Jas. M. & Co., 15 John st. 

Seal Presses, &c. 

To war, James M., 254 Broadway. 

Sewing Macblne Companies. 

Beckwith Sewing Machine Co., 862 B'way.. 
Domestic Sewing Machine Co., Broadway,, 

cor. 14th St. 
Grover & Baker, The, 786 Broadway. 
Howe's, Ellas, 699 Broadway. 
Remington Works, 23d st. opp. Madison sq.. 
Singer Mfg. Co., 84 Union sq. 
Wheeler & Wilson Mfg. Co., 44 14th st. 
Wilcox & Gibbs Sewing Machine Co., 658 


Ship Brokers. 

Boyd & Hincken, 3 William st. 
Brown, George W., 41 South st. 
Perkins & Job, 27 South st. 
Tetans & Bockman, 9 South William st. 

Shipping and Com. merchants.. 

Spoflord Brothers & Co., 29 Broadway. 

Silver-plated "IVare. 

Merlden Britannia Co., 550 Broadway. 
Reed & Barton, 2 Maiden la. 

Silver Ware. 

Bachman, Joseph & Sons, 3 Maiden la. 
Gorham Manufacturing Co., 1 Bond st. 


Bauer, Theodore, 697 Broadway. 
Macdonald, Wilson, 896 Broadway. 
Pisani, C, 299 Broadway. 
Rogers, John, 212 Fifth av. 



Soap and Oandlo Dealers. 

■pylc, James, Man'f'r, 350 Washington st. 
Tho Allan Ilay Co., Man'f'rs, 60 E. 23d et. 
near Fourth av. 

Soap and Fcrrumory. 

Brown, David S. & Co., 399 Broadway. 
Colgate & Co. (Established 1806), 53 and 55 

John St. 
Van Sehoonhaven, C, 338 Broadway. 


Munn & Co., Patent Solicitors, 87 Park 
row. (See Adv.) 

Spool Cotton. 

Smith, Wm. Henry, 33 Greene st. 

Sportsmen's Emporium. 

Eaton & Co., 130 Nassau st. 

Statuary, Dealers In. 

Rogers, John, 212 Fifth av. 

Aiken, Lambert & Co. 

Anstice, Henry & Co., 33 Nassau st. 

Bainbridge, Henry & Co. (wholesale), 101 

William st. 
Bigelow, L. H. & Co., 18 William st.. 
Bonnell, J. Harper & Co., 43 Broad st. 
Bowne & Co., to Liberty st. 
Clayton, Charles H. & Co., 157 and 159 

Pearl st. 
Corlies, Macy & Co., 39 Nassau st. 
Derliam, P. W., Manufacturing Stationer, 

15 Nassau st. 
Buyckinck, J. H., 164 Pearl st. 
Francis & Loutrel, 45 Maiden la. 
Gould, W. Reid, 168 Nassau st. 
Hart, Francis & Co., 13 and 14 College pi. 
Hosford <fc Sons, 56 Cedar st. 
Ketehura, Charles F., 27 Nassau st. 
JKigglns, Tookcr & Co. , 133 and 125 William 


Lawrence, B. & P. (wholesale), 49 Maiden 

Mundy, James G., 114 William st. 
Nesbitt, Geo. F. & Co., 163 to 169 Pearl st. 
Baynor, Samuel (Envelopes), 117WlIliam 


Boot, B. C. Anthony & Co., 63 Liberty st. 
Sackett, E. Wells & Bro., 56 and 58 William 


Sears & Cole, 45 William st. 
Shipman, Asa L. & Sons, 10 Murray st. 
Slote & Janes, 93 Fulton st. 
Stationers' Exchange, 694 Broadway. 
Taylor, F. S^ 16 Broad st. 
Tumey, G. W., 77 Chatham st. 

Steam Pumps, manufacturers of. 

Geo. F. Blake's Manufacturing Company, 

79 and 81 Liberty st. 
Knowlos' Steam Pump Works, 92 and 94 

Liberty st. 

Stereotypers and Eloctrotyiters. 

Denyse, William, 13 Frankfort st. 
Dill, Vincent, 25 New Chambers st. 
Lovejoy & Co., 15 Vandewater st. 
Manliattan Foundry, 113 Nassau st. 
Smith & McDougal, 82 Beekmau st. 
Turney, J., 16 College place. § 

Stereoscopes, Vleivs, ice, 

Anthony, E. & H. T. & Co., 591 B'way. 
Ropes, H. & Co., 333 Broadway. 
Surdam, B. G. & Co., 299K Broadway. 

Steel, IHanufacturers of. 

Chrome Steel Co., office cor. Kent av. and 
Keap St., Brooklyn, M. D. 

Steel Pons. 

Gillott, Joseph & Sons, 91 John st. 

Storage Warekouses. 

Griswold, W. N., 744 Broadway. 
Morrell's, 102 to 126 E. 33d st. 

Sugar Refiners. 

Booth & Edgar, 100 Wall st. <& 133 King st. 

Burger, Huilbut & Livingston, 91 Wall st. 

Dccastro & Donner Sugar Refining Co., 

. 107 Front St. 

Dick & Meyer, 91K Wall st. 

Durant, C. W. & Son, 94 Wall st. 

Greer, Turner, Sugar Refining Co., 76 Wall 


Haveraeyers & Elder, 98 Wall st. 

Havemcyers, Eastwick & Co., 78 Wall st. 

llavcmeyer Bros. & Co., 89 Wall st. 

Kattenhom, Hopke, Olxermau & Co., 210 
Wall St. 

Matthiessen, F. O., & Wiechers Sugar Re- 
fining Co., 106 Wall St. 

Moller, Sierck & Co., 90 Wall st. 

New York Steam Sugar Befiniug Co., 91 
Wall St. 

North Elver Sugar Befinbig Co., Wall st. 

Ockersbausen Bros., 87 Wall st. and 380 
South st. 

Pacific Sugar Refining Co. 

Wintjen & Harms, 87 Wall st. 

Surgical Instruments, Dealers In. 

Caswell, Hazard & Co., B'way cor. 24th st. 
Darrow & Co., 1227 Broadway. 



Otto, F. G. & Sons, 64 Chatham 6t. 
Schmidt, Philip H., 1275 Broadway. 
Ziemann, Geo. & Co. (Established in 1826), 
67 Chatham st. 

Tables, manufacturers of. 

Lambie & Sargent, 793 Broadway. 

Ackerman's, J. R., Son, 736 Broadway. 
Bell, A. C, 35 Union sq. 
Clark & Son, 791 Broadway. 
Elliot & Co., 785 Broadway. 
Harris, Bemamin L., 1178 Broadway. 
Porter, A. D. & Co., 733 Broadway. 

Tea Dealers— Wliolesale. 

Battershall & Co., 161 Pearl st. 
Beards & Cottrell. 
Billinge & Wetmore, 108 Water st. 
BuilumLJoshua & Co., 105 Water st. 
Carter, Hawley & Co., 106 Water st. 
Falle, Charles V., 133 Water st. 
Farrington, II. & G. B. & Co., 53 B'way. 
Gillett, Joseph & Co., 91 Front st. 
Gould, J. & Sons, 90 Front st. 
Gross, March & Co., 99 Wall st. 
Ives, Beecher & Co., Front st. 
Lane, Geo. W. & Co., 63 Front st. 
Low, A. A. & Bros., 31 Burling slip. 
Mead, Fred'k & Co., 104 Water st. 
O'Donohue's, John, Sons, Front st. 
Penfold, Chatfleld & Co., 128 Front st. 
Reeve, Oshorn & Co., 81 Front st. 
Eoswell, Skeel & Co., 109 Water st. 
Rowland & Humphrey, Wall st. 
Rankle, J. C. & Co^ 112 Wall st. 
Sheldon, Banks & Co., Front st. 
Story, R. G. & Co. , 108 Water st. 
Wheeler, Ezra & Co., 93 Front st. 
White, John M. & Co. 89 Fiont st. 

Tea and CofTee Dealers. 

Albro Brothers, Bowery. 

Hamilton & Co., 52 Broadway. 

Parkin, H. H., 83 Water st. 

Stiner, Jos. <& Co., 1 and 180 Chambers st. 

Wells, Robert, 43 Vesey st. 

Tllos, Dealers In. 

Anderson, Merchant & Co., 244 Pearl st. 
Miller & Coates, 279 Pearl st. 

To bacconlsts. 

Anderson, John & Co., 114 Liberty st. 
Leaman, W. & A., Broadway. 
LoriUard, P. & Co., 16 & 18 Chambers, 

Toys, &e, 
Hlnrichs, C. F. A., 29 and 31 Park pi. 

Schwarz, Fredr'k A. O-, 765 Broadway. 
Tibballs, Lewis P., 820 Broadway. 

Trunk; Makers and Dealers. 

Cattnach, John, 736 Broadway. 

Gouch & Fitzgerald, 1 Maiden lane and 

556 Broadway. 
McKeever, Thomas, 1144 Broadway. 
Rorbach, John, 521 Broadway. 

Trusses, Dealers In. 

Marsh, S. M^ 2 Vesey St., Aster House, 
Pomeroy & Co., 744 Broadway. 
Stacy, Thomas C.,643 Broadway. 

Type and Stereotype Founders. 

Bruce, George, Son & Co., 13 Chambers st. 
Conner's Sons, James, 28 Centre st. 
Farmer, Little & Co., 63 and 65 Beekman st. 
Newton Copper Type Co., 14 Frankfort st 

Umbrella Dealers. 

Drown, Wm. A. &, Co., 498 and 500 Broad- 
Smith's, Isaac, Son & Co., 405 Broadway. 
Wright Brothers & Co., 324 Broadway. 

Ultramarine manufacturers. 

Heller & Merz, 72 William st. 


Johnson, J. & C, 937 Broadway. 
Solomon, B. L. & Sons, 657 Broadway. 


Newman & Capron, 1172 Broadway, 
AVIg maker. 

airehugh, Wm. S. and E. McNamee, 564: 

W^eather Strips. 

Browne's, 812 Broadway. 

Torrey, E. S. and J., 164 Fulton st. 

IVUIte licad. Dealers In.. 

Jessup & Childs, 225 Pearl st. 
Jewett, John & Sons. 

AVIne mercbants. 

Duncan's, John, Sons, 1 Union sq.. 
Luyties Brothera, 13 Murray st. 
Mouquin, H., 20 Ann st. 

AiVIre, Dealers In. 

Washburn & Moen, 43 Cliff st. 

AVood Carpeting. 
National Wood Manufacturing Co., 95ft 

Al'^rltlng and Dressing Cases. 
Culbert & Co., 34 Maiden lane. 


Salaries of the Principal Officers and Clerks in the Employ of 
the City Government — 1876. 

1. Bbcocntive Depart- 


Hatob $12,000 

Secretory 6,000 

ChiefClerk 2,400 

Clerk 1,B00 

First Marshal 3,000 

Second Marshal 1,760 

Clerk 1,200 

Interpreter 1,800 

2. I^oglslatlvc Dopart- 


Pres't B'd of Aldermen $5,000 

Aldermen (22) 4,000 

Clerk 5,000 

First Assistant Clerk . . 2,500 

Second 1,600 

Third 1,200 

Fourth 1,200 

Fifth 1,000 

Librarian 1,500 

Engrossing Clerk 1 ,200 

Sergeant-at-Arms 1,200 

3. Finance Depart- 


Depnty Comptroller. . . 5,600 

Assistant 5,200 


Clerk to Comptroller. . 3,200 

Secretary 1,700 

General Clerk 2,500 

" 2,400 

General Bookkeeper. . . 2,500 

Assistant 1,600 

Stock and Bond Clerk. 3,200 

Assistant 2,400 

Audltiruj Bureau. 
Auditor of Accounts... $3,000 

Assistant Auditor ] ,700 



Begister of Claims 1,700 

Clerk 1,500 

Paymaster 2,800 

Disbursing Ofiicer 2,500 

Bureau of Arrears. 

Clerk of Arrears $3, 600 

Assistant Clerk 1,8(|0 

" 1,800 

Apportionment Clerk. . 1,700 
Assistant Clerk 1,450 

Bureau for Cdll'tn of Taxes. 

Receiver of Taxes $4,500 

First Clerk 2,400 

Clerks(5) 1,360 

Bureau/or CdPtn ofAss^m'ts. 
Collector of Assessm'ts $3,000 

Bookkeeper 1,275 

Clerk 1,000 

Bureau for CMecting (My 

Coll. City Revenue .... $3,000 

Clerk 1,530 

Deputy Collector 1,450 

Bureau of Markets. 

Supt. of Markets $3,000 

Clerk 1,275 

" 1,275 

Bureau of City Chamberlain. 

City Chamberlain $30,000 

For all Services, Clerks, iSc. 

4. Law Department. 

Counsel to Corporation$15,000 

Assistant 10,000 

....: 10,000 





" 3,500 

Chief Clerk 3,500 

Assistant 3,000 


Stenographer 2,600 

Clerk 2,400 

" 1,800 

Office PiMic Administrator. 
Fablic Administrator. t6,000 

FirstClerk 1,800 

SecondClerk 1,200 

Office Corporation Attorimf. 
Corporation Attorney. $6,000 

FirstClerk... 3,000 

SecondClerk 1,800 

Process Servers (3) 1,500 

5. Police Department. 

CouMissioKEit, Preset. $8,000 

" 6,000 



Superintendent 000 

Inspectors (4) 3,600 

ChiefClerk 5,000 

First Deputy Clerk 2,600 

Bookkeeper 2,600 

Superintendent's Clerk 3,000 

Property Clerk 2,000 

Stenographers (2) 1,600 

President's Secretary.. 1,800 

Deputy Clerks (5) 1 ,800 

" (8) 1,600 

Chief Surgeon 2,000 

Surgeons (18) 1,500 

Supt. of Telegraph 2,600 

Telegroph Operators (4) 1,200 

Chief Bureau Elections 6,000 

Capts. of Precincts (32) 2,000 

Bureau of Street Cleaning. 

Depnty Inspector 2,500 

ChiefClerk 3,000 

Pay-roll Clerk 2,000 

6. Department orPub- 
llc Works. 

Commissioner, Frest. . . $10,000 
Deputy Commissioner. 5,500 

ChiefClerk 4,000 

First Bookkeeper 3,000 

Second " 2,600 

General Clerks (3) 2,600 

Clerk 1,600 

Contract Clerk 3,600 

Bureau of Streets. 

Superintendent $3,000 

Clerks (2) 1,500 

Bureau of Sewers. 

Engineer-in-Charge $4,000 

Asst. Engineers (4) 2,500 

Secretary 2,600 

ChiefClerk 2,500 

Clerk 1,800 

Gen'l Sup'ts (4) 2,000 

Bureau of Water Begister. 

Water Register $4,60(? 

Depnty Water Register 2,600 

ChiefClerk 8,600 

Clerks (2) 1,800 

Bureau of Chitf Engineer. 

Chief Engineer $7,000 

Assistant 4,000 

(2) 3,600 


" (2) 2,500 

Clerk (2) 1,500 

Bureauof Water Purveyor. 

Water Purveyor $3,000 

Clerk 1,800 

" 1,500 

Injector 1,800 

Bureau of Construction. 

Engineer-in-Chief $6,000 

Assistant Engineer (6).. 2,600 
Pay-RoU Accountant . . . 3,000 
Clerk 2,600 



Sureau Supply and Eepalrs. 

Snperiitendent $2,750 

Clerk 1,400 

7. Dcp't or Charities. 

Secretary $3,00i) 

Supply Clerk 3,000 

Bookkeeper 3,000 

Supervising Engineer. . . 2,000 
Emigration and Con- 
tract Clerk 2,000 

Out-Door Department. 

Superintendent $4,000 

Clerk 1,500 

City Prison. 

Warden $2,750 

Deputy Warden 1,500 

Charity Hospital. 
Chief of Stafl $2,000 


Warden $1 ,650 


Warden $1,650 

Ijunatie Asylum. 
Hedical Superintend't $2,000 

City Asylum for Insane. 

Medical Superintend't $2,000 

8. Flro Dopartnioiit. 

Commissioner, Fres't. $7,500 

Commissioners (2) 5,000 

Acting Secretary 2,500 

Bookkeeper 2,500 

Bureau Chief of Department. 
Chief of nepartmont.. $4,700 
Asst. Chief of Dept. ... 3,000 
Chiefs of Battalions (10) 2,600 

Inspector 2,500 

Fire Marshal 2,500 

Supt. Telegraph Force. 2,500 

9. nealtli Departm't. 

Commissioner, Pres't. $6,500 


Sanitary Sup't 6,000 

Assistant 2.700 

Sanitary Inspectors (10) 1,600 

Secretary 5,000 

Auditing Clerk 2,200 

Attorney and Counsel. 4.500 

ChiefClerk 3,600 

10. Sept. Pub. Parks. 

Commissioner, Pres't. $6,500 

Commissioners (3) None. 

Secretary 4,500 

Asst. Secretary 3,000 

Hrst Clerk 8,000 

Landscape Architect. . . 6,500 
ChiefClerk 8,000 

Sup't Architect 5,000 

Sup't Engineer ■. .. 5,000 

Bng. Bur. Construction 5,000 

Civil and Top. Engln'r 5,000 

Assistant 4,000 

Division Engineers (3). 3,000 

Disbursing Clerk 4,000 

11. Departm't Docks. 

Commissioner $6,500 

" (2) 3,000 

Secretary 4,000 

Bookkeeper 3,000 

ChiefClerk 3,000 

Enginccr-in-Chief 5,500 

First Asst. Engineer. . . 4,000 

Sup't Construction 3,000 

Asst. Engineers (2) 2,500 

12. Dep'tofXaxesand 


Commissioner, Pres't. ..$6,500 

" (2) 5,000 

Secretary 3,000 

Dep. Commission'rs (2) . 3,000 
" (10) 2,400 

Clerk8(2) 2,000 

Surveyor 3,000 

Assessors (4) 3,000 

Secretary 2,500 

13. Depn of Buildings. 

Superintendent $6,500 

Deputy 3,000 

Chief Clerk 3,000 

Chiefs of Bureaus (3) . . . 2,000 

14. Board Education. 

Commissioners (20) None 

Clerk $5,000 

Auditor 6,000 

Assistant Clerks (3) . . . . 2,500 
City Superintendent... 6,500 
Ass't " (2). 4,500 
" (5). 4,000 
Clerk 2 000 

Sup't SchoolBuildings! 4^000 
Engineer 4,000 

15. Board of Excise. 

Commissioner (3) $5,000 

ChiefClerk 2,100 

Commls'rs Accounts. 

Commissioners (2) $3,000 

Clerk and Secretary 3,000 

Clerks (2) 1,500 

Eegistrar 2,500 

City Record. 

Supervisor $3,500 

Slierlff's Office. 

Sherifl Fees 

Begister's Office. 

Register Fees 


Coroners (4) Pees 

Commlss'r of Jurors. 

Commissioner $10,000 

County Clerk's Office. 

County Clerk $3,000 

Deputy Clerk 3,500 

Assistants (3) 3,000 

Clerka(2) 2,500 

Dlst. Attorney's Office. 

District Attorney $12,000 

Assistants (4) 7,500 

Deputy 5,000 

ChiefClerk 3,500 

Supreme Court. 

Justices (5) $11,500 

Law Clerk 3,500 

Equity Clerk 3,500 

Clerks(6) 2,000 

Court Common Pleas. 

Chief Justice $15,000 

Judges (5) 15.000 

Clerk 6,000 

Deputy Clerk 5,000 

Assistant Clerks (12)... 2,500 

Superior Court. 

Chief Justice $15,000 

Judges (5) 15,000 

ChiefClerk 6,000 

DeputyClcrk 5,000 

Assistant Clerks (12) ... 2,500 
Marine Coni^t. 

Chief Justice $10,000 

Justices (5) 10,000 

Clerk 4,000 

Dcpnty Clerk 8,500 

" 3,000 

Assistant Clerks (12). . . 2,500 

Surrogate's Office. 

Surrogate $12,000 

Chief Clerk 4,000 

Probate Clerk 2,500 

District Courts. 

Justices (10) $6,000 

Clerks (14) 3,000 

Clerks (6) 2,500 

Court Gen. Sessions. 

Recorder $15,000 

Clerk to Recorder 3,000 

Clerk 7,000 

" 6,000 

" 3,000 

Police Courts. 

Police Justices (11). . . . $8,000 

Clerks(6) 4,000 

Clerk 6,000 

Deputy Clerk 5,000 

Assistant Clerks (16). . . 2,00 




NOTICE.— With the view to diminish the chances of Collision, the Steamers of this Line 
will henceforth take a specified course for all seasons of the year. 

On the Outward Passage from Queenstown to New York or Boston, crossing Meridian of 50 
at 43 Lat., or nothing to the North of 43. 

On the Homeward Passage, crotaing the Meridian of 50 at 42 Lat., or nothing to the North of 42. 



Liverpool, Boston and ITew York, 























From NEW YORK, every Wednesday and Saturday. From BOSTON, Twice a Week. 

From TAverpool to yctv YorJc or Hostoti. 

By Steamers not Carrying Steerage. 

HRST CLASS, - - _ 


By Steamers Carrying Steerage. 

FIRST CLASS, - 15, 17 and 21 Guineas 

According to Accommodatiion. 


l^^rofn New York or Jioaton to TAverpool, 

FIRST CLASS, - $80, $100 and $130, Gold. 

According to Accommodation. 

RETURN TICKETS, - On Favorable Terms. 

TICKETS TO PARIS, $15, Gold, additional, 

STEERAGE, - At very Low Rates. 

Steerage Tickets from Liverpool and Queenstown and all parts of Europe, at very low rates. 

Through BLlla of Lading given f6r Belfast, Glasgow, Havre, Antwerp and other porta on the 

Continent, and for Mediterranean ports. 

Apply, in BOSTON, to JAMES ALEXANDER, 99 Stato Street. 

Apply, in CHICAGO, to P. H. DU VERNBT, cor. Clark and Randolph Streets. 

In NEW TOBE, for Freight and Passage, apply at Company's Offlcc, No. 4 Bowling Gbeen. 


Coastwise and West India Steam Lines 


-A. NT) 

jf^AVANA, Cuba, Haytian and St. Domingo Ports 

pALYESTON, Texas. Charleston, S. p. 
■ Wilmington, fT. C. Philadelphia, Pa. 


^oston and pl^yidence. charleston, s. c. 

J^orfolk: and Richmond, Va. 

Alexandria and yVASHiNGTON, D. C. 



O F If I O K S : 

6 Bowling Green, NEW YORK-12 So. Wharves, PHILADELPHIA. 


O^ce, 31 Wall St., 


OKC3-A.N"IZiE)r) 1843. 

Insures against Marine & Inland Navigation Risks, 

Its Assets for the Security of Policies are more than 

The proflta of the Company revert to the asenred, and are divided annually, npon the Pre- 
miams terminated during the year, Certiflcates of which are Issued, bearing interest nntil re- 

JOHN D. JONBS, rrmdmt. W. H. H. MOOEB, 2d Ylce-PreAdent. 

CBAELES DBNNIS, rice-President. J. H. CHAPMAN, Secretary. 

No. 5^ Wall Stb^eet. 



Assets, January, 1875, 


This Company continues to make Insurance against MAEINB AND INLAND TRANS- 
PORTATION RISKS, upon Merchandise, Vessels and Freights, on the most favorable terms and 

For the accommodation of Shippers to European ports, foliciss are issued, making loss 
payable by Eathboitb Brothers & Co., at Liverpool or London, if desired. 

a. J. DESFAED, Secretary. 

A. G. MONTaOMEET, Jr., Vioe-President. 
A. W. HEaSMAN, 2d Vioe-Presidents. 

^jeirjcr^rjcrlitau '^nsnxunct @jcr*^ 

CAPITAL. - "- 




This Company insures at customary Hates of Premium ogalnst loss or damage by Fire. 


EOBEET M. 0. GEAHAM, Preaidsnt. SAMUEL J. TOUNG, Secretary. 

North British & Mercantile Insurance Company 


J^ew York Office, - - 54 William St., cor. Pine. 

Paid up and Subscribed Capital ' $10,000,000 

■Gross Fire Surplus and Reserve Fund 4,300,000 

Life Assets and Annuities 13,500,000 

Securities and moneys held in this country for the benefit of Policy Holders.$ 1,600,000 

gencies in most of the principal Cities and Towns in the United States. 



Of Liverpool and London, Eng. 

rm£ AND LIFE. 

Office. No. 56 Wall Street. 

Assets in Gold $17,000,000 

Assets in United States 2,000,000 

A. B. MoDOlTALI), £, F. BEDDALL, Agents. 


Wo. S8 Wall Street. 


CASH CAPITAL $210,000 

SUEPLUS 300,000 






Bank Notes, Bonds, Bills of Exchange, Certificates of Stocky 


AiiBERT G. QooDAU., President. O. L. Van Zandt, V. Pres. & Manager. 
TiiHO. H. FiiBELAND, 8eereta/ry. Geo. H. Staynbr, Treasurer. 



Practical Engravers, Lithographers, Printers 





"Wo Branch. OfHoeB." Established 181S. 


i®4 PWa^^M mW@^ MEW ^@®K® 

For CanrLed Q-oods, Spices, Soaps, Salting I*o-w'der, DSxtraots, Slacking, 
Bl-uing, X)ry G^oods, Ijiq.-a.or, Xoliacoo, Xlain, Saooxx, X^ard, Coffee, Choco- 
late, Starcli, Candies, Piolxles, IPainte, IDrugs, !Flou.r, IVIiistard, Catsup, &;o- 

lEstaTallslieca. ±xi. I'ZVO- 

O. T. Il^Y]>^OLr)S & CO., 

Importers, JUanufacturers and Xfealera in 

Paints, Oils, Varnishes tt Colors, 


m. 106 & 108 Fnltoa St, Hew York, and 21 Lake St., CMcago, III. 


o a ^i 3 "^ « 

a - ■« .is ? ft S 

o (L " w 0) 3 to 
(b d> £. m o a 

JO)"! Ma — .3 

EQ l/J 00 j: CO rt 

.Q <u ^ "a to d " 

P.".S« .fia 

^ a a s ^ s a 

4^ (1) S <> +3 <D •!> 

fi 2 ° S 9 " 

q (-.'9 M a a .3 

43 01 r( OW 



H ^ rf <* «J 2 

. , S "> -3 a n f 

O ^ '3 S .9.9.}. 



<B OJ2 

fl o ™ - - 

So S 50, 


■tJ a - g ;*; S .a 

K S 5 

Sal's cdM o^o 

T^ O Lj ii .0 to 


OFFICE 141 CENTRE ST., New York. 




\i_ki G-i:i" riii'R I P !: E |: F^ :iS i: |i^ It 

Geographical and Statistical Works 



1. New York as It Is, for 1833-37 -- $1 00 

2. HudsonKiver Guide, with Map, 1834..- .- SO 

3. Picturesque Beauties of the Hudson River, 3 Nos., 1835 3 OO 

4. Thirty-Three Miles Around New York, with Map, 1839. 1 50 

5. Gazetteer of the State of New York, with Map, 1842 2 OO 

6. New York State Register, with Appendix, 1843-1858 1 50 

7. Picturesque Tourist, a Guide for Travelers, 1844. 2 00 

8. Railway and Steamship Guide, Quarterly, 1846-1860 25 

9. Treaty Map of the Republic of Mexico, 1847 1 50 

10. United States Register, or Blue-Book, 1851-1875. 2 00 

11. Trip Through the Lakes and River St. Lawrence, 1857 2 00 

12. Influence of Climate in the World, with Map, 1860 1 OO 

13. Influence of Climate in North and South America, Sro, 1867 4 00 

14. Post-office Directory, 1865-1873. 3 OO 

15. Map of the United States and Canada, by J. Calvin Smith 1 00 

16. Across the Continent and Around the World, 1871-1873 50 

17. Sailing on the Great Lakes and Rivers of America, 1874 3 00 

18. Map of Lake Superior and Surrounding Country, 1874 76 

19. Guide to Mackinac and its Vicinity, witli Map, 1875 1 00 

20. Centennial Map of the Country, 136 Miles around Philadelphia, 1876. 

Price, Pocket Form 2 60 

Mounted on Rollers 4 OO 

21. New York As It Was and As It Is, with Map and Embellishments, 

1876 --- 3 00 

^"Copies of some of the Old Editions of the above Works can 
be supplied for the use of Libraries, etc, 

JL.<Xr\ -i-ess, 


757 Eighth Street. 


o li 

n IT D s o y 

. '■fiM^ 

tlTIIOI- -(XM>t-H ft ntAriC 1« WILLIAM »T,1Y 

Knlm-d mvcnlituj lo Act of Congress in 187 C. 


i, the OfTicc oflhv 'Librarian of Comjrcss. iraslumjton. DC 

PARKS mid PPIUJC rLACliSare ■ 
Colored cfreeJi and lUsifjiuitrd as folloids: 

a Tlie liattery _ ^ :MaduiOTi St/uare 

i Boictimi Green IC^ Si-vdiAiaiucP<u-fc 

3 Cilijirak Ptaic n tarkAvaiue Park 

■k DuaneStre£iF(trl< W> Be.senoirStfuare 

^ HvePcints ParU m Cejitral Parte 

ih Jieuch. Street PtiHx 2© Btmlevard £63 St. Fade 

3 CtuiaL StJret Par/C 'li, JiU'er.dde.Parh 

& aui.stopha- Street-Park. ^% Mornin^sideBo^ 

«I) Washimjton Square 2UB il-'i''\U.^etu-eenS'^&f)'h.4i'efmrs- 

lO Cooper InstituteVafli 24 fH'^ St. 

JIL Tomjddns Square 'i-^ Mount Moms Sqium- 

n Abinqdon Par/c 2© ai-^SY. between .f.(r 9'^Ayemies 

m> UniolvSqiiam 27 UO"'St.& 9'!'Ave,ii,e 

M Stui/i'e.sanll'Urfc zniliyhJiridypFarlc^ 





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